Peter Thiel, eccentric billionaire, says he is thinking about leaving the US to politics – 334 points –
Peter Thiel, eccentric billionaire, says he is thinking about leaving the US

Thiel compared California liberalism to Saudi Arabian Wahabbism — but it was sort of a compliment


There's been a few of these stories lately, about billionaires "thinking about" leaving the US. Just shut up and do it already. Nobody cares. Good riddance.

You're wrong. As a New Zealander (where our conservative government bent the rules to make him a citizen), I can only emphasize how strongly I will care if that giant piece of shit moves to reside in my nation. I'm not negating your point (I upvoted you) and I don't blame you for wanting to lose him, but just because you shovel your shit elsewhere doesn't mean it don't stink.

This is how the world can finally come together. We can create a New Old Australia, using the island-building techniques the Chinese government have been trying to develop but instead using it for the benefit of all. Literally no one wants these assholes. Let's make them their own giant sand island and send them there. No Aborigines or any other nativelanders need be displaced like in the past. We just... Eject them to Billionaire Island and tell them they've entered the final level of capitalism, they are allowed no outside resources and must establish for themselves (brilliant and enterprising and egotistical as we reassure them they are) how to become the Ultimate Capitalist. Tell them it's even televised. Then if they ever get too noisy we obviously need a way to forcibly erode the island etc. Engineers can figure out the details.

It’ll never get to island erosion status… just make it a gradual slope so they get to reap the rewards of their environmental abuse as the sea level rises.

And then make it real life Fortnite.

Why would a totalitarian psychopath choose to go to a more progressive country?
I can think of a reason, New Zealand is smaller, and he may think he can gain bigger political influence there.
He paid to position JD Vance where he wanted him, imagine the damage he could do in New Zealand with the kind of money he has.

Movies/culture are the best things about the US. As long as you're rich enough to afford them. So they're really just punishing themselves... Bye, bitch.

He's not an "eccentric billionaire," he's a psychopathic robber baron fascist.

Peter Thiel, the tech billionaire who served as the sugar daddy for GOP vice presidential hopeful JD Vance’s Senate run, who helped kill Gawker, and who names his companies after bits of JRR Tolkein lore, said he's considered leaving the US.

Thiel appeared on a recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience and told the comic-turned-podcaster that he had recently moved from San Francisco to LA, and was also considering leaving California or the country altogether.

So a nothing burger? Fucking baby billionaire psychopath is going to leave the US because the fascist dictator won't be elected?

The funny thing is he isn't going to leave, it's just because he wanted to get a buzz out of it. To magahats this is a clear sign the government is "weak" and hates successful people.

Thanks for letting the IRS know. Now's the time to hit them with the 90% tax rate please.

Where the fuck is he going to go that's progressive enough to not be hostile to his homosexuality but conservative enough not to tax his ungodly hoard. The u.s. is as good as it gets for people like him.

New Zealand is my guess

I think he’d still get taxed. Specifically, I don’t think he could be a NZ citizen. So, the billionaire hating liberals that run America (which is totally real and not made up /s) would still get him.

Billionaires don't live in nations. They don't know what it means to actually live somewhere, their mental state is so warped. The whole world is their playground.

He's spouting propaganda, plain and simple.

Yeah national borders have always existed to contain the poor and control flow of the middle class

National boundaries weren't as strict for the working class until around WWII, though it obviously varies by region. It's more attached to nationalism, the ability of nation states to influence "their people" who moved to other countries to engage in sabotage campaigns and the paranoia over this kind of activity that followed this.

One of the requirements of a free market capitalist system is free mobility of labour. So it's not really a class thing, it's a nationalistic thing.

I mean if I'm an evil businessman, why would I want to limit the number of people competing to get a job?

He's not eccentric, he's fucking evil.

Doesn't this dude essentially believe democracy is a failure and that he believes the US should be run with something like a CEO (a dictator)?

Basically because he thinks he can't totally fuck up this country any more, he want to storm off in a huff and fuck up a different country? Okay then.

The mental gymnastics this guy does to justify his ideology. "California is prosperous despite not following my dumb pet economic theories and so is Saudi Arabia. They must be the same thing."

Like that's an aggressive form of terminal stupidity. Keep this up and he'll be eating glue before the years out.

And how does a libertarian justify a billion dollar baleout when silicon valley bank went insolvant.

They don't have to. They just take the money and don't talk about it.

Ask Ayn Rand. That cunt is directly responsible for creating many of these morons, and she collected Social Security and Medicare when she got old (look forward to hearing about how she still deserves it even if she disagrees, yeah no shit. I think you know that wasn't my point).

This isn’t an airport. You don’t need to let us know you’re taking off.

Let him move to a small island without modern communication of any sort.

Then just as he leaves the US, tax him 95% of his net worth.

Realistically he would try to go to some island where he can have slaves and doesnt have to respect human rights.

Yeah, I don't care what he wants. Society deserves compensation for his years of evil shit.

Where? Europe? Japan? Canada? where policies are more progressive than the US?

"Eccentric" is a weird word for the man whose writing inspired both Nick Lang and Mencius Moldbug.

I rarely use the word because it cheapens its impact but the man is a modern protofascist and should be identified as at least the forefather of the modern right wing anti-liberalism movement.

should be identified as at least the forefather of the modern right wing anti-liberalism movement

Thiel is a cunt but he was 12 years old when Ronald Reagan was elected and not even born yet during Barry Goldwater's acceptance speech. He is absolutely not the forefather of the modern rightwing anti-liberalism movement.

You don't think the modern conservative movement has changed at all since Reagan?

Cut taxes (for the wealthy and corporations - while quietly raising them for everybody else through a variety of tricks), erode the separation of church and state, ban abortion, gut environmental protections, pack the supreme court, demonize liberals, blow up the national debt, destroy public education, dogwhistle racists, bust unions, overspend on the military, hate on the gays, gerrymander and suppress voters, make fun of the French ... this shit has all been around since before Reagan. If it's changed, it's only been to become more openly loathsome.

That's not the modern far right, that's just the current right until Trump.

People like Lang and Moldbug are the fathers of the modern neoreactionary movement, the architects of the new fascist right, not the economically ultraliberal socially conservative right of Reagan.

Little sobbing baby bribed Donald to pick the absolute most hated person possible for VP. Now it's time to whine since the fascism isn't going great. Fuck off to New Zealand, then, bye, Peter.

He is one of the worst people on the planet. The world would be better if he left existence instead of just America.

Peter Thiel needs to get more public acknowledgement for being a slimy, miserable, financier of evil who should accident himself out a 45th story window.

I would not mind being the person that slams the door as you leave.

Be sure to take Jorgin Depeanus Vance with you, asshole.

He can leave for Russia. I hear they have great real estate. Big windows. To fall for.

Compared California liberalism to Saudi Wahhabism, like he isn't just gonna move to The Line if it ever gets built.

I just read his bio on Wikipedia / it seems like he’s done pretty well by living in California. Does he really think he would be as wealthy if he hadn’t lived there?fine to college there? Taken advantage innovation culture there?

I’ve also got to admit I like some of the philanthropies listed there. It’s unfortunate that he got lost somewhere

It doesn’t matter to him. He can bid everybody else a fond “fuck you, got mine” and start yanking that ladder up behind him.

Good. Get the fuck out. And take your couch-fucking house boy with you. Vile piece of shit.

He can leave to some tiny inhabitated island, and stop bothering the rest of us.

He should be stripped of all the riches he has drained from the US, then he should be tarred and feathered and shipped out of the country via raft. Good riddance to that worthless parasite.

Please do, weirdo. I would imagine you’re not going to find anywhere else as hospitable to your beliefs.

I love how Americas think they can just “go and live” anywhere. lol. Learn about citizenship, The process. Good luck with your life in Vanuatu.

He's a billionaire. He can probably pull some strings.

Yeah, billionaires literally can do this. This isn't an American being ignorant of immigration process, this is a non-American being ignorant about what billionaires are allowed to do, that no one else is.

He was born in Germany, and holds dual US/NZ citizenship. You're right that he's rich enough to live anywhere in the world. He lives by completely different rules than basically everyone else.

He probably also owns houses everywhere he likes to spend time outside of the US.

He already bought NZ citizenship... Because we had a dumbass government at the time

You can buy visas to some countries. Then use those to access others. I think some start at $350k for one type with lots of hoops to jump through and $500k to skip the queue.

Perhaps he'll claim asylum because, in his dumbshit world view, the US is persecuting billionaires.


This shitbag will sell whatever IP he has to whichever country gives him a small amount of real power over people. $100 he goes to Russia or China.

Not china, they prosecute billionaire for tax evasion and their profile must be lower than Xi else he will get jealous.

CA is one of the world’s top economies. Fucking leave.

B-tch go fly to your evil lair in New Zealand already . That one ex of yours who mysteriously died, everyone forgot already

Nope. I vote no unless he agrees to take his whack-job buddy, Curtis Yarvin, and his biodiesel made from poor people, with him. I would demand he take Vance with him, but I suppose he'll insist on keeping his puppet here.

They basically want a return to monarchy, and yet they self style as 'libertarian'. Fuck those losers.

Easier to meddle in shadow-politics with impunity when you can't easily be arrested.

Oh man, with the baby leash he has on Vance, no way he can stay behind in US... looks like trump needs a new second place idiot now.

Who are they kidding? These shit bags travel by private jet shitting on the rest of the world probably 60% of the time anyways. Like it matters where they “reside”. Just die or get guillotined already.

Why doesn't he just get on one of his boy Elon's rockets and fuckoff to Mars?

Maybe a nice sub ride while he looks for a place to build Rapture?

Please Mr Thiel. Go. And forget us, we’re doomed. Go enjoy Iran or Australia or some other hellhole.

Sorry but as an Australian who spends a lot of time in the US that's a really, really, really retarded statement.

While I do agree with your general sentiment, please consider not using "retarded" as a derogatory term. It is hurtful for people with intellectual disabilities and effectively acting as a slur against a minority group.

I was half joking about Australia. But honestly half the things I hear about you is you being as dumb as us.