Trump wishes electric car supporters 'rot in hell' in Truth Social Christmas message to politics – 529 points –
Trump wishes electric car supporters 'rot in hell' in Truth Social Christmas message

In a Christmas message to his followers Monday, former President Donald Trump said he hopes supporters of "Electric Car Lunacy" would "ROT IN HELL."

Trump's Monday afternoon Truth Social post continued a theme he had been developing with several other posts since Christmas Eve, attacking Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith, who is prosecuting two criminal cases against him.

The frontrunner of the 2024 presidential race for the Republican Party nomination added a missive against "THUGS," which he said were more "evil" and "sick" than all world leaders. In the grammatically confusing post, Trump also appeared to attack Israel, which Trump lumped in with Iran, as well as both Russia and Ukraine.


This Christmas, I wish trump will get anal cancer, rotting his ass out from bottom to top. I wish he spends the rest of his life in prison, while his ass rots. I wish his legacy is clearly articulated in well funded classrooms to the end of time as an example of a giant PoS getting into office because defunding of education finally caught up with public policy, and also, I wish he rots in his own personal hell for eternity. Fuck you DJT, you’re a shit stain on history.

What a disgraceful sentiment at christmas! For all its flaws, anal cancer doesn't deserve to suffer like that.

That's his secret: he IS anal cancer. Trump is what happens when the cancer takes over the entire body. There's no part of him that isn't anal cancer already. His hair? Obviously anal cancer. That his face looks like a cancerous anus probably goes without saying. It'd be tragic if it weren't so damaging to the rest of us.

You had me on wishing him anal cancer. Enjoy your updoot. Merry Christmas!

2 thoughts:

  1. Why would you wish this for anal cancer?
  2. On the other hand, if he had anal cancer, he’d be mute, so I’m cool with it.

First they came for the African Americans, and I said nothing, for I was not African American.

Then, they came for the LGBTQ community, and I said nothing, for I was not LGBTQ.

Then they came for... The EV owners? I said nothing, because this was just getting bizzare.

Elon's response will surely be measured and professional.

I cannot stand either one of these assholes, I also cannot wait to see how this plays out, does Elon kiss the ring or risk losing what has to be an extremely significant chunk of his fans. This must be what Ken Watanabe felt like in Godzilla

It's his way of garnering media engagement. The orange mobster throws whatever on the wall, including ketchup, to see what sticks. With the cult, everything sticks. Space laser lady, Jim Jordan and Mike Moses do it as well.

I think you're misreading the dynamics. Elon will absolutely not stand up to trump. He's a right-wing chud now, he needs Trump's base who love that he's sticking it to the woke libs because no one other than them like him anymore. He will ignore this.

I think you're misreading the comment you replied to. It's obviously sarcastic.

Ignoring it would be the most reasonable and professional thing to do. So, if it was anyone else, Elron would start slamming them and their businesses, but for Trumpy he probably doesn't think he should say anything bad about him, since then Trump would be out to get him for the rest of his life.

Elon and Trump are like Bevis and Butthead

What a dilemma, does Elon lick Trump's boots or does he defend the industry he paid his way into?

It's so frustrating that this sort of drivel ends up being elevated as serious politics.

I mean really, all they've got at this point is fear and anger and reactivity to anything that might be a change, and he's just charismatic enough to play them into wanting him to be their King.

I feel sorry for the man whose heart is so filled with hate that he can't even take one day to step back from the political rhetoric, on the one day per year dedicated to peace and goodwill amongst fellow men.

It's such a small ask. "Merry Christmas, America!" and then turn off your phone for a day and spend time with your family, dude.

And he's always been this way. I still remember, during the height of the pandemic, when he was asked what he would say to Americans scared about the deadly pandemic.

It was an easy, softball question. "I'd tell them that America is strong and together we'll get through this." There, I just made something up on the spot that the "America First" crowd would like.

But Trump didn't say that. Instead, he attacked the reporter for asking such a horrible question and called him names. People are scared about a deadly disease? That must be a personal attack against me!!!

It's so ridiculous that it would be unbelievable in fiction. You'd close the book or turn off the TV saying that this character was way too over the top. But that's Trump!

I almost feel bad how little personal emotional and/or spiritual time he takes for himself. He continues posting this crap after his brother died, after his first wife/mother of his three eldest died, while he was getting ready to attend his younger daughter's wedding, and more recently, after his sister died. He's so relatitory. Just be happy or somber in these landmark occasions. His sister Maryanne who just died even seemed to be pretty important to him. He wanted to transfer colleges and Maryanne had a friend who was on their admissions team, so she set up an interview for him, and even drove him to the interview. Not to mention her being a circuit judge in New Jersey helped his casino get its gambling and liquor licenses issued quickly. She really looked out for her little brother, and he'd rather post about how due process is against him than how much she meant to him on the day she died. She'd said in Mary L. Trump's book that Donald's comments on how the death of their older brother Fred inspired his sobriety was emotional manipulation. Now that more impactful events have come in his life and he's only focusing on the ones that effect him directly, I realize she was right.

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I hate modern electric cars not because they don't have a gas guzzling engine, but because of the fact they're "modern" (proprietary software connected to the cellular network).

But of course, Trump only said this because all of his supporters drive gas guzzling behemoths of steel to compensate for something. And, of course, telling someone to rot in hell just because of a type of vehicle they like makes him seem like an incredibly mentally stable person...

but because of the fact they’re “modern”

Yes, modern gas cars have proprietary software connected to cell networks to track you too.

Yes, but many times you can somehow rip the thing out of there. It's super difficult but I know like two people that managed (don't know which models, but they were new cars). I imagine in an electric car, the main head unit is probably more connected to the actual inner workings of the vehicle, making it impossible to just replace it, along with any of the electronics it's connected to.

You're missing the fact that an electric car is just electric motors and a battery in a car as well. Those are exceedingly simple to install in other cars and many conversions are happening with tesla motors for example.

There is no difference. The software is what controls the cars nowadays. Single massive screens are in virtually every car now. There is nothing about being electric that makes cars more or less hackable.

Not really.

I have a modern gas car and a modern ev, and they are comparable on this point. The telematics are invasive and have been the path for "recalls" on both vehicles.

The main difference is that the gas car does implement a legally mandated standard for diagnostics, but only for things that cannot be wrong with ev (only facets pertaining to hydrocarbon emissions). If the gas car has a problem not related to emissions, it's proprietary diagnostics.

Once upon a time some vendors just concentrated all their stuff into a double din you could rip and replace. Then you have some with the standard form factor, but you needed to somehow keep a proprietary module in the mix or else a bunch of the car wouldn't work. At this point, it's generally a lost cause to even think about rip and replace of the head unit for most cars less than 10 years old.

Some folks like in a gas car they can visually see the belts and components like alternators and do their own oil changes and air filter changes while the evs generally have things more tucked out of sight. However they don't really have analogous sorts of failures, so you would not have engine air filter, oil to change, nor any belts or associated tensioners, so it's just replacing easily serviced components with strategies that are more robust.

You can have EVs have obnoxious components fail that are a pain to replace, but gas cars generally have the same stuff too and those are also tucked out of the way. Saw a video recently of one model where changing the timing belt required the mechanic to basically take apart most of the car, due to various obnoxious clearances.

How high are you right meow?

You don't like electric cars because of a thing that is also in modern ICE cars, and the difference is that it's a thing you don't understand so you believe it's worse on electric cars?

I'm a car guy and I'll always have gas powered hotrods but I get electric and look forward to doing electric swaps. I'm with you and have no interest in buying a car that is going to spy on me, no thanks.

He's just trying to stir up anger and resentment in people. He is mentally stable. His goal is just to make people angry.

I never thought about this but you’re right, the always on tracking aspect would suck. The proprietary software not so much though. Every car in the last 20 years has this. Of course open source software connected to a cellular network would be less of an issue. So I see your point now after writing this 😋

The issue is the right to repair is being challenged in an almost unprecedented way. Propitiatory software allows the developer to cut off access to critical diagnostic abilities as well as lock basic features behind subscriptions etc. Do you really own your car? The future is being fought now.

To be honest, we're dealing with corpos here, so a fully FOSS car is just a dream. But to be honest, if the software is not connected to any network in any way and doesn't control stuff that could kill me in case of a bug or whatnot, AND I have the right to flash whatever I want on there and tinker with it (since it doesn't control vital driving features, that should not be a problem), I can live with it. Only under these three conditions though.

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"Included also are World Leaders, both good and bad, but none of which are as evil and 'sick' as the THUGS we have inside our Country who, with their Open Borders, INFLATION, Afghanistan Surrender, Green New Scam, High Taxes, No Energy Independence, Woke Military, Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, All Electric Car Lunacy, and so much more, are looking to destroy our once great USA." Trump posted. "MAY THEY ROT IN HELL."


Biden, who is running with little competition for the Democratic party presidential nomination in 2024, struck a different tone with his Christmas message. He posted a video of the White House's holiday decorations overlaid with an audio track of him and First Lady Jill Biden reading the poem "The Night Before Christmas" by Clement Clark Moore.


We are so fucked.

In 2024, barring any real surprises, there will be an option between two old men... A senile fascist who literally quotes Hitler and a doddering old grandpa.

I'll take grandpa. The worst he'll do at this point is die.

For me, a queer atheist with a brown Jewish partner, there’s no question about me voting for Biden. It doesn’t matter mathematically because I live in a dark blue district in a dark blue state, but I’m going to cast that vote. I also recognize that the choice is between an elderly conservative with outdated ideas and the possible end of American democracy.

The reason why I think we are well and truly fucked is that our standard bearer is among the most milquetoast presidential office holders since Bush I. Neither the democrats nor the press has any idea how to deal with the existential crisis we are facing. Trump had his followers chanting “lock her up” against his political opponent. Biden is keeping the dignity of the office of the president.

I don’t know if there’s a better tactic, but people making millions of dollars as political consultants have had since 2015 to come up with a counter strategy, and this is the best they’ve given us. They do not know how to deal with a successful fascist populist.

Honestly, Carter is still alive and only served one term.

It's kind of surprising the DNC isn't trying to run him.

You know, I really wouldn’t have minded at all if the previous administrations had Carter on speed dial for policy advice.

It doesn’t matter mathematically because I live in a dark blue district in a dark blue state, but I’m going to cast that vote.

I disagree with this part. It does matter because there's always so much talk about popular vote. I'm glad you're voting anyhow! 👍

I won't vote for Biden for a myriad of reasons but I'm sure as shit not voting for Trump either.

The entirety of our federal election is built on a false dichotomy and I won't contribute to it.

Are you voting for a third party or are you abstaining from voting?

A choice between supporting a genocide and starting a fresh new genocides.

And before anyone just indicate "Oh but they're in the White House". Let's not forget Melania Trump's perspective on Christmas at the White House in 2020.

Who gives a fuck about Christmas stuff and decoration? But I have to do it!

Also something Trump pointed out in the speech.

Afghanistan Surrender

Buddy Trump, you ordered the troops out of there. I mean it was "so bold™" that FoxNews was liberally sucking what can only be scientifically classified as Trump's penis. Biden was just following up with the order that you gave. WTF _ LOL?!

Biden was just following up with the order that you gave. WTF _ LOL?!

The thing you need to remember, and it's hard because constant coverage has made us grow used to it, is that he's nuts.

No energy independence? Doesn't the US extract more oil than they ever have?

What a weird fucking thing to rage about.

He's raged about windmills, toilets, dishwashers, he's a fucking lunatic.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't care about electric vehicles one way or the other. But he knows his followers will love it if he says these thing, so he does. And it helps to create a stronger feeling of us vs them. Easy pickings.

Dude doesn't care about anything but himself. Everyone should know that already, by now, but it's still a good reminder when he says something, anything: it's just words and he doesn't care about that.

His followers will love it, most run gas guzzling trucks and hate electric cars and their owners with a passion.

I saw a Prius on the road the other day that had a decal on the back with big block letters proclaiming, "NOT A LIBERAL". I wouldn't've noticed a random Prius driving down the road, but they just had to call attention to themselves to let everyone know their political leanings. I figure it's more to let their conservative friends know that they're still an asshole even if they got a more eco-friendly vehicle.

In spite of not effecting their lives in any way whatsoever.

It’s funny really cause if it weren’t for this Musk would probably be a huge Trump fan.

His whole schtik is raging at stuff and people reacting to it, just hard to believe it's still working like this and how seriously people take his ramblings.

The man is clinically senile. Why is he not in a home where he can paint pretty pictures of butterflies?

Dude that’s 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Big white house, can’t miss it.

Although he could just hang out on W’s ranch and spend the rest of his days water coloring there with him. And ol’ Georgie Boy will finally get to be the smartest person in the room.

Pretty sure Dubya can't stand Drumpf and can't say I blame him.

He's got to be one of the least likeable people on the planet. I can't think of a single positive quality of his that isn't immensely outweighed by negative caveats.

Can we just set up a fake White House with a cell phone that tweets to dead air and tell him he won?

They basically did this with Salazar, the Portugese dictator.

He was officially replaced while in a coma. He came out of it and lived for almost 2 years more. No one ever told him he was no longer in power.

Nah, he's dumb as fuck but if he stumbles into there wherewithal to try to overthrow the American government and put people's lives at risk, he deserves way worse than this.

Eat shit, asshole.

Without context this is my favorite kind of comment, because I immediately thought of an anthropomorphic asshole sitting down to a nice dinner of steaming hot shit and it was hilarious.

But then I remembered Trump has a realistic shot at winning this election and I just got really sad.

Why do Americans love so much to divide its people for the most arbitrary reasons?


It's the conservatives doing it. It always has been, it always will be. No need for enlightened centrism here. And don't pretend they don't do it outside the US because I follow world news.

You're 100% right. The conservative groups always try to attract two types of people: nostalgic idiots pining for a past that never existed and braindead idiots who are easy to convince that one or more minority groups are responsible taking one or more things away from them. Sometimes these idiots overlap.

It's a side effect of the different circling mentalities. The right circle the wagons, the last form a circular firing squad.

The right defaults to defending the in group at all costs. The worst thing you can do to persuade someone on the right is to attack their core beliefs.

The left swings the other way. The left wing is a swarm of loosely aligned smaller groups. When attacked, they attempt to purge the issue. Unfortunately this can quickly turn into an internal witch hunt. In moderation, it makes the left's ideas better, and improves the group. Unfortunately, the right have found it great fun to prod and abuse.

We have a two party system.

We have the right, which is gradually shifting further and further conservative (really, let’s be honest now, at this point they aren’t conserving shit, they want regression). They market their platform primarily through fear.

Then there is the left. It’s the big tent party and has also gradually been shifting right to the point where the critical mass of the party appears slightly right of center on the global scale. They market their platform primarily through empathy.

I’m not saying which way is right, but I do have a good feeling of which approach is more beneficial to society and humanity as a whole.

Statistically, there are significantly more people who place themselves on the left. Which makes sense, they are the big tent party after all. But that doesn’t matter in our federal elections, because most of them congregate in smaller population centers (and this helps with the empathy angle, they are regularly exposed to people of all walks of life, while primarily rural conservatives interact very little outside their comparatively small social sphere). The voting system gives two votes to every state, plus a share of the 435 that gets divided up based on the states population. Then most states give all of their votes to whoever won the popular vote in their state.

Because of how the states tally their votes and break up their voting districts (because the party in charge gets to draw the maps), even a majority of people voting for one party can, and does, result in the state determining that the candidate with fewer total votes wins because they had won more districts. CGP Grey had a great video on this years ago, but using anthropomorphized animals as the presidential candidates, and talked about the strengths and weaknesses of our first-past-the-post voting system and on gerrymandering (the term for advantageously manipulating voting district maps).

You seem to be conflating "the left" with the Democrats. The Democrats are not particularly leftist. The political compass doesn't move just because the Democrats do that is like saying "The car drives East so North becomes East." It's wiser to treat the political compass is more of a fixed set of cardinal directions. Leftists and Right Wingers exist outside of parties.

Neither right nor left are parties. So when describing parties stances it's way more accurate to use the party names.

There are a lot of leftists in America, you just don't have a leftist centric party because the way things are established running one would likely cause a spoiler vote. It's something of a sore point amongst leftists that the First past the post system keeps them from voting their hearts or running a candidate so representing the "slightly more left but actually still right wing" candidates as "left" isn't exactly great.

Regression is conservatism, always has been. They haven't changed into regressives, its always been a core goal. When conservatism fails to maintain (conserve) an important social or economic hierarchy, they work to restore it (or regress). It's why nothing is ever settled with them.

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Is he pretending to be anti Israel now cause he saw how support for them is going for Biden? Cause Trump even moved the embassy and is a big supporter of Netanyahu, so it's kinda silly he's now acting like he's against what's going on.

Trump is for whatever he thinks will get him elected based on the audience he is talking to at any given moment.

His true goal is to become a dictator.


as the THUGS we have inside our Country who, with their Open Borders, ... Woke Military, Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, ... and so much more, are looking to destroy our once great USA.

That's not really anti-Israel.

Russia/Ukraine followed by Israel/Iran looks like it's suggesting Israel is in a proxy war with Iran. But the message there is about as clear as mud. I think he's saying we should be staying out of both Russia's war with Ukraine and Gaza? Maybe?

Probably saying that neither conflict would have happened if he was re-elected/"the dems didn't steal the election".

Disliking electric car users that argue/vote against regular cars but also argue/vote against public transportation 👍

Disliking electric car users because 'machismo' tells them that they're somehow weaker than the regular car drivers 👎

Or we could avoid lumping issues together.

Issues around public transportation shouldn't induce you to dislike ev car users, presuming their stance.

Generally speaking in politics, stopgaps become mostly permanent solutions, and especially in the US change happens so extremely slowly that we adopted lead bans 70 years after all comparable countries

Hoping for a better stopgap when we have even better solutions is unhelpful at best

You seem to suggest that if we keep people from getting their EVs, magically you get your mass transit.

However, the reality is you still don't get the mass transit you want and still contend with loud and obnoxious emissions straight into places you don't want.

Mass transit and EVs are separate solutions and mass transit will never cover all the use cases in transportation. Individual transport will remain an important piece of transportation, even if we get good mass transit going.

Soon Elon will ban his Twitter account again.

edit: also,

No he won't. Elon loves him, and what the hell is Twitter?

It’ll always be twitter. Just like Facebook will always be Facebook.

But Facebook is still called Facebook

Originally it was “the Facebook” but yeah, x is stupid as a name.

They’re Meta now.

The company, but we're talking about the site/app here

Meta is the company that owns Facebook, Instagram, Threads, etc.

Yeah. They’re still called Facebook to me. Don’t care what they changed their name to.

You know, Twitter, the social media site later called X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter.

It's a microblog social media platform that tried and failed to rebrand to "X". Unfortunately for Twitter leadership, the brand of Twitter is too strong to be suddenly changed like that.

Since it's Christmas: Jesus wanted a lot of people to rot in hell too... but at least he was nice about it.

According to the church.

For example, in one of the works dismissed as heretical and eventually buried in a jar because even possessing it became a death sentence, the message is very different from the "give everything you have to God and church and await the end of the world" that was being thrown around by the early church:

Jesus said, "The messengers and the prophets will come to you and give you what belongs to you. You, in turn, give them what you have, and say to yourselves, 'When will they come and take what belongs to them?'"

There were groups that were universalist (i.e. everyone gets salvation as a participation prize), but there's not much money in that - why would you give the church what you have if what they are offering you is already rightfully yours?

Elsewhere this text has a parable that seems to liken the concept of salvation to a treasure buried in a field that we inherit, but don't realize it's there, so the field gets sold off to someone else who discovers the treasure and starts lending it out at interest (which is a bitingly apt commentary on the notion of tithing).

Miraculously this version of Jesus's theology ends up not being endorsed by the people who built St Peter's, despite the attitude being more in line with the earliest redactional layers of the canonical gospels too.

Please rot in hell (endearing)

That's why Trump doesn't have Jesus' way with words.


Included also are World Leaders, both good and bad, but none of which are as evil and ‘sick’ as the THUGS we have inside our Country who, with their Open Borders, INFLATION, Afghanistan Surrender, Green New Scam, High Taxes, No Energy Independence, Woke Military, Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, All Electric Car Lunacy, and so much more, are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

See? They both say "everyone who doesn't believe what I believe rots in Hell." Jesus just put it better.

I'm sure if you wait 2000 more years, Trump will sound sane and coherent as well.

You don't even have to wait that long. The gospels were written decades after Jesus was supposedly executed. That means they were a totally inaccurate record of anything he ever did or said, and were almost certainly cleaned up to make him look better. So for all we know, he was as incoherent as Trump and Paul made a lot of edits.

I mean Paul definitely made some edits to the overall thesis, dude fucking sucked

OK...but there were many witnesses and writings of him spread all over the region. That's a lot of written accounts in many unknown places to edit.

That's nonsense. The first writings about Jesus that weren't in the Bible were Tacitus and Josephus almost a century later.

Trump never fails to do something completely inappropriate for holidays. What a miserable person. Also hilarious considering how hard Elron has been trying to suck up to the fascist conservative wing.

The way he said "Russia/Ukraine" and then "Israel/Iran" makes it seem that he thinks Israel is in a war with Iran, which isn't totally wrong but also not correct at this point, thankfully.

Why would you even share this ? Nobody cares about this guy's countless dumb statements.

Emotionally you’re absolutely right, it’s the incoherent ramblings of an idiot…but logically this idiot has a shockingly legitimate shot at being re-(!)-elected President so ignoring him is at our own peril.

Also, somewhere around 20-30% of the country still hangs on his every word. If they are saying "we need to attack X," it's important to know what X is.

(Here, X is a variable, not the idiotic renaming of a certain social media network.)

It feels to me like any publicity is good for him, that's his whole strategy. People just only remember selective parts that talked to their own situation without looking at the big picture.

Because there's actually a risk that this person will be getting ready to take over as POTUS this time next year?

If the GOP ever runs a Kardashian its fucking over for America.

That's all they need, a sufficiently charismatic reality tv star.

President Kim Kardashian. Has a nice ring to it. Also sounds like a good title for a final chapter. Could they sell it? You bet your sweet republic they could.

Hmmm. Vote for a guy that is actually serious about the job (Joe) or this treasonous, wannabe dictator piece of shit? HOW ARE WE STILL EVEN TALKING ABOUT THIS?

Well, I think the response to this could end up being "Electric car supporters wish Trump 'rots in hell' in Mastodon Christmas message" which could sound better here.

Here's the full quote, if you care. I think the article skipped the intro:

Merry Christmas to all, including Crooked Joe Biden’s ONLY HOPE, Deranged Jack Smith, the out of control Lunatic who just hired outside attorneys, fresh from the SWAMP (unprecedented!), to help him with his poorly executed WITCH HUNT against “TRUMP” and “MAGA.” Included also are World Leaders, both good and bad, but none of which are as evil and “sick” as the THUGS we have inside our Country who, with their Open Borders, INFLATION, Afghanistan Surrender, Green New Scam, High Taxes, No Energy Independence, Woke Military, Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, All Electric Car Lunacy, and so much more, are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS! -source

I hate this clown so very much. I just wish he'd go away and we never hear about him or from him ever again. He is all the worst aspects of America, embodied in one person.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

In a Christmas message to his followers Monday, former President Donald Trump said he hopes supporters of "Electric Car Lunacy" would "ROT IN HELL."

The frontrunner of the 2024 presidential race for the Republican Party nomination added a missive against "THUGS," which he said were more "evil" and "sick" than all world leaders.

"Included also are World Leaders, both good and bad, but none of which are as evil and 'sick' as the THUGS we have inside our Country who, with their Open Borders, INFLATION, Afghanistan Surrender, Green New Scam, High Taxes, No Energy Independence, Woke Military, Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, All Electric Car Lunacy, and so much more, are looking to destroy our once great USA."

In September, he called them a "hoax" and said President Joe Biden's tax credits for electric cars and trucks made in the United States amounted to "a transition to hell."

Trump on Monday also attacked the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, and promised to "come up with a much better, and less expensive, alternative," something he failed to do during his four years as president.

He posted a video of the White House's holiday decorations overlaid with an audio track of him and First Lady Jill Biden reading the poem "The Night Before Christmas" by Clement Clark Moore.

The original article contains 355 words, the summary contains 215 words. Saved 39%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

I had to read the article after the bot insinuated that the White House video was Trump and Jill… bad bot.