Choose your difficulty

The Picard Maneuver@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 518 points –

Australia has a somewhat threadbare welfare state, though is more of a social democracy than the UK. And snakes and spiders are easier to avoid than Tories.

You are several orders of magnitude more likely to be killed by another human than an animal or insert in Australia.

Well that just makes sense.

Through selection pressures the only surviving Australians are highly venomous.

Really? How displaced is your view if you consider the USA easy mode?

Also, fuck Mexico. Apparently.

At the end of the day, while living in the US does have its share of issues, they absolutely do not compare to living in Africa.

Not to downplay how horrible life can be anywhere for someone who’s not healthy, wealthy, and typical:

Different by a factor of 187.

187 years in South Sudan to equate a year income in the US.*

Wiki GDP Per Capita PPP

*edited, thanks below

To equal a month's income, you mean?

Believe that’s yearly.

If the difference is a factor of 187 wouldn't you need 187 years in South Dudan to equal a year's income in the US? 187 / 12 is just over 15, but now you're comparing years to months

it would not change the result this time, but these numbers lie a lot if you don't factor in cost of living.

There's a bunch of African countries I would rather live than the US, although maybe not exactly South Africa or Congo...

2 more...
2 more...

Mexico mode is only available once a year on May Fifth. It then disappears until next the next year.

All of central america, the caribbean, greenland, japan, hawaii, and new zealand were all unaccounted for. Probably will be included in the dlc

How many countries would be easier than USA?

Any country with actual welfare, a decent living wage minimum salary, normal Healthcare prices, a gun ban and a non-corrupt police system or at least less prone to corruption.

That still makes USA easy mode compared to most countries.

Yeah, they're still behind most other "first world" countries in every metric stated.

Comparing the USA to a country in the middle East or Africa or something? Yeah, the USA is a cakewalk by comparison to many. Compared to any country that's similarly regarded, it's dog shit for living conditions.

“Middle East” countries do pretty well if they’re not the target of bombings (Qatar, UAE etc.), and are luxury vacation spots. Lots of US expats moving to Oman.

I live in Europe. It's not as beauty as it sounds. I'm glad of what we have, but is not perfect, sometimes is not even better than the USE.

We have welfare, but more and more people are forced to private medical companies because waiting lists are becoming ridiculously long.

Violence and support for fascism is on the rise. Terrorism is on the rise. War is at our doorsteps. Many countries are talking about bringing back mandatory military training for all our citizens.

We may have better minimum wage, but median wages are lower and taxes and prices tend to be much higher. On average we can afford tu buy less with out money.

At least in my country we all live in small dehumanizing small and packed apartments. Living space is much smaller. Everything is human made, we barely have natural reserves or parks.

Employment is getting better but sometimes unemployment hits really hard, myself was years without being able to get a job during last decade.

Political tensions and population conflict is on the rise. Many countries are also on the verge or civil war, secession, or some big problem of the sort.

US is not perfect, and I wouldn't want privatized healthcare, or guns in my country by any means, but I would still would love some things they have in the US. And in other things we are just as bad.

Mexico is just the US with a yellow camera filter.

USA is Easy mode. It's just that Western Europe, Australia, Japan, and Canada are Very Easy mode.

and canada, USA plus canada is easy mode. Australia is on some shit right now, they deserve it.

IDK what the others are except for europe and africa, which, yeah that's about right. Africa is a hot fucking minute away from some spicy shit at the moment, and the other one is probably the same.


aussie land is currently imprisoning a whistleblower exposing warcrimes, as well as reams of government corruption scandals. Africa is undergoing numerous disliked governments, coups, and corruption scandals as well.

USA and canada is pretty tame otherwise.

Good assessment but its not like the US isnt just as bad as Australia if not worse. Thanks for the translation tho.

idk man, i would say that australia is probably worse than the US, especially considering that they got fucking couped by the us a hot minute ago.

Currently australia is whoring its resources out to the world, while shipping all of it's realestate overseas to be owned by foreign investment companies. While fucking people over with shit like made up robo debt collection for some unforsaken reason.

7 more...

Mexico is so hard-as-fuck that was not included in the list.

Japan, Greenland, Cuba, New Zealand too apparently

New Zealand is just happy to be on the map.

Wooo!!! We're visible

I'm in Canada, and I want to get those stickers that are cut in the shape of new Zealand, so I can add it to every public map I see.

... New Zealand as a service.

I used to work with a guy that moved from Mexico city after his favourite cafe got gunned down by the cartel, his neighbor's family got beheaded, and a family friend's daughter got kidnapped.

It was a toxic server, PvP only. Glad it was banned

Filled with hackers giving themselves infinite money glitches.

Those fuckers are still here tho, all friends with the admins. Fucking fuckers

Japan is unlocked after NG+. Korea (North and South) is sold separately as DLC.

I'm gonna be real with you all, I'm in Australia and it's a little embarrassing how hard you think we have it over here compared to the shit I've heard from other places. Like don't fuck with the animals and don't put your hands in areas you can't see and you're golden. I've had to deal with random violence like three times in my 34 years here. It's pretty alright here.

You can't fool me. I've seen your videogame prices.

One of the reasons stuff costs more in Australia is that there's significantly more consumer protection. Steam originally didn't allow refunds at all, and were fined AU$3 million as a result.

In Australia, it's illegal to say "no refunds" or only exchange or refund as store credit both for physical and digital goods, and customers are always allowed to get a repair, refund or replacement if the product has issues. In the case of a game, that would be things like:

  • Game breaking bugs or bug that significantly affects the experience but don't completely break the game
  • Changes that make the game behave significantly differently to how it was originally described on the site or in the documentation
  • Games that initially support Linux but the company dropped Linux support later on, etc.

Steam's policy of only refunding a purchase within 14 days of purchase and less than 2 hours of play time is also not legal in Australia. You can't have conditions like that on a refund policy. They have a separate refund policy specifically for Australia which excludes the 14 day / 2 hour limits.

Appliances also have to last for as long as a 'reasonable consumer' thinks they should last. For example, even if your TV or fridge has a "1 year warranty", the manufacturer will still have to repair, refund, or replace it if it breaks down in 3 years, as a regular person would assume that a fridge or TV should last more than 3 years. The store or manufacturer has to cover the cost of picking it up and delivering a replacement. It's also illegal for a store to tell you that you have to contact the manufacturer - the place you bought the product from has to let you handle all warranty claims through them.

Look you're right and the housing market is a catastrophe also

Is 🏴‍☠️ an option, or are USA (MPAA, RIAA, etc) claws too deep in 'straya and kiwiland?

ISPs can monitor and such, I've not gone into the intricacies of the laws myself. One can get around it all pretty easily.

Tbh game prices are actually not too bad here. I don't pirate games, steam etc are just too reasonable, and I don't buy them that often.

You can't fool us. We know all of you are boxing kangaroos upsidedown just to get to work everyday.

Wait do you guys not? Next you'll tell me you don't eat your national animal

You know, at this point I think I’ll be surprised if I DON’T see somebody eating a bald eagle for Thanksgiving one of these years.

and don't put your hands in areas you can't see

Serious question: do you check your bed before you crawl into it for the night? Like, what's the level of paranoia you guys have there? Does the room get a quick glance then you just go "yeah, I'm sure everything is fine"? Or do you turn all the lights on, rip the duvet up, and smack the bed frame to scare off any creepy crawlies that might be lingering about?

Haha no not quite that paranoid. Nah it's mostly a rule for like moving stuff around in the garden and if you're in the bush or whatever. Like the shit you have to worry about will either let you know, or set up a home far away from you. Generally. So it's kind of another way of saying don't put you hand into a redback nest.

Though saying that most people have had harrowing huntsman spider encounters, often in bed. They're the most common surprise as they actively move around to hunt prey, instead of building webs. They can't really hurt humans, aside from hiding behind your sun visor in the car and scaring you half to death, like my girlfriend had last year. They are a non zero statistic in cause of car accidents unfortunately.


Ya'll fucking crazy

Eh, I see plenty of shit around the world that makes me happy I'm here. It's fucking wild to think that after your cats have found yet another majestic galloping hand sized spider that you have to save from them.

Probably the most I check in day to day life is just under the toilet seat before I sit on it. Haven't yet had a spider under there yet but have definitely heard of it. Otherwise just being careful of huntsmen when you have something like two sheets of iron or wood, as they love to be in between them.

Have otherwise had little spiders come out from the car's crevices while driving and calmly pulled over to deal with it.

Overall not really that paranoid or bad in Australia

I think this meme is talking about how tough life is for any given organism in kind of a TierZoo sort of way.

Africa is harder than Australia. Not even close.

Thinking I'm on easy mode and then getting hit in the face with bear mace while crossing UCLA's campus.

Thinking I'm on hard mode while I drive my Bentley through Plettenberg Bay.

maybe you just spawn in the middle of austrailia desert with nothing

Little racist there my guy. Also, America is pretty "hard mode" for a lot of people.

Difficulty in America is pretty much down to your initial stats.

Initial stats and current location. Some places want you dead for being the way you were born.

That's the interesting thing about empire, it's self similar. A whole class of people may grow up geographically in or near the core, but their experience of life has more in common with someone in the semi- or outer periphery in terms of access to necessities or stability of life.

Life in the US is only easy for a small handful of people. Most of us consider it a good year if we got through it without crushing medical debt and retained all of our teeth. Is a third world country passing itself off as a first world country.

At least US families can expect all their children not to die by tuberculosis or malaria or something.

And fuck Australian magpies.

Assuming the mother/baby don’t die in the hospital waiting room bathroom because the hospital refused treatment.

I get our healthcare system sucks but it isn't worse than countless children dying of malaria.

Tuberculosis is still world’s deadliest infectious disease. Mostly because the healthcare in developing countries lack access to the necessary treatment for it.

TB is a solved problem in developed countries such as US. Barely anyone gets it anymore, let alone die from it.

Hospitals generally won't refuse treatment to anyone as far as I know, even if you tell them straight up at check in that you won't be able to pay them. You'll still get treated, provided they have the space and staff available to treat you.

However, afterward, that debt will haunt you like a vengeful ghost for the rest of your life.

I believe it’s a reference to the problems caused by the fucked up abortion laws going on recently, not about payment (though that’s its own concern). From a quick search:

One woman miscarried in the restroom lobby of a Texas emergency room as front desk staff refused to admit her to the hospital.

Another related issue is that rural areas, especially in right wing hellholes that have passed such laws, are increasingly short on access to obestrician services and doctors of that specialty. Some people who used to live 40 miles from the nearest hospital with Ob/Gyn now live 100 miles away and lack transportation.

Fair point, I didn't even make that connection. Seems obvious now in hindsight.

On the other hand, US families can also expect their kindergarteners to have to participate in active shooter drills. Because, you know, active shooters are a thing. Screw that.

If you look at statistics, it's extremely unlikely for any school to have a shooting. 99.99999% of children from ages 0 to 18 in the USA are not harmed by firearms.

So you can waste your time and sanity worrying about that or just live without fear and find what makes you happy in life. Either way you and your kids will be safe so it's your choice to be crippled by irrational fear or not.

Or we can actually do something to prevent it from ever happening. The math is not hard. No guns = no gun violence.

That's just a fantasy that will never happen though. Guns are already here in the number of hundreds of millions, and we have the right to own them, and we choose to keep them.

Guns over children. Except if they are not born. Nice.

When are we talking about, here? Much of Europe is a disease-ridden mosquito swamp if you go back a few thousand years.

Includes British Columbia in "easy mode".

Nah, BC looks pretty, but if you unprepared off the beaten trails/roads, they'll never find your body.

I don't think we're talking about wilderness in general.... But housing and grocery prices are not particularly easy either.

If we aren't talking about wilderness in general, then there is no reason for Australia to have it's own category.

Seems to be an all round rubric partially political (more than a little based in Eurocentric standard) partially wilderness in which case Australia does kind of have BC beat. Like yes... We have moose grizzlies and wolverine but those are a pretty rare eldrich horror to stumble across. We don't really have mouse-pocolypses, or dinnerplate sized crawlies that randomly just show up in our houses... And our critters are all round less venomous.

Like I grew up in a forestry household. Off trail can get spooky as fuck. But for a lot of the main points like exposure and microbial issues which is pretty much a problem everywhere we rank fairly tame. Most of our snakes and bugs are chill with highly survivable bites, our deserts are pretty temperate but in most of the heavily forested areas there's a lot of foragables if you know what to look for and most of our big predators are easily scared off.

You say that, and yes, if you know what you're doing its fine. Same applies to Australia.
We have thick rainforest vegitation so dense you can walk off a cliff and not realize it until you fall through.

This is clearly some kind of rage bait troll post. Don't acknowledge it and maybe they will just go away

This particular meme is probably older than you are

I don't like it very much, but I also know the OP's typical posting history (Picard Maneuver is pretty prolific on meme Lemmy) and I can say with some certainty that that ain't it, chief. At worst it's a bad take that the OP definitely didn't make themselves because I've seen this meme decades ago.

Bad take and all though, it seems to have sparked some discussion here in the comments.

age for sure makes all the difference in when a meme is appropriate

as we know, the oldest memes and in-jokes are all the least racist and bigoted

I am 42 years old, and I do not appreciate your condescending tone.

☆º°˚☆ Have a ηice ϑay ☆º°˚

appreciate you lol you are unabashedly correct in this matter

I invested all my xp into sneak and went from medium to easy.

For some reason New Guinea is included with Australia, even though the western half is owned by Indonesia, and the eastern half is its own country. Either way with the civil war going on there at the moment I'd much rather be living in Australia!

Those are geographic boarders not polticals ones. New Guinea is included because, like Australia the country, its part of the continent of Australia.

If you're one of a tribe living in the jungle of West Papua, then yeah, it's basically survival of the fittest there with no electricity or modern amenities. If you're living in a city then it's no different than the rest of the region, but with small risks of armed conflict with the separatist group.

A Certain Subsection Of Lemmy: "The Imperial Core(tm) makes life harder for the nations it exploits!"

Meme: "Life is harder in those nations."

ACSOL: "Are you some kind of racist!?"

It's really mind-boggling.

Also, ironically a bit ethnocentric to suggest that the challenges in the US or Europe are in any way on par with life in places like Brazil, India, Africa!

We talking wilderness of Canada or population centers? Cuz there ain't no way I'd go into Canadian bush without a shotgun.

There is No way i go into an American City without a shotgun.

Am Canadian - wtf?

The worst part would be the Arctic but you have bigger problems than polar bears

Bud, have you met a moose?

They're the size of three deer and they have the personality of a Canadian Goose.

Moose and black bear aren’t like that unless you pissed them off

Grizzleys and Cougars you have to worry about but your shotgun’s noise is the most effective part of it

Western, good.

Everything else, bad.

You miscatagorized the US Hard is the correct category.