Trump is 'hanging himself' with his own rope as campaign spirals out of control: analyst to politics – 471 points –
Trump is 'hanging himself' with his own rope as campaign spirals out of control: analyst

I won't believe a single headline about Trump doing poorly. Not until after Kamala wins and is sworn in without another coup attempt. Anything short of that is delusional. Go out and vote, people.

Unless he literally hangs himself. Then, please notify me immediately.

my prediction:

Chokes on a hamburger while sitting on his gold shitter. The cacophony that ensues will be dismissed for another truth social posting. He'll be found the next day.

Yep. I've been forever hardened into a political and legal cynic starting with hanging chads and most recently, with the lack of Jan 6 accountability for Trump.

Biden dropping out was a wonderful and pleasant surprise. I was NOT getting my hopes up that he would step down, especially given the DNC's tendency to fuck up what should be easy wins.

This has been a fait accompli since 2015. The only thing I guessed wrong about this election 9 years ago was Pelosi actually being able to convince Biden to drop out.

Now that he has, Harris is a shoe-in.

Where’s the media constantly asking him if he will drop out the way they asked Biden?

I don't really get all the negative press the guy is getting from the left spun media. His supporters aren't disappearing.... instead they're coming out of the woodwork and showing their true colors that they've sworn all along isn't how they are. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more voters this year than any year before showing up for the biggest asshole to be elected president in my lifetime. Also the only one term president in my lifetime from voters because he is hated that much by the other half.

To so many conservatives racism doesn't exist. They aren't against black people or foreigners... but they are literally coming out front and center to be anti-black, especially since the pandemic era BLM protests. Springfield Ohio is just another perfect example of how racism not only exists, but is celebrated by about half the country. It's just insane that it isn't even shunned.

My favorite line from the debate was when dumpy said "we have millions of people pouring into our country from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums and they’re coming and they’re taking jobs that are occupied right now by African Americans and Hispanics" Are you fucking kidding me? Minimum and sub-minimum wage jobs are now "black and hispanic" jobs? That's what you're trying to force american citizens into? very low paying, low qol, minimum healthcare roles with no chance of advancement and no hope for a better future. Make america great again and bring back slavery right?

Sorry for the rant, I just can't believe how monstrous humans can be. There's just no more rational discourse or anything resembling sane critical thinking anymore in the media. It's all just outrage fuel and inane distractions. On the left media sites they keep saying it's doomsday for trump. They said he couldn't beat Hillary too and she had an even bigger point lead ahead of the election

We have to start admitting to ourselves, that as a species, we're still closer to nature than we are some amazing spacefaring civilization.

The thing is, I actually disagree here:

To so many conservatives racism doesn’t exist.

I've been around these people long enough to understand that's just not fucking true. They like to present it out in public like it is, but deep down, just like Trump, they're keenly aware of exactly how racist they are, they just don't like being called a racist. Its' about power. They want the power to be racist without being called racist. It's the same reason so many of them are legitimately fucking rapists.

Just like rape, it's not about sex, it's about power and control. They get off on the expression of power over others, whether its rape or anything else, anything where they can lord it over you, make you feel small, ashamed, and like you must do what they say because they have power over you. They fucking revel in it, and the lies about how they're not racist are to support that. Everything is a means to an end. That end is the Handmaid's Tale or worse. That's why they don't actually care about being racist, because racism itself is just an extension of having power over other people. It's just a racial way of dominance and control, it's just one of many ways to exert power over others and dominate them. The bottom line is it is always about power and control.

Further, I would blame the media landscape of the last 50 years, which has done a piss poor job of defining what a racist is, using the most extreme character tropes imaginable, so that actual racists can say to themselves "well I'm not like that wild caricature of a racist like Ulfric Stormcloak, so therefore I'm not racist."

As to your main point, I agree, there's enough terrible fucking people in the USA (and the world) to make this freak President again.

Basically this. There's a lot of racists who assume that since they're not burning a cross or lynching every Black person they meet, they're JUST NOT RACISTS.

You'd think Wolfenstein of all games would get this right, but no, their Nazis are obscenely over the top caricatures as well.

Them wanting power and control is why it’s so effective to laugh at them and call them weird. It takes away their power and reminds them they’re unpopular little freaks.

we have millions of people pouring into our country from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums

My favorite part is the reason this dumb fuck says that is he doesn't understand what "political asylum" is.

Having to wake up every morning and put my trust in people is the hardest thing I do everyday. I so very much want to believe there is good in everyone but all I have to do is look and I see what's inside of many Americans hearts is hideous. So when I look at my burger and it doesn't seem quite right, I'm suspicious. When I leave my car I lock the doors twice to make sure it's really locked. I don't keep anything personal in my work space, nothing I would care about losing. Nothing that means anything to me. When I am going through a rough patch I bottle it up inside. When my heart is as full as I can barely stand I pretend everything is just fine.

This is how I live and I wonder why I can't connect with anyone. I'm always afraid that right behind my neighbors eyes there is a monster and I assume they think the same of me.

To so many conservatives racism doesn't exist.

There was one recently where an anchor or something was racist to Vivek and you could see his face drop.

That wasn't the media, that was everyone, to be fair. I voted for him in the first term, and I was very vocal about him dropping out.

But yeah, it's crazy that there isn't a chorus of GOP folks demanding the same.

He can't. Biden dropped out before the convention, he wasn't yet nominated or accepted it. Trump is the nominee.

Because he's never set a precedent that flew in the face of accepted norms...

What would happen if he did drop out? Have we ever had a presidential election that went uncontested?

I guess JD Couchfucker would take over. So, yeah, pretty close to uncontested. Even the crazies don't like him.

The republicans would have to find someone new, really quickly.

Trump will never drop out though.

But the cheeseburgers could catch up to him at any moment. He's old AF and looks to be in terrible shape.

Believe it or not, he's lost a lot of weight in the past year. He must be laying off the Big Macs (and/or downing amphetamines)

Even if true, I refuse to believe it was intentional.

He doesn't look like he has lost any weight.

He does to me. I first noticed it last month, then I googled it and people had first started talking about it last spring. There is a lot of speculation he's on Ozempic, but it's also possible he just learned how to shut his pie hole.

Could be stress from the felony cases. Hopefully he dies of it.

I would LOVE to see Trump drop out for whatever reason, and then the GOP has a vote like they did for the speaker of the house to see who takes his place. The drama of all the wackos that 1/2 of even the GOP worst dislike, mixed with all the opportunist bottom feeders, all trying to battle it out to lead the party in the new power vacuum of "yes men/women" would be just pay-per-view level entertainment.

Or if he doesn't drop out, it will still be worth watching Trump getting weaker and weaker while the vultures are circling.

I think this is what they're hoping for: Trump holds on until the election, then kicks the bucket a month into office so Vance, a far more naked and coherent authoritarian, can take his place and start signing whatever he wants, with little to no fanfare or recognition because he's happy to just have power.

Can they though? RFK has been forced to stay on ballots in a few states because it's too late to drop out. States like MI is one and it would be a automatic win for Harris since ballots can't change.

it would be a automatic win for Harris since ballots can’t change.

That sounds premature.

I believe from memory (and I'd have to research this myself again) that while the ballots wouldn't change, whoever the GOP has running in his place would win the spot. You can't just win an election because your opponent disappears.

Each state would have to decide for themselves how it works.

And yes, candidates win all the time due to their opposition dropping out, dying, etc etc. But TMK, has never happened with a presidential election.

Oh look what you did: you made Kevin McCarthy cry. I hope you're proud of yourself.

Well done!

He could drop out, but his name would still be on the ballots like RFK Jr. Rs would have to run a write-in campaign, and that's asking a lot from the average republican voter

It’s probably too late to change candidates to a new one, so they’re stuck with Vance. Their best hope would be to parachute in someone charismatic and with appeal to a plausible “silent majority” of conservative-leaning voters à la Reagan, or at least someone who can keep his skinsuit on properly when in public. Given the way that from 2016, if not the Tea Party era, onwards, Republicans have either been primaried out of politics for being “RINOs” or else drunk deeply of the Kool-Aid and embraced the spiral of radicalism to keep up, there aren’t many plausible candidates who haven’t abased themselves.

So the Republicans would be thoroughly screwed, at least if they didn’t have the Electoral College, the Supreme Court, gerrymandering, voter suppression, the backing of billionaires and all the dirty tricks Putin and Musk between them can muster. As it stands, they may have to fight dirtier than they planned, with uncertain results.

I would agree with your thinking that it's probably too late - look at RFK, he narrowly got his name off of North Carolina ballots, they have to reprint a fuck ton of them.

He wasn't so lucky in Michigan, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled he must stay on the ballot.

Or how he’s SO OLD and DEMENTIC and will die any moment. Fragile snowflake Republicans.

It’s far more entertaining, clickworthy, and they will earn far more billions from watching him slowly crumble all the way to election day, and watching him throw a tantrum afterwards.

And who knows? We could have another January 6 on our hands, and they could earn so so much money selling advertising during the airing of that.

These people are fucking disgusting, and they’ll stop at nothing, I repeat nothing, to earn ad revenue off of every iota of your attention.

Honestly, shouldn't you be greatful that the media did this? Otherwise Biden would still be in, pretty much sealing in Trump to become the next president.

Just sad, that you couldn't get a candidate who doesn't support genocide (except the Greens).

you couldn't get a candidate who doesn't support genocide (except the Greens)

Russian stooge detected

Not supporting an ongoing genocide means I support Russia?

I oppose Russia ever since the russian atrocities in Chechnia. But you didn't give a shit back then, because it was brown people dying, didn't you? Or you didn't care about the Syrians that were mass murdered by Russia. But now I am the pro russian because I am against genociding brown people by Israel and the USA.

Honestly, fuck you, you racist cunt. Sleep well knowing that with your political standpoint you are coresponsible for every innocent soul murdered in Gaza and the Westbank.

1 more...
1 more...
1 more...
1 more...

I love how his campaign is spiraling out of control, yet every poll that comes out still has them in a statistical tie. I'd like it to spiral a little quicker please.

Both things can be true.

...What we've found for the last 10 years or so now is that when it comes to Republican candidates, and especially Trump, reality no longer matters. At all. There are 743,000 things that should have disqualified him for president. That Republicans should have noped out on, said "this is definitely not our guy". They just don't matter. For a number of reasons.

His campaign could be literally a dog shitting on a US flag. And it wouldn't change anything; he would still poll virtually the same. There are almost no actual "undecideds" leaning towards him.

At this point, it's about voter motivation and access. His guys CAN be less motivated to vote, and Harris supporters can definitely be more motivated to vote. That's where we are.

Isn't that true about all US elections? There are no "undecided" voters, just Dems and Reps and the result is always based on who can motivate their voters the most.

Not all.

And it didn't use to be. Well, as bad, anyway.

Also, democrats and Democrat-aligned seem to be more likely to consider other options, or to call out their leaders. Not always, and probably not even most of the time. But significantly more often.

Also, it goes in one direction. I know plenty of democrats who voted for a Republican president, but hardly any republicans that voted for a Democrat president.

If that were true, then nobody would be worried about third-party voters. Off the top of my head, you might want to consider it 1992, 2000, and 2016.

(Of course motivating people is really important, too.)

Agreed, but I don't know the mindset of those people and how to think of them. Do we just take them out of the voter pool? Are they potentially swing?

My take on 2016 was that the Dems were deeply unenthusiastic about Hillary - and who can blame them - so they didn't show up to vote. On the other hand the Reps were stoked about Trump so they turned up at the polls.

Swing voters? I don't get it. I cannot see any rational person sitting in the middle comparing Trump and Harris and picking Trump as a better presidential option. Irrational people? My gut tells me they they are probably sitting and the far ends of either camp.

My guess is that the people closer to the middle aren't actually swing voters, but they are far more likely to have their enthusiasm to vote influenced than the true believers.

The big question, in my opinion, is how much - or how little - the polls reflect the enthusiasm to go out and vote. My impression is that Dem enthusiasm in high right now, while not so much for the Reps. It's possible that a 50/50 poll may hide the fact that a big chunk of one of the 50% is much less likely to actually vote.

I'm Canadian, so I see the news but I don't have day to day experience with US voters. Of course, neither do the 90% of Americans that don't live in those swing states.

Many polls are of registered likely voters. So as you point out, that data alone is not particularly informative on this issue.

My question is how much "likely" translates to "voted". It seems easy to respond, "Yes", when asked on the phone, but requires a bit more enthusiasm to actually go stand in line and cast a vote.

The guy they are quoting is acting like this a new phenomenon, but it's always been like this. Trump has always listened to the wackiest people. When he won the first time around, though, the Republican "establishment" won along with him and put some of their people on his cabinet. Now, Trump has driven away most of those old-guard Republicans, and all that is left are the loonies. So they are more visible this time around, but it's definitely not new.

It’s kinda like George Lucas. Everyone was shocked when the prequels came out with how bad they were but if you look into the original trilogy he had equally crazy ideas, he was just kept in check by a team because he wasn’t such a success he couldn’t have ALL the reigns.

If you ever get rich, hire someone whose job it is to tell you no and keep you humble.

I am currently booked solid. Alas, pro bono.

That's the thing. Once you get rich, you'll just see that guy as a nuisance and get rid of him. Source: all of human history.

By all the accounts I've read, he was a pretty exceptional person. "Exceptional" in the sense that there are very few people like him, especially in positions of power.

Exactly. Just because there was an exception once doesn't mean the rule is invalid.

It's funny watching some documentaries about it. The OT Star Wars we got was because of a lot of studio meddling, and GL had the foresight to negotiate merchandise rights.

The PT was entirely self-funded so studios didn't really have a say in things, plus he surrounded himself with Yes-Men.

It was less about the studio meddling and a bit more about the people who were involved weren’t in awe of George. His, at the time, wife was the editor on the first movie and she made a lot of changes in the editing bay to improve what was a bit of a mess they say. And don’t discount the amount of rewrites done on the fly by the cast. Carrie was taking everyone scripts and punching them a lot and she went on to become one of best punch up writers in Hollywood. Even Harrison Ford, a notoriously shy and conflict avoidant guy, was improvising his lines because he knew that Han wouldn’t say “I love you, too” even facing being frozen in Carbonite.

We keep getting these reports yet the race is still 50/50. He might still win. I feel like he can call Kamala the n word and it still wouldn't affect his chances.

This is the kind of world we live in today. The GOP has lost its mind and a large portion of the USA backs that.

I think if he dropped N bombs even more people would vote for him. Too many racists.

"He is telling it like he is!"

I mean, that is what they say about all of the other raciat things he says.

That's what is scary, especially with another part about all the shady yet very real ways he could win.

  • Despite him looking like and absolute baffoon Everytime he talks, and all the blatant lies and dripple, coupled with getting manhandled in the debate, all the lawsuits...the polls are still disturbingly close

  • Some states have enacted laws to literally meddle with votes and counts to the point some can absolutely reject the outcome

  • States passing laws to allow them to purposely delay the counts long enough that no one hits 270, it goes to court and scotus, or have Congress/house vote

  • Very real possibility if Harris does hit 270 first that Jan 6th becomes a slap fight by comparison to an actual coup attempt

The polls are worrying (the Dems need a lead of 3 percentage points uniformly to win), though methodology is a sticking point. Phone polls are biased towards people who answer phone calls from strangers, which is said to skew older. And the Republicans’ war on women’s rights is likely to lose them the female vote in a way that twentysomething incel Tate fans are unlikely to compensate for.

is always like this, for every presidential race as long as i can remember. it's suuuuper close every time and just enough for the fuckery to matter. wether that's hanging chads or swing states or electric voting machine fuckery.

The leadup is always breathless and neck-and-neck until election night and they have to start publishing totals.

also, he's a rapist.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't like rapists. Never have. They are simply too rapey for my tastes.

A bold take.

Very bold indeed. Let's go to this panel of 5 random people who can spend the next hour opining the various viewpoints for and against rape while interjecting 20% of it with commercial advertising.

Sometimes one is forced to take up an unpopular opinion simply because it’s the right thing to do.

contributor Ed Luce suggested the former president has quickly become his own worse enemy.

Should be worst, but we can’t afford copy editors anymore and I hate it.

Let them poison AI with bad grammar.

This is the way, sprinkle random nonsense into your statements. Glue on pizza for days. capcom.

I love glue on pizza. It's up there with molten plastic on pizza. The plastic gives the pizza a nice tangy flavor and really lets the cheese stretch.

I mean, this is something you could genuinely use an LLM for. "Find any grammatical errors in this text." I mean, a word processor could also do that, but oh well.

Also, since a lot of them seem at least partially trained on random internet content, and they don't seem to have much of a problem with grammar, I don't think that's a valid tactic.

All this negative news about trump everywhere makes me nervous. Don't forget how confident everyone was when Hillary ran. Most, including myself, didn't think trump stood a chance.

Kamala hasn't won yet. It's still close. And trump has an unswayable cult behind him that see all this negativity as fuel to vote even harder.

Dont get complacent or overconfident. trump could still win.

Also I’m sure despite him saying that he will not debate again, he’ll change his mind and do better in round 2 after they drill enough talking points in his head. It doesn’t take a lot for his base to claim a debate victory. He just has to look the part for the duration of the debate.

I still blame James Comey.

Wow, that's a lot.

You can dispute what he did and make the case that it had some kind of impact but I think you're simultaneously (a) ignoring a bunch of other factors and (b) vastly overestimating how plugged in the average voter was to that drama. Hanging the election on Comey is wild.

4 more...

I've been real happy to see the nationwide composite polls and predictions slide to Harris' favor.

Stuff like 538 and 270towin were stagnant Trump advantages for so many monthsm

Really? Because the polls are pretty tight still. 47% to 44% per the BBC is not exactly spiraling out of control.

Real polls take time. True opinion polls take at a minimum 2 weeks to conduct sufficient sampling and do analysis on and prep for release. You won't see the full effect of the debate results in polls until, at the earliest, end of next week.

And at the end of the day the only poll that matters is the one on November 5th...

Maybe it's the fact that most people treat it like a local team rivalry or a "I hate my team but I won't let the others win".

Ooh ooh! Is he “increasingly isolated”?

I love the part where he’s increasingly isolated.

How can he become increasingly isolated from his previous state of complete and total isolation?

I guess he could turn off the TV.

Sure can see a lot of bare scalp underneath that... hairs.

“Hanging himself with his own rope” is a funny saying. Imagine someone borrowing your rope to hang themself. “Sure, Don, you can borrow my rope.” Then you go to get your rope back. “Hey, Don! You done with my… nah, dude, that’s your rope. That’s not my rope. My bad.”

I think it means you're killing yourself, instead of getting hanged by a hangman for example. Similar to shooting yourself in the foot.

“just as I have foreseen…”

Trump Told ME this is a Lie and Trump gets his information from Only the BEST Sources so FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS!