Ron DeSantis Says He Has “Moved On” And Disney Should Drop Its Lawsuit Against Him to – 704 points –
Ron DeSantis Says He Has “Moved On” And Disney Should Drop Its Lawsuit Against Him

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis urged The Walt Disney Co. to drop its lawsuit against him, while telling CNBC that he has “moved on” from his battle with the company and that it should drop t…


"Let's let bygones be bygones" says man who took a shot at the king and missed.

That's really not what he was saying. If you read the article, you'll find the title is pretty misleading. He's trying to act like Florida has all but "won" the lawsuit, and that Disney should, therefore, just give up. It's obviously a bluff, but he's not really saying "please stop."

Good gravy Marie, that’s even worse.

yeah, because Disney is totally known for just dropping lawsuits…


I've moved on from my student loans, so stop bugging me about it.

This but its called bankruptcy and I fully support legally recognizing it wrt student loans.

Bankruptcy has strings attached. It's not the best solution for debts.

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Out of all the method and things on Earth to fight with, man choose to pick a LEGAL fight with Disney.

He's a Nazi. They're not smart.

DeSantis or Walt?

The difference is: Walt is the guy that want‘s to install Leopards because he thinks it will make him richer and more powerful. DeSantis is the first if the Leopards trying to eat Walt‘s face.

Now, because Walt is as powerful as he is, he can put that Leopard in it‘s place. But others will come and eat him alive later.

That‘s the thing with fascism - it‘s like a forest fire, it will burn down everything. People like Walt think that setting fire will benefit him (because people are busy fighting the fire that they can‘t focus an what he‘s up to). In the end, ge will burn as well.

Do you uh, think that Walt Disney still runs Disney?

That's not possible, the man has obviously been cryogenically frozen for 50 years.

That's just what they want you to think. That was a leftover animatronic duplicate they froze. Mickey told me all about it over drinks that time Minnie cheated on him.

Semi related. I figured out that chatgpt will follow you along conspiracy theories as long as they aren't well documented. I can't make it agree that Walt Disney was frozen but I can make it agree that Philip K. Dick might be living in an abandoned Blockbuster with only movies based on his books on the shelf.

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I’ll tell this to the next cop that pulls me over.

DeSantis: I'm going to fight Disney and WIN

Disney: No.

DeSantis: OK can we go back to you giving me money and tourists?

Disney: No.

What a clown. I hope Disney smashes this moron.

Man, I can't belive I'm rooting for the giant corporation here. Crazy world.

Sometimes the boot of capitalism treads on fascists, and that my friends is an interesting time.

Well when you basically have your ass saved in the 80's by the Lavenderest of musical writers who make the new foundation of your brand narratives of acceptance and love for the outsider with your flagship renaissance peice being a retelling of a Gay man's obvious pining for acceptance of a forbidden romance and then use that formula for practically every hit princess movie to follow... You are just a tad beholden?

You are looking at it differently than I am.

I have zero problems with regulating corporations. I just want those regulations to be for the public good. Yes you will pay your workers properly, no you can't dump toxic sludge in our water. What Meatball did was attempt to regulate them for his good, not the public. He wanted to enforce his vision. I would be just as upset if he had tried to force them to say include more diversity in their movies. Yes I personally would like Disney to do this, but my personal whims should not have the power of law.

You aren't really siding with Disney, you are siding against agenda driven regulations. And if that doesn't make you feel better just remember the ACLU defended Nazis right to freedom of speech.

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Lmao, that trump wannabe is stupid as fuck

He now realizes hes a stupid tool for his stupid party and his election campaign is not selling, once he losses that shit, he'll end up alone eating shit fighting lawsuits from all directions.

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Wouldn't it be nice if you could just "Move on" and stop dealing with the problems from your past? Just like this guy Kyle who "Moved on" from owing me $2,000 and thinks that's the end of it.

Seems they're both wrong.

> Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just “Move on” and stop dealing with the problems from your past?

You can sing this comment to the Beach Boys "Wouldn't it be nice" song.

Wouldn't it be nice to "fuck around" some, never get to "finding out" too fast.

The "Find Out" phase of this whole drama doesn't seem to be going so well for him.

No no no. I've moved on after Fucking Around. That's the end of it.

He said "No tag-backs," so they're legally required to cut him some slack now.

Yeah, it doesn't work that way Shitbag, you fucked around, now you will find out. And I hope it burns like the heat of a mmillion suns you fuckwit.

Of course he'd like them to drop a lawsuit that he's going to lose and they had pre-typed and filed within minutes of his bonehead actions.

DuhSantis living up to this name.

I mean one has to be pretty dense to think Disney is gonna drop a lawsuit because the person doesn't want to face the consequences of their actions.

As Forrest would say, stupid is as stupid does.

And that's exactly what Disney's army of lawyers are known for - holding hands and singing Kumbaya when the other side asks nicely.

Cartoon gun loading sounds in the background Disney lawyer's: "What?"

By "moved on" he means "had my ass handed to me, repeatedly."

Lol his "oh fuck this didn't go the way I expected it to go" statement

"If this lawsuit doesn't go away quick Florida voters might remember that I tried to sell them out for National Power."

  • Ron DeSantis, probably

omg lmaooo what a moron! i guess he's used to intimidating enemy prisoners of war in gitmo that can't fight back. now, that he personally went out of his way to start problems with some that can fight back, he wants to back out. dont start no shit, wont be no shit.

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I am looking forward to the man getting shredded like bloody meat by a pack of hungry dogs in the primary, heading back to Florida, and to save himself from shame focuses only on small bitter things he can win. I want to watch him give impassioned speeches about renaming overpasses while every rival smells the stench of weakness on him.

The man who would be king reduced to appearing on Fox once every few years while having to buy his own ghostwritten autobiography just to keep it from being shredded.

Goodbye meatball

Don't start shit, won't be shit.

"Look I know I called all these people groomers, which is a pretty serious accusation, and then used the power of the state that I run to strip them of some of the privileges they have, and explicitly said that I did that because they said something I don't like, but this is bumming me out can you just drop it? "

On one hand, fuck DeSantis. On the other hand, fuck Disney. It isn't some paragon of virtue either.

Disney isn't so bad they are just too big and should be broken up

They will continue to meddle in copyright cases. They aren't monsters like ole Ronnie Boy, but they are problematic.

I think we can handle problematic when it's in a battle vs existential evil

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Reverse your bullshit regressive policies, if you expect anyone to believe that you have "moved on".

Sounds like Disney is going to end up getting a lot of benefits and concessions in return for not publicly destroying DeSantis

The concession Disney wants is Reedy Creek back under their control, and DeSantis will look even weaker than he already does if he pushes to reverse the law that took it from them in the first place.

He can't, and won't, concede anything, because if the court rules in Disney's favor he can at least blame the judiciary for the decision, so Disney won't, and shouldn't, stop hitting him with everything they got.

The headline is misleading. He’s saying they will lose and should just drop the lawsuit. He’s saying they can’t win against the state and that since their “skirmish” Disney hasn’t made a peep.

He’s bragging and still saying the same things. He raised the same points as before and has the same issues.

Edit: typo

You've almost verbatim repeated what is in the headline. The only part you didn't repeat is, verbatim, a quote from Ron DeSantis. I'm lost as to what you find misleading.

I suppose it’s interpretation. I did t read the headline as bragging or continuing with the same fight but rather a plea to get them to drop the case. Because he’s moved on. I feel like my explanation provides more context to that missing piece.

I did read the OP title as Ron wanting to back down so your clarification helped at least one person. :)

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"Look I murdered your son like a decade ago. If he were still alive he'd be old enough to drink at this point, let's just drop the charges and accept that life goes on.... just not for your son..."

"Everyone pwease forget what a complete tool I was made to look like, ty"

He sure was brave until he had to sit in-front of a judge

They aren't getting their special district back, so might as well really.

Oh no public money now has to be used to do all those things Disney paid for, leading to higher taxes. Yeah we showed them.

Ron knows that the taxpayers with the newfound burden were less likely to vote for him anyway. Larger urban areas in Florida lean blue, rural areas are red. Ron will screw Orlando relentlessly to make panhandle voters happy.

Actually most conservatives in FL are likely to believe this was Disney's fault...

Iirc the special district still exists, Desantis tried to get rid of it initially but backed out of that plan because it would have shifted financial burden to the counties where it’s located. Instead Florida passed a law changing it so Desantis could appoint the board and renamed the district.

SO if someone hypothetically shot DeSantis in the back, it'll be fine and there will be no consequences once they've 'moved on'

DeSantis you are a piece of work. You decide to attack Disney ruthlessly over and over again and now all is good? I don't think so Nazi.

DeSantis said. “They are suing the state of Florida. They are going to lose that lawsuit. So what I would say is, ‘Drop the lawsuit. You have the state that even CNBC ranks as number one of all 50 states for economy.” -Looks up list of states with the highest GDP... Florida comes in forth place.

... how did he think Florida's economy was stronger than that of Texas or California??

You have to make a decision. Either he's incredibly incompetent and incapable of accurately quoting one of the most basic stats a govenor should know about their own state or he lies so much that he's completely incapable of telling the truth, no matter how stupid the lie is.

Actually, you don't have to decide, it can be both. Dumb and evil. Door #3

For (what little) it's worth, he may be talking about this article:

They do list Florida as the strongest state economy for residents. Not sure what that has to do with Disney's lawsuit.

Is that because Florida has no state income tax? Hmmm, I wonder how they're able to run their state budget? Hmmm, do you think it has anything to do with what goes on there in central Florida? Nah, I'm sure they're just doing a bang up job of running the place.

Sounds like his team finally convinced him that this is a losing fight.

What an idiot. The Mouse does not forgive. The Mouse does not forget. DeSantis can't surely believe Disney are just going to give up and walk away after he threw down the gauntlet.

The guy should be a comedian because I almost shit myself laughing at this, ahahaha!

"In a legitimate lawsuit the defendant has ways to prevent it from proceeding to hurt them emotionally or monetarily"

Unfortunately it makes more sense than the original quote ever did