How about we play, "Never have I ever"? to – 150 points –

Here's the rules:

1: Post something you have never done that you think many people do. 2: Read the other posts, if you have done that thing, upvote it. If you have not done that thing, downvote it. 3: If you believe the person is lying, call them out on it in a reply. 4: If you are called out, give the full story. 4a: If you see a thread containing the full story, boost the person you think is right and truthful.

Person who has the most upvotes when the thread dies wins.


Never have I ever read a single book or watched a single movie of the Harry Potter series.

Hey that's me too. I'm surprised to see that many upvotes ...

More upvotes should mean that most people in fact have seen the movies or read the books

Ah yes true, there is a full convo in this thread about understanding what upvotes mean in this situation, I'm still confused 🤔

Me neither. Other millennials look at me like I have two heads.

Yeah. My partner later said it was almost a deal breaker when I first told her.

I have never drank alcohol, despite persuasion from friends. I consider it unhealthy. Chemically, it's a poison, and a "hangover" is the process of removing the poison.

You are very right in every aspect of this. It's a poison, and it kills hundreds of thousands every year.

I definitely wouldn't suggest that people need to run out with friends and drink copious amounts of alcohol. A night at the bar can be fun, but keeping that as an activity that a friend group commits to repeatedly isn't a healthy setting (for instance alcoholism effects 10% of the population).

That being said, there are a lot of constructive uses with alcoholic beverages such as cooking and really unique flavor profiles. Some of the mixtures that are 90%+ non-alcoholic have interesting tastes that you just can't recreate without the alcohol changing subtle differences in what's present. Definitely respect your choice not to drink though, just throwing this out there as a healthier alternative than binge drinking for those who do want to try.

One semi-accidental food discovery I made is when you are sauteing onions and mushrooms, put a dash of soy (or even better liquid aminos) and then when they are almost done throw about a shot of red wine in and simmer it out. The combo brings out so much flavor that it's almost overpoweringly good!

Some alcohol cooks off when used this way, but not all. Be cautious when cooking for others to mention this so non-drinkers can make an informed choice.

It can be a delicious addition though: alcohol dissolves flavor and aromatic compounds that water and fat cannot, so you get a lot of unique flavors especially from barrel-aged drinks like whisky and wine.

Hangover is mostly dehydration.

I've heard that hangover comes from the fact that most alcohols have two kinds of alcohol in them and your body processes one very quickly and one somewhat slower, so The hangover comes from the slower alcohol.

That being said, being well hydrated can help your body flush out the slower alcohol faster and prevent or reduce hangovers

If your drink has more than one type of alcohol in it, you need to go to the ER. Methanol is horribly poisonous, and it is not a pleasant death.

You are correct. I got the terminology wrong, there's alcohol and then there's acetaldehyde, which is a breakdown molecule of the alcohol.

Too much acetaldehyde can intensify the effects of a hangover and it takes longer to flush it out.

Drinking more water can help dilute the acetaldehyde or improve your body's ability to flush it out, but there is no singular hangover cure other than to not drink so much that you get a hangover.

It is unhealthy but it makes you relax and have fun if not drinking too much. Also it makes people horny which is a plus sometimes.

I also don't drink more than a few beers every few months, but if I lived in a warm country, I probably would. It's very tasty when it's hot.

oh wow, I'm usually the complete opposite lol. When it gets hot out I'm not interested in a drink because I'm just gonna get hotter. Give me a splash in a warm coffee though for an afternoon pick-me-up when I'm tinkering into the winter nights sounds nice (especially if your hands are freezing).

Sure you have tried a cold beer when it's hot? That bitter cold taste is amazing when it's hot and cools me down for sure. I wouldn't have any sugary drinks when it's hot though, just makes me thirsty.

I suppose I used to but it was mostly around like a pool or something that would cool you off. If I'm working all day and sweating my ass off though I'll turn down a beer for lunch for some water lol.

Never have I ever attended a middle or high school

Homeschooled or just not educated?

Homeschooled 1st-12th grade except for 4 months of first grade.

Funnily enough I have a masters degree and work in a public school

Maybe that's bc you're just not as traumatized by them as the rest of us.

Story time? Seems so crazy

Homeschooled 1st-12th grade with the exception of 4 months of public school in first grade.

Same here, it would be impossible since middle schools don't exist where I'm from

Yeah I wasn’t sure how to word it because I know that different places have different naming mechanisms. But from 6-18 years old I was homeschooled. There was a co-op or two where I technically did classes with others, and I did a year of Cyber school before it was cool but most of my education came from me self-teaching from textbooks and “curriculum”.

I'll be flabbergasted if thats true. Need story plz

Homeschooled 1st-12th grade with the exception of 4 months of public school in first grade.

Hey same! Nothing lower than that either 🙃

I was homeschooled from first grade with the exception of 4 months in public school for first grade

My brain always hurts when playing never have I ever, something about the wording just inherently confuses me every time. The upvote/downvote addition makes it worse haha

Never have I ever been to a wedding! Looks like my own one will be the first I attend :o

Never have I ever watched/read anything relating to Lord of the Rings.

I was going to post this never have I ever. I plan on watching it eventually one day. It was one of those movies that got mega popular before I learned about it. I think seeing it everywhere and seeing all the memes makes me care less about seeing it. I

I just don't have any motivation to watch it now. There is so much streaming content to watch. I'll get to LotR when I get there.

1 more...

Never have I ever drank coffee

I'm throwing the bullshit flag on this one. Never curious? Never saw a frappuccino and tried it? Never just experimentally had a sip out of curiosity? I'm not buying that.

Growing up I watched my mom drink cup after cup and then let her anxiety run rampant. Told myself I wasnt gonna touch it. I don't even find the smell appealing.

My greatest joy in life is learning new things. I have never, ever had coffee. I've never been interested. Just simply never cared for it.

Surprised by number of upvotes. Would've thought more people drink coffee than read Harry Potter

I've tried to drink coffee a couple times. I never was successful at it. My body just hates something in coffee and it just comes right back up before even hitting my stomach. So, I guess it's gone down my esophagus, but never further than that.

Never learned to ride a bicycle.

Upvoted! I learned how pretty young, but I have a few friends who never did and they have told me that the main thing holding them back as adults is the fear of falling down. Is it the same for you?

Yes. I have a healthy, but irrational fear of falling. Heights do not bother me (flying in a plane is no big deal in terms of the height). But if I am even a foot above the ground under my own power (say, on a ladder), I get extremely unsteady and nervous.

So bicycles were out pretty much from the beginning.

My family, when I was young, would try to convince me by asking, “how can you drive a car if you can’t ride a bike?” Yeah my response shut them up pretty quickly: “a car has 4 tires and is stable.” I was seven years old.

Not who you asked, but the main thing holding me back is that I don't know how to kick off and don't know how to balance. I'm surprised how many people just kinda know how to do it

Never have I ever said lol.

As a Dutch guy this one is auto fail as lol means 'fun' so we use it a lot unironically

Never have i ever learned the alphabet(i am referring to the order, not the letters)

How did you manage this one?

In the first grades when teachers asked my class to order words based on the first letter, i either managed to figure out which letters came sooner in the order based on previous answers, guessed randomly or got lucky and didnt get chosen(its also been a while since then and i dont remember, i only remember that once that i was hoping i wouldnt be picked while looking at the previous exercises and planning out what random guesses i would say for the order i wasnt sure about)

After that, the only other time i needed to know the order of the alphabet was for an IQ test which was required to be diagnosed with Aspenger Syndrome, where i just randomly guessed

I also managed to not learn left/right for years, which caused more problems, but i managed to learn it thanks to the english political compass(every time i need to know which direction is left/right, i have to think of an image of the political compass to figure out which direction is right, translate that in my native language, check if the direction i needed was right and if not, i know its the opposite direction. I also dont know how to directly translate between left in both languages, but knowing that its the opposite right. I know right because of its second meaning that is present in both languages

You managed to get through childhood without learning the alphabet song?

I have never heard of the alphabet song until i found a parody of it years after i was supposed to learn the alphabet and never listened to the entirety any version

Left and right I have to think about, but North, South, East and West I can always find. I learned to read before learning the alphabet, but learned it with the song.

That's fascinating how you learned all the letters but never put them into an ordinal system. Definitely presents an alternate thinking mechanism than I think most people use. Must have been very tough on you in school as most schools don't handle people who think differently very well.

The left/right thing is probably much more common. I think it's interesting how you use the political compass as your visual reference. I for a long time couldn't remember which political party was left or right, but found I was very good at just 'knowing' left and right, as well as the cardinal directions n/s/e/w. My friend who was horrible at telling left from right would hold up both hands and extend his index and thumb. Whichever hand formed an "L" was his left hand and he used that all the time.

People normally learn the order of the alphabet and the alphabet together, not separately?

I'd say most people would learn the alphabet and the order together. The order (and song) is a helpful mnemonic to learn the letters faster.

I always hated the advice to make an L with your hands to see which one was Left. No one ever specified whether you're supposed to have your palms facing you or facing away, so it's ambiguous.

When I was a kid, I would picture a dining place setting because I knew the fork was on the left.

Never have I attended a high school prom, dance, or graduation

Dang it. I had it to the very end.

No prom no dances but I did graduate and attend my graduation.

I was the only one that graduated that year because I went to a small school and I worked ahead and so technically I was valedictorian and also technically every party I go to is a reunion party for my graduating class.

I'm sure these are just things from the US. The only reason I know what a prom is is because of TV. Before that I only ever heard 'prom' as an abbreviation for promenade

Are these a normal things in the US or just a movie thing? Because we didn't have that

What country did you go to school in?

Prom: no. Graduation: no (graduated early, didn’t walk in the summer even tho I could)…but lotsa regular dances.

I'll start:

I have never been inside of a treehouse

Sad but not unlikely. Lots of people never lived near nature or had a garden. Let alone a large tree.

I have been inside lots of trees, but I can't think of anyone I know who has actually bothered to build or buy a treehouse

Never have I ever seen The Lion King, The Incredibles, any Toy Story movie past 2, or WALL-E.

My friends hate me for this one

Have some dignity and go watch The Incredibles right now.

Friendly reminder that lemmy votes are public

Nice try, feds!

::: spoiler spoiler Pun not intended, but welcome. :::

Never have I checked the updoots of peoples

I feel so bad downvoting you but I haven't either, I don't know how. I thought it was just something the instance owner could do.

If you check the same thread through kbin or mbin the interface shows votes. There is probably other software that does it too.

a karma count doesn't exist on Kenny the same way it does on reddit right? whats there to be sad about?

Never have I ever eaten a hamburger/cheeseburger/steak

I purposely don't because it's an interesting talking point for breaking ice.

Wait, even as a child? Where are you from if I may ask?

yeah I've never had one at any age. Started as a fear of some food and now it's just because I ALWAYS win never have I ever. And I'm from FL, USA.

Whoah, managing that in Florida is no joke! At least you have access to seafood.

what matters is you know what potatoes are

I have never dated a woman.

Only interesting if you're romantically attracted to women, though.

*Never have I ever dated another person of my preferred biological sex or orientation

I was looking for this comment. Lol. :)

Never done any recreational drugs.

Is that including cigarettes and alcohol or are you only talking about the ones that are federally illegal?

Never smoked a cigarette, but I do try a drink now and then. I find the phrase "drugs & alcohol" relevant here in that they're different categories.

they really are not.

Yeah they are. One is less hassle, comes with no stigma and therefore no stress. "Why yes I have had a drink, officer, but just the one."

Also if you're a lightweight like me, you reach your limit at 2 pints. With cannabis? Who the hell knows, the quantities and potencies are still being standardized, and if you want to mix a lighter load you have to mix in more tobacco which is another stimulant.

No thanks, I'll have my brown lake water with 3% alcohol mixed in please.

no stigma has nothing to do with anything. people do die from its usage (or the consequences of its usage). It is more toxic than a lot of other "harder" drugs. It can ruin lives and break up families just as well. we're talking about what it is, not how it is perceived. I am also not implying you should smoke weed instead. Everyone has their drug of choice. To each their own. But make no mistake, it's a drug nonetheless.

That’s why people smoke it. You can feel how high you are with each puff and can control it easily.

Weed may be strong, but it isn’t fentanyl. One toke over the line is not the danger zone—even less so than one alcohol shot over the line.

It's not for me. I don't know why, but it makes me loopy. With beer, your liver builds a tolerance to it over time and your mind learns to not say certain things when under the influence. With weed, that tolerance is 100% mental as far as I can fathom, and I'm just too weak-willed under its influence apparently.

The tolerance isn’t totally mental, it just takes longer to build and recede than alcohol does.

To each their own though, not trying to pressure anybody.

where does the tolerance come from though? With alcohol it's very clear that there's one organ doing the heavy lifting. With weed, I have no idea.

To each their own though, not trying to pressure anybody.

Of course! Likewise, I'm not trying to shame anyone for picking weed over beer. Each to their own

Edit: Apparently it's "CB1 receptor density" in your brain that handles the tolerance.

With alcohol it's very clear that there's one organ doing the heavy lifting

It’s not your liver, it’s your GABA receptors downregulating that gives you a tolerance. Your liver helps with the duration and hangover but the lower peak intoxication is mediated by the receptors. Likewise with cannabis, your THC receptors downregulate to give you a weed tolerance. It is also processed by the liver.

Indeed, a lot of drugs that are non toxic have tolerance created in the brain, while more toxic drugs have to get processed by the kidneys and liver, which is why the functioning of those organs contributes to tolerance.

Apples and fruit. Cement and building materials. Giraffes and animals. Alcohol and drugs.

Calling bullshit

Why? I've just never been interested on altering my mood or perceptions using an external source. I don't even like the effects of alcohol.

I think it's so cool to see what happens to your brain with the effects of various chemicals. We're so convinced of our own sanctity, and feeling the world differently just disavows you of that in a few minutes.

I think LSD should be a common coming of age right. We'd all be better off, and better for each other, if we could realize we're each just a tiny blip in the world.

From what I've learned about LSD and psilocybin in popular science they do sound like effective tools for depression, PTSD and enhancing creativity. I don't have the means or the will to try and get it or experiment with illegal substances. I think therapies should definitely be developed around their application though. A coming of age right would also be very interesting.

Never been so blasé about your life that you opened your friend's parent's medicine cabinet and recklessly took whatever prescriptions you found in there in a desperate attempt to get high and escape reality?

Good for you!

Is it OK to feel sorry for you? The thought of doing this has never even crossed my mind. People would describe me as a very optimistic and happy person though. I guess I just don't need any drugs for escape, although I do enjoy jumping into a video game and beating up some bad guys. Dynasty Warriors is great therapy.

I feel sorry for who I was.

But I escaped all that, and I have a lot of family and love and caring all around me now. Drug free for decades.

1 more...

Never have I ever seen Titanic.

My job during the release of that movie was to hold the box of tissues in between my girlfriend and her mother.Well, that and not crack jokes or point out plot holes. I was successful but really it didn't like the movie and still don't

The only time I've tried I had some edibles and feverishly slept through most of it.

I have seen it in a sneak preview, I think I wouldn't have watched it otherwise.

I have never had a serious injury requiring medical help (broken bones, concusssion, anything that should have you going to the ER, regardless of whether or not you actually did)

I had a slight fracture on my pinkie toe that probably would've healed on its own, does that count?

Weirdly same though I've been through stuff that definitely should have broken some bones

I just broke my first bone! The x-rays were exciting, and the tech emailed me the pictures!

I end up going to the ER way more than I want to. It's really annoying; if you walk into an urgent care or a regular doctor's office (besides my regular care providers, they're used to me now) and say you think you have a kidney infection or other kidney problems and you just need antibiotics, they just go "NOPE" and yeet you out the door to go to the ER. So far, I have been successful in preventing them from calling an ambulance for me.

Alternatively, I have had several injuries that should have gotten stitches, but have never been in the ER. Growing up poor in the US means you end up rawdogging your injuries.

Never have I ever been to a modern sporting event. Football, soccer (or other football to some of you folks), hockey, baseball, whatever.

I've been to things which some would argue are sports like jousting, but never a basic sport event.

As someone that doesn't care for sports. I've been to a few. High school level to AA to professional sports people. Hockey, baseball, football, and even NASCAR. I would say, I enjoyed it live more than on the TV, but that's because of the people watching. I don't watch sport on TV, but I did when I was younger and trying to get into them. My family likes sports.

I happen to get into these events for free/work, so that's why I went. I wouldn't pay for a ticket for them, but as a way to kill some time and people watch, it was fun.

I've never had a close family member or friend die. I have siblings, they have families. Both my grandparents on one side are alive, the other two died when I was an infant. I have dozens of cousins that are all in good health. Closest thing was my spouse's grandpa. I've been phenominally lucky.

Lucky you. My dad died from cancer when I was 14. That was rough.

Recently my mom died at 70 years old. The last time I saw my mom alive was at her sister funeral a month before. Three months later, her last remaining sister died. Same year my brother in law also died. 2022 was so far the worst year of my life. Covid was not the reason for any of the deaths.

But hey, no matter how bad things might be, they can always get worse.

That's awful :( I genuinely can't imagine how painful that is.

I'm very aware of how lucky I've been, and that it's only a matter of time before that changes. My grandpa is losing his memory, and I'm going out to visit soon. I tell myself "Someday in the near future, I'll wish I could come back to today."

Never have I ever heard "I'm proud of you" from my Dad :'(

I'm not your dad, but I'm proud of you. The absolute least I know about you is you don't mind admitting pain, so I'm proud of you. 🫂

Surprised at the amount of upvotes. I thought dads only said that shit in sitcoms.

One of the last things my dad said to me before he died was I'm proud of you son. He made a point to say it at least once a year just to make sure that I knew.

Never have I ever drank alcohol illegally or underage.

Same. I was just kind of a boring kid. Went to parties, but was just never interested in getting wasted. Saw all of my friends getting blackout and puking their guts out 15 minutes later, and wanted no part of it. My first drink was actually on my 21st. And it was just enough to get buzzed, not even wasted. It turns out “just say no” is really fucking easy when you’re autistic; Peer pressure just doesn’t work on you.

Once I started drinking, I quickly realized how many young people have binge drinking tendencies as a result of their younger drinking habits. Kids drink to get wasted before they get busted. There’s a time limit on how long they can drink, so they binge to get drunk as quickly as possible when it’s available.

Ironically, now I homebrew mead and apfelwein.

I've just always been some variant of the "mom friend" and after I turned 21, I was still the DD most of the time.

is apfelwein some kind of cider ?

Yeah, something like that. Dump five gallons of apple juice and two pounds of glucose into a carboy. Add champagne yeast, cap with an airlock full of vodka, and let sit for a few months.

The result is an extremely dry apple wine that’ll kick your ass. If you’re not a fan of dry wines, just add a splash of sprite or 7-up to the glass to back sweeten it.

Quick note, saying that "because you're autistic peer pressure doesn't work on you" is largely true, but there is a flip side to that, in that once an autistic person give in to something they can become monomaniacal about the thing they got into.

Most of the time, this just means that they develop a very deep understanding and fondness for things like vacuum cleaners or B grade horror movies or whatever happens to be the thing that latches on for them. But on the other hand if the thing they pick is unhealthy, this monomania is a recipe for going off the deep end.

I have a couple friends who are on the spectrum and one of them went really off the deep end with drugs and ended up getting into heroin.

We all tried to put a stop to it but they would not listen to our "healthy" peer pressure. It took another one of our friends who had also gotten into heroin ODing and dying in his bathtub to snap him out of it.

I said all of that to say that if your friends begin to caution you that they think a behavior of yours is unhealthy, step back and give them the benefit of the doubt and really evaluate what you're doing and what they're saying.

It could save your life or prevent it from becoming dramatically worse in some way.

Does a sip count? My dad gave me a little for toothache or something

Not even a sip for me. I was offered small amounts of champagne or wine at special occasions, but I never drank any because I could smell the alcohol on it and didn't want to.

Unless you're a Mormon, then this is lies

Nope. The first time I drank any alcohol ever was on my 21st birthday. My Dad made me a gin and tonic with Bombay Sapphire, and that set the standard for the kind of alcohol I will drink. It's a good thing I'm a lightweight because I only drink the expensive stuff. (The cheap crap burns too much.)

Never have I ever played "Never have I ever".


I have never eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

The jelly isn't gelatin. It's like jam I guess, I don't know what they call it in other countries. I feel like some folks think we eat peanut butter and gelatin, which is wrong.

I think the difference between jam and jelly is how much pectin is in it, or one has chunks of fruit and the other doesn't? I don't really know. I don't like either of them.

Jam is made with pureed fruit, while jelly is made from fruit juice. Colloquially, though, people use the terms interchangeably constantly.

Same, jam/jelly & peanut butter have two wildly different tastes & textures. I have no idea what lunatic decided to put the two spreads together but PB&J sandwhiches sound about as appetising as cranberry haddock

Peanut butter is weirdly American, but as an American, I can't believe other countries not only aren't obsessed with PB, but often don't even like it. Wtf world. You're missing out.

Says who?
I'm not american and I've never met somebody who isn't allergic to peanuts who doesn't like peanut butter.

Really? Wow, what part of the world are you in?

Every Central American I know actively thinks it's gross. In Germany, peanut butter (when you can find it) has a huge American flag on the jar, and most Germans won't eat it.

To be fair I haven’t gone around asking people if they dislike peanut butter, it’s just sort of assumed that everyone likes it (and other spreads like nutella), and I’d be surprised to hear somebody saying they didn’t like it.
We have many local brands. I don’t think I’ve tried one from the USA yet, but we probably have a few imported ones at costco.

Never have I ever gone to school in grades K-12.

How is this possible?

I was home schooled from childhood through highschool. I got a GED before I joined the military, then used the GI bill to go to university and took placement tests for everything, which put me at the same level as everyone else except for trigonometry, which I had to take a remedial class in.

What is K-12? I'm assuming Kindergarten to 12 as in grade 12? That's the US system right? You say you've never been to school in these grades. Are you saying that you didn't do them because your country doesn't use this system or have you just not done the equivalent of those grades at all?

Never have I ever as much as tried anything you can smoke (cigarettes, joints, shisha...).

I honestly don't understand why people smoke this stuff. cigarretes & vapes smell horrible, there's not even that many things to compare it to but its like car exhaust but worse. & I just can't get why people smoke things like marijuana. Exactly what's the point? Doesn't it basically turn you into a zombie temprorarily or something like that?

Tbh I think I can understand why people do it. For some using various substances are a quick and simple way to relax/numb unwanted emotions/etc.. Some start because of peer pressure. For others it's just learned behaviour (you're more likely to become a smoker if your parents are).

Personally, I've never as much as tried cigarettes because it just never appealed to me and I had mostly non-smoking friends and family. But I definitely have other bad habits I shouldn't have gotten into and have trouble getting rid of, so I get the feeling.

They mess with your feelings and/or perceptions, to pretty much cover all the bases. Generally, people try them because of peer pressure or curiosity about a potentially interesting experience, and keep using them because they enjoy the experience. Or because of more peer pressure and addiction, in some cases.

I’d like to tell a story about “never have I ever,” because my house used to be a popular spot for college parties, and was known for its extensive bar and fun times, so often that game was played. And when some drunk fellow-student would suggest we play “never have I ever,” I would say, fine, we can play, but please don’t use this as an excuse to say something you are extremely embarrassed about, and quickly drink. I would then tell a story I had heard about a guy who said “never have I ever killed a deer and then fucked it,” and not only quickly drank, excitedly called out all the other guys from the hunting trip that they all should drink too. I hoped this was a very clear example of what not to do.

Nope. “Never have I ever” was always an exercise in more and more embarrassing admissions until someone lost their mind and the admittee slinked away in shame.

People admitted giving blowjobs in fast food parking lots. Sex with people at the party. Sex with a dog.

Yes, reread that last one. You would think the deer example would rule that one out, but no, some people will do anything to drink something they were free to drink anyway.

Ok I wasn't going to play but after reading this: Never have I ever had sex with another species, dead or alive.

So funny thing. I grew up in a town near where "Mr. Hands" met his fate. My sister was a cop at the time and went over to the police station shortly after completely unaware of what had happened and didn't understand the looks she got from them when she asked "how'se it going? Anything new?"

Like, fucking what?

Never have I ever understood why people care so much about sports or teams or whatever.

I also don't understand. Sports are legitimately boring.

Only subjectively though. I love many sports and find many others pretty boring. Fans of those would disagree, of course.

Okay, but "never have I ever understood why X" is just turning "never have I ever" into a platform for random opinions like what happened to the Kermit sipping tea meme.

Maybe. I struggled a lot with how to word this, because I honestly feel very much like an outsider about this. Never have I ever felt like shouting after a sports play? Never have I ever felt like one team was more "mine" or whatever? I really do feel like there's a near-universal experience here that I'm not part of.

Sports are just soap operas for men. What will happen next? Who will get traded? Who will be benched vs played? Who will get injured? Which team will throw a game at a critical time? Find out next week!

Never have I ever been stung by a bee, wasp or hornet. I'm not scared of bees either, ill walk right up to them and check em out. I've grabbed bees and pulled them out of water, I've let them trot all over me and I don't mind, neither do they.

Never have I ever broken a bone.

Me neither. Not for lack of trying, just luck.

Matter of definition for me. Had some sort of fracture in my jaw but it wasn't broken through. Also "fun" anecdote, they told me it wasn't cracked at the hospital and a week later my dad (who i hadn't put down as a contact, they just used an old address instead of the one i provided) tells me i got a letter from the hospital.

Turns out i shouldn't have eaten solid food and gone to a surgeon ASAP. Now my jaw is permanently slightly uncomfortable and pops sometimes.

Damn, I scrolled through comments upvoting interesting comments and only after that did I find out that I was supposed to use downvotes as a part of the game. And there I was confused why there's ao much downvotes. Lol

Never have I ever read the rules of this game.

meta: I think you should invert the rules, so that if you have done it, you downvote. The winner with the most votes is then the rarest of them all

If you have done it you upvote. If you have not done it you downvote.

The point is to be the person with the most upvotes because you've not done a thing that most people have done.

That's what OP is saying. The wording could be clearer.

Essentially, if you can relate to what the comment says, then downvote.

Can someone explain this to me?

if you have done that thing, upvote it. If you have not done that thing, downvote it.

So if someone says "never have I ever eaten food", then I, a food eater, upvote it, right?

I think you and I share the same mind, but different eyes.

If someone says "I never shot a hippo", then right now I will down vote (because I haven't shot a hippo), so then if it gets upvoted.....

OHhhhhh. It just clicked for me. Yep, you're right. It makes sense

Either my reading comprehension has been turned to dust or you didnt read it

2: Read the other posts, if you have done that thing, upvote it.

As in: Upvote, I have not done that thing

Edit: Seems like I can't read. I think it's called double negation?

The problem is that the "thing" is either:

  • never have I ever done this or

Never have I ever seen Rocky Horror Picture Show, and multiple people have told me that I should in the past few weeks.

Never have I ever bought a new smartphone, PC, or laptop.

Never have I ever been apart of a high school scandal.

Never have I ever done none of the things posted so far.

Edit; ok maybe not the animal sex ones. Who shoots a deer then fucks it?

Excellent summary of the comments section. That was also my take away.

Never have I ever lived alone. Only with my family, then on the street (less alone than you might imagine) then with friends, then with lots of friends, then a few friends, and then my own family.

Never have I ever been as boring as y'all

I call bullshit. Justify yourself

At the time I commented, I had done all the things mentioned. Except for the one long meta-comment with the dogfuckers.

Edit: just checked, still true


The rules state you say things that you haven't done that you think most people have done.

If people haven't done these things it might be because they are living a much more interesting life, like if someone grew up on a boat and hadn't been on land for most of their life, that's pretty interesting and they might not have had the average experiences most people do.

You said you have done all of these average person things.

This means your life experiences are, in fact, average.

Therefore, ya basic.

I'm upvoting because I have in fact acted boring in an attempt to get someone to leave my house. Actually I've done that several times.

Never have I ever stroked a shark

Wish I could upvote this one but sadly I am free if shark cuddles

Visit your nearest aquarium! They often have a petting tank where you can touch rays and small sharks. And if not, hey, at least the aquarium is still great!

Never have I ever gotten a tattoo

Out of curiosity is it May be later if I meet a nice artist but bla blabla or it's gross and disgusting?

Fellow tattooless here. Uh, neither?

I simply don't see the appeal of putting on something I can't easily take off if I wanted to, for its own sake. Yeah, tattoos aren't permanent, a removal process exists. But they cost money and require an appointment to be rid of, on top of the investment of time, money, and pain to buy in. The barrier to entry and the barrier to exit are both too high for my liking.

Ideally you get a tattoo and enjoy it for life. I can't commit to that kind of decision. Not for a funny body picture. If I need a memento to cherish memory of a thing or event I'll get a tchotchke or something.

I have no complaints about others' tattoos. They're more often than not incredible works of art.

I do want one. I've even designed it. I can't decide where to put it that aesthectically pleases me.