MAGA candidate releases video calling LGBTQ+ people "fa***ts" - LGBTQ Nation to politics – 456 points –
MAGA candidate releases video calling LGBTQ+ people "fa***ts" - LGBTQ Nation

Its 2024. Only fucking assholes think this language is acceptable.

I don't think I've heard that word out loud in over ten years and the last person I heard say it was a gay man. I've run into some pretty shitty people in that time frame, yet none of them managed to use it. That's really bizarre.

I got called it the other day when I put my hair up in a bun. And earlier that day I had coworkers say “he’s a man!” When I came in with my hair up and they didn’t realize yet that I didn’t cut it. Welcome to SW Virginia

Damn, I'm sorry. The fact that people like this are still around is baffling. I moved to Indiana about two years ago, and I've found many folks out here to be pretty backward, but not that good damn backward.

It’s fine. I’m looking to move out of here anyways.

Do it! I left SW Virginia for the Pacific Northwest and it was one of the best things I've ever done for myself. Doubled my salary, with a modest CoL bump.

Had to come back to help take care of a terminally ill parent, and can't wait to leave again when they are gone.

Best of luck to you in that endeavor. It sounds like the people are quite unpleasant in the area.

Damn dude I’m just a straight derp metalhead with hair to my ass now (it wasn’t short short pre plague but since I couldn’t get a haircut I decided it’s time for metal hair). Worst I get asked here in mn is how long it took to grow out and the crap I put in it to make it look great and other details like pillows etc… latter normally women asking for info dumps. I do get confused as a woman rarely when people are on autopilot but that’s just amusing at this point and I just give the person a bit of a ribbing for assuming. It’s understandable but makes you realize just how much we bucket people by just off hair alone.

I find it a great shitty people filter though, people that don’t like it tend to not be my kinda chill with like babymetal or we butter the bread with butter silly metal or generally. Good luck on moving sounds like the south is def not for me now if it ever wasn’t.

I hear it sometimes, mostly endearingly from gay people, occasionally from a moving vehicle when I’m being one

I hadn’t heard it in ages. Hung out with a group of my LGBTQ+ friends and they uh. Use it like the N word it seems. Was startling to hear but was used in friendly context. I did not join in lol

Oh my God I legitimately until your comment was like why the hell would they censor fascist? And why would she call gay people fascist anyway??

I literally forgot the word existed.

It's fucking hilarious when someone named "Gómez" tries to simp for republican nazis.

It's like, honey, you may not be the first one on the train, but they got a seat for you lol

This right here. Anyone who is a Republican but not a billionaire is just putting off their own demise. Once they have taken everything from minorities they will come for the rest.

It is however a classic trope. Being "one of the good ones," affords certain privileges until is doesn't. It is also absolutely a despicable card to play.

They think it's worth the gamble to grab power, influence, and money until the whole thing comes crashing down.

Get your guns, beans, gasoline. Because even if Harris wins, this won't fix the problems, only delay them another 4 years. Better prepare for what is to come eventually.

It's so obvious too, really frustrating.

This is what I tell my Jewish Republican friend. Like bro, what do you think they mean when they ramble about George Soros?

There's a surprising amount of Latin American trump supporters. They're either naturalized or children of naturalized citizens who get mad at undocumented immigrants for not doing it "the right way" so his rhetoric appeals to them in that regard at least.

I’m Mexican, my fuckin’ family is full of them. It is disgusting and a disgrace to my grandparents who immigrated here in the early 1900s. My grandpa was a union carpenter as well. It’s like spitting on their graves for their children to call themselves conservatives.

that's what Catholicism and lack of education gets you. destroy all religion for the sake of humanity.

She is not simping for Nazis, she is one. These kind of Latinos see themselves as white, you know since they descend from Europeans from Spain. Lots of white supremacists in Latin America and Spain.

As an Innuendo Studios video put it, it's "last hired, first fired."

Hatefulness is simply exhausting. It’s not a trait I want in the people around me, much less in my government.

Oh, apparently this is the shithead who did a promo literally burning books. Fashy fash bigot shit.

"Where they burn books, they will, in the end, burn human beings too." - Heinrich Heine

"Promise?" - Republicans

Pathetic. Fully aware that the pageantry is part of the allure to the incels and plays into it because she can't get it any other way.

Someone's trying real hard to prove she shouldn't be in any of the groups her political party wants to purge.

I would bet money that she also takes part in lesbian orgies

Listen, we may have bad taste in women but standards can only go so low. I bet she goes bobbing for mussels in the hopes she gets invited to lesbian orgies

Edit: ok she looks like someone who your lesbian prostitute friend says managed to be the worst lay of her week despite being the only woman.

Doubtful. Lesbians are cool. She'd see that if she hung out with them.

I wonder if she was one of the kids at Epstein's island.

A number of years ago while helping to build a theater set I was introduced to two self-professed “lesbians with power tools”. I still chuckle when I think about them introducing themselves that way.

We now know, beyond a reasonable doubt, that this fine lady munches ham-wallet all damn day.


It's so weird that Republican candidates are so obsessed with a harmless group of people who all they want is to love whom they want.

Othering is the only way to convince their imbisimps that they're together with the ultrawealthy who would retch if they ever set eyes on any room of their houses, their cars, their paychecks, or their bank accounts.

They either need or fear that love targeted at their butthole.

Its an awkward party.

Sometimes, there are valid arguments regarding transgender matters. For example, someone that has medically-induced higher levels of testosterone might have a resulting advantage in aggressive sports. I don't know if that's true or not, but it's at least worth discussing it openly and honestly. What I find odd though is that the people that make transgender matters in sports their main issue say they do it for fairness, especially in support of women. However, these same people tend to have misogynistic views everywhere else in politics, so I'm supposed to accept that this one particular thing is where they finally started caring about equality?? It just seems so inauthentic.

My sister is one of these people. She's suddenly all about equality in sports. What?! When has she ever cared about anything or anyone besides herself and her kids as an extension?? When has she cared about fairness?? It's so uncharacteristic of her to think that way, that I have trouble believing anything she has to say on the matter.

For example, someone that has medically-induced higher levels of testosterone might have a resulting advantage in aggressive sports. I don't know if that's true or not, but it's at least worth discussing it openly and honestly

Why is this worth discussing? You want to talk about how Michael Phelps has unusually long arms for his frame, which gave him a huge advantage while swimming? You want to talk about how some Ultramarthon runners have slightly different lactic acid buildup genes so their muscles don't burn as much? You want to talk about how all the players in the NBA and the WNBA are in the top 99.9 percentile for human height, giving them a huge advantage? Should all of these people be banned from sport because of their genetic advantages?

Many athletes have flat out, built in genetic advantages to other people. There is literally no way to make this "fair" without excluding people that are outside of what will be a 100% arbitrary baseline or forced gene editing, which we are barely able to do and would be wildly unethical.

It's not worth discussion, because the discussion will be asinine.

The "medically-induced" part renders everything you just said pointless

Theres a very simple answer to that: The things you are mentioning (height, weight, arm-span, testosterone levels) are not normally distributed in the human population, but follow a binormal distribution. It makes sense to let people from one of the two parts of the distribution compete within their own bell curve. It makes far less sense to set a cutoff at the tail of the curve and disallow people from the tail from competing.

Its simple? Okay. Tell me the exact "allowed" physical parameters for any sport.

Since it's simple, these should be well defined and easy to source.

What about jk Rowling? She works with and donates to lots of feminist causes.

Read her original essay on the subject and come to your own conclusions.

and the GOprojection continues...

i havent seen a lot of mainstream articles pointing out the obvious, 'most conservatives incapable of defining fascism'

not that a lot of non-conservatives can either, but they arent the projectionists attempting to sway opinion.

This isn't projection. They're not saying "fascists".

Though the word they are saying might share the same root as fascist. The Latin word fascis referred to a bundle of sticks and as French developed most s sounds before another consonant were dropped (status > etat, schola > ecole). Also c to g and vice versa is a common sound change. The French ruled England for a while and the word made its way into English then.

I don't know if you cared about any of that but I do think it's a funny name that those homophobes gave themselves

Why did GRINDR crash when the RNC was being held? 🤔

Khelif is an athlete who trained for years to perfect her skills and talent. Khelifs skill gave her the honor of representing her country at an international level at the Olympics.

This MAGA lady, whose name I won’t even bother looking up, doesn’t really bring much to the table in terms of skill, talent or vision. This maga lady isn’t even the best sexist out there and is just riding on the coattails of better, smarter or more accomplished bigots. Why do people give losers like this lady any attention at all?

And Khelif represents Algeria. Not exactly a champion of LGBTQ+ rights.

That doesn't mean that they deserve to, incorrectly, be called trans.

Fully agreed. Just pointing out how particularly ridiculous the claim is.

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I watched the Khelif vs Carini fight and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I'm an actual fan of women's combat sports and I've seen them kick each other in the head way harder than anything in that match. Khelif had faster hands and better positioning. She earned the win.

I'm related to several collegiate level women athletes and none of them give a shit about trans women in sports. I've never met a trans woman who'd even come close to competing with them.

The people who are most concerned about keeping trans women from competing don't even watch women's sports. Hell, I doubt they even bothered to watch the 45 second fight yet have all kinds of opinions about it.

....are you serious? She implied physical gun violence against gay churches, and you're fucking worried about the bad word she used?

Legit my first thought for the censored word was "facists" and I thought "ah, just another day of the 'i know you are but what am i' game"

then I figured it out and now I'm just sad

If it makes you feel better, I did the same thing, but it took your comment for me to realize.

Oh no! Who could have ever thought a MAGA candidate would have those views?

I knew it would be this lady before I even clicked the link. She’s not just a GOP weirdo—she’s a fucking loon. Like deranged enough that she’s going to hurt somebody.

"because before if a man hit a woman, it used to land him in jail"

So she also virtue signals about being against "domestic abuse". I bet the very moment they no longer need to hide it, Project 2025 will suddenly also involve the allowing of "abuse of wives by their husbands, as a treat, if the husband is justifiably angry on that day at anything".

Project 2025 folks...Hold on that's not fair, what did she do before he hit was justified because the Lord said it's okay to hit your property...

For the rest of the sane world, that is an abhorrent perspective.

Republican candidate, stop minimizing Republican blame for these candidates.

Yep... That's about where we are in the timeline.

Your grandma and aunt in Ohio and Pennsylvania fucking suck. You need to put parental locks on their TV and internet...

What a gross person. I can't believe someone would put out a video saying that, let alone someone running for public office.

She, well hold looking at that face she's making, all I can think is when she has hateful sex she eonly gets off when spitting or being spit in the face...

already commented on the same story whatever

Look at all the Republicans lining up to denounce her for saying the only part out loud.

we could, at any time, 'deal' with this woman in a way that ensures no other fascist shitbags would ever be brave enough to open their bigoted mouths again, but y'all are chickenshit, so she will continue to run her stupid mouth and influence other morons.

Right, Hitler killing himself was where we fucked up. If we just hadn't been so chicken shit and had handled him ourselves, his ideas wouldn't be around anymore! /S

Ideas don't die with people.

i didn't say it would kill the idea. i said it would make the people that like the idea keep their mouth shut out of fear.

No, it would make her a martyr and empower more morons to take her place. Do you not see what's going on in Palestine as an example, or are you fucking dumb?

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Is she a tankie? If not she might be happy to find out there’s a whole community dedicated to calling anything that slightly reveals their intellectual shortcomings “fascist”.

I mean, some gay guys wear the F word proudly. So, she's not wrong about that?

Kinda weird for her to be obsessed with other people's sex lives though. Think she's insecure?

One purpose of someone personally reclaiming a slur is to reduce the sting of something used to hurt them. This is different than how it is being used in this quote, where it is being used against a cis woman the speaker considers masculine. It is being used to cause harm, here.

The F word has been used for a lot of heinous shit - most LGBT+ folks I know avoid that word and, personally, I appreciate that because its forever burned into a painful memory of mine. If Gen Z/Alpha want to try reclaiming it I wish them the best of luck but I'll never use it myself. I hope millenials were the last generation to really feel the sting hurt bad en masse?

In my experience as a millennial we’re the youngest reclaiming it. It’s usually old leathermen reclaiming it. Though I do have one friend who her and I will call each other it in response to the other calling her a transphobic slur.

In short I don’t think this reclamation is going to stick unless the baby bears start seeing it as a position of power like dyke got. It’s a word the young associate with the pain of the old and the old use to take away the sting of our pasts.

A lot of Gen Zs and millennials use it in a reclaimed way. It varies between groups in the community though. It's not super common, at least in my experience, and most people I've met that do use it make sure it's okay with the people that they're talking to