Biden Says Trump Will Not Accept 2024 Result: ‘I Promise You He Won’t’ to politics – 705 points –
Biden Says Trump Will Not Accept 2024 Result: ‘I Promise You He Won’t’

“The guy is not a democrat with a small d,” the president told CNN's Erin Burnett.

President Joe Biden said in an interview Wednesday he is all but certain Donald Trump, his predecessor and presumptive 2024 rival, will reject the results of the November election and called Trump “dangerous” for the nation.

“The guy is not a democrat with a small d,” Biden told CNN’s Erin Burnett during a visit to Wisconsin this week.

“How many court cases do they have, Supreme Court cases? They’ve all said this is a totally legitimate election. ... He may not accept the outcome of the election? I promise you he won’t. Which is dangerous.”

The president went on to say other world leaders had expressed to him their fear of a second Trump presidency and pointed to Trump’s pledge to prosecute his political opponents if he enters the Oval Office once more.


Trump called his own win in 2016 rigged and still hasn't accepted losing in 2020. Of course he won't accept the results in the next election whether he wins or loses.

The only way he'll call it legitimate is if the result is literally 100% of the votes are for him.

Only 100%? A supreme leader like Donnie deserves at least 200%!

Any true American will sneak back in and vote a second time.

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Remember this when certain people here try to tell you that both sides are the same. The people that do nothing but plaster this community with hit pieces directed towards the one side that has a chance to stop this clown from destroying our democracy.

VOTE LIKE LIVES DEPEND ON IT. Because many actually do.

My dude, fascism is here, it doesn't just have its foot in the door it's sitting in the living room wiping its ass with Biden's throw pillows. Genocide is already being carried out in your name.

People need to start getting into a resistance and preparation mindset, not thinking Biden's going to help reverse our course towards fascism. There's a long road of direct action ahead if people hope to turn the ship. Lesser of two evils isn't cutting it, they're both leading us to the same place

Lesser of two evils isn’t cutting it, they’re both leading us to the same place

Then you'd concede that if they are leading us to different places, lesser of two evils does cut it.

You're playing chess. You have a choice - lose a pawn, or you can keep the pawn and the next move you'll lose by checkmate. I dunno about you, but I'm saying goodbye to that pawn.

That's the choice, except instead of keeping the pawn you lose it anyway because Trump likes Israel even more. Biden wins, there will be a different Democratic nominee in 2028. And if you want it to be someone more in line with your thinking than Biden, well you know what you gotta do in 2028.

But if Trump wins, he's gonna do everything in his power to make sure the choice in 2028 is his and not yours. Not stopping him is game over.

Exactly. OK, we get Biden again. Now use the next 4 years to REALLY push ... for ranked voting, age limits for reps, or anything! Because you still can.

Biden wins, there *will* be a different Democratic nominee in 2028. And if you want it to be someone more in line with your thinking than Biden, well you know what you gotta do in 2028.

I’d say it needs to be sooner than ‘28, more like as soon as the election is over

No, like chess, at a certain point it becomes clear that you've lost the game you're playing. It doesn't matter if you save your metaphorical pawn or not in this scenario, delaying with the lesser of two evils will not create any further opportunities to turn things around.

It is the end game, and it turns out that the using the lesser of two evils as a strategy for the past 7, 8, 9 election cycles has been a definiteively losing strategy. It has produced no favorable results, instead it has simply allowed fascism to creep in at a pace which the general public will acclimate to it. And once the majority is acclimated, there is nothing that anyone who cares can do.

Instead, you should not be playing a game with rules rigged by two parties, neither of whom actually have an interest or will to preserve democracy. Instead you should be turning the board over and refusing to play

Voting for the lesser of two evils has been the strategy since day 1. In 1860 both Lincoln and his opponent Douglas wanted to keep slavery (Lincoln only wanted to limit its spread), and worse, only some Americans were allowed to vote. Forget the far left, a modern moderate might refuse to vote at all in that election - why vote for Lincoln if you're voting for someone who wants to keep something as abhorrent as slavery?

Yet voting for Lincoln nevertheless did move the needle against slavery and eventually led to its abolition. And voting for people we'd almost certainly see today as the lesser evil eventually would lead also to improvements in worker rights, universal suffrage, social security and medicare, ending segregation, gay rights, and the right to abortion - before refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils took that away.

It's your right not to vote. But what happens - or doesn't - is your responsibility.

What about all the struggle and violence that directly led to those outcomes? The moderates who presided over those changes didn’t enact them out of the love of the game, they were compelled to in order to put a stop to the unrest.

You understand the needle didn't move because of moderates and voting the lesser of two evils, right? Every major shift in progress in this country was accompanied by protest, conflict and refusal to go along with the status quo.

oh great. here come all the shitty yeye ass takes

ROFL… this is exactly what I’m talking about. Thanks for illustrating my point. You couldn’t have done it better.

There may have been people that weren’t aware of what I was talking about.

Why do Biden Bros get so offended that people don't want to live in a make believe world where they're happy to vote for Biden? No where did they say that won't vote for him over Trump.

None is asking anyone to be happy about it. And there’s no “Biden bro” here. Stop making assumptions about people you know nothing about.

And there’s no “Biden bro” here. Stop making assumptions about people you know nothing about.

You don't say...?

Check my comment history. See where I’ve said anything resembling being one.

And don’t confuse my suggesting people vote to stop a traitor from returning. Or when I said not voting is fucking stupid.

Go ahead now.. come back with some copy/posts validating your stupid accusation.

Since you need me to explain the joke, here it is.

It comes across as you making the assumption, "there are no biden bros in this thread".

You then say not to make assumptions about people you know nothing about.

So unless you know everyone in this thread, you are making an assumption about people who you know nothing about.

It's comedic.

Because there are no Biden bros in this thread. You’re thinking that people suggesting other vote for Biden makes them a Biden bro…

That’s a YOU problem.

I'm not invested in the thread whatsoever. I made a joke about your comment and you are once again making assumptions about people you know nothing about.

Really sounds like a you problem.

Okay. So since you’re basically useless to the discussion, and here to troll- I’m going to make another assumption that this is a representation of your character, and assume you have nothing to ever say that will interest me in any way….

And just block you.

OK, now go finish your Cheerios.

After that, you can go give the smoke to someone who deserves it.

No where did they say that won't vote for him over Trump.

Right here:

lesser of two evils isn't cutting it

The irony here is you're the one who doesn't understand the situation we're actually in.

The house is on fire and you're telling people "Don't worry guys, if we just stay in the kitchen there's no fire here so it'll be ok. It's vitally important everyone stay in the kitchen, don't listen to that extremist firefighter telling you to leave the building. Quick, someone grab that sieve, we can use it to splash water from the sink on the fire, we can save the house if we all just grab a sieve!"

Cool little analogy. But there’s no house and no fire. And I’m not telling anyone anything other than not to listen to propagandists that are suggesting that not voting is an expression of anything other than supporting a Trump victory.

Everyone knows what all of you are about. Check your ratios man. You lost this battle.

Check your ratios man. You lost this battle.

Because no updoots means you're wrong and bad and should go away 😠

It’s more about be a socialist/far leftist and having your abject ignorance downvoted while on a socialist/far left platform.

It’s the equivalent of a MAGA clown being downvoted on Truth Social.

Fix your shit.

So, and all of its federated communities are far left now? And you want to talk about ignorance?

Believe it or not, internet points are not always very meaningful.

LEMMY is a far left social media site dude. Maybe take the time to know the thing you’re actively using before you think to argue against it.

You realize that people can also go vote for Trump too, right? Do you understand that? Do you understand that "go vote" does not mean your man is the target?

Taking no action in a genocidal cult-for-a-government is better than taking action for what either side believes is the right side.

Back off of fascism for a second and respect people's autonomy. None of us asked for be a part of this half-baked, misguided mechanism, but we have a choice to stop using it. You have no right to say otherwise.

A no-vote IS a vote.

ROFL! Every election year there people like you. And every year, they get more and more stubborn and unreasonable.

THIS is what you’re getting with your non vote.

Did you really just link me to NBC news?

How are so many people still plugged in to this nonsense?

Do people really still believe that space age nations with access to AI, nuclear, and semiconductor technologies should follows the dramas of individual human leaders?

Does this primitive practice really, actually appeal to people? Are you people actually real? You actually care about the sayings and doings of clearly theatrical and phony leaders?

There is no such thing as a leader of 300 million people, you understand this, right?

The dog and pony show of elections is a theater of puppets orchestrated by a global elite that owns the US government and most governments of the world.

Do you know how easy it is to capture the soul of a single meat and bones, weak human entity with a family and a physical time and place?

Do you know how easy it is to capture 10,000 souls? How many representatives and senators do you have again?

ALL of them are captured.

Most with money.

The more stubborn ones, with blackmail. Some of them are so principled and stubborn they would rather die than compromise their values. But those ones have sons, daughters, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, and while they won't compromise for their own lives, they do compromise for the lives of those they love.

You have no clue, do you, the reality of this world? You have no idea of the evil hidden in plain sight within the hearts of man?

Your "government" fell a very long time ago.

I give up. It’s pointless talking with you people. Go ahead and not vote thinking tote going to fix things.

See for totaled how that’s fixed thing s in the past- because every fucking election year, there’s people like you pulling this shit.

You people love talking about status quo….

There it is. YOU are part of status quo. Sooo… don’t vote man. Make that chance you want to see by doing nothing. Someone is getting elected without your involvement.

Blocking you now because i Don’t deal with unreasonable people and I don’t believe they deserve to be heard.

Your political strategy has failed though, again and again and again. Why the hell should anyone listen to you when people following your prescription in the past, is what produced the very situation we find ourselves in?


If you don’t vote, someone is still getting elected. Because that is how elections work. Not voting doesn’t make the bad things go away.

And folding your arms and pouting, hoping that that the other guy winning sends a message will only end VERY poorly for a lot of people- and the message will fall on deaf ears. Because that is how it works. You’re not NEARLY as relevant as you think you are as a collective. Because you’ve already been counted as a non-vote. They know every election year that SJWs aren’t going to vote. It’s already factored in.

But if you DO vote, you can help ensure that something exponentially worse doesn’t happen.

Then, over the next four years you can get off your ass and actually do something that will matter come 2028. Or, you could just do as your lot does, and not give a fuck until the election year and then suddenly become outraged by whatever is happening then.

Either way… your call. You’re not making the waves you think you are. You never do. Remember Bernie? How’d that work for you? And you people were actually TRYING then. Hell, I donated several hundred dollars to his campaign when I could.

You’ll learn, or you won’t.

Look, it's really important that you understand this; what you're doing right now, this political strategy, is an abject failure. People have done things just how you're arguing, have gone along with it for literally decades it it has failed. So the only reason I can think that you continue is because you want that failure to continue.

Also, you can't on one hand write an entire essay of a response to something and then claim it's no big deal and "not making waves". Remember Clinton? How'd that work out for you?

Your suggestion to fix this failure of a system is literally "do nothing". Please try to recognise that: You are advocating for fighting the status quo by doing nothing.

It will not work. If you want change you need to take action. Not voting is the exact opposite of attempting to change things. Use the influence you have to push for a change in the right direction.

Who said do nothing? I'm saying your suggestion of continually rewarding corporate dems with power has failed.

If your political strategy has brought us to the point where we're literally condoning genocide with our vote then it's a failure. You understand that, right? If the Chosen One the Dem establishment has forced on us is nevk and neck with Donald Trump then that establishment is a failure and continuing to reward them with power for these pied piper bullshit strategies is not going to lead to progress.

They've been doing it for forty years and all we've gotten for it is a tightening noose around our freedoms as they jerk off to corporate lobby money and insider trading, playing grab ass with fascists.

That's your "progress".

And your solution to the problem is literally not vote, which is doing exactly nothing. I have a really hard time seeing how you can expect yourself actively not influencing the system to somehow influence the system.

It's literally the only way you can can communicate that you will not play the game they've rigged. And yes, that has an influence whether you are willing to admit it or not.

Because here's what's going to happen if Biden gets his next term; Democrats will take that as a signal that they can be complicit in literal genocide and voters will still vote for them as long as they keep propping up worse options on the otherside. And so they will keep propping up a worse option and acting with complete disregard to their base.

You are not going to "turn things around" at some point in the vague future, there is not going to be "slow, generational progress", there's going to continue to be a choice between Fascist and Fascist Lite because Fascist Lite understands they do not need to change anything about how they're doing things in order to win elections.

Is it a terrible and costly choice to call the Dems on their game of chicken? Yup. But that's where your politics have put us. It's degraded our democracy to the point that our only remaining choice to stop the vehicle from going off a cliff is to veer it into a tree.

We could've hit the brakes earlier, there were plenty of opportunities and warning signs where the road was going, but people like you kept saying "oh no, pressing the brakes isn't viable, the corporate media told me that brakes are extremist. Just keep going this next mile and then we can slow down a little after. Just go around this one last bend and it'll turn into a U-turn."

Your politics don't work and the threats and condescension have simply lost the effect, I cannot emphasize this enough; it's not a viable political tactic any longer. If you think it's that important that Biden win then you need to be doing everything you can to influence him to radically change his behavior, not sitting here trying to convince other people to deny what they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and play make-believe with you that "just a little genocide" is ok for Democrats to support. Enough of the trolley problem bullshit, no one is buying it.

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You’re part of the problem, not the solution. Single issue nonvoters got us Trump once already. Now you’re about to do it again.

And just like in 2016, you’ll all disappear when it comes time to own up to it.

THIS is what you’re getting with your non vote.

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Right, instead we.... should hop right through the meat grinder door? Why, because quicker death?

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Democrats have refused to stop Trump at every juncture. Id really should be appalling to us that we allowed democracy to be on the ballot when we had four years to patch every exploit in the system.

This is not what success looks like. Im just very tired knowing that Democrats never seems to push anything beyond half measures that fail.

The stakes were simply too high, and we've let the cancer metastisize too long.

Lets hope we can shove it into remission, but we really should have done it earlier.

Oh I agree. I’m disillusioned with the entire thing as well. But I’d rather pick up a sword and fight along-side the lazy asshole against the tyrant dragon instead of telling others that the lazy asshole deserves to be eaten- like some people here suggest.

Because I know that after the tyrant dragon eats the lazy asshole, we’re all next. And these people don’t seem to understand that this is how it works.

This is the right answer. (Assuming they really are all lazy assholes) if others don't join the cause because it's full of lazy assholes, that's all it'll ever be.

I feel like there are way too many people who feel like using the power of their vote is some magical trump card that fully absolves them of getting involved in any actually meaningful way. And accusing them of being lazy is another excuse to not have to get involved.

Very well said. And I never even noticed the relevance of using “lazy asshole” in my analogy.

The irony of so many lazy assholes not voting to help a lazy asshole to keep america from falling into the clutches of a tyrannical even lazier tyrant in dragon form.

It really works on multiple levels.

In this anology, all I want is for the lazy asshole to stop beingbeing a lazy asshole.

We never seem to put up a less lazy asshole. Ever.

And then we wonder why we have a dragon problem.

Im already being downvoted for simply asking for a dragon slayer in that can slay the dragon.

Im already being downvoted for simply asking for a dragon slayer in that can slay the dragon.

I didn't downvote you, but my frustration with statements like this is that there is no other dragon slayers to call up now. There is no scenario where Biden is not the Democratic nominee in November. I agree we should have a better candidate, Biden is not my preference at all, but that's reality. Asking for a new candidate for this election is a complete nonstarter.

I'm not even asking for a new candidate at this point, I'm just asking for Biden to do better. I totally think he is capable of doing more and doing better, but it seems like he just doesn't want to. And it seems like the moderates don't expect him to, as if they also are frustrated with him. A lot of the progressive frustration comes from the fact that we had warned about this years prior And we're just told to shut up about it.

If we need a dragon slayer to meet the moment and Joe Biden is all we have, then we better start training him to be a dragon slayer. We really should have been doing that four years ago.

Instead, the election is coming up and we have someone who might not be able to slay the dragon... versus a dragon. We can help all we can, but it's really up to him to slay the dragon in the end. I just don't think we put ourselves in the best situation if the goal is to kill the dragon.

we had warned about this years prior

What would you have liked the Democrats to have done, keeping in mind that Republicans have a majority in the house? Can't amend the Constitution.

Republicans keep being given the power to delay and deny anything the Democrats want done, and then people complain about Democrats not doing enough, so they don't vote, which allows Republicans to keep doing it.

It's frustrating how successful the strategy is working for them.

Exactly. The first priority is removing the GOP roadblocks. I'm a progressive. I desperately want progressive policy enacted. There is no viable path to make that happen without electing more Democrats in general elections. I recognize that the Democratic party is not a progressive party, but that's our job to change via primaries.

My biggest complaint about my fellow progressives is a lot of them seem to refuse to think strategically and cling to the idea that your vote is somehow a moral choice. It's not. It's a strategic choice to further your interests. Helping elect Republicans during the general election does nothing but put us even further away. Biden is not our champion, he's a tool. We use Biden to promote our interests where we can and ditch him the moment he's no longer needed. Right now, he's absolutely needed.

For starters, Biden should have picked a better AG, that would have gone a long way. Secondly, Democrats should have impeached Trump THE DAY OF THE INSURRECTION, while Republican support was wavering in the uncertainty. Instead they waited months.

We could have removed the filibuster to ease legislation.

Mind you, all of this was stuff progressives were screaming at the time but moderates ignored.

At the time, picking Garland as AG was a giant fuck you to republicans to get revenge on them denying Obama the supreme court nomination in 2016, a way of saying "ha, ha, you denied him a seat and now we gave him one that's almost as good."

Unfortunately, in hindsight it turns out that when you put a very moderate, nonpartisan, old-school Republican in the cabinet, they will run their department like a moderate, nonpartisan, old-school Republican, and that resulted in the DOJ focusing on the mooks more than the masterminds out of fear of being seen as a political hatchet man.

But I, alongside many other progressives, explicitly said Garland was going to be exactly like this.

As is sadly often the case, progressives are right in the moment, and then history has to look back on them as being correct in the moment. It wasn't hindsight that told us this.

I mean you look at history and almost always whether it be the civil rights movement or the gay rights movement or workers rights progressives are always 100% of the time on the right side of history, but they are never given the credit.

You seem to have mistaken my post as defending or supporting Garland's appointment. Please rest assured that is not the case.

If it helps, I upvoted you. The point is though, that sometimes we have to prop up the lazy asshole until the badass hero arrives. If there’s no badass heroes in the queue, the lazy asshole is all we have. So we do whatever we have to to keep the dragon from killing everyone.

This isn’t a preferred way, it’s just the necessary way.

If you don’t vote. Someone gets elected anyway. You’re not sending the message you think you’re sending. You just become irrelevant when it comes to how votes are counted.

I think Biden could be a dragon slayer. He just has to have the gumption to do it. To a lot of progressives like myself, it feels like we are just giving up on the prospect of Biden doing better, as if that is not even an option anymore, and the people that are most prominently supporting that notion are the moderates right now.

The fact of the matter is we have a dragon problem, and it doesn't seem like anyone is willing to fix it. We can't just get eaten by the dragon.

I don't know, it just doesn't seem like people are frustrated enough that we have no dragon slayers. Perhaps we would have gotten one if people were this upset earlier.

I can’t agree with you more. This situation really sucks. And I truly believe we deserve better. But a lot of the people and their sock puppets here aren’t doing anyone any favors by suggesting we stay home and let this play out without any influence from those that would like to have things like body autonomy, LGBTQ+ rights. Environmental protection, etc.

And it is my belief that these people that suggest we don’t vote, are doing so in absolute bad faith. It is widely known, and proven that non votes favor Trump. This isn’t debatable.

These people know it. And IF Trump wins 2024, I guarantee you- they’ll all vanish immediately.

It’s happened before.

The people downvoting you are scared, and don't see themselves as having any other options.I think their fear is warranted, but you can't stand idle in the face of an oncoming train. You have to move your feet.

They rely on hope and fantasy whose only basis in reality is between their ears, because otherwise the weight of it all becomes crushing. I'd rather bear the weight if that's what it takes get my feet going though. I'm will not go willingly into the long dark night.

Yeah except that what you've described is a delusional fantasy. The 'lazy asshole' in your metaphor has been enabling and empowering the tyrant asshole the entire time, and when it comes to draw swords, they'll be turning cloak to try and retain some semblance of power and position.

They aren't your allies and they never have been.

ROFL. bOtH siDeS, riGhT?

Me, watching an insurrection televised live: "hmm, but why aren't the media giving coverage to Hunter Biden's laptop?"

Yeah except that what you've described is a delusional fantasy. PROCEEDS TO AGGREE WITH COMMENT

Yeah thats not what their comment described.

The 'lazy asshole' in their metaphor is never coming to your aid. They'll vote to call protestation against Israel hate speach before they'll ever consider reforming the system that keeps them in power. This is the solipsistic delusion I'm highlighting. ALL of the evidence suggests that Democrats will maintain support a tyrannical Republican agenda before considering the kind of critical systematic introspection necessary to actually reform the system. Democrats are not interested in reform of a system that keeps them in power.

The only place in which Democrats are a reform party is in the deluded minds of their aquarian sycophants. There is no external evidence to suggest that Democrats are a reform party, because at every given opportunity to do so, Democrats refuse. Its a Marvel-tier fantasy that the Democrats writ large are the heroes in this story.

Holy shit I'm sorry to make you write all that out. I'm not sure what happened in my brain but it looked like your comment was a reply to a different comment.

The problem is that a majority of those vocally supporting Biden can't just be happy with people agreeing they'll vote for Biden over Trump, but they insist that people live in the fan-fiction fantasy land with them.

Yeah, no! The simple fact is that actually changing something is a lot harder than simply obstructing. Just look at the Ukraine aid bill. One guy was able to hold it off for more than half a year.

Actual change requires buy in from a lot of people and that means talking, compromising and then doing it. If there is one obstructionist fuck in your path, everything slows down or even grinds to a halt.

That is why Trump wants to be dictator (for a day, or maybe a few.. and the a few more) and why they have the 2025 plan. To eliminate the need to talk and compromise but simply bulldoze your plans through.

Your narrative is false and hurts democracy a lot.

Democrats have refused to stop Trump at every juncture. Id really should be appalling to us that we allowed democracy to be on the ballot when we had four years to patch every exploit in the system.

Your down voters have been propagandized to their entire lives that there is always a 'team good' and a 'team evil', and that the lathe of heaven cuts just so. Its the rebels versus the empire and the rebels always just. Its David versus Goliath, and the underdog always wins.

Its a fantasy. Democrats as a functional political party, in practice, are not allies of the people. They've supported and promoted effectively an identical slate of polices to Republicans for almost 50 years. It was RBG that refused to step down from the supreme court. It was Obama who didn't pressure her to do so. Its the Democrats who refused to fully investigate Trumps involvement with Russia in the Mueller investigation, because they needed to take the 'high road'. Republicans are there to represent a convenient excuse, while its Democrats who fail to do what they need to do when its the right time to do it. They aren't your friends, they aren't even your allies. Stop engaging in these masturbatory fantasies of what you think this institution represents.

Muller is a Republican, was made director during a Repub admin, and was working in a Republican DoJ. You might want to choose a different example if you'd like to give the impression you know what you are talking about?

I'm pissed off about RBG as well, but they are lifetime appointments. Not sure what the Dems as a collective group were supposed to do on that one. By the time Obama had an obstructionist Senate it was too late.

Hows the water doing? Getting heavy yet?

Oh, no, I think it's pretty rewarding to educate young children such as yourself. Feels good.

You live in a fantastic delusion regarding your relationship to power.

Not really. That's why I don't want to help a complete authoritarian running on a campaign of bigotry by throwing my vote in the garbage.

I think it's more the people completely wrong on basic facts of who is Dem or Repub are delusional. Like they are so biased and bought in to what they want to believe that they don't care about the truth.

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there are so many easy ways to refute this so I'm just going to go with: you dumb bitch.

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Even if he wins he won't accept any states he lost that he thought he should've won. I could absolutely see a situation where Trump sues one of the Secretaries of State and tries to pull all the same shit he did in Georgia (which he has yet to be punished for, assuming he ever will be)

Trump will never face any consequences. He is the poster boy for fascism in America that the rich and powerful have been waiting for. Once he destroys democracy, they will swoop in to ensure it never returns.

(which he has yet to be punished for, assuming he ever will be)

Federal courts are all punting these cases until after November. Even if he's convicted in New York, there's a good chance he just... refuses to go back to New York to be sentenced. Or perhaps they just don't get to sentencing until after the election, at which point it'll be a moot point.

Just like in 2016, he called the election rigged and that he wouldn't accept the results. And then he won, and suddenly, all the wolf cries of "it's rigged" vanished into thin air and they started saying how it was the most significant election of all time, a true underdog come-from-behind win, and wow look how big the crowd size is at my inauguration, I bet Obama didn't pull a crowd like that! Nothing ever mentioned about it being rigged again except for how he should have won by even wider margins than he did.

I fucking hate Trump with every fiber of my body. How stupid do you have to be to look at this guy or listen to him speak and take away anything other than the fact that he's an egomaniac who has never been held accountable for anything in his entire life? If anybody ever says positive things about him in front of me for the rest of my life, that person is dead to me.

Even calling it an underdog story kind of betrays the truth that they did not expect to win, contrary to their claims that a loss would prove a rigged election.

They know it's rigged because they're the ones rigging the damn things

It's impossible for them to understand the idea that the Democrats might not also be desperately trying to counter-rig every election, and rather just have such a shit ton more voters outside the hostile voting environments that they still occasionally pull out a win now and then

I mean, Hillary absolutely rigged the 2016 Democratic primaries. She just didn't feel the need to put out the effort to rig the general election. She learned the Watergate lesson. Why rig an election you're absolutely going to win? You run the risk of getting caught. It's only worth rigging an election if you think you might lose.

Trump is awesome. I love him. MAGA 2024

He's awesome because he fucked a porn star while his wife was pregnant?

Or is he awesome because he stole from his own charity?

Is he awesome because he's so disrespectful?

Is he so awesome because he goes on these weird nonsensical rants like the nuclear one?

Is he awesome because he estranged all the US allies, making the US weaker than ever before?

Is he awesome because he withdrew from a base in such a hurry that when Russian forces took over they still could.use all the food supplies left behind?

Is he awesome because he wants to be a dictator? Not my words, his.

Is he awesome because he completely ignored Corona, saying a miracle would cure it, and then edging people on to take ivermectin, then talking about injecting bleach? Causing millions extra to unnecessarily die, btw.

Why exactly IS he awesome? What part, that I might have missed, is awesome?

And just to be clear: all the above happened, don't even start with "that never happened" because then you need to stop watching right wing news outlets and just.. I dunno, go out and touch grass?

Stop trying to make trump sound cool.

Stop being a teenage edgelord. I've seen the likes of you come and go and be absolutely worthless all my life, and you're just sad.

That’s not what I’m trying to do. half the things you wrote are cool, more if you don’t suck.

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One super fucked-up thing about it is the President has to say it before they'll publish it.

Like, yeah - you know it, I know it - hell, they know it. But they won't write about what a traitorous fuck he is at all.

“The guy is not a democrat with a small d,”

But I am!

(Sorry, there was a dick joke to be made, and I could not help myself)

I get what he is saying, but the phrasing could have been better. This seems like something that could be flipped into a campaign slogan that hides the dark undertones of what it actually means.

“The guy is not a democrat with a small d,”

No, but he is a Republican with a small d.


Weird that's the first place your brain went. I didn't even consider the dick joke.

Weird your mind never went there. It's what we'd call "low-hanging fruit".


Oops, there's another one.

He won in 2016 and he still didn't accept the result. He spent months insisting that the elections were rigged to prevent him from getting even larger margins, and then he turned the DOJ inside-out to pursue years of "election fraud" investigations intent on keeping a large Republican majority into 2018 (which failed anyway when his fickle white base turned on him).

Of course, Bush pulled the same shit during his time in office, running cover via his own DOJ for dozens of state gerrymandering campaigns (the Texas Gerrymander of 2005 stacked the deck for permanent Republican majority into the modern day). And Reagan pulled this shit via his captured Civil Rights Division before that. And Nixon before that.

When Trump wins in 2024, it will suck again. But it won't suck uniquely. This is an age-old fight, between a caged/disenfranchised popular majority and a wealthy manipulative white nationalist minority.

Bush and Reagan didn't lead insurrections. Roger Stone had a little putsch on Bush's behalf, sure. But Bush did not send a mob of delusional cultists to hang his own VP.

I don't think Bush or Reagan sold state secrets or lists of CIA agents to foreign adversaries either.

He had the supreme court do it for him

Right so Repubs have slid from faux legal and indirect violence to fully illegal and directly violent. IDK how many more votes we'll be allowed to cast if they are able to continue. I just want to make the distinction there. It is not the same.

Yeah, it's totally not treasonous to tell Iran to hold on to hostages until after his election to undermine Carter.

Well, if the diaper baby doesn't accept it, too bad. This time Biden will be running the executive branch if any of donnie's cult try to start some stuff.

What has given you the impression that Biden has the spine or brains to face off with that? He's not a fighter and the only thing he has any true ideology about is protecting Israel's genocide.

Theyll be breaking the door down to his office and the moron will probably try to "reach across the aisle" and they'll cut his hand off. Then his do-nothing AG will sit and wring his hands and pee in his pants because he heard someone say the word 'partisan'. The man's brain is about 30 years behind current events.

He doesn't need to be a fighter. The only reason J6 got so bad is because Trump's administration actively and directly prevented any security measures from being prepared ahead of time, and then stalled and refused to call for help when the skeletal security guards were overrun.

The default posture of everyone who handles security for these institutions and would be in charge of fighting off another J6 attempt is that they want to protect the Capital and prevent something like this from happening again by preparing adequate measures in advance and having backup ready and available. All Biden has to do is not actively block the national guard, capital security, and D.C. police.

I thought a small d meant dick for a moment there

He did. Biden is sly like that. Two separate statements. Trump is not a Democrat. Trump has a small d.

Probably trying to fan Trump's flames so he gets himself jailed for contempt.

So issue an order and have a seal team take him out since trump says that's okay.

unless its a womping. if it is incredibly lopsided it doesnt matter how much he screams

I think you are underestimating the level of mental gymnastics these clowns are capable of

edit - rephrasing

I think you’re underestimating how much people dislike Biden right now. There are people who don’t care or understand how bad Trump will be a second time around and won’t vote for Biden. I fear democrats are getting complacent again just like they did when it was Hillary vs Trump, and the results will be similar. I hope I’m wrong. (Not that I’m a supporter of Biden or the current Democrats, but this is the shit system we have and when the only alternative is Trump… yeah)

yep, there are a lot of people who prefer fascism over biden... for some reason.

I think there's a problem with 18-25 year old men wanting trump rn.

Trump appeals to incels. young men are having less sex than ever. Idk.

The disenfranchised are biased towards whatever they see is the most disruptive pick.

Ironically, from the progressive prospective, it looks like moderates are willing to allow facscists to win instead of moving further left.

We really need the wings to come to an understanding fast, but that would take some good faith from the moderates IMO.

Fascism or fascism lite. I'll vote for fascism lite, but I have a hard time building up moral outrage for people who just check out. Biden's tone-deaf backing of the protest crackdown rhetoric really pushed me over the edge. Biden is not trying to win, he's just hoping Trump continues to implode, and I really hope he's right.

If he loses I fully expect his concession speech to be just like last time and there's going to be a insurrection again.

Yeah he's still around because you didnt do shit about him doing the same thing last election.

“The guy is not a democrat with a small d,” Biden told CNN’s Erin Burnett during a visit to Wisconsin this week.

Did Trump get Biden to say this on Cameo?


What is small the d?

Someone who believes in democracy, but is not a member of the "Democrat" political party.

Small d "democrat" vs. capital d "Democrat", I think. The former being someone who practices or endorses democracy, the latter being someone in the Democrat political party.

Fraud republicans all up in here saying both sides and don't vote. Obvious ass liars.

In other news top scientists discover dirt consists of soil, which is the aftermath of forest decomposition, such as leaves, bark dead stuff, and even trees, yes whole dead ass tress!! more at 9 with with this ground shattering revelation

He won't accept anything less than complete domination of the world.

lol, lmao.

Biden is counting out the youth and left vote and tacking right to try and take trump’s constituency.

When fascists do fascists things like rigging the election, stopping people from voting, making smear campaigns, robocalls, gun violence, storming the capitol again, etc. there will still be a bunch of do-nothing liberals here who will blame “the left” for not voting hard enough, then proceed to do nothing but sit on their asses waiting for the next election.

I don't even accept the poll numbers lol.. we're living in a reality where people are trying to simulate our reality.

Let me guess, you're an ignorant magahat guy?

There are very important differences and I am NOT saying both sides are the same generally. I sincerely hope Trump loses. But one thing in common: Neither side will accept losing.

If Biden wins, the GOP will say the election was rigged.

If Trump wins, the WMP will say the election was rigged.

100.00% chance

Don’t you think you could give a shred of evidence for why you feel you can both-sides this? Though I have a feeling your supporting argument for this will be a painfully bad take.

Its a prediction not an argument

Under no circumstances will we see the truth of both predictions

Hopefully Biden will win and we'll see whether the GOP accepts it. That would be the evidence for half.

If God forbid Trump wins, we'll have evidence whether the WMP accepts it. That would be evidence for the other half.

I would LOVE to be wrong, but sometimes that's how the human scientific process works. We make a prediction THEN look at the evidence to see if we were right

I would LOVE to be wrong, but sometimes that how the human scientific process works. We make a prediction THEN look at the evidence to see if we were right

A baseless prediction is of no value whatsoever. A theory with no evidence to support your claims is not worth anyone's time or consideration. But please, continue lecturing us about the scientific method.

Not sure "lecturing" is accurate but sure, I'll allow it.

For the record, is it your claim that if Trump wins, we will just accept it as the results of a free and fair election? Just "Welp, guess the voters were in your favor this time Donnie. Good game. We'll try to bring it in four years!" right?

Also for the record we agree that Trump could get no states and 30% of the popular vote and still say it was fixed and he should have won right? Honestly that's the result I predict most likely so the experiment will likely be of no value. Just saying.

It’s just my prediction bro! But there is a 100.00% chance. That’s right, it’s definitely going to happen, but I can’t say why. But we’ll just have to see what happens! It’s called science, ever heard of it?

Heh, fair. I do think 9999/10,000 is about right but I don't know you enough to trust you enough to make odds.

Tell you what. One sided free money bet. If you claim WMP will just say "Well, guess we lost this one" and not say the race was rigged (is this your claim? You still haven't claimed it yet I think) I'll come back in November with a post titled "CoggyMcFee I'm Calling You Out!" linking this post.

If Biden wins, so much the better for the world. If GOP doesn't accept it we're both winners, no trade. If GOP accepts it we're both losers, no trade.

If Trump wins, God help us, and WMP just says "Congratulations, hope we win next time" I'll give $500 to your favorite charity, or half that to anyone I can't write off, yourself included.

If Trump wins and WMP says the election was rigged, well, you haven't agreed to anything and owe me nothing. If you feel honor bound, my charity is OSI the Open Space Institute.

If I forget call my ass out. If Trump wins frankly we have bigger problems but I'll pay.

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The Windows Media Player?

Haha Democrats

We're WMP Republicans are GOP. Probably stands for something but just shorthand

It's not a good shorthand if you can't define it.

Fair. I didn't invent them. I could backronym them maybe. Grumpy Old Party and Workers Matter Party?

If I say I don't think both sides are the same, but then say both sides are the same, you won't notice..

Okay, I love these games.. How about... No backsies no come tos! What's next??


I don't know if you're really defending the GOP here, but even though neither of us will accept losing, let's see:

They don't respect trans people

They don't respect women's rights

They don't want to help the poor...

But tell me more about them being the same as us because we both won't accept election results

Lol I don't think the sides are the same in any way shape or form for the reasons you mention and more. I'll vote the hell out of a full DNC ballot any day any time. I'm lucky to be in SF where even within the mainstream party, local and state offer progressive options, so I haven't had to vote third party much over the years.

My point was the above comment was like "I'm not gonna do this thing" "okay, so I'm doing this thing" "and now my point is proven bc I didn't do the thing" Have you seen the Rick James couch skit on Chappelle? It's like that.

Haha yeah, good bit.

I just wanted to be clear that just because we're both going to deny the election results if we lose doesn't mean we're at all similar in other regards.

Sorry if I was a little defensive. Lot of "BWAH I DONT LIKE THIS" in the comments but zero "Actually I think we'll just say 'Well done Donnie, enjoy being president. See you in four years.'. Not even "Well if HE wins then it actually WILL have been rigged so of course we'll call it that.". All " boo" no content

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Trump will accept the results of the 2024 election. Ask me how I know.

He didn't accept them when he won either so the joke doesn't really track.

I honestly can't see how there's Biden voters still, unless it's all about, "lesser of two evils"... Biden's cognitive impairment is just so cringy. I don't even laugh at him anymore.

So does that mean you’re going to vote for trump?

When RFK Jr. first came out into mainstream media running for this election, he was captivating. But as he was gaining traction, he started to open up about a few things that simply don't align with me / my principles.

RFK Jr. defended MLK Jr. getting wiretapped. So he supports violating the 4th Amendment. Big fkin nono in my book. He supports Israel (but so too do most politicians in the U.S. - Zionists) - so his moral compass is skewed. RFK Jr.'s VP choice is questionable, apparently she aligns with Marxism. She had an affair with Elon Musk apparently? At least that's the accusation made by her ex-husband. She has no honor, no integrity, she's someone that cannot be trusted, quite frankly. That is, if it's true that she's had an affair. And I know, many people in general are cheaters. I don't trust liars/hypocrites. She has a record of donating to radical leftists/democrats (marxists/communists/socialists) His VP - Nicole Shanahan apparently thinks IVF is a scam.

Nicole Shanahan has for years denounced IVF — calling it “one of the biggest lies that's being told about women's health today.”

IVF may have a low success rate, but it's not a scam. If the technology existed and it was 100% fail rate, then yes, I'd agree.. it would be a scam - people would be throwing their money away and getting their hopes up for nothing.

Anyway, we're left with three candidates. One candidate needs living assistance. One candidate has an alignment or association with the far left which I feel is a threat to our constitution. One candidate became president and in the 4 years he served, he did more for our country. Huge boom in new jobs, big income boost (I personally was positively impacted by this and it was great bringing home nearly $10k per month after taxes. I now make about half of that). The middle class was flourishing.

Biden and Co. likes to tell people about all these new jobs, yet it's been discovered that platforms like LinkedIn, has been displaying large numbers of, "ghost jobs"... fake job postings to make it seem like there's a plethora of companies in the U.S. hiring, when they're not. All we keep hearing about is layoffs, especially in large companies. Under Trump, finding a job, interviewing and getting the job was a breeze. I had interviews lined up, I had job offers in my favor... Biden takes presidency, I get laid off 1 year later and spend just over 6 months applying to over 1000 posted jobs just on LinkedIn alone, I have the LinkedIn response emails as proof. That's not even including CareerBuilder, Indeed, Monster etc..

I have absolutely NO confidence in Biden and Co. and quite frankly find him and his allies all enemies of the American people. They are liars, deceivers, transgressors and oppressors. All of which as been witnessed by the world.

IMO, the entire governments of the U.S. (local, state, federal) needs a thorough cleansing.

Edit: This is not to offend anyone.. This is just my opinion and I know majority will disagree with my pov. Don't worry I won't be butt hurt nor should you.

Biden’s cognitive impairment

He's old and he's got a speech impediment. And yet he still runs rings around the "competition".

so biden won't accept a trump win and trump won't accept a biden win. good, good. awesome

biden won't accept a trump win


I will eat my dick if Trump wins and the WMP says "Well, fair play. I guess he got the votes. Good race Donny, hope we do better in four years"

If the stakes really as high as they claim, then it would be horrible for Biden to accept the results of the election if he lost.

Fair point. Some things are unacceptable and those things... well... shouldn't be accepted.

I strongly encourage everyone to watch the embedded video in the article.

Because we don't get many opportunities to see/hear Biden speak.

A lot of the shit we give trump about with his speaking, Biden does it too. It's just trump does a hell of a lot more public speaking than Biden.

Biden used to be literally the best public speaker in the party, that's why he almost won the 88 primary till all the plagiarism and lying about law school stuff came out and he started screaming at reporters that he was smarter than them.

They're both two fucking old, and so is Bernie and every other politician in the late 70s or 80s.

We're not talking about if someone that age can be a Walmart greeter to keep busy, this is literally the toughest and most stressful job in the country, if the person is actually doing their job.

And 80 year old just can't do it.

It's a speech impediment.

Man, are you getting paid overtime to shit on Biden, or does he live in your head rent-free that it's the first and last thing you do every day?

Edit: I love how you never engage with me.

Over 4k comments in 10 months. I think it's just mental illness.

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I'll tell you what. You can sit online all day complaining about the average age of our elected "representatives" or you you can mobilize to do something about it. Be politically active. Vote.

Or even run yourself or encourage others of an acceptable age to you to run.

The reason they are so fucking old is for the exact reason you'd expect: voter participation of those 65+ is about 3x of those 18-29.

The reason they are so fucking old is for the exact reason you’d expect: voter participation of those 65+ is about 3x of those 18-29.

That's not entirely true. Committee membership and chairmanship is determined by seniority, so the longer someone stays in office the more political power they have.

Therefore it behooves both sides to keep people in office as long as possible, even if that person has one foot in the grave.

Fair point. But that doesn't mean that even without committee membership folks like AOC don't have an impact - they do.

Of course. I'm just pointing out that there's reasons they keep the same people in office for a long time outside of old people voting more frequently.

So instead of party pursuing voters. Which is pretty much the entire point of the party, you think they should ignore a large voter block that is literally and inevitably going to be the future of the party in just a few decades?

May I ask how old you are?

You may ask and I may not answer.

But think about what you said. They pursue the voters that vote for them. When most of your voters are older then yeah, you cater to them. But I also think you grossly underestimate how much they DO actually do for younger voters.

Read Jacobin #40 for some perspective.

Because there’s now no viable option for president that will be held accountable for anything by their own party.

Sometimes it may seem this way but it really isn't. We get some of what we want. The equation is simple: Get some of what you want under a dem administration or most of what you don't want under a republican administration.

Our system is such that nobody gets 100% of what they want 100% of the time. So what you aim for is to get a party in with a platform that at least allows some of what you want to happen. By throwing up your hands and saying "well the dems are just as bad" and thus not voting you are essentially making it impossible for any of what you want to happen. If Trump wins you can kiss a supreme court majority goodbye. If Trump wins you can look forward to gutting any effort to promote renewables and hold the oil industry accountable. You can look forward to no woman being safe with her medical choices. The list here is enormous.

Meanwhile Biden has accomplished a lot. I don't like many of his policies, but I'm not blind to the good his administration has done. I think you are, so let me remind you of just a few:

Take any one of these things and imagine the opposite. That's what will happen under any republican administration.

You may not like Biden and I totally get that, but NEVER EVER think your vote doesn't matter just because you don't get exactly what you want. We got a decent amount and we CAN get more. Get Biden elected and then (a) be politically active for local and state elections; (b) protest: it works.

They pursue the voters that vote for them.

If that was true, after Obama flipped a bunch of red states, the party would have moved to younger more progressive candidates. Hell, they'd have done it after Bill.

Instead they kept running the same candidates that lost to Obama. Even tho by then they were older and even more out of touch.

Meanwhile the DNC has consistently made changes that limit the chances of a popular candidate against the party's pre selected pick.

Like, I'd have to ignore the last 30 years of American political history.

Clinton and Obama were two of the youngest presidents we've had, and they ran the most progressive campaigns since FDR and killed it.

It took trump in office for an older moderate to win, but that's consistently the type of candidate the party props up.

And youre acting like those are things that are solved...

It took Bernie pulling Biden left for him to promise to solve some of those things, and he failed to meet his promise. Most are just crumbs that we recently got only because the election is coming up.

Voters want more, and more voters would come out for the candidate

If that was true, after Obama flipped a bunch of red states, the party would have moved to younger more progressive candidates.

Huh? That completely doesn't follow.

Maybe I wasn't clear. Let me try again: When you know that only a tiny fraction of 18-30 year olds are going to even vote, you don't bother putting forth policies that appeal to them. Instead, you put forth policies that appeal to the largest percentage of voters you can hope to get. So Obama and Hillary both balanced a more progressive agenda against the need to attract voters. They knew for example, that universal healthcare was popular among younger voters but not popular with boomers and even a large chunk of Gen X. So which did you think they went with?

It's not rocket surgery, it's basic math.

Meanwhile the DNC has consistently made changes that limit the chances of a popular candidate

This is true. But are you gonnna just throw up your hands or are you going to do something about it? Do you think not voting or not voting for Biden will make it more or less likely you will get a Dem candidate that appeals to you down the road? There's a decent possibility you will get NO Dem candidate at all.

I have to be honest. I think you are ignoring the power you have. That WE have. It was absolutely not Bernie that helped Biden do anything. It was Biden recognizing that folks like us want a more progressive agenda and using Bernie to help make the case that he was in fact leaning in that direction. He has to acknowledge some of the progressive agenda to win younger votes but at the same time he has to appeal to the far larger chunk of folks who will, you know, actually vote.

I also think you are expressing a point of view that is rather troubling to me. That you think you will get everything you want instantly out of our political system. Change is incremental and slow. It is built one piece at a time on a foundation of Democratic party wins that allow us to appoint judges and enact legislation that maybe doesn't get where we want to go in the first pass, but allows it to happen the next time. Younger folks have trouble conceptualizing this, and it's understandable - your time scale is smaller.

So if you want to see change you need to: 1. Vote EVERY TIME; 2. Protest and push for progressive policies; 3. Support younger candidates; 4. Acknowledge this is a long game.

When you know that only a tiny fraction of 18-30 year olds are going to even vote,

Except they do when they get a good candidate...

Biden coasted with them last year because he was only known as Obama's VP and his TV appearances back then.

But young people are idealistic, they have standards.

If we run a candidate that meets those standards, we don't lose any votes. We even gain some from older demographics because some people keep their ideals.

The only negative to running popular candidates is it upset donors. And instead of doing that, the DNC keeps making new loopholes so they can donate even more, because it's the only way to get the unpopular candidates.

This system is Ludacris like it's from St Louis, we've gone straight past plaid, and most people seem to be completely fine with it.

When it can be sooo much better if we just stopped accepting that politicians have to suck.

Except they do when they get a good candidate…

Which is exactly my point and exactly the problem even if your assertion is not well supported by the data.

"We'll only vote if you give us our perfect ideal candidate" - ignoring that (a) you can't get everything you want in a candidate; (b) other people get a say too; (c) getting a directionally ok candidate is far better than getting a directionally bad candidate; (d) "good" candidate is a highly subjective assessment. Not all folks 18-whatever are all that progressive.

I gotta admit you come across as rather entitled or at least rather immature. You are demanding the system cater exactly to your specific needs and refuse to participate if it doesn't.

“We’ll only vote if you give us our perfect ideal candidate

The big ask right now is he stops funding a genocide and encouraging police actions against peaceful protestors...

To you that's "perfect ideal candidate"?

Bud, if you want to know what that would be for me, we're gonna be here for a while, it's a long list.

I gotta admit you come across as rather entitled or at least rather immature

  1. We're talking about what a demographic will do. Please stop getting personal.

  2. If "don't find a genocide" is too much of an ask, that demographic will reconsider if they belong with that party.

Neither party is entitled to someones vote, that's the entire reason we have campaigns.

If a certain type of candidate can't get votes, but another will...

Why pick the unpopular one?

Shouldn't Dem primary voters vote for the candidate that will get the most votes in the general?

Isn't that the most rational course?


To be clear, I mean the primary voters in the hand full of states that get to vote before the DNC declared it over.

And that's not NH anymore, because they kept voting progressive.

I wasn't trying to make it personal, but I do find the kind of attitude you display to be somewhat entitled. And it also displays an admirably idealistic but not very realistic view of the political system that we are stuck with.

The big ask right now is he stops funding a genocide and encouraging police actions against peaceful protestors

You are not going to get that. As far as I am concerned the entire system is corrupt. The military industrial complex is far far too powerful, as are the neocon capitalist forces that essentially call the shots. Guess what? That doesn't get changed by sitting out an election. It doesn't get changed except over the very very long haul. If this were a Romney or somebody we're facing I might be more inclined to say heck ya, let's blow up the election... but the consequences of a Trump administration are incredibly dire. We don't have a choice.

Why pick the unpopular one?

Unpopular with you. Popular with a lot of people. It comes down to who can win the election and since Biden is the only candidate that has won against Trump, that's a good start. You may like to assume that the Dem party just runs with whomever is up next, but while there may be a kernel of truth to that (witness Hillary vs Bernie) it's not how they've won elections (witness Obama).

Shouldn’t Dem primary voters vote for the candidate that will get the most votes in the general?

That's exactly what they are getting. And provably so. If the 18-39 demographic actually turned out to vote in the numbers that the 65+ group did, you can bet we'd be looking at a different candidate. But that's not what has happened, due in no small part to folks such as yourself holding out for the whatever your conception of a preferred candidate is.

Look, I completely agree with you about the candidates on offer. They suck. But if you withhold your vote you are not going to get better candidates... you will get worse because the Dems know you aren't going to vote so they may as well appeal to a demographic that will.

That's why you should vote blue no matter who, but support progressive candidates and protest policies you oppose.

And it also displays an admirably idealistic but not very realistic view of the political system that we are stuck with.

You're still trying to have this conversation about me, and not with me about a demographic that you yourself described as fickle...

What do you think is easier? A candidate that gives that demo attention and they like?

Or getting all of them to stop being who they are?

Because if we try to change them, it's a never ending battle, every year more people turn 18.

If we just run candidates they like, and let them get politically active at a young age. They'll likely become lifelong Dem voters.

And if the party keeps evolving to meet the more and more progressive views of the next generation, republicans will never have a president again.

All it takes is the "moderate" members sacrificing and supporting candidates that will fix problems a little faster than they want, and we'll fix our problems.

Who's being rational here?

You’re still trying to have this conversation about me

I'm sorry if you feel this is aimed at you and is personal. It's not, but we are debating and you are in a sense representing that demographic.

Specifically you display some traits of a demographic that has not yet learned that you at once have enormous power collectively and very little power individually.

For example you display the tendency of that demographic to think that the entire political system should revolve around them and their particular desires. That somehow our political system is zero sum and that everyone believes or should believe exactly as you do and that if you don't get 100% of what you want you have failed. You haven't failed at all! You got some of what you want and others got some of what they want. That's the success of democracy. And, crucially, that's your power.

So when you say, to paraphrase, "if only they just had candidates that are popular" you are really saying "candidates my demographic likes". I'm sorry, that's not how it works for the simple reason that there are other demographics and other cultural and political beliefs. AND... they vote more.

I think we should end it there although you are welcome to have the last word. But I want to say one last thing: We have made enormous progress and having lived that is a key difference between someone younger and someone older like myself. When I was in my teens I was assaulted and beaten for being queer. Another time I escaped being raped and probably murdered only by sheer luck. For the longest time I couldn't legally marry. All because of who I am. Now, as a queer and transgender person, I can literally go to at least a few work places and have them respect my pronouns and gender identity. I don't often fear for my personal safety. I even have our president publicly acknowledging this fact and speaking in support of who I am. And I'm happily married.

This is not everything and there is a lot of work left to do. But HOLY FUCK that is enormous progress in just a few decades.

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They’re both two fucking old

This is the choice we have before us, so which is it to be, Trump or Biden?

Don't be a weasel, pick one.

Bernie is old, but not in the way that Trump or Biden are old. Listen to Bernie speak and he is as sharp as ever. We really fucked up in the 2020 primary.

I still think Biden is solid enough to do the job. A modern president is really just a spokesperson for an entire administration, and Biden has an incredibly capable group of people supporting him. I have a lot of problems with his administration's positions on a multitude of issues, but they are certainly competent.

On the other hand, Trump is a lifelong idiot dictator. His last administration was a trash fire. He went through four chiefs of staff in one term, and most other key positions were just as bad. Running an administration like that puts a lot more stress on the executive and requires tons of competence. Trump is not competent and doesn't have a history of making great decisions under stress.

I like your comment. Also isnt it comical how simple truths (e.g. the system doesnt represent us, politicians too old etc) keep getting downvoted so hard, huh? Keep it up, you never know. Someone out there who reads more than writes may learn something and start pulling their head out of the cavern below their belt.

For the room:

Like, get a grip y'all. criticism is an important part of a free democracy, and the press has abdicated its position something must fill this gap. Honestly, you dumbasses actually need folks like us around to point things out that you guys would never ever come up with on your own (i think everyone is a dumbass at something btw, Even geniuses are dumbasses at at least one thing, and politics is a big one. Many otherwise intelligent people become spittin' simpletons when politics is le topic.)

Yes. Yes i am talking to you. You, the one already preparing to reply. Don't. You don't got nothing to say i haven't already heard. Those of you still reading, i respect you more for it. It's not like ill read the replies a comment like this generated.

So, listen up:

We're not russo-chinese spies lol. That is a stupid claim. Only stupid people believe this. We are your peers. This peer in particular is a little tired explaining how the world works, but ill keep going, because this is how i do democracy. This is how democracy is done in a free society.

How convenient (for those still not convinced) that the TV and news did a ad hominem! How great that you already know all your need to! How nice to know that all dissenting opinions are simply spies, bad actors or useful idiots! How very convenient that the easiest path forward, and the right thing to do is nothing.

Learn nothing, consider nothing, suspect nothing, do nothing.

I envy you believers.... What a lovely faith to have.

Engagement points are to your left. I appreciate your clicking either one of them

People said trump in 16 was the most dangerous thing because his party would excuse anything he did because Dems are worse...

And I agreed.

But now Dems are saying we have to excuse anything Dem politicians do. Because Republicans are worse.

It's true republicans are worse, but if our standards for our own party are non-existent, then we have an even worse problem.

Because there's now no viable option for president that will be held accountable for anything by their own party.

And since we can't even punish trump for trying to overthrow the government, because that requires super majorities. There's no way any president will ever be held accountable for anything.

We're watching the literal downfall of the American experiment and people just want to argue if trump or Biden plays the fiddle best.

Since i get called a spy and bad actor so often, it got me thinking about theories n such.

Now, I don't believe this, but if there were astroturfing i would think it would be done by both the DNC and RNC. I'm just screwing around, but it would make sense a lil bit.

The green party will get a larger percentage than normal this year, and while I don't think the DNC or RNC feel threatened by them, it is very important to them that Americans never feel a third party is possible.

Meh. There's no conspiracy, its just people getting whipped up into a today cuz it's an election year and truth is on hiatus.

If it was astroturfing I'd be a lot less scared.

The reality is it's really people that will now excuse any behavior if there's a D next to the president name. And other people have already been excusing anything from the other side of the aisle.

Too many people are now like that. A president won't be held accountable for anything, and most of the people voting won't even like who they're voting for.

This isn't democracy. The person who gets the most votes doesn't even always win.

It's going to suck, and it's going to be hard, but we desperately need to fix our political system. The longer we wait the harder it'll get

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