Anyone here wanting to join a sub similar to a Reddit one, but it's not here and you don't want to make it because you don't wanna be in charge? to Lemmy.World – 665 points –

Yeah, sorry about the run-on sentence title, but I hope you get what I'm saying


That was me. I don't really feel like modding. I was offered a few mod spots on reddit over the past 11 years, took up one or two, didn't really enjoy it.

But if everyone feels that way, then lemmy can never reach critical mass. SO i bit the bullet, created a community and hopefully someone will be interested in modding if it ever grows big.

If anyone's interested, I created maliciouscompliance (one of my favorite subs to lurk in). Mostly reposts for now, but OC should trickle in slowly.

Try joining from one of the links below:


Or type the following in the search bar at the top: !

If you need help modding it I'd definitely be willing to help out. It's one of my favorite communities on Reddit

Hey thanks for taking one for the team. I always love maliciouscompliance, so I'm glad we have it here now. Appreciate you!

Yes. 1000% for some of the NSFW subs I used to enjoy


You got my first downvote.

Oh, how I've missed seeing the number of downvotes.

That was one of the first changes I disliked that reddit forced down our throats. Seeing the actual totals (without the nonsense "vote fuzzing") is much more engaging.

Exactly. Ok sure, so somebody said something either not popular or a bit stupid, but “filtering” them out is equally stupid, if not more. You promote echo chambers that way.

It's been a while ain't it. That was the first time i knew Reddit didn't care about our opinions.

Man you really forget what you miss after awhile, it's so good to see it back

How dare somebody use adult content.

On this Christian site! The nerve! I need to Investigate it for research purposes

It's times like this I appreciate that Reddit automatically hid low scoring comments

That's also part of what made reddit a huge echo chamber. Enough downvotes and a post disappears from view. Sure it hides toxic posts, but it also hides dissenting opinions.

As a former reddit mod who's made some communities here, so far they are 0% of the work of the reddit ones (not that I was working hard on the reddit communities, I set up automod and let it run). But so far I haven't had to do any mod work here because there's basically no spam and no bots. I'm sure that will change, but I can also just recruit more mods as the communities grow.

how recently were you a mod on reddit? I've been trying to raise discussions on various communities that I follow about a possible migration and I'm receiving a lot of indifference from the userbase. However, I feel like the mod userbase feels differently given the widespread blackout (many of these communities joined the blackout but it seems like a lot of their users are unaware or unconcerned with the changes.)

my question is do you think the mods are more sympathetic to migrating platforms?

I think it's a mix, some places did a poll and it was like 30% of prople who use 3rd party apps, so it's a minority that'll be impacted, and disproportionatly mods because native modding tools suck.

I miss my cat subs. The bigger ones like OneOrangeBraincell, StandardIssueCats, and VoidCats.

And some of the specific ones like Sploot, Toolps (reverse of sploot for the unintiated), KittyCankles, ScrungyCat,

NamFlashbacks. Mainly because my I took new pictures of my cats and wanted to post them there.

illegallysmolcats. There are not near enough cat pic subs. I NEED MORE CATS.


My baby Roxie when she was still a nugget:

She's 2 now and still pretty smol at 7 pounds:

There's an illegallysmolcats. I subbed to it today. I'm on my phone so I can't easily post the link but if you search for the name, it should come up.

Might have been created since the last time i searched. Thank you.

I made this one! And then I found this one!

I'm subscribed to those, but as per below, I NEED MORE CATS! Lol.

Edit: I tried to post in c/aww but I only have account :(

Ok I figured it out. So from my community blahaj, I subscribed to aww. Then in blahaj I create a new post and search for the aww community. And it worked. Give it a try!

Exactly! You don't need an account on the specific instance, it all federates! You can subscribe to communities on any instance that isn't blocked :D

Punch in ! in the search bar on, and it will take you there. You can post there no problem.

The "aww" site can be found/subbed by searching on your account's server for: !

**Example: **I'm on so if I go to: and enter the "!" string above it finds me a link that once clicked presents me with a "Subscribe" button.

Yeah, I miss r/Psoriasis, because I have auto-immune, and I miss r/AskDentist and r/AskMechanic and all the learning based subs basically.

Yes.. like for Plex, 3d printing and other applications. Support via reddit was best around..

But seeing some new stuff would also be nice...

I'm on my phone so I don't want to this second, but will comment as a reminder to myself, I'll start a Plex community if one doesn't exist by the time I get there. The sub on Reddit wasn't very active but was good for small bits of things people figured out or bitching about the newest feature that isn't one everyone wanted lol.

For Plex, the selfhosted community (I don't remember which instance) can probably help.

They wouldn't let me onto Beehaw with the answer I gave to their question, so I joined the first instance I could find that looked interesting. Now I kind of feel awkward making any new communities that aren't Star Trek related lol.

@Mojo @KahunaDaKine on the same page, was initially bummed out my account didn't get approved, guess my answer was poo lol. But then I remembered I can use my Mastodon account to comment. I just can't create post or downvote them.
Favoriting counts as a upvote though.

So I'm basically a lurker now lmfao! (ʘ‿ʘ)

try - it's big, it allows community creation and downvoting, and allows NSFW. And signups are open.

I joined because I thought it was the most unrestricted and versatile in terms of rules.

Plus the owner seems pretty chill. Keeping us all updated on his server plans and everything. Kinda like that and knowing the fate is in the users handy.

But then I remembered I can use my Mastodon account to comment. I just can’t create post or downvote them.

Fun fact! You can make posts from Mastodon to Lemmy. If you search the community on Mastodon, e.g., you can @ the account that should show up with whatever you want to post, and it will show up here!

Ha, that’s kind of funny, and nice instance name. Can make a community over at if you like

I miss r/KitchenConfidential. It was a subreddit for people who work in the food industry. I feel like I've lost my support group.

Yes, but then I remember that my account is only 2 days old, and maybe I am just too impatient now.

Bahaha yes! Everytime I feel like things are just not there quick enough , I look at my profile and then i calm down and remember shit just don't happen and i chill out.

Yes. In my two or three days, I've considered making multiple, but then I remember I'd be defacto mod, and I calm down. Maybe later, but probably wait for the actual mods of those subs to make the community here.

I started (like 2 hours ago) a Poetry community in my instance. I modded a few microscopic subreddits that never got any traffic, so I'm used to imposter syndrome as a moderator 😥

You can find communities here

Not all of them on every instances, but it's a good start

Just do it anyway and randomly assign people who post there to be mods.

But is this not an evil move to do that? force responsibility on others?

Yes. I am mostly joking, but I don't find it to be "that" serious of a crime.

I made a community for Dads, I was subbed to a few on the R, but didn't see much on Lemmy. If you are a dad and want to contribute to this community, please check it out!

What if I'm not a dad but want a new dad?

I want to meet that dad!

Also I need a Tim and Eric sub, thanks

I've been trying to find an alternative to r/AskPsychology anywhere online because I've been trying to find statistics on how likely people with NPD and ASPD are to be abusive and be abused compared to the general population and have had no luck. Asking on places like Quora just results in dipshits and grifters screeching about how people with personality disorders are actual demons from literal hell (and in the latter case, shilling their blog, books, and webinars). ~Cherri

Hi, I'm not /r/AskPsychology but I am a psychologist who likes being asked things!

From a quick literature review, antisocial personality disorder does result in three times higher odds of committing violent offenses in general, and 2.5 times higher odds of being a repeat offender (Yu et al., 2012). Generally, personality disorders do increase the risk of someone committing partner abuse, especially Cluster B symptoms (Ehrensaft et al., 2006) Among men who abuse their wives, personality disorders are present in 50%-90% — especially anti-social, sadistic, and borderline (Hart et al., 2011) — despite personality disorders being only present in 15% of the population (Grant et al., 2004). Throughout, these effects are more pronounced in men, but also present to a rather large degree in women.

Less is known regarding whether people with personality disorders are more often victimised in their relationships. Borderline perdonality disorder in women seems to increase the risk of being abused by a partner by a factor of three though (Gilchrist et al., 2012). We also know that the overwhelming majority of people with personality disorders was abused during childhood (Johnson et al., 2001, etc.) and that victims of childhood abuse are much more likely to become victims of partner violence as adults (Gilchrist et al., 2012).

In summary — there is strong evidence that people with personality disorders are far more likely to be abusers than the average person. There is also evidence that they are also more likely to be victims by a similar factor compared to the average person, but that evidence is more scarce. Also, anti-social, borderline, and sadistic personality disorders are more strongly associated with abusers, and borderline with victims. There's a lot of research still to be done.

Ehrensaft, M. K., Cohen, P., & Johnson, J. G. (2006). Development of personality disorder symptoms and the risk for partner violence. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 115(3), 474-483.

Gilchrist, G., Blánquez, A., & Torrens, M. (2012). Exploring the relationship between intimate partner violence, childhood abuse, and psychiatric disorders among female drug users in Barcelona. Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 5(2), 46-58.

Grant, B., Hasin, D., Stinson, F., Dawson, D., Chou, S. P., Ruan, W. J., & Pickering, R. (2004). Prevalence, correlates, and disability of personality disorders in the United States: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on alcohol and related conditions. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 65(7), 948-958.

Hart, S. D., Sutton, D. G., & Newlove, T. (2011). The prevalence of personality disorders among wife assaulters. Journal of Personality Disorders, 7(4), 329-341.

Johnson, J. G., Cohen, P., Smailes, E. M., Skodol, A. E., Brown, J., & Oldham, J. M. (2001). Childhood verbal abuse and risk for personality disorders during adolescence and early adulthood. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 42(1), 16-23.

Yu, R., Geddes, J. R., & Fazel, S. (2012). Personality disorders, violence, and antisocial behavior: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis. Journal of Personality Disorders, 26(5), 775-792.

I made a couple communities that I use to love on Reddit. I def don’t want the control but I’m hoping the fact that the communities exist may attract more people and someone may come along who is better suited to run the show

Thats how I am with my skyrim mods community, I even have mod authors of very large and respected mods hanging out over there, its a bit overwhelming

Absolutely, yes. There are a decent number of subreddits I enjoyed, but only as a lurker.

I'm in the same boat. I loved subbing to random niche communities just to learn about them, but I know nothing about those topics myself so it doesn't make sense for me to start a new one.

We can scrape every content from those subreddits and put them on lemmy.

Yes, someone do a photography one please, where you can post your photos and talk about it

My friend we have Photo Critique! Where we post our own work and critique it ourselves or ask for any guidance from the community and others will put forth a critique of your work and/or offer advice as well! I’m striving for a continuation of the Reddit community where I found a lot of great help on my own photography. We’d love to see your photos!

I reluctantly created a bunch because I want to have those conversations. I figure with time we can always call for volunteers and appointment help as needed. I’m hopeful that moderating a board on Lemmy will require somewhat less effort than Reddit due to the friendlier atmosphere and lower volume.

Thanks for doing that! Maybe I’ll do the same. I am such a planner, that I worry about creating monsters I can’t control. 🥸

True, but I don't want the controls in the first place 🫥

I did exactly that. Founded r/recumbent and handed it off when it involved actual work.

I wanna make new subs with new ideas- I just made c/pieceofmind for example, which might have a reddit analouge but it is still its own thing (for me nnaah ;u;). I also did made many reddit sub clones but I am planning to "transfer" ownership or hope some good mods come in lol, not planning to moderate subs except for a few

I was thinking the same but I'm be worried they'd not reach out and feel like they'd have to change the sub name.

Is that deliberately misspelling “peace of mind”?

not actually but that is an extra too

Hehe cool, I think both ways might actually be a thing, as in “I’d like to give that jerk a piece of my mind”

I have neither the time, nor confidence to mod; but I have wondered if we should make something like a "lemmy wishlist" for communities we'd like to see ported. Seems like a good way for the lemmy community to vote on and discuss communities they'd like to see, and connect to would-be mods

I decided to make this over at

How do I subscribe to it? I try to type it like this

But it throws me 404. Meanwhile,

works fine.

Try putting the full provided link (as posted, no editing, so: in search bar of your instance. This should prompt this community to start getting federated on your instance and then it should be accessible at

Ok, now I understand. I was previously pasting it into the community dropdown meanu in the lemmy search page, but not in the search bar.

As in the search bar at the top of your browser window?

I meant search page I guess. There's a magnifying glass Icon at the top of the page. You should see something like this on the Image here. And then you can subscribe to the community from your instance

Most importantly - has it worked for you? If so, I'm glad I could help. If not, I'm sorry, but I'm still pretty new to this and don't know much yet

It worked, thanks a lot. I'll make sure to teach this to 2 or more people at least if I encounter someone struggling with similar problem. That's how we'll learn this new system.

I believe this can happen if your instance (in this case doesn't yet know about the new community. But if you enter the full url ( into your instance's search, it should look for it and find it. Maybe you have to wait for a couple seconds but for me this usually works.

I’m resisting the urge to recreate r/Peloton (a sub about pro bike racing) before someone uses the name for a community based on those dumb exercise bikes.

I do want more bike communities, though I'm much less into the pro scene.

You could always make like Peloton Racing. Imo since all the sub names need the @instance there's not a whole lot of benefit to having the shorter name like Reddit where people just typing r/whatever into the url browser might take them to a relevant sub. Fed communities are going to have long specific names either way lol

I'm just making shit I missed. Hope I'm not annoying with it, but it's like if it ain't there, put it there.

Totally. I suspect though that over time communities will appear for most things.

I have the opposite problem. I have a lot of subs to make and I can't figure out which to start with. Or if this is even the server I'm gonna keep, because there's a certain server I instantly discovered I want absolutely nothing to do with.

I'm still leaving about the different server situation. Can you elaborate please?

Probably lemmygrad. In addition to many people generally not being fans of communists, they have users who think praxis=spamming other communities with garbage.

I've made- Artist Lounge, Printmaking, Collage

Not because I want to mod (never done it, and I'm autistic so it could end up becoming a nightmare) I just want to see some of my favourite communities on here

Any ex reddit mods of these subs want to re-adopt them, they're welcome to take them off my hands

edit- needed some commas

There was /r/soccerstreams but it was banned, unfortunately. Now it would be a good opportunity to bring it back again.

I think the trick will be to make more generic subs. There probably aren't enough users to have a dedicated "Zelda Tears of the Kingdom" sub, but "Nintendo" can actually gain traction. Anyone wanting to create a community should see if there's already one that might satisfy the needs.

I'm waffling on making one for parenting.... Moderating that sounds like a terrible idea though.

This is one of the ones I'm missing! And there was one specifically for preschoolers. But I have a preschooler, so no time for modding lol

Looking for more parenting communities too. So far, I've just found Dadsplain, which is serving as a replacement for r/daddit.

God I want a Doctor Who community so bad.

Dragon Age would be great too

Good news! They do have a Doctor Who community!

Drat, looks like it isn't working on Aussie Zone, can't subscribe to it

On your Aussie Zone instance, go to "search", and past the url in there. You might have to try this a couple of times, but it will show up eventually. Then you can subscribe to it from your instance.

Mate, you are magic! Took four attempts, but I got there. God, we really are giving this site the hug of death, aren't we?

And one for Mass Effect as well. Actually, elder scrolls as well, I see a lot of love for starfield but not much on their older games.

There's a skyrim mods community already. And a Skywind one just launched today.

Hard agree, frankly individual subs for a lot of gaming would be amazing

I want a video game multiplayer community for the Oceania region. Similar to 4chan's /vm/ board where people post a thread for a specific game and in the comments people organise times to play together.

The reason I dont make it is because I will be the first person and I am not an interesting leader person. I am better when someone else is the organizer and I follow.

I did make a Guinea pig community I dont want to fill it with pictures of my two guinea pigs and I am also not sure if I can repost stuff from /r/guineapigs

2 more...

Yes, I'm going to miss r/VXJunkies

I would try to set up a lemmy instance for VX but I can't get the meta-combobulator to flange in sync :/

Yeah, unfortunately that does seem to be the problem. I'm not sure how to fix it without a meta-flange paradox stabilizer on the combobulator's sync couplers. But I've no idea where to begin with that.

You don't get the what to what?

The whole joke of /r/VKJunkied is to pretend everyone is into fiddling with a technology called VX, make up jargon and technical terms, and everybody plays along.

feels, did these kinds of communities before centralization, im pretty physed to run a topical instance. find a small server and make a spot you can put your links for now, eventually there will be community aggregators

There's already if that's what you mean by community aggregator. On my instance one of the things I'm experimenting with is a simple bot that auto-subscribes to popular communities on different servers. It seems like the easiest way to populate a small community instance that intends to browse and not just communicate amongst themselves, almost like the "default subreddits" back on Reddit.

I need a list like that you can actually subscribe from. If theres a way to do that, i dont see it. it’s new and much easier to copy paste from

Where do you copy and paste it to though? If i copy, for example, the first one listed, Announcements, then go back to and paste it into the community search, it comes up as !, and the searrch comes up blank. If I manually type just "announcements" and search, I get results, but that's what I'm already doing.

You copy any community address such that it looks like this, a community at our instance for example:


And return to being back on your own instance ( it seems) and are logged in.

In your main menu there is a small search icon, tap that and enter the address like above and hit search. It can take some time to appear these days, but eventually the community link will show up, maybe at the bottom under posts that included it.

This hit sidebar, and then can find join and comment

Definitely, although it's exciting to see new communities popping up.

I'm in a short-term crunch right now and don't have time to start something, but in a week or so I will probably create at least one if no one beats me to it.

I miss my r/LiverpoolFC fam but I don't wanna be a mod. RIP.

There's one on lemmy. Search for "Liverpool" (without the FC) and look for Klopp's face in the results.

Feel the same about Aston Villa’s sub. Luckily we have a discord that was shared in the sub a few weeks ago and a decent amount of people are there but discord is harder to keep tabs on to me

At least Trees has been created before those surgeons got here.

I keep mulling around the idea of a TV sub to discuss the long list of cozy murder shows I love. Most are on Acorn TV or Britbox for US audiences. I don’t mind helping start discussions and contributing, but don’t want to do it alone. Here are my list of favorites (in no order): Midsomer Murders, Death in Paradise, Brokenwood Murders, Shakespeare and Hathaway, McCormick and Dodds. There are more!

I think having one sub for this type of show could end up being a good start for more subs if one show starts to dominate, but could stay as a hub for those of us who like them all and want to discuss.

I wouldn’t mind starting, but am sporadic in my online time so would want help. Anyone else interested? Any ideas for making it a fun place to hang out and discuss the odd passion for laughing at (totally fictional) murders?

I really want a chainsawman community but I cannot handle that fandom at all

Same but I made a ukulele community because I figure if I want something, it's my job to make it

I'm not really one who has the inclination to moderate, but I might consider setting up the Lemmy equivalent of r/the_wire if one doesn't come up in the next few weeks.

Hope someone can mod a bodyweightfitness community here

Forza Horizon video game had a nice community on Reddit, I'd love to have it here

It's these specific game communities that I am really missing. Beam.NG is another one.

there is a general simracing community, not much activity so far
probably need a more general approach before super specific communities branch off


I've made for those who want it. We just need more posts!

Personal preference: Memes are a big turn-off for me. But if people have a serious discussion about the books (themes, word usage, overlooked patterns, etc.) I'm all in. Not that you asked.

Yea, as we get people to sign up for mods I'm asking their preference if we should allow non-meme posts. Thanks for your personal feedback!

All good. I'm just some crusty old guy that remembers before the Silmarillion was published. Don't take me too seriously. I'm NOBODY'S target audience.

I want to make a support group for a health condition I have, but idek how moderation works here...

Yeah, I’m kind of in the same boat. I’m so new to lemmy, I’m just trying to figure that out. Im definitely going to miss a few of the women specific subs I was on, and the running ones.

Neither do I but I started two communities anyway. If modding gets hard I’ll ask for help; can’t be much worse than policing a FB group.

I want a sub thats never really existed in any substantial form. There really dont seem to be any solid communities for cartoons that has any decent foot traffic. I still have /co/ bookmarked cuz its the only place on the internet i've seen that will discuss just about any kinda cartoons that are not anime.. Granted that site is full of a bunch of awful people so I dont really engage, but its nice to see an active place where people care about non-anime animated content and I always wanted a sub for it. I actually tried to make one my self but there obviously wasnt enough intrest in it, not really sure how one would grow a sub and didnt really want to put in the work in my self anyway

As in shows like Archer or Rick and Morty? Or more like Adventure Time and Infinity Train?

I am on some really tiny subs that I would like to see here. R/biathlon is a big void in my life right now.

I also like to see some of the bigger Subs like 2x chromosomes, troll X chromosomes, and witches versus the patriarchy.

All the niche home media film label communities like r/Criterion, r/BoutiqueBluRay, r/ArrowVideo, etc.!

Also r/SupermanAndLois

I was searching for a sub about Japanese Metal, couldn't find one and made it myself. Maybe, some day, the community will grow enough to hand it over to someone with mod experience, but right now, I don't have anything to moderate anyway, which is cool. Metalheads are civilized anyway ;)

I wanted one for Art but didn't want to be in charge so my husband started it.

I also want to start one for the disease I have but again - don't really want to be in charge of it.

Maybe I think it's going to be more work than it will be?

The subs that I mostly miss are OSCP, navyblazer, and the_pack. I recall seeing that all of these were archived on some site that I don't recall at the moment. I'm sure someone will find a way to import all of that data here sooner or later.

1 more...

I made one,, because I missed it on reddit and was worried that enough people had the same reservation. I’m hoping that by making it, other people will post there if they hadn’t otherwise been willing to start their own sub.

I’m not interested in moderating, but I’m also hoping that smaller communities like this are simple to mod.

For now, I decided to make it myself. If anything to start gathering the useful resources I learned back on reddit. If anyone later on wants to take over ill happily give them the entire thing cause I dont wanna mod.

Literally in the same boat. I wanted the place to exist over here but I've never been a mod and don't really have interest but for now I'm happy with me and my dead community. If it's ever not dead I'll have to figure out what to do.

I started a couple of communities as placeholders but don't really have time to mod. There hasn't been any activity yet but if / once people start posting we'll figure it out.

I wouldn't mind starting up something like dankchristianmemes bur don't want to keep the hateful types from trying to colonize it

All the niche home media film label communities like r/Criterion, r/BoutiqueBluRay, r/ArrowVideo, etc.!

Also r/SupermanAndLois

Yeah, the local ones like New Jersey or AITAH, but more importantly AskHistorians, AskScience, badHistory, etc

I've been trying to find an alternative to r/AskPsychology anywhere online because I've been trying to find statistics on how likely people with NPD and ASPD are to be abusive and be abused compared to the general population and have had no luck. Asking on places like Quora just results in dipshits and grifters screeching about how people with personality disorders are actual demons from literal hell (and in the latter case, shilling their blog, books, and webinars). ~Cherri

Hoping a small business sub pops up soon. I learn so much from that one on reddit

I agree. You can always just go for it though, and atleast grab a place holder. Then advertise and hand of the topic to a better qualified team. That's what I did for a lot official gaming discords I set up, but didn't really want to continue moderating.

You are just describing all of us lurkers and occasional commenters

Sorta, Got a bunch of the more niche communities I was in made, with only two exceptions. I believe in being the change I want made, but I"m hardly experienced as a moderator so it's a new adjustment. They're also existing communities so some mods usually have issues with that, though I'm always open to give mod status when relevant.

yeah, some of the local ones, like New Jersey and AITAH and askreddit stuff

/r/dailyprogrammer New challenges on there pretty much came to a halt. It would be great if it could be archived at least. I would browse through the challenges and pick one out.

All this made me realize I only used reddit to not deal with boredom and having to just sit there alone with my thoughts.

Maybe it is time to start taking mindfulness seriously.

Definitely don't beat yourself up over it, every social media site evolves its own psychologically-optimum methods to hold our attention and keep us coming back.

This happens to be a golden opportunity for us to consider what exactly we want to get out of these services.

Yeah there's quite a few niche communities I'd like to have here that aren't around yet, but even if I created them, I don't think we're at a userbase large enough to populate them. They were kinda slow even on Reddit.

This is Lemmys biggest downfall.

The whole "instances" and technical terms are confusing my idiot reddit brain

I'm a huge sci-fi fan and love the idea of a sci-fi server with communities for books, tv shows, etc to rehouse places like r/scifi, r/TheExpanse and r/SiloSeries. But as dev as I am I don't fancy running a server and being a super mod.

Yes! I want someone other than me to start a ZeroCovid group here.

you could start the community and then sticky a post asking for mod applications/assistance

I miss r/AMD, there's a couple around on here but they're pretty much dead.


But really though, are you asking if anyone has any communities they want to make so you can moderate them? I’m so confused

I'm asking if there are subreddits people wish were on here but aren't and don't feel like making them.

I absolutely do not want to make any or moderate anything.

If you can think of a more concise way to phase the question, please let me know.

I was considering making one for r/airraidsirens, seeing as that's my main hobby with a decent community. But moderating it sounds like it could become a real pain, so I have second thoughts, lol

Tbh i'm thinking of making the lemmy version of r/2latinoforyou but i'm terrible at moderating...

I still don't get how this works. Are there sub-reddit equivalents? Is there an app I can use to subscribe to feeds or topics across multiple Lemmy servers?

Each Lemmy instance (server) has its own communities, which are like subreddits. But instances can read and post in other instances communities seamlessly. For example, there's a and a They're both separate communities, but you can participate in both regardless of which instance you're a part of.

As for apps, on Android there's Jerboa and on IOS there's Mlem.

There’s a new subreddit for peri and menopause. It’s called r/menopausemavens