My Name rule to – 269 points –

This sounds dangerously close to one of those Facebook questions that's meant to find out personal information. The format looks similar.


Edit: Full name is Ho Pc Do

I'm just a Ho

Actually I'm "Ho Wgo HD"

Hi David, thanks for your submission to the fun personal information sharing games!

Can I interest you in another game relating to your birth date? Or your last name?

Do you also need my mother's maiden name?

Yes please.

What would your bank balance be if it was your mother's maiden name written in numbers, times two?

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5
F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10
K=11 L=12 M=13 N=14 O=15
P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20
U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26

Smith would be 19 13 9 20 8
So $191,392.08 * 2
= $382,784.16

Now please try the game, have fun, thank you.

β€œWod” a true royal name compared to the nameless peasantry

My name has 9 letters and yet you managed to erase them all.

Mine would be "ΓΈ", which means Island in my native language. I'm not a rock, though, no matter what Simon and Garfunkel say.

I'm h

You and I both.

We could start a law firm together. H&H law, dedicated to helping victims of the great letter apocalypse.

Ch, Full name ch ch. Pleased to meet you.

General Zod has entered the chat.

General Zog: i don't have such a weakness


My name is completely crossed off as well, my spouse is now Ho though. Not sure how I'm going to explain to her I am saying it like Santa does.

Zo πŸ€” that's just a nickname I just normally

Fv If anyone finds my name I would spontaneously combust and do backflips

My guess is something in the Favi* family (Favio, Favian, Favienne, etc). But if your parents were hippies it could be Forever.