incredible to Lemmy – 1230 points –

Fools as i carry with me all of human knowledge, right here in this fragile tiny black slab. I can tell you all once you tell me what your wifi password is.

As a side-note: You can download Wikipedia.

I know but i

It's happened. He's time traveled and been cut off mid post. Also apparently lemmy doesn't handle timespace folds gracefully.

Something went wrong, looks like they are stuck in a time loop.

Keeps posting the same cut off sentence.

Next they just need to find a way to charge their phone.

Note, my "go back in time" kit includes my phone with a waterproof case AND a solar charger...

And what do you know, so focused on the charger I forgot to download anything. Moooom, can we go back to the 21st century? I gotta peeeeeee.

86 GB? Yike.

86GB is nothing for a condensed form of all human knowledge

Yeah. I had to expand your comment to see what you said, but when I read 86GB I audibly said, "that's not bad at all."

I can fit a summary of all human knowledge on an external 1TB hard drive, and still have room for Skyrim and all the mods that I want.

Then you realize that, back then, the only thing they had were Xfinity hot spots.

Worst Isekai. I didn't finish it though so no I don't really know I just didn't enjoy episode 1 with my smartphone.

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All you have to do is teaching intelligent people some math and tell them about experiments and that nature can be understood. The rest will follow.

Everything can be accelerated by adding the idea of the printing press.

The main challenge with inventing a working printing press would be the papermaking and level of metalworking required for the movable type.

pretty sure you can just use wood or whatever for the lettering, sure it might be kinda shit and tend to break but it should work. having to make new letter stamps every now and then is better than painstakingly writing every letter for hand.

The main problem with that is that you can't make the types very small with wood, and the singlemost expensive ingredient in this whole printing press concept is the paper.

So you would end up having books with very little text on each page, and especially in a slave economy, it would just be much cheaper to make handwritten copies, since you could cram a lot more words on each page.

And again, this is not adressing the issue of even having the skill to make paper in the first place.

Not to mention inventing an alphabet depending on where and when you go to. Or you could go with ConstantScript if you feel like being a gigantic troll.

Abugida might be workable if you reform it so that vowel markers can only appear above or below the modified consonant.

Paper making is not that hard if you use cotton fibers instead of wood pulp

Did the Greeks not do experiments? They knew math. They even hypothetically knew about atoms.

The Greeks held themselves back because most of their intellectual elite considered abstract thought as more noble than hands-on experimenting.

Also Aristotle accidently killing atomic theory for over 2000 years

Same can be said of all the ancient civilizations.

But the key insight is that all of nature is predictable and behaves according to natural laws that can be deduced through experiments.

That leads to the scientific revolution which leads to the industrial revolution.

In Sid Meier's Civilization sure, but real history is a lot more complex than that. There were people who came to that conclusion since ancient times without it leading to a scientific and industrial revolution, because there were a lot more factors at play with those than just simply the idea of it.

An idea has to be widely accepted to be useful.

Just having one person think about it while the rest of society doesn't is insufficient.

The actual reason science took off is that there was a plague leading to a worker shortage leading to a wealth boom, while a lot of rich people had access to coffee and nothing to do.

While I, too, am a big fan of the Coffee hypothesis, it should be noted that lots of civilizations had access to caffeine and other stimulants, including the Arabs, Chinese and Incas and probably the Roman's, Greeks and Persians too.

And there were a lot of plagues, but most of them happened long before the scientific revolution.

Free time and the wealth to have that time is what I also think the catalyst is. Same with arts. You can't do experiments or spend time on art if your entire life is consumed by labor.

An offline version of Wikipedia would be handy though.

Just pack a cheat sheet:

speaking of health, wouldn't you die to some disease you are not immune to? or even more likely you would cause a plague that their bodies don't lnow how to fight off, like imagine bringing back some covid variant with you.

I mean, us bringing back something to kill them seems more likely, despite our comparatively weak immune system’s. Be it COVID-19 or an STD. Hell, even our metal/plastic ridden bodies would be a potential issue for their environment if we died.

You can download it, without images it's just a couple GB.

This book Tells you how to handle this, along with everything else you need to know to rebuild all systems in society from scratch should there be some sort of time machine based accident. It’s a good read!

This book tells you that it's really, really fucking hard.

That looks fascinating! Pricey on the second hand market it seems. I’ll have to shop around. Thanks, great counterpoint.

I don't have the book myself, but he gave a TED talk which I saw.

Probably on YouTube then, I’ll track him down :)

The fact that neither of these is the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy makes me weep for mankind. Where's my overpass!?

There's also [The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch](!wiki The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch) by Lewis Dartnel. Great book

I read this recently. It's great, though I think it could give clearer instructions with more diagrams, and cover some subjects a lot better

Let's see... electricity in a preindustrial environment. You'll get into Factorio levels of invent a tool to make a tool to make a tool...

Copper wire existed at the time, (depending on the time period) but drawing it involved a person on a swing pulling it through a hole in a metal plate. So we need a metal plate. Surely there is a town blacksmith? We will need a few plates with gradually decreasing hole diameter. Enough wire for a demonstration would be difficult and expensive, but not impossible. Could also use copper busbars instead of wire.

Now that we have conductors, we have to figure out what method of generation we want. Rather than trying to make bearings, balanced shafts, and stacks of thin metal plates all identical and radially symmetrical so we can make a generator, we should first attempt a battery. For this we can get away with stacks of two dissimilar metals in a glass or ceramic jar, bathed in some sulfuric acid. Aqua Regia was a mixture of nitric acid and sulfuric acid, but it might dissolve copper and zinc plates. Could also use lead plates, those are easier to hammer out flat. With this we could get an output around 2v per cell, put a half dozen of them together in series and one could build a simple arc lamp.

After the proof of concept demonstration, hopefully you'd interest more smiths in the project, increasing your talent pool. With some mercury and wire you could build a version of Faraday's homopolar motor.

After that I'd probably be burned at the stake.

There was a short story I read ages ago in some collection somewhere I've been dying to find. I think it was from the 60s or 70s, but a scientist brings a man from the future and the man is just a normal guy, so he can't explain anything to the scientist's satisfaction and the scientist gets more and more exasperated.

The dialogue was like:

"What is the dominant mode of transport in the future?"

"Oh, we fleem."

"Fleem? What's fleem?"

"It's a kind of garbol but with more slimp."

"Okay, never mind. How do you do it?"

"Oh, that's easy, you simply merfingle the blem and you're fleeming away!"


Yooo, this sounds funny as frickin heck. Anyone knows this?

I've been trying to find it again for like 2 years now and asked in a lot of places. No luck.

Reminds me of a short story I read in the 70s. I ended up having to go to the house I read it in (a decade ago) to find the book it was in, now everyone in my family owns copies of that book (Alfred Hitchcock's Best in Suspense if I recall, not getting up to look) just so we can do Halloween readings of the story that made us all jump every time we saw anything move out of the corner for our eyes for like a week the first time we read it. They Bite by Anthony Boucher. Great story.

It isn't so hard really, to make electricity even in the olden days.

A dynamo is just a copper wire with a magnet spinning inside.

Making a copper wire you can accomplish by having a hole at the bottom of a kiln that drops directly into a big vat of water. Or even just drawing a line in the sand and pouring it in there.

Getting your hands on a natural magnet might pose more problems, but ultimately those are found in nature. So they should have already been dug up by someone.

Using the electricity usefully is harder. Since creating a light bulb needs access to gasses. What could we even use the electricity for?

If you can make a dynamo, you can make a motor. Now, you aren't about to create Tesla. But there's plenty of things back in the day that could benefit from being motorized.

Also making carbon Zink batteries should be possible, so a handheld fan would definitely be a possibility and would already be mind blowing

Could you also do ac/dc conversion to make the electricity useful elsewhere? I'm guessing charging and transporting primitive batteries won't be able to fulfill any useful purpose at all.

You can create light with electricity with two carbon rods to make an arc light. It was literally the first electric light source and in widespread use for a long while, along with incandescent bulbs.

You just invented cumbersome fire. Ugh ugh. No good.

And we illuminated streets and factories with that for half a century.

I'm a caveman, I have night vision, why need pretty lamps?

You can run a carbon arc lamp without glass bulbs, and without a huge voltage.

You spin a magnet near a loop of wire

"What's a magnet?"

Umm you go to the beach and something about certain grains will be different. Look mate, see how you boil liquid. Do that with milk until just before it boils and that's the milk now pasteurised which means it will kill the things in it that make you ill. Also boil the water before drinking it?

That's all I got. I guess sphagnum moss is good for absorbing blood/dealing with wounds?

β€œGet something bottle-ish, add a layer of charcoal, a layer of sand, hooray and a cheer! you just beat diahrea”


Do that with milk until just before it boils and that’s the milk now pasteurised which means it will kill the things in it that make you ill.

Imagine being Louis Pasteur and finding out that your research success is already being done in a technique with your namesake for thousands of years.

Watch this Jim Al-Khalili documentary for the BBC, then jump into the time machine.

Love this documentary! My professor made my class watch this and I must say that all of it just clicked.

Is this a repost? Has lemmy already entered the repost phase?

Say no more, ill repost it 1 more time in your honor

Part of that image is cropped, just below the diagram of the wing. That's going to be an interesting test flight!

For anyone interested a simple way is to wrap copper wire around a magnet. Static electricity was also one of the first ways people started noticing electricity.

Parlor tricks might be able to get you far when you time travel to the ancient past.

Wrap it in the wire, then spin one of them. That part's important! Won't do anything if you don't spin it.

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

spin it

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I'm open-source; check me out at GitHub.

They should make a movie about this. An average guy accidentally time travels and feels embarrassed every minute

Just bring an encyclopedia with you, history of human advancements and history of human equality if you want to improve equality as well

If you went back in time and tried this, most civilizations would probably burn you at the stake

Something to do with turbines.

Water wheels seem to spin a turbine. Maybe it generated current or something. Similar with windmills? Gyroscope or something.

Solar ? Quite clearly magical and a heretic, likely to burn me at the stake. Steam power pushes steam through A turbine maybe ?

Lightening sky electricity. Get a bunch of metal and kites. Die.

Solar are LEDs. But instead of putting electricity into that light comes out, you push the light in to get electricity out.

Photovoltaic isn’t the only solar. Probably much easier back then to direct mirrors at a kettle to drive a steam turbine.

You're thinking of steam.
Create enough steam to turn a turbine that turns a magnet wrapped with copper.

Fun fact, nuclear power is just a powerful way to create more steam.

"I don't know, but let me tell you about how 5G activates the vaccines"

If you could find a jeweller and had an understanding of basic electrical systems, you could probably get a rudimentary capacitor and engine going. From there, who knows what you could do. Maybe even lightbulbs.

Lightbulbs are pretty easy to make if you:

  • Can find a jeweler or blacksmith like you said
  • Can generate a ton of electricity somehow
  • Are okay with the lightbulb lasting no more than 1 second

If you could find a way to fill the lightbulb with a noble gas as you insert your filament, i think decent life is reasonable.

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You could fill it with co2 .put an animal bladder on the mouth of a clay bottle where something is fermenting like wine or beer. The yeast will produce a fair ammount of c02 and fill the bladder. Use the bladder to fill the bulb. It wont last long but it will be longer than just air

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First of all, no one would understand you, but how someone already pointed out, make a spool with copper and spin it. For bonus points, put a iron slab inside the spool

Edit: as someone pointed out you kinda need a magnet

Plain copper will get you nowhere. Adding iron slab also won't help. You have to have magnetic field to generate electricity

eh language barriers are generally overstated i think, people with completely unrelated languages develop pidgins within the decade, and if you're dropped into a place where they speak some complete gibberish like french you'll still just naturally figure it out given a year or so of being forced to endure it.

That is very true, but maybe they would just kill you or think that you are crazy before you would have the chance to actually change mankind

maybe, but frankly i think it's at least equally likely that they just see you as a blessing from the heavens and frankly get a little too enthusiastic about your knowledge.

Watch the docter stone anime, it's quite amusing. TL.DW super dude get petrified for like 3000 years and wakes up and re-introduces technology.

Something that people miss though is that they do hit some roadblocks that if not for some extremely lucky coincidences, they wouldn't have any way to do it. Specifically for various materials that just so happen to be around them.

Did you skip 3rd grade (and all other) science class?

I mean, from this thread it shows people kinda remember stuff from those classes, but are missing a lot. Which is understandable, people left school and didn't use that information, it doesn't make you stupid.

But then you think, oh yeah! I remember how to make electricity, I need copper and an iron rock! So you spend all this time trying to manufacture some relatively thin copper wire, iron would probably be a little easier to find, wrap it around and then you're like.... Okay what went wrong? Annnnd you can't remember you actually needed a magnet and you gotta spin it.

Then do you remember learning how to store it? Connect it to anything useful? Maybe kinda, but extrapolate the first situation to every topic ever and that's what you'd get, half baked ideas that you don't really remember the specifics of. And the specifics really actually matter lol.

Even if you studied it, the answer boils down to "magic".

You take these magnets, and move them around these long snakes of metal (because electrons can move easily through metal) and that makes the electrons in the wires move.

Okay, why does moving around a magnet near metal make something inside it move?

Well there's something we call the "Lorentz force" which basically pushes a magnetic thing in a specific way if you move another magnetic thing around it

But why does that happen?


Not really though. You can say that about anything if so. If I don't understand why atoms exist, does that make the universe "magic"?

I mean I get what you're saying kind of, but understanding the basics of electrical power is not the stuff of sorcerers.

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Why is he going back to the middle East? It was just as fucked up then as it is now.