You now have 4 fully functional arms. How do you make use of your new capability? to – 122 points –

I can now finally solder things easier.

Drink my coffee while gaming.

Use Push to Talk a lot more while gaming.

Hold the ladder, brace, and hold a nail and hammer all at the same time.

Dang, now I really want an extra pair of arms.

Anyone up to date with prosthetic limb technology?

Think maybe I can glue em to my ribs or something?

Omg, I can finally use my cane and carry more than one f*n thing at a time! Or - on a rough day - use my walker and carry my coffee without fear of a tiny bump into something spilling coffee everywhere! It's the little things like that that I miss


Try a lid?

I appreciate your suggestion, and because you did nothing wrong, I've deleted each snarky reply that came out by reflex.

If you have a brand that doesn't leak, slosh, make my coffee taste like ass, or cost a shit ton of money, I'd take that suggestion far more seriously than

Try a lid?

Because, duh.

I can try a different kind of thermos again, why not.

Thank you, kind internet stranger.


ETA: That came out snarkier than I had intended. This is a problem that can be solved by buying new shit and risking it not working too. I'm just an idiot and an asshole. Sorry.

I have that one. It works decently. No handle but it's not hard to grip on the outside. You can put it in a bag without spilling coffee.

If it closes well enough that it can go in a bag or pocket, the handle doesn't matter as much. Thanks - since I don't go to many stores and I block as many ads as possible, I may have never known it existed.

ETA: I appreciate the suggestion and link. Something for me to look into, since I kinda do deserve nice things.

It probably falls into the "costs a shit ton" but some people recommend the fellow carter mug. I've never tried it myself, but apparently ceramic-coated insides are best for not affecting the taste of coffee. I think I also saw some kind of ceramic-coated travel mug at Starbucks too? Can't speak for how spill-proof either of those things are though

Yeah, I have one from Starbucks - it was a gift, and I don't know if they are all like this one - but the lid has a tendency to slosh and seep. At least it doesn't affect the flavor, tho! If I would just take half a cup, it would probably work - but then I have to go back more often.

I have a tendency to overlook the "shishi" brands (that cost more so you can have their logo? But what the hell, I don't even want a logo!) (Lol - conspicuous consumption kinda irks me) and don't have a ton to spend on expensive mugs one after another… but I guess I deserve nice things that let me live "normally," so maybe I should spend a shit ton on a single mug finally.

Anyway, thank you! Ceramic insides seem to be on my list of must-haves.

Complain about how uncomfortable it is to lay on my side now

Twice the shoulders, double the sharp pain

Carry my cat around all day without having to put her down to do anything. We'd both be so happy.

By being overqualified for handshakes and using that as a power move to establish dominance via awkwardness

First Gary in sales, then it's time to take on Putin.

Don't forget Trump, I'd be using all three remaining arms to shake him vigorously during the handshake. Diplomatically, of course.

Hmm...soft diplomacy or hard diplomacy?

Soft to start, but I reckon he'll get harder the more vigorously I shake him. Who knows though, he may just jiggle around semi-limp like a just-came-2min-ago dick

I'd shake my own hand.

What's stopping you from doing that right now?

A proper handshake requires right hand with right hand or left hand with left hand.

Finally, I don't need to drop my drawing tablet pen to use the mouse

Perhaps learn to use a mouse or draw with the other hand. It's rewarding.

With my current two-arm setup I constantly need one hand on the keyboard for shortcuts, and the other one on the mouse or pen tablet. 3D graphics software is punishing like that.

With four hands though, not only I shouldn't waste time putting the pen down to pick the mouse, I'd even get the luxury of holding a cup of coffee in my fourth hand while I work!

now i can super masturbate

Seriously. Four hands is enough to hold your cock, balls, phone and a tissue!

Four at once. Four tacos at one time. Four tacos running a train on my face hole until my face is covered in sauce that drips down my chin from my greedy taco loving lips.

I use one of the extra arms to hit the enter key at work. This brings me much joy.

Seriously, one of my biggest frustrations is the tiny inefficiency caused by needing to use a mouse and keyboard at the same time. I can navigate most of it with just the left hand side of the keyboard except for hitting enter at the end of forms. Moving my hand off my mouse or from the left hand side of the keyboard to the right in this rapid, heavily repeated process is uncomfortable.

Now I've written all that I've realised I should just bind it to something on the left hand side of the keyboard or the mouse though. Oh well, I'll put it on the to do for Monday lmao

Also being able to type with both hands, hold the old school corded phones we still have, and use the mouse or write with a pen at the same time would rule.

Get a mouse with extra buttons and map one to enter

It takes a bit of re-learning, but with the right window manager, you can get really fast without ever touching a mouse except when you switch to mouse-centric tasks like design programs or some games.

Nah, mouse isn't used for switching windows.

I could be so much more efficient on a computer. One hand for the mouse, two hands in the standard typing position, and one hand on an external numpad. It would eliminate the need to ever move my hands. I want 4 hands now :(.

I'm going to have to start power-lifting if I want to be Vishnu for Halloween.

Hmmmm...better idea, get a mask, go as Ganesha.

What if you took that show on the road to India? I feel like the possibilities could be endless...

I shudder at how even more awkward hugs would be. There is four permutations (with regards to arm-positioning) for hugs between two two-armed individuals. It's way to early to calculate how many two sets of four arms will give. I'm quite sure I would still get it wrong 95% of the times (With a 5% confidence interval).

The two-arms go between the arms. You go wide top and bottom to funnel their inferior number of arms to where you want them. You have the superior arm number. Why would you allow the inferior two arms to dictate anything?

Drums and piano gonna get far more challenging with new limbs.
Suddenly that double neck guitar send more reasonable to buy too :D

First thing, I'm gonna do that Goro thing where he holds a guy up with two arms and pummels them with the other two

  • Cooking in half the food prep time.
  • Climbing
  • Doing laundry while reading/surfing
  • Sex/Masturbation
  • Snowball fight
  • Cartwheeling
  • Running on all sixs while telling the flabbergasted to be playing ant
  • Advanced name dancing
  • Clapping very loudly
  • Digging with two shovels
  • Mastering rock paper scissors
  • Swimming

I feel like I would cut myself even more often if I were trying to use four arms for cooking

Still try to carry too much in the house when I get home from grocery shopping

Typing on PC with 2 of them, one checking the phone and the other grabing a snack/drink 😎

I feel like the bottleneck here is concentration more than number of arms, I doubt I could multitask like that

I think with training you might get used to it. Also depending on the task being done maybe you can have more focus on the computer or just use the phone once in a while without needing to remove the hands from the keyboard 🤔

Drinking while typing shouldn't be too hard. But paying attention to the phone and the monitor would be hard.

I could use the keyboard and the mouse while scratching my head all at once.

Buy even more groceries and still carry them in one trip

Well I would only assume that I would be a much better rock climber.

Now I truly never need to make a second trip back to the car for groceries again.

Will the first thing would be to Google how to date 2 women at once.

Learn to play the Antagonistic Undecagonstring from The Hydrogen Sonata by Iain M Banks.

I can quit my job and become a mega cashier at a grocery store. I'd be unstoppable.

oh boy you can now work 2 jobs for the price of one!

oh man I would have to start practicing sleight of hand again I'd be the coolest magician

Guessing someone else saw Taskmaster Champion of Champions.

I’d train them to flail nunchucks around me at all times. How else do you deal with aggressively slow walkers?

Once I've finished exploring my body in unmentionable ways, I'm taking a shower and then finding up to 4 dogs and or cats to pet simultaneously

I've always wanted to learn to juggle, but I keep procrastinating and putting it off. But if I suddenly had 4 arms I'd definitely need to actually do it.

Finally roll up my roller blinds when it's windy, without having to get annoyed at my wife for not helping exactly the way I want her to help