The second matchup of the tournament to Lemmy – 552 points –

I'd pick wolf. They generally leave you alone and don't want anything to do with you. I don't know shit about gorillas

Gorillas will tear off your face and testicles AFAIK. Just imagine the depraved shit a human would do to you assuming they could get away with it without repercussion.

They wouldn't hesitate to fuck you up.

Gorillas are WAY more chill than chimpanzees. Just dint make eye contact and be respectful to the gorilla and it will leave you alone. They know that they are capable of fucking you up, and they know you know.

Also, wolves are crap at climbing trees.

I choose the wolf. I already have 2 inside me, they'll just see me as another member of the pack.

Does this forest get smaller over the course of the night like a hunger games arena?

Animal royale

We should do the opposite of Noah's arc where we put 2 of every animal, including humans, in the Houston Astrodome and have them fight to the death until one emerges.

Do we all get prep time. And can animals who are capable of making them get tools, or do we have to make tools ourselves

He didnt say forest. He said Forrest, as in Gump. Maybe Forrest gets smaller as he gets old.

so is this like a storm in a battle royale where once it collapse i win? Except instead of winning, i'm no longer lost?

Gorilla? I feel like being super submissive and not making eye contact would probably keep it from tearing off my arms to use as drumsticks? I'm not a gorilla expert though, so anyone who knows more can feel free to tell me. Although I guess with a wolf, you could just climb a tree and be ok, depending on how long you have to stay. Either, I guess. I'm pretty convinced that I'll die trying to pet a wild animal when the moron part of my brain tells me it's friend-shaped, anyway, so whatever.

You're not completely wrong, but if safety is your concern then you should really be operating under the assumption that the animal will attack you. In that case you've chosen a 200 kg gorilla who can climb over a 40 kg wolf who can't. Bears are actually the heavier of the three depending on race and gender, and some of them can climb while others cannot.

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4 more...

Wolf attacks on humans are rare but common enough to have their own Wikipedia page, but there's no record of wild gorillas killing anyone.

Which means they're either super chill, or really fucking sneaky about it.

IIRC gorillas are indeed pretty chill if you respect their territorial instincts, as opposed to, say, a chimp that might try to kill you more or less on a whim

for some reason i find it funny how the animals more related to humans are the more ruthlessly violent ones. apparently bonobos are much more violent than chimps, and orangutans are less violent than gorillas

it makes me wonder how aggressive early australopithecus was compared. apparently they did a lot of cannibalism so probably at least slightly more than non-australopithecus humans. they probably weren't even close to as aggressive as chimpanzees considering how significantly weaker they were though

Or they happen in Africa so we don't usually hear about them.

Wolf. Wolves are naturally shy of humans, and while gorillas are also, gorillas are also much bigger and stronger. If one decides it's mad at you it will pull your limbs off. Or worse. A wolf will try to rip you apart and tear your throat out if it's mad at you, but since it's in a different weight class you might actually stand a chance if you curl up in the fetal position or whack it in the face with a rock.

I'm going Wolf personally. I might have a chance with a wolf, gorillas are stupid strong. No thanks.

A single wolf is just a big dog. A gorilla can pick you up and tear you in half.

Really missed the opportunity to have the top bracket be "Lions" and "Tigers"

Wolf def the safest option. Most likely to leave you alone.

Why would you want it to leave you alone?

So it doesn't feel threatened and try attacking me. I thought that was fairly obvious.

It's a tournament for who you want to have in the forest alone. I just wait for woman coming in and sweeping the floor

Wolf for sure, you can bribe a wolf a lot easier than a gorilla, you move in a way that gorilla doesn't like and you dead.

A gorilla with a wolf tied to it's back, riding a bear.

Isn't that that survivalist dude that drinks piss? Bear Grilf?

It could be, he's a master of any environment, and I couldn't ask for a better companion to be alone with in the forest.

Apparently I'm trapped in Australia, which is the only plausible explanation for that type of abomination

Well Todd, it looks like Wolf might be the clear winner in today's matchup but what I think spectators are really want to know is how the next round will fare.



The other side of the bracket is all the cuddly ones.

I considered making the other side of the bracket, but figrured the posts would get annoying fast.

Also wolves and bears are cuddly??

Even though it's the most prolific killer of the animal kingdom, the winner of the competition turned out to be the mosquito.

My wife would probably pick the man over the mosquito. She hates those things because they always seem to seek her out.

Definitely wolf. If I get trapped with a gorilla and some shots it to save me, humanity get will get so much negative karma on top of what we are still paying from 2016 and I won't be able to live with the guilt.

Wolf. Not only do I think my chances are better, I'd also feel less bad about trying to fuck up a wolf if I had to

Considering there's basically no chance of fucking up the gorilla, I don't think you'd have to worry about the ethics of the situation.

I'll admit "trying" was doing a lot of heavy-lifting in that sentence ;)

I picked man over bear because man probably won't eat you. But if gorilla is a choice, that wins. Gorilla is friend as long as you keep your head low and he knows he's the boss. Also don't suprise him.

because man probably won't eat you.

that's why I dumped my last boyfriend

he ate you? Damn, that's rough.

it's only rough when I don't shave my hairy taco.

To be clear, I'm not trying to get into a man v bear debate here. But, like, a man could still kill you, right? Is that better than being eaten? I mean, I guess it's probably less likely. I'm no expert on bears or random forest men.

Im betting on the fact that humans have baked in altruism. We want to help each other. As a kid I got stuck in the forrest with my dirt bike and a gnarly looking guy helped me get home with his truck. It was a scary experience and it was a risk. I think most people are basically good. Men just have the strength to act on it when they are bad people.

you've never been a woman, have you?

No I haven't. But I have been sexually assaulted. I know from first hand experience how awful men can be. And I'd still pick a strange man over a bear to be stuck in the woods with. You can't reason with a bear. You cant plead for your life. It will pin you to the ground and eat you alive ass-first. I'd rather be raped and shot or strangled if it came to that. But you do you.

you've come sooooo close to understanding their point, and then just walked away going "nope, wimmin are wrong."

Hey I'm just comparing outcomes. Is a person 'wrong' for comitting suicide? No. That's their call. If the prospect of choosing 'man' is so terrifying that they must bear, that is sad but it makes sense.

I'm a big ugly dude. I can tell I give most women the creeps. When I'm walking around my neightborhood, I cross to the opposite side of the street whenever I pass women. I literally go out of my way to communicate to women I'm not interested in hurting them.

Despite efforts like that, I've been wrongfully accused of sexual assault while working in a workers comp office. Getting grilled by an angry female detective was terrifying and humiliating. I could have gone on the list just because some idiot was mad about their case outcome.

I'm not saying "I'm just as scared of you as you are of me" But I'm fucking terrified of women. It sucks having to take this form. Does it suck as much as being a vulnerable women? Not my place to say.

Maybe I still don't get it. I dont know. But it seems like this man/bear exercise is inflammitory hyperbole designed to raise to awareness about how women feel about men - something I feel I've been made aware of by my own experiences.

If you still think I dont get it, feel free to spell it out for me. I'm just a big dumb guy after all.

you're comparing outcomes without understanding that different outcomes impact different people in different ways.

But, like, a man could still kill you, right? Is that better than being eaten?

I mean generally being eaten entails entrails leaking out, whereas getting killed could entail any number of things. Neck snap, choked out, slit throat, whatever. I dunno if your average idiot man is gonna be as proficient of a killer as a bear, even if they happen to be a murderer or like, just evil, right, so, I dunno. Kind of a toss up. Me personally, I would rather not have my guts spilled out, ribcage crushed, spine snapped, bones gnawed on while I'm still conscious, slowly lose blood and lose consciousness over the course of 30 minutes to an hour. I mean I guess theoretically a man could do those things too, but I dunno many men that could. Maybe like, the mike tyson of 40 years ago?

I guess the argument I'm making hinges on the idea that humans are generally bad at killing in a physiological sense, and their need to kind of, up themselves in the game means that they tend to get filtered into a bunch of more painless and efficient approaches relative to the kind of uncaring cruelty of nature more generally. But then I dunno, humans also have a capacity for needless cruelty and torture, so I'd also be betting my chances that I don't get shafted and stuck with like, a super jacked serial killer that can torture me with their bare hands, which there's probably only like 2 or 3 of in the world. Maybe more if you include government contracted ones.

The bear also isn't going to rape you and I would say the chances of the bear eating you and the man eating you are the same.

You forgot to change accounts before posting again 🐻

Just make sure you have marshmallows

The Tarzan kid part of me wants to say gorilla but the dog person in me would definitely choose the wolf. That's a tough one.

This takes me back to "gorilla, man, gun," which was basically the baptist youth camp version of rock, paper, scissors. (It probably exists outside of that context, that's just where I always played it shrug)

How does that work? Gorilla kills man? Gun kills Gorilla? but what's the man/gun outcome? Because gun also kills man

He already mentioned it was a religious thing, so chances are slim that the game is grounded in anything approaching logic.

Yeah, but there needs to be an answer, whether grounded in logic or not. Is it man uses gun? Is it gun kills man, and they don't understand the game?

Gorilla kills man, because obvious Man wins against gun because it's an inanimate object Gun shoots gorilla because it doesn't understand what it is and accidentally shoots itself.

It’s gorilla beats man, man beats gun, gun beats gorilla, it didn’t even make sense to me when I was 8

oh please rock paper scissors is also not very logical. so what if paper wraps a rock what does that accomplish?

If you're the kid that lived behind me in my childhood, you wrap the rocks in paper, light them on fire, then try to them at the BBQ pit in my backyard. If anything, the rock and paper combine into a more powerful weapon.

Trick question, Wolf is a male surname.

Wolf not wolves? Sure I can use a new pet I guess.

Wolf 100%. It's without its pack and I'd have some chance to fight it off. A gorilla would tear me in half.

You'd probably have some chance of becoming part of its pack if you were careful.

Or it'd just rip your throat out...

rabid coyote vs hungry tiger

With a tiger you’re just defacto dead on first contact.

Both would be skittish if you stand your ground but judging by size, one would probably be easier to convince to leave you alone.

But the question wasn't if we'd rather be trapped with a bear or man, but rather if who we would like to meet in a forest randomly.

Wolf is the best option.

wolf, considering they don't fucking exist anymore (in the US at least, also im sure they still do, just not in significant number)

Also i don't like gorillas, they can eat shit.

They exist

to my understanding they do exist, just in significantly less numbers than they used to, leading to the problem with deer populations that we have now, though i could very well be mistaken about that.

wolf, considering they don’t fucking exist anymore (in the US at least

As apposed to the famous North American Gorilla?

Can men participate as judges in the tourney, this time?

Wolf. It's a singular wolf, so it honestly cannot beat me if it tried. Even if we assume the other two are more docile, all they need to do is try and I would be dead.

You think you can take on a wolf? They aren't chihuahuas you know.

I know I can't take on a gorilla. I might be able to take on a wolf lol.

See, I find that level of confidence more realistic, like maybe I could take on a wolf, rather than it being an obvious fact.

Your chances of beating a wolf are low enough that you'd probably be better off with the quick death the other two would provide.

I've dealt with wolves at the wildlife sanctuary before. They're big stupid smelly dogs. If you can flex your arm real good they won't be able to tear into you, and if you can put your weight on them you've already won.

Definitely don't recommend it for people with brittle bones, or discord mods, but I'm jacked af bro.

Cops use dogs to take down suspects all the time, and those are domesticated animals that know when they will be getting their next meal. Wolves are bigger than 90% of all dogs, and are wild animals that know what it means to be hungry. You aren't able to beat a wolf in a fight.

Counterpoint, 90% of dogs are companion pets and police dogs are selectively bred and trained for taking down suspects. Plus, how many of those people die? Predators don't risk injury while hunting unless completely starved, wolves are pack hunters that surround their prey.

Wolf. It’s a singular wolf, so it honestly cannot beat me if it tried. Even if we assume the other two are more docile, all they need to do is try and I would be dead.

lol at this

All these answers about potentially killing the other party just makes the bear answer so logically stupid in every situation. No human could fight a bear but if a woman needed to kill a man it would be a much more believable scenario.