Putin ‘wins’ rigged Russian election with 88% of the vote, early results show

return2ozma@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 796 points –
Putin ‘wins’ rigged Russian election with 87% of the vote

In East Germany the people loved their nation most only weeks before collapse: 99,92% voted for the pro-soviet government.

Then the CIA dropped 20 million agents from invisible helicopters which fakes mass demonstrations and used mind-control rays to make them love the west and hate the soviet union.

In the first election after reunification the Communists got 11,1% of all votes in Former East Germany. Damned CIA mind control rays.

This is my favorite tankie cope.

"The CIA obviously staged the protests and rigged the election against the communists!"

So like, they snuck in millions of undercover agents?

"Don't be ridiculous, that's not how it works!"

So they stuffed the ballot box?

"No, that's what we tried to do."

You mean they forced people to vote at gunpoint?


So the CIA just... Convinced people to support Western politics?


There aint no mind control rays.

CIA sucked off commies into a democracy.

Have they voted yet, or is 88% what they decided the result is going to be?

If he's going to lie he should lie big, like his pal in North Korea. Tell everyone he won with 189% of the total votes. Nobody outside his cult is going to believe him either way.

Makes it easier for those liking Russia to pretend though. I think that's the point.

It's also polling for the government to give an idea of public sentiment.

"according to exit polls"

12% had an unfortunate accident after their exit poll.

Sure I can take exit poll comrade. But question first, why is poll conducted near vindow?

is for fresh air comrade. now please, take poll

The link wasn't working but I found what I think is being shared.

Neo-Nazis also employ various number symbols:

18, code for Adolf Hitler. The number comes from the position of the letters in the alphabet: A = 1, H = 8.[11]

88, code for "Heil Hitler", a phrase used in the Nazi salute.[12] Also used as a reference to the "88 Precepts", a manifesto written by white supremacist David Lane.

14, from the Fourteen Words coined by David Lane: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."[13]

14 and 88 are sometimes combined with each other (i.e. 14/88, 8814, 1488).[14] They are also sometimes depicted on dice.[15]

It's also amateur radio slang. Not everything is about Neo-Nazis.

But to another commenter - Russian Neo-Nazis use 1488 too.

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when do you get to call a dictator a dictator? when he stops with the pretend elections?

I don't think you have to wait.

He even was one when he didn‘t run for office. Hell most people don‘t even remember the name of Russia‘s other „President“ they had for 5 years. I for sure don‘t.

I think everyone knows the name, he's kinda (in) famous lately with all the talk about nuking Europe and stuff. It's Medvedev.

When they decide they should be the president until they die and make it legal. Putin has reached that milestone a while ago.

The Constitution of Russia was adopted in 1993, limiting the President of Russia to no more than two consecutive four year terms. Boris Yeltsin was the incumbent president when the constitution came into effect and had already served for over two years. Yelstin was reelected in 1996, but he resigned near the end of his term in 1999, and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin served for the remainder of Yeltsin's term as acting president. Putin was elected to a full term in 2000 and reelected in 2004.

Putin was not constitutionally permitted to run for reelection in 2008, so he endorsed First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who went on to become the next president. The day after Medvedev's inauguration, he appointed Putin as Prime Minister of Russia. While Putin did not hold the office of president for the following four years, he held de facto control over the country's executive, extending his tenure beyond what term limits would normally allow.

The Constitution was amended in 2008, expanding the presidential term from four to six years following the 2012 election. Having been removed from the office of the presidency for a term, Putin was constitutionally eligible to run again and was elected president in 2012 and then reelected in 2018. The Constitution was amended in 2020 to reset the number of terms Putin has served, allowing him to circumvent term limits in the 2024 and 2030 elections, enabling him to legally stay in office until 2036.

So I guess he first broke the rules in 2004 if you count his time as acting president, but I think it's no longer up for debate after 2008.

I wouldn't count the part where he was acting president instead of Yeltsin, but yeah, since 2008 he's stopped being sneaky about wanting to be a dictator.

When you have nothing left to gain from acting like their friend?

Depends on the flavor of leftism he or she supports.

There’s a lot of people on .ml, Hexbear and Lemmygrad that are probably celebrating right now.

You know we are real communists because we can live rent free in your minds

I don't understand the link between communism and celebrating an imperialist dictator's sham election.

It's called campism. It's basically people who are obsessed with relitigating the Cold War more than actually discussing leftist politics. They believe that communism never took off because the west kept communism down, so now anything which stands opposed to the west is ostensibly helping some future communist movement.

Really it's mostly just about the fan service though. Being edgy is easier than actually studying politics with the bonus that you can just blindly cast judgement on anything since you'll never actually have to put your ideas into practice and be judged by theor outcomes.

because it doesnt exist, nobody on the left likes putin, the "tankie who loves putin" is just a guy that the reddit brained lemmy.worlders made up to be angry at.

That's a disingenuous take to be sure. And to be fair there are a lot of those surrounding capitalism and Leninism both.

I literally had a lemmy.ml user yesterday try to justify Putin's invasion of Crimea. Claiming that Putin (a fascist) was concerned about the fascist Azov brigade because they were fascist. (Hilarious Russian propaganda) And that this was all because of America and things only got bad because of America. If America had never been involved, Ukraine would have happily joined back with Russia, etc etc etc.

So it definitely does exist. Whether or not it makes up a significant amount. We can debate that. Or at least we can try. Because unfortunately more often than not. So many on ml domains are incapable of having a good faith discussion. Often responding with walls of text, macro images and other things completely unrelated to the discussion at hand. In an effort to deflect criticism, muddy the conversation and gish gallop the whole talk. They don't have a Monopoly on it though to be sure. It's something other authoritarians like fascists do as well.

Saying that Putin was justified (its debatable) is not the same as saying they like him. the vast majority see him as a necessary evil (some as a lesser evil) to counter the western imperialist hegemony.

You say ml people are incapable of good faith discussions but here you go immediately shutting down arguments going against your worldview as "hilarious propaganda" and those macro images only come out in response to such bad faith takes.

No, it is not debatable. He literally invaded. If he was justified in invading Crimea then the west and the United States in particular has basically been kinda justified in every action they've taken against every ml country/revolution ever. Either it's bullshit for both or it's okay for both.

And yeah it was literal propaganda. Much like the red scare BS perpetuated in the US since the late 40s. It's not BS propaganda because it disagreed with my world views. You only prove my point by making that accusation. You have no idea what my world views are. You're simply getting emotional and defensive because yours are fairly obvious and I impuned them. But if you want to know know I'm pragmatically libertarian Marxist/ anarcho communist. So even though I agree with ml on a number of economic issues, I generally find them as distasteful as fascist because of their social policy.

my guy have you been to hexbear or lemmygrad? every other post on those forums are just people whining about westerners treating china and russia like they're totalitarian/dictatorships and genocidal (because they are) and then saying that the US is even worse with less freedom of speech and more authoritarian. and obviously the constant uyghur genocide denial saying they're just being "(re)educated" and they're "integrating" with the mainland communities/culture more, then deflecting and rationalizing that even if it is genocide then it's good because US wage slavery & prison labour is bad.

plus calling ukraine nazis and in general being anti-ukraine, saying that ukrainians want to be part of russia and that ukraine was better off as part of the soviet empire, claiming that putin was justified in invading "because NATO" even though there was no way in hell of ukraine joining NATO (they don't accept unstable countries or countries with foreign non-NATO military/rebel presence) and even after NATO started backing away from ukraine in order to please russia (tankie claims which are silly and a sick joke)...

it's not nearly as bad on lemmy.ml, it's mostly limited to the minority here, but the other two are definitely filled to the brim with imperialists/red nazis in denial...

Just to establish some ethos in your mind here: I am banned from Lemmygrad for "trying to lib up the grad" after discussions about Russia. Even so, I would say it is both disingenuous and wrong to claim that they are all drooling over Putin. Most of them, at least those worth listening to, are critically supportive of Russia due to them being in opposition to Western hegemony. That said, many of them are also unfortunately very much under the impression that all Ukrainians are nazis, which is obviously not true.

To properly evaluate them for what they are, and not as an infantile "they are genocide loving, totalitarian, red-fash tankies", one needs to understand how dystopical their view on the current world order is. If anything, this should be the take away from their dissonant voices, because their dystopic view of the Western world unfortunately bears a lot of merit (which does not equivocate to many of the alternatives being much better).

You are forgetting the actual Russian trolls who infest leftist spaces, and who get protection because they make good campists noises. You are simply lying if you claim there aren't people all over hexbear, .ml and lemmygrad who openly root for Russia against Ukraine.

I have literally caught bans just for saying that Ukraine resembles genocide. You know, because communism is when mass deportation of children, or something.

I know you’re wannabe-communists because it’s clear that based on your naivety and ignorance, none of you are out of high school yet.

No adult with half a brain would buy into that nonsense.

The irony of an American trying to educate someone else on their ignorance, while simultaneously expressing their deepest ignorance themselves.

The irony of someone making blanket statements about an entire country of people while simultaneously posturing as someone that should be above such behavior.

However, if you’re a communist- American or not- I’m smarter than you. Period. End of story.

Lmao thanks. I had not met my government mandated amount of chuckles yet!

If you get your way, you just might have to some day. It’s with hope that you’ll grow up long before then though so you can stand against it with the rest of us.

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88 just happens to be a Nazi reference used by white supremacists. Curious coincidences.

This time it might actually be a coincidence, someone at the political bureau tried to pick the closest number to 100 that wouldn't look made up, 73 they were promptly excited for sedition my their boss who added 3 to the number and routed it to his boss,. Repeat the process 5 times and there you go "88".

Did the article get edited or something? It's saying that he won by 87% to me.

88% is a little too on the nose, Putin

Fitting victory number for a nazi.....

Wasn't the previous one somewhere in the 90-ish percent? This is a huge loss!

According to the article, this was his biggest win yet

I made a joke about that percentage the day before this farce -- I can't call them elections -- but I never thought that would become a reality. Secondly, are we going to accept ''elections'' held in a territory occupied by military forces. Nobody should be that naive.

I agree with you, the entire thing was a farce. There's no way he LEGITIMATELY got 88% of the vote. Just another dictator, doing dictator things.

I just want to point out here that this is what many Trump voters are hoping for. If you’re a US citizen, please vote in November.

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even in a rigged election that stupid cunt isn't able to achieve over 90%. what an absolute worthless sucker!

Fast forward to the point where you put an end to your miserable life you russian fuck and finally relieve us from your existence!

If you're rigging an election, it can be better politically to give yourself 65% of the vote than 97% of the vote.

97% is obviously fake. 65% is easier to make people beleive in.

that is because you cringe KAMARAD russians are most intelligent, much more than african dictators 88% for most glorious president of russia and 22% for president's prime minister That way we can lie to people about opposition being very close to glorious president ideas

110% sound about right.

Well standard election story mode is 100% completion but the extra 10% is finding all hidden hammer & sickle icons and Collectables in every level.

The soviet education system was famed... but it's been about thirty years and most of the academics fled a while back.

The number of brilliant Russian professors in the west is a sad testament to how little modern Russia has in common with the Soviet union.

achieve over 90%

He's RUSsian not Asian.
Cut him some slack, will ya

I dare you to scroll these comments until you find a hexbear CCP cuck insulting the "liberal west", it'll be a fun 20 seconds.

Hexbear's defederated on my instance, thankfully.

.ml, too? That one is pretty sus.

How can we request defederation?

And what is stopping all the bad ru actors from just joining and infiltrating .world anyway?

.ml's still federated. I'm guessing that people are reluctant to defederate the instance run by the Lemmy devs. People will probably start cutting ties when Sublinks hits the scene.

That and there are unfortunately and very sadly a number of not insignificant open source projects that have a significant communities there. Though it might be better to rip the Band-Aid off now than to continue to let it fester and grow.

"Tankie" and "subtlety" do not go together. They're pretty easy to spot even when they hide on other instances.

One of my favorite traditions is world leaders congratulating Putin the day before Russian elections.

Accidents already planned for the administrators who allowed the 12% through.

WDYM, they've likely just drawn the numbers.

At this point nobody is seriously trying to get some data from them (that they pretend to give openly, the last time these were text on a webpage with scripts and WOFF fonts used for obfuscation - like the letter "a" is in fact "+" and so on ; people used OCR for that, there were "anomalies").

There's a meme percentage in Russian-speaking web - 146%, that's what once made it to TV for some voting district.

Ye, Churov's coefficient

Nah, that 12% is left for the satellite parties to test the waters for Putin. The satellite parties can fail freely, without affecting the popularity of Putin.

This month's list of executions is relatively long

88? Only?


No way his propaganda team hit that number accidentally.

I wouldn't be sure. It's a 1 in 100 chance randomly, and 1 in 49 if they want him over half. They probably want him well over half and not quite 100 though, so probably 1 in 20 or 30. It's not that low of odds. I don't know what they'd gain from it anyway, if they wanted to send that message. They easily can just say it without consequences.

I just assume someone on his propaganda team is a big fan of back to the future.

I suspect that Trump will congratulate him on his win soon.

The only surprise is that he hasn't won by 187%.

Yeah, he's down by about 40% of his usual vote. That must be all the dissidents!

Managed Democracy carefully selected the best candidate for each citizen to vote for. According to the best algorithms.

Those quote marks around the 'wins' are just great.

88% is so typical - for Nazis it means the eight letter of the alphabet twice, which means "Heil Hitler". Given that the Z symbol of his genocidal war looks like a half Swastika we can now finally agree: Putin is the reincarnation of Hitler.

Give him a mustache and no one can tell the difference.

He's a "we have Hitler at home" type of situation.

Yep, search “Wolfgang vom Schemm” German draughtsman and graphic designer...

Why .... Ummm.. Why are they lumpy?

Remember kids, you too can do whatever the fuck you want, if you own a nuke.

Would you vote against him knowing that could be your death?

Not voting would have been the only answer, as the other parties are basically controlled opposition. Yet, not voting would also count as a unpatriotic move, thus exposing you? I don't know. Sure enough, Russia has a story of antidemocratic centralised powers, be they Tzars or party leaders. And for any neighboring country, that has always been a problem.

invalidating the ballot. Not not voting. There is a big difference. I am not sure how the terms are in English and whether there is a parallel, but you can "vote against everyone" - your count will count to the total percentage vs your vote is lost.

And yes, some people were absolutely forced to vote. But make no mistake, even if the elections were "free", the actual result does not matter at all. Numbers were drawn no matter what happened during the election.

What actually matters and I am very disappointed to hardly see any coverage in the media - a ton of people showed up to Noon Against Putin. Even in Russia. Navalny's last wish was for people to go vote on the last day at noon and the lines were impressive. (It is not a meeting, you are literally just standing in line to vote, they can't arrest you.) If you're unhappy with the current state of affairs, just show up. Even if you have already voted, just show up on the voting point at noon. And people did. And they saw that there are many.

Needless to say, with few places you were able to vote abroad, and less persecution to be feared, the lines were humongous. Surely, the Berlin embassy made sure how to cause a disgraceful bottleneck to keep people from voting before it closed.

Btw, you can see exit polls from Russians outside of Russia made by independent volunteers on voteabroad.info . But keep the bottlenecks in mind and that many people stood in line for 9+ hours and didn't get to vote, so they are not represented in the results.

Elections? Where we're going we don't need elections.

Now let's get this post soviet sham of a democracy up to 88 miles per hour.

Does this mean 12% of the population is about to fall out of windows?

Nah, it means that an arbitrary number was chosen to make it seem like there was competition on the ballot. A happy little math error.

You know, kinda like back in the day when Boris Yeltsin got 1 million votes from Chechnya even tho the war he himself instigated left the voting-eligible population at around 500k. Reportedly, exactly 70.0% out of those 500,000 voted for Yeltsin, and 70% of 500k is about a million because math.

No, but they are about to win povestka and sent to dig okop.

My 127% prediction can still be realized. The 400k+ votes from the Ukraine still need to come in. That has some delay as not all registered voters have been identified...

Why do people keep calling it "the Ukraine"? Serious question.

Because in English it used to be called that before its independence in 1991. It's now considered wrong and demeaning though.

A similar issue exists in other languages, so it's also likely that the error repeatedly gets carried over when translated to English.

Ah, TIL. It sounds really weird to me, like saying "the Germany" or "the France".

My language doesn't use articles like "a" or "the" so similar issues don't exist here at all.

A more accurate comparison is "The Palatinate", "The Pale", "The Highlands" or "The Yucatan" - it's still wrong but it's not unheard of for regions defined by a predominant geographic feature.

Ukraine is not a predominant geographic feature? Like, I know what the name means, but for English speaking people the word doesn't mean anything?

Interestingly enough one of my examples shares that distinction and is just arbitrary. "The Pale" is drawn from the same root as pallisade and basically means fence post... it's basically "What the English claim" and it's a completely arbitrary region.

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It's 80/80 as expected

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Vladimir Putin tightened his grip on power, claiming another six-year term as Russian president after a brutally distorted election in which all serious challengers were wiped out before voting began.

The result more than met the objective of an overwhelming victory to buttress Putin’s claim that Russians wholeheartedly back their leader and his invasion of Ukraine.

The election campaign, which saw three other candidates refrain from criticizing the president, was overshadowed by the death last month of Putin’s key opponent, Alexei Navalny.

Unusually large crowds were seen at polling stations across Russia, from the smallest Siberian towns to Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as at Russian embassies and consulates worldwide — from Phuket to Paris and Brussels.

“This is a great opportunity to create the appearance that there are people who are not satisfied with the current state of affairs, who are willing to unite for collective action, and there are many of them,” — said Daniel, who voted in the Russian consulate in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Ekaterina Duntsova and Boris Nadezhdin — two potential candidates who advocated for immediate peace negotiations and an end to the war — were barred from running against Putin in the contest.

The original article contains 720 words, the summary contains 198 words. Saved 72%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

His main electoral base is as old as him though, mostly.

You really think they bothered to count the votes

they opened up an rng, had it gen a number 60-100, called it a day

He would have lost his mind if it landed in the 60s or 70s range. Had to have been 85-100 to show a dominant win.

would have shot the guy who pressed the generate button lol

Nah, the guy woulsädn't have been shot, but it would be highly likely for them to forget windows in Russia lack the safety railing.

comrade Vasily? he drink too much vodka and slip off balcony in hotel yesterday. very strange, very strange

In the beginning - yes, but not at the end. There were cases of dropping a pack of lists into the urn, so they do count on the ground level (:

I'm looking a little into the future. Not election-wise, but frustration-wise.