'You're an amazing father, Elon': Musk accused of running burner on X again—and nuking account who outed him

ooli@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 820 points –
'You're an amazing father, Elon': Musk accused of running burner on X again—and nuking account who outed him

Dude spent $44Bil just so he could behave like an insecure reddit mod...

And all of the Reddit moderators looked in awe and decided to behave just like him.

Only problem is that they aren't getting the kind of money he does for it.

Not the mods, literally the admins. Steve idolizes Musk.

Jokes on you all the old mods were banned and replaced by admin approved bootlickers

Only the good ones left or so I hear. Reddit is blacklisted in my router NFTables.

sadder to realize that no amount of money will stop people from acting like children for no material benefit, be it he or they

It's not about money, it's about having a teeny tiny bit of authority over others in your otherwise meaningless existence.

They need all the money to afford them bulk hot pockets and get them MTG deals.

You're totally right. You're an amazing lemming, roadkill.

You're a shit father, Elon.

There, he can't delete that.

You think he wouldn't buy lemmy.world?

He might, but that's the whole point of federation - there's hundreds of other instances (including the one you're using) that he can't buy all at once. If one instance gets taken over, Lemmy as a whole is still strong.

Even if he buys the organization developing Lemmy, I have faith the community will fork it and everyone will stop using Musk's version.

I think the best option would actually be to see how many times we can pull the scam on him, before he realizes what's happening. Oops, oh no Elon, people are using a different instance! Look at how many users they have (they are different users we swear)! Looks like you're gonna have to buy that one now! and so on.

Yeh, if he bought twitter for 44B, and there are 400 instances then that is still 110M per instance if he were to do that again.
Even 10% of that amount is more than an instance is worth.
Sales can be made pretty quickly when they are massively overvalued.

Some instances' admins are not so easily bought! I hope, at least.

Meh, I say sell the insurance. It is relatively easy to spin up a new one. Let Elmo waste money.

I doubt the devs of Lemmy would accept that considering their political opinions.

Oh my sweet summer child.

Most people would sell their own grandmother into slavery for a few million. I mean they'd feel terrible about it but still.

These dev with their technical level could work at top tech companies and gain that in a couple of years. Yet they dedicated their time to building Lemmy instead.

Is this actually true? I just assumed it was someone's side hustle.

Before the Reddit migration, our income was almost exclusively made up of generous donations from the NLnet foundation. This funding was based on getting paid for implementing new features, specified in advance.

We’ve known that this funding could not last indefinitely, and that after several years of funding, NLnet’s resources are better spent getting other projects up and running. Additionally, much of our time is spent on other equally important work: reviewing changes from community contributors, fixing bugs, doing support, and various organizational tasks.

That is why we are launching our first annual funding drive. The goal is to increase monthly, recurring donations from currently €4.000 to at least €12.000. With this amount @dessalines and @nutomic can each receive a yearly salary of €50.000 which is in line with median developer salaries. It will also allow one additional developer to work fulltime on Lemmy and speed up development. https://join-lemmy.org/news/2023-10-31_-_Join-Lemmy_Redesign_and_Funding_Drive

I think it would be easier to find where the owner of lemmy.world lives and threaten their family

Wait till he buy Lemmy

Then I hop to another instance or create one of my own (running 19 or later so I can block his) and problem solved, lol.

Federation means Musk can buy a single instance, or even a hundred instances, but cannot prevent anyone else from simply opening another somewhere else and making their own portal to the same content he wants to collect behind a paywall (if he even could).

A "burner" account? Never heard it called that before. "Sock puppet" or just "puppet" makes much more sense.

It’s pretty common for people to refer to these types of accounts as burners on Twitter. I recall the GM of the 76ers getting in trouble about 5-10 years ago for having sock puppet accounts on Twitter and all the reporting referred to them as burners.

Drug culture is more well known among normies than nerd culture, is what we're saying here.

Yes. That’s exactly what’s happening here. Big shout out to drugs for winning the war…

Burner feels like such an old school term. I've more often heard "alt", "Smurf", or "finsta". The last being a portmanteau of fake Instagram account

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Guess they don't think their readership is smart enough to know what a "sock puppet" or "puppet" account is.

'Burner' is to 'Sock Puppet' as #Hashtag is to 'Pound Sign'.

I never understood why Americans call a ‘#’ a ‘pound sign’ but then if you put words in front of it, it suddenly becomes a ‘hashtag’. Shouldn’t it be a ‘poundtag’? I mean the rest of the Anglosphere refers to a ‘#’ as a ‘hash’ so it makes sense to us, but why do Americans call it a hashtag? Seems weird to me.

It's contextual. If it's used in a phone number, it's a pound sign. If it's placed before a number, it's a number sign. If it's placed before a tag, it's a hash/hashmark/hashtag.

No one would pronounce "#foo" as "pound foo" any more than they'd call a #2 pencil a "pound two pencil". Because "pound" is clearly not the right name in either context.

Americans have been comfortable using different names for the symbol in different contexts since long before hashtags even existed. So when websites started using them and referred to them as "hashtags", that was fine. It was a new context so it could use whichever name it wanted. (Well, "octothorpe-tag" is probably far too unwieldy to catch on.)

Of course if we're talking about the symbol without a specific context, then we have to pick one of the names. For most Americans, that "default" name is probably still "pound". Twenty years ago I'd definitely say that, but even then it wasn't ubiquitous. It wasn't uncommon to hear it referred to as a hash. And it seems like the use of "pound" has declined and the use of hash has increased as people now spend more time online and less time dialing phone numbers. There's also a generational divide with older people more likely to say "pound" and younger people more likely to say "hash".

Others have already answered better than I, but it's basically just a symbol to signify a weight, pound.

It was already repurposed to be a symbol for numbers, when they are part of a sentence, and now it's being repurposed even more so for the Internet.

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Whether or not anyone found him out, think about the fact that he himself knows that he created a fake account so he could tell himself he's a great father. Imagine knowing that about yourself. I shudder to think of the absolute disgust he must feel when he looks at himself in the mirror. At least there's comfort and joy to be found for the rest of us in thinking about that. What a fucking loser. I dream of the day I don't have to hear about this pathetic waste of space on a daily basis.

I don't think he has feelings about anything you mentioned (those are valid points though).

It's just image maintenance to him.

I don't know, there are thousands of replies to all his posts, who'd even see it below all the more popular responses? Strikes me more like he's writing himself words of affirmation.

Instead of pretending to be someone else to compliment him about his parenting, he could try just being a dad. I doubt this fucker raised any of his kids for a single second, I doubt he's changed a single diaper, or attended a single recital or game.

At that level of money and wealth and living, you dont feel bad at all, cause everything is okay. He felt great just saying it and 1000 of people read it . Anybody who does no agreww with him is just small fraction of people who did not say anything, so its a win for him. You see this in most of the rich people, if there is strike going outside and of one of the operation manager just close the door of factory and contains it outside , its a win for them , unless something is not touching their money directly and helping them blind side problem its a SOLID win in their books .its like they can't/don't think that far. It's side effect of ingot mine , so you can go away mentality, they become highly myopic

How. Fucking. Pathetic. Do you have to be. To have an entire army of sycophants. And that's still not enough for your ego.

It honestly makes me genuinely sad. He definitely has complexes and holes in his soul to conduct this behavior. Doesn't excuse him from being a complete asshole though.

Why are you sad about this piece of shit? He'd never pay you the same mind.

I revel in the insecurities and smallness of these exploitative, parasitic wastes of air.

You can always feel empathy. The more you try the better person you'll become.

Don't be like sad rich guy, be better.

No, just... eat them.

It's not like there's any positive change waiting to happen from that thing. You can't be tolerant of the intolerant. We joke a lot about Twixxer and how insecure Muxx is, but the truth remains - he is a real and direct threat to a lot of people.

Let's not forget the beast behind the human behind the image.

Billionaire's aren't people and do not deserve our empathy. I am better. I don't exploit thousands to hundreds of thousands of people's lives for my own personal, shortsighted gain.

Being a halfway decent dad has to be easier than all this. Plenty of guys manage it

Rich stupid guy doing things is not technology. Why is this community flooded with this guy doing or saying things?

I'm keen to join another tech focused community, with less non-tech spam, any recommendations?

Oh Elon. You're gonna need a whole lot more Ketamine to convince yourself you're a good father.

X has two rules. Don’t talk shit about Elon, and don’t talk shit about the dictators he wants to get cozy to.

All that money and power and no added happiness or joy. So unloved he has to fake it. I always knew absurd wealth doesn't actually improve a person, but thanks for constantly proving it over and over again anyway Elon. Glad to know you'll die unhappy.

This is some "John Barron" energy. Imagine having fucktons of money and still being a whiny crybaby like these fellows.

Have you seen his mom (Maye Musk)? I don't think she ever loved Elon, or anyone. Maybe Dalmatians.

Very well put. He and many others create a lot of misery chasing what they think will make them happy rather than what actually will. Figuring out the difference is a personal process that you have to want, though.

I always figured he was some kind of workaholic that can never have enough. That is sometimes good for your bank balance but it is often not good for YOU.

I wouldn’t exactly call him a workaholic. He spends quite a few hours a day browsing Twitter.

I did wonder if I’d get a reply like this since it has the word “work” in it, lol.

I’m sure he tweets from the office a lot.

Money won’t make you happy for sure.

Sad man.

Indeed, the level of obsession some people have with Elon Musk is kind of ridiculous.

I think it's because he's clearly a villain like Trump, and there is clearly a different legal system for him, like Trump.

Nobody who has lived like him and wasn't a billionaire would get security clearance. People focus on him because he's out here Saying The Quiet Parts Out Loud, and so he's a really good one to focus on if you're trying to make a point about corporations and their love of fascism and hate of actual capitalism and competition.

What can I say? Everyone hates a hypocrite, especially one who uses his power to shove his hypocrite-ass in everyone's face. Like all hypocrites with power, he does it to show everyone he has power to get away with what you can't. People do tire of that, and they would like to see this fucking prick strung up by his fucking neck by people who have actually faced real suffering in their lives, who finally got sick of his fat whiny baby bitch ass.

Ignoring him certainly wouldn't make him go away, and it's a good thing to have more and more people waking up to the fact that the rich aren't any smarter or more capable than us, and Musk is a perfect example. They have created a media ecosystem which praises the rich as somehow better than the average person, but the reality is they just had money, power, and connections. They aren't smart, they aren't capable, they aren't brilliant, they are just as shortsighted and stupid as the fucking rest of us, and it's helpful to be able to point at people who really exemplify that, like Musk.

What can I say, it's helpful to have a Free Speech Warrior who clearly only cares about his speech. It makes it easier to open people's eyes to how fucked our entire society is for handing the keys to the kingdom to these fucking idiots to begin with.

Further, almost nobody would say the same thing about people bitching about, say, Rupert Murdoch, but there's plenty of people who watch Murdoch's moves as well, because he also owns right-wing media companies that intend to massage the narrative to the right-wing "reality." I heard the names like Murdoch, Bill O'Reilly, and Tucker Carlson thrown around and complained about for years before Musk became a target because of his shenanigans. Nobody says "people are obsessed with Carlson!"

which praises the rich as somehow better than the average person, but the reality is they just had money, power, and connections. They aren't smart, they aren't capable, they aren't brilliant, they are just as shortsighted and stupid as the fucking rest of us

Dumb idea: Any Rand was secretly a lefty who wanted the oligarchs to fuck around and find out.

Huh? Doesn't everyone assume he has a whole PR team that probably runs hundreds of sock puppet accounts? Like human bots? I mean isn't a PR team basically a given for a billionaire or any special interest group?

Celebrities do use PR agencies but Musk is known for not having PR teams at any of his companies.

He is the stupidest billionaire.

PR people? They're an unnecessary expense.

He literally cut twitter staff by 80%, twitter is on life support and running on fumes, has crazy technical issues and breaking features, and he refuses to invest in it.

Yes the company is dying because he cut all their staff but that's not the point.

None of his companies have PR departments.

Any request for comment to these companies is responded to with a poop emoji or ignored. He's a child.

Aah, yes. I too love corporate bullshit lame responses. Damn you Musk for not having PR department!

Oh thanks! Right, I guess when he fired them and that is when he became unpopular lol

If he has a PR team they are doing a terrible job.

He fired them all or paid them so little they don't care

How exactly was it proven? Not defending Elon, I'm genuinely curious. The article mentions an audio recording sounding similar to Elon and some weird praises on Twitter. How does that connect the Dittmann account to Elon though?

Agreed. I strongly dislike Elon and think he is a thin skinned trust fund baby who is destroying Tesla and already destroyed Twitter. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least to find out he is using sock accounts to praise himself… but in this article all I see are people making accusations without solid evidence. Yes, it appears he banned the guy accusing him but we already know that Elon will ban his critics whether or not those critics’ accusations are real. There is nothing here showing that the account is anything but one of his braindead fanboys.

It’s one thing to take these accusations and try to find solid evidence. It’s another to treat the accusations as solid evidence itself. Let’s be better than the conspiracy theorists.

I mean he has a history of doing this... Also, it's not an audio recording. He joined a live audio chat and everyone on the chat (Alex Jones and some other weirdo) thought it was Elon.

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This is some late 90s web forum admin tyrant drama. Wait until he finds out he can use phpmyadmin to edit other peoples posts.

He probably merits a 200 page Kiwi Farms thread, if they also didn't suck him off for being "one of us."

I used to know this guy on a forum who had a serious mental disorder, would get banned for attention removed, and would come back months later either as a woman or someone else and get attention until we realized its the same fucking dude. He did actually have a forum of his own, and I am convinced at least three of the most active accounts were him, talking to himself. I don't know what disorder he had, but he needed help.

You know, I always thought money would make me happy. But he seems so much more insecure and miserable than I ever was.

I've unfortunately worked for multiple multi-millionaires. The richer they were, the more insanely insecure in ways that would blow your mind. The richest would often leave his bank account open on his computer for his staff to see, among so many other examples.

At least Ballmer seemed like he enjoyed being stinking rich.

I've literally gained more respect for other rich assholes like Steve Ballmer and Gabe Newell because they don't run their fucking mouths the way Elon does. AND THEY ARE STILL RICH ASSHOLES!

Joined by conspiracy theorist David Icke, who believes that the world’s top leaders are actually lizards, Jones and his guest both questioned whether they were actually talking to Musk based on the individual’s eerily similar speech.

There’s.. there’s a lot to unpack here. I’m truly saddened that this version of me ended up in the bizarre timeline; I wonder how my other selves are doing.

I was looking through comments to see if anyone noticed this part. I have to believe that he doesn't really think world leaders are actual lizards and its actually more of a performance art piece or something.

If he's serious about it... I just don't know how humanity went so wrong.

Idk dude, I read his wiki page and some of this shit is just nuts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke

This guy strikes me as one of:

  • a cult member
  • an aspiring cult leader
  • a grifter
  • someone suffering a psychotic break from reality (obligatory: I’m not a trained medical/mental health professional)
  • some combination of the above

Go to r/SaturnStormCube and r/SaturnTimeCube. He was half-successful.

Well that’s a big old yikes from me dawg. I took a quick peek at those subs and I can’t say it was worth the time I spent dancing around reddit’s VPN blocker. I bet the AI company is gonna get some great data from those comments.

Also time cube is banned so there’s that lol.

Yeah it wasn't supposed to be pleasant lol damn menorahman finally got the sun to take the big L with all his very real antisemitism. Weird hearing someone praise the Monad and then be antisemitic.

Icke has literally been on this kick for like 30+ years. Idk if he believed himself when he got started but the dude is so far down the rabbit hole of his own bullshit he surely believes it by now.

It's just amazing that probably the one man who least needs to give a crap about anything has such a thin skin. All of his money can't seem to resolve his deep insecurity.

Shame guys, maybe Elon really isn't ok and all he really needs is a hug, and someone to tell him he is a good dad.

Also, Elon, if you're reading this, I will tell you whatever shitty lies you wanna hear, in the most convincing tone you need to hear it, if you give twitter back, free of charge, to it's prior owners

There's no saving Twitter. It's been dying when the previous owners had it, that's why they bailed when Elon offered to buy it.

Not sure why the title says Elon nuked the account for outing him when the account owner says in the article that he left on his own accord due to doxxing

Because, obviously, everything happening on X is Musk fault

Too much social media does make you insecure and he owns one lol

Other than the Delaware thing and saying shitty things on Twitter, has Musk actually done anything newsworthy since he purchased Twitter?

He blew up a starship test because he overrode engineers, thought he knew better than them, and didn't install a blast deflector under the rocket. It made a giant hole in the launch pad and the concrete debris damaged the rocket.

I thought the Starlink thing mostly took place before he purchased Twitter, no? The harassment case predates his purchase of Twitter as well, but it looks like it's still an issue presently according to your article. I haven't heard much about this in a while, it fell off my radar. Thanks.

He threatened to walk away from Tesla if they didn’t give him twice his stake in the company (because he sold half his stake to buy Twitter).

As much as I hate Musk, its not like he's lacking in actual sycophants to publicly kiss his ass. And also the title is wrong Liam Nissan didnt get banned he deleted the account to move to Bluesky.

How we know this account is a sockpuppet: He's praising Elon's parenting.

Oh the david ike part is super funny since he was there to bug alex for being too in love with musk and then the possible sock puppet guy joined to talk and alex jones couldn't help but be in love with this new guy and pretty much proved david's point right there

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Did he actually nuke it? Or did the user leave? The article doesn't mention the Blusky post from LN.

I'm putting 20 bucks on this being an AI specifically made to compliment him, and not a sock puppet.

Okay, I found the Musk bot on Reddit funny, with random comments saying "You're fired" and stuff.

Why do I feel like using a literal sock puppet would be less sad than using an AI to complement your parenting skills?

I feel like it's easier to believe he is a serious dickrider for Musk. I bet there's a million of them out there. Musk could just boost one of them instead of operating a burner account.

Elon could self masturbate. It's cheaper than losing billions with a toy.

This community is so obsessed with Musk istg

Adrian and Musk were on the same twitter space call once and even conversed a bit. Maybe that video was fake or just really well done by him with voice changers, but honestly I think it's just a coincidence that these two idiots sound alike.

Yes it would be really funny if musk did this but reddit also is going wild over this and I think in the end it will just for once turn out that musk Musk didn't do something.

Yeah, the dude has like 20 kids, just on pure chance one of them probably doesn't hate him (or at least pretends not to for the money).

Heard this discussed on Knowledge Fight but haven't seen the twitter space call myself. It's not something I particularly want to seek out. But with Knowledge Fight being a credible source, I don't doubt it.

Assuming they did in fact appear on the same space together while talking to and sometimes over each other: either the Muskrat previously put on an elaborate performance to give his sock puppet credibility, or his biggest stan sounds almost just like him.

I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that one of his worshipers would go so far as to adopt his speech patterns and try to sound like him. Or it could be a sock puppet run by his brother or cousin.

Every possibility is extremely pathetic, and I'm curious to see what shakes out.

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