Trump Directly Blames Harris and Biden’s Words for the Latest Attempt On His Life: ‘Their Rhetoric is Causing Me to Be Shot at’

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Trump Directly Blames Harris and Biden’s Words for the Latest Attempt On His Life: ‘Their Rhetoric is Causing Me to Be Shot At’

Trump pointed to Biden and Harris’ past comments casting Trump as a “threat to democracy,” while telling Americans they are “unity” leaders.

“They are the opposite,” Trump said. “These are people that want to destroy our country.”

The lack of self-awareness is amazing.


It's become obvious over time that one of Trump's primary strategies in life is assigning his failures and faults to other people. He lives in a sort of permanent fog of projection.

I wonder who he's trying to fool though. It's so constant and seemingly effortless that I suspect that it's really mostly for his own benefit - that it's not just the story he's telling other people, but the story he's telling himself.

This is called narcissism, he is just a narcissist with a hard-on for himself and unfortunate access to widespread attention

Same people he has been fooling for years. The fanatical MAGA believers and everyone on the right who subscribes to the whole, "If it doesn't fit my narrative, it is fake news."

"Strategy" implies he actually thinks about it. I think it's just a reflex; fault belongs elsewhere, always. The man is incapable of critical thought, especially inward.

True, and I indeed should have said "reflex" instead.

His extreme narcissism means that he is mentally incapable of seeing himself as anything other than the most perfect example of trump, and everyone else is either an extension of him (his direct family) or they're just things to be exploited.

Or they're something that is trying to stand in his way and interfere with him.

Wink, wink, straight arm raised salute awkwardly transitioned into a waving motion

I heard Trump and Vance have been eating the dogs and cats in Ohio

... but I don't.

... rubs eyes

... but I don't.


IN WHAT FUCKING UNIVERSE IS THAT EVEN REMOTELY, METAPHORICALLY, GENEROUSLY TRUE!? The man cannot open his mouth without generally talking about how everyone on the left is actively, intentionally and malevolently destroying America, and that's when he is not actively calling for his highly volatile MAGA followers to do unethical, and even illegal, things to ensure "they don't steal this election". His followers break into and flood the Capital Building leaving police officers in their wake, conspire to kidnap governors, break into Nancy Pelosi's home and beat her husband to within an inch of his life when they don't find her, not to mention all the general violence and hate of those like the Proud Boys, the Patriot Front, and other white Christian nationalists. The idea that anyone could ever possibly see you as innocent in, at minimum, your rhetoric is mistifying.

It's projection.

With conservatives It's always fucking projection.

Well Trump has no imagination so that's simple for him, not sure I'd say that about all conservatives, just the simple ones. The ones that have an imagination are possibly more dangerous but least none of them are running for president...this time.

That said can you imagine how stunted someone would have to be not to have an imagination? If so you're probably better off mentally than half the presidential candidates.

Edit oh right 3rd party... So better off than half of the realistic presidential candidates.

His coaching from his campaign is showing through. They desperately want him to be the law and order candidate, "weathering the storm from the militant left", but he just can't help but attack the left and encourage further violence. He will sabotage his own campaign and image if he starts encouraging violence here.

Preach! But it’s mostly to the choir I think.

He claims their rhetoric is making him look like the next Hitler who should be shot before he reaches power.

He doesn't need anyone's rhetoric to make it look that way. His own words and actions do it pretty well.

And also fuck this guy. He has been constantly and blatantly calling out for, encouraging and defending political violence against his opponents. He's only upset that he's on the receiving end of it this time. VOTE HIM OUT.

His own words and actions do it pretty well

Yup! It's like he's envisioning the prelude to the Holocaust and wanting to bring it into the modern day. This is from earlier today on his dumpster fire of a site:

Trump's rhetoric making Trump seem like the next Hitler

CRIMINALS...IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM AMERICAN CITIES AND TOWNS,_criminal_indictments_and_convictions,_civil_lawsuits

Trump is the only U.S. president or former president to be convicted of a crime and the first major-party candidate to run for president after a felony conviction.[637] He faces numerous criminal charges and civil cases.[638][639]


Imagine the logistics of this "immediate" operation, too. By his own estimation, it's like 20 million people. These folks are to be, first and foremost, "IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM AMERICAN CITIES AND TOWNS" and once that is done they would presumably be somehow sent off whence they came or whatever. But that first part is a real sticky thing. How are you going to immediately remove 20 million people from the cities and towns they are in? Where will you be taking them? Are you envisioning some sort of camp, or something similar, where you could sort of round them all up, or concentrate them, so to speak? Perhaps several of these camps will be needed, I suppose, just logistically. But how will he propose getting them there? Our trains have been derailing and shit, we need money to fix them first, don't we? Maybe that's not an issue for him, who knows.

There is an ugliness built into his lexicon that reeks of holocaustic intent and it's been slipping out more frequently it feels like.

Odd that you can see exactly in that tweet where his staffer stopped writing and handed the phone over to Donnie.

Where is he suggesting we deport the two white Americans who tried to kill him?

Didn't you read it? To their "counties of origin." Oh, excuse me: "TO THEIR COUNTIES OF ORIGIN."

Oh shit didn't realize he was from a different county


Oh, Donny you stupid chucklefuck. In the span of a month two different supporters of yours tried to do just that with a bullet to the worst offender of all three. Maybe it's time to shut the fuck up cuz it sounds like they're just as sick of your shit as the rest of the world.

Remember when all the Republicans were making jokes about the guy breaking into Pelosi's house and attacking her husband with a hammer?

They encourage political violence because they know it generally benefits them and then act outraged when it bites one of them.

Says the guy who was "just invited to give a speech" on 1/6/21, and who had no idea whether his innocent highlight of JD Vance's Ohio Consituent's "first hand evidence" led to numerous bomb threats over several days.

Trump later added. "I can use it too — far better than they can — but I don’t."


Trump later added. "I can use it too — far better than they can — but I don’t."


Destroy our Country:

Threat to Democracy

Trump's assassins probably heard him say "You'll never take back your country with weakness" and thought "He's right".

Yea this is getting dangerous. We need to put him somewhere safe. Like really safe. Maybe like concrete walls so bullets can't get through, and barred windows to prevent would-be assassins from getting in. Have like multiple points of entry under lock and key, with armed guards all over.

Wall off the entire area too - big tall concrete walls. And barbed wire on top. No one's getting through that! Ooh and some towers around good vantage points with spotlights and snipers.

We really can't be too careful.

Does anyone know a place like that where Trump might belong?

Oh, I know one place like that! It sounds like One Tan Ammo. Dang it, it's on the tip of my tongue.

Guam Dynamo? I know it had a really ritzy sounding name

There's no where like that for rich( or pretend to be billionaire?) orange people that I can find. If he was noticably poor I bet something could be figured out without much hassle.

Such a shame there's no institutional protection for the pretend billionaire oompa loompa class when they invite violence.

Maybe the survivors can sing him a song.

This statement is expected from the Gaslight, Obstruct, Project political party.

Shooter 1: Republican

Shooter 2: Former MAGA


These democrats sure are playing long cons...

I mean, Sniper #2 supported Trump in his first run, and just got ticked off about Trump not saying that he'd support Ukraine adequately. I don't think that that's something that one can really attach to Biden and Harris.

The problem is youre not supposed to think about it rationally and you have now shown more critical thinking than the cultists

It's got to be driving him absolutely nuts that the second shooter is also a presumably christian, straight, white, man. Anything else and he could work with it. White woman? Women are too emotional and shouldn't be trusted to make important decisions. Black man? Go-go all out on the racism. Brown skinned? Anti immigration fear mongering. Trans or gay? Groomer nonsense. Anything other than Christian and he could fearmonger about their foreign religions.

Literally the only identity he can't exploit is christian, straight, white men and they're the ones who keep trying to kill him.

Well unfortunately for him they’re the ones that he kept radicalizing to violence.

WTF his crap fucked up an entire city this past week.

Yes, but that was just magas wanting to kill brown people. These freaks are still allowed to vote for this rapist, convicted felon, who won't accept the election results because... He's the better candidate for tHe EcOnOmY! i.e., he'll let corrupt, billionaire white men exploit more people...

What Trump needs is a Good Guy With A Gun.

Has he tried hiring a security guard? Did he try Duck & Cover? An armed school teacher maybe?

Why hasn't the billionaire properly secured himself? We all know the public option is de minimus, so why hasn't he gone deep into the private mercenary world to hire the best?

/s if it wasn't obvious

“It’s just horrible – so surprising to see it here. But we have to get over it. We have to move forward.”

-Trump in response to a school shooting in Iowa, the day after the shooting, back in January 2024.

Trump needs to get over being shot at, that's the America that him and the GOP have created. If he doesn't like it... maybe consider some sort of way to control access to guns so that unhinged individuals can't get them... something like... I don't know, gun control?

Of course he never takes responsibility for his endless words of hate and fear.

Trump, who completely lacks any ability to self-reflect, of course passes the blame on to someone else.

Does he think the attempts will stop if he wins? Because plenty of people will still hate him or want to become famous or be mentally ill. If anything, the hate might ratchet up.

The guy voted for Trump in 2016...

But did he say he was voting for him in 2024? That's what counts. You know seeing as he tried to remove Trump from the ballot and all that.

Trump supporters are to Trump what Trump is to the Republican party.

They thought they could harness the crazy. Now they face growing existential threats for not being crazy enough.

The find out phase is getting spicy!

Insert your Russian nesting doll of consequences jokes below.

Oh absolutely.

Guys. Stop. Saying anything about him okay.

Let's create a safe space and protect the guy who is open to Nazis,bigots and previously protected gun freaks

Seriously, all this is like digging a hole on the beach and then injuring yourself when you fall in.. and then blaming the lifeguards..

Then after getting help, start digging more holes

You mean rhetoric like “I hate Taylor Swift” from less than 24 hours ago?

Every accusation is a confession. Trump is just pissed that no one will rid him of the meddlesome Kamala.

Was the shooter a Swifty? Have we ruled that out as the motive?

I'm waiting for that one next. "Taylor Swift is getting people to try to assassinate me!"

Listen, we already have a reality tv star running for President as a fascist. I’m not discounting Chairwoman Comrade Swift from being a possibility.

He didn't get shot at. Some doofus brought a gun within the no-no zone on him. He's trying to fundraise because of it. Apparently he's most popular when he's getting shot at...

Kind of like how his rhetoric is causing people to call in bomb threats in Springfield? I hope the second attempt really puts fear into his heart: it's not just one crazy guy, there could be gunmen everywhere.

I really don't want Trump to get shot and killed.

I really really want Trump to live the rest of his life in constant fear and paranoia, never able to enjoy the things that he loves, isolated from the world and starving for the adulation of the people who will quickly forget him in the prison of his own making as he taps away at his phone on his own little social media bubble, grasping at being relevant again until the day he dies of natural causes and the nation lets out a wet fart of false sympathy and lowers the flags to half staff for the day while the news media puffs him up one last time before they, too, stop giving a shit and we close this chapter of our lives and our nation.

That requires Harris to beat Trump in November, so I need the fucker to stay alive until then.

Eh ill take my "good enough" if he gets brained, especially if its one of his former supporters. He is dangerous enough that death is easier to work with, while id prefer he had a aneurism on stage and rapidly go into death seizures ill take whatever to remove him. Consider his imprisonment to be a good desert, but right now we are starving so dont bitch about the expired MRE or cold McDonald's hamburger.

He’s desperate and is now trying to get them killed. There is no end to what he will do to stay out of prison.

And it’s disgusting that America is allowing him to continue on with this shit. He is ABSOLUTELY above the law.

It’s so funny that the Republicans are suddenly very concerned about stochastic terrorism. Do they really want to open that can of worms?

I've been thinking about why the assassination attempts have only just now started. I wonder if they become more likely when a politician or celebrity is seen as weakening in favor as opposed to when they are on the rise.

His base is turning on him, and they're the degenerate weirdos who think the only way to save the republican movement is to kill Trump. They learned this brilliant tactic from Trump himself, he even gave them some training exercises with Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi.

Trump has used and hurt his voter base a lot, I'm not surprised they're coming back to get him.

Here we see the Malignant Narcissus employing the famous "I know you are but what am I" defense. Let's see if the Magats continue to believe his lies.

Pot meet kettle

Whole damn professional cast iron cookware set calling the kettle black

But wasn't he just claiming a few weeks back that Kamala Harris wasnt black enough?


I don't think that word belongs near anything referring to Trump, unless immediately followed by "grifter".

The facts have conservatives terrified:

Harris is a pro woman.

Trump is a con man.

Agreed! Even though Republicans keep calling for the Execution and Assassination of Political Leaders its the DEMOCRATS who are causing Division!

People say anti trump centrist republicans are a political dead end but it seems at least two of them were willing to make concepts of a plan with a gun.

They're not dead center, so they're ackshually diehard leftists, didn't you get the memo? The left is trying to kill Trump! Clutch those pearls hard!

"I lied and was wrong but I'm not to blame. It's the person who tells on me who is to blame. If they didn't tell on me, non of this would have happened as people wouldn't have known I lied".

It's a typical sociopathic way of thinking you aren't to blame but instead the person who punishes you / calls you out is. Like, when you robbed a bank, you blame the police for being locked up, not yourself for committing the crime.

Remember: A former president, a current presidential candidate, is unable to take responsibility and accountability for any of his actions. Do you really want someone like that to have control over one of the biggest countries, controlling thousands of nuclear weapons and the mightiest military, while constantly acting in favor of Putin, a dictator and enemy of NATO? Like, the stupidity of this all makes everyone in the movie Idiocracy look smart.

Their "rhetoric" is keeping him from being hit as only his disaffected dipshit disciples are dumb enough to take the potshot to begin with. Anyone else with any skill at all would not have made their mistakes

Sure Donny. Their rhetoric is of violence and intolerance for their fellow man. Right.

remember when racist and delusional republicans had a wbush poster / meme with "miss me yet?" written on it during the obama administration?

they could do one with the orange turd except this time it can be answered with "yes, twice".

I sincerely don't want him to get shot at any time before the election but it doesn't make me feel bad to know that he knows there are people who want to shoot at him, especially republicans who want to shoot at him

Come on who would want to do him harm other than them. Not the thousands of people he has scammed. Not the thousands of people he has refused to pay for services rendered. Not the people he has raped. Just the latest focus of concern. /s

"Its all Biden and Harris' fault! If they would stop telling the people what my plans are and what I want to do, none of this would have happened! They are making me a target by telling the world what I am and how I want to bring about the Fourth Reich in honor of my great Hero, Hitler!"

And the lies he and JD are telling about Haitians has no impact on them?

I saw a picture of the sniper and thought: That's Roger Wilco!

His looney ass maggot followers believe this shit. Many are so delusional it's rattling. I think it comes from lots of practice believing things that aren't real. The Great Satan is religion.

To be fair to him the speech made sense when he was practicing it because he was looking in a mirror.

If you look at his press release he also quotes their words in like over 100 instances.

At this point I don't care if he takes one to the dome. His followers are going g to be violent regardless it's better it happe lns with a Democrat in office