Mike Lindell Selling Off MyPillow Equipment: They ‘Did Cancel Culture On Us’

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 573 points –
Mike Lindell Selling Off MyPillow Equipment: They ‘Did Cancel Culture On Us’

"Cancel culture" lmao. Dude used his position as a pillow salesman to spread conspiracy theories and now has to bear the consequences.

"Let he who has not spread lies that instigated an attempted fascist coup throw the first pillow." -Jesus

I love how not ordering product from him is an "attack"

I learned a fun new word for it. It’s also called “capitalism”.

It's "free market", which is different from capitalism. Capitalism needs a free market to function fairly (and it's just a prerequisite, not a guarantee), but a free market doesn't need capitalism.

Really funny how they always talk about cancle culture but they are always the ones calling for boycotting.

If they didn't have projection, hypocrisy, and a perpetual victim complex would they really be MAGA Republicans anymore?

It's unreal how the "Party of Personal Responsibility" is chock full of people who NEVER accept the consequences of their actions...

Jesus, do they call it that? How embarrassing for them. At least own your platform. Call it the party of shouting and hatred or something like that.

*cankle culture

That's not entirely true. I boycott places I don't agree with all of the time. Be it religious views that affect policy, political views, or a range of others things, there's almost always an alternative that I'd rather give my money to.

Is it a boycott if it's just me participating?

No, it isn't just you. "Cancel Culture" is another of those pejoritive terms the right is so fond of. Making decisions about where to spend your money based on the behavior of the companies is a one of the few ways we have to influence corporations (and politicians).

The extreme right seems to have given up o boycotts and moved on to direct physical attacks as their preferred methods of influence.

Gaslight, Obstruct, Project. That's the GOP for ya.

Lindell was ordered to pay $5 million to a man who won a “Prove Mike Wrong” contest at his 2021 “cyber-symposium” where he challenged experts to examine his data, which he claimed proved Donald Trump really won the 2020 election.

It didn’t, and one expert who looked at the data demanded the prize.

Lindell refused to pay, so the case went to court, where he lost.


What's even better is that the guy in question - Robert Zeidman - is, in fact a Trump supporter. But as a data analytics engineer, he wasn't able to fool himself with bullshit data.

Yeah I seem to remember an NPR interview he did where they gave him "the packets" they captured of a malicious actor communicating with voting equipment and the files were Word documents that somebody typed a bunch of gibberish into and renamed the file extension.

This doesn't surprise me at all. I'm an aerospace engineer and I know MAGA aerospace engineers and if Trump were to say something along the lines of "we're gonna cut the cost of designing an aircraft by loosening the safety requirements", they would be able to articulate exactly why we shouldn't do that. Their inability to translate that into things like deadly virus precautions is another matter but when they know he's wrong, they know.

It's just that so so so few of them could even pass a GED...

I learned there's an actual phenomenon called, Gell-Mann Amnesia, that speaks to this phenomenon.

Funny to hear the guy who helped discover the quark was one of those people who thinks an advanced degree meant they knew everything.

Man, I wish I could say the same about medical device professionals. I left this job but I was a sr engineer under a manager who has been working in med devices for 30+ years.

Back when the whole hydroxychloroquine thing was being spouted by Trump, manager who has TONS of experience about why the FDA does testing and safety testing in medicine, would regularly tell us that we should demand our doctors give us hydroxychloroquine and we should take it along with multiple vitamin D pills a day, etc. he would tell us how he’d NEVER been sick despite us all knowing he was the type who came in constantly with a cough/sneeze fit.

He also had a bunch of idiotic takes on the 2016 election (I escaped before getting to hear his 2020 versions).

He was a shitty manager but the FDA thing was the one area where I was like “damn you’re even idiotic in our area of expertise”. He wasn’t the only one there who was a MAGA dope either unfortunately

Wow, that would be like those aero maga people saying they knew how to engineer the products we make so they must also know how to pilot an airplane lol.

That sounds like you're saying the MAGA aerospace engineers couldn't get a GED...

That is not what those words in that order mean. Most MAGA people are too dumb to pass a GED, but that doesn't mean 100% of them are. I'm 100% sure the MAGA aero guys would fail the history section of the GED, but in all honesty they are good aerospace engineers as far as I can tell. I just wouldn't have them over for dinner if you know what I mean.

I would think that mainly, he wanted 5 million dollars.

Ah yes, “cancel culture” from the “go woke go broke” crowd.

"They did cancel culture on us." LOL Just pictured him with his hands in his pockets and kicking dirt while saying it.

I got a good laugh out of that one! Easily one of the boomerest things I've heard

Seriously that's worse than anything my mom has said and she's the queen of the whole "try to use the next generation's phrases but do it wrong" thing.

Bro, you used your pillow sales to try and incite insurrection on the thinnest of bullshit data. The fact that the vast majority of folks with sense thought maybe you shouldn't have pillow sales to fund terrible ideas anymore is kinda on you.

As someone who has received one of his pillows as a gift, it does not surprise me in the least that the company is going under. Aside from his crazier than a shithouse rat politics, the lumpy sacks of industrial waste he passes off as pillows are the most uncomfortable thing I've ever laid my head on.

My crazy mother got me some, and yeah they suck. But I have used a good version of chopped memory foam pillows at a rental once, so it is possible. I wish I'd noted the brand

Y’know, my wife got one back when they first came out (and before all the election denying) and she loved it. It was firm enough not to go flat, but soft enough to be comfortable. She had it for a while, and even took it with us on vacation, but we accidentally left it behind at a hotel and didn’t notice until we got home. I ordered her another one, and it was junk. She hated it. It wouldn’t hold its shape, was lumpy, and was horribly uncomfortable. We sent it back and ordered another with the same results. We wound up throwing it away, and she sleeps on a Purple Pillow now.

I read something later that said that after his pillows got popular, he started cutting costs by using substandard memory foam pieces, and the quality tanked. In my experience, that seems exactly right. So I will say that his pillows were really good when he started out, but they’re junk now.

I worked at bed bath & beyond for a coupla years as a cashier. Had a helluva lot more of those things returned to us than we ever sold. 😂

Awful news to receive right when Seth Meyers is on a strike.

1st thing that came to mind! Bummed we don't get to hear Seth's impersonation.

Really has been rough to have so much bad shit happen for the former president and not hear Seth or Colbert be able to enjoy it. Honestly 45 is so lucky the writers strike happened when it did. Hopefully it resolves before primary season heats up

Even Kimmel is pretty relentless on Trump. To the point that Trump got pissed at him calling him names. (Oh, the irony.)

I miss Colbert, but I approve of them getting their fair share. Screw those greedy-ass corps and their record profits.

Glad to find some other fans that are missing him. I think our best bet for know is enjoying the documentary know episodes he wrote and watching old reruns of....DA BEARS on youtube

It's not cancel culture if everyone is just tired of your bullshit.

They can't handle it. Remember they wanted to go after companies who decided to stop donating or advertising with right wing shitstains?

I guess you could call that cancel culture. It's just not what they mean by that.

“I do every customer like my only customer and every employee like my only employee,” he told the station.

JFC he can’t even speak English.

If those computers that he's selling have hard drives in them, I'd be shocked if you couldn't recover something wild

Hilarious. And the lawsuit hasn't even happened yet, has it?

Well, one has. He had his cybersecurity symposium, where he showed the “evidence” that the election was stolen, and offered a $5 million prize to anyone who could prove him wrong. A cybersecurity expert took one look and showed him that his “evidence” didn’t say anything close to what he claimed and wanted his 5 mil. MyPillowFool refused to pay, security guy took him to court and won. Fool had to pay.

He still has the Big Daddy 1.3 billion (With a B) Dominion lawsuit pending though.

The fun part is that the cyber security expert is actually a Trump voter and was excited to vindicate the election meddling story.

Holy shit is that true? There needs to be an English word for "schadenfreude".

The Dominion one was the one I meant. I forgot about the other one.

Yeah me too, but it was in the comments of the article and reminded me that he’s already out that $5 million. But that’s going to look like couch cushion money if he loses the Dominion case.

I guess I will drink a Bud Light to celebrate.

Yeah, cancel culture was basically invented by the Christian right. Yet they have the audacity to complain about it!?

Their double standard is sickening.

More like poor brand management. One of Mike's fans(seriously they wanted to tell me all about him) told me he was a reformed crack addict.

Pretty sure the story I heard is that one time while doing a lot of blow, he apparently scrawled "My Pillow!" on every surface in his kitchen (or bedroom? I forget). When he woke in the morning, he took it as a sign to start a pillow company and "find Jesus".

But I can't find a source for that story at this point, aside from saying he was a cocaine addict - that is pretty well documented.

Who would have thought supporting a failed attempt at a dictatorship would be so unpopular?

Okay, I gotta ask this...

Does anyone else wonder why this guy sounds so incredibly constipated when he talks? It sounds like he's pushing soooo incredibly hard while trying to get the words out!

When every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie, eventually you have to push harder and harder to get all the bullshit out.

If it were cancel culture he would have gone out of business during COVID.

People who cry the loudest about cancel culture hate it because it works. Sorry. Maybe don't act like a clown and people won't shun you.

Maybe his billionaire buddy will bail him out.

Lol, shitty business man does shitty at business, blames it on his not-customers. Sell me a product bitch. I ain't fuckin sold on an overpriced pillow. Let alone his overpriced pillow. How many competitors this mother fucker have? It's a goddamn saturated ass market of fucking pricy pillows. Where's his marketing? Where's his diversification? How often are people buying pillows?
This asshole made a fucking niche ass product for a niche ass market and then went on a fucking midlife crisis rant bender about some conspiracy bullshit.
Maybe that was his hair brained idea of marketing. He wanted to sell his pillow to crazy tinfoil hat fuckers. Mother fucker made his niche market even nicher. Maybe he mistook niche for Nietzsche.

I feel pretty bad for his employees. I can't imagine the stress of being financially dependent on this guy making good business decisions.

Much like the Death Star contractors discussion in Clerks, I can't feel sorry for anyone who stuck around after it became clear who they were working for.

Yeah, maybe. I also see it somewhat like "Your state is stripping away your rights? Just move.", in that it's not always an option for some people. Though it would be nice to imagine everyone working there was likeminded with Lindell, instead of just a wage-slave without many options.

Fast food restaurants are begging for applicants all around the country, and a lot of them are starting between $15-20/hour. Don't give me that shit lol. Finding a new job is a hell of a lot easier than packing up and moving across the country.

Find me a place where you can live on that wage.

Do you think Mr. Pillow Pants is paying better than that?

Could be. Or maybe your numbers aren't reasonable for the area. (more likely) But even setting aside that, there are plenty of reasons "hurr durr get a new jerb" may not be realistic advice: maybe the hours for a fast food job don't work because they're already working two jobs, or they have kids, or whatever. I didn't say no one can get a new job, I engaged my empathy (try it) and pointed out that it's not a universally available option.

I have empathy. I've had shitty bosses. Do you think I'm saying to go quit on the spot and then start job hunting? Because that would be really dumb. You apply for new jobs on the clock at your shitty job.

You may not understand this right now, but you are speaking from a place of privilege.

You don't know a damn thing about me. I've been borderline homeless in the past. At least I'm presenting a potential solution, rather than wringing my hands and saying "welp, can't do anything about working for this monster. Guess I'll just stay here forever."

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ditched by his pals after money dried up. in con game the mark is a fool with money. hope he enjoyed his ride

The retailers found him to be too out there. I can understand.

Someone make that “know the rules of the workplace” meme with boycott and cancel culture. Guaranteed at least 5 whole upvotes

facing the consequences of your actions is not a state of victimhood.

Ok, crackhead 🙄

How about you lay off the pipe for a minute

It couldn’t have happened to a better man.

This guy is such a joke. Apparently there is My Coffee now as well, and I know this because they have a contract with the company I work for to ship their products. So much of their stuff goes missing and is never claimed. Have not tried the coffee but I imagine it's foul.

Civet coffee without the coffee beans. 🤢

Civet coffee

Is this a Brockmire reference in the wild or is civet coffee a real thing?

It is actually a real thing. It's definitely not common though.

Unfortunately, it’s real. Perhaps one of the most disturbing and stupid food products to exist.

It was probably antifa. He is so mean to the republicans. What did the republicans ever do to antifa that made him so mad?

In case it’s not obvious… /s

I see some sewing machines are up for auction… I would love it if the Biden campaign bought them up to make Biden shirts to sell. Maybe something like “I defeated an election conspiracy and all it got me was Joe Biden as President… and this shirt.”

Sure they did buddy - sure they did. Not to go off on a tangent, have you considered taking it easy on your "medication?" You look like you could use some sleep.