Tomorrow many subreddits will open up again, will you switch back to Reddit or stay on Lemmy (or use both) to Lemmy.World – 227 points –

Lemmy is my new home now and it'll stay that way.

I'm not going to be drastic on reddit yet, I intend to make a GDPR request to get all my data, but I''ll immediately unsub from all the subs I'm currently in save for a few very niche that are hard to replace (for now).

I'll probably check in every now and then those niche but I'll definitely stop posting.

I intend to make a GDPR request to get all my data

I did this last week using their official portal and they haven't gotten back to me yet... I wonder how many others have done the same lol

Edit: fix formatting

Submitted my GDPR request a few minutes ago, I too would love to know many are doing the same, would be nice to flood them with it :D

Same here. I've already replaced my mobile app with one for lemmy and used these two days to take on the habit coming here instead of reddit. I've submitted a request as well. Will delete my account shortly after. I was using reddit to lurk mostly or get angry at trolls/toxic people anyway, it's just better for me if I just forget about it.

What app are you using for Lemmy?

@Barack_Ollama @crius All of them. Jeroba, Lemmy website on mobile, lemmy Desktop and mastodon. Why cause i can. Thanks for opening my eyes Third-party apps

Ahh, youโ€™re on android Iโ€™m guessing? Iโ€™m iOS :( looks like Mlem is the only option rn, and itโ€™s young & buggy :( but still using it! :) and Iโ€™m def sticking with Lemmy!

@Barack_Ollama If you don't mind the interface you should go to on your browser/Safari . It takes about 1 day to get used to then you will be an expert. the only thing about the website since it's still new is that when you reply comment or create a post it looks like its loading. give it about 30 seconds and it will post. it looks like its loading but it's actually posted already. other then that everything is good

Iโ€™m using the browser interface mostly. There are still some issues, though. Like, I got the notification of your comment & the only way I can find to view it in the context of the other comments is to tap on the post name (going to the main post), then scrolling down to find my own comment & your reply. Manageable now, but certainly not manageable if/when Lemmy gets more popular :(.

It would be great to be able to select the notification to take me to the post page, highlighting the comment from the notification, and only loading the thread that comment is in (basically what happened when I tapped on the notification in the Apollo App).

@Barack_Ollama Did you tap the notifications icon on the top right that should say 1 or 2 tap it and you should see the replies and other things

Nah reddit can fuck itself. I don't want to support them.

I went there for a moment to check if any of my subreddits were making polls and the amount of redditors against this strike was depressing. I'm happy that I left this shithole and those braindead people behind.

People can have different views. No reason to call the braindead. I plan on using both but to be primarily here.

i likely do that too but i will never install the official app so i only access it when i need informations about something like programming. So i going to treat it more like an extension of search engines

Iโ€™ll still use Lemmy. The people here are way nicer.

Idk. The instance seems practically overrun with CCP/Russian apologists. From literally defending the Tienanmen Sq. massacre to just the tankiest tankies that ever tankied - I've definitely seen my fair share of shitheads in the past week here.

If you're not happy with your instance, use a different instance.

2 more...

I'm gonna go back to reddit long enough to get the rules for important support groups I'm in to make them here on Lemmy. I'll then post about it in the support groups before leaving Reddit.

Hey could you pick me up a coulpe memes while your there?


Was trying the same but instead grab some nice content that I once saved.. But none was available yet. Once that is done, I will delete my Reddit account

16 year reddit veteran here. I'm gonna stay here, create communities, and submit content in the hopes that others do the same. Honestly, we don't need even .1% of the users to make a great community, we just need the users we have to be active.

Iโ€™m all-in on Lemmy and hope you all will stick around too. I blew away my Reddit account and all my post history today.

I'm sticking to lemmy at this point because of the principal.

I may only be one person out of millions, but I'm not giving reddit a lick of traffic unless Spez publicly acknowledges and apologizes to the dev for the false accusations, and to it's communities.

I figure, if my time on reddit is a just drop in the bucket, people should have no room to be angry with me if I leave reddit permanently. If the user base is so unimportant, reddit shouldn't miss us when we go. If the CEO is going to imply that people will get attacked by us for wearing reddit merch, then I want NOTHING to do with that platform.

People are hilarious if they think that reddit will suddenly stop it's shenanigans at removing 3rd party apps. When they go public, you can probably kiss most of your favourite content goodbye.

It's ironic too, because certain specific communities who are angry at the blackout will probably truly lose free speech when reddit goes public. Everything will likely have to be very suitable to advertisers and whoever has a stake in ownership.

I agree. Reddit has been pushing me away since they did away with the one-time purchase premium account I had, then started implementing loads of ads into everything. Good riddance.

Will remain here, CEO has shown how much of a scum he is.

Gonna stick with Lemmy, but monitor Reddit's activity.

I expect a lot of subreddits will be left indefinitely closed as well, which the admins are probably going to take over forcefully.

Lemmy is pretty nice to use so far.

Yeah, Reddit is currently a useful repository of some kinds of information and that won't instantly migrate. It's sad that even though every comment must be suspect when there can be any ulterior motive, it's still often more informative than browsing the general internet, not least because the results from Google are dominated by manipulative trash sites.

But I'd definitely apply pressure towards Lemmy - I intend to use it first and encourage people to come on over. Reddit brings nothing special to the party, it's just a simple but well conceived framework for people to interact (come to that, in 15 years has it improved in any way apart from 3rd party plugins and and apps?). The people are the thing, the platform just facilitates and protects the interactions (the latter will be the big challenge for Lemmy if it takes off).

I will make lemmy my new home. Will uninstall reddit as I did with twitter.

I'm here and I don't have plans to go back to reddit. Regardless of what happens, spez showed his hand, and I don't want to support that kind of bullshit.

Also: FOSS is awesome, and that's another reason in my view to stick to Lemmy.

I want to stay on Lemmy because it's small, cool, and new. Reddit has shown zero repentance for their mistreatment of the community, and the rampant defeatism and pessimism of its users in response to the blackout is nauseating. People who are angry at having their routine distractions disrupted, and are entirely apathetic to things. Not me. I'll take the extra jump even though it's hard. I'm tired of tech companies doing whatever they want with impunity because they have a monopoly on their corner of social media.

I'll pop in occasionally on reddit, with adblock and without interacting with things just to see if there's any changes. But when it comes to engaging with content, I'll bring my attention elsewhere, Lemmy for the time being.

I'm staying; I may go and check in on my old subreddits periodically, but my new home is here.

I did that a bit ago. Most were still dark.

I'm a mod of a moderately sized subreddit (~15k) with lots of people who use Reddit only to interact with that community. We've been trying to disseminate information about our official Lemmy, Kbin and Raddle alternatives, but adoption has been slow to nonexistent. So I'm probably going to stick around in both, if for no other reason that to moderate said subreddit.

I'm having the opposite feeling. I also mod a sub of that size. The thought has crossed my mind to make that community here, sticky a thread in the sub, turn off automod, sign out, and let nature do the rest.

Edit: community made. Any users from, living in, or in some way attached to Alabama, feel free to find Sweet Home Alabama !alabama

I'll be using both but I hope the strike goes on longer. Reddit mods have no idea how to strike or what a strike entails. Imagine if ghandi broke his hunger strike because he got hungry.

Staying away from Reddit for sure. The people make Reddit, not the corporation. I go where my people are.

I'm not going back. I needed a kick in the pants and I got it. Just want to edit all my posts/comments and get my saved posts/comments from 10+yrs of research.

I'm no longer going to provide my services as a mod to reddit for free, though I may read some of my favorite subs again. I won't be spending hours each week there, like I previously did. Fuck spez for what he did to Apollo (and other third-party apps).

What's Reddit

Ancient scrolls suggest it was kinda like Lemmy until executives decided to grab a shovel and Digg themselves a grave.

I'll be using both, taking content from reddit and posting it here would help lemmy grow

Honestly even if Reddit reverses the API changes I'm still making Lemmy my new home. I'll still use Reddit from time to time, but I won't be posting any content there. Looking forward to becoming a Lemon! ๐Ÿ˜€

I'm stubborn enough not to.

Maybe I'll go to swipe some content to repost and hopefully continue to build the communities up here.

But just like with my migration from Twitter to Mastodon, there ain't no way I'm going back now.

Iโ€™m staying here. I canโ€™t use a site that treats its community like that

I'll stay on Lemmy. Just logged into my Reddit accounts in order to delete them, my use of it will be confined to an eventual "" in a search engine.

I've removed my Reddit account, including all comments, this morning. So I'm here to say!

I'm staying here on lemmy. I was sensing the quality decline for years and was looking for something else before the recent drama anyway.

Lemmy is the first time I've been excited about the internet in a while and most things people complain about here are non issues to me.

Federation and some fracturing? It's a fail safe feature not a bug. And things will slowly become more centralized over time.

Difficult to grasp conceptually and on board? It's creating a positive barrier to entry keeping smart and persistent people as the ones entering in.

UI and UX issues? The second biggest instance rn was created only 10 days ago! Chill out and be patient! As the community grows in confident we will get all the QoL features we want.

Small community? It's growing so rapidly we're having outages and crashes, people are coming in faster than ever. And your posts will actually be seen and can create real connections with people.

It's an opportunity to get in on the ground floor and help determine what this place will be!

People are looking at it wrong who are complaining imo and if not then they're simply not the people I want to interact with anyway. They can go back to corporate ass ad ridden sites like reddit and continue their mindless scrolling there. I'll be staying here

Very well written.

And absolutely , yes to everything.

I am probably going to use both for different reasons until June 30 and then just be here full time. Like you wrote , i have being having so much fun here like I have never had before with internet people. Since reddit was the only place I social networked , i am glad Lemmy is the way it currently is and I am excited to what's to come.

I'm actually kind of excited to start fresh, I have been working to break out of the loops I have been in after noticing every day is just feeling a repeat.

+1, lemmy/kbin/mastodon are communities users can shape and contribute to (literally to the code as well) far more than reddit. That alone with along with the recent influx of users, makes it a far more interesting place than reddit.

Stay here, might be that I land on Reddit when googling stuff but I'll look for news, memes etc. here.

Lemmy all the way, all Reddit accounts I had since the Digg days have been deleted but not before I replaced all posts and comments with gibberish. Scorched Earth

Both kinda, if RIF is gone I'll only use it through old.reddit for research purposes and make Lemmy my main app.

I'll be using both - Reddit because of habit, and mostly to just lurk. I won't upvote/downvote or contribute anything - it can't be debated that it's still a treasure trove of knowledge. But I'll be actively contributing here on Lemmy for sure because I want this to be the next home :)

I think that I'll do the same. In three days on lemmy I've done a lot of comments. While on reddit I was lurking the majority of the time.

I'm likely going to stick with Lemmy regardless of how Reddit steers course. I love that it's "by the people," and I don't mind the smaller community.

Plus, I'm old enough now that I'm getting used to moving on to "the next" online community.

If things keep improving and growing the way they are I'll be staying. Will probably be inevitable that I'll end up on Reddit due to a Google search but I hope that as friction decreases higher quality contributors will continue to find a home here.

i'v been here less than 24 hours and am already making preparations to abandon my reddit account

rif basically was reddit to me. If that app goes I won't use it on my phone anymore. I think I'll still use, but if that goes I'll never use it again.

Same. I don't remember the last time I visited the site on a browser...

i plan on going on reddit to see if any communities are migrating, but I'm liking Lemmy a lot. only exception would be for r/askmechanics

Yeah im hoping some of the smaller hobbyist communities start moving over.

Now that I'm more comfortable with Lemmy, I'm enjoying it more. I'll probably browse reddit from time to time, but I'd like to make this my new home.

I'd also like to see what this place can be when everyone is talking about something besides reddit.

My only complaint thus far is the communities on separate instances I've subscribed to still say "subscription pending," so I can't see them on the mlem app.

Edit: Actually, it appears I can see them. The "subscribe pending" just seems to be some kind of error.

Yeah I've had the same thing, it will say pending but if I leave it alone after a while it will go through, I think it's just under a bit of strain right now with all the users.

just come back to reddit and tell people to move here guys. Other than that, just add reddit to google search to get better result, that's it. I wish lemmy will have better SEO in the future.

I'm going to keep using Lemmy because I want it to succeed but reddit is pretty indispensable (for now) for finding answers to technical problems so I'll probably never fully leave.

That official app is never touching my phone though.

Thanks for the reminder to uninstall! It's been sitting on my phone for years just to avoid the "Open in app" message

I will be using both for now.

I think the reddit controversy is overblown. As a private company they need to at least break even otherwise they won't be able to keep it online forever. That being said it sounds like there API pricing is unreasonable for no reason; though I am glad they have made an exception for accessibility focused apps and some moderation tools.

I am actually brand new to lemmy and the fediverse, it's something I am very glad exists though. It's the kind of open source project I think could be very beneficial to a lot of people. From what little I have seen so far it's very promising with a few rough edges.

P.s. also hoping they can work out a deal with Reddit Sync, otherwise I could be spending a lot more time here ๐Ÿ˜‰

I think I'm going to stick to Lemmy and use Reddit only to promote Lemmy. I've been created a few new communities here and will plug them to Reddit users.

How do you create a community?

On mobile website, just click the hamburger menu from the top right and click "Create Community"!

Personally, while I've decided to stay off Reddit for the foreseeable future, I am gonna hop back on here and there to more or less finalize my stuff there. My "cakeday" is in a week or so, so I figure that's a good final day to say goodbye.

My soft timeline is to stay off for the year and see where things stand then.

I'll mainly stay here and contribute content to Lemmy. But I'll probably go back for a few specialty subs. e.g. r/HFY

I'm going to try to just use lemmy. Reddit removing moderators over this is BS and too much.

But, until everything I used it for is replaced, I will still participate in some communities over there.

I've already let Jerboa take Boost's place on my app bar, but I'm sure I'll keep using Reddit too until Boost ceases to function.

For me Jerboa just isn't there yet in terms of functionality, but I'm hoping it'll get there soon!

Both. Eventually want to change to just Lemmy/kbin tho

@zinklog I'm staying on Fedi

And use Reddit to read communities which aren't here

I think I'm going to stay. I'll try it for a few days or weeks. If I can get used to new interface, especially on mobile (jerboa currently) then I'm going to delete all my comments and posts on Reddit and delete my account. Going to use this as the final motivation to delete my Twitter and Facebook accounts as well. I'm not using them anymore anyway. I hope this is going to be the start of a bigger change around the internet away from these corporation owned sites.

How do you log in with jerboa? I keep getting the "log in first" message.

It took me a bit to figure out. Open the sidebar, you should see something that says "Anonymous" on top, click that and there is an add account button.

I'm done using reddit on mobile without 3rd party apps. Might drop in occasionally on desktop looking for answers to whatever niche hobby thing I can't find here. My usage will certainly be much less than before though.

I already erased all of my post history for all of my accounts on Reddit. I'm not saying that I won't go back to a specific group to read something if I need it or Google search something If the sub still exists in the data still there. But there would have to be something pretty substantial for me to ever actually log in and recontribute to any community there.

Whether I stay on Lemmy or not depends on the content here. I'm not one to spend hours a day doom scrolling, My work is 10 minutes on 5 minutes off kind of thing so it's nice to have something to read and ponder in my down time but honestly I was spending way too much of it on Reddit anyway.

I may still click Reddit links in Google searches if I can't find answers elsewhere.

My plan is to try to use this exclusively and advertise it to my friends who are looking to get away from Reddit as well.

Make sure to see the cached version if you don't want to give them traffic

Did they reverse the API charges. No. Then they can fuck off. If yes, then they can fuck off. Reddit has made it quiet clear were their priorities are at. And it ain't the community

Yeah Iโ€™m going to follow Christian to his next project as well. I could see him making a super polished Lemmy or Kbin app. That I would love to pay for.

I'm going to use both. I will leave redit as soon as the Turkish community grows.

I've completely replaced my Reddit addiction with a Lemmy addiction. Don't feel any pull to go back tbh.

I'm surprised how easy that was for me

Same.. but then again I thought I could go the entire 48 hours Reddit free.

First 80 minutes and I was already looking up Lemmy and how to join.

I deleted over 2000 comments, 300 posts, and 9 years of my Reddit data. Deleted my account afterwards, and there's no looking back. Lemmy is my new social media app.

There's literally not anything left on reddit that I wish to see anymore. It's all controlled and bloated and designed to keep you addicted and angry. I've been increasingly bored and annoyed with the platform for a while, so this made the transition to lemmy even easier. Honestly, a lot of people are better off without it.

Just joined a few minutes ago, i used Mastadon before but didn't it like it, feels stiff (i never was a Twitter user) but this is easier to use since i have been using Reddit for a while, but i don't quite understand where i search for communities, what app do you all use?

I'm happy to move to a tighter community with more engagement and honestly I like that the fediverse has a higher bar to entry. Reddit discussions used to provide answers, but the quality of dialog there has regressed to the mean.

I won't go back unless they reverse the changes. And even the it would just be for the subreddits that don't have equivalents here at the moment

For the foreseeable future, Iโ€™ll use both. Despite everything, reddit still has tons of niche groups that I like to read. Lemmy and Kbin are still young and I want to see them grow, mature, and surpass Reddit, but that is not going to happen overnight.

Will be using both for now until more people jump ship

Switch back to what? I nuked my account's posts and comments, then deactivated it, and I'm here.

So yeah, I'm here to stay, like it so far. I'm just hoping the enthusiasm I feel, and see with the others, won't die out in a few days/weeks.

I've already replaced Rif with Jerboa on my home screen and don't plan on changing it back. But I'm thinking I'll probably have to start using the official Reddit app for the more niche communities/subreddits. Still haven't downloaded it though!

I almost exclusively used RIF to interact with Reddit so I won't be going back.

I'll stay here, learn how to navigate and interact with platform and try to be a bigger creator than I was over there.

Already deleted my account, but still having Infinity installed. Hopefully someone can make it work with the Lemmy API (as the dev gave consent for someone to fork his project to make it work with Lemmy)

Do people even need his consent for that? It's open source anyway, right?

It's not needed as open source licenses allow everyone to fork, but it's always nice to ask first.

Gonna work on reducing my reddit use while I find enough places here to fill all those little brain-itch niches.

Hopefully phase out reddit eventually. But not immediately.

I will stick to Lemmy as my main but I'll use Reddit for some specific and niche stuff, unless a similar community props up . I was always sort of a lurker there but now I'll be even more of a lurker lol. I'll cut down reddit usage to basically 0 though.

I am really enjoying the concept of Lemmy but am still learning about it. I'll probably stick around to see how it grows and evolves. I kind of like not being on Reddit.

By and large I don't feel the need to go back to reddit, as I can get the news and other things either here or in different places. There are a few very specific subs that I'll probably visit from time to time on desktop, but I'll never use that garbage reddit app.

I'll do both for a bit and see what happens.

I'm done posting on reddit, and I'm only interacting with specific subs (maybe via web with an ad blocker). But until the community here gets a little bigger I'll probably still go there to look at content.

That said, I'm trying to make an effort to post a few things daily somewhere in Lemmy. Be the change you want to see and all that jazz.

I'm going to continue coming here. My exit from Reddit is a slow slide... I only use old.reddit plus Apollo and RIF clients. When 3rd party clients are gone I will not use the official app, and I do not intend to continue accessing my feed daily. I don't believe that I'll delete my account - if that data in context can help someone else in the future, that's still a good thing.

There's still a few subreddits that I'll continue to follow, but it'll be in lurker-only mode and no interaction and no adblock whitelist. My 13-year old main account will be nuked.

If Reddit had acted less crap and unprofessional with these API changes and actually treated 3rd party devs with a minimum of respect, even if 3rd party clients ultimately died anyway, I might have continued and just stuck with or something. But they didn't.

I set up an RSS reader for my favourite subreddits so basically I have Reddit on read-only mode. I will save my engagement for Lemmy.

2 more...

I'll stay here for now as I'm learning how lemmy work

I try to use lemmy primarely, trying to satiate my need for news and entertainment when I'm on a break. If it's not enough and my front page is stale, i unwillingly creep into reddit.

I guess it's all about content.

I'm having fun here but will be glad to maybe have useful results for my obscure tech support googling again

I'm abandoning reddit in phases. I'm keeping RIF on my phone until June 30, but will not visit Reddit like I once did. I'm participating in the Fediverse instead, posting and commenting a lot more than I ever did in the old site.

Between here and June 30, I may peek at the front page as the situation develops, especially if any news posted here indicates dramatic developments.

One or two days before June 30, I'll edit all of my comments and posts to say I'm leaving reddit for good, while also providing links to the Fediverse and advice for other redditors to abandon the show and join us here.

I will probably use reddit as information archive but Lemmy as my primary forum and probably migrating my small subreddit

Deleted all my comments and reddit accounts. Out of curiosity I browsed the front page. Literally nothing worth scrolling for. Inflammatory, rage bait, misleading headlines, repost bots, same content spammed to different subreddits. These blackout was just what I needed to break my dependence on it. Don't see no point in going back.

I'll probably give it at least a week, see how things are, and decide from there.

Even then if I do go back probably cut activity to the things that just aren't available elsewhere at the moment.

Use both.

Lemmy is still way too buggy/bad design, more specifically: -New posts loaded dynamically even when I'm not sorted by new. Just give me a static page, servers are overloaded as it is, why do so many requests for a shit UX? If I'm sorting by hot I don't want to see new posts.
-Not desktop friendly (too much whitespace)
-If I click on a post then it often shows some other post but with the comments of the post I clicked on
-very slow posting

I have over 10k karma there, tons of posts going back like 10ish years, and a teeny tiny niche hobby subreddit of my own. I deleted the app when we all went dark, and I've been considering deleting my account and content. Definitely not planning on going back.

I've also had my account for over 10 years and just today deleted every comment/ post equating to about 70k karma.

It feels really good knowing Reddit won't profit off my past content.

I'll be staying on Lemmy as much as possible

I'm sticking with Lemmy but using Reddit for smaller niche hobby subs, like digimon, Gunpla.

Yeah that's been the harder thing to find on Lemmy. For stuff like retrocomputing or open source I imagine the fediverse will still be a strong contender, but I also like reddit for, like, obscure old games with a total remaining community of less than a hundred people, and that's one thing Reddit and Discord are still the champions of.

Iโ€™m staying on Lemmy for certain. Hoping I can find my fellow Mass Effect fans somewhere here.

Mass Effect fan here! I'm just about to head to the IFF on Mass Effect 2! Great ride so far :D

I haven't deleted anything, but honestly I haven't felt any desire to go back either.

I stay here, Reddit have much user and content for now but I think Lemmy grows fast. Anyway, sometimes, โ€œless itโ€™s moreโ€, so..

I plan to stay on Lemmy/Kbin and abandon reddit for the most part

Same here ..... but I felt like a crack addict living a habit .... I kept logging on with my app or my computer checking on Reddit to see what people were saying or doing.

Finally realized that I wasn't helping the cause .... so I deleted my app on my android (sync) and deleted all the Reddit history and data on my PC.

I had about a six hour hang over wondering what to do .... then I realized I had signed on with Lemmy and Mastodon and learned how to use those instead.

It felt like how I felt when I first joined Reddit

It's like a while new world and I love it

Never going back to the other guy

Going to stay with Lemmy for now. I had already been looking for an alternative to reddit even before this whole fiasco and Lemmy has what I'm looking for so far.

Fuck u/spez , would much rather have mods that put in effort because they want the community to succeed and not because there's an opportunity to profit

lemmy has been fantastic but I know 50% of lemmings are gonna go back to Reddit anyway

I think the deciding factor will be where content creators (people that post to some degree) go. Lurkers will follow them.

I will be using both until rif shuts down, but only to support / upvote posts and comments about the death of Reddit.

My many year old Reddit account is gone, and I spun up a new Reddit account that is essentially a throwaway referencing the death of Reddit.

I want to make sure this isn't just a two-day and done issue. I feel this is the death of Reddit, the same as it was the death of Digg.

I deleted Reddit to help myself stay off for the blackout. I think as long as I have fun and establish a community here, Iโ€™ll stay. I donโ€™t plan on doing both, but ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

I'm not going anywhere. I remember when Reddit was the hard-to-figure out niche site. I like the idea behind the fediverse so I'll learn how to use this.

I never signed up to reddit, but I did join Lemmy because it feels like it fits.

I've been banned from Reddit so many times for so many petty infractions... nah. Lemmy is working out just fine. Reddit can rot.

Same except on lemmy I'm reformed and optimistic. I don't feel the need to go against the gain like I did on reddit.

I need to check back on reddit to see if my GDPR request has completed. It hasn't yet and they don't retain it for long. I might keep going on the few subs I go on, I suppose. I suffered though mobile web reddit all these years anyway. But if the mods strike again, I of course won't cross the picket line.

If I go back to reddit it will be to redirect people to Lemmy

This is overlooked, I think casually linking in Reddit to Lemmy posts / comments will make people more aware and curious of what they're missing out on.

Will I switch back? Short answer is: no.

Long answer is: noooooooooooooooooo.

I'm thinking I'll stop in, in like a week or so, but before sync shuts down and see about what I want to salvage.

Probably will also backup my reddit account and delete from the web version at some point in july once most of the 3rd party apps are shut down maybe sooner.

Might continue to use reddit as an accountless lurker on the web version occasionally, but I am taking this as a change to lower my overall social-media-on-my-phone-aimlessly time.

I'm sure at some point I'll get on old.reddit again, for as long as it's still around. After all, I spent a dozen years or more on reddit; it's hard to just walk away from that cold turkey. But, I kinda like what's going on with Lemmy. I've really liked what I've seen with, there's a cool vibe here, and I'm already feeling at home. I think I'm gonna stick around. :-)

i wanna be here 100%, but if i have specific questions already answered on reddit (most of the time), i tend to go there, will be hard x.x

Most likely I will "specialize" reddit for sports stuff only.

I use one of the dying 3rd party apps. Once it dies on the 30th I'm out. I may log in on occasion on old.reddit in the future on my PC but on mobile I'll be done. Or possibly when I'm searching for something on my browser and reddit results come up. But adblockers there mean no money for reddit and definitely no engagement as I'll just be looking for an answer and leaving.

If I'm being honest I'll be using both at least until Sync officially shuts down. After that reddit will be 100% old.reddit on the laptop, and when the quality takes a dive from mods quitting/mod tools getting nuked then lemmy all the way

The official app is terrible and not worth suffering for a dopamine hit. I know spending all that time scrolling on the phone isnt good for my mental health so I suppose this makes for a good opportunity to readjust.

I'm fragmenting time between reddit, kbin, lemmy, and squabbles.

I only have a couple more weeks that I'll get to use reddit. The official app is trash, and I'm a 100% mobile user - so when my app dies I'm done there...

I'm waiting for one of these platforms to make a good app and I'll settle there, but until then I'll fragment my time.

Stay on Lemmy. Obviosuly there's probably going to be some reasons to go back to reddit every once in a while but i think that will be less and less overtime. fuck reddit.

Hopefully some automotive and home repair communities start filling with info so we'll be directed here over time!

both. this platform seems interesting but im not ready to quit reddit just yet, especially since theres really little content here

I'm not married to Lemmy just yet, but I really can't see myself going back to Reddit. I think the only actual utility I get out of Reddit these days is keeping up on Gaming news - I used to get a ton of value out of a subreddit for my profession, but the head admin there seems to be a bit of a heel & most of the quality contributors already moved elsewhere before the blackout.

I think its been easy to ignore the fact that Reddit is just like every other silicon valley social media company. Enshittification was always on the roadmap - I just had hoped that Reddit would've been a bit more graceful about it. In retrospect, it's terrifying that we have this much human knowledge & history tied to one platform.

I'm gonna stay here unless I hear there are changes. I only use Joey for Reddit, and if they take it away I'll only go via web searches, where some niche info is buried in a 10 yr old reddit post.

I blocked all reddit domain names, delete reddit and will never come back... Right now I feel the carving like any other drug abuse. Thankfully I wasn't that much of a reddict and were scrolling through healthy subreddits. Keep save, don't fall for the poisonous digital social drug !

I still feel a bit like going through withdrawal, especially in the moments where I would just get out the phone and would mindlessly browse through reddit. I still get out the phone and stare at it a bit until I realize what I was trying to do. Didn't realize how bad it has become until in then last few days.

I feel u ! It's really hard to get rid of bad habits... Took me some time to get rid of Facebook but in the end I somehow gaine a precious resource: TIME ! I still have another bad habit I'm trying to reduce... Twitch ! Imagine u have youtube, facebook, twitter, reddit, twitch... Combined altogether you probably lose over 3h a day on social media, for nothing !

Take care !

I'm going to stay. Whether it's Lemmy or something else, the fediverse is how I want to engage with the internet.

@zinklog I'm on reddit and my app will work even after the pricing kicks in (RedReader). But I am happy many communities moved here - they make my fediverse experience more interesting.

I try not to keep myself captive from one server so I follow communities from a variety of Lemmy servers, as well as on other platforms like Kbin, guppe,, Friendica, Lotide etc.

I'm here now. Reddit is just bots and repeat content. Most of it will find its way over here at some point. The stuff that stays? Eh, probably not worth it anyway.

Undecided on Lemmy, but good so far. I deleted my Reddit account and have no plans on returning unless they get rid of the CEO and even then not sure I would.

honestly, if Sync and old are both dying, I'm just gonna go without. I have built up so many tools and extensions to avoid ads being shoved in my face constantly on the internet, it's not worth it. probably should get back to reading more books instead of fucking scrolling constantly.

Being mostly a lurker it's going to depend mostly by the content.

But that's what I'm starting to like about Lemmy. Being in my 40s i've had my share of newsgroups, bulletin boards, forums,... And at the end Reddit.

A big plus is/was that nearly anything you can think of is on Reddit. But that's also the downside of it. You just don't know where to start sometimes.

That's great about Lemmy. You have instances where you can start and that can have a focus on specific topics. A tech instance, a science instance, a country instance,... You can just open the community lust there and see straight away what they have to offer.

It's like it's a mix of the old newsgroups with forums with Reddit.... I love it.

I'll probably still append Google search with reddit until I can do so with Lemmy, Squabbles, or Tildes.

I've also been checking reddit to wait for the next round of Tildes invites and using it for one very specific education related subreddit that I don't think would ever migrate somewhere else because it's too niche, but other than that I'll be avoiding the rest of Reddit.

I think Iโ€™ll use both. Though my time on Reddit dwindles.

personally I'll probably use reddit as well as lemmy for a few weeks, but less and less. I use a 3rd party client (slide for reddit) and dont intend to go back to the official app, when Ive last used it I found it unusable and this whole incident has really soured my opinion of it. I may occasionally visit it on desktop after that is gone, I actually dont mind new reddit on desktop unlike most, but since I dont usually use social sites on my desktop anyway and again, have been liking reddit less after this, I dont foresee myself using it that way much and probably will leave entirely after awhile. Lemmy doesnt really have all the small communities reddit does, but that does seem to be changing pretty rapidly. Im sure a whole lot of recent lemmy users will go back after awhile, but given the apps havent even shut down yet, my hope is that enough people come and stay for there to be enough to be happy with, even if its nowhere near the user count of reddit

Iโ€™m a mod in a small handheld emulator community. Iโ€™m not in a particular hurry to return the sub to public, but weโ€™ll see what they other guys do. As for me, Iโ€™ll definitely keep using Lemmy, although I might use Reddit as well depending on how things develop.

I'm gonna use both until I find more meme groups here tbh

I'll return to reddit for as long as my rif app works, and spend that time proselytizing for lemmy

I'm giving lemmy a good try. Interface seems nice, I like the federated nature of it, we can only hope that we get more users, so I'll stick it out and see if the users come (and they should)

I will use both. I still need to follow some subreddit to get news on money-grabbing-mobile-games I'm addicted to.. lol
I will try to use lemmy more as much as I can though...

I'll mostly stick with Lemmy, since I don't plan to download the official Reddit app once that becomes the only option.

Definitely stay. Haven't left reddit, but I want to see all the same communities here that I had there whether or not they return. Also betting on the software and algorithms here improving, having posts update more often, but not have the page auto-refresh which seems to be a bug.

Also just had a bug where it was the wrong post I found myself in while typing the comment. Although the other comments below were for the correct one, so I'm guessing that's an issue with what's being loaded within the page rather than the page itself being wrong.

I have an obligation for one week on a sub early July but then Iโ€™m fully out. Iโ€™ve already deleted posts.

I don't get why people delete posts. You're just making the archives incomplete:(

I was told it will fuck up their AI farming bots.

That's why I overwrote all of mine today. I don't want spez to make any money selling my data for AI training.

Ooouuu that's a great idea for when I have time to delete my account.

It was really easy with Power Delete Suite, took about 30 seconds to configure and then everything is automated after that.

Thatโ€™s kind of the point. Reddit still benefits from that content.

Well, kind of. It would mostly by people coming from google

already deleted my account, there is no going back.

I'll stick around. I went to reddit today and it's a fucking saltmine over there. People here are much more chill.

I have some helpful information posts saved for future use, which I'll try to archive if the subs they were on are up, but given some are now talking about extending the blackout and other users are deleting their posts, if the stuff isn't there I'm just going to stop using Reddit altogether. No sense prolonging the inevitable.

Switch back to reddit but the minute Lemmy or kbin or whatever gets up to reddit speed, will switch for good.

I'm sticking with Lemmy but using Reddit for smaller niche hobby subs, like digimon, Gunpla.