This is the way to Lemmy – 1178 points –

Swap coffee and energy drinks. Energy drinks are def the most braindead of the bunch—I know, I used to buy them.

Also where is the “100mg adderall” option?

Considering most people consume coffee, I think you should reconsider

But Energy drinks are way worse. They're basically only sugar (at least most of the big ones).

I like my C4's for pre-workout, but they've got some kind of artificial sweetener I'm assuming

I really did try to use pre workout powder and I hated it because it’s too sweet at that time of the morning.

Cup of black coffee is the best pre workout. If you really want some energy, smash a banana too.

It's a weird one, cause coffee is the most default, but energy drinks are more braindead

The last one is plain cheating

I get 8 hours of sleep almost every night. I can tell you I don't feel well rested any day

I get between 7-12h a day. I still don't feel restet.

Consistency and quality of sleep are also important factors, but so is your diet and the times you eat.

Feeling well rested after a night of sleep requires much more than "8 hours sleep".

I sometimes have the feeling that I'm only getting REM sleep.

Of cause that can't be true, but I don't think it's thaaaat far off.

Just curious, what makes you think you're only getting REM?

Speaking as someone dxed with narcolepsy, a sleep disorder where you get a disproportionate amount of REM. There are a lot of conditions--sleep disorders and otherwise--that can cause excessive sleeping and daytime fatigue.

Not to say that it isn't sometimes just a matter of sleep habits or consistency, but my advice is that it can't hurt to speak with a doctor about your symptoms if you have the chance. :)

Well it can also be the case that I just have a very good dream memory, but I noticed that I can relatively easaly drift into a dream while being aware of my environment even when I was fully awake before. Not always though.

I also can remember having 4-10 dreams in a night. Of cause we don't only dream in the REM sleep so it's kinda hard to keep track of how much I actually sleep.

I probably just have a pretty good dream memory and have a very light sleep

Do you snore?

Depends, I have allergies and during peak allergy times for me I usually get very congested. So during the yes, I found something this season that help clear my sinuses really well and ended up getting some pretty good sleep. And then other factors of course, such as if I've drank or yadda yadda

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Clearly we need to be eating 100% chocolate to get 100% energy.

make it dark chocolate if you're looking for dark energy. checkmate physicist

Ok, now you gonna tell me that dark chocolate is made of dark matter?

Can't tell you the amount of times someone has acted astonished when I tell them I drink coffee because I genuinely like it—i just drink it in the morning because if I drank it later it'd keep me awake.

A lot of people drink it purely to stay awake and I do not get that. Get some caffeine pills or something.

Have you considered decaf?

I have drank it in the past, but there's multiple other people who drink coffee in the house and I'm rarely the one to buy it. I also find that when I have to ability to drink coffee as much as I want throughout the day, I drink a lot of creamer and end up dehydrated XD

There are disadvantages to caffeine pills:

  1. it's a pill and feels more medical and unnatural than drinking a bean soup
  2. it's easy to accidentally overdose and cause serious damage to yourself

I'm starting to think it's physically impossible to get enough sleep to where your not tired when you wake up.

I have a sleep tracker and it keeps saying, "girl, you're the best at sleeping, getting the 8 hours, getting the REM, going to bed and waking up at consistent times, blood oxygen maybe a little lower than usual but if there was a sleep competition you'd easily be top 100!"

But yet I still feel like death in the morning

There aren't enough hours of sleep for me to go to uni for 8 hours, then go to work for 8 hours and not feel like a mess.

Wait, what's this about 90% chocolate? I like chocolate.

Dark chocolate has some caffeine, but if you're used to coffee don't expect it to do much. 90% at least if you want any effect. I just enjoy it for the cocoa, never really notice the caffeine bc I'm used to a big rush from coffee.

But maybe not 90%, it’s super bitter

I mean it's not milk chocolate, but it's tasty enough on its own. Really good if eaten with a cup of coffee.

It's not like as bitter as the "Baker's Chocolate" that you found in your aunt's cupboard.

The most I can handle is about 70%. Even 80% tastes too bitter. But maybe I am too weak

I'm with you there. I love chocolate and am not really a fan of milk chocolate, but anything over 70-75% gets too bitter for me.

White "chocolate" is just blasphemy. Lol

I see teenagers drinking energy drinks and I'm always thinking marketing really works on teenagers. Because those are the only people drinking that shit and they are also trying to appear "cool". So easy targets for marketing.

I always drunk energy drinks bc of their unique taste that I liked at the moment. Never seen ads that were saying "energy drinks are cool" tho.

You never see ads saying "beer is cool" either. They just imply it heavily. Same with energy drinks.

In the US, that's actually because of semi-voluntary regulations. In the EU and other areas, it's less voluntary.

They can't claim or imply that drinking will help improve your social status or sexual success. They also can't claim or imply that it'll help you relax or that the alcohol is a positive quality.

Basically, they're not allowed to show someone drinking and looking like they're having a good time... But they're allowed to show one or the other.

I used to order caffeine free Bang, then I realized my gut was doing backflips because of the sweetener.

I prefer a sugar free red bull to wake up first thing in the morning instead of coffee and I haven't been a teenager for over a decade. It works better for me and tastes better. Its all just preference.

buddy i get like 10+ hours of sleep, it does jack shit.

Oversleeping can cause fatigue as well

yeah but how do i get out of bed when it physically hurts to even think about moving my pinky finger in the morning? i have to sleep like 10 hours for that to go away.

That sounds like another issue that I am unqualified to diagnose, you might want to speak to a qualified doctor about that.

How about we stop pretending that “well rested” actually exist?

It does exist, it's just not the easiest thing to achieve, especially with what is expected of most people for work.

It is also a constantly moving goalpost that our body never quite figures out. Some days 7 hours of sleep is fine, others you need 10, and your body is really bad at telling you which days need certain amounts of rest.

In my experience, keeping a steady pattern both weekdays and weekends helps to that end. That's easier said than done, though.

Sleep apnea? Or possibly just too much sleep

Do you need a multivitamin? B complex? Helped me

i mean i doubt it since my diet is very varied and contains a lot of both meat and veggies, but i guess i might as well try it.

Maybe schedule an annual checkup and have them do some bloodwork. You never know but it helps to catch things sooner

have had bloodwork and basic heart/breath check done as part of another investigation and i'm like exactly in the middle of the range of healthy values.

Do you exercise regularly? Some light cardio in the morning really helps me throught the day.

i guess i'll have to try forcing myself to do that, problem is that it takes me hours for the bone-deep lethargy to bleed away, and before that i can only just about haul myself into my computer chair

Yea i know that feeling its tough to push past forsure, if i ever find a way past that ill let you know lol

There is another way, but it's a pathway to abilities some consider to be unnatural...

This is mostly accurate. (Except for the fact that coffee and energy drinks need to be switched.) I only need to drink coffee in the morning if I can't sleep properly. On a regular day, I only drink some in the afternoon, and thats too only because I just like drinking coffee.

I contemplated the order a little but then decided to focus on the punchline

I get enough sleep. I still feel sleepy all the time

I should go see a doctor, but naaah

Im that way. I had a worker say I was like a lion. I can be intense and active for quite a few hours but I can only keep it up so long and then I lose it and its all fatigue.

Strictly speaking, it's not just about the time but also about the quality of sleep, so gotta get that right, too

I will never understand people who think that energy drinks are better than black coffee...

I don't do energy drinks, but sometimes I need something sweet like Coke or some chocolate, over acidic coffee. Although, I don't really do black coffee much either.

Its 2 different things, one is a sugar rush the other one is caffeine. You could argue you could use them for the same goals but the calories you get from energy drinks are way more.

If you need to run for miles, better the energy drink, if you need to drive, better the caffeine

Never in my life have I experienced sugar rush. Always thought it was a myth, until my partner told me about the kids in her class. Apparently it's real

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I had skipped black coffee and moved temporarily to energy drinks during hot days. Not too bad, but yeah nothing beats black coffee.

I love black coffee. Why not try a cold brew coffee? Making a batch in the fridge for 48 hours can make it really strong!

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As a father of a small child, I feel personally attacked by the last point.

Same, but I also know it's my own fault because of revenge bedtime procrastination.

And it is our own fault because of unprotected sex with the aim of reproduction. Nonetheless.

Bro, there was so much unprotected sex with the aim of reproduction that I became physically and sexually burnt out by the time we achieved it. My wife and I didn't have sex again until my daughter was like 10 months old, and it the frequency only began to normalize over the course of another year or so - maybe longer. I remember we were worried for a bit that it was a bad sign for our marriage or something, especially since it was primarily me who was struggling to even want to, but then suddenly my daughter started sleeping through the night and my wife and I started banging again. Completely restored my sex drive. I'm certainly not fucking like I'm in my twenties anymore, but I'm relieved that unprotected sex with the aim of reproduction didn't permanently kill my boner. Unprotected sex with the aim of reproduction is a blessing at first, but be wary, travelers...

You're lucky, my sex life stopped when we got a kid, even though the conception was basically a one-shot

Stage 5: get a baby and stay up all night listening to the wailing

I used to think that I was just great at finding ways to get enough sleep while staying up late on the weekend.

Now that I have an infant, though...

Funny enough, half the reason I'm not getting enough sleep anymore is just so I can have some time to myself.

Two infants for me. This weekend I am alone in a hotel just to get some undisturbed sleep.

I can't believe no one's mentioned tea. I still drink coffee, but I've replaced my second cup of the day with a pot of green tea, and I'm really into it! For one, it lasts longer than a cup of coffee. And it's warming in the cold months, and refreshing in the hot months.

Well, tea contains caffeine, so I guess they are being lumped together. I prefer tea because its easier on my tummy.

I like strong caffeinated beverages so I like coffee unless it's yerba mate or something but I LOVEEEEE non caffeinated herbal teas a couple hours before bed.

On that note, I recently discovered valerian root herbal tea (don't laugh (ok, laugh), but I like the one called "Nighty Night Extra"), and it gives me the warm drowzy fuzzies in my stomach.

I love an herbal tea at the end of the day SO MUCH. Sometimes I'll be at a house party, and looking forward to going home and drinking my tea

I'll have to I try it out sounds great!!

I love tea, too. So do you have coffee in the morning and then green tea during lunch?

Whenever I drink coffee or energy drinks I become more physically tired than I was before 🫡

That is typical for people with ADHD.

In my experience it's a bell curve rather than just a depressant. Most adhd people I know need coffee to wake up in the morning, but crash if they drink too much of it/other caffeine products.

I have ADHD and have always just needed way more caffeine than most people. I usually have 20omg of caffeine two or three times a day when I'm working. I use those Celcius drink powders: zero calories with an energy blend. Meaningfully less caffeine than that in a serving makes me foggy. Red Bull 90mg of caffeine with sugar is molasses for my soul. I need 200mg caffeine with protein! I start the day with a meal, 200mg caffeine, 200mg CBG, and 300mg Welbutrin XL. I also have low blood pressure, and the caffeine helps me with that when waking up.

If the bottom one actually worked, I wouldn’t do the top three.

My ADHD methodology involves getting good sleep (a lifelong challenge that took me more than thirty years to figure itself) followed by huge amounts of caffeine as zero calorie energy drinks to take the place of prescription stimulants. I also have low blood pressure. So I'm like a whole new person once I've eaten and medicated, but I need a long time to wake up and come around to my full performance level.

Needs a 5th enlightened brain with "Doing meth". Who needs sleep when there's hard drugs?

Not even going to mention highly caffinated naps?

Those are the best, you feel more tired when you wake up.

you feel more tired when you wake up.

Yep, just like normal sleep. It just gets worse every day.

except with the bonus of the caffeine blocking your adenosine receptors so you dont get any deep sleep to help boost your tiredness

Sadly, my body won’t stay asleep for the entire duration.

My sleep schedule is so f up.

Chocolate will not keep you awake. It will only exacerbate things

I don't know, man, if I eat enough dark chocolate it really pumps me up

It's almost 8 am and I haven't slept

Night shift?

Nah I'm in college. Just having really bad relationship issues rn. You can check my post history if your curious but I also just have chronic insomnia so the two fuck me up together

my insomnia leaving my body when someone tells me "just sleep enough lmao"

I wish it was that easy⁠ ⁠ • ︵ ,•