How do you Lemmings like your tea? to – 73 points –

Earl Grey, hot, plz.

If you like iced tea, maybe try it that way once.

Earl Grey makes an amazing iced tea, and a cool change from standard Black Pekoe. It's got of a spicy-flowery taste, altho I'd still recommend adding lemon or citrus powder, etc.

I like Earl Grey, hot, with milk. The kids call this a “Dirty Picard.”

“Tell you what, Gromit lad, let’s have a nice hot cup of tea, hmm? The kettle should be boiling by now…”

-Wallace, A Grand Day Out

hot, straight, not oversteeped, served in a small Asian-style teacup without handles

is this some sort of sex joke?

No, then I would have said "I like my tea like I like my women: hot, sweet, and with a large cup size."

Ok, but you said

  • Hot
  • straight
  • not oversteeped - not overly demanding
  • Asian-style teacup - small tits
  • without handles - without (romantic) name calling.

I mostly drink either a strong black tea blend (something that is neither too malty or astringent) with a bit of milk and sugar, masala chai, or a Chinese green tea like a Tie Guan Yin or a jasmine pearl.

I also love a good bubble tea, usually a simple pearl milk tea with less sugar.

Sweetened, doesn't particularly matter with what. Though I think my favorite has been a honey/citron/ginger tea from Costco. No caffeine, but the flavor was immaculate.

Preferably liquid, but I wouldn't say no to solid or gaseous forms. Would probably not try to ingest it in plasma form.

Depends on the tea. Black tea with a little milk is the classic, bonus points if loose leaf

Yorkshire Gold, 2 sugars, small splash of evaporated milk.

Is that you SpiffingBrit?

Funny, on other tea threads I've gotten similar comments. I don't know who SpiffingBrit is but they have great taste in tea!

It's a youtuber who famously loves Yorkshire Gold and once got a care/marketing package of teas from them. He's mignon exploiting games bugs or balance issues.

He is funny and is OBSESSED with Yorkshire brand teas- watch the tea brand/type ranking one.

Not German. I mean that. Any black tea you drink in Germany just doesn't mix right with milk. The colour goes grayish and you taste more the milk than the tea.

English black tea mixes impressively well with milk. Breakfast Tea, Yorkshire Blend, hell, even Earl Grey -- the colour goes a deep vibrant brown and the tea taste and effect is intensified.

I'm neither joking nor exaggerating.

Is it the type of water as well maybe? Are you describing German brands of tea (a new concept to me)

It could be the water. I don't think it is, as I can't believe that UK water is so drastically different than what's going on in Germany, but it could be.

I described common English brands/types that mix well with milk. In the UK, when you say "tea" it's immediately understood that you're referring to black tee.

In Germany, "tea" is something else. Tea could mean fruit or herbs or black, it's all on the same level there. Black tea is just another herb tee somehow to them

Mostly black, but after living in the UK for awhile I got used to doing a touch of honey and/or milk.

Earl Grey with honey and oat milk. Orange Pekoe/English Breakfast with sweetener and oat milk. Chai with milk. Or a straight herbal tea

Hot. No sugar. Black as my heart.

Yes I was an emo during my teenage years, how did you guess?

I like mine bitter, idk why but I like water that's bitter but hate bitter on everything else

I carbonate green tea.

Oooh, interesting! I bet that's yummy!

It really is. I'm down to almost no sugar, and it works as a base for other flavors too.

I of course have a deep love for coffee, I am always trying to get myself more into tea but usually it just doesn’t do it for me.

I do like green tea quite a bit though.

Any recommendations for non-dairy milk that goes well with black or green tea?

Strong black tea with a wedge of lemon (but I messed up my teeth so now lemon would make them very sensitive).

White tea. A blend of jasmine silver needle (floral, fragrant) and darker mou shei to balance it. Plus ginger and lemon zest.

Personally, I only drink iced-tea. I just can't handle bitterness at all, and I prefer cold drinks to hot ones anyway.

I've found Peace Tea is the best, but its kinda expensive, so I tend to buy those big tubs of GoodHost IceTea powder and make a jug of the stuff every couple days.

Strong, with quite a lot of sugar, and only a little bit of milk, so that the tea I end up with is a chocolate color 🍵

2 decaf and 1 caf Lipton bag in a pot of boiling water, let it steep for 10 minutes or so, then pour the lot over ice into a gallon pitcher and fill it up the rest of the way with cold water. I then pour it into a glass of ice and drink about half a gallon a day.

Depends entirely on the tea, but, if black: at home it's usually hot, with a half to a full teaspoon of raw sugar and a splash of milk. At work it's usually just hot and straight, no sugar or milk. If green: hot, sometimes honey and lemon, usually just straight. If herbal: hot or chilled depending on the temp outside, no sugar if hot, a bit of sugar if chilled.

I drink a lot of fuckin tea.

Good leaves on the right temperature. Nothing added. Tasty, healthy, and calorie free.

Unless making very specific a milk tea, then add milk. Don't do it too often, it ruins the last 2 points mentioned before.

I'm not a huge tea person but I've always liked the celestial Tiger tea with milk and honey

I am a huge tea drinker and also like the Tiger tea like that, just with oat milk not cow juice.

I'd like to be able to afford alternatives but a gallon is the same price ($3.14) as just a quart, and I've found it's harder to cook things like Mac and Cheese with.

Once it's better subsidized or overall cost comes down though I'm all for switching, we just can't afford it at the moment. Dang greenwashing keeping the impoverished hungry trying to support getting away from the M&D industry.

Up the butt, same as everyone else /a

(Actual answer: with a bit of honey and sometimes milk)

For most of the year, Assam (loose leaf) with a splash of milk; when it's available, first flush Darjeeling.

Depending on the tea, usually I like it plain no sugar, no milk. But I do make chai almost everyday with 2:1 milk to water and some ginger or cardamom depending on what I feel like. Also a fan of milk teas.

I prefer green tea blends, but I drink black if I need more caffeine. I don't drink coffee at all, so it's my main source of it and I drink most teas without anything else. No milk, no sugar, no honey, nothing. To me, sugar in tea just ruins the taste and milk in tea is really weird to my culture's palette (most people here drink herbal or fruit teas by the way, very few drink green or black)

I'm always cold so I've taken to making giant cups of herbals to have tea the whole day to keep me warm, no sweeteners.

I never put anything else in my tea. Except if I'm having a London fog, that's like crack for me.

Black tea with palm sugar, but I am also okay with kadak chai.

Missed lunch so eating tea at 5pm. Steak n chips, rare is how I like said steak.

Either in the form of Hong Kong milk tea, boba, sweet lemon tea, or plain and unadulterated.

Not scorching hot like some girls do, what's wrong with you!?

Black, no flavoring aside from the tea, brewed strong with a small splash of milk and 1-2 tsp of sugar for a large mug.

Either Earl Grey with no milk, no sugar, or (for different reasons) Hōjicha which I got a taste for when I visited Japan so much that I now import it.

Anything you can recommend? Didnt strike a good one so far.
Same with Genmaicha.

I don't think I'm discerning enough to recommend a good one. It's not a fancy tea in Japan, but common and I just enjoyed it, it's perhaps not to everyone's taste.

Broken Orange Pecoe, hot or chai masala, or dut chia if we're in Nepal

Iced and with a moderate amount of sugar

I need the acid to blend the sugar and tea together into a nice harmony. You can just add lemon. But I find a little ice tea mix does the job faster and easier.

Yeah I'm fine with the mix. Try fresh lime instead of lemon sometime.

Black tea: some of my black teas are outright best with milk Otherwise: as is.
Also drink: Rooibos, white and green teas. All loose leaf, steeped the expected duration for each tea.

Usually just black without sugar or anything, although on occasion I like it with honey and lemon.

Looseleaf Russian Caravan. I can't find the right blend any more, the company that made it right changed the formula and it tastes weaker. It needs to be smoky and rich with a bit of red clover. Anyone know where I can buy this?

sweeter side, type and preparation doesnt matter to me. I like switching up tea on the regular. (weekly tea routine is between 3 different teas that get swapped all the time)

I like my tea red with a taste of fruits and natural sweetness

Black tea: either just black or with lemon and honey

Green/white tea: no additives

Green tea iced and unsweet.

Black tea spiced with lots of milk and some sugar.

Couple minutes in the pressure cooker, and natural release.

I drink a pot of camomile every day. 1st cup is still hot while rest is more lukewarm.

Like i'm sucking the fruity ballsack of a rooibos. Yes, I suck the tea bag. It's the optimal way to enjoy it, at least until the teabag breaks.