What's your biggest gamer achievement?

BlowMe@lemmy.worldbanned from community to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 64 points –

Convinced my friend that the Jesus bus in GTA 1 could drive on water.

I beat Factorio without using belts.

No, I’m not a masochist, why do you ask?

Relatively new to the game, have launched two rockets. That seems..... very tedious.

I'm guessing you rushed robots and then did it end game that way?

I was jazzed to not use lasers and only steam power on my second play through.

Basically, also trains, so many trains.

So train lines instead of belts, and inserters directly linking assemblers to each other? Wow, that base must be huge.

I have done some basics with trains, and a bit with circuits, but multi resource trains always jammed up on me and became unbalanced so I've basically kept them to single item type each. Plus, playing on console without keyboard means naming things like stations is a slow pain in the ass.

After seeing my husband play for hours, I didn’t even know it was possible to play without belts!

I managed a cyber cafe many years ago. Mostly filled with regulars that I knew on a first name basis and would usually sit in for a CS match if it was slow.

I wouldn’t call myself great but I could take down middle schoolers. That’s not what this post is about though.

A girl walks in, has some sweats on from the big university that’s not too close but still in the area.

She wipes all those kids out repeatedly. They start yelling, asking me to help them out so I do. I’m effectively going 50% with this person.

Before she leaves she reveals that’s she’s visiting her parents for the weekend and that she was on a team that was ranked or otherwise played professionally.

I asked her if I was good enough to play competitively.

She said no, she hadn’t played at all for a few months because of school and she was going easy.

Felt pretty proud that I was able to keep up with an out-of-shape pro.

Beat the original Mega Man in one straight shot.

That game was unforgiving when you got to Dr. Wily's base.

I loved mega man games most of my life. Never beat a single one though, i dont think i ever made it through any of the boss rushes.

Mine? Not much... I obtained all the achievements in WWE 2k14. That included some online only achievements that required certain ranking position. Not much I know.

Also obtained all achievements in the mass effect trilogy (which isn't that hard tbh) just time consuming.

when I was about 16 during an online match of Medal of Honor Allied Assault, I was so dialed-in with the bolt-action rifle that I got kicked for cheating.

I got kicked so many times in Quake II Rocket Arena for the same reaaon that I got fed up and started my own clan and stood up my own server. Which is actually how I got my current alias in here. [Crack] Happy

My favorite fps achievement took place in Halo on the Xbox. We did the thing to play online and during an online ctf match I was on point with the sniper rifle. The match was tied up for flag captures and we were in a stalemate for a bit. The other team managed to get our flag and were running it back. As I'm in my sniper spot trying to line up the shot they all jumped at nearly the same time right into my sights. I take the shot and head shot every one of them... Except for the flag carrier because they apparently jumped just a tiny bit ahead of the others and dropped just enough to go under the bullet.

The entire lobby was going nuts over that last sniper shot. Even though we lost it was the talk of the match. The loss sucked but that shot was amazing. I quit playing for the day after that... No way was I going to top it so I left on a high.

I had the same thing happen in Battlefield 1942 when I built up the skill of shooting the tank’s main gun to hit planes in midair. It’s not as hard as it sounds, it sends a righteous thrill of victory through your entire body, and it makes you look like a cheater. Great stuff

this wasn't even something that I was usually particularly good at, I just happened to be doing everything right for like one game. I understood why they thought I was cheating, I was winning one-on-one duels in small rooms against guys who had like mp44s with a single headshot

The one that felt most impressive at the time was a successful Mun mission in Kerbal Space Program.

First time I beat subnautica was on permadeath mode, that took a damned long time.

The first that came to mind is 100%ing the OG Crash Bandicoot on PS1.

Back when you could only get a level's gem if you didn't use a checkpoint.

Getting a gem was also the only way to save. Crash Bandicoot may be the only game series where each new game is easier than the one before it, and Crash 3 was still one of the most challenging games on the system.

Minor correction: some levels had bonus areas where you could save, but you could only do so once. Still a ballache.

I worked a night shift job for a couple of years and three of us would grab a case of beer, twist up some smoke, and jam on OG Playstation after work was done at 6 in the morning.

Tekken, Crash, and Metal Gear were the major mainstays of our play sessions. Man, that brings back some memories lol

My raidteam managed to get a server first boss kill while raiding Mythic Tomb of Sargeras in World of Warcraft:Legion. I was so proud of our teams achievement, I actually got a tattoo of the Mark of the Kirin Tor, a symbol for my mage character, in commemoration of the achievement.

Hollow Knight 112% completion is what I'm most proud of. It was hard!

When I was a kid in the 80’s and 90’s, you only owned a few games if you had an NES or SNES (or Sega equivalent) even if you rented/played a lot of them. So, I got insanely good at the few games I owned. After I beat Street Fighter II with every character on the highest difficulty, I decided to beat the game using only one button (plus the D pad, obviously). Finally did it with Chun Li and X button.

With Super Mario World, the hardest personal challenge I did was beating every level except the switch blocks. There’s a bunch of secret exits where switch blocks are supposed to be the way. It took a lot of cape+blue Yoshi shenanigans to get that one done.

Now that I’m old (or least older) and games are way longer, my biggest accomplishment is actually finding time to play a game all the way through, much less do side quests. I made time for BoTW, Horizon Zero Dawn, Nier: Automata, and Hades. But if I stop playing a game for awhile, I forget all the controls and that’s the end of that game.

Thousands of hours in Skyrim and I've yet to kill a bunny once. To be clear, this is intentional. I wish no ill on the bunnies. Just happy that I've somehow managed to not kill one accidentally.

Long time ago, I would play Transport Tycoon (Deluxe?) all the time. I had this just about fully built map, I was forced to optimize everything because the game didn't allow any more railway stations or depots to be built.

One day, the news pops up that my company will go bankrupt if performance doesn't improve, I find myself in a balance of some number starting with -2.147... I couldn't find a way to the positives to save my company so I reloaded last save, I purchased the max amount of trains and carriages to sell when the apocalypse happens, I would build a significant amount of the map in railway that I could get refunded. No way I could achieve over 2 billion in one year.

Eventually I learn that the max value a 32 bit processor can have is 2,147,483,647, until it flips over to -2,147,483,647. I had become so successful that the hardware in my PC couldn't handle it! I take plenty of pride in this achievement. I actually beat an endless game.

I see people talking about Disco Elysium and particularly the communist quest line online all the time. I have an achievement for completing the quest line that like 1% of people have. I should play Disco again.

Does that mean you pulled off being mean to Kim? Of those that have tried, most can't go through with it, and I myself lack the conviction to ever even attempt it.

Hell no, Kim was my boy. It turns out not a lot of people do an entire part of the communist quest line, I'll edit the achievement in later.

Anytime I finish a game is a pretty big achievement. Lots of games I play and just either get bored of or forget about. Stray, Cyberpunk, Subnautica, Outer Wilds, etc… I just can’t seem to finish games. I’m now trying to play RDR2, so hopefully I can complete it. Hogwarts Legacy is the latest game I’ve fully completed (last year), but I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter, so I feel like that helped.

lol jesus christ red dead 2 is outstanding but so long... you picked a doozy

I’ve completed GTA 5 a handful of times, so I’m hoping that because it’s a rockstar game, I’ll be able to finish it… But only time will tell.

Probably ascending in Nethack. With a wizard orc! (Not a good combo, but I'm stubborn.) I even #chatted with Famine for shits and giggles.

That's awesome. I think I had three Human Valkeries ascended before I had success with another combination. Your orc wizard must've been so hungry in the early game!

My orc did get hungry a few times, but on a lighter side the range of available food is larger than the other races. Kobolds? Poison resist! Tripe? Nom nom nom. That dead pet? Waste not, want not. Goblin? What's up with cannibalism, meat is meat!

I did a Dishonored run with zero kills and never being spotted, took forever but felt so satisfying.

Did number 2 the same, then again with killing everyone and no powers. First playthrough took forever, second was only a few hours.

In my first play through of Dark Souls, I killed Ornstein last and therefore got his armor. Maybe not terribly hard, but by far my favorite achievement.

It’s easier to kill Smough last but his armor isn’t as cool as Ornstein’s.

Completing everything in Goldeneye (finished all levels on 00 agent, all cheat challenges completed, etc)

Got my name published in Nintendo Power for beating Ocarina of Time with only 3 hearts and no deaths

Completing FF7 in one 19 hour sitting (not a crazy fast time, but I also completed a decent amount of side quests for their useful rewards)

Being a top raiding mage in WoW, and maxing out gold on multiple characters and guild banks

I beat that stupid track in Star Wars Racer where you are muuuuch too slow if you fall onto a lower track. Without any upgrades so that I had enough credits to max out everything.

Facebook used to (or still does?) have games on it. When Tetris was added, I climbed to the #1 rank in the world in one of the modes, I forget which. Didn't last long though

I have 2 and they both relate to FarCry 2.

Playing a game of team death-match in FarCry 2 at a LAN party. first team to 100 kills win. When it got down to the last 10 kills someone looks at the scoreboard and realises that I had more than 50 kills. The next closest player was 27 kills on the other team. After that match, I was no longer permitted to use the sniper class.

At a completely separate LAN party playing FarCry 2 before I was banned from snipering I was playing my usual strat of hiding and sniping. After about 20 min of gameplay the son of the LANs organizer , who was about 5 at the time, shouted out "Who is PedoBear?" those who heard it started laughing their asses off including the kids dad. We had to pause the match while we settled down. Yes, my display name was Pedobear.

I was no longer permitted to use the sniper class.

Sounds like they needed to git gud.

6 solo wins in a row on Fortnite. Decided thst i couldn't stop playing until I lost after the second win.

Got stuck in a glitch Fortnite game with NO STORM. Took over an hour to find everyone and get the win. Had to just fly around in a helicopter until the last dude shot at me.

I beat Halo 2 on legendary. I also refuse to attempt that again and haven't bothered playing legendary at all on any Halo in over a decade. Pretty sure my thumbs will not do that anymore.

100% all GTA Games.


(It'd be funny if it actually were spez. I've wanted to punch that guy in the face for months now.)

Out of game, my complaint to one of the heads of the game that the game didn't have steam saves, so they added that, so that was cool?

In Starmourn, I have a number of honors for being votes for during the yearly player awards. I also have a number of designs I enjoy inflicting on people.

Professional Halo player. Signed a contract to play, but never got the chance to play the following season.

100% achievements in Celeste.

Successfully dodged WoW back in the days, got a degree instead. The only winning move is not to play.

Being a top ranked (PvE) enhancement Shaman during BC. Those were the totem twisting days and managing a rotation was about as nuts as it ever was when I was still playing.

Then life got in the way.

Then I came back and played fire warlock. (It was the most selfish spec in the game at the time. 0 synergy with any other class and gave no buffs, but hell did it put out the numbers.)

Got every achievement in Terraria and The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe

Even the Stanley Parable one where you have to not play the game for x years?

I cheated that one because the game hasn't even been out for 10 years, so no one can get it legit

Collected all helmets on Master level difficulty without dying at Titanfall 2.

I was a Holy Paladin during WoW: Cataclysm.

About midway through I was completely geared up and I swear my holy shock could dome for 459k damage, enough to 1 hit most players at the time.

Those were fun times being a "healer".

I once saved a raid from wiping on a naxx boss by doing the last 1% of damage myself using LOH and bubbling at the opportune moment. Everyone else was dead.

Thats fucken intense lol while not as impressive but that stupid ass t Rex boss at the end of Pandora wiped my raid team. I kept myself alive solo just to berate everyone and tell them what not to stand in, then I let myself die.

In my entire life I've spent less than $50 in micro-transactions.

Those are rookie numbers. I spent 0$. The only one to beat that is the asshole who implemented micro-transactions.

Back in the day, I could finish Fatal Frame 2(Wii edition) in under 3 hours. I had played it a lot so my camera was is "festival" mode and full upgraded, so I could pretty much kill a ghost on sight which sped things up.

I used to be a (semi)pro gamer! Basically the college football of gaming... But like... It was Team Fortress 2 so it's more like the college mens Volleyball of gaming...


RGL Advanced Highlander Season 5 - Grand Finals.

lay civ 5 vs I Hate Mondays

Neither team was favored to win the season but after multiple upsets during playoffs, they both ended up there.

It was EXTREMELY close!

The first round on Ashville went to I Hate Mondays with every round being almost dead even.

The second round, on vigil, went to a tie breaker within the round as lay civ 5 and I Hate Mondays trade blows. Eventually lay civ 5 got the points.

With a score of 1-1 the game went to a tie breaker on swiftwater...

Round 1 went to I Hate Mondays by about 30 seconds.

Round 2 was incredibly close. Both teams had better scores but ultimately lay civ 5 won with literally 0 seconds left on the clock.

The final round... The tie breaker of the tie breaker...

Lay civ 5 starts and gets a solid time. About the same as round 1...

And just like round 1, I Hate Mondays manages to sneak away with an extremely close victory. Making them the unlikely champions of Season 5 Advanced!

Despite division dysphoria having an undefeated score and even Home Depot Esports having more wins than both of the teams in grands... I Hate Mondays took home the gold and I firmly take the credit for it!

Of course... I was playing for lay civ 5... But I promise you... I was the reason that I Hate Mondays won.

I think, probably....spending many hours over a few weeks helping people experience and love Journey after I got my White Robe. Twirling around on the sand dunes, exploring strange places, avoiding danger, and finally seeing them pass through that mountain.

For me every time someone stuck it out added to the memories and I hope each of them remembers that chirpy white robed player who made the game just a little more fun.

Making myself known on the Dreamcastic Channel on YouTube by playing Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2 with none other than Pcwzrd.

He was either ‘Teal’c’ or ‘Afro Thunder’ on there.

This was before I started over when I got another working copy of PSO after the other one broke.

Top 150 ranked in world on Company of Heroes 1v1 a long time ago lol. Got to play against some of the #1's - one of them left to join the South Korean military I heard. Got stomped but was fun.

I was pretty damn good at C&C Generals: Zero Hour back in the day. Damn I wish they remastered that game.

Was ranked on global leaderboards in Dota for a brief moment, too. Top 1%, but never close to the 0.1%.

My favorite moment in gaming was playing a sniper in Red Orchestra in a large 64 player game. Huge map. All game I'm sniping people left and right. Not dying once. Meanwhile throughout the game, like 30 minutes, the enemy sniper is equally decimating my team's ranks. I was hunting for him the entire game to no avail. Then, while prone I crest this ridgeline to scout a valley below and as I pan my scope to look all the way down toward the other side of my ridgeline, I see the other sniper lock with me at Exactly. The Same. Time.

We both fire.

And since Red Orchestra actually tries to simulate ballistics, we both hit each other and die.

After way too many hours I finally got to Immortal rank in Dota 2. Now I feel kind of done with it haha

I've platinumed every version of every FROM Soulsborne game on every platform that has trophies/achievements.

There's 3 that come to mind. I've beat Dark Souls 3 and all it's DLC at level 1. I've beat Pantheon 5 in the Godhome DLC for Hollow Knight. And I've beaten all ascension levels for all characters in Slay the Spire.

I've beat Pantheon 5 in the Godhome DLC for Hollow Knight.

That's really impressive. I can't even beat Pantheon 3. That fucking Zote just keeps fucking me up. Even when I do beat him, I usually get too anxious, make many stupid mistakes, and die to Hornet. I can't even practice on Sly yet.

I can't wait for Silksong. That will fill my day when it comes out.

Thanks. Keep at it! The P5 grind was one of the most fun gaming challanges I have done. There's also only one boss that I have not beaten on Radiant difficulty (Markoth is pure cancer).

I've long given up hope on Silksong. It won't ever come out. My personal theory is that one of Team Cherry had a major life event and production will never resume.

I don't want to get your hopes up. I didn't find out about Hollow Knight untill after all the dlc came out. I haven't been waiting that long, just a couple years, so I'm probably not as jaded as the rest of the community.

It looks like that it will come out by the end of the year. I forgot what I read exactly, but some paperwork getting processed. Of course I will gladly put on my clown make-up when December comes and goes with no word from Team Cherry. 🤡

Finished Doom eternal ultra nightmare I guess?

In crawl stone soup I had a win with every species and every background. They added more and I haven't kept up, but it was a pretty big deal.

It's a good rogue like. Recommend checking it out if you like the genre.

I realize that this is only an achievement to me, but when I got the Poeples Hero achievement for Skyrim. I was playing through as myself, trying to help everyone I could. I just wiped out the Dark Botherhood and it popped up. I was honestly touched, as I really cared about those stupid digital poeple I was saving. It made me feel like I was really making a difference.

I beat Dot Hack Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, and Quarantine in order back when they were first releasing on the PS2 in the US. And importing my memory card save every time.

My friend witnessed me defeat the final boss in Quarantine. It was such a long and crazy fight. And the whole thing was just mindblowing.

Sadly I don't have any pictures or videos of it. And I traded in my PS2 a long time ago.

I have been considering revisiting the game but it's a big game with ALOT of content. I don't know when I'll get around to it.

Good times and Good memories.

For sone reason I used to think they were visual novels.

But these games look nice, I'll be giving them a try sometime.

I have two:

  1. I was the main tank of a raiding guild in WoW during the Burning Crusade era. Our guild was the best on the server, but nothing too notable outside of that community. However, when a new quick raid encounter came out (Magtheridon's Lair), we unintentionally completed the encounter in a novel way. I know that because the next week when we went to clear it, a developer whispered me and asked me if he and a few others could watch us because they noticed through some automated log to prevent cheating that we completed the encounter last week without engaging with a major mechanic of the fight. They let us know they were there, but you couldn't see anyone and when you looked up the character name it wouldn't show up if you searched the name. We showed them how we did it, they congratulated us for our ingenuity then told us they were changing the encounter for next week. It was really cool.

  2. A few years ago I got into Enter the Gungeon. For those unaware it's a bullet hell, rogue-like, dungeon crawler with a steep learning curve but great graphics and snappy controls so it is a great time. The first time I beat the game I posted a screenshot on Reddit and the entire community was convinced that it was fake because of my build and the lack of max health I had. At first I was annoyed then I realized that if they didn't believe me then it meant I did something, literally, incredible.

I was rank 34 warlock serverwide in wow before I abandoned it. I already have a job don't want another.

Staged a coup in my Archage guild, we managed to get away with basically all of the guild assets.

Joined guild, made friends with one of the officers and his small in-group of pvpers. Was a reliable asset and helped us get a couple of merchant ships and a galleon, plus had farms just full of high value trade packs.

Problem was the GM and I didn't get along very well. She wanted to dictate how we named the ships in a way that I felt was cringe as hell and generally wasn't open to input or criticism at all. One day I logged in at like 2 or 3 am when no one else in the guild was online and I just left the guild. Next day I logged in and sent messages to the people I'd made friends with and told them the GM kicked me, since it was well known she didn't like me.

Stoked the flames for an hour or so and convinced most of the in-group to quit after we took all the assets we could. Drew a giant dick with barley plants on the front lawn of the GM's player house and then they all g-quit.

She raged for months, shouting in global chat that we were a bunch of pirates anytime she saw us, and tried to gank us multiple times, poorly. It was glorious, but I never told any of them what really happened.

We also invented boatnado. The bouancy physics had a fun glitch where you could make a merchant ship spin on its end at an ever increasing rate and the mast would just fire any ships that got too close off into the horizon. Never fully managed to weaponize this discovery, but we had a ton of fun with it.

Dead Rising, Zombie Genocide achievement.

God I hated that game, half of it was load screens.

I was just happy to have a 360 as a kid, and a game my parents should have know better about getting me.

Mario Galaxy 2 - got all of the stars (240 I think)

I did some other stuff that I'm proud of but doesn't sound as "complete" as that

I maxed out the buzz lighter shooter ride in Disney... 9s all across. I have a picture of it somewhere

Managed to reach a rank of 2450 in World of Warcraft 2v2 arena. It took an incredible amount of much time and effort, and I have accepted that I will never be as good at anything ever again.

Probably completing The Shattered Throne dungeon solo. This is in Destiny 2, by the way.

It doesn't compare to the insane stuff other people are soloing, but it was still darn difficult.

In wow, I was a death knight gnome in a raid (dungeon finder so it was easy mode). I think it was one of the early warlords of dreanor raids. Anyways 95% of group wiped, but me and the other tank (a paladin) plus a healer (revived with gnomish army knife - which has a huge chance of failure) managed to survive for what felt like 5 minutes. Really upset the dead folks who just wanted us to wipe and start again.

Unfortuanlty we didn't have enough DPS and hit the beserk timer and that was the end of that.

I also loved using the multi-target death grip skill, normally it sucks every mob to your target, great for CC.

I read you can set your self as target with a macro, so I'd run into the middle of a room and yank everything to me in one go. Super handy when mobs came in from behind and targeted the healer - I just sucked them all in into the stabbing party.

So basically you wasted 20 people's time?

Yup, looking back it was definitly a dick move, but it was fun.

Also it was a legitamite attempt, the boss was almost dead...just not dead of enough two tanks with dungeon finder gear could finish the job.

I raided at world top 50 level for a little while in wow (many moons ago). Dropped the game after that lol.

Completing the Path of Pain in Hollow Knight, and beating the true final boss of Enter the Gungeon both come to mind.

100%'d blast corps back in the day, caught the hylian loach before there were any guides about it in ocarina of time.

And more (but not terribly) recently, I completed an 'all bosses' challenge run in terraria in which I made all naturally spawning blocks indestructible.

I had quite a few top 100 or top 50 in the world damage parses in different points in WoW.

Me and all members of my clan (9 players) in the top20 players in battlefield 1942 desert combat mod. We were from a stupid small village, lived and breathe that game.

And for cs:source i was number one scout player for a while. Always top 5.

Was the first one dropping the Cloak of Defiance when it was released, in Path of Exile.
Partaking in a giant "MergerSmash" in Planetside2. 336vs336 of pure madness.

I was in the Top 20 leaderboards in Fight Night Champion at one point. Then people figured out how to hack scores and I was bumped off.

I've finished mario kart in 4 different platforms. Not exactly hard but it does take some time so I'll consider it an achievement.

I thought the Wii was the hardest version to get 3 stars. Why do you demand perfection from me. I just want to smoke and collect stars and skins!!!

The motion controls made the Wii version seem harder. Plug in a Gamecube controller and play with that and you'll smoke the AI and any wiimote players online.

I think it was also that you lose stars if you go off track or even go too far back, so no sandbagging. Vs the switch Mario kart version and you just need first place finishes but can fly around.


I’m the largest collector of Anivia merch on earth, and her biggest fan. I’ve had communications with all the famous Anivia related people, am the best Anivia player in my country, and probably close to the world; but I defs am the biggest fan and follower of her :>

I was ranked #1 in the world for a good while in Pistol Whip. On both PC and PS4, before they separated out all the leaderboards based on modifiers.

100% both RDR2 and breath of the wild.

Being attracted to minors.

Ohh wait we are talking about achievements in games?

/s just to be sure