Conservatives Are Boycotting Froot Loops for Creating a Library of Diverse Children's Books Online to – 807 points –
Froot Loops Is Offering Free Children's Books Online. Conservatives Are Livid

Conservatives: We are boycotting Froot Loops

Everyone else: Because they are unhealthy right?😀

Conservatives: 😐

Everyone else: Right? 😟

How can they be unhealthy? They are called fruit loops and the loops are colored like fruit. That means the loops are fruit and fruit can't be unhealthy.

It also fulfills our "loop" food needs, like donuts or bagels!

Trust me. And I'm a Nutritionist (because anyone can call themselves that).

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I'm just waiting for a Republican to come out and just say, "reading is for liberals." Because you know it's coming.

I would say it's one or two years away. Two more years and the first person in congress is called a faggot for reading

Tf is removed?

Some instances remove profane words automatically from the posts, and it ends up getting propagated across the Lemmyverse.

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They already are. What do you think their War On Education over the last 40 years is about. Dumb illiterate peasants believe whatever they're told.

Yup, looks like the long game is to keep them uneducated, pissed off and armed to the teeth.

They say it now just not publicly.

I strongly believe it.

Our customer service (CS) department has a HQ in a red state, they manage all the Customer Service nationwide. They report to my boss and have these "huddle" meetings where the CS managers (of which there are at least 30+ people) share ideas. Other department leads/managers can join. I used to sit in as a engineer manager, so I can under understand problems from customers. But now I sit in to eat popcorn.

The CS leads are definitely conservatives. And These huddles are full of really stupid takes.

One of the takes was where someone recommended training resources and another mockingly said, "Read a book? What do you think this is, a school?"

idiot corporate managers who insist on the word 'huddle' instead of 'meeting'. Ugh.

Kinda used to all the corpo lingo. I'm pretty sure I'm one of those bad business folks you take out in a cyberpunk game

Remember to stand still facing windows and walls, walk/stand under heavy but precariously-placed objects, things like that ^.^

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Auch a cool thing to do by froot loops! Wouldn't have heard of it without that boycott! Come on. Republicans, keep the Streisand effect going!

Kids already love disgusting sugar hoops. Why not put them to good use?

Wouldn't have heard of it without that boycott!

That factored into the reason for Froot Loops doing it I'm sure. "Crazies will boycott which results in free advertising"

They've vowed to switch to their other favorite cereal, Racist Bran.

Special KKK

Kalcium is a building material for all them bones. Timmy, how many bones does your body have? 1488? You are right on the money, Timmy. There's our special Key-KornflaKes cap with a skull for you. (Your friends gonna beat you to have it.) Now, don't forget to salute the sun and Nestlé for all the sweet corn making you such a Kapable, Kareful Kid. Key-KornflaKes - the Key to the manhood°.

° Not recommended for females due to it's hormonal content. Side effects include: baldness, frequent mood-swings, acute radiation poisoning.

Another conservative tantrum, yet somehow everyone else is a snowflake.

Isn’t it understood that their every act is a projection?

"Froot loops were once part of a balanced breakfast"

Ummm... No. No, they never were.

A very small part. Like all the sugar you'd need for the day part.

...if you were doing CrossFit for 12 hours.

Another perfect example of how conservatives are trash. How is anyone actually friends with anyone who supports the Republican party? I would be absolutely disgusted being around them.

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They are fruity, rainbow colored, AND they let kids read things that haven't been vetted by MTG and the leader of the Proud Boys?

Holy shit how has the offense to our freedoms, the danger to our children, and the disdain for proper god-fearing Americans perpetuated by Froot Loops been allowed to continue for so long!!??

So are they gonna go after Dolly Parton next for mailing woke-leftist indoctrination propaganda children’s books out to kids on a monthly basis?

They’re conservatives, so more than likely.

They can try... But Dolly Parton is a living national treasure. Going after her would cause their hearts to implode and they know it.

In Other News: Conservatives hate dancing and music.

... But they absolutely love booze.

My friend got married in a conservative little Washington town near the Canadian border. When planning the wedding, they were told that city ordinance allowed them to choose either alcohol or music at the reception, but not both.

We ended up drinking and making Footloose jokes all night.

The Republicans in Washington tend to not care much about vices. They were gone legalizing weed. You go down to the Deep South and they hate booze so much that they have dry counties.

One of which has the Jack Daniels distillery smack-dab in the middle of it. Better yet, they have a legal loophole just for the gift shop.

Moore County, where the Jack Daniel's distillery is located, is one of the state's many dry counties. While it is legal to distill the product within the county, it is illegal to purchase it there.[60][failed verification] However, a state law has provided one exception: a distillery may sell one commemorative product, regardless of county statutes.[61] Jack Daniel's now sells Gentleman Jack, Jack Daniel's Single Barrel, the original No. 7 blend (in a commemorative bottle), and a seasonal blend (on rotation) at the distillery's White Rabbit Bottle Shop.

While I upvoted for your spirit, most of the folks I make a living from as a basshole have red hats at home. They fuckin' love good live music if you separate them from Trump's diaper for a minute.

We are a lefty-as-fuck folk trio, and our elephant-flavored fans listen, dance, and usually keep their treason to themselves. They get real quiet when we sing about Sporkfoot, though... 🤷‍♂️

A shocking number of GOPers love leftist music. Remember when Rand Paul said his favorite band was Rage Against The Machine?

Swamy wouldn't have rapped if he wasn't an Eminem fan

I doubt he's listened to any of the more recent songs. Em comes out swinging in favor of gun control and apologizes to Kim and his mom and talks about his feelings. Oh, and that he hates Trump.

It occurred to me the other day, he was pretty ahead of the curve on talking about his feelings. Beautiful straight opens up with him saying he's depressed. It's ironic, but Eminem was ahead of the curve on men starting to talk about their emotions. Maybe that's true of musicians in general though.

I agree, IMO he's just another hopeful politician awkwardly entice a "new" demographic

Edit- and failing, I'm enjoying the failing aspect

Every time a brand falls onto the "socially conservative ban list" I just cackle evilly.

Yes. The death by a thousand cuts is very fitting for these people who seem to lack critical thinking skills and won't learn.

It's almost like people think children need to know how to be decent human beings and they know that some parents will refuse to teach that skill.

It's almost as if society at large has already decided that the "status quo" they are vehemently defending needs to die. It's like society has decided people need to be better. So that we don't like; kill each other off stupidly over stupid fucking bullshit in stupid wars like stupid idiots being stupidly fucking greedy and unrelenting.

I laugh even more when they buy that product too show themselves shooting it/burning it/ or otherwise getting rid of it via some video on social media.

I highly doubt Kellogg's cares if someone buys 5 boxes of Froot Loops because they want to eat them or use them for target practice to prove how MAGA they are. Kellogg's has their money either way.

who the fuck cares what they boycott

Probably the same people who care what you boycott.

At this point, I'm surprised these morons aren't launching homemade missiles at the sky to try and stop actual rainbows.

Funnily enough, every year in early July they go nuts launching Chinese-made missiles at the sky to CREATE rainbows.

Huh. I never really noticed they spelled it "Froot" before. Weird.

What, did you think there was actual fruit in it?

The TV commercial told me it was part of a balanced and healthy breakfast!

In the 80s, according to the commercials, that was cereal, fruit, toast, juice and milk. What kid could have all that for breakfast unless servings were all doll-sized?

Wait until you realise that chocolatey creme likely contains no chocolate or cream.

Alright. That’s even dumber than the beer thing a while ago. Let me try to guess what’s next.

Bacon. You see, more and more people from Muslim families say „fuck it“ and try out bacon. Conservatives, with that giant hole in their heads, will demand from the manufacturers to not sell bacon to muslims and ex muslims. The manufacturers will say „whatever“ and so the boycott starts. It will last for like 5 days and bacon sales will rise in the meantime.

If this doesn’t happens in the next two years, I will open and moderate a furry community.

I think you're a furry because Muslims aren't going to start eating pork in large numbers. However, what if they found a way to turn pigs gay?

Why wait two years? Be satisfied if your own skin, even if it has fur on the outside!

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"The Froot Loops are turning the frickin frogs GAY" -- US Conservatives probably

Sounds more like Dig'em than Froot Loops to me.

American Froot Loops have such vibrant colors. Wtf.

That is because the US does not have as strict regulations regarding food colorings. Colors that Europe ban are all good in the US.

Meanwhile I thought they were boycotting because the Fruit Loops are the colors of “the gays” /s

Conservative boycotts seem to be a dime a dozen, then everything goes back to normal because some manufactured moral outrage doesn’t really matter.

Toucan Sam has been the Fruit Loops mascot since 1963. Their kids (and grandkids) have already been "indoctrinated" with all the colors of the rainbow. (I like the red ones, myself. Lol)

All froot loops are the same flavor. Still valid to prefer red based on looks though.

They decry cancel culture, while canceling any culture they can find. The sad, sad hypocrisy.

I love how conservatives throw around the word "woke" like it actually bothers anyone lol. Even my dad last week at Thanksgiving made a comment about how the Marvel movies were getting too woke. Like WTF does that mean? Lmao

Always ask them to define woke. What they mean is progressive but they don't want to say that because it makes them seem like shitty dinosaurs screeching about the way Elvis moves his hips.

" 'Woke' means anything I've been told to not like."

Did you immediately go into his bedroom, take his alarm clock into the livingroom, smash it with a hammer, then look at him and say "you're welcome."?

Imagine being such a coward that you need to shelter yourself from breakfast cereal. I’m so glad that Darwinism is taking these clowns out one-by-one.

Since millions of children have already been "indoctrinated" by the rainbow cereal, isn't it already 60 years too late?

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I wish there was a way to harness their hate and direct it against their god-king, Trump. Get them to destroy their entire movement and fracture into a million, feckless pieces.

I don't think this is real. This is like the propaganda that liberals are killing babies. Like there may be a small bit of truth but this is blown out of proportion

Searching online only yields more results for the accusation of right wing being upset.

The article literally gives examples of the big conservative social media accounts making a fuss about the book list, including LibsOfTikTok which has millions of followers and frequently incites harassment and bomb threats toward their targets

I highly doubt the person you're replying to read the article I posted, nor did they actually do any additional research, as claimed, before deciding that this was "*fAkE nEwS." Because you're right, the sources of the boycotts are clearly cited in the article.

I read it. It's just the source is non credible and the Twitter post it points to is so small that it's obviously a non issue. The Twitter post having 2.1k likes. That's not significant.

It's just the source is non credible

What are you basing that claim on? Because it's patently false. They're a highly credible source with a clean fact-check record.

Overall, we rate Left Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that routinely favor the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record.

 Bias Rating: LEFT  
 Factual Reporting: HIGH  
 Country: USA  
 Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE  
 Media Type: Website  
 Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic  
 MBFC Credibility Rating: HIGH CREDIBILITY

 Failed Fact Checks:

  None in the Last 5 years

So stop making things up. I actually know the sources I share on Lemmy are credible and will back it up every single time people try to start making up lies and shouting "fake news" because they don't like the headline of an article I've posted.

Show me a significant amount of Republicans boycotting froot loops besides the 2.1k likes on a Twitter post.

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Poisoners of children! That 'food' should be a illegal.

trying to distract from the sugar and coloring by making a website? F them

Actually Froot Loops the good guys now, if you criticize them that means you're a bad, mean Republican.

It seems..... I still hate all sugar corporations with vigor. Luckily I got used to downvotes from tankies first day at lemmy