Tucker Carlson set to interview Vladimir Putin

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 395 points –
Tucker Carlson set to interview Vladimir Putin

Carlson is essentially admitting to being a Russian asset.

Yeah he wraps it up in a neat little package to make it seem like he's just trying to be a benevolent journalist, but anyone with two or three functioning brain cells can read between the lines here. It's really creepy and disturbing especially when you realize tens of millions of Americans like and believe this guy. SMH

Yeah, I'm not sure how else he'd have the connections to set up that interview, or why they'd reach out to him.

It amazes me that Fox news viewers can't connect the dots on even the simplest of lies.

If you connect the dots you're more likely to see the shape, and they don't want to see it (or admit out loud yet that they see it)

That would require thinking about things they're not specifically told about, and fox "news" programming inherently selects against people with that ability. Anyone who has that ability will stop watching Fox because they'll quickly see through the lies and stop watching.

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The Twitter discourse is all conservatives saying "Dems HATE this but it's JOURNALISM! The LIBERAL MEDIA refuses to interview him and theyre calling it TREASON but HE'S RIGHT! They're hypocrites because they didn't call it treason when X LEFTIST journalist interviewed him years ago!

And at first I got a little swept up in it, I was thinking "yeah actually it is good to interview world leaders even if they are involved in wars, I agree with the Right on this.'

But then I just went to check on what actual left leaning people and journalists were actually tweeting. Left leaning people were saying it was going to be bad because Tucker isn't a journalist and he was going to make a puff piece for a dictator full of misinformation. So it wasn't that interviews with Putin are bad, it's that this interview will be bad.

Journalists are saying they've all had interview requests in for years, they want to interview him he just refuses Western media and the question is how Tucker got the interview. If he promised softball questions or gave editorial control to Putins team or something things could get real not-journalism-y fast.

a puff piece for a dictator full of misinformation

It's not a puff piece. It's full-on Russian propaganda tailor-made for American conservatives. The entire point is to draw even more conservative voters into the fold and convince them that the US needs to stop supporting Ukraine and move towards pulling out of NATO.

This is a symptom of a larger problem, which is that the bar for journalism for conservatives is literally just the big red R next to their names. Anyone who labels themselves republican can suddenly tell no lies and do no harm. That's exactly what right wing media wants, but it has destroyed the very integrity journalism has been built on for 100+ years, and the kicker is that conservatives in this country don't even have a clue about it.

This seems like a test question for journalistic ethics.
I don't know what the answer is but I am confident in saying that Tucker won't "do the right thing".

I can picture the whole interview already.

Tucker: "Mr. Putin, why did you invade Ukraine?"

Putin: "We had many very legitimate reasons. Ukrainian nazis, US imperialism, NATO expansion."

Tucker: "What will it take for you to stop this war? Will you guarantee peace?"

Putin: "We are a very rational and forgiving people. We ask for nothing but the unconditional surrender of Ukraine. We will treat everyone with respect and we won't meddle with any other country outside Ukraine. KGB spy pinky-promise."

Tucker: "Mr. Putin, may I suck your cock?"

Putin: "You may."

*30 minutes of slurping noises*

I need a remindme bot to remind me if this will all come true.

A bot would be nice, but I know it will. Putin will use this interview to sow more division, undermine certainty (whatever is left of it) in an Ukrainian victory and to make himself look reasonable and willing to talk. And Tucker, by virtue of being both part of the new, autocracy-loving breed of conservative and unable to mount any serious push-back against arguments made, will fail entirely in giving proper context to anything Putin will say.

The interview will devolve into pure propaganda for Putin, another link for delusional Russia-supporters to point to and proclaim that the West is responsible for everything and that the whole situation would be fine and dandy, if only Ukraine surrendered.

If you would be keeping up with the news you would've known that, they wanted to discuss neutrality,


but then peace negations have been stalled on the ukrainan side, per request of the Brits.

https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/05/06/boris-johnson-pressured-zelenskyy-ditch-peace-talks-russia-ukrainian-paper https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-must-not-be-pressured-into-bad-peace-deal-says-uk-pm-johnson-2022-06-07/

And after that they forbade em by law.


Hence, no Putin alone cannot stop the war. There is still too much pressure on all sides to keep the war going.


While poor guys on both sides are paying the highest price for someones wallet to be bigger.


Wait you're telling me that Russia can't pull out of the invasion they started because Boris Johnson said it would be illegal?

No not illegal. But how do you imagne it would happen?

How Russia would stop the invasion they started?

Maybe leave Ukraine?

I’m not sure I’m understanding what you’re asking.

Ok and what about the people who stay there? Civilians.




Oops your passport expired, you cannot renew it as you are currently in occupied territory. Oops you are no longer a Ukrainian citizen so move out.


Great, everyone who lives on the occupied territories looses everything, no police ( prob in prison for or executed), no judges, lawlessness, where random militarily March in without anyone to stop em, that and if we ignore the fact that there are alot of Nazis who hate East Ukrainians and Russians, under perfect conditions the civilans just would need to get out, without anything.

And now imagne how many families would have someone in they're familie who fought on the Russian side. ( as if you remember it was a civilwar 14-20 in the beginnng ).

“Maybe leave Ukraine“, would not stop the war it would just put civilans on the front line.

So you are saying the invasion cannot be stopped or someone with an expired passport won't be able to renew it? Okay then, I guess there is no other option but continue then..

No. Expired passport means they have to take the Russian one. And if you have a Russian passport you will be forced out.

And if you have a Russian passport you will be forced out.

Says who exactly?

Ukraines plans with Russian citizens if they win the war.


All Russian citizens who moved to Crimea after 2014 should be expelled

That's not quite the same as your claim regarding those who were originally Ukrainian citizens and who would supposedly be forced out. You're contradicting yourself or disregarding your own statement.

They absolutely do not have to take the russian one.

Expired passports happen all over the world. They just get renewed.

Which means they can just rip up the illegal passports they got forced upon them from soldiers from an illegal invasion.

There's nothing stopping Ukraine from accepting them as citizens. But that is Ukraine's decision to make, seeing as it's their country. And yes, if they decide that illegal settlers should be kicked out, hell, why were they there to begin with?

why were they there to begin with? Because they lived there before the war.

No, there is something stopping them from accepting them as citizens. The laws Ukraine has set in place.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/03/russia-forcing-ukrainian-passports-us-report https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-crimea-9da550b396f42cc267a4808bf99d5e6d

Are you talking about the current war, or do you mean that they were there before Russia took Crimea in 2014?

If you mean they were there after 2014, what does that matter, it was still stolen land at that time.

If they were there before 2014, I would agree that some form of a path towards citizenship should be made, but again that is Ukraine's prerogative.

Edit: Reading your second article, that is exactly what Ukraine is proposing, expelling Russians who moved to annexed land after 2014. What about that seems unreasonable? They took a gamble and moved to a conflicted territory, maybe they were led to believe it was their right, but it doesn't change the reality that it wasn't.

About those who where there pre 2014. They took up Russian citizenship. Now they count as collaborators and traitors. If you for example are policemen, doctor or have anything to do with the goverment, under Russian occupation you go to prison, as a traitor.


That does seem like a troubling situation. I do imagine that there are likely quite a few people who took those positions with good intentions, but when the new ruler comes to town and asks who wants power, it does seem obvious that there are strings attached. In this case, the deal was indeed to become a traitor in exchange for power/position, but I'm sure many were signing up just to survive.

You're right, there are probably good people that are going to be harmed alongside the bad, and I don't think there is a perfect solution. I would say it needs to get talked about as we get closer to a peace deal, it's truly regrettable that Russia decided to create this problem, maybe they could also work towards a solution for these citizens they forced into this role.

Edit: purely hypothetical, but one thought comes to mind. A compromise might be acceptable if they were given the choice to either retain their Ukrainian citizenship, but lose their position, or to defect to Russia. Though, once again this realm of decision making lies entirely in the hands of the victor of the war.

If people supporting the Russian occupation don't want to get detained by Ukraine, they can leave for Russia before Ukraine frees that territory.

Like the two brothers this article is about.

Also, what would you describe people as that help an occupier annex your territory and build up the occupiers control over it, if not collaborateurs?

If they truly wanted to only help their people, they can argue that in court. Because as a country striving to become a fully fledged democracy, they will get a chance to defend themselves in Ukraine, as opposed to getting thrown out of windows, like in Russia.

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You must be a troll checking if anyone is reading the articles you linked, right? This has to be an elaborate joke, right?
Per the very article you linked:

The timeline continues ahead to July 2024, when, according to new Russian laws, residents without Russian citizenship would be considered “foreigners” or “stateless” and can be detained in detention facilities and/or deported to Russia.

But thats, exactly what I ment?

It says that there is a Russian law that forces Ukrainans to take on a Russian passport by threatening to deport or incarcerate them for not having a Russian passport! The paragraph describes exactly what you claimed, but for Russia, not Ukraine.

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Can you articulate what you’re trying to argue a little clearer?

If Ukraine wins. Most civilans living in Crimea and in the occupied territories, as ukraines plan decrees, have to leave the country. If they somehow still only have the Ukrainian citizenship they are barred from any job that has any ties to the goverment.

Also anyone with a goverment position who helped, so any policemen, doctor, teacher, etc will probability be judged as a collaborator and hence a traitor.

So imagne the regular Ukrainian Army moves in. With some nationalistic hatred that exists. You will have armed men while everyone around em is an enemy, and there is no one to stop you, some people will resort to self justice. Hence the metaphor of putting civilans on the front line.

Yeah... I'm pretty sure Putin doesn't care about those people or anyone not named Putin. He can stop attacking whenever he wants. He won't, because that's admitting weakness.

OK. Tell me what would the Ukrainians do if he stopped.

They'd start rebuilding all the infrastructure (read: homes, schools and hospitals) that Russia managed to destroy in the past two years?

You mean the citizens that putin forced to live in their illegally occupied territories?

Oh no, now they will have to go back to where they used to live, the horror!

If you have read the thread or the articles you would know that that could mean either prison, death or being forced out.

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I imagine roughly how America ended the Vietnam war. Russia would have to initiate some willingness to stop the war with favorable conditions, and then talks could start. That's actually right there in the articles you linked with BoJo in them.

It'd likely take nothing less than ceasefire without conditions, returning all occupied Ukrainian territory, including Crimea. And if Russia doesn't like that, I'd love to see people start talking about historical borders again and we can joke about restoring the empire of Kiev.

And then, just like the Vietnam war, they can strut around saying they didn't lose the war, they just agreed on favorable terms.

Edit: Actually, I may even be a bit too pessimistic here. There's a low, but still possible chance that the tucker interview could be that message. I invite nothing less but the opportunity for Putin to publicly surrender. It would be a great thing.

So no Crimea for Ukraine.

Haha, right you are. It just goes to show how silly this "historic border" talk is as a justification for land grabs. Why would the argument exist for giving up Crimea if it also didn't come with the other historic borders. Did Russia even offer their portion of historical lands? Rude lol.

Well it does. Russia is a federation composed of states with they're historic borders.

I'm honestly not entirely sure what you're getting at there, are you suggesting that they should join Russia and be a part of the federation instead of retaining their independence?

Do you mean Ukraine? No. I would prefer a three alliance sollution, where Baltic states, poland, Ukraine, serbia, and some other countries join a military alliance. Strong enough to stand on they're own. Wich is neutral towards NATO and Russia. Hence there would be stratigic balance between NATO and Russia. Russia would not bee needing to fear NATO nuclear weapons on their border while NATO would have a puffer zone towards Russia. This Baltic Alliance could be the trading crossroads while also having much closer ties and stronger garantees to each other. ( there is a common fear that if one of the smaller NATO countries would be attacked that article 5 wouldnt be enacted upon due to the “insignificance“ of the smaller country. )

Additionaly if Russia or NATO tried taking their independence they could join up for an alliance with the other one.

That honestly sounds like a reasonable way to position Baltic/border states, but wouldn't it rely on the willingness of all of those countries? And since the Baltic states are already NATO, I don't see a lot of likelihood for them to leave for a strategically weaker alliance.

You're right about that common fear on article 5, I'm hoping it will never be tested haha.

Historic borders are called like that because they are history, not current.

Well either keep those that are. Or kill more people to have em moved. Wich you like more?

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Putin alone cannot stop the war

He can stop the war because he can command Russian army to leave Ukraine.

OK and what about the civilans living there?

Do you know that they now have Russian citizensship and under Ukrainian Law will be either put in prisons or forced out?

This is not something that can prevent Putin from removing army from a non Russian territory. If he is not an idiot, that is.

He removes Army. Innocent non combatants die due to chaos.

Yes it is.

You essentially argue that the brutal invader has to win his illegal invasion during which they bomb and kill countless civilians, because otherwise other civilians that support the illegal and brutal invasion might suffer some consequences?

You can't be for real, noone could argue this in good faith.

Countless civilian is wrong as I have shown. Compared to other modern wars its pritty tame. In Gaza already the same amout of civilians got killed that im Ukraine over the 3-4 years.

civilians that support the illegal and brutal invasion might suffer some consequences?

Like who? Doctors that help the dying? So before Russia was there they had to help the local village people. After Russia came they had to tell em take a hike?

I don't know how you can argue, in good faith that doctors, policemen, teachers, townhall workers, etc. Who just continued workig in they're communities should be punshed.

Fucking love the whataboutism on display here. They didn't kill as many civilians as ______ so no harm, no foul.

Fuck off with that garbage take

Whataboutism or whataboutery (as in "what about…?") is a pejorative for the strategy of responding to an accusation with a counter-accusation instead of a defense of the original accusation.

What I did not do. I told you the claim of genocide does not apply as the amount of civilian casualties is lower that other similar scaled modern wars. Who did I accuse in my counter accusation?

As the prodigy once said.
Invaders must die.

As I say.
Collaborateurs will get what they have coming.

Doctors have a duty to help wounded defenders, policemen have a duty to protect citizens from invaders, teachers must not teach invaders propaganda, townhall workers must not support the logistics and infrastructure of the invader.

If you do you are a traitor and should be punished.

If you are an invader, you must die.

Und wenn du mir auf der Straße über den Weg läufst und deine Lügen und Propaganda verbreitest, wirst du sehen wie ernst ich das meine.

Putin withdrawing army from Ukraine will cause chaos instead of peaceful life - a chaos that would never happen if he continues killing people in this war.

Sure grandma, now let's get you to your bed.

OK. just look at real word examples of the US Afganistan withdrawal. How many civilans do you think got killed? How many deliberately? Rewatch the videos, there is enough videos of people fleeing from the approching army, ( wich noted, is supported by the majority of afganistan ) And dying in they're attemnt. If you want that what happens in Kabul. You apperently don't want what is good for.the civilans.

Are you kidding? You are saying the war is good for civillians.

"Let me invade your country and hold your territories and people hostage so you'll understand that if I stop the aggression then those people will most likely die. I will proceed with my aggression and hold more of your territories and people hostage, and you'll thank me for keeping those people safe" - Putin, probably.


"But think of the traitors!"

Nice. Establish some traitor purges next. But nice try Stalin, go kil some people you disagree with somewhere else.

Are you kidding me? Whenever Russia was forced back, torture chambers, deported children, rape and violence done to civilians and mass graves were discovered. And it was Russia that forced the russian passport onto those people. To think that Ukraine would just deport its own citizens into the hell they just were freed from is absolutely ridiculous. To think that the civilians would want to hold on to the russian passport is ridiculous.

Mass civial graves where fake. German TV stations showed clearly military graves and claimed it was civilian. I saw the bodies.

Deported children. What would you do with children in a warzone? Shitty but better then dying due to shellings.

Torture chambers? Yes just as anyone does.

Mass rapes where fake due to the Ukraine's generals attorney not being able to find any evidence of them. ( also they then fired the Ukrainian minister for humanitarian right due to constantly making those up)

Violence was and constantly is done to civilians on the Ukraine's side. Just look at draft videos in Ukriane.

To think that Ukraine would just deport its own citizens into the hell

I don't think it I souced it.

Mass civial graves where fake. German TV stations showed clearly military graves and claimed it was civilian. I saw the bodies.

The UN, as useless as it is, has released a report on the warcrimes committed by Russia.
Wer der BILD glaubt, hat von Anfang an verloren.

Deported children. What would you do with children in a warzone? Shitty but better then dying due to shellings.

The ICC has taken on a lawsuit against Russia for child trafficking. Fun fact, the admission from the Russian side makes this easiest case to proceed, as per the lead ICC prosecutor:

JL: You’ve described Ukraine as a crime scene. The crimes are widespread and extensive. You don't have infinite resources. So how do you focus the ICC efforts in Ukraine?

KK: You make decisions, which must be informed by many factors: the gravity, the availability of evidence and the need to work at the speed of relevance. This is exactly what we've done in relation to Ukraine, in relation to the public warrants, because of the admissions effectively made by individuals in the Russian Federation, particularly President Putin and Children’s Rights Commissioner Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova. We investigated crimes against children and we move forward. And that's the basic approach anywhere else: we look at the most serious crimes. When there's more than one serious crime, we also look at the types of evidence available and start moving. And then we can go deeper, if and when necessary and if and when justified by the evidence.

Torture chambers? Yes just as anyone does.

Here is the sourced Wikiledia article for Russian torture chambers. There is no article describing Ukrainian torture chambers. I wonder why that is? /s

Mass rapes where fake due to the Ukraine’s generals attorney not being able to find any evidence of them.

The allegation that Russia uses rape systematically couldn't be substantiated. That is something entirely different than claiming that rapes aren't happening.

Here is just one article of many, interviewing victims.

Violence was and constantly is done to civilians on the Ukraine’s side. Just look at draft videos in Ukriane.

Do we want to compare draft videos now? Ok, here is my entry:


You ask them if they want to keep their russian citizenship or throw it on the pile of burning illegal passports.

Then they don't have any left. Because Ukraine aint giving them the Ukrainian.

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So Tucker Carlson, the man who reportedly fucked a donkey once, will suck Putins cock on a livestream. His dreams must come true.

Don't forget, you can only see it on his pay site lol biggest grifter

Tucker Carlson Onlyfans

2 hour long blowjob video

Russian audio, English subs

I was having a fine day, fuck you for putting that image into my head. I hope you step on a lego.

I'm honestly a little surprised Fucker beat out Glenn Beck in terms of appeal to dumbasses. Though I'm sure Beck is doing all sorts of damage on his radio show.

Glenn Beck is a Mormon and evangelicals don’t really trust Mormons even though they often overlap in their politics.

“...Elon Musk, to his credit, promised not to supress or block this interview once we post it on his platform X.“ (3:51 ; “We're in Moscow to Interview Vladimir Putin“)

Either that or he ends up in the same bunk bed as Navalny.

So Tucker Carlson, the man who reportedly fucked a donkey

Wat? I've never heard of this.

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GOP's sugar daddy doesn't like his party's results he paid for and wants to speak to their voter base directly; cut out the middle persons. Got to love how stupid people watch this propaganda for hire clown or the media mercenaries he spawned from.

I'd like to see Tucker interview Jon Stewart again.


Stewart's line about how can another administration be more absurd than the Bush administration dated surprisingly badly.

I'd actually like to see Stewart interview Carlson this time around. He's even better at it now than he was back then. I bet he could make Carlson stop with the "I need to shit" look the way he made him stop wearing bowties.

This is the interview that got us the Tucker we have now. God only knows what we get if it happens again.

Also I dont think either of them would be interested in it. Stewart probably doesnt talk to actual Nazis and Tucker wont leave his safe space. For gods sakes he interviewed catturd

I can't wait to find out what really stupid asskissing questions he asks Putin with that fake confused look on his face.

Are we sure he's not permanently semi confused? Like, wouldn't surprise me to learn that he doesn't quite have a grasp on things.

At this point I refuse to give this shit stain even the smallest benefit of doubt. He's 1000% aware of what he's doing, what he says, and the results.

If you have some whisky handy to make it palatable, watch the Carlson-Col.Macgregor interview for an idea of what to expect.


Cucker Tarlson is pulling a Tulsi Gabbard. What a fucking surprise.

He's always been a Russian asset. Kremlin memos leaked instructed RT to air as many Carlson clips as possible.

Ahh yes, the propagandist too controversial even for Fox News. Tens of millions of Americans will watch this heavily curated interview and think that Putin is a pretty good guy.

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Can we jsut let him stay over there? He seems happy to suck putin wiener

I wonder if Carlson is fully aware of how deep the hole is that he is about to crawl into. He likely already is a full russian stooge, but if not, he's about to find out just how tyrannical despots can be when you're in their power. Imagine the open and implied threats to his life and his family as they walk him through exactly what to say. Imagine how they dissuade him when he suggests certain questions that he wants to ask. If he strays from the exact script? Somebody get a picture of him when he returns to the states, and if it's within a week of the interview, see how many bruises, cuts, limps, or other signs of 'treatment' there are.

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The “interview” is just cover.

My bet is Putin is vetting Tucker Carlson for Trump’s running mate.

Once Tucker kisses the ring, and likely commits a crime (or other misdeeds) on Putin’s orders (to serve as puppet-string kompromat for Putin’s plans), Putin will give the blessing for Trump to announce Tucker Carlson as his VP running mate.

Then, just imagine a 2028 Presidential bid from Tucker (win or lose in ‘24)…

Nah, Cucker seems to be fitting well into his role as Goebbels 2.0

I think you are right, been suspecting it for a while. Only reason he wouldn't is because he doesn't want to be outshined.

My bet is Putin is vetting Tucker Carlson for Trump’s running mate.

Tucker Carlson would be absolutely dead weight on the ticket. Nobody who isn't already voting for Trump would want that guy anywhere near the White House. He'd be lucky to get Trump's Communications Director slot.

He's media savvy and when he was in front of a camera, had millions of drooling followers who would eat anything he fed them. Don't underestimate him (or turnip), the cult of personality will fall in line.

If I want to watch someone give Putin a softjob, I can always watch Oliver Stone's interviews.

That’s what the kids are calling a sloppy BJ with an angry rimjob these days?

Is this like a managerial review of his boss or something? Stupid HR probably gonna throw little tucker a pizza party.

If anybody wants to view some less biased Interview with Putin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Putin_Interviews

Of course Putin is a sociopath and excellent liar. But he's not a raving Hitler foaming at the mouth.

Hitler wasn't a caricature either.


The idea that evil has to appear a certain way is from stories we tell to children. Evil people will generally appear pretty normal day to day.

Hitler went to all that trouble learning oratory and acting to sway the masses. Then you have someone like Donald fucking Trump who just blurts random, incoherent bullshit and still sways the masses.

If he saw Trumps popularity he'd probably sigh and say: "Ihr Amerikaner seid verdammt zurückgeblieben"

Or better, psychopaths are often thought of as charming

Oh yeah, two aging psychopaths jerking each other off with their respective victim narratives for an hour untill they cum hotnabd creamy bullshit all over the screen... Sounds very appealing this interview

Fucking yikes, I don’t know what else to say.

Dear Putin, me ole mucker, please send Carlson to fight for you in Ukraine. Cheers.

It would be a mighty shame if the interview broadcast experienced a distributed denial of service attack, wouldn't it? Thankfully for Putin, the west is above such chicanery and would never dream of screwing their opponents over like that.

At this point, it seems very prescient that red was chosen as the color of the con movement....maybe that's why tiny d always wears a red tie - maybe someone should feed that the Qtards.

This is going to be a trainwreck and I'll have a hard time looking away.