I have no idea how to react to this.

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 546 points –

The guy just likes flags

Gotta catch em all

Dudes missing Ukraine and Russia. He's slacking.

A "come and take it" bumper sticker next to one of those all religions "coexist" bumper stickers. A Christian fish and a pentagram.

Lol perfect. This is making me think of those fridge magnets you can rearrange to say different things, but for cars.

And those little family stickers you'd find on the back of a minivan.

There's no reason Christianity can't be compatible with any other religion, including pagan. And really no reason Judaism can't, either, considering yhwh is a sumarían war god.

I recently accompanied a neighbor to a neighborhood event at a local church. It was kind of neat because when a lady kept mentioning "the Lord" my mind kept dubbing in "Baal."

"What has been seen can not be unseen," apparently including in the mind's eye. Also, read as much of the Ethiopian Bible as you can, I can totally see a really chill RPG based on it.

We look through the world through windows on which have been drawn grids (concepts). Different philosophies use different grids. A culture is a group of people with rather similar grids. Through a window we view chaos, and relate it to the points on our grid, and thereby understand it. The ORDER is in the GRID. That is the Aneristic Principle.

Western philosophy is traditionally concerned with contrasting one grid with another grid, and amending grids in hopes of finding a perfect one that will account for all reality and will, hence, (say unenlightened westerners) be True. This is illusory; it is what we Erisians call the ANERISTIC ILLUSION. Some grids can be more useful than others, some more beautiful than others, some more pleasant than others, etc., but none can be more True than any other.

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Gay white nationalist. A Bubba who digs Bubbas.

Came across a truck in a southern town covered in stickers of anime traps (some were borderline hentai), gay pride stickers, and a whole lot of gun stickers. They had a bumper sticker that said something like "the only thing straight about me is my shooting".

If anyone deserves the right to bare arms, it's femboys. Not everyone looks good in dresses with sleeves!

Back in the Trump days I saw a documentary on YouTube about the rise in LGBTQ+ gun culture.

Basically, most of the interviewed folks reasoned: I’d rather not need or use a gun, but the people who want me dead all have them, so I want to protect myself. Obviously, there’s also just people in that community who enjoy guns regardless. Both are perfectly valid reasons.

"I will fuck any of my slaves"

We have ample evidence of the sexual abuse of enslaved women - you can see that in the skin color of most black folks who live in the US.

We know they raped their male slaves too, but it doesn’t produce physical evidence. But a lot of the obsession with the size of black men’s penises starts in the mid 1800s.

The Delectable Negro is a fascinating read about disturbingly erotic cannibalism of enslaved folks. They ate Nat Turner after they put his rebellion down, and the descriptions are just weird.

Read Wikipedia

Holy fuck they made purses out of the guy and they're still figuring out which skull is his. What. The. Fuck.

(Good thing we’d never do something as awful as mutilate the corpses of black rebels as prizes/lose track of them in the enlightened 20th century.)[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/apr/22/move-bombing-black-children-bones-philadelphia-princeton-pennsylvania]

The bones of Black children who died in 1985 after their home was bombed by Philadelphia police in a confrontation with the Black liberation group which was raising them are being used as a “case study” in an online forensic anthropology course presented by an Ivy League professor.

It has emerged that the physical remains of one, or possibly two, of the children who were killed in the aerial bombing of the Move organization in May 1985 have been guarded over the past 36 years in the anthropological collections of the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton.

How we view that past is how we treat the present. The fact Nat Turner's family has not gotten closure is reflected in our more modern acts of racism.

I have someone near my home who flies those exact same flags, so it made me think. My state bled for the Union, so it's not a "southern pride" flag.

I came to the conclusion American Pride, Gay Pride, And White Pride aren't exclusive XD

You can be love America, be gay, and hate minorities all at the same time, what a country

It's easier to be gay then colored. There's some real conspiracies behind that.

At the end of the day it's all about class.

Skin color or (perceived) gender affect how someone is seen and treated but money is the great equalizer in America.

I think I'm more confused by spongebob playing in the background more than anything.

Bottom of their sign says: "SpongeBob SquarePants fan club meetings in Tyron's mom's basement. Every Wednesday at 7:30PM"

At further inspection they're also wearing Spongebob lapel pins.

These still don't change the fact that I am more confused by that than anything else.

If you use Tumblr to get pictures of handsome working men / military men / etc, you see a lot of this crap coming from the same accounts sharing hot dudes. Gay men decrying "wokeism" and hating on trans people and immigrants.

Being gay unfortunately does not correllate with intelligence.

Yeah no kidding, otherwise Log Cabin Republicans wouldn't exist. I mean why else would an LGBT+ person vote Republican unless they're just plain stupid?

I mean why else would an LGBT+ person vote Republican unless they're just plain stupid?


I do. They can fuck right off.

I know, but it's like... how do you hold those three things as values dear enough to you to wave flags from the back of your truck and not see the dissonance.

It's like there's a town near me and there's one house that has a big Trump/Vance flag and two Trump/Vance banners on the fence in front of their porch.

And a "proud union member" sign in their yard.

Makes no fucking sense.

Very few people can recognize that level of dissonance. They have twisted stuff in their minds so long it's impossible to see it.

Ir it's just a gay dude who wants to troll the confederacists. It's gonna confuse em and piss em off.

Some old bigot who still loves his gay kid (and flags) or something?

i still think we should start satirizing flags, and making nonsense flags that don't actually exist, but appear to exist, not unlike e pluribus anus, although that applies to the show community, so it doesn't count.

There's got to be all kinds of stupid shit we can think up.

Use to work with a woman who was this way. Masculine lesbian proud southerner. Verbally harassed young servers.

Puerto Rican sous chef called her go- rilla because she had massive forearms.

I think this would be less surprising if we didn't imagine LGBTQ people were one homogeneous block of political beliefs and opinions. Some of my most right-wing friends are gay.

But everyone that agrees with me on one thing must agree with me on all other things or else they are morally wrong and inferior! /s

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He really loves Brokeback Mountain, but would be pissed about "forced diversity" if they remade it with one of the lead characters black.

Mark Robinson has a pretty nice truck!

Ahem. Mark Robinson used illicit funds gained from defrauding families who entrusted his wife to take care of their children to obtain a pretty nice truck.

Which he promptly crusted up with pizza stains…

React to them like how’d you react to a face eating leopard

Its Ai image generation, solves everything.

That is only an excuse when you're a self-professed black Nazi who is fond of discussing how slavery was a good thing on porn websites.

A flag seller perhaps?

I feel like a flag seller would have POWMIA flags. Those things sell better than the actual US flag.

Is there any images where a pickup truck has like every single flag attached to it?