Think anyone would notice?

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy – 1172 points –

The introduction of gators into the Alps would certainly garner attention.

I guess with the lower temperature they'd be less of a threat.

Only for the short term, they'll adapt and be stronger than ever

And don’t forget, these aren’t normal gators…

These are meth-fueled Florida gators who are as likely to ban books as they are maul a skier.

The Alps won’t know what hit ‘em.

Then I'd be an E.U. citizen? Fuck yeah! Give me two months of vacation!

Sweden here we only get 5 weeks vacay. 480 days parental leave though.

Don't forget we don't have a limited amount of days were allowed to be sick either.

Canadian here. I signed a contract with 4weeks of vacation that was changed to 'unlimited' this year. So far I've taken 5 weeks and have a 6th week approved in November.

I haven't used any sick days but they're unlimited. If you take more than 3 in a row, you need a doctors note.

15 weeks parental leave that can be split between partners (father can use none/some/all to look after child while mother goes back to work)

My state now has mandatory parental leave, about a year after me and my wife had decided that we didn't want more kids. Oh well. At least people in the future will benefit.

At least youre not the type to try to stop something because you missed the window on benefitting from it

Even if I were it wouldn't apply in this case. Having a society with programs like this in place helps everyone even indirectly. I am fine with greed as long as it goes beyond basic right in front of you.

We all benefit from a better world. Sure some more than others but all at least some.

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We don't have 2 months vacation..

Or hyperbole, apparently :(

Four weeks, two months, whatever, they're both still infinitely more than Americans are guaranteed, which is zero.

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So I get rid of the land border with France, but in exchange I get a land border with USA - possibly the only worse country.

Also we lose Sicily and their awesome food and women but we get to keep Sardinia, where the best food is cheese with worms and the best women are one meter tall with moustache.

Bad deal man.

And remember you get a border with the worst part of the USA, even better!

At least there's no Corsica anymore (Sardinia but Fr*nch 🤢)

Fam, corsicans are the only ones who hate French more than us, they are welcome to rejoin Italy whenever they want.

So I get rid of the land border with France, but in exchange I get a land border with USA - possibly the only worse country.

We're not going to go to all that trouble just to keep the damn place. You get the worst of both worlds: French Floridians!

As a effectively Canadian that just moved to Florida zis is tri bone non

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Putting the Vatican below the Bible belt is going to be a disaster

Nah most of the bible belt are baptists, evangelicals, and people who don't even believe in Christianity but use it as a cover for their fascist bullshit. There is no universe where they would get along with Catholics. Having them be that close to the Catholics would probably result in another protestant vs catholic war.

US Catholics have adapted a lot of the beliefs from the protestant-oriented groups in the US. Try asking Paul Ryan or Rick Santorum if they accept the Vatican's official stance on evolution and watch them squirm. Having the Vatican be right there would be . . . difficult.

It would still be a disaster what ever happens. I never said them getting along would cause said disaster

Nah not really, the catholic church loves going below the belt

Well, the Italian government is going full-on neo-fascist, so it'd probably be a wash, but the food would be so much better!


Being in the EU is like the one good part of the Italian government, if you take that out I guarantee we’ll somehow manage to be even worse neighbors than Florida

Likewise. Having trump and orban derail EU together is my worst nightmare. Please, keep an eye on your Florida. Don't let it sh1t in my backyard.

Counterpoint: I want authentic Italian food

Then come to Italy (or rather: go to France or Austria near the border so you can enjoy Italian food without actually dealing with living in Italy)

I live in Georgia USA I've been to FL way too many times Europe doesn't deserve this.

It's amazing how quickly it turns to shit on I-75 S when you cross the border. You can just feel the nastiness.

Meth production triples in Europe in just weeks of Florida's arrival!

NOBODY wants Florida.

I grew up in FL and now live in pacific northwest, still not far enough away....

As someone who lives very close to the new florida location I REALLY don't want florida

Trade Offer:

You receive: Alligators, Meth

You Give: Debt, Mafia

At least with the Alligators you can negotiate.

Florida attached to Europe looks mildly like a penis.

I really don't know who the biggest losers are in that trade.

Europe, Italy has some of the best food

Europe, losing part of the mountains will hurt water and weather

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Image Transcription:

White text on a black background reading "I have a plan"

Below the text is two images, the one on the left is of the southeastern coast of America with Italy and Cuba in the location of Florida and its Keys, and the image on the right is that of southern and western Europe with Florida and its Keys in the location of Italy and Cuba.

[I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜 We have a community! If you wish for us to transcribe something, want to help improve ease of use here on Lemmy, or just want to hang out with us, join us at !!]

That would be awesome.. A Mecca for rednecks/Republicans replaced by walkable cities, a nice countryside, vibrant communities, lovely cafes, and awesome pizza. When does the work begin lol

You take Italy and we sink Florida in the Atlantic. Then it's a deal

Yeah, but the Balkans have enough problems already and don't need that shit.

Maybe make it an island?!

Well thank you, but no thank you.

We got enough conservatives as it is.


Your would-be neighbour

Well you see, Florida would have to adapt to EU rules or lose all the EU funding.

And we don't tolerate POS like DeSantis.

So give it time, and it will all settle like it is now.

You say that, but Berlusconi was Prime Minister of Italy for a long time.

just deleting florida would be better

An absolute downgrade. No sane person would ever want Fl*rida to replace Italy

I mean if that means Italy would be closer to me, and florida much much further away I think that would make me sane to want to switch.

As someone that lives in Florida, would we go over to Europe or do we stay here in the new Italian location?

What if you take them off and forget to put them back?

(Sorry for the affected... maybe)

No one would be able to tell politically but the food would definitely be different.

now "the florida man who went to malta" will change from a skit into a newspaper headline

TIL that Florida is basically the same size as Italy. Weird.

But italy has a population 3 times higher. And its a place where you actually would want to stay.


From my rudimentary looking at a map the US would get tiny Italians and we would get 2.5 if not 3m tall Floridians.

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Just like flushing America’s toilet

Have fun with the Campi Flegrei

Why is a shitpost like this the first time I'm reading of this. Why isn't this an issue in european newspapers?

Because it's not news until a catastrophic eruption is imminent, I guess? Same reason geological stuff isn't an issue in west coast American newspapers.

Because it's mostly hyped in pseudo scientific news. Yes it's a super vulcano, there will be some evacuations happening. But no, there will not be a super eruption.

I was about to say that florida can keep their fascist regime, then i remembered that italy is going for a second round as well, so...

That's one way for Giorno to appear in Stone Ocean

If we need to take Florida, I want Cuba in the Mediterranean Sea as well.


But since Sardinia seems to have folloewd Italy to the Americas and Corsica looks like it vanished, could we get Cuba in their place?

I like how italy looks like a boot in europe but it becomes a dick in USA

Neighbors in one will gain good pizza, what Mike the others… not so much