Your partner/mom/cat has been kidnapped, and the only way to save them is to "write a comment that is guaranteed to get downvoted on Lemmy." What do you comment? to Ask – 52 points –

"this is almost as good as reddit"

This is a good one. Lemmy is good, but not being able to create avatars or give wholesome awards to posts kinda makes me want to go back

(I had to forcibly remind myself that we're upvoting what we'd normally downvote. Good work!)

You can post anything and it will get down voted. Lemmy is as toxic as reddit and people use downvote as a tool to suppress what they don't like, regardless of the merit of the comment.

You can post anything and it will get down voted.

I disagree. Downvoting...

The more I use it, the less I like it. For some reason, it feels like a majority of the people here are already angry and argumentative, and they are happy to snap and make me their current problem.

The hive mind aspect is also ~5x worse than Reddit. People love to cover their ears here, even in constructive conversations. It's a real shame.

A lot of users here were pushed out of other communities. They carry the toxicity with them.

Huh, this is a great point. I haven't thought about that.

100% people here are much more argumentative and angry and less likely to tolerate differing opinions

There's also way less viewpoint diversity here. There's a pretty narrow window of opinions on any given subject that's tolerated.

Huh. This hasn't been my experience. I notice some hive-mindedness and meme responses, but in general I feel like high-quality comments are more visible here. I also put a lot more effort into my comments than I ever did on Reddit.

Downvoting doesn't really suppress anything.

Also you can effectivly disable it by switching to a frontend that hides votes and sorting by new. I think that's even the default for some instances.

I think you fell for the comment that would be guaranteed to be downvoted.

This, and moreover some instances don't dederate downvotes.

I'm on Kbin so I only see downvotes from other people on kbin.

People on Beehaw don't see downvotes from anyone because it's not a thing there.

There is a tendemcy for what gets more downvotes.
In particular anything not FOSS and Windows based.

All the failed examples of communism that people say "that's only because it wasn't really communism" are really proof of why communism can't work at all. If a system is what it does, then communism always creates facism.

Edit: autocorrect originally changed it to "racism". Still got upvote lol

Every country that called itself communist claims to be working towards this, none have achieved it, most seem to have given up and instead settled on some form of authoritarianism and/or capitalism while claiming they are still working towards this goal.

I'm currently commenting on all the Linux communities - "I don't have this problem because I use Windows" and they're not seeing the irony

Isn't Facebook free software, since it doesn't cost anything?

Cars are awesome! Everyone should own at least 3 or 4 of them!

Anywhere on lemmy? That should be easy. Basically go to any niche community and shit on their central theme.

For example explain how windows is the superior OS on a linux instance. Or say you use chrome on a privacy instance.

Politically I lean ever so slightly to the right.

Almost perma ban right there.

You disgust me.

*spits in your general direction


Leans even more to the right, to avoid it.

"The left can't spit!"

Rabble rabble rabble!

Tbh I'd just say some racist shit. I'm not gonna write the racist things I would say I legitimately believed it would save my wife's life. I am from the deep south. I have all that shit in a neglected shed in the backlot of my brain. Not thoughts and opinions, just hurtful words. And I can't forget them because I was an elementary school vocab whiz when I first heard most of them.

All you meatflakes should go vegan, and if you don't you're a cruel, horrible person. The only reason not to is you're a selfish piece of shit.

I literally just said vegan was a green flag in someone for me and it made people mad.

The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes.

Allying with Putin will fix all of America's problems

Trump's presidency was the best thing that ever happened to this nation

Bill O'Reilly had a lot of great points

Programming isn't hard at all, it's just \<\this> and anyone who is not able to grasp that is immediately stupid

Basically anything creationist in nature stating it as fact

4 day work week? I did my own research as a manager and find that actually a SIX day work week is better for workers.

Windows is better.
Linux is way too complicated and gaming is impossible.
And don't get me started on the whole CLI with Linux.

I repeatedly get downvoted by this opinion of mine and this is really a hill I'm willing to die on: case-sensitivity in an OS is just plain stupid.

Depends to a degree.
There are places with a valid reason.
The file system is not one of the places.

Elon Musk is a hero and we should all praise him, buy Teslas and use autopilot all the time while checking out our phones.

You and I are not the same.

You upvote comments that are relevant to the thread.

I downvote every comment to save your mothers.

I can't do pictures right now because of the severs but insert Giancarlo Esposito picture here.

My girlfriend mom cat can take care of herself. She's a good girl, yes she is.

Privacy only is an overblown issue, and if we want Lemmy to be successful, we need to be using ads on all the instances. No more than every 3rd post should be an ad. We should also be working to incorporate an algorithm that will push posts from superusers to the front.

Honestly the only way to stop the isreal-hamas war is to glass all of gaza

Reddit is an absolutely fantastic organization and Spez is a fine gentleman!

I totally support the api changes for Reddit. They were a good idea.

Describing people by their category is bad.

Israel is an apartheid state

I feel like that's a pretty popular opinion on lemmy. You might get a few downvotes, but you'll definitely get more upvotes.

Quick! Get in my comically large insecure person truck, we're going coal rolling!

I'm on Kbin, which doesn't federate downvotes, so I don't actually see what Lemmy users normally downvote.

For that reason to be on the safe side I will write a spam ad for Cia1is or something and add some bigotry.

I got to one of the hexbear communities and share a mild, semi-balanced view on politics

The only people worse than the gays are the blacks. Trump 2024 BAYBAY!!

My partner/mom/cat has been kidnapped, and the only way to save them is to "write a comment that is guaranteed to get downvoted on Lemmy."
Please guys downvote this comment to save her!

I left my cat at the animal shelter because I moved into an apartment; and it was doing too many annoying cat things.

"not everyone who disagrees with me is a literal Nazi" would get a lot of down votes.

This Lemmy instance is a giant echo chamber of Godwin's law.

Is this whole site dedicated to making fun of Star Trek? I get that the show sucks, but just don't watch it. Get a life.

If Trump and Biden are the leading candidates, and you vote third-party, then not only will your vote not contribute to a candidate winning, but you're helping the opposing party win.

Thank you for sharing your point of view, and I and support your decision. From my life experiences with other people and giving kindness and empathy years of thought on this subject, I have a slightly different point of view. I really appreciate how we can discuss this and grow as people.


If Trump wins the GOP primary, Im voting for him.

Im voting GOP regardless, but god damn sometimes they make it hard. At least Biden makes it a no brainer, also that AWB they want to pass.

Abortion is murder.

Everyone should be able to own any gun they want, until proven guilty a terrible crime in a court of law.

Immigration is not sustainable, its just importing cheap labor, and crying racism is just deflecting.

The Pentagon should only have the budget they were able to account for last year, no more failing audits with no consequences.

Fuck blahag.

Until I read your comment I was going to say that the most downvote-able comment in this thread would simultaneously be the most upvoted comment.

But damn, thanks to you I've been proven wrong. So I have that going for me, which is nice.

They always were agree/disagree buttons.

You can downvoted anywhere, anytime. Just post conservative stuff, you'll get downvoted, and you'd get called the laziest names anyone has come up with.

Old Reddit down voting was less common. It was reserved for obvious spam. In fact Reddiquette specifically stated not to use them as agree/disagree buttons. If you down vote then you're told to comment explaining why. Before the Digg influx you got some fantastic debates on Reddit with people you disagreed with.

I was hoping lemmy would be similar to old Reddit. Seems not to be the case, which is a shame.

Re: your comment. I think you're a brain dead idiot for voting Trump. He's literally stated he wants a dictatorship and he's committed multiple crimes.

I think there should be a system like where you have a limited amount of downvotes every day. Easy enough to get around, just multiple accounts, but it makes enough of a barrier that I think most users won't bother with.

Tbh, Trump is terrible, but Biden is worse. Its like a lefty who holds his nose and votes Biden.

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I don't know if you're being ironically hilarious by design, or what....but man, judging by the back to back negative numbers I think you've got your fingers on the pulse here.

If its by design, kudos on a game well played 👏

Tbh, the only one I care about is guns, and everything else is secondary. Even abortion is born out of me not knowing when it becomes murder and playing it safe. And voting Trump is definitely a lesser of two evils choice, one I hope to not have to make.

So yeah, not a game really, but Im definitely pushing buttons and saying exactly the right things.

People judge others based on their own ideals and values and have this almost innate tendency to not move past that . True empathy is in limited supply; and I think its because there isn't enough benefit-of-the-doubt, or a genuine curiosity to hear why someone holds a particular opinion even if you don't understand it.

Couple that with a "points" system that forces people into a false dichotomy, and leverages the multi-generational conditioning that "more = better" the nuance of promoting discussion goes out the window. I certainly don't have a better solution though

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You earned those downvotes.

Fascists shouldn't feel welcomed anywhere.

Yes, because fascists want the people to be armed. Do you even read what you write?

Fascists want what gets them power.

Maybe you should go back to your safe space that you created where people can't call you what you are.

Nah, I get called names there too.

And an armed populace gives them power? I would love to hear that logic.

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… and yet gun control laws in the US were written by fascists to keep guns out of the hands of people who weren’t “white enough” …


“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.”

—Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850-03)

Yes. Which is why gun control is bad.

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Me when you mention dumb talking points:

Me when you talk shit on blahaj: ಠ╭╮ಠ

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