Piers Morgan gets owned

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 937 points –

Turn back stranger. This thread is full of people arguing about history and political theories without any clue about either.

Hold my ideology, I'm going in!

Hold my common sense, I’m wading into a political comment section!

Thanks for the warning, but I ignored it and regret this decision.

I too saw this on top, and I’m going to listen to it! Later guys!

I regret looking up the clip: https://youtu.be/jNFOVkB6JjQ

Sorry to say to my UK friends, it looks like these people have no manners when it comes to debating. Asking a question and then proceeded to shout over them. I'm surprised they still have viewers.

No need to apologise as Piers Morgan does in fact not represent the UK, I'm fairly certain that he is almost universally disliked.

Apart from the flag-shaggers and gammons that want someone to "tell it like it is"

Also, seems like he represents the universally existing layer of people that couldn't care less about moral or ethics

Holy hell, It hurt watching that so freaking much.

It was not worth watching it just for that moment. I am blown away at how much he kept saying something with a response being the opposite of what he wanted and then him repeating it. "I did protest Obama" "I already told you I don't know" "I don't know the number" dude, I am amazed at her patience with a grown man acting like a toddler that didn't get his way.

That's typical journalism on ITV and Channel 5. BBC has its moments but it's not as bad. I simply can't watch news on these channels for this reason.

Here is the video with time stamp of the quote https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNFOVkB6JjQ&t=604

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):


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Do piped videos not support embedded time stamps?

Did you have the video open already? I know in YT the timestamp didn’t seem to work after I already had the video open at a different time.

I must have. Another user reported no issue, so I’ll just put it down to one of those little quirks :)

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Remember when he asked the supermodel what the "first five digits of the Pythagorean Theorem" were because haha stupid women? Then he got super owned because he meant to say Pi? What a complete wanker.

Even if that went the way he wanted who the fuck needs to know more than 3.14? memorization is not intelligence

It is, however, what stupid people think intelligence is.

Thank you! Having the skill of a piece of paper and a pen being compared to intelligence is pet peeve of mine.

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He even got the numbers wrong…he says 3.147 when it’s 3.14159…if it were actually 3.147 you’d likely round 3.14 to 3.15 for the shorter version.


Haha. I am not familiar with that guy but he seemed to have owned it after he messed up.

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Outsmarting Piers Morgan is about as difficult as obeying gravity.

getting a word in edgeways is the real problem

Still, at least he is a filthy phone hacker.

When they sacked Clarkson for hitting a producer, I was like: But he also punched Morgan, shouldn't he, like, get one free for that?

He called him a "lazy Irish cunt" when he punched the producer for not being able to magically produce a restaurant quality steak at midnight.

Idk if you know anything about old gammon pricks, but that wasn't a simple observation that the guy was Irish.

I am amused by the fact that Piers Morgan is so daft that he manages to piss off a guy who fellates his car and bike loving commie hippies.

Isn’t “getting owned” basically this douche’s job?

Some basic facts about your hero Stalin

Same response applies tbh

I would agree Mr PP Boy, but my self proclaimed communist friend from childhood loved Stalin. And last I ran into him he was reading Maos theory. Guy was 27 years old at that point too.

So for those of us following along at home, you know a guy who believes a thing, therefore you have applied that belief to all people who proclaim to believe a different thing?

As is the way.

I’m not even sure he knew a guy. A lot of people see someone reading something and assume all kinds of wild things.

Exactly! Just because I'm reading volume 27 of "Sheep Fornicators Extreme - Global Takeover!" doesn't mean I'm into sex with sheep, I just appreciate the skill it takes to draw it so well.

That series gets wild with volume 32 "Sheep Fornicators Extreme - Mars Meltdown" I haven't been able to put it down

Oh trust me, thus person is very real. My conversations were so frustrating, he was so entrenched in his dogma it was like talking to a religious person.

And you chose to believe that was every single communist... I guess that does say a lot.

I was in SDS in college, and I did a fair bit of activism over the last decade. I met more self described communists than I would have liked. I'm sorry your fellow comrades gave me a bad impression of your religion

And his friends. And the people in the Marxist Leninist instances here.

Also, another really smart dude I talk to regularlu, he says he would consider himself a Marxists. Probably not a Tankie, but still says stupid shit saying that the war un Ukraine is the US fault and its a result of NATO expansionist. Which is wrong for so many reasons. And his grandma was a communist China apologist.

Communism is stupid, and the people that follow it are dogmatic and have no pragmatic basis for their "theory" other than their feelings. If it offends go cry about it.

Which is wrong for so many reasons.

Which reasons are most prominent and why?

Communism is stupid, and the people that follow it are dogmatic and have no pragmatic basis for their “theory” other than their Communism is stupid, and the people that follow it are dogmatic and have no pragmatic basis for their “theory” other than their feelings. If it offends go cry about it. feelings. If it offends go cry about it.

Working backwards, I’m not offended, rather amused.

Why did you put theory in quotes? Why and how is the theory stupid? Please give me direct critiques of Marx/Engels work, that aren’t copied/pasted (I’m rusty af so we’re probably starting from the same point).

Communist China apologist? What kinds of things, for example?

How didn’t NATO expansionism continue to, if not cause, the way in Ukraine? Bonus points if you can find msm articles that no one remembers talking about the alarming spread of communism, in Ukraine, before the war started.

That logic lol. It's like me saying my american friend read mein kampf and love hitler, thus all american is nazi.

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Defeated Hitler.

And a lot of his rivals.

And non rivals.

And civilians.

To be fair.. soviet Russia should've absolutely steamrolled Germany with even a half decent leader.

Stalin almost let Hitler win by being just about the dumbest fucking leader on the planet. And that includes whatever idiot was leading the French.

Yes because all reds support Stalin, like all fascists support trump. Please.

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Remember when Piers Morgan came to the U.S. and everyone hated him here too, so he slinked back to the UK?

Piers Morgan blocked me on Xitter, back when I had an account there. It was the highlight of my brief time on that platform.

conservatives are really good at arguing against what they imagine leftists to be and really bad at arguing against what leftists actually are

Her "I'm literally a communist." is hilarious and your statement is spot on.

Piers is so out of touch, even by American standards

Oh my. What kind of interview is this? He doesn't let her answer anything but answers his own questions for her. This is ridiculous; she is cool though. https://youtu.be/3qBN7lUKZVg?si=l9INkjbjdaROmG9h


Obama pretended that flint Michigan's water was safe to drink.

That alone is enough to show you how much of a scumbag he is

Obama is one of the best conservative presidents.

When the economy was tough he really helped those who were most in need. It all trickled down from there.

Ahh yes, that idiot who asked the guy why concrete doesn’t grow on trees.

No wait, that’s a different idiot.

Interesting! When does he get owned?

Obama is a capitalist so someone who is a communist would have no reason to view him as a hero

But someone who is a communist wouldn't exactly be owning anyone right?

It’s always the baby accounts with this nonsense. Like 5 sad guys tops, making new accounts just to spew bullshit. Get a better hobby.

Isn't that a joke about property and communism? Not being able for a communist to own anything?

But that's not even ultimately true. Infrastructure and utilities should belong to public.

No one, and I repeat, not a single oofing one, is going to use your dildo.

Oh I know that's no true. It's just that I had reasonable doubt weither it was a silly joke or a troll. Can be both actually

9 upvotes for a needlessly lude humorless comment. I'm really starting to feel at home here ♥️

So you don't like jokes huh? Sorry ChillCapybara think we need to talk about your username lol

Only if that someone was given to him by the state.