Ron DeSantis appears to be wearing extreme heel lifts and is having trouble walking in them to politics – 814 points –
Ron DeSantis appears to be wearing extreme heel lifts and is having trouble walking in them | Boing Boing

Arrest desantis for doing a drag performance in public. Kids watch these debates too you know

Don’t legitimize their garbage talking points, he’s just trying to emulate his orange idol

You think pointing out the dumb hypocrisy of those talking points and lack of principles of those espousing them legitimises them?

Why call them heel lifts? Just call them high heels.

That would make them an abomination against Christendom, as it's provable from Einstein's field equations that men wear these clothes and women wear those clothes.

Wearing heals ain't easy. He should just embrace it and get some 6" platform kinky boots.

They're not heels, They're gender affirming shoes.

Ironically you could make a valid argument he is crossdressing which might actually be enough to turn his shitty fucking base on him. Start a rumor his name is Rachel Santiago an illegal Colombian immigrant who went transgender drug mule to escape prosecution for homosexual prostitution only to enter the us setup a fake name he took from a gold star family and made his fortune providing backalley abortions but only for whites.

You're supposing that they apply the same standards to themselves and their politicians to everyone else.

What an odd little man. Democrats should hire Oompa Loompas to follow him around and sing songs about this sad clown.

That sounds like some Hunter S Thompson shenanigans

What's Johnny Depp doing these days? I'm certain he could effectively channel H.S.T., Willy Wonka, and maybe a splash of Jack Sparrow and Guy Lapoint, while portraying the tallest oompa loompa ever.

You’re short. Nobody cares. You’re making it a big deal with these silly shoes.

Would it be okay if we put your hands on top of mine? Like they're my hands? Yes, that looks like my hands. For the website! We're lawyers!

The picture alone made me laugh. His character steals every scene he's in.

I also like the (jewish?) lawyer. He's basically the only one who constantly wins over the gang and doesn't get dragged down to their level.

The duel scene was gold.

Anti-trans and yet..

Not quite comparable. Trans girls are cuter and rock heels waaay better! But perhaps it's also the non-genocidal vibes that i love.

I personally don't because i never took the time to get used to heels. That and Chelseas are also cute :3


The taller candidate wins most presidential elections...

Uneducated people that don't know that whole causation/correlation thing thinks that means using tricks to look taller helps their chances.

It probably has more to do with being taller as a kid too where other kids looked to you as a leader and you dominated sports/games. That stuff snowballs into lifelong confidence and advantages in k-12 means advantages in college, and a springboard into a career.

DeSantis thinks it's the same as wearing high heels in public without practicing first.

Explore the birthdates of professional athletes, and you'll notice a significant cluster in January and February. It often begins with kids playing sports together in school. As slightly older children tend to have a size advantage, parents and coaches start to take notice, focusing more attention on these "promising" young athletes.


Maybe we're from different countries. In America it's not about calendar year, it's about school year. So if you're 6 years old in August (or whenever school starts) you start 1st grade. Some kids are 6 years 0 months, and some are 6 years and 11 months. They all go to the same class.

Close to the cutoff and some parents will hold back or get them in early.

That's exactly why this happens. At young ages, even an extra six months can give you a huge leg up in sports. So coaches see a first grader performing really well – because they have that six month advantage – and hype them up, which ends up snow balling.

I love when someone is belligerently wrong and down votes people that are correct. Go back to Reddit. I need to log off

I love when someone is belligerently wrong and down votes people that are correct. Go back to Reddit

Are you complaining about me?

Your comment already has a down vote, and you're agreeing what I first said... And I don't see anything belligerent in my comment.

But I dont know who else you'd be complaining about, I honestly don't know what you're talking about.

Quick edit:

Did you reply to the wrong person? You're not even the person I replied to

My bad I assumed it was you and I've been drinking. I'm sorry dude

Depends on the state. NY for example goes by the calendar year.

That's what happens when you have hooves instead of feet.

What a sad world we live in where a man's height is a selection criteria for office. So dumb.

Seeing DeSADIST hobble around on these word.

Now now. No need to call the legendary Marquis names by tainting his last name. He would not have enjoyed being in any way associated with DeSantis.

The Marquis de Sade was a rapist, torturer, and pedophile.

Whatever credit you give to his other philosophies or the community that bears his legacy, his brand of sexual liberation was a front for oligarchal cruelty and nothing more.

Correct. But comparing him with DeSantis was crossing a line.

They should make a reality TV show of his campaign and call it The Weakest Loser and should showcase how small and pathetic he and his party is.

We have broken the bottom of the barrel and are now digging deep into sludge when it comes to political candidates here.

Pathetic. It's like a combover. Everyone can tell and owning it would be much cooler.

I can’t imagine giving a fuck, let alone wearing corrective shoes.

Hell I’m balding, so I must shave my head. I like it, other than the possible implications of my support for shitbsgs

I think the insecurity is what is being made fun of here. Bald people shaving their head generally don't get made fun of but, weird comb overs do because one is clearly insecure about it while the other is confidently bald.

In this case he is clearly insecure about his height and is wearing silly shoes to hide it. Or rather his reptilian handlers told him that being taller would improve his approval rating slightly.

Just be bald, just be short, just be fat, have a weak chin or a weird nose. Do things to complement your appearance but be confident about it.

I also think it's fine to make fun of a fascist torturer for things that it would be wrong to make fun of normal people for.

As a woman with a high hairline, I embraced having nice hats ... seriously, I love my hats and there's no reason dudes can't as well :-)

I also rock lots of headscarves, but that's a bit more gendered :-/

Dudes wear headscarves, they just call them bandanas.

Fair point, they're somewhat limited in patterns though aren't they? (I don't know, I'm in Europe and about the only time I've seen someone wearing a bandana they were cosplaying American bikers)

Depends on where you get them. If in the rural areas of the country, they tend to be found in just about any gas station, but as you stated the patterns tend to be the same ones in most if them. Those patterns being the American flag, the confederate flag, the jolly roger, and the old standby red and blue ones with a, I believe, fleur de lis pattern.

But, elsewhere you can find them at gift shops, theme parks, theme restaurants, etc. With all sorts of licensed patterns, such as animated shows, video games, and licensed properties such as Star Wars, Disney, etc.

Bruh! Same boat. In 2019 I had a receding hairline and the same cut as that Charlottesville douchebag that was plastered everywhere.

Now I just gotta shave it. Pretty pissed at the alt-right for ruining the one of the very few haircuts I could pull off (amongst MANY other things).

We gotta take it back! Just like the phrase "porch monkey!" Take it all back from the racists and haters! Be like Randall!

Yep. You can see the arch of his foot going up at like a30 degree slope and his toes are where the ball of his foot should be in the boot.

These boots aren't made for walkin'

What he will try to do.

One of these days these boots are gonna

Ruin his campaign too.

Why are the toes so curled up?

Nothing in them and leather has a memory.

Size 14 lifted shoes on a size 8 foot. I used to sell shoes and I’d see it all the time from red cap customers

Symptoms include driving a dually crew cab to the office and thinking you will never need health insurance.

Damn if that doesn’t spark more than a few memories. I’d measure a dude and he’d insist on a size 12 safety toe when he measures 8.5 at best so his toe was behind the protective device.. genius.

They look like cowboy boots to me. Which usually have a pretty good sized heel on them. The ones I've had tend to curl up some although his may be poorly maintained too.

Also, fuck that psychopathic fascist.

Yeah you can see the outline on his pants. But still this is unusually curled, like his toes don't reach that far.

Why are the toes so curled up?

Maybe he's an elf.

Cargo cult politics. Looking for how they can be as popular as Trump. Maybe they just need to say horrible things. Perhaps the heel lifts and lean unnaturally forwards. Surely they can get the votes without actually needing Trump! Quick do that to your hair, put on weight, get on TV, blame Mexicans, time's a tickin'!

Same fucking thing Putin does. Be confident AND kind -- it's beyond these pricks....

Maybe that's why he always looks like he's about to cry. That's gotta hurt after a while.

The anal fissure is what causes that pain. The lifts are merely just an inconvenience.

putler, trump, kim, desantis. All in lifts.

Gosh can we focus on the important stuff? No one should care about the shoes he's wearing, he's a politician not a fashion model Focus on the crooked politician stuff

Its about the hypocrisy and his insecurities. This is drag, this is gender affirming for him. He has toxic ideals about masculinity and has to change his appearance to conform to the social construct of the gender he wants to appear as. Same reason trump did it.

It is ok when he does it, but not when a trans man does it? When a cis man ages and has lower levels of testosterone and needs monthly injections that is ok. When a trans man wants the same injections for the same reason, lower natural levels of testosterone, then there is an issue. When a cis man is overweight and does not like the appearance of fat on his chest, and wears tight undershirts to hide breasts, that is ok. But when a trans man wears a binder for similar reasons there is an issue. When a cis woman gets breast augmentation because of whatever reason, unfortunately many times due to a toxic ideal of femininity and beauty standards that society pushes on them (not saying that breast augmentation is a bad thing, it may empower some women and make them feel more confident, and that is tangible and valid) then it is ok for that cis woman to get gender affirming care. But when a trans woman wants the same surgey, for the same reasons, to empower themselves and make them feel more confident in the gender constructs and ideals of feminity of our society, then there is an issue and they have to jump through hoops to get the exact same surgery.

This isn't about the shoes. It is about the hypocrisy of the right. It is about the cognitive dissonance and the fact that the anti-trans agenda is not about "rEaSOn" or "nATurAL oRdER" or whatever, it is about hurting people they deem different while enjoying the comforts they deny to others because of whatever antiquated religious ideas they were indoctrinated into.

is there supposed to be a lift inside the shoe? because the height of the visible heel just looks normal to me. dressy boots often have a pretty noticeable stacked heel.

disclaimer - i'm no fan of DeSantis

edit - okay, video at the link has made it all abundantly clear!

I didn't understand the drama myself, until I realized the toes of the boots are empty- just looking at them, you can see they're essentially deflated.

Click on the link, it illustrates. But yes, the heel inside is higher than on the outside, that's why they're boots.

He’s bad enough as he is- do we really need to stoop to their level of pettiness? This is the type of shit that conservatives get a boner for.

I would normally agree with you, but in this case I think making fun of DeSantises high heels is warranted, because of all the hate he has helped to project against trans people and drag queens for wearing high heels. It's just calling him out for being a hypocrite.

I’m petty as shit. It’s time to bully these shitheads. Going high got us jack.

Seriously? Of all the things to take this… person, to task for, people are bringing up his shoes?

Can’t we just let people wear whatever shoes they want? I know DeSantis is fully the type to try and arrest somebody for wearing the wrong shoes. Which is my point.

No one cares if he's short. Literally, no one but him.

The part that makes this somewhat interesting is the shear amount of insecurity that would lead a man to wear heels in attempted incognito.

That's a fairly alarming amount of insecurity for someone holding a large amount of power, and seeking more.

Can’t we just let people wear whatever shoes they want?

We can if he can. But since he's an asshole about it, anything said against him is fair game. As they say, don't start nothin, won't be nothin

It's funny because he's clearly insecure about his height. No one would even care if he was short. (At least on the logical, reasonable side of the isle). I wonder if Republicans would give a shit or if this shit the typical F-550 with a lift kit mentality they all have.

No, he’s an asshole. If he’s insecure about his height then hammer him on it. Call out his weird shit, ol Pudding Three Fingers deserves it in spades.

I think the problem goes way deeper. Just like Donald Trumps lifts and Vladimir Putin's lift. These people rule the world and that's what they are concerned about.

Disclaimer: I'm not a fan of Ron DeSantis.

This is stupid. Those are black cowboy boots. I work near a lot of construction guys (in the Midwest especially) and a lot of them wear very similar boots.

Yea, they are, but where they're bending seems to indicate that either his feet curl upward like crazy, or that his heel is higher than the rest of his foot by a pretty big margin.

I've never seen boots curl up at the toe like that...

True... And also, in general, I don't care what a politician looks like. But I do care that he cares this much.

Just like how I don't care if a politician wears bronzer, but I do care if he's the president and he defied expert recommendations and stopped wearing masks during a pandemic because they got his bronzer on them.

These are evidence of politicians making poor decisions due to their vanity, and that worries me.