A genre of Country Music...

TheOneWithTheHair@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1346 points –

We have to stop identifying ownership with these billionaires and "their work" because it's not. It's a team of people who got together to accomplish a mission whether they succeeded or failed. How often is their success just a leader getting out of their way, and how often is failure because leadership was overbearing and "used their authority" to make poor decisions over the group.

"We" society only ever focus on these individuals and it's horribly incorrect to do so.

We need to forget the celebrities and identity the groups.

Absolutely. As someone who manages a small team, my duties are advocating for the people who work for me, listening to the people closest to the problem, mediating disputes between people with different solutions, and ensuring we are all working towards the same overall goals. Most of the success of the team is directly attributed to their work. My biggest contribution is making sure they have what they need to do their job.

So, since you're support staff and economically a cost center and not a producer, they make more than you, right? You advocate for their wages first, right?

I mean, despite the down votes I thought this was pretty based, even if it came across as a personal attack.

Wasn't meant as a personal attack. Shoulda put it on the Amidala meme, I guess. 🤷‍♂️

Could've removed the entire appositive of your first sentence,and removed "right?" to sound like less of an ass with your wording :) valid question though. my employer does operate this way

Not everyone in my position is a sniveling little shit, as much as you may think. I do get paid more than my team, but not by some ridiculous margin. The lowest paid person gets 70% what I do and the highest paid person is at 95%. When I took over it was no shit closer to 40% for the lowest paid member. I fought for that to be fixed and burned up a lot if political capital doing it too.

When COVID came along and pay cuts and layoffs were a real threat, I told my boss to cut my salary before anyone else's. We never had to, thankfully, but I literally told him I would quit if they cut one of my subordinates pay or laid them off without first taking out of my pocket.

I had a direct report who, for three years wanted to be in a leadership role. I fought for a new position for him and put my own ass on the line recommending him for promotion every chance I got. He's been promoted past me and I hope (since I can't see his salary anymore) he is getting paid more than me because he's earned it.

I'm not some superstar manager, but I do feel like I keep my team out of the political battles and turf wars so they can focus on doing what they do best without dealing with all that crap. That's my job. When something goes wrong, I'm accountable. So when the people doing the work get it wrong and take a critical system offline by fat fingering a command, I'm the one answering the phones and taking all the shit for it and smoothing things over with stake holders. And unless it was a result of gross negligence, I'm not going to give them hell for it either because I've fucking been there before.

I didn't even want this damn job. I was perfectly happy being the technical lead and not having job recruiting and performance reviews to do, but I took it because I knew at the very least I would do my best to advocate for the people I care about, and that's not something I could say about everyone who applied.

So you can make snap judgements and assume because I manage a team that I'm just collecting a paycheck while everyone else does all the hard work, but I don't and I won't because it's unethical and shitty and despite your own insecurities, I actually give a fuck about other people.

It was a meme reference. You took that way too personally. I'm sorry if you were offended.

Considering how important it is to me that I'm not some piece of shit manager, yeah, it was a little personal. I take that kind of thing seriously. It kinda doesn't work as a meme reference without the meme.

This is a shit posting community. Meme references should be assumed.
And I'm not your employee. Neither time nor place for your insecurities. Some conflict resolution skills ya got there.

Immediately talking about yourself, claiming authority, offended at the least thing, telling people what to think instead of showing those traits, serious in an unserious setting, and more. Your response to what started with a simple meme reference has me seeing more in common with the worst managers I've worked with in your actual behavior.

Hey, if these guys do everything they can to make sure their companies' "achievements" are considered all their own doing; let's be fair and attribute all the fault of their failures as well.

But you're right, billionaires ride on the shoulders of the people that do the actual hard work.

Anytime management gets involved with our work, it’s because there was a monumental fuck-up or because somebody is doing too much micro-management. In either case, it’s thrice as stressful as a normal project that goes slow as shit because everything has to be run by the big person.

Man he even looks like he’s starting his metamorphosis into trump.

Fat and old with enough money to keep it all together, but not enough self awareness to keep it together well.

He spent a bunch of dough on that hair. I believe he is likely aware of his appearance. He is pale and overweight because he spends a bunch of time playing video games, being a nazi in his failing social media site, and (based on this picture) eating french fries.

Maybe at some point his vanity will compel him to get liposuction or just go full orange man with spray tan and wear baggy suits with ties that are too long. I don't see him being like Bezos or Zuck and getting into shape.

Meh, Musk has plenty of shitty qualities that deserve criticism, we don't really need to pick on his appearance.

I hate the photoshopped photos of those "celebrities" in the news.

I mean splash one of the Elon news on this photo mother fuckers!

He's a successful scammer, for sure, but at the end of the day still a scammer who got fired for incompetence and then got lucky.

A scammer who is the CEO of 2 of the most valuable companies in the US...

A scammer who used his money he made through scamming to become CEO, and then to scam even more:

  • Scams his employees by paying too little or not at all

  • Scams his money lenders by breaking their investment

  • Scams his customers by asking premium prices for underperforming products

  • Scams governments out of funding

  • Scams new tech startups by suing them in order to be called a founder

  • Scams every person in every country his companies operate in by not paying the taxes he is owed

I wasn't talking about Twitter.

SpaceX launched 60% of three global space launch market, I would say that's pretty damn important. Also, Starlink.

In any case, it's obviously the people who work at these companies that are doing the work, not Mr muskrat.

Are you going to tell us next that cigarette companies didn't scam the public when they knew that their products caused cancer and didn't reveal it because Phillip-Morris was so valuable?

How about Theranos? At peak it was worth $9 billion. Not a scam, right?

I think you meant "least valuable", because they're garbage.

I want downvotes too, you know.

2 more...
2 more...

He is a rimworld character.

Ohh but which one would he be?

The annoying weakling that shit himself, that I sold for smokeleaf

The more time goes on the more he looks like meatcanyon's depiction of him

He's got the money where he can be lazy and still fix his health. Hire a personal chef and dietician. A personal trainer and a gym. Take a minute and get a stylist.

You're a billionaire for goodness sake. Buy a top hat!

He's got the money where he can be lazy and still fix his health. Hire a personal chef and dietician. A personal trainer and a gym. Take a minute and get a stylist.

And yet he still looks the way he does.

Imagine how bad he'd look if he wasn't.

we got a glimpse of that before he got his hair transplant.

Not shitting on anyone that gets transplants, or decides to embrace their baldness; just shitting specifically on Elon, because fuck his anti-worker, anti-consumer ass.

This must be after all that stuff. Without the billions, he'd look like the stereotypical basement neckbeard.

You seriously think he has it in him to work hard on himself (or anything for that matter)??

No shot, instead he would use that money for shit like ozempic, lap band or lipo surgery, etc.

He used Ozempic. He is much thinner now. But I'm sure his health is awful.

That said, he's probably still richer than everyone else here.

"probably", you mean definitely.

I mean most likely, but I haven't checked my bank balance in a while so can't be 100% certain

A lot of people could get rich if they lost their morals.

Good thing they don't though, or the world would be even more shitty.

5 more...

I call it "Honkey-Tech Blues"

That's not actually a country song, but I think maybe someone should blow Elon's nose and then blow his mind. A massive brain aneurism would only benefit the world.

The rocket was meant to crash, so I don’t think he’s that upset about it.

I really wish people would stop going on about that. There are plenty of things you can legitimately criticize Musk for. The Starship program is not one of those.

Yea it's really infuriating. I am a huge space fan in general, and when I see people making negative comments about starship blowing up it just frames them as unintelligent or unaware of how effective spacexs engineering processes are.

Build, fail, repeat. All of those steps are on purpose.

He always looks like he just got out of drag and washed his makeup off.

gets out a guitar
strums a few notes

My human wife left me,
My space ship left me,
Alone on this planet,
I have no one to man it,

I can't drink beer,
At least the alt-right doesn't fear me,
I'm alone on Earth,
I can't work on my girth,

Why don't people like me,
I'm not a banshee,
I'm an alien,
Definitely not a mammalian (ew),

My family loathes me, I don't know why,
I give them clothes from me,
Maybe because I'm a blowfly,

I wish I could cry,
I want to go back to my home,
Good bye Earth,
Hello Crinda FGAN my home,

Thank you everyone for your support, you can buy my name album "What the Fuck Was I Doing?" to be released on April 20, 2024. Support your local record shops!

I’m sure that the Saudis are compensating him for his losses on Twitter. This was a planned demolition.

Hmm. Hey ChatGPT, write a sci-fi space-themed stereotypical country song.

Sure, here's a sci-fi space-themed country song:

"Stars in My Whiskey"

(Verse 1) Out here on the edge of the galaxy's arm, In my rusted spaceship, away from the farm. I'm missing that old Earth, its green and its blue, But the stars out here sparkle like morning dew.

(Chorus) I've got stars in my whiskey, and tears in my eye, Drifting through the cosmos, under the infinite sky. Missing my home, where the red rivers flow, Out here in the stars, with nowhere to go.

(Verse 2) I dance with comets, race with the moon, Sing to the void, out of tune. I dream of cornfields and that sweet country song, But the universe is vast, and the nights are long.

(Chorus) Stars in my whiskey, a heart full of ache, Wandering the heavens, for my old love's sake. Under the glow of the distant sun's light, I'm a space cowboy, lost in the night.

(Bridge) Met a Martian girl with eyes like fire, She mended my heart, filled me with desire. But Earth's sweet memories, they call me back, To the old wooden porch, the long dirt track.

(Chorus) With stars in my whiskey, and dreams in my head, I think of Earth as I float in my bed. The galaxy's wide, but my heart's still there, In the sweet country air, without a care.

(Outro) So I'll keep drifting, with my space-bound blues, Chasing the horizon, in my rocket shoes. But no matter how far, or where I roam, My country heart still calls for home.

That's exactly the content I expected, but with much better execution.

He'd be pretty happy about the space ship blowing up though. If it had crashed into the launch pad or something on takeoff, then it would definitely count.

Here's a better one:

Title: Cosmic Blues on a Starry Trail

(Verse 1)
Out on the edge of the Milky Way's glow,
Lived a billionaire with a heart turned to stone.
Forty billion stars in his name,
But in the cosmic dust, they just faded away.

He lost his love, his kids, his dreams,
In the black hole where his heart used to be.
A spaceship crashed, a fortune gone,
Now he's singing this lonesome interstellar song.

(Verse 2)
He built his dreams on Martian sands,
A titan's castle in the stars' expanse.
But what's a kingdom with no queen or heir?
Just a lonely throne in the cold, silent air.

He lost his love, his kids, his dreams,
In the black hole where his heart used to be.
A spaceship crashed, a fortune gone,
Now he's singing this lonesome interstellar song.

Under the glow of a distant sun,
He wonders what he's really won.
Forty billion stars don't shine,
Like the love he lost in another time.

(Verse 3)
In the taverns of a spaceport town,
He drinks to memories that swirl around.
A family photo, a fading trace,
Of the life that vanished in space.

He lost his love, his kids, his dreams,
In the black hole where his heart used to be.
A spaceship crashed, a fortune gone,
Now he's singing this lonesome interstellar song.

So here's to the man with everything,
Whose tears are hidden beneath his wings.
In the silence of space, he's left to roam,
A billionaire wandering far from home.

I'm quite glad I haven't heard about any of this, besides the money lost to Twitter I guess

wow is that really a recent picture of him? I thought he was on Ozempic that miracle starvation drug that gives people 24/7 diarrhea.

He looks like Neil Breen and treats people like Neil's movies. Terrible.

If only Elon did the same thing as The President of the Bank

Does he have a dog? We need a dog in there somewhere.

Well I guess his monkey died, does that count?

Ah, yes. Wishing death to pets...... Truly a lemmy moment it seems

I mean, I was thinking more along the lines of ran away, but if you must assume the worst of every anonymous Internet user, I suppose I get it.

Dude hasn’t been married since 2016 and still sees his kids, what are you talking about?

Find real reasons to criticize somebody. Better yet, ignore him and make him go away. These posts are worse than the dick rider posts.

I also hate people acting like the starship test wasn't a great success. They're building a factory to build rockets and testing the output of this factory in incremental stages. The next one will go further and the one after that might even land. There's always the off-chance it'll just work on the first try, but it's never expected.

Indeed. Apollo I didn't land on the moon. Even after building on 20 Gemini missions. Apollo 11 was the iteration that landed on the moon.

How often does he see his trans daughter?

"Can't win 'em all" was what he said when she rejected him.

I wonder why she might have rejected her father when he's the richest man in the world and has the potential to make you wealthy and comfortable for the rest of your life?

Maybe he's not the best father and, like so much else about Elon, you've bought into yet more hype.

You’re aware that family members sometimes don’t like each other right? I never said he was father of the year, just that he still sees his kids. He’s got, like, 10.

How have I bought into Elon hype? Because I’m not circlejerking?

Okay, well I'm not sure what "he still sees his kids" means in terms of anything. If someone still sees their kids but beats the shit out of them every time they see them, shouldn't they never see those kids?

Idk, but he hasn’t “lost his kids” like the post says. I don’t know the day to day relationship, but he’s often seen with them.

I don’t like him either but I’m not going to spread lies.

He hasn't lost his kids- other than the trans one who he lost by being a bigot.

And being seen with his kids doesn't mean he loves them or even cares about them. He's seen with them because he wants to be seen with them.