Critical support for the Lemmy world peeps in their fight against pro-intellectual property nerds to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 1137 points –

Ayo I'm in the screenshot letsa fucking GOOOOOOOOOO-

For context, Bungiefan_ak has no fewer than 4 alts that I've seen (all on different instances with the same username) and has spent his time on ! continuously spamming heavily transphobic, homophobic, and objectifying sexist "memes". Just about every one of his alts is now banned but I'm sure more will pop up.

Now, why the fuck he cares so much about pirates at this point, I haven't a clue....

  • /u/ (modlog, banned)
  • /u/ (modlog)
  • /u/ (modlog, banned)
  • /u/ (modlog, banned)
  • /u/ (modlog, banned)
  • /u/ (modlog, banned)
  • /u/ (modlog, banned)
  • /u/ (modlog, banned)
  • /u/ (modlog)
  • /u/ (modlog, banned)
  • /u/ (modlog, was denied entry by chad admin lmao)

There's likely going to be more

Doing the lord's work. What a shitfest of a modlog, real winner this guy is

Edit: dear God he keeps MAKING MORE. This dude seriously needs to get a life or something

I'll keep an eye out, and I sort everything by new anyway.

Yeah we banned them on reddthat 2 days ago. I'm glad to see I'm not an outlier. Initially we should a 7 day ban should suffice. But then that user decided to message the admin directly and insult them.

Probably the fastest way to get your account banned.

Edit: The message in question. 👀 (Attempted spoiler open if you dare)

! Screenshot_20230816-204901!<

you have all the qualities of a womanly woman

real "breasted boobily" energy

I believe the spoiler tag is the following on Lemmy

::: spoiler spoiler label
sh*t to hide

::: spoiler spoiler label sh*t to hide :::

Maybe he just likes to argue with people. I have 1 such classmate. His "opinions" are always just opposite to who he's talking with. But apparently outside of school he's normal.

It’s easy to be a contrarian when opinions are not something you actually hold, but simply hats to be swapped out or discarded as necessary.

Kid's probably on the debate team, they live to argue. Good luck figuring out their real opinions though, they might not even have any.

Sadly this is just how many people operate, though I imagine the emphasis on L-D debate and convincing judges certainly contributes to our culture of engaging that way.

I love arguing with people, I'll even argue points I don't necessarily believe, but that's not the same as trolling. The difference is doing it in good faith

Trolls aren't trying to convince anyone or engage in debate, they're in it to russle jimmies, own the libs, or whatever. There's not really an intellectual aspect to it, it's arguing on emotion

Probably because one of his alts was on dbzer0 and was banned for transphobia

Oh. Oh that makes so much more sense. His sad little idea of vengeance is to now attack anything piracy related and get dbzero ostracized from LW just because pirates have more morals than he does lol

Oh wow, he's an even bigger loser than I remember on Reddit, or maybe I just didn't trigger him at the time (maybe he would've reacted differently if I was trans or at least if it was clear to him).

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The troll doesn't care, at all. It got banned clearly or it would be trolling here directly, it's retaliation. Child psychology will tell you everything you'd need to know about that "user".

Maybe we shouldn't feed that troll ?

I think in that case a shadowban would be the best way to do it. Or an IP ban if that's possible.

In any case this is giving him even more reason to keep on harassing people for attention.

An entire instance just fed the troll, pretty sure the cats out of the bag on this one...

These are the alts, counts, scores, and ban status my instance is aware of:

     name     |      domain      | banned | posts | comments | post_score | comment_score 
 Bungiefan_ak |      | t      |     0 |        0 |          0 |             0
 Bungiefan_ak | | t      |     0 |        2 |          0 |           -14
 Bungiefan_ak | | t      |     0 |        0 |        -35 |            -4
 Bungiefan_ak |     | t      |     0 |        0 |          0 |             0
 Bungiefan_ak |          | t      |     0 |        7 |          0 |          -119
 Bungiefan_ak |        | f      |     0 |        0 |          0 |           -22
 Bungiefan_ak |    | f      |     0 |        0 |          0 |           -30
 Bungiefan_ak |       | t      |     0 |        0 |          0 |             0
 Bungiefan_ak |         | t      |     0 |        0 |          0 |             0
 Bungiefan_ak |  | t      |     0 |        7 |          0 |          -287

For context, Bungiefan_ak has no fewer than 4 alts that I've seen (all on different instances with the same username)

Spending that much money and time stanning for fucking Bungie of all decaying and bloated and corrupt treat companies is really something. pathetic

and has spent his time on ! continuously spamming heavily transphobic, homophobic, and objectifying sexist "memes".

OF FUCKING COURSE. bridget-pride-stay-mad

For context, Bungiefan_ak has no fewer than 4 alts that I've seen (all on different instances with the same username)

I mean, this is one of the benefits of the lemmyverse - using the same username across different instances. It's not subversive.

That's not to lend a defence of this guy - just didn't want having Lemmy alts presented as a bad thing.

Having Lemmy alts is not a bad thing. Using them to circumvent bans very much is, tho.

At least he makes them super easy to find by reusing the identical name lol

that guy is the most succesfull troll in history. he single-handedly created havoc that big that russian trollfarm wouldn't have to be ashamed for and you continue to give him audience. just ban him and move on.

That's so funny, I'm just waiting when lemmy .world will defederate .ml and beehaw because of them.

Hexbear is one of the oldest lemmy instances, but only recently started federating.

Are you suggesting that for the last 3+ years, someone was running a troll farm where the trolls could only talk to each other?

not sure if you are serious, but no, that's not what i am suggesting.

Oh, sorry then, I must have misunderstood.

Since federation, a lot of libs who've never encountered a leftist opinion have been calling us russian or chinese bots for not supporting the latest imperialist adventures.

Literally no one mentioned hexbear, or leftism in general, before you did. Quite a victim complex you got there.

don't take me wrong, i am pretty sure i am not in the same boat with comrade who thinks that "not supporting the latest imperialist adventures" is some clever newspeak, but your comment was first time i have heard about "hexbear" - whatever that is.

clever newspeak

If that's what you want to call it. I was just using the old-timey term to contextualize US actions in Ukraine/China/Iran/DPRK/Niger among the hundred other wars waged for the same purpose over the last couple centuries.

How do you people find these alts. I scroll by, like or don't, but I have no idea if they are related.

Do you guys have a 7th sense or something?

He's using the same username on different instances, not the sharpest tool in the shed.

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Corporations when some dude steals a copy of a 30 year old movie: 😡

Corporations when they steal billions from their workers salaries every year: 🤑

Taking money for a 30-year-old movie is pretty much government-assisted stealing, if I'm honest. Copyright in the USA originally had a term of 14 years.

Here's the thing: copyright term includes the life of the author plus a fixed period. So the works you and I nobodies produce will eventually become public domain after we die. HOWEVER, and this is just my underatanding of the laws and I'm definitely not a lawyer, not big name IPs because they are not registered under the human author, but a corporation that is both a person under the law and effectively immortal. So even if it's two thousand years after George Lucas dies, Star Wars will still be copyrighted as long as Disney exists, and even if Disney dies, part of the process of corporate "death" is liquidation where they sell their IPs to the next asshole corporation.

Am I wrong? Please correct me if I am.

Afaik you are not correct. Copyrights for a corporation also have an expiration date.

Except -- The expiration date can be extended by just continuing to use the IP -- Ever wondered why movies get remakes/reimaginings every 30 years or so? We meme about them being "Out of ideas", but really it's so they can hold down their copyright.

Except – The expiration date can be extended by just continuing to use the IP – Ever wondered why movies get remakes/reimaginings every 30 years or so? We meme about them being “Out of ideas”, but really it’s so they can hold down their copyright.

No, that's just wrong. At one point, early Marvel contracts had clauses that allowed the movie producer to keep the contract going if they continued to put out movies. When Marvel got big (post-Iron Man), they had been trying to claw back those contracts. That's why Fox kept putting out an X-Man movie every few years, and Sony kept putting out Spiderman.

But, that has nothing to do with copyrights, and all of the remakes are just shit that Hollywood does for memberberries.

Using an IP doesn't extend the date at which it becomes public. Movies get remakes etc because they want to make more money. Some movie companies have deals around IP with the original IP owner that revert if they don't use the IP, but that's separate from when the IP goes public. Mickey Mouse for example will become public domain in 2024 unless disney successfully lobby for the length of copyright to be extended (again).

Winnie the Pooh recently became public domain for example, which is how we got the god awful 18+ movie "blood and honey".

Sony for example have exclusive movie rights to the Spider-Man IP in perpetuity as long as they release a movie every 5.75 years at most, otherwise it reverts back to Marvel. That's why they keep rebooting it and releasing sequels no matter how garbage they are - it's better for them to release a trash movie that bombs than it is to lose the most valuable superhero IP in the world.

Now that Stan Lee is dead, however, there is a countdown set for when the Spider-Man IP becomes public domain, and no amount of movie or comic releases will delay that.

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We also pay for their bailouts and subsidies. Piracy is ethical.

See, this is the stuff I was talking about in my other comment. Too many arguments in favor of piracy are these little one off, no context one-liners that sound snappy/true, but lack nuance.

It’s not that you don’t have a point, but you need to actually tease this out a little more, and also addressed the fact that most people who are pirating are not doing it for that reason. There is always unwillingness by piracy advocates to acknowledge that some people do it just because they want free shit. It’s not a moral stance, it’s not a social movement, it’s not a financial necessity, they just don’t want to pay for it. 

I definitely don’t ever pirate. I would never use transmission or the pirate bay to acquire what I want. But if I did, which, of course I don’t, I would admit it’s because of a combination of 1) convenience, 2) the ability to deploy where I want it, more specifically 3) so I can put it on my server to stream on my network, and 4) because of fears of the programming being taken down, such as streaming services.

I would also be lying if I said I wouldn’t do it because I don’t want to spend money on it. That’s just me being honest.

My point being that whatever your reasoning, I just don’t like when people throw out bullshit excuses or examples that only apply to .001% of people engaging in piracy.

There is always unwillingness by piracy advocates to acknowledge that some people do it just because they want free shit.

Some people do it just because they want free shit. I don't care. It's still good.

I think you’re missing the thrust of my point. I am not passing judgment on whether or not it’s OK to want free stuff. I am saying making excuses to pretend you don’t undermines the pro-piracy position.

You were responding to:

We also pay for their bailouts and subsidies. Piracy is ethical.

There was nothing in this statement to suggest the motive behind piracy had anything to do whether or not it is ethical. There was nothing in this statement to indicate that the author was engaging in piracy for purely altruistic reasons.

I don't see how the author was "making excuses to pretend [they] don't" "want free stuff." And I don't see how arguing that piracy is ethical is implicitly arguing that you only do it for altruistic reasons. I think bringing up the selfish motives behind piracy without prompting is an implicit admission that there is a connection between selfish motives and the ethics of piracy. And finally, I think parsimony is effective.

I was widening the scope of the conversation and discussing a frustration, not accusing them of anything. I can see why my intentions were unclear though, that's on me.

I agree about snippy one liners but I'm also not invested in this topic enough to go deeply into it. Maybe not until someone engages. I just browse lemmy, I share thoughts. I'm just here to hang out. If I want to learn then I read a book. I try not to take this site or myself on this site too seriously. I also like how you responded in somewhat long form. I like that a lot, and I'm hoping one day I can join and participate in longer conversations.

That said, I don't think it's a bullshit response and I don't think I need to elaborate on how subsidies work or how deregulation has siphoned money from the public and given it to private companies. For me, it doesn't matter why an individual chooses to pirate or how they justify it. I see it as a form of protest and anyone participating in the protest for any reason is doing it for the right reason.

I think it's interesting that people jump to the defence of copyright, or question the morality of piracy on the grounds of what damage it might cause to creators and publishers. Tax laws - old (austerity taxes), new (lowered corporate taxes), and proposed (100% inheritance tax) are much more significant than any effect piracy will ever have. This is what we should be debating and arguing about, not with piracy. It's peanuts.

If you go through my comment history, you’ll see that I repeatedly am in favor of most piracy arguments. I am just talking about bad defenses here. 

I’m also not sure why you’re saying you don’t really care yet took the time to write all of that. 

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Does anybody have the greentext that goes something like

Pirate game

Company loses $60 because it's theft

Company regains $60 after deleting game from hard drive

Pirate one million copies, company bankrupt from massive theft

Buy insolvent company for cheap

Delete all game copies, company profitable again

I love that, it's almost like how banks make money with loans: create money out of thin air, lend it, profit.

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The companies don't need plebs to protect them. If anyone should be willing to lay their body for them it's their shareholders.

yall, this dude tried signing up to my instance a few nights ago. yall wanna see why many communities have registration approvals? see below. warning for nsfw language

::: spoiler NSFW language :::

Fuck I love the "ok" as deny simple, so beautiful.

Unfortunately, the deny reason(s) aren't sent to the applicant and aren't visible to anyone except admins.

I wish they were visible to others or had an admin option to add it the modlog cause people write some funny shit in there 😭

Still laughing at the vast amount of people coming from reddit and expecting only chill people to be on lemmy. Like lemmy users are somehow immune to toxicity.

It's less toxic overall but we (or mostly the moderators) will have to fight them all the time.

At least it will improve the moderation tools which is always a good thing.

When I realized it was that dude who tried signing up to my instance I lost my shit laughing, if he was screened prior it's obvious he wouldn't have gotten in. This is precisely what happens when you focus on growth over organically cultivating a healthy community.

I have no proof but I think will be monetized at some point.

If that is true in any way whatsoever, that is a completely moronic long term goal. Lemmy devs themselves have encouraged instances who do such a thing to defederate. I don't see how realistically advertising or monetization would be done not only without immense privacy concerns that would likely affect the rest of the fediverse but without major protests and mass defederation. The backlash against it would be immense, not just on lemmy but across the fediverse itself.

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Lemmy is like every social medium since the dawn of time: a cross-section of humanity... the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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The hell.

I mean if dude wanted to troll he succeeded really well ngl

yeah he caused huge arguments in the biggest instance, the guy is talented.

Too bad that "talent" is being a huge asshole and getting the biggest reactions possible, instead of something useful.

Registration approval should be on by default..

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Lmao this is the guy that first lead to them banning the communities right?

Love that seems to be making their moderation strategy based off of a troll with at least 4 alts....

Props to him for fooling an entire instance

Made them show their true face and flaws. Who knows, maybe the troll is even someone from their staff on an alt.

He didn't fool anyone, he just seems to have caught them acting like hypocrites and made them either put up or shut up. If you want to enforce rules, you need to actually enforce the rules. If discussions of illegal things is against the rules that you made, then clearly an entire community built around illegal piracy is against the rules. Him pointing that out is a big-brain move that you would hope the admins would have gone "ah you got us. We'll change that rule to not be so restrictive", but instead they went "well shit, we'll remove it instead of changing our stupid rules".

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What a fucking loser crying about intellectual property. Love live piracy and anarchy. Be gay do crime! 🏴 🏴‍☠️ 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ yo ho ho 🦜 nikopirate custom emoji

its actually amazing how internet culture went from this anarcho-utopianism where information just wants to be free, maaan to reddit style races to the normie bottom. who gives a shit about intellectual property other than bowtie spinning economist dickheads and the beltway lanyard class?

In fairness, I think it's because the tech barrier of entry went down, WAYYY down. "Free Data" is an easy sell to people who were dialing into usenet in the 90's, and us stupid ameteur hackers who would break into systems like they were puzzles because we thought it was cool and the maximum penalty was a fine and community service (the good old days, we all did it at least once and thought we were Zero Cool... unless we thought Zero Cool was lame, whatever). A lot of the people who think IP jives well with the internet were the ones who looked at me weird when I said I had online friends circa 2000, and who couldn't understand how I couldn't make some party because I "had to spend Saturday hanging out on IRC for my D&D campaign"

Even more technical folks now, they just never lived what made the internet beautiful when it was smaller. Back when "FOSS" was "Free as in Beer" and fuck that Richard Stallman with his "free as in speech" bullshit. They don't remember how this dark storm of people's hobbies turning into other people's IP, people like Bill Gates stealing the foundations of technology to build his empire (for all the good he does now, he was truly evil to his core).

Ok, old-fart rant over.

Back when "FOSS" was "Free as in Beer" and fuck that Richard Stallman with his "free as in speech" bullshit

FOSS has always been about "free as in speech", and Stallman has said that it's more ethical to illegally download closed-source software than to pay for it.

FOSS vs. proprietary is tangential to the discussion over filesharing, anyway, because it addresses different issues. FOSS isn't good because it's zero-cost, it's good because it respects user freedoms.

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It's funny, I've never met anybody who'd have that kind of experience and use the word "hacker" in this meaning simultaneously.

A lot of the people who think IP jives well with the internet were the ones who looked at me weird when I said I had online friends circa 2000

This checks out.

Back when “FOSS” was “Free as in Beer” and fuck that Richard Stallman with his “free as in speech” bullshit.

I remember exactly the opposite, people being much more acutely aware of the difference, and Stallman being much more popular than now.

people like Bill Gates stealing the foundations of technology

Clarification? Movies about Steve Jobs excluded.

It’s funny, I’ve never met anybody who’d have that kind of experience and use the word “hacker” in this meaning simultaneously.

I'm slightly too young to use "hacker" the traditional old-MIT way. Maybe only by 2-3 years. I was a stupid kid playing with linux in the mid-90's and I hacked into a stupid municipal dialup BBS and got root, then neither did nor changed anything because it was "cool" to prove I could figure it out. Then "Hackers" came out and I ran that movie on repeat for a few weeks and then moved on to actually learning to code.

I remember exactly the opposite, people being much more acutely aware of the difference, and Stallman being much more popular than now.

There's those of us who were avoiding Redhat for shittier distros (like Slackware back then imo) because we didn't want to buy anyone else's beer for us to contribute for free. Maybe we were fewer than it seemed. I was that ugy giving out Ubuntu Warty CD's having this weird pipe-dream of the tech world all going free-as-in-beer (yeah, I know they're a for-profit. A lot of people didn't get that back then and just saw a better Debian). Maybe again it relates to the exact date?

Clarification? Movies about Steve Jobs excluded.

Mr. Gates started back when "hacker" didn't mean "hacker" (as you point out). He would pick up freely-given tech early on, and was then one of the first to start crying IP complaints and asserting his ownership of his product. Wherever you stand on the opinion, Gates' Open Letter to Hobbyists started his really terrible reputation, since many hobbyests accurately alleged he built his business on tech they were using/granting for free. I never knew the facts of the 1977 BASIC case where he was sued over ownership of BASIC and won, but then in the 80's he notoriously started his attitude of embrace, extend, extinguish. Everything from his behavior related to DOS, his ripping off Lotus Notes, etc. One could simply say "he was a good businessman" and they're allowed to feel that way. If you say "hey, you can have as much of my water as you want for free" and I drain your lake so you have to buy water back from me, technically what I'm doing is legal. That's basically what many people felt Gates did.

EDIT: And I don't have good references, but I remember some quotes from him as his reputation got bad, that the hobbyists shouldn't have been giving software out for free anyway. That the real problem was that they should have been demanding money for their work and/or keeping their ownership. One could argue his behavior was some of what spearheaded the carefully-crafted OSS licensing in the 80's.

It is unspeakably bizarre to me that people who know how to turn on a computer forgot that Gates is Satan's personal programmer at some point during the 21st century. I take it as an article of faith and my younger Millennial and Zoomer friends think I'm bullying a nice old man.

for all the good he does now

None of what he does is good. The only thing he does is lie.

Fair enough. I wasn't trying to pass explicit judgement. His reputation is just a lot better now than it used to be, whether earned or not.

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for real! I just noticed a show I wanted to watch Star Trek: Prodigy has been removed from Paramount+ for no fucking reason. The only reason I have that shit is because i'm a huge trekkie and I want them to make more and I think that Paramount+ is the only way they make any money for Trek and my roommate pays for it. Thank for for torrents. The show isn't even watchable from any streaming service atm so I HAVE to pirate it. Normally I don't for Star Trek simply because of how many episodes all the shows are combined but fuck it.

If I'd want to rewatch Babylon V, I'd pirate it. Same for Star Wars (not even talking about despecialized editions, I just don't want to give a dime to Disney).

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Piracy of software is always moral in the face of proprietary software.

They have stolen so much from us that we have all right to revolt.

Intellectual property is denial of media rights to the public.

Theft is justified in the face of capitalism.

Those who live in precarity, poverty, homlessness or hunger are justified to do whatever violence is required to survive.

Ah, reading these comments make me feel like I'm back on Reddit.

Yup. Folks looking for stuff to be salty about. Those admins were protecting their hides and had every right to do so. Hosting carries risks. What could have been handled better was communicating this (a day or three beforehand + not on Discord lmao). The people acting like this is some sort of unforgivable problem are just being dorks. Don't like it? Pop onto a new instance. It's easy and is a perfect example as to why Lemmy is great.

Edit: Worth mentioning that the piracy community is among the most active groups on the entire platform. As a viable alternative to reddit, I don't think piracy being the face of Lemmy is a great look. Newcomers may start on LW and never need or want this community. Those who want it WILL find it.

Huh, wow, someone talking sense on the subject and not getting downvoted to oblivion.

Some instances will be more averse to legal risk than others. Some will also lean more towards "censorship" (showing bigots the door) whilst others will be "free speech encouraged" (full of them). That's the beauty of the fediverse. Pick your poison. Why go all pitchforks and DDOS attacks etc against an instance that doesn't share your values when it's piss easy to just switch to one that does?

(I'm somewhere down the middle on the piracy subject. I believe in supporting small individual developers trying to feed their kids. But Adobe and the like can go fuck themselves)

I've even been seeing the old "could you kindly (deliberately obtuse bad-faith request to "prove" something "objectively" where any evidence given is a "biased" source or "has a narrative")" sea lioning tactic. They even do the smug "I'll wait" follow-up line. smuglord

One even asked me to objectively prove that they were sea lioning and threw a slang dictionary at me (that for some reason only included a weird and obscure "stalker" definition and not the bad faith evidence demands) in a way that was sea lioning the idea of sea lioning. berdly-smug

I think people who are pro-piracy tend to be a little dogmatic in the wrong direction, refusing to exercise their imagination or contemplate situations where people can be legitimately hurt financially or otherwise by their actions. However, most of the arguments are pretty sound, and I can’t imagine working that hard making new accounts just to argue in favor of movie/record studios that have exploited artists for as long as they have existed.

The “filthy” line was just funny to me lol

I think people who are pro-piracy tend to be a little dogmatic in the wrong direction, refusing to exercise their imagination or contemplate situations where people can be legitimately hurt financially or otherwise by their actions.

That's not been my experience. I always see people advocating for paying for games/media when it comes from indie devs etc. And there is a difference between piracy and outright theft of artwork which is then profited from, I.e. a company steals small artists work and puts it on t-shirts - very few "pro-piracy" people, if any at all, are advocating for that.

At the end of the day, pirates do it because they either have very little money or they're smart and want to retain the money they have. Then there are anti-copyright people, which is cool too.

Then there are the people who don't really know what's going on but claim some moral standing surrounding piracy. I can actually feel them coming, fuck...

 Well that has often been my experience, but I’m not going to pretend that my experience as everyone is.

For instance, I see a lot of really ridiculous arguments claiming it’s for archiving.” First of all, they do not follow archival procedures. Second, they are not working with any known archiving organizations. Thirdly, they are not using what they have “archived” in any manner that could be considered “for the public good.“ Unless you want to count seeding it back out, but that argument can become pretty recursive pretty quickly. 

It also just so happens they are archiving mostly - if not entirely - the games they want to play, the shows they want to watch, and the movies they want to watch. It’s awfully curious how much the venn diagram of “archiving for the public good” and “what I want to enjoy” resembles a circle lol.

My point being, there are arguments in favor of piracy, most of which i agree with. But I see a lot of disingenuous ones from people who are clearly just doing it because they feel entitled to the media. I would rather they were just honest about their intentions instead of feeding me nonsense talking points that even they don’t believe. Otherwise it just reeks of justifying their actions (poorly) instead of just saying “I have nothing to justify.”

Well in that case I agree with you.

People should pirate what they want without making excuses.

Bingo. Own the act, then explain it to folks without being defensive or straight up lying to yourself.

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I buy most of my content, steam mostly for games, have spotify, buy music from bandcamp for DJ sets, at least my favorites, have family netflix, HBO, disney +, although I don't use those as much since they are mostly full of crap. Sometimes I even buy/rent a movie if it is not available in those and I can't find any torrent, or just out of convenience. I produce music and buy all my audio software (ableton and fuckton of plugins) because I don't want to deal with the hassle of using pirated versions. I buy ebooks every now and then too, although with that I also admittely pirate some, especially when the author is dead, in which case I really don't feel any guilt for pirating it. I also use patreon often and support creators that way.

I still think piracy needs to be an option, so streaming services can't have their way and we are just forced to use their enshittified platforms. I avoid it, because I understand not everything can be open source, and nothing get's done without revenue. I don't pirate from small authors/creators.

All the while musicians get basically fucking nothing from huge streaming services profiting from their labor. Series get cancelled left and right despite good reception because they were not profitable enough, although still profitable, because netflix is only interested making next big hit. Games are filled with microtransactions and kernel level tracking (anti cheat), forced online features in single player game and sometimes games one bought are just made unavailable, like with old mobile games (case in point, dead space mobile). Professional software is often moved to predatory subscription models and paywalled updates to the software, like Avid, Waves.

And people still cirlejerk about piracy being the worst thing to intellectual property ever. Problem isn't piracy, problem is small creators are payed so little from listens/views/whatever that the can barely get by, and have to make alternate source of income via patreon or some other stuff. Piracy won't even make a dent in that.

Luckily in every category some people/companies are pushing back but all of this is just case in point why we need piracy. When I get around releasing music/games, I don't mind piracy at all, might even put my own tunes on pirate sites out of spite. Current intellectual property laws are fucking joke and only benefit the largest creators in their respective fields.

After Adobe fucking me out of thousands, I swore I'd make sure I never gave them another cent. if there weren't greedy scumbags I would've paid for upgrades (hundreds of bucks) to the master collection every 5-10 years. Now, because that wasn't enough for them, they'll never EVER get another dime from me. I encourage pirating their shit because fuck them. What they did to their customers was unconscionable. When I called to ask them to make this right, after essentially breaking their promise to me that this enormous purchase was an investment, their best offer? 25% of my first year of cloud. Lol... Would've still felt like the shaft of they gave it to me free for 5 years.

You can summarize that in just simply saying: capitalism is the problem. Just with anything else, capitalism doesn't care to give us the best entertainment, it simply will benefit the ones with the most profit. So long we live under capitalism, this will be the underlying problem. Capitalism doesn't care about what people want or need.

Same. I make good money today and I can pay for the stuff I use, but when I get some nostalgia and feel like playing a game from my childhood like The Little Samson, my only option is to go cry on a corner because the game isn't available anywhere and is worth 3 thousand dollars minimum - which even if I paid would never go to the folks who made the game anyway.

When I was a teenager I couldn't afford anything. I didn't even had a computer or a video-game of my own, I started working at a Lan house when I was 14 just to be able to afford an occasional snack. I played a bunch of SNES games at that time thanks to emulators - if piracy wasn't an option I would never have played them and probably wouldn't have gotten into videogames that much. 6 years later I managed to buy a DS and a couple games. Since then I've bought several consoles and a ton of games for each of them. Nintendo made several thousand dollars from me over the years and that would never have happened if I didn't have access to SNES pirated games 20 years ago.

I even got to make a game of my own now, which directly benefitted from piracy as well, as I noticed a bunch of people playing pirated versions on YouTube, with comments on those videos mentioning they liked it and bought it. My main concern related to piracy at that time was that those players were not getting bug fixes and new stuff I added to the game.

In truth, there is no downside to piracy - it's a net gain for everyone involved as long as the paying customers get to have a better, more comfortable experience with not having to deal with any hassle to consume your content. But if you make it harder for me to consume your content than the high seas does, well that's on you.

It just looks like some Lemmy users are falling for an obvious troll.

Best part is when they start pretending to be stupid, after already having demonstrated they aren't. Which then paradoxically proves that they are.

It’s such an obvious over the top troll too guys, come on

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Still, one of the key aspects of piracy is discreteness and these debates and notoriety don't help with that. Piracy does not look for you, you look for it, if you know how to find out how. The last thing I want is for every single Lemmy thread about netflix to have a top comment saying piracy is better than streaming.

piracy is better than streaming

You're telling me, buddy :D and not just for the obvious reasons that bring us to this community, some stuff on hard disks is also better than the "cloud".

Neat! Deeply ineffective communication! Starting to feel more like reddit by the day!

There was a short time at the beginning of the user influx on Lemmy were it actually felt friendly. Now everyone starts getting mad again. I think it’s in part because the critical mass of edgelords and otherwise hateful people has been reached. And it’s contagious or something.

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Gonna commit copyright infringement later, just to spite this poor man even more

I’m infringing copyright as I type this

Fair enough. I'm not home so I'm prevented from doing so

Look around wherever you are and see if there are any billboards visible. Study one and memorize it. Boom, copyright violation. It's fun and easy and anyone can do it!

no if you look at a billboard you're observing an ad. don't do that.

Draw the advertisement on a napkin and show it to other people. Bam! That company is infringed af

Companies hate it when you disseminate their advertising material like that. Stick it to the man!

The trick is to explain every thing in the ad. Also, and they fucking hate this, tell them the history of the company the ad is for and where they sell that product! Lol reckedem! Let's see them try to advertise around here again !

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Fuck intellectual property, all my friends hate the intellectual property

"Intellectual property" is a corpo term, and using it accepts their framing. They're trying to conflate copyright, trademark, and patent law with property law.

I mean, that's exactly what all three of those were intended to do -- carry property law over into a domain where it clearly doesn't make sense. so it's fully same-picture. none of them should exist.

Seconded. Enclosing the commons and doing a little primitive accumulation to actual knowledge. Love when a private corporations own colors, random snippets of genome, common words and phrases, and endless inventions that they're squatting on to ensure they don't compete with their own products.


These days, a more obscure toxic fandom, but still one with quite a history of Disney-tier "anything the treat maker does is objectively justified and any criticism threatens the flow of additional treats and must be raged at" takes. yea

They look like they are having fun on line:

this person seems to hate piracy just because it's illegal...

(reminder about homosexuality being illegal in most countries in the middle east)

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Most pirates doesn't use the product if pirated version isn't avaliable, they aren't a costumer, blocking piracy is actually a bad marketing decision, people can build hype even if they aren't paying. No significant revenue is actually lost for piracy

people can build hype even if they aren’t paying

Historical examples: Windows and Photoshop, especially in countries outside G7. XP was probably the most pirated version of Windows and I wouldn't be surprised if Photoshop was also the number 1 most pirated program during the mid-late 2000's

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Them defederating piracy communities was the nail in the coffin for me, just deleted account.

First was some weird shit about a porn community with petite girls and how it invites pedophiles. Even though that one doesn't affect me, it's still like uhhhhh, petite women exist......

Now this piracy shit. It's like they're pushing their morals and "concerns" onto every member without consent. Reddit still has piracy and petite subreddits, which paints somewhat of a picture of how non issue they are.

Hopefully shitjustworks is fast, stable, and doesn't pull that shit.

To be fair, the petite girl controversy thing was the admin being a weird tyrant, not Unless they did the same thing at LW lol. Thus far shitjustworks has been reliable and unobtrusive for me.

Does shitjustworks have any defederation policy?

The way it's been working so far is that people will bring up instances they have concerns about in the agora community. There's community discussion, and then a vote. So far I think just exploding-heads was defederated from after a discussion and vote.

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Hopefully shitjustworks is stable

Double irony both from their name and this hope considering they've been down for a while now.

EDIT: and they're back up now. Maybe they didn't want hogging all the downtime.

There was also the pre-emptive de-federating from another instance because the admin didn't agree with that instance's admins political ideologies, even though on that instance the admin was telling people to obey other instance rules and not brigade etc.

What is the petite community you say?

Adorableporn. The girl in question wasn't even naked if the post people said sparked it was the one I saw. Braces = cp apparently.

There's even a fauxbait.

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Bro I'm still jittery from hating on spez.. all I had to see were some of the comments mods and admin made and it was fucking easy as piss to move instances.

Not getting rid of my old account tho, they can continue to host everything I posted.

It's a bit more nuanced than that. Their servers are based in the EU and therefore a rather easy target for copyright lawsuits, and they have neither unlimited funds nor the manpower to fight them off (even if the allegations are completely unfounded, you need a lawyer to refute them, and lawyers charge actual money).

Sometimes it's easier to focus on your strengths than fighting the good fight on all fronts and go down swinging.

I feel like I missed something, what happened?

The admins of have blocked 3 or 4 of the main piracy communities out of fear of getting caught in a legal crossfire, since by nature of the federated network, contents from those communities would be copied over to their servers, making them potentially liable for hosting content in violation of European laws.

Here's a bit of a summary and discussion:

Not to mention inflammatory comments from mods/admins to users who aren't happy.

Smells like reddit 🤢

What makes the EU an easy target for copyright lawsuits?

Hosters are fully registered and are reactive to claims, not like some overseas server farms operating under Seychelles law etc.

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I've migrated to another instance because of this and their uptime

cant use to talk about pirate shit if the instance is constantly down

I genuinely do understand concerns about legal issues and the risk of facilitating illegal activities- but its not even hosted on their instance, why would it mater that the communities EXIST. They're literally hosted by someone else...?

But it is hosted on your home server.

When you subscribe to a community, your home server downloads the content and passes it on to you.

This is not like when The Pirate Bay was allowed to live because it only hosted torrent files and not copyrighted content, in the fediverse, you copy the content to your own server, and pass it on to the client/user, which means hosting the content.

That's a very fair argument and I appreciate you explaining that, though I don't think it changes my stance on whether I agree with their decision. I feel there's still a difference between hosting it directly vs the federated nature of the platform meaning that the content is copied so it can be served to an end user. Banning the communities feels a bit knee jerk to me, and it doesn't help that the person pushing for the changes is clearly not interested in reasonable discussions about how the platform we're on should or shouldn't dictate ethical choices for their users (and is also a raging homophobe).

Issues with the person pushing mods to make this change aside (since thats essentially irrelevant to whether it was the right call in a vacuum. Doesn't matter that the guy sucks), the decision doesn't sit right with me, even if I can empathize with the provided rationale.

I feel there’s still a difference between hosting it directly vs the federated nature of the platform meaning that the content is copied so it can be served to an end user

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that's not the case. If you "federate" a server with CP for example, you are hosting CP. If it's not brought to your attention, maybe you have a safe harbor exception (and maybe not), but if it IS brought to your attention, you are required to act on it to not be liable. And I airquote "federate" because as I learned Lemmy's architecture, I'm not sure "federated" is the best word to describe it. When I think of federated, I think of something like an orchistrator. A tool where you are directed to the authoritative cluster for content, but not required to join in on it. In such a world, there would be three states - (1) I have a copy of this data, (2) I don't have a copy of this data but link/index it, (3) I refuse to index this data

Lacking #2, I believe, really creates a lot of liability.

I believe even linking or indexing can be problematic. I know Google receives DMCA notices to remove entries from search results. I think your solution is probably the better solution though compared to a lot of others.

One point I would make though is that no one is hosting in this instance pirated material and therefore the other instances are not hosting pirated material. The pirate community is having very open pro-piracy discussions though. Discussion of illegal activity is not the same as illegal activity.

Oh absolutely. I totally agree, but I've seen/heard of situations where talking about illegal activity has been targetted by authorities as "empowering" or "enciting" it. Silly shit, though the authorities haven't gone full nuclear on piracy like they did 20 years ago.

I guess the way to look at it is to ask the question, "Would I do it?" Would I, a person who is doing the public a favor by hosting an instance want to take risk in doing something which may get me into trouble. It's easier to say that YOU should do something because there is little to no risk. We got to be fair to the lemmyworld admins too and see things from their perspective. In addition, things can always change for the worst. What if these communities get even closer to actually sharing "stuff" on Lemmy? I don't know what that would look like but this is the internet and things can change very quickly, for better and most often for worse.

The nice thing about the fediverse is that anyone can create new accounts on the instances which has what they want. Why shit on the lemmyworld admins and why not just go to the instance which works for you instead? Can we all be better human beings?

And that's an issue, and suggests some flaws with Lemmy's architecture. Lemmy UI's should be indexers, no more. This is probably why we keep seeing the push-and-pull of "we must create a giant web" vs" fuck that, small is better". Each lemmy instance is a full-fledged forum solution, storing a copy of the entire network of all other forum solutions we're interested in. Of course it'll never succeed at either.

And now that Lemmy's reached a more critical mass, I'm not sure it could pivot to a better design. Which is a shame. Because it's still better than reddit, but it'll never be what many people loved about what reddit (and digg) used to be.

EDIT: It's not all doom and gloom. I think there's a space for self-hosted apps or clients to make up for that gap, and we already have search indexers to find communities cross-web. I think when we have better multi-user integration, we'll have a lot of opportunity. Like if I had a user primary, and it had a authorizing key, I could maybe have a user on that has the public key for my and still effectively sign that account in a defederated instance. Enough people have been demanding something like that, I'm sure it'll drop eventually.

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I wish them luck in their quixotic quest to police the entire lemmyverse

Isn't that hard. It's not that big

There's a story about trying to suppress an insurrection. You have ten insurgents. You kill five. The next day you have fifteen insurgents...

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that’s just a troll, downvote and move on

*downvote, block, and move on. Makes the moving on part more efficient.

no, don't block. blocking only makes it so that you don't see that bs behaviour, but it's still there. instead, report or if you are mod/admin, ban outright. if you want to block anyway, at least report beforehand

And Report.

Get the instance admins and mods aware, and get the troll booted out.

What’s this drama now? The “anti-piracy” person sounds like a troll. Especially if they’re shit posting like this on a piracy-focused community. 🤦🏻‍♂️ admins are the worst fucking dweebs on the fediverse.

I need to check out this community to improve my piracy game 🏴‍☠️

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Ironic, since companies would like to consider homebrew at the same level as piracy.

Meanwhile me on Beehaw where the sun is shining 🌈🌈🌈 and the folks are super nice 😊

Beehaw is pretty cool

Didnt defederate to not get into any legal trouble?

They're just normal people running the instance, not a major corporation with a legal team. While it's unfortunate they defederated, it's understandable that they'd rather be overly cautious when it comes to stuff they can be sued for

Yep I love piracy but I have a real life and I’d think twice about what I hosted if i ran an instance…no matter what I believe and the low likelihood of legal consequences. Hosting an instance is a hobby. I have to click two buttons in the app I use to access this place on another account. Who cares.

it’s understandable that they’d rather be overly cautious when it comes to stuff they can be sued for

Anyone can be sued for anything. That alone isn't a good reason.

A website like this is never going to be actually held liable for people making comments about piracy. That's not how the law works.

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Jesus that is beyond cringe. World fanbois simping for their domains and admins lmao.

I'm all for letting servers choose what they want to ban and allow. Its easy enough to just create a new account on a different server if you do not agree with the server admins decisions.

That's the beauty of federation. The user can also setup his own instance to access the content if he wishes. He might have to learn how to do it, but its totally doable.

I just created a account because LW down time guess I use this account as my main and the other one is to collecting dust

I'll admit I took the bait, but I am more embarrassed for the instance that they got to actually defederate.

Do not feed the trolls. Happiness doesn't have to be a zero sum game.

Klyde seems like they know what they're talking about