How about no? to – 1380 points –

Everything worked perfectly as it always does.


No, Firefox doesn't have bugs with your store. Your store has bugs.

"Firefox's privacy features interferes with our trackers"

Classy to blame Firefox for bugs in their code :)

If devs write code for Chrome, yeah, maybe then it doesn't work in Firefox guys....

We had exactly this situation in the 90s with internet Explorer.... But new devs need to relearn lessons of course.

It was different in the case of IE though. It was actually atrocious and not standards compliant in many many ways.

Today, chrome and FF both support standards fairly well and when things don't work in FF it's usually either that you wrote fragile code, or there's a slight difference from chrome that technically isn't a standards compliance issue. Testing in both of those browsers isn't hard and should be the norm. I've had projects where I had to test in IE, chrome windows, chrome android, FF, safari Mac, safari iPad OS, and safari iOS all at the same time. And yes there are differences between those last two, because apple makes a shitty web browser.

If you can't test in two browsers, you're just a bad web developer...

Absolutely this, nothing but pure laziness. I had a really weird specific issue on iOS Safari with one of my projects, and I own literally nothing Apple. Instead of just accepting shits fucked on iOS, I got my hands on a borrowed Mac so I could use xCode and actually find the issue.

...then again, that project ended up dead in the water at like 95% completion and I never got paid for the work I'd already finished, so maybe the joke IS on me and I should've been a lazy fuck.

Sounds like you might want to add some sort of terms of agreement to your estimates. I built sites that never saw the light of day, but that is entirely up to the client. A site not being live doesn’t mean my client doesn’t need to pay me.

It was for a family friend who is disabled and unable to work a normal job, so me and my brother(also a dev on this) agreed to be paid on project completion. Long story short, she wasn't able to pay so the final bug fixes were never done, and the code has been left to rot. Under different circumstances I'd be putting pressure to get at least some payment, but it's pointless imo.

Lesson learned though, not doing that again.

It could be they were using new features chrome added which Firefox had as experimental when they wrote it. Firefox recently promoted those features to stable.

It could be but then it's even worse judgement. They basically don't care if Firefox users can view their web site, and that's one thing, but blaming it on Firefox is kind of rich, instead of taking responsibility for their decision. :)

It's probably all the new generation of programmers/management - you would think they would listen to the lessons passed down but.... Nope.

Depressingly, the message that GHG emissions are heating up the planet has been passed down for over a hundred years now. People just aren't very good with passed down messages in general.

firefox has a lot of bugs with our store

Well, I think you got that backwards.

At least they seem to be working on it. Directing Firefox users to use a different browser in the mean time, temporarily, seems reasonable even if the language on that popup is a bit imprecise.

I did try adding a shirt to the cart and yeah, it added the wrong size. I'd have to switch to chrome to successfully complete an order at the moment. It's unfortunate, but as long as they're trying to fix it I don't see any point in feeling outraged.

I did try adding a shirt to the cart and yeah, it added the wrong size. I’d have to switch to chrome to successfully complete an order at the moment. It’s unfortunate, but as long as they’re trying to fix it I don’t see any point in feeling outraged.

As a software developer, if just trying to add a single item to a cart is buggy, then that's definitely something to feel outraged about, software development wise (not literally outraged, but definitely a strong "WTF!?" response).

It's actually really amazing that a bug would manifest in one browser and not another, when just adding an item to a cart. You have to work really hard to make something like that not work correctly.

Yeah seriously, what is so special about what they’re doing here that it has a browser-specific bug?

This isn’t like 20 years ago where browsers had tons of experimental and custom extensions to HTML and JavaScript in them. It’s all standard now.

It’s all standard now.

The reason Microsoft surrendered to Google and adopted Chromium is they couldn't keep up with Google's changes to standards and proprietary extensions.

There are still several css differences between chrome, ff and safari. It's a pain to develop for them, but it is possible

I wouldn't feel safe entering my credit card information into a site that can't even support Firefox, those are just the bugs they're willing to tell you about...

Qewl, that's actually a lot better than not even addressing it.

How is a function like adding an item to an array failing from one browser to another??

Firefox has a "bug" that makes our tracking code not work. Please switch to Chrome so we can track you.

I use my separate pr0n browser for this kind of sites. It's set up to completely reset every time.

That doesn't prevent them from tracking you, it just removes local history and cached stuff.

That disclaimer announcement just screams lazy IT, or general management by your side.

My bet is that FF has some privacy and/or adblocking features that this company doesn't like.

There are a few features that FF doesn't have that chrome does, but it mostly involves video streaming. Adblocking is likely the reason though.

Source: am front end dev

It's not super difficult to just make a standards compliant website. I always wonder how in this day and age people manage to create professional websites with browser specific bugs.

There's likely zero bugs, but Firefox has more ways to block ads and trackers from affecting you, which is likely to real reason they don't want it being used.

There are quite a lot of quirks with how browser (or rather rendering engines) interpret CSS, and in quite a few places the spec is ambiguous. So there is no "correct" way of implementing it.

But, this is either just them being lazy or bad mangement.

Do you have an example of a quirk where Chrome and Firefox treat something in the spec differently? I haven't seen that in a while.

I've had to debug a PDF viewer on a site once. Getting that to work across multiple versions of multiple browsers was a nightmare and I never managed to figure it out. Latest versions are mostly fine (except for mobile safari), but even 1yo versions of browsers are just broken.

Maybe I'm missing something, but it got bad enough that one of the "potential solutions" I was considering involved figuring out how to compile a C based pdf renderer thingy into WASM and embedding it in the app.

This was about 7 months ago.

I agree though, add to cart should NOT behave differently across browsers in 2024.

lmao write your website better then. That popup sure looks like its working

“Hello! If you are the operator of this site, it has known bugs with browsers other than chrome. Please consider doing your job and building for use cases other than the majority one when making your website, because it is 2024 and not 1994. If you are unable to, then consider using simpler website builders like Squarespace, which are known to work across a number of browsers. Thanks!”

This is the laziest dev work. And somehow they've convinced the owner that this is fine and got paid.

In a way, you have to admire the grift. At the same time, fuck 'em.

"firefox has known bugs with our store"

it's not my fault you have trouble with designers

also brb bookmarking that site

Remember the Internet Explorer domination?

As a webdev, Safari has taken the place of IE now.

I'm assuming you mean as the thing we use to download FF?

-or is that the joke?

Safari? Really?

Must be the mobile version.

Safari is the worst because apple apparently refuses to update their browser outside an IOS/macOS update. So stupid.

Safari is a browser not a system app. It should not be affected by system updates at all.

Can you even update Safari separately on iOS?

Nevermind, read that as "people refuse" instead of "apple refuse"

Fuck Apple.

It's the IE effect in more ways than one. Apple makes money from apps, and by having a monopoly on which app store you can use. Therefore it's in their interest to nerf the browser as much as they can get away with it, and why they force third party browsers to use the Safari rendering engine under the hood.

by having a monopoly on which app store you can use

Not for long, at least in the EU.

Therefore it's in their interest to nerf the browser as much as they can get away with it,

This is also why PWAs don't work well on iOS. I think they still don't even support notifications.

  1. Just visited the site with FF, and got no such error. It's a Shopify site, and I'm sceptical.
  2. If it's a typical Shopify SBO, it could easily be a single person - the owner - working out of their house. There is no developer, except those employed by Shopify.

The owner probably populated the store themselves; the entirety rest of their computer experience brobably consists of browsing Wiccan forums, Instagram, and Twitter. And yet, they figured out how to open an online shop and start a business doing something they're passionate about.

Educated guesses, but poking around a bit on the site & following links gives good evidence this person is a person, not a company, and doesn't employ anyone, much less programmers.

And I've never had a Shopify site pop up a message like this. I think OP hit a fluke, or a MITM, or (most likely) has a virus.

I just visited with FF and got the error. Looking at the console, Firefox complains about some cookies misusing specific site attributes and actively rejects some cookies from that website entirely. That might be the source of the issue with the site's "developer."

Makes you wonder had the owner even managed to get enough code together to check the UA for Fx detection that launches a dialog window as I doubt Shopify has any built-in UA detection tools like this.

I remember thinking "hah, business majors, don't they know everything is gonna be ruled by tech?" And then it turns out the tech nerds just work for the business majors still.

@tocopherol Reminds me of the Northwestern University football cheer, “We don’t cry, we don’t fuss. Someday you’ll all work for us!”

That's a very weird of saying "we use a lot of non-standard code practices in our software".

"We haven't figured out how to violate Firefox user privacy protocols yet, so just go ahead and switch to the browser we can easily exploit. K? That cool?"

It’s time to get rid of the part of user-agent strings that identifies which browser you’re using. It should only include things like mobile/desktop, version of html supported, and JavaScript version supported.

There is no uniform "HTML version", "JavaScript version" or "CSS version" that describes which web APIs are implemented. Browser engines support some features that others don't support and vice versa.

Maybe that’s the problem though. W3C and their ilk needs to define which markup and features are part of a specific html version (5.0, 5.1, etc.) or CSS or JavaScript release. Lock that down and move to the next version. Declare your supported version in the agent string instead of wanting a specific browser engine like Chrome. Relying on Chrome is like the Internet Explorer debacle all over again.

If the app doesn’t the render the declared version properly, then that’s on the app. If the dev uses out of spec or experimental features, that’s on the dev.

I’d much rather see an alert that says “This site requires HTML 5.0.1 or higher” than “This site doesn’t work in Firefox.”

It's not that simple. A lot of browser "standards" are standards in that they achieve the same end result, but for whatever reason they take a different approach to getting to that result, so you often end up needing browser specific code. This is especially the case with CSS, which is why so many "standard" CSS properties still need a "-moz" or a "-webkit" version as well, decades in. The only way the website can know if they're running the correct code for that browser is if they know what browser is being used, hence user agents. This is the reason that pop ups like this exist at all; sure they were lazy as fuck to not properly support Firefox, absolutely, but they wouldn't have needed to support Firefox specifically at all if browsers could just get their shit together and fix the "standards".

I would fucking cry tears of joy if browsers could standardize enough that writing browser specific code and needing the user agent was a thing of the past, but I really don't see it happening any time soon.

Definitely not.

I have to version check to workaround Chrome, FireFox and Safari bugs. Some things they fix and I can flag around version (eg: FF113 has buggy focus detection with Web Components), but some just have never been fixed (eg: Firefox does not support animated styles with CSS variables in Web Components).

That's not to pick on FireFox. Chrome doesn't support scrolling two elements simultaneously which breaks any type of fancy horizontal scrolling in horizontal tabs. Safari has some buggy implementation with ARIA tags for Web Components and [type=range] doesn't follow spec for min.

If we were going to just not support new features because browsers are buggy, we'd never get any new features. It's better to feature detect and that includes knowing what versions need workarounds.

"a lot of known bugs"

Our storefront was coded with bloated javascript, runs like shit, and Chrome and Edge are good at hiding how bad it is :)

I've tested Firefox's performance recently and it's gotten super close to Blink/V8 in terms of performance, it even works better than those on my machine. So even if the website is coded like a turd there ain't much reason anymore it wouldn't work perfectly fine on Firefox

Unless you're doing something really fucked with the code that I can't think of right now

Or you're deliberately making it slow when you detect someone visiting your site from Firefox

I've tested Firefox's performance recently and it's gotten super close to Blink/V8 in terms of performance, it even works better than those on my machine.

Same. In fact, I originally switched back to Firefox on my personal machine specifically because Chrome was making my laptop sound like an airplane taking off, even with only a single tab open. After the switch, I was able to open multiple tabs and even run other programs at the same time without a problem.

Come for the speed, stay for the privacy.

Absolutely no capitalization? That always makes me back away. You can't even be bothered to make a proper sentence?

Yeah it's a zoomer thing. Literally saw posts on Reddit about girls freaking out because some guy used that punctuation.

Probably their style. It kind of works

It's a writing style. I like it. I even turn off auto-capitalization on my phone keyboard so my chats are all lowercase.

Chiming in to say that I agree with you! Texting in lowercase just feels right to me, especially with friends and family.

I don't agree with you. But damn. you're downvoted for doing what you like.

Ah, it is a bit disheartening to see how differing opinions are treated here sometimes. But hey, gotta be the change you want to see, right?

Everyone browse that website and when they see the traffic all using firefox. They will get the message.

Quite the opposite - no one browse that site because it's not standards compliant and/or privacy compliant.

Best of all worlds: browse the site, create an order, don't purchase anything.

"Why are all of these people abandoning their cart?"

"I don't know, but they're all Firefox users."

"Ugh, friggin nerds"

"yeah lets just ask our customers to switch browser instead of fixin our website. That will get the job done" I wonder how they came up with this

I build websites, and even when we supported Internet explorer 6, my company wouldn't allow us to display a message like this. Anyone who ever developed a website for IE6 would know that if it were ever appropriate to display such a message, it was for IE6. It was atrocious beyond words. They ignored most of the standards and the browser was also just a security nightmare, yet still just on principle alone the idea was always shot down.

Somewhere there’s a very confused executive wondering why their bounce rate is so high.

"Why spend thousands of dollars on paying someone to fix it when we can pay them hundreds to spend an hour writing a dialog box?" - Some storefront owner

That store is hosted on Shopify. I'm quite confident they handle Firefox just fine. The customization(s) the company made to defaults on the other hand...

It's like saying Linux is bad for games.

That's it, they just lost a prospective customer!

What're you buying there, potions?

Potion seller, give me your strongest potions

I found this site from a blog recommending a few brands. They didn't have what I wanted but the fact I was greeted by this was good enough to screenshot.

I am just happy for you that the Necromancer soon comes.

Strange, I don't get that pop-up with my Firefox.

Might be because I am from Europe

In the US I didn't see that popup either, just that notice on the page from my other comment.

This is a site with no competent designers.

If my client asked me to design and implement something like this, I’d quit. No, fix your Firefox bug, amateurs.

I just went there to test it, and I did not see that popup.

Remember when shopping sites didn't need 200mb of javascript libraries to work?

I’m sorry Morning Witch but we’ve got standards, y’know.

User agent extensions go brrrrr 😎

Use Ublock Origin and remove the banner. Bad banners dont actually block anything.

I see someone wearing that "Necromancer Trench Coat" (when it becomes available) and I'm going to assume they're hiding a shotgun under it and are thinking of undertaking their own Columbine

Hi Karen, 1999 called and they want their “drunk of boxed Franzia Rosé” shock gossip back

Maybe next you can rant about baggy pants being used to hide drugs

Or how if men get their ear pierced on a certain side it means they’re GaY

Oh what would pastor say?