What animals do you dislike for unusual reasons and why?

Cloudless ☼@lemmy.cafe to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 92 points –

For me:

  • Monkeys and apes: they look too much like humans and expose many terrible traits of humans.

  • Greyhounds: their thin long body shape look weird to me.



Its an easily startled 900lb retard with sledgehammers for hands.

No its not majestic, keep it the direct fuck away from me.

I was gunna ride a horse when I was real young. Was at a party or something cause there was a good amount of people there. I was next in line to ride said horse. The guy in front of me, being it was his turn, went to walk up to another horse. That horse was not a fan a bucked. Hoof straight to the side of the face. Down he goes.

Last thing I saw was him laying there motionless. Never learned anything else of it as everyone had to leave. Never tired to ride a horse from that day foward.

I'll chill with some cows though

Cows kill more people every year than horses…

I wish I could find the original quote, but Sam Vimes, in one of Terry Pratchett's books, says something to the effect of "being one of nature's pedestrians. Never trust anything that looks at you with its teeth"

Horses are fucking douchebags. One ran me over back when I was 6 years old. I never forgave them.

Like the saying goes, if one horse ran you over, they all did.

I've always found horses to be weird animals. They have personality, but have no expression outside of losing their shit. Their posture also looks uncomfortable as fuck, always being stood up, and being on small hooves despite being huge.

I've always said that they're prisoners in their own bodies.

I, too, share your hatred for horses. They are arrogant fucks who think they are better then everyone else. One exception: there's these large horses with fluffy hooves and fat asses that seem to be chill and more like large dogs. You're OK.

Horses are almost the worst, horae people are even worse. My girlfriend has a coworker and apparently all she does is talking about her horse and how unwell it is, and how fucking expensive the hose doctor, acupuncture, hose psychologist and keeping the horse in general is. One day she showed me a picture of her company dinner and i asked her which one the horse girl is. Of course she pointed at the 100+kg ork.
They also shove ginger in their butts to make them walk funny. Again, i don't even like them, but they still don't deserve to be ridden around or drove around in a trailer for hour. I would be a miserable cunt too

Humans. They’re just horrible for so many reasons

Humans, because they see themselves as superior to other animals.

This method of thinking is the root of much of humanity's problems.

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Humans, they expose the many horrible traits of humans far better than any relative specie could.

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Monkeys are total assholes. They act just like 7 year old children would if they were high on sugar and there were no repercussions for their actions.

I don't understand why some people find monkeys cute. They're so ugly and obnoxious! They don't even have the presence or majesty of great apes either. The further from humans on the evolutionary scale, the cuter primates tend to be IMO. By the time you get to lemurs, bush babies, etc, you've hit standard mammal cuteness.

I'm convinced like 95% of people that say they like monkeys have never interacted with one.

I hate how modern pugs look. I would love to launch them into orbit with my foot but I try to treat them like any other dog. It's not their fault they momma made them fugly.

E: Ye, we all know it was people.

I feel sorry for those dogs, and other dogs that have constant physica problems because breeders and customers put looks ahead of health for many dog generations.

FYI, the reason why humans look so much like apes is because humans ARE apes (specifically, great apes).

Meh. Not that great.

Man: the okayest of apes.

man: No entry for the in the manual.
man: No entry for okayest in the manual.
man: No entry for of in the manual.
man: No entry for apes. in the manual.

Dogs with blue eyes look absolutely psychotic to me for some reason, like it's indicative that they're the serial killers of the canine world or something. It's super unnerving. This doesn't translate to any other animal for me; for instance I think blue-eyed cats are gorgeous.


But then you also have these

This one still looks cute and cool to me. Yeah it is weird but in a good way.

Pandas. They are too dumb to be alive. Their diet mostly consists of plants that have hardly any nutrition, and can't be bothered to reproduce.

This is a common belief thanks to terrible science comunication by journalists. I recommend the book The Truth About Animals: Stoned Sloths, Lovelorn Hippos, and Other Tales from the Wild Side of Wildlife by Lucy Cooke. It's a fascinating read and has a chapter dedicated to how we've misunderstood and misrepresented pandas and sloths in the media.

Ducks and dolphins are the serial rapists of the animal kingdom.

True. From "aww" to "nope" as soon as learning the truths about dolphins.

Ducks are also assholes for stopping traffic to cross the street. Fuckers can fly, but they decide to just waddle their dumbasses across busy streets.

Squirrels. Cute as hell in the wild, not so much in my attic. They are tiny little destructive machines.

According to the University of California’s Agriculture and Natural Resources department:

“Ground squirrels are associated with the spread of Rocky Mountain spotted fever, rat bite fever, tularemia, Chagas’ disease, adiospiromycosis, and encephalomyocarditis. Notably, they can serve as reservoirs for sylvatic (bubonic) plague, a highly infectious disease caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis…People and their pets can get plague if they visit or live in areas where ground squirrels or other rodents are infected.”

As a fellow Jay who has also had to deal with Squirrels in the attic, I wholeheartedly concur. Squirrels - what a bunch of bastards.

Moths, especially the big ones... idk, they are just insanely terrifying to me. I know they cannot hurt me, I know they are harmless, they terrify the life out of me

Dolphins. Everyone wants to talk about sharks taking an annual toll on people, nobody wants to acknowledge dolphins will screw more with humans just for the lulz.

I hate them so much I wrote a song about them and how they'll bite the head off a fish so they can fuck the corpse. They're messed up.

I knew they do something similar to each other (without biting each others' heads off obviously) but don't recall ever learning they do that with fish. Just wow. At least humans are a bit self-reflective about their activities at this point in time, dolphins are starting to sound like savages who could use a takeover.

Spiders for the simple fact that I have been "conditioned" by my mothers behaviour to fear them, cause she freaked out at the sight of even the tiniest one.

They are incredibly fascinating creatures.

Used to hate them. . Now will do anything to save one.

I’m not a huge fan of dogs in general. They’re capable of unsettling amounts of violence and you have no idea if/how they’ve been trained.

  • leeches. i watched some movie as a kid and leeches dangling over the heroes after they crossed some water scared me good.

  • those beach jelly fishes. nope. i get why they are there and i'd prefer to give them their space.

  • anything with those scaly shiny black and yellow hornet danger colors.

Beaches jellyfishes remind me of Lurker zurg units in StarCraft. My understanding is that jellyfishes tentacles will still shoot their barbs long after the main part has died.

I've read something similar too. It's like a motor reaction to them when they are threatened.

The important part is to "melt" the barb, they say, and that's were the pissing tale starts.

If I were to harbor a guess, that movie you watched was Stand By Me. The leech scene as a kid freaked me out too.

That might be it~ I checked it out on yt and for sure, that scene is very familiar.

The movie definitely knew what they were doing, using the fat leeches and all that.

I'm scared of horses because their mouth is in their nose and I find it creepy with their huge teeth.💀

I find most new BMWs look like a horse that's just snorted a line of dried piss

I don't like dogs (except Huskies), because they often bark so sudden and loud. It seems they only have one volume setting for barking. I mean, they are cute and all, but one day they're gonna give me a heart attack.

Huskies are the most vocal dog i have ever owned. They don't bark a lot, but they will start to scream and talk and bark at you when they want something.

In my entire life I have never heard a husky bark, even though there were a few in the town I grew up. They just howled or yelped sometimes, but it's not irritating. It's like they are stealth dogs 🙂

My friend's wife taught their dog the cutest trick.

"[Dog], speak!" (WOOF)

"[Dog]....whisper!" (...woof..)

Yeah greyhounds look weird but they're the sweetest dumbest most loving buddies

I think it's weird to dislike animals. Unless you've been terrorised by one I guess (dogs, geese etc)

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Birds in general give me the creeps.

They don't creep me out but I fucking hate birds. They're so goddamn noisy. When I hear a bird near my window screaming, something primal in me activates and I wanna climb out on the ledge and throw rocks at it to make it shut the fuck up.

the way they move sets off something in my brain stem that starts screaming DANGER

Wombats: their turds are cube shaped and it's against the laws of nature.

I will be forever scarred by not one but two duck gang rapes I witnessed. The second one involved them raping another male duck to death, presumably because all the females were hiding as far away as they could. Absolute bastards.

Cats: I had one that peed through three different couches

Sloths and praying mantis' can fuck right off, they give me the creeps!

I am scared of and hate most birds but ones with long necks REALLY freak me out. Geese, swans, flamingoes, fuck those creepy stretch-neck horror movie monsters.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, love a kiwi bird. Lil dudes just be fuzzy, run around, and eat bugs. Rock on kiwi birds

I've got a lot of bigger birds in my area, like ravens, hawks, owls. I guess you'd hate it as much as I love it.

Pandas. They're stupid stupid animals that wouldn't exist if it weren't for the millions spent on them that would go better spent on animals that want to live.

Pandas would have survived if their habitat continued to be stable. Human encroachment destabilized their habitat.

Domestic cats. Partly because they poop in my garden, but mostly because they're secretly planning to take over the whole world and enslave the human race.

Lampreys. I know they're probably not sitting under the sand, just waiting for me so they can feast on my feet... but it still gives me pause every time I go to the beach

I dislike any animal large enough to one hit me by accident.

Outside of that hairless cats look like living ball sacks.

I'm definitely on the hate apes train, Chimpanzees in particular. They're not cute and are freakishly strong and I think it's insane some people keep them as pets.

Canadian geese... the damn cobra chickens are ridiculously protective, strong, loud, and grumpy. In Michigan, you just can't avoid them. They're everywhere and in the thousands. I've been attacked, my dogs have been attacked, they poop everywhere, and their wings are strong enough to break bones. I do not like the cobra chicken.


They attacked my dogs, and you're a random person on the internet. I think you can guess which side this girl is on... her puppies 😅 Can I also bring up how the aggression and all caps response really feels like an angry goose that learned to type.

It's a reference to Letterkenny. Canada gooses are assholes, but there's a special place in heaven for animal lovers.

Skunks. I have an irrational fear of them. I don’t understand their purpose, they’re ugly and smell disgusting. Shocking that there is in fact an animal that smells worse.

Mine is skunks but for a completely different reason. I just hate how cocky they are. Like they smell bad and know they can spray anything so they almost never run. They even don't care about cars bc they think they can just lift their tail and scare it away.

I loved spiders, except for brown recluses. Not because they're venomous, but because of the way they look, like those old tan M&Ms but with a slick sheen.

All bugs. I hate them so much, I don't care if their eradication means the collapse of biological ecosystems. It's probably an undiagnosed phobia.

I agree with the mobkeys and apes. So many of them are evil jerks.


Just get the fuck out of here. PLEASE come at me so i can side swipe kick your stupid head.

In the broader sense, humans are in the Simians group too.

While both monkeys and apes are primates in the suborder Haplorhini and infraorder Simiiformes, they split into two different parvorders:

Catarrhini contains apes (hominoids) and Old World monkeys (cercopithecoids). Platyrrhini contains New World monkeys

Mice. Often times they're branded as rodents and for a reason, because they tend to carry disease on them and aren't around your home just to be cute either.

Uh... what?

They're not rodents because they carry diseases. They're rodents because they're from the order "Rodentia".

Pet mice are supposed to be clean, but I am still nervous with them. Especially those with red eyes.

I don't dislike most animals. I love all of God's creatures… sometimes with barbeque sauce. Except chihuahuas, screw those guys

In all seriousness though, aside from the bitey and parasitic insects I enjoy animals for what they are. The only reason I dislike chihuahuas is their behavior within the realm of a domesticated animal. However, just like a small child that will kick you in the shins, punch you in the nuts, and scream until they get what they want, I've found with chihuahuas that punting them into a wall just once usually solves the problem.

My wife on the other hand does not like larger birds. She thinks chickens, ducks, and geese "look weird" and "shouldn't be able to stand up, shaped like that". She does, however, like them with barbeque sauce.

The only reason I dislike chihuahuas is their behavior within the realm of a domesticated animal.

Don't blame the animal, blame the owners who fail to properly train them and let most troubling behaviour slip because "Isn't it cute? 😍". Now imagen the same behaviour from a dog 7 times its size and 20 times the weight. In essence most Chihuahuas are spoiled brats with a enabling parents.

Yep, badly behaved children. To be clear, i wouldn't punt a chihuahua… unless it was actively biting me. Just like a goose. Or a toddler