Bidens America to – 656 points –

Shm. Smh. The fucking people who call all sodas "coke".

Them: What kind of Ford do you drive? Me: a Chevy.

It's from Coca-Cola (headquartered in Atlanta) having total dominance of the south for a long time.

Atlanta is the most random place you can headquarter a company.

CNN is headquartered in Atlanta and like what? Why?

I could say the same thing about people calling all soft drinks "soda"

"soda" is not also a specific drink though

The only time people say "soda" where I am, is when referring to soda water, which is a specific drink. (And imo a terrible one)

Edit: It's just an interesting difference in language, I'm not making an argument about what's right...

If only there was a way to specify between a "soda" and a "soda water"

Except soda water occurs in a naturally carbonated form. It’s existed for a lot longer, I think it kinda gets the right to be referred to as just “soda”.

Whats to distinguish, they are the same drink.

If you want a pop just ask for a pop, silly goose.

What does "shm" mean? I'm currently only reading it as an onomatopoeia and I don't think that's right.

Likely a typo for smh, which essentially means "shaking my head".

Huh, and here I thought "smh" was short for something like "*so much hate". That makes more sense.
Wonder what other abbreviations, on the Internet or elsewhere, go completely and blissfully misinterpreted by folks for years.

Stupid shit like this hits hard to some folks in the south. I have family members are pissed how "everything is changing", so much in fact that this very thing caused a disturbance at a local college pub. Last year, one of my dumbass family members was thrown out for being rude. When I asked him what happened he said...

" That god damn Yankee girl wanted to know if I wanted a fucking pop. What the fuck is a pop? So I asked her. She said something like a soda or whatever and I told her, it's a fucking coke and she needs to go back to fucking Chicago and get fucked. Don't bring your stupid shit down here."

Even more f'd up, is he would have ordered a Sprite.

I dislike a few of my relatives.

"Why don't my nephews visit me anymore?" --Them on their death bed

Sprites are great, what's with all this sprite slander? Sprite, Sierra Mist, etc are the best sodas.

You're missing how it works; you ask for a Coke, the server says what kind, and you say Sprite.

Why you gotta leave out the og? 7up is the quintessential lemon lime beverage. Much better in a cocktail, IMO.

While my own similar rant would have been only meant in play, this is how I feel about both o' y'all. It's a fucking soda. Gonna just go all the way and call sweet tea a coke too?

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Calling it soda, good. Calling it pop, fine. Calling every soft drink a coke, fuck off.

Get this, in Scotland, pretty much any liquid is called juice.

Although I've always referred to buckfast as "the devil's ribeana". Although I do admit that the standard name is "wreck the hoose juice".

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Soda is an always has been the right term, but the people who say "coke" to mean any soda are the most wrongest people in history

I agree, but I also don't go around saying "cellophane tape" or "photocopy", and instead tend to use "scotch tape" and "xerox". Lots of other people do too. I know that's wrong too, but it at least partially explains the whole "coke" thing.

Why though? There's no sodium bicarbonate in those, only carbon dioxide for the bubbles?

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Soda: the correct way to say it
Coke: a specific brand, but I'm all for genericization
Pop: why are you calling a soft drink daddy?

The south is emphatically wrong on so much shit but calling soda/pop "coke" is somehow at the top of my list

Call all ice cream vanilla, or all cereal corn flakes, or all alcohol beer why the fuck not

Florida here. I don't say Coke for all soda just for a dark cola. But Coke is just the first brand I think of/want when it comes to Soda. Like the most ubiquitous.

If I want a Root Beer I'm gonna ask for that. But I'd never fucking say Pop.

I'd say Soda for the general.

Florida here, I say Coke for standard cola style soda and will use it to reference soda in a general manner if discussing with someone obviously from the South. I use soda as well.

My wife grew up with pop and Pepsi as her regional standards. I make sure to reinforce soda and Coke as the correct standards since I'm not insane. ;)

Is using "Kleenex" for tissues acceptable?

Yes, because there's no real difference between Kleenex and other brands of tissues. There's a huge difference between a coke and a sprite for instance.

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Coke is neither a brand name nor a flavour. The brand is Coca-Cola and the flavour is cola.

I always assumed the word coke is derived from coca(-cola)

It literally says coke on the can, at least in my European country. In a smaller font and separate from Coca-Cola.

In reasonably confident that this is how people ask for a cola, not for any soda pop. The default soda in America is a cola, which we have the two primary brands (coke and Pepsi) and all the small time competitors. No one says ‘I’ll have a coke’ when they want a sprite.

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We call it pop up in Canada so I'm rooting for that, but I will accept some loss of territory if it helps eliminate the coke people.

Yeah honestly it sounds a little weird calling it soda lol but calling it Coke makes absolutely no sense 😅

That explains my confusion on why I always got told that people in the south call it all coke, but when growing up, I always heard just called soda; I grew up in NC, which is considered a southern state, but appears to have been completely taken over by the soda side at this point.

Growing up in western NC, it was always Coke when I was a kid. But then shopping carts were buggies and toilets were commodes back then too.

Buggies I've not heard, but I do have a grandmother who still calls it the commode.

Mine went with commode as well, and my 70ish aunt is the only born American I've ever heard insist on calling it a buggy.

@Kid_Thunder, mind if I ask the general era you were growing up? Because I'm a millennial from the triad and we say soda. Soda pop in elementary, but I'm not sure whether we picked that up from media.

It would be interesting to work out around when the shift happened.

80s and 90s. I was a millennial when we were called Gen Y but like I said, west NC. I think being closer to Appalachia and thus Appalachian probably matters. So sometimes pants or jeans were 'britches', though not used by people my age then, "fixin'" was used a lot ("I'm fixen to come over yonder ('over' being optional here)" or perhaps 'reckon' in "I reckon that's about a mile down that ways" where you 'think' it might be a mile over there. 'Y'all' was outpacing 'you'uns' by then. 'Foot' instead of 'feet' specifically for measurement was still used. Like "That's about 2 foot thick." Holler could be used two ways, one of those being to 'yell' or talk to someone or to describe a small valley. A toboggan was those knitted hats (stocking caps) you'd wear rather than the sled you'd typically be riding on wearing one of these. When you're a young kid they'd sometimes have those stupid puffy balls on top of them. One of my grandmothers would use 'I swunney!' as an exclamation of being appalled or surprised by an outcome. I have no idea where that came from. 'Chaw' was used by older folks to describe a wad of chewing tobacco like "You have some chaw I can get?" A 'bald' was a the top of a mountain without trees and usually mostly rocks like "You can see 3 states from any of them balds over there." Sometimes old people would call a backpack a 'tow sack' or even 'clean' is used kind of odd like "He knocked it clean out of the park!"

We were still taught that slaves had it better off in some plantations and that many came back from the 'silent North' (implying blacks were straight up ignored and at least down South where they'd be beaten, lynched and tortured some thought that this attention was somehow better I guess) and that the Civil War was about States Rights and the issue of slavery wasn't actually important. I'm not sure if it still is but I hope not. I assume it isn't the way my family goes on and on about indoctrination of children outside of homeschooling.

Huh, where I am in Australia, we use ‘I reckon’ a lot. We also still casually refer to height in feet, and use ‘foot’. Eg. ‘I’m six foot one’. Everything else we measure in metric, and medical records list height in centimetres. Using ‘clean’ like that is pretty normal here too.

Edit: To be clear, the height of a person. Nothing else.

I'm not sure how true it was but an anecdote my social studies teacher told us was that the dialect was closer to victorian/older (not quite Old English) English and that's how Britain used to speak. However, in my opinion, they probably confused that with Britain specifically changing to non-rhotic English annunciation post the Revolutionary War with the, now US, to further separate culture. I don't study linguistics so maybe she was right and I am wrong though. I've just never happened across anything of repute backing that up.

"We're just fixin to go down the road a piece."

My oldest son thought Roadapiece was a place and eventually complained that I always said we were going to Roadapiece and never actually went there. Wife and I still laugh about it over a decade later.

These are always so weird to me. I grew up in the rural south, and I’ve never once heard Coke used to describe soft drinks generically. In my experience when someone asks for a “coke” they specifically mean Coca Cola and would be pissed if they got something else.

If you go to Georgia, ‘coke’ is whichever cola they have. At least that’s been my experience when visiting family down there. 99% of the time you get Coca Cola, but that 1% is a kick in the nuts.

Had the same experience when I lived in east Texas and visited rural Louisiana. But it wasn’t that way when I lived in Virginia. Coke meant Coca Cola, and if you asked for coke and they had Pepsi, they’d ask if Pepsi was ok.

In western Washington, it’s a hodgepodge.

Iirc when I lived there the reason is because the Cole bottling plant was there so it just came naturally as lingo

I like how it has really vague boundaries that are obviously approximate but then it pretends to do precise gerrymandering-type carveouts in the second map

And hyper-detailed too... You can identify a US highway and part of an interstate on that second map!

Anyone that says pop is wrong, is wrong

I agree! Pop is the correct term to use if you want to be correct at the expense of being cringe. Cool kids have always said soda. You nerds still can't distinguish between a float, a malt, a shake, and a soda! I can, so I have no need of this "pop".

The rest of the world: Order what the fuck you actually want instead of adding a layer of needless obfuscation.

Lived in Quebec, Canada up until recently. My family called it coke.

I have never heard another Canadian ever call it coke, everyone where I live calls it pop.

I'm pretty sure that as a Canadian you're suppose to apologize for that now.

As in, a family member would say “can you get me a coke from the fridge?” And you’d reply “what kind?” And they’d say “sprite!”?

Because that’s what this is referring to. I’ve never heard it anywhere outside of the south.

You (/family) may need to speak with the Canadian Government to take a retest for your Canadian citizenship.

I really want coke to be more common as referring to soda pop on general because I want to see Coca Cola freak out as they lose the trademark to genericization.

Never underestimate the pincer attack from the coasts

I’ve heard that if you order a “Coke” in the area that says “Coke”, they’ll just give you a random soda and you have to drink it no matter what it is. That just seems plain wrong to me.

No-it’s would you like a Coke? Sure. I’ll have a Double Cola.

I had friends from the south and would ask me if I wanted a coke, but would bring everything but a coke.

And we still say pop in the PNW.

From Seattle. Its closer to 50/50 Pop/Soda. When you say coke, its Coca Cola specifically.

Also from Seattle, never heard someone say Pop in my life.

I hear it from places on the Eastside.

I’m in the Portland metro area. Only my grandma says pop. Everyone else I know says soda

For those of you who do not understand calling it coke: where do you put your soda / pop to keep it cold? A refrigerator or an ice box?

What does that have to do with coke? Are your icinators coca cola-branded?

Imagine calling your freeze-o-tron a refrigerator

Imagine calling you’re chilly-box a freeze-o-tron

Yeah I love an icebox-cold coke, especially wearing britches still warm from the electric washtub, right after a running-water shower in the indoor outhouse. Then I'll get on dial-up with my mainframe and watch pong kinetoscopes on

It's over. It's never been more over than this. This is how the west falls.

I guess Dallas is the little bubble in Texas that uses soda. I've traveled pretty extensively through "coke" country and have yet to actually hear it.

I do remember some of the adults calling it pop when I was a kid in California. I seem to recall that pop/soda were almost interchangeable.

if you look closely there is a very tiny dot in the pnw where one person unironcially calls is "sodey"

What about the small blasphemous region calling it soda pop?

I say "cola" if it is a cola type drink, and soda if it isn't. Raised in the Midwest for background.

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Where is "soft drink" on this map?

Soft drinks include any non hard drink, including all the non carbonated stuff. This is specifically referring to carbonated beverages.

Interestingly enough, I've never heard "soft drink" used to refer to anything but soda (Midwest USA here)

How funny would it be if one state was completely colored red and it was "but of the old sweet and bubbly" or some shit.

Woah, I grew up in Portland, do they really call it soda there now? That's wild.

I move from pop to soda, and definitely brought soda back with me when I visited family.

St. Louis in 1947, We're Different from CHICAGO we're calling it SODA!