What is a niche interest or hobby you'd personally like to see represented more on Lemmy

PlzGivHugs@sh.itjust.works to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 173 points –

For example, I used to follow a lot of subreddits for individual YouTube content creators, however, Lemmy doesn't really have the size or culture to support this currently.


Ancient coins. There's a sub on Lemmy but it's sadly unpopulated. I miss being able to interface a bit with other collectors, but fuck my ass if I have to go back to Reddit for that.

I digged down in what coins (they overlapped usually IIRC) had the highest probability of have being manipulated by jesus or the supposed apostles. Wasn't that expensive if my memory is right to get a bunch with a high probability.

In that case you'll be looking at Judean Prutahs or Leptons (the fabled "widow's mite"), and denarii of Tiberius which are known as "tribute pennies". Most of them are quite affordable if not incredibly impressive.

Not exactly niche but I'd like to see some active gardening and diy communities. The existing ones aren't very active.

Software Defined Radio, Ham Radio, RF Electronics, amateur satellites and Meshtastic.

The only community I am (more than) fully satisfied with here is Linux.

Oh, but also communities like askdentists, psoriasis, etc. Those were pretty helpful on Reddit.

I have a few!

  • Vaporwave minidiscs
  • Nail polish & nail art
  • Skincare
  • Fitness over 40
  • Greyhounds

I’d settle for vaporwave at all!

Yeah definitely more musical genre related subs would be great. I loved /r/electronica and /r/dubstep before Reddit's CEO made me wanna hurl and I stopped using their site.

Vaporwave minidiscs

I love minidiscs!! I found my Sharp MD the other week and I wanna start collecting MDs.

I was thinking of collecting MD players too, Defo want one of the later NetMD players.

The only reason I check Reddit with any regularity anymore is for content local to where I live. There's a few communities on the fediverse for my area, but with only minimal, sporadic activity.

I would love to see more activity around fostering animals, particularly cats. I started !fosteranimals and have participated over at !fosterkittens, but it seems there's not many of us so far.

Edit: No clue why I can only get 1 of the 2 links to work correctly, but FosterAnimals is on kbin.social, and FosterKittens is on lemmy.world.

Hobby machining, automotive, scca.

Maybe I need to think about hosting.....

A hobby machinist community would be great. I’m a few months into the hobby and loving it.

There is not much Lemmy communities for discussion specific/centered around specific entertainment media (video games, anime & manga, web videos, etc)

Back when I’m still on Reddit, I’m used to lurking around a lot of these kind of communities on that site. Community centered around video game franchise like The Legend of Zelda and Sonic the Hedgehog, content creators like Linus Tech Tips and Hololive, and even some niche topics like Windows 10 LTSC and Otonokizaka

Those kinds of subreddits simply doesn’t have any equivalent in Lemmy, and even if it did, it is far far more inactive compared to its Reddit counterpart. To me that is one of the biggest problem with Lemmy right now and kinda could be a reason why there is still many user who sticked into Reddit and does not 100% migrated to Lemmy.

Those kinds of subreddits simply doesn’t have any equivalent in Lemmy, and even if it did, it is far far more inactive compared to its Reddit counterpart. To me that is one of the biggest problem with Lemmy right now and kinda could be a reason why there is still many user who sticked into Reddit and does not 100% migrated to Lemmy.

Agreed completely. I still have to go back to Reddit regularly becuase its the only place for discussion for a lot of my interests. For example, War Thunder, despite being a massive game, only gets a post or two a month here (all recent ones by me) and zero activity beyond that. I can't even go to the forum, because they ban anyone who criticizes the game or says anything they disagree with. That leaves me with just Reddit, so I'm stuck going back regularly.

That leaves me with just Reddit, so I’m stuck going back regularly.

Have tried posting about an alternative forum on Reddit, that allows third party apps? I've done that after messaging the mods in some communities, some of them were quite receptive

I'm pretty sure the hololive community is active here.

It's also a pretty self fulfilling prophecy but I get what you're saying. Hopefully the new scaling sort gets more popular as instances upgrade to 0.19. I've seen so many more smaller communities since I've started browsing by that.

Even league of legends, a huge game worldwide, barely has a community here.

Did you mean the https://lemmy.world/c/hololive community?

Yeah I do aware that there is a Lemmy alternative to the Hololive subreddit, but the amount of active users and content available there is still aren’t enough to consider it a viable replacement for its Reddit counterpart

Beginners/basic programming for non-IT. There’s a lot of people that might want to do very simple things with arduino or other mini computers. Python, or even simple Linux tasks, that don’t want to start a whole “Programming lessons A-z” multi-stage class-format learning adventure.

Hmm... I bet the owners of r/roguelikedev could be convinced to run a Lemmy community, seems their style. I think they can be reached via discord. I might look into that, they were a good group, and helpful.

Men's rights, but not like the piss pitt that the Reddit one has, but one that focuses on real men's issues, like how rampant prison rape is in male prisons, parental alienation, forced military service and such.

And before anyone says that "It is men who mostly commit prison rape", well duh, that is obvious, but prison should be a rehabilitation tool, not a punitive one, and especially not a for-profit business like it currently is.

And add the fact that prisoners should be under the care of the government, and the fact that so much abuse, sexual and otherwise is ignored and not prevented is nothing but appalling.

How about a "human rights" community that covers all genders.

That is a way better idea, as long as there is no bashing on fence issues such as circumcision and the pink tax(And I don't mean pink tax in the sense of feminine razors being more expensive while being functionality the same as men's razors, I mean the absurd markup on feminine hygiene products, and in some places tampons being taxed as luxury items).

More artsy stuff and more comics, I've only seen Loading Artist over here - if he's the real one.

JRPGs. I live them, but all communities over here are mostly dead - only posting the occasional trailer.

Those were the only subreddits I actually used to frequent, now that I think about it.

Loading Artist and ExoComics are both legit here

I wish there was somewhere to talk about Counter-Strike, particularly the e-sports scene.

Ironically, I want somewhere to talk about Counter-Strike excluding the e-sports scene. There is nowhere to learn smokes, share maps, or even find a team.

Cacti/succulents and wine (the fermented grape juice one, not the linux one). There are cactus and succulent communities in Lemmy, but they're not very active, and wine ones are completely dead...

Circuit Bending!!! Moreso, just broad "soldering" representation; places for unique soldering projects. Soldering hacks, solder jobs to brag about, beginners tips etc. Would be cool to have niches within the community too for different "soldering genres" like circuit bending

Not that I was into it that much, but I did love seeing pics of fungus on reddit once I found that place.

SuperbOwl I’d going along nicely. The fungus one would probably do well with a dedicated kickstart.

(Original) drawings, paints, sketches made by the OP. Talk about paint, inks, papers, ...work in progress stuff, problems & solutions.

Yes I loved /r/draw /r/digitalpainting and some others.

Random educational posts, like stuff that is actually useful. Like physics lessons.

Would love to see more crochet content, there is alot of posts in the knitting community here, but the crocheting ones feel dead.

Lockpicking (along with the ranking system) would be great, plus it was the nicest, most friendly sub I've ever been in

Headphones and audiophile stuff, especially IEMs.

Not a hobby, but I would love to see more mental health communities that address things like anxiety, ADHD, ASD or for the ones that exist to get more traction. The lack of these things is the only reason I return to Reddit from time to time.

I wish more clinicians were on here

I dont know my normie colleagues well enough to say "Lemmy" in front of them

Aviation/Flying. r/flying had been a pretty much daily stop for me prior to leaving reddit as it was one of they only good places to talks with other pilots. I'd love to have a place to chat with other pilots and/or homebuilt aircraft folks rather than a dozen or so barely maintained forum sites.

lemmyfly.org seems to have disappeared, or gone blank, for some reason.

: \

shrimptank, aquariums, various weird animal subs :(

More sports like NFL, college basketball, baseball, etc. There are communities for these, but they're not very active.

Yeah game day threads used to be the shit on reddit.

It's not even that niche imo, but just more music production content in general. There was an instance focused on this a few months ago, but it seems to have gone and not returned.

On Reddit, you have communities of music makers around theory, various genres, various software, synths, and deals. It's definitely a source of inspiration I miss.

Not exactly a hobby. But lost media/lost wave.

I guess it could qualify as a hobby, but USB C hardware. There was a ton of good info, and news on new USB C devices, and most importantly USB devices not to buy on the subreddit.

I have no idea why some manufacturers refuse to put the single required resistor on the USBC charge detect pins in their product, so the charger actually turns on.

It's almost kind of embarassing at this point

Magical/Sacred plants.

There are very active communities on Reddit for magical/sacred plants and even some for selling/trading them. I mostly collect San Pedro cacti among a few others and would love an active community like that here.

well for magic there seems to be lots of psilocybin mycologies, sacred? is that peyote?

The san pedro cactus contains mescaline which is also present in the peyote cactus.

My reddit subs I guess were all niche.

Curlyhair and Tampa (dead here, and were getting a little toxic on Reddit)

Cocktails (I mod !cocktails@lemmy.world here, it's growing slowly and organically, doing ok, nice place)

Normal Nudes and Naked Progress (not here and I can't figure out how to set up a community on NSFW, and honestly modding anything NSFW is a slog I don't know if I can handle, certainly not alone)

A lot of the more nish writing sub's like magic building or fantasy writers.

Its a super unpopular pitch but the communities on Reddit for steroids and PEDs were some of the absolute best sources of information on them.

I dont do steroids, but I do use a few compounds that arent illegal but are considered performance enhancing drugs by world sporting bodies and trying to find anyone with practical experience with them outside of Reddit is like pulling teeth.

Thailand is full of western roid-heads and they have a decent online presence. Vigorous Steve on YouTube is a good starting point

Yeah theres good youtubers and some good websites, but Reddit is pretty much the best place for discussion or questions.

Some websites are so fucking transparent in being shills its laughable.

Aerial arts - silks, trapeze, flying pole, lyra, straps, custom apparatus like cubes/chairs etc. Anything about doing artistic acrobatics on a piece of metal/fabric/other suspended in the air. The community on reddit was the perfect size but pretty much none of them came over to lemmy.

The weather. Be it local weather discussion pages, country etc. especially for big events.

oh man there was one awesome subreddit for weather gifs, I forget the name but it would be great to have it here

Classic cars - there is a community https://lemmy.world/c/oldcars@kbin.social but it is basically dead

Any cars tbh

There is a fairly active general automotive community on here - https://lemmy.world/c/cars

Hmm, thanks anyway but tbh I was thinking more of cars as-a-hobby than car-related news. I love looking at people's projects, hearing wrenching and and driving stories, etc.

I've been lurking https://www.theautopian.com/

Individual communities for every car in existence like reddit has. And an active bitcoin community that isn't just a bot mirroring posts from reddit.

Edit: and a community for DJs.

r/jailbreak, r/sideloaded, and r/magisk. I moded the first two but there is just not enough activity.

I miss the cursed minecraft communities from reddit(r/phoenixsc and r/minecrafthmmm)

Roller skating.

In the same category of outdoor roller sports;


Still a bit small on the current instance.

I'd love to see niche communities.

Maybe "!nicheinterests" is an idea?

For me it is OnePiece manga that I would like to see more active here. Currently the only option is reddit.

Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout Modding. Espresso too.

I'd like to see an active Pathfinder 2e community, and I also miss the /r/LocalLLaMA community (running LLMs locally).

I do miss the atheist vs theists debates reddit had. It was kinda interesting hearing the same arguments over and over but having to study them in new ways.

Ok this one is arguing God exists because humans can think. Now I have to spend a few hours learning about animal intelligence. Ok this one is bringing up a first cause argument. Now I have to read the really long ebook NASA put out about the Big Bang.

It was fun challenging myself and I ended up learning.

I really miss the r/kennyvsspenny sub back on Reddit. It's was a niche TV show from the 2000's that has a cult following to this day.


While age and injury has retired me from the sport, I like to keep up with what is going on in the community. You don't do 4k plus jumps and not be addicted to it for life.

r/skydiving just became the hang out for skygods and their ilk, long before Reddit took its permanent nose dive.

Music opinions and football/soccer things

Fondling my balls, I feel like not enough people are willing to give it a try. It’s free, it feels good, and it’ll relieve stress, I don’t know why I’m in jail for offering a gift like this to the world.

I’ll give it a try. I lost my hands in a meat mincing accident when I was a baby. I have two high capacity hydraulic robotic clamps as replacements so I am quite interested to see if your method will relieve my ptsd