Who's your favorite fictional US President?

cybercitizen4@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 104 points –

Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, from Idiocracy

The man had a serious problem and found the smartest man in the world to fix it. Better than most presidents.

Obviously. Came here to say this. The first president to listen to scientists.





I still get the "fuck yeah" every time I hear that speech.

"I was elected to lead, not to read."

Weird. I always thought that was Rainier Wolfcastle who said that. He was sort of the Simpsons universe version of Arnold Schwartzenegger. And the same actor did the voice of Arnold that normally does Wolfcastle.

The line is from the movie, so they break a few of their usual rules.

They'll have to pass the 61st Amendment first.

Does Nixon’s head in Futurama count?

1 more...

President Lindberg (Tiny Lister from The Fifth Element). Ok, maybe he was the whole worlds president, but he was so cool.

The Fifth Element’s president.

Not sure if he counts as US President, but they never clarified if he was the president of the US or the world or whatever, so he still counts! 👍

I mean, Bartlett, but also James Marshall (Harrison Ford - Air Force One) and Thomas Whitmore (Bill Pullman - ID4).

Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.

President Palmer from 24 was pretty good, better than most of the people around him.

President Marshall (Harrison Ford) from Air Force One

“It’s your turn to be afraid.”

Quentin Trembley III, the forgotten founder of Gravity Falls, Oregon and the 8½th President of the United States of America

"I'll always be right here... on the face of the $-12 bill."

"Wow, this is worthless!"

"It's less than worthless, my boy!"

So that's where that template is from!

Then would destroying or losing that bill count as counterfeiting?

I would love if we had a president like the guy from Designated Survivor, someone who cared more about doing the best job for the people without his ego being the focus. Which actually might also be true about Comacho

The only one I can think of is the one from Rick and Morty

The boss from Saints Row

Fuck cancer.

Agreed, but why, in this specific case?

At the very beginning of the game you get presented with 2 bills to choose from. "Fuck Cancer" is the official name of the bill that cures cancer. The other one ends world hunger and is called "Let Them Eat Cake".

Donald Trump. I can't believe there are people who think he could actually get elected. The American people aren't that stupid.

Normally fiction is based in reality. It'd take some stupid writers to take the host of The Apprentice and make him president. That'd just be silly. What kind of policy would he even have? American voters vote based on policy not personality, so having that is clearly important.

Honestly his personality is even worse. As far as I can tell his main advantage was timing.

Walternate from Fringe. Absolutely beautifully acted and exactly what I'd expect from a man who had his child abducted from a parallel version of himself.

Tom Kirkman

Just the man who prompted this question

I would totally vote for Tom Kirkman. I loved Designated Survivor, sad that it ended so abruptly.

Donald Trump

Oh, wait. He wasn't fictional...

True story. After the 2016 election, there was a panel discussion. They invited the creators of all the top political TV show; West Wing; Veep; House of Cards; Scandal, and others. Every participant said the same thing; that if they'd had a character say that he 'liked soldiers who didn't get captured' the networks and advertisers would have demanded that the character be kicked to the curb by the whole nation. Trump is stranger than fiction

And Lisa Simpson didn't even run last time!

The Boss from Saints Row IV. Intro was stupid fun, rest of the game was...ehhh

Michael Wilson from Metal Wolf Chaos. What other politician is gonna suit up in a giant mech and fight the rebelling vice president in a giant space battle?

Favorite? No idea.

Least favorite? Alan Alda in Canadian Bacon. Dammit man, you were good in MASH, why can't you act in anything else?

Love his guest appearances in 30 Rock and The West Wing

"A man crying about a chicken and a baby? I thought this was supposed to be a comedy!"

I don't think she was my favorite, but she was a lot of fun and we were playing the Iron Skies Drinking Game, so we were schwasted.

Roland Crane from Ni no Kuni 2. I didn't played much, but right at the start he got offed by missile and that's the best thing US president ever did.

There's also Cthulhu, though afaik he never gets elected because his slogan "vote for the greater evil" means his followers always vote for republican or democrat instead.

Black Bush (Bet you can’t guess what show it’s from)

Yeah that super obscure unknown Comedy Central program by a no-name comedian entitled Chappelle’s Show


Mars bitches, RED ROCKS

Oil? Oil!? Who’s talking about oil? B* you cooking!?

Do I need to tell you, what the fuck you can do with an aluminum tube?


I’d like to take this time to apologize for my initially snarky comment and commend you for just letting it slide.

It’s all good man, apology accepted.

Appreciate it. Chalk it up to the Reddit hangover of needing to engage in some performative snark/AKSHOOALEEE nonsense lol