Nebraska governor signs executive order defining men as "bigger, stronger and faster" to Not The – 583 points –
Nebraska governor signs executive order defining men as "bigger, stronger and faster" | Boing Boing

Nebraska governor Jim Pillen, a Republican not noted as a women's rights supporter, yesterday issued an executive order "defining" males and females and the attributes thereof. The anti-transgender political grandstanding offers fusty explanations of the sexes–men are "bigger, stronger and faster" on average–in pursuit of Rowling-esque calls for sexual segregation (and even echoing her ostensibly feminist rationales) and not a lot else.

The order declares that, in matters of the state, the "biological differences between the sexes are enduring" and that the "sex" of a person will be defined by the gender designated at birth. In addition to specifically noting how boy, girl, man, and woman will be defined, the order also includes biological descriptions. …

"It is common sense that men do not belong in women's only spaces," Pillen said in the news release. "As Governor, it is my duty to protect our kids and women's athletics, which means providing single-sex spaces for women's sports, bathrooms, and changing rooms."

The reaction, at least from Democrats, is to point out that if it were enforced, the likely outcome would be Nebraska losing federal funding for womens' shelters.

"Today Governor Pillen, famous women's rights supporter, signed this offensive and ridiculous proclamation establishing a "Women's Bill of Rights." He should try saying this stuff to my face then we would see who's got what biological advantage," wrote State Senator Megan Hunt on Twitter.


All we need to do is find a woman bigger, faster, and stronger than him, and then he's officially a woman by his own legislation.

And women are worthless stay-at-home breed mares to them so I guess they should get a new Governor.

PS I'd pay good money to watch Britney Griner kick his ass.

We tried. By God we tried.

Discount Lex luthor termed out and it was a three way race for the Republican nomination.

Democrats will never win the state again so it was a game of who's the least awful Republican?

Residents of Omaha and the surrounding area flocked to change their registration to Republican to vote in the primary. A moderate who wasn't fucking insane was running and we tried our hardest to get him the seat. The other two were so similar we thought they'd split the crazy vote and the moderates would win out.

He came in 3rd, by a wide margin.

This will make it so the state can only have the "One True Man of Nebraska"

I’m not agreeing with this legislation but it does say “bigger, stronger, faster on average”

That's true. But "on average" in circumstances like this is meaningless; "on average," a person is male. But I think we can agree that some women do exist.

It’s not meaningless, we have a quantifiable metric and we average it. Men are stronger than women on average

It's not meaningless, but not meaningful enough for a legislative definition of sex. The law must be consistently applicable to people who aren't "average".

It's meaningless in terms of legislation and enforcement.

Gabi Garcia is a 6'2" 210 pound MMA fighter, think we could send her over there and see what he says

We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world's first bionic woman. Better than she was before

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Counterpoint: Ben Shapiro

What's with the Ben Shapiro jokes here? I know who he is and I've read some of his (often comically) idiotic takes on world events, but care to explain it as it relates to this topic?

properly answering that would require spending entirely too much time talking about Ben Shapiro, this will have to do

He's a right wing pundit who claims to only care about "facts" and "logic" to make himself seem more intelligent and credible to his base. Of course, none of his views hold up to much scrutiny, showing that he doesn't actually care about facts and logic, meaning that really he's just another bigot.

That would be pathetic enough, except that he's kind of the king of self-burns. Like, shit the CIA couldn't get out of most people. You should look up 'ben shapiro WAP'. It's fucking hilarious that he felt the need to commentate on the song in the first place, but the things he said solidified him as a meme. "Wet ass p-word" is a classic quote, and the fact that he admitted to his wife telling him that being that wet isn't normal is hysterical.

One of the most amusing things about him is how he routinely “destroys” people with debate superiority and yet he does what he does now because he completely failed as a hollywood nepo baby screenwriter or some shit… so now he just complains all the time about inequality for white men and wokeness like a leaky helium balloon, telling women to stay in their lane and making bad related predictions, like saying the Barbie movie will burn out after a week or so from irrelevance, only to see it top a billion in sales. Dude can’t help punching himself in the nuts on the regular.

damn I totally forgot about the WAP self-own, good stuff, for everyone except his wife obviously

The order declares that, in matters of the state, the "biological differences between the sexes are enduring" and that the "sex" of a person will be defined by the gender designated at birth.

That makes zero fucking sense

This means that insecure men in Nebraska can now go in to the dive bar they get drunk at starting at 1030 AM, and hit on any woman in the place without fear of her secretly having a penis.

Not that there are any women in that bar, that they'd ever have a chance at taking one home, or, that this executive order actually means any of that. But the idiots who support this kind of thing will think it does.

God i hate living here, because this is exactly how the rest of the idiots here think. But it’s too expensive to move right now.

My wife didn't want to move to Minnesota, so we bought a house here, and aren't likely to leave now. Had I not met her when I did I likely would have left a few years ago.

XX vs XY.

I think you're thinking of gender.

I think you don't know how often it's not one of those two, and if someone is going to get to pick, maybe we should also let individuals pick for themselves too.


Looked at that profile...

Pretty sure you don't think at all, easiest block of the week. Have fun shouting hated into the void

I do. Less than a percent of a percent. It's so rare, we can effectively handle it on a case by case basis, and not bog ourselves down in pedantry.

I got it. I have a perfect solution. The perfect definition to solve all debate.

Man is a featherless bird.

You are thinking of sex. Gender comes from the same root as genre - like how you categorize books. It was initially used to define things loosely by cultural traits like "tribe" or "type" and was used in the 15 century to describe men and women in a tongue in cheek way. Basically saying "the tribe of woman" right before trying to be witty about how women don't make any sense because they are like another culture. Other uses would have been to distinguish differences between any different nations, families, groups. So your gendre could have been "English" or "From this specific village where they eat a lot of cheese" or of a social class.

The word got hijacked by Victorian sensibilities which used it euphemistically in that "tribe of" way for the word sex because having a woman saying the word sex aloud to a room in the scientific sense of the word caused monocles to shoot out of men's eyesockets at lethal speeds and early feminists needed language they could use without being censored... But the modern usage of gender is not a euphemism for sex. They are two distinct words.

Gender does not concern itself with any part of the person's body. It refers more to classification by cultural attributes. Like how you would decide if a book belongs in the mystery section or romance. Whether the book is hard or soft cover is not relevant to genre classification in the same way male /female/intersex is largely irrelevant in regards to gender classification.

Im not disagreeing with you? Sex is the physical body, xx/xy/others, gender is the societal/mental.

I wonder if you can legally change genders with this. If you're a woman who's bigger, stronger, and faster than the average male in Nebraska, then you satisfy this biological condition set forth in law.

The nazis are back, Russia's trying its best to cause WW3, our rights are dropping like flies, oligarchs have become cartoonishly overt in fucking the rest of us cuz they know we'll just bend over and take it, and we're literally cooking our planet with cow farts and dinosaur juice to the point that its ability to support life is rapidly approaching a hard stop.

............and the thing we're putting our energy into is the dangly bits in our pants.

The nazis are back

They never left, they were bidding their time.

Unfortunately, this isn't the comedy version where they hid in a secret base on the moon.

While I know what you meant I am just imagining Nazis sitting at a table playing poker with seconds XD

All this is just smoke and mirrors. These governors don't give a shit about any of this. However, their rabblerousing bases do, so they pull this shit because they know it'll keep the press and protestors busy enough so they don't look at the real issues. It's easy to rob a man or woman blind if they are busy protesting some nonsense stupidity you out up there to distract them.

So if a body builder woman beats him up in one-on-one combat, he'll have to be redefined as a women? Where's the Celebrity Death Match reboot?

I think he would be arrested for violating his gender assigned at birth?

Out of all of the problems we have, this joker decided this made up one was actually worth his energy and effort. What a fucking stupid time to be alive.

And he wouldn't even be wrong because this shit is what conservative voters now days thanks to how their media networks made it into this frenzy.

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This is anti-twink legislation, Ben Shapiro can't live up to this.

So in Nebraska a two men with a measurable difference in size and strength in a relationship are actually heterosexual?

Daft Punk could not be reached for comment

South Park the Movie was also not answering the phone.

I thought you were gonna talk about Grant Kirkhope's magnum opus, the DK Rap. You know, because of the "He's bigger, and faster, and stronger too, he's the first member of the DK Crew! Huh!"

4 more... wrote in here 6h ago :

There’s no legal reason to define the genders, no ongoing court drama in Nebraska that hinges on this definition, nothing legally will ever be decided because of it. It’s just one idiot shouting out to a bunch of other idiots that he doesn’t like it when people who were born with one set of genitals want to have a different set of genitals.

What this will accomplish is added brain drain, an issue Nebraska sorely needs a remedy to, it will cost millions in court cases that will now be filed against the state and the governor, and it will cost women’s centers in Nebraska Federal money. All while doing absolutely nothing worthwhile for the state of Nebraska.

It’s Jim Pillen saying he wants a fight with a minority group. And it’s an idiotic call to arms at that.

N.B. : This excellent comment was unfortunately part of a thread which was deleted by the mod. I read the other comments in this post and, compared to the above, they're mostly not worth one cent.

Confetti // Charlotte Cardin
Always been loud in a quiet way
I always feel alone in a crowded place
I always wanna stay, wanna go, wanna stay, lwanna go
I don't know
I don't know

I get sad on my birthday
I wanna talk back in the worst way
I always wanna stay, wanna go, wanna stay, wanna go
I don't know what to say
I wanna throw it all away

I feel like a zombie, I'll die at the party
Yeah, you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
I tried calling somebody to tell them come get me
But you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
Singing la da da da da

La da da da da
La da da da da
La da da da da

Find me in the club looking golden
I know everyone, I got no friends
I always wanna stay, wanna go, wanna stay, wanna go
I don't know
I don't know

And I never know what to say
'Til I'm already walking away
Wanna punch you in the face
But I won't, but I might, but I won't
And I don't wanna play
I wanna throw it all away

I feel like a zombie, I'll die at the party
Yeah, you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
I tried calling somebody to tell them come get me
But you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
Singing la da da da da

La da da da da
La da da da da
La da da da da

Look at the people, they're crazy
Look at the people, they're crazy
Look at the people, they're crazy
Look at their pupils dilating
Look at the people, they're crazy (crazy)

I feel like a zombie, I'll die at the party
Yeah, you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
I tried calling somebody to tell them come get me
But you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
Singing la da da da da

Apparently, from what I'm reading, this will also potentially cause women's shelters to lose federal funding. They aren't legally allowed to discriminate against trans-women, which means they'll be disqualified for getting funding.

For them, this might be considered a feature rather than a bug.

yeah cuz im such a big scary guy in my striped thigh highs, weighing in at 120 pounds

i can run away in a flash though :3

I guess intersex people also don't exist good job loser governor

He knows they exist, he just hates them just as much as trans people.

So whenever he sees a giant Dutch girl that would destroy his noodle arms in arm westling he's now officially a tiny little girl.

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Me who can’t do a single pull-up: I guess I’m a woman now?

I have no upper body strength at all. Never been able to do a pull-up, can only do about five push-ups. Even when I was a kid, I could barely handle the monkey bars. My daughter has inherited it from me. She has trouble with metal doors you have to push to exit a building. So I guess I'm bigger, stronger and faster than a 13-year-old?

Serena Williams or Brittney Greiner or Simone Biles could kick my fat ass three ways from Sunday. I'm definitely not bigger than Brittney, and there's no way I'm stronger or faster than any of them.

There will probably be an executive order soon that defines you as a trans man and that sends you to reeducation forced re-transition.

He's an asshole, but it is absolutely true that men are, on average, bigger, stronger, and faster than women, so picking 3 women who are notable for being in the top billionth of prowess in their particular sports isn't exactly a repudiation of that point.

Not sure why you are downvoted. On average, that statement is correct.

They could also kick the Governors as, with one hand tied behind their back.

I was just thinking the same about my husband. At 5'7" and 137 lbs, and working an office job with no workouts so no real muscle tone, he might have to be defined as a woman. Good thing we'll never go to Nebraska.

I would like to see him go up against any of these ladies in literally any sport at all- they'd kick his ass so hard. And that's fine- he's not less "manly" because of it. He is my husband and the father of my children and I love him always and thankfully small minded people like this are only a minor hindrance in the progress we are making.

Did you even read the article? He defined men as being on average bigger stronger and faster. I don't know if this is exactly the case. You also named women who aren't exactly in the middle of the bell curve.

Simone biles is the size of a small child. If you fell on her, you'd kill her.

The other two, could probably take you.

You don't know how weak and pathetic I am.

I'm aware. You don't know how tiny a 4'7/ 92 pound gymnast is apparently.

Don’t mess with people smaller than average; they likely learned how to defend themselves by being the target of “tough” people from an early age.

LMAO. Sure thing lil buddy. Physics is a real thing.

If Simone biles tried to fight a regular sized person she'd be lucky to not be killed.

That’s not true. You can tell how someone moves and adjust accordingly. But you do you, little buddy.

You can tell how physics would impact their body of course.... and being the size of a toddler isn't an advantage.

You can also tell how predictably people can be in a situation. Individuals tend to have a repertoire; that’s how boxing, football and any competitive sports coaches train their charges. Groups seem to have them too. Most would-be bullies wing it when sheer size is the differential, beyond a few well-rehearsed moves because that’s all it usually takes. Observe most bullies online or irl, better yet, be bullied. You learn how to move. Eg, a lot of people spoiling for a fight leave their person wide open and unprotected, simply because they think the person seeing them come for a fight is going to let them hit first. Some people still think the other person isn’t going to a sucker punch because it’sa bitch move (and it is); but better to use that bitch move before your bully does. Fighting with honor may or not matter till animal survival instinct kicks in. One can and probably should let it kick in sooner because bullies aren’t really looking for a good excuse or honor and there’s no shame in recognizing that. Just don’t carry it over to every other life aspect.

Damn, this turned into a therapy session for you. Didn't bother reading it, because if someone that much smaller comes at you, just kick em in the face and keep walking.

After that he signed an order that declares his penis to be totally average or a little bigger than average, and that it's totally normal for it to be that color & shape and have a bend in it.

So if there is a woman bigger than him, does he lose his manhood?

A "woman" bigger than him is automatically a man, by definition. Likewise, any "man" smaller than his wife is automatically a woman.

But what about people smaller than him but larger than his wife?

How could this idea ever go wrong?

a strong woman

Death by Snu Snu! The mind is willing, but the flesh is soft, and bruised

Theres a lot of obvious layers of stupidity here, i wanna point out the ludicrousness of thinking you can define legislative legal terms through executive order.

There's just going to be a bunch of absurd lawsuits coming out of this.

The amount of time republicans waste fixing nothing is staggering. It’s like they exist to run out the clock.

My 6ft tall great grandmother would have scrubbed the toilet with that shrimp.

There is a missing "on average" in the title of this headline, which completely negates the oniony part of the sentence.

This bill did not say that men were exclusively bigger, stronger, and faster, or that women weren't. It just said that, on average, they are, which is true.

Why that is in an executive order, honestly, there is no good reason for it, but the principle is still the same: lying by omission is still lying, especially in a culture where people only read headlines.

Why that is in an executive order, honestly, there is no good reason for it,

You got it right here but nevertheless missed the point pretty hard. What he said and how he said isn't the point of the article: what he did and why he did it is what is newsworthy.

What tiny dick energy

Edit: "Any man who must say 'I am the King' is no true King."

Guess no one in that state has met Starla. Nobody thinks I'm a failure because I go home to her at night.

So in other words, what you're saying is that the Nebraska governor has an extremely small penis and is very very insecure about that fact.

issued an executive order "defining" males and females and the attributes thereof.

Uh, no, that's not your job.

Am I the only one thrilled that Meg Hunt is the one standing up to this shit?

I love her response, we should have more politicals fighting back like that, all around the world

Man in political power has such fagile masculinity that he legislate what he can't demonstrate

... did he live in a mojo dojo casa house by chance?

Wonder what caused him to not just write "better"

We already have the chromosomes, why bother with this bullshit?

Because Republican men are insecure in their masculinity. So insecure that they overcompensate in the most ludicrous ways imaginable.

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on avg its true but i dont know they need to sign a bill for it

They're doing it because they can't stand it when this logic doesn't apply. They hate trans people, intersex people, and women who are stronger than them.

I feel like this is shortsighted. Instead, legislation should be in place to add another category so that there is a space for sex and gender. Not that I would expect such based actions from this dude.

I know males are on average stronger than females, but I have yet to meet a trans girl who I couldn't beat in a physical challenge. I'm under average height, don't work out, and I don't have genes that give me muscular advantage, but in every physical challenge thus far, they came first.

I know this is probably a joke comment, but you’ve got me intrigued - how many trans girls do you know and how often do you compete if physical challenges? Are they of the Double Dare variety or are they more Olympic in nature? Do you allow them to train an come back for a rematch?

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No-chin incels in shambles lmao.

According to chat gpt:

Are there instances of someone being born "female" but their reproductive system is not developed to produce ova?

Yes, there are instances where individuals are born with female external genitalia but do not have fully developed reproductive systems to produce ova. This condition is known as Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome, or simply MRKH. In MRKH syndrome, individuals typically have a vagina and external female genitalia but may lack a functional uterus and, in some cases, may not have fully developed ovaries. As a result, they may not be able to conceive children naturally.

This condition highlights the complexity of human biology and serves as an example of how one's biological sex may not always align with traditional expectations. It reinforces the importance of recognizing that individuals' experiences of their own bodies can vary widely and that gender identity and biological sex are not always perfectly congruent.

Furthermore, there are several other medical conditions and intersex variations that challenge the idea that biology alone can definitively determine one's gender identity. Here are a few examples:

  1. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH): CAH is a group of genetic disorders that affect the adrenal glands, leading to variations in hormone production. In some cases, individuals with CAH may have external genitalia that do not align with typical male or female appearance.

  2. Swyer Syndrome: Swyer syndrome is a condition where individuals are born with XY chromosomes but have non-functional testes and develop typically female external genitalia. This condition highlights the importance of chromosomes not being the sole determinant of gender identity.

  3. 5-alpha-reductase deficiency: This condition can result in individuals born with male chromosomes but ambiguous or female external genitalia due to a deficiency in the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into its active form.

  4. Klinefelter Syndrome: Individuals with Klinefelter syndrome have an extra X chromosome (XXY), which can lead to variations in physical development, including less masculine secondary sexual characteristics.

These conditions, among others, demonstrate that biological sex is not always straightforward and that it doesn't always align with an individual's gender identity. They emphasize the importance of considering multiple factors, including an individual's own understanding of their gender, when discussing matters related to gender and sex.

ChatGPT is not a knowledge source and should not be treated as one. It's trained to be a creative, context sensitive writer. You can equally make it produce a text that denies that.

This bothers people? With the insanity going around with trannys, this is an expected outcome tbh.