Elon Musk says Twitter logo to change, birds to be gradually abandoned

hedge@beehaw.org to Technology@beehaw.org – 373 points –
Elon Musk says Twitter logo to change, birds to be gradually abandoned | CNN Business

Pay 44 billion for a brand, then change it. Pure genius.

Pay billions for a userbase, then drive away the ones that aren't Nazis or bots.

An X looks like a swastika if you only add half the seriffs

Been saying it for a while, but his plan was to run it into the ground all along. Who is he buddy-buddy with in public? The Saudi's and the Russians, who both have an interest in seeing Twitter burn to the ground. He started by laying off people, not paying their bills, and making stupid brand decisions. This has been the plan all along and there's really no other logical explanation. 44 billion is nothing to the Saudis and Russian oligarchs if it takes away a key tool for organized dissent and the spread of western ideals.

Brand and user base. Destroy both

@boredtortoise And last, destroy the technology. Mission completed.

Don't give him too much credit. Elon is transparently too terminally online to be destroying Twitter because that's his goal. He didn't even actually mean to buy it until he was forced to.

Yeah, he was just trying to manipulate stocks and a judge made him follow through.

Yeah Musk is malicious but I'll give this one to incompetence

Sell the servers on eBay to the homelabbers lmao

Pay 54 billion dollars to utterly destroy a platform which gave normal people the ability to effectively spread information about the wrongdoing of the upper class, and which often promoted that very information.

That's why he did this, he knows it's killing g Twitter and wants it dead.

Twitter and Reddit are both lessons in how to kill a community and a brand.

Lessons for whom? I have several things I would like to kill but lack the requisite trillions to execute my vision.

Sounds like a Kickstarter idea if I've ever seen one.

"Tired of running your massively popular online service? Call BrandWreckers(TM) , your one-stop shop for dismantling user loyalty and brand reputation. Call now and lose your first 10k users for free!"

You know I wonder if we could create a non profit that exists only to buy things and then donate them (IP, closed source, whatever) to the public domain. If you had a savvy board, such an organization could do a lot of good.

Something like this must already exist, right?

A savvy board would get a 10% cut on each transaction, count me in!

I mean they would need to be paid, but idk about a percentage. Mostly just to fairly compensate them for the time spent vetting deals.

What's savvy about getting paid just for your time? You need to get paid for expertise, opportunities, networking... that's at least 10%, since a non-profit wouldn't have preference shares.

I'm leery about a percentage just because I perceive a conflict of interest. Overall compensation of 10% might be about right, but tying actual compensation to the cost of stuff that is bought creates a perverse incentive to overspend on things. That's money donated for the betterment of humanity, not so I can have a 3 acre swimming pool.

But IDK maybe I'm looking at it wrong.

I think you are looking at it kind of wrong, in that: with a savvy board, the first savvy thing they would do, would be to guarantee their own self-benefit, going head first into a conflict of interest... meaning you can't have a project like that driven by a savvy board, instead you need an altruistic, idealistic, etc. board... but then, a non-savvy board, would be much likely to just squander the money, or get swindled out of it, so... I don't think a project like that would ever work as expected.

You can throw Warner Brothers Discovery in there while you are at it (HBO now stupidly referred to as "Max")

HBO has changed their branding like 5 times in the last few years I swear.

They're literally a household name.

I grew up poor in Australia, and no one really had pay TV around me - least of all the people I hung with. Over the years, you'd still learn through other TV shows and movies that HBO was the channel with the good stuff.

Why change that? Why lose such branding? Have they become associated with something that they don't want to be? If not, leave great enough alone.

I just saw a trailer for an adventure time spin off on a youtube channel called "Max" and though it was a random channel that post trailer lol. Granted i rarely watch anything and while i know about HBO i don't ever remember watching anything from them.

I watched a South Park movie for the first time in years. In this one they traveled into the future. Everything had Max or Plus added to the name. It seemed pretty spot on with where we are going

I get the feeling that these execs need a plan to increase profits every quarter, and this is one of the gotos.

Maybe the CEO is just a big Image comics fan and forgot the second X in Maxx.

He really did buy it just to delete it.

Of course he did; he hated Twitter because of it's ability for marginalized people to organized as well as give people the ability to share videos about his unsafe products.

Dude, he is a PR guy with Twitter being his main platform. There is no logic there.

I mean, it makes perfect sense. He's a PR guy who wanted to own a platform so he could spin his own facts; the fact that people could post videos of his own products catching fire was bad for him.

He is destroying his platform. While simultaneously helping competitors. While been forced to pay way to much and even pay for the layers his opponents hired. Genius moves all around.

Buying Twitter doesn’t save him from circulating videos of teslas on fire

It does on Twitter. I mean, on X.

The problem is likely that his view of the Internet is highly warped. Between managing so many companies, meeting IRL people, and traveling around, he may have barely any time to learn about what's out there outside of the most popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and whatever someone spins to him during that one party or two.

So he looked into the one thing he knew about that was irking him, saw it had a silly low price, and jumped on the chance of taking control... without realizing it was like jumping onto a water balloon in a swimming pool: even if you manage to catch it, even if you pop it, there is still a pool of water surrounding you.

This gives him way too much credit lol. He isn't playing 5D chess, he impulse-bought a $44B company and is too much of a narcissistic control freak to stop touching it. Harming marginalized people is a natural consequence of essentially any action a billionaire takes by virtue of their existence.

Yep. And he saw "blue checks" as some kind of Liberal Elite^TM that was manipulating the media and public consciousness. He set out specifically to try to destroy that, but in the process is attempting to create his own version of that imagined cabal.

He's also petulant child with a meme-poisoned brain that's stuck somewhere in the body of an edgy 14 year old in 2002.

Headline to come one week later:

"After some backlash from users, Musk comes to a compromise: the new twitter logo is a blue bird with a giant Red X over it."

One week? All of his decisions have been changed within hours of making them. In a few hours he's going to rename it Y

Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just shut it down once he had it? He's burning a lot of operational money to do this slowly. It doesn't make any sense unless he really is that stupid.

I honestly do think he is really really dumb. People love to tell me that he actually does know stuff about rockets or whatever, but c’mon…

Early on, he was selling some of his Tesla stock, thus depressing its value, in order to fund twitter. So I don't believe the theory that he bought it specifically to tank it. Though he may eventually claim "I meant to do that".

When they start focusing on the brand, it’s over.

I was part of a “startup” that was all volunteers. We called ourselves Citizens Market, and the idea was to produce an app that let you scan a barcode to get ethical info on the company who made the product.

Like GoodGuide, but they got to market faster.

After a few years of effort, a marketing person joined our all-volunteer team and convinced the head to change the name to Fosfo. Why Fosfo? Because matches have phosphorous in them, and so it referenced illumination, and the illumination had to do with our mission of … you guessed it: providing information.

The thing failed. I mean, we were already failing because we didn’t have the profit motive cutting our decisions down to what worked. But the name “Fosfo” was when I knew the project was dead.

“Citizens Market” was the perfect name for what our app would do. But no, had to have some web 2.0 jackass giving us a facelift. That was our path to salvation: a rebrand.

That's a sad story. It sounds like a good utility, and the outcome too common.

Out critical blunder was hoping to crowdsource the generation of the dataset we’d use to provide scores.

What we should have done was find existing data about company ethics and just build the feature of scanning a UPC barcode to get the data.

We tried to be the app and the data source, and we had a huge two sided marketplace problem, and no incentive for the volunteers who would spend hours and hours doing research.

Another reason why I won’t do a startup under volunteer conditions again. We unconsciously modeled everyone else as like us: willing to donate copious time.

At least it sounds like you learned a lot from it :)

Definitely. It was during that project that I switched from subversion to git for the first time. I remember my coworker James showing me how files just changed when he checked out a branch. I started using git at his insistence (which I hated because I wanted to own the project and he was a more impressive dev than me), and I started to like it. Switched all my other projects to git as well.

I started using git at his insistence (which I hated because I wanted to own the project and he was a more impressive dev than me), and I started to like it. Switched all my other projects to git as well.

Reminds me of a snip from The Winner: be a leader, but if you can't be a leader, make sure your leader is a damn good teacher

1 more...

What is Musks obsession with the letter X?

He's a stunted 8 year old who associates X with edginess. X factor. X Men. X Ray. X rated films. XXX. All super fucking cool

He originally wanted "Model 3" to be called "Model E" so that the three (at the time) Tesla models could spell out "SEX". Fortunately that name was already taken. He's a petulant child.

I'll admit, BACK THEN, I thought it was funny and was sad E was taken. But yeah perspective changes when you realize how much worse he is/was/will be.

Also, he's an unoriginal dipshit. All he's good at is buying things and slapping his name on 'em, he's never had an idea of his own.

I think you are actually correct about this, I dont think it goes any deeper

X.com is his product he owned, that is loosely associated with PayPal's success despite it having nothing to do with the tech that it was merged for.

By "absorbing" twitter with his original X company that is older than twitter, he can pretend to be the founder of the parent company X, like he pretends to be the founder of Tesla.

5 more...

That's just perfect. The X on the eye speaks a thousand words.

I'm sure all the brands who are unsure about continuing their advertising on the platform are going to love having to derail their UI teams to go change dozens of different social media icons implementation.

McDonalds Web Team on Friday: "I think we've planned a great sprint for Monday everyone. It'll be tight but we should be ready in time to promote the anniversary of Grimace's bris!"

McDonalds Web Team on Monday: "Shit"

I'm getting sidetracked here, but I want to give my support of McD's turning every possible life event Grimace can have into to a new marketing event, so long as each comes with a new Gameboy color game.

All I can think of when he talks about how "X will be an app for everything" is:

Welcome to Zombocom, you can do anything at Zombocom, Welcome to you. Anything is possible at Zombocom. The infinite is possible at Zombocom. The unobtainable is unknown at Zombocom. Welcome to Zombocom.

What was that about him doing twitter’s technology policing and leaving running the company to the new CEO?

He's not even good at using his puppet.

They are called TWEETS, ELON! TWEETS!

They are called TWEETS, ELON! TWEETS!

Elon Musk: For now...

I'm legit wondering what the term for communication between...Xs...is...? Like...???

I guess going forward people will be sending [exes] on X using the X app, and subscribing to X’s and unsubscribing to ex’s?

Not a name that’s easy to verbalize.

- What are you doing?

I’m X-ing about the new …

Kisses, like signing letters with X's and O's. He's planning a hard turn to embrace inexplicable twitter based adult industry.

It must be incredibly frustrating to be the new CEO that he just appointed, only to have him continuing to run his mouth and make ruinous decisions that tie your hands.

If she didn't know what she was signing up for then she deserves no pity. If she's smart she's using this as a stepping stone.

I mean, I'd love to get paid that amount of money for a few months, do barely nothing, blame my inferiors and retire with investments and a small restaurant in a friendly town.

Musk stiffed a bunch of people out of their severance, so I'm not sure even that is a realistic plan.

How the heck do you use that dumpster fire as a stepping stone?

Get paid enough to start your own company.

Alternatively, spin it as "drove the dumpster in a controlled burn, preventing it from exploding into everyone's face".

Only clearer by the day that this was all an exercise to intentionally kill Twitter to the benefit of billionaires, fascists and other extremists.

Twitter existed as a relatively free and open public space to communicate, organize and assemble to take actions for and against things at scale before musk (e.g. The Arab Spring, a terrifying moment for the Saudis especially - the second largest shareholder behind musk).

When people collectively laughed at elon and his cringe, inbred, emerald boy antics or his humiliating divorce and other routine failures, Twitter was the bullhorn.

Now elon and his desperate far right Toadies will work to try to rewrite reality so they can eventually have this conversation:

"Twitter? What's a Twitter? Wait, are you talking about blork? A bird? No, blork's logo is a dinosaur with chainsaw arms... and everyone wants to be his best friend... and it's against the law to divorce him... and he's cool... and..."

What an everlasting tool history will remember you as, elon. If they remember you at all, it will be to laugh at you - you'll never outrun that.

Don’t attribute to malice what is absolutely just idiocy. Musk is not some genius. He is quite literally a man-child who made money because he came from money (and maybe a little luck).

His hubris led to this disaster with twitter—nothing else.

This would make sense if he didn’t constantly amplify right-wing rhetoric and antics. You’d just be ignoring the evidence to think anything else at this point.

I’m not ignoring evidence, I just see an alternative you don’t: He wants attention and he always has. He’s “losing” and the easiest way to get validation is to get it from those that are right-wing. He wants so badly to be treated as “a genius”.

Nobody other than staunch right-wingers believe his non-sense. He only gets headlines because controversy sells.

This is not correct I don’t think. He’s always been right wing, it’s not a new thing. The more important thing is to look at his intentions right before being forced to buy the company.

And those intentions were clearly to use a large amount of cash to bully the company into following his orders. He didn’t like them censoring things. He didn’t like they’re politics. And it was where he spent most of his social media time.

People seem to underestimate the absolute power of elites. He bought an entire company to kill it because he can do that. How many lives will this impact? A ton. All due to the ego of one awful man.

I don't dispute for a second that Elon's an idiot, but his ex-wife did ask him to buy and kill Twitter:

"Can you buy Twitter and then delete it, please!? xx" Riley allegedly texted Musk on March 24. "America is going INSANE."

Maybe it's not 3D chess but just transparent - yet effective! - stupidity. Buying Twitter was fiscally foolish, but it does seem like he's gonna kill it, so 🤷

Xwitter by Musk - the best social media in all 4 corners of this Flat Earth! Starting at $8* per month.

*Basic plan has a limit of 50 xweets per month.

In ten years some kids in a discord round robin gonna ask why the fake social media in fanfiction are little blue birds. Wait they used to be real??

Yeah... Because the thing that's wrong with Twitter is it's logo.

Least destructive decision he's made since acquiring it.

Ironic how he chose an X in a strikingly similar style to the (old, unmaintained, and deprecated) Xorg. That was certainly a choice of all time.

X.org - stable release 29 March 2023

You may be thinking of XFree86 (est. 1991) or X11 (est. 1984).

No, I'm thinking of Xorg. The development on it has slowed to less than a crawl, and not because it's feature-complete. It's unmaintainable, and hell to manage for anyone that's not a senior Xorg developer.

What features is it missing? They started decoupling GPU drivers from the X server a long time ago (about a decade), that's why Linux has DRM, and what enabled making Wayland. At this point the only feature needed of Xorg, is a compatibility layer between X clients and Wayland.

Multi high and differing refresh rate HDR monitor setups require Windows or OSX to use to their full potential.

The ability to stop applications from keylogging you, secure and efficient screenshare, decent compositing, not to mention all of the cruft it's obtained over the years that stops it from obtaining all of these. And, as a whole, Xorg is completely incompatible with multi-monitor setups - no fractional scaling, and no multi-monitor scales, as well as refresh rates as you mentioned.

All we should be using nowadays at most is Xwayland. You only get a pass for bare X if:

  1. You need accessibility tools that don't work on Wayland yet: https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/issues/1046
  2. You use some insanely old hardware that doesn't support the appropriate in-kernel and userspace APIs for Wayland to function.
  3. You use NVIDIA, and can't feasibly use Nouveau.

Otherwise, get the fuck off of Xorg. The ecosystem has matured enough such that Wayland Just Works for basically everyone.

All we should be using nowadays at most is Xwayland

get the fuck off of Xorg

Xwayland support has been merged into Xorg since 2014 🤷

Yes, I am well aware of that. When someone refers to X, or Xorg, or X11, they're usually referring to bare metal X - you know, the insanely broken thing that people still want to use for some inane reason.

So what's your point? Why does this conversation continue to go on? It's clear that Xorg is unmaintained and will not be fixed, and Xwayland is the only thing that matters. Why argue it?

When someone refers to X, or Xorg, or X11, they're usually referring to bare metal X

Well... I don't; I refer to X as the X protocol... which is also outdated, hacked out of its mind, and still has some bizarre legacy cruft that nobody in their sane mind even uses anymore... but isn't the same dumpster fire as "bare metal X". Hope we can agree on that? 🙂

X/X11/Xorg supports 48-bit color by default: https://linux.die.net/man/3/xcolor

The protocol is also framerate agnostic, other than having a V-sync option.

If you have a multi-monitor setup, with different characteristics for each monitor... well, the original X11 design was to have a separate terminal (computer) per monitor, with each terminal doing its own stuff to display an application's image.... so that's why nowadayws we have Wayland as a middleware between drivers and X applications.

If the drivers and/or Wayland aren't supporting some of Xorg's features, that still leaves Xorg feature complete.


Xorg doesn't support any of that. Multimonitor is nonexistent if you want to use it on a desktop, Xwayland still suffers from the lack of multimonitor (fractional+integer) scaling, and it tears horribly if you don't want to use inefficient and annoying vsync (Wayland's is fine).

Xorg is feature complete for its time; not for this time. The opposite goes for Wayland. Technically it's a "feature" that any application can keylog on Xorg, that doesn't mean that they should be free to do so without limit on Wayland too. If that means Wayland isn't feature complete and Xorg is, then so be it.

I used to run a multi-monitor desktop setup with Xorg, via the nVidia drivers. Two identical monitors, single framebuffer, no scaling, no tearing, single vsync.

That was quite a while ago, and it worked great. Then I discovered I could run an nVidia and an AMD card, both at the same time, on Windows 7, so made the switch... but still.

"feature" that any application can keylog on Xorg

Isn't that still a "feature" of all PC desktops? https://github.com/Aishou/wayland-keylogger

XKCD 1200

Some good ideas here, but Windows/Linux are still lagging behind: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25971395

I used to run a multi-monitor desktop setup with Xorg, via the nVidia drivers. Two identical monitors, single framebuffer, no scaling, no tearing, single vsync.

One monitor, one framebuffer, an old use case that for some doesn't even exist now, inefficient and slow tearing prevention, laggy vsync.

That wasn't a multi-monitor desktop setup. That was a hacked together multi-display, single-screen setup.

Also why would you link an LD_PRELOAD attack? That's not Wayland-specific in any way. Any other protocol and library is vulnerable to that too. But let's point out one major issue with that: the LD_PRELOAD needs to be loaded in before the compositor in order to be relevant. With X, you can do that at runtime. Let's also read the README from the repository:

This program is in no way meant as criticism of the Wayland project. It simply demonstrates that creating a secure desktop requires more than just a few server-side restrictions.

Wayland isn't the only software we need for a secure desktop; it just handles making the display secure. For libraries and application sandboxing, you want Flatpak, and we're making progress on dynamic permissions there.

So? What's your point? Nothing here is a Wayland-specific argument. Your setup wasn't functional, it was fundamentally a hack, and one that not-NVIDIA/Intel/AMD hardware doesn't support. Your argument is falling flat on its face.

I feel like I have to point out that Xorg is neither unmaintained nor deprecated. It is old as tits though.

Nobody is actively working on it now; the same can't be said for Wayland. Recently, it even hit a development low of all time. The only ones working on it are the ones getting paid to work on it, and even then, only those familiar with the codebase. Looking at the history, the only major changes are for Xwayland, and aren't at all often.

If (almost) all of the developers have abandoned something in favor of a newer piece of software that does the job better, I think it's sufficient to say that it's deprecated and unmaintained.

He’s been fixated on X for so long and everyone’s told him items a dumb idea. He’s finally in a situation where no one will tell him no.

Don't you know? The bird's aren't real!

They are really drone replicas installed by the U.S. government to spy on Americans!

Sorry to break the illusion, but BIRD is an acronym. British Intelligence Recording Device.

Rule Britannia.

While that acronym is true, the British don't actually operate that many BIRDs, they mostly manufacture them and export to other countries.

I hear that almost 2/3rds of British manufacturing is devoted to BIRDs that are earmarked for foreign government use.

Yeah unfortunately for MI5 the reintroduction of red kites across much of the UK has rendered them less effective with attacks being common. They also mostly use the BBC Radio 4 longwave transmitter to navigate and that’s being shut down next year along with the rest of the BBC’s AM output so they’re developing an alternative called SEAGULL: Self-Extracting Audio Guided by Ultra-Light Links where residential and commercial WiFi networks are hijacked to guide the mechanical avians instead of the centralised transmitter system. This system has its detractors however and occasionally they’ve locked onto train WiFi and immediately failed.

They were originally going to use mechanical geese for this task but political interference meant that seagulls were used instead so that the rapid decline of the fish and chip industry isn’t blamed on Tory economic policy. Unfortunately people are rightly suspicious of seagulls and this has thus far limited the success of operation SEAGULL. The authorities are hoping that operation ‘drop several hundred kilograms of LSD into a reservoir on the basis it’s not even the worst pollution Thames Water are up to that day’ will improve matters.

Well, I’m here for the fanfic about British intelligence gathering devices.

Damn the bird flu even got to the Twitter bird this year

Changing your established brand to one that's been associated with Apple, one of the most litigious companies in history, is... a choice.

AND at the exact moment in time where your market dominance is under serious threat, with history and continuity as important differentiators.

Bets on this happening because he's bought into "birds aren't real"?

Birds were the only redeeming factor at this point!

Exactly! “I won’t allow for redeeming qualities on my platform!”

Twitter is dead. I’ve loathed it for over a decade and am bringing out my dancing shoes 💃 🪦

Of course Eloon Muskovite had to get as close to a swastika as possible without going over...

@hedge I tried one with an AI: shitty logo for a company worst company ever i hate it useless dumb die forever

I mean, they’ve been using the first one in the middle row for a while now for their media relations communications. Albeit from a different angle. They should probably go with that.

Elon Musk tweeted on his official account on Sunday that Twitter would be changing its logo to an “X”

Am I the only one that thought of house Bolton ?