Double Barrel to Lemmy – 1225 points –

im somewhat stunned, as im sitting here eating the exact opposite of this. i took a hot dog, cut it in half, and put each half in its own bun.

So you made a hc dc and a ↄt ↄg?

Yeah who wouldn't want double the condiments? :-D

i like a little hot dog with my mustard.

or another way, hot dogs are more of mustard delivery mechanism for me.

^This person hot dogs, right here. Putting in the effort to do it right!

Meanwhile I eat cold hot dogs as a snack. Putting in no effort to do the opposite.

Lmao like that old Micky mouse cartoon where they're slicing up a bean and a slice of bread

that's the magic beans one with the giant

Thanks, idk why but I was thinking it was the one where Donald is a Nazi. No clue why I thought that

Is the exact opposite just a hot dog?

You looked at the original blueprints for hot dogs and said “too much protein, not enough carbs” instead of “I refuse to make two identical sandwiches in parallel”. Both fascinating observations :)

Slice the hotdog in half, cook it separately and then put it in one bun. Smash dog.

You monster.

You half-dogged the bun. You don't half dog the bun even if its the last dog you have and starving, its just wrong!

(Pls read this in the "you can't double dip the chip" voice)

We've had those already for something like 10 years

Was about to comment that “divstobrene” is a thing in Latvia.

As always, ahead of the curve where it truly matters.

Whatever that country this is (Turkey? A Baltic state?), it's ahead of OP by a leap.

I think this might be Latvian maybe. It is not turkish.

Can confirm, its Latvian. They sell those on gas stations. They also had an amazing thing called wrapurger back in the day. Fantastic thing, like a burger, but wrapped in a tortilla instead of bread. Imagine a burger you can eat in your car while not making a mess. Unbelievable

Wait, is t a wrap just a tool to funnel all the grease down the front of your shirt in one spot?

It does say Riga in the pic

Lol, I was so focused on identifying the (to me) non-standard letters, that I didn't even try to read it.


I just noticed. I'm pleased that I narrowed it down to Turkey or a Baltic state.

Yeah, Latvia is way ahead of the world in this respect. Or The States at least...

That doesn't look like the bun has the same texture as a regular hotdog bun. It looks more like a double dog panini. Plus it doesn't have the opening for toppings

The toppings go in before the hotdogs.

Hot relish sounds not so great and jalapeno coins would probably turn to paste. I would love to try it with chili and cheese though

2 more...
3 more...

If you are in Grand Rapids, Michigan, there's a little hot dog spot called Yesterdog. They've got a secret menu. Ask for a slut dog.

I prob won't be

What is a slut dog

3 more...

Let me introduce to you the Brazilian hot dog:

In my region of Brazil we have three flavors (!!!!) of hot dog: beef (filled with meaty Bolognese), chicken (shredded chicken cooked in tomato sauce) and mixed (both; yes, BOTH!!).

Things Brazilians put in hotdogs:

  • Hot dogs. How many, you ask? Well, how many do you want?

  • Corn

  • Peas

  • Ground beef

  • Chicken

  • Cheese

  • Cabbage

  • Vinaigrette

  • Mashed potatoes

  • Bacon

  • Crispy straw potatoes

  • Olives

  • Cooked quail eggs

There is no combination of ingredients a brazilian won't dare mix.

Americans will be whining about pineapple on pizza while Brazil is adding banana, chocolate, ribs and potato chips to it.

I'm honestly all for it, i hate this dumbass stigma people have over changing "traditional recipies". Fuck that, mix it up, throw shit at the all until it sticks, just make me something that tastes good.

That's fine, just change the name. It's not a Philly Cheesesteak anymore if you cover it in mushrooms, green peppers, mustard and pickles, for example.

  • Vinaigrette
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Olives
  • Cooked quail eggs

So it's war, then?

This is the feeling when someone cosigns/supports your bland statement "Nachos are the best food!" and then they immediately project their entire fucked up POV on you and follows with something completely off the mark in the spirit of, "THIS GUY GETS IT, MAN! We should lower the age of consent!!!"

1 more...

Big hotdog will shut you down. They would rather sell you two ineffecient hot dogs

They’re already in on it with big bun, selling packages containing unmarchung numbers of Hot Dogs and buns. It’s like the FTC should investigate.

I'm telling you, it's all about girth. You say you need two, but if you got the RIGHT one... that's all you need.:-P

^ This guy Costco hot-dogs.

I cackled, I was just thinking Costco hot dogs after I read the previous comments... Fucking A+ spot on.

On account of the square-cube law, you will get more surface area from two smaller sausages than one large one, so the two small win out in that aspect at least.

Okay but then they're squishy and flop around and send condiments everywhere rather than aiming them like a torpedo directly where they need to go: into your mouth.

Is a hot dog is a taco?

Yes. And cereal is a stew.

According to the cube rule ( the hotdog is technically a sandwich and not a taco due to the bun only really being two parts of a whole.

Nah man, a hotdog is a taco exactly due to your stated reason.

Of course, sandwiches like philly cheesesteak, subway sub, and a hoagie on a torpedo roll are all tacos now too, which is nonsense. Fun to think about though.

If by "nonsense" you mean "exactly correct," sure!

Might want to look again, the site literally uses a hot dog as an example of a taco.

? a tortilla is also folded.

Laying two hotdogs next to one another is utterly disgusting!

Putting one on top of another is fine though.

That would make it a taco. A hot dog taco. Hotco.

Don’t you DARE mention the holy taco in the same breath as the foul hotdog.

I hate to break it to you, but hot dogs and tacos are the same.

Ok I can see that. However according to the holiest principles, Mexican food is above all others and floats on a cloud of cloudy floatiness with other foods below it.

Source: I like Mexican food.

These are a staple food in star citizen

Yeah, just don't eat them the way they do in Star Citizen.

Make sure you remove your space helmet first before you eat that entire double dog in a single bite.

One of the funnier random exchanges I've seen in SC was when someone complained in chat that he had a constant choking sound to which someone else immediately responded with, "well stop eating hot dogs like that."

Mmmm... With double the nitrates, double the grease, and double the sodium who wouldn't want this??? Go ahead and have 2 or 3 of them! If eating doesn't make you break out in a sweat then you're not doing it properly!

Are you my wife? Fucking hell dude. Fine! I'm going to eat my fucking salad. Fucking yay...

Might not be optimal for someone who doesn't like sausages

In case anyone from the UK needed another reason to prostrate themselves before the altar of Scandinavian interior design and foodstuffs this weekend, IKEA UK now sells the double hotdog at the exit bistro.

why OP gotta use a 3 panel layout when the pictures are just repeats of the same picture?

Get with the times, my dude. The Swedish dish "Hel special" ("full special") has been a classic since the '40s

Is that mashed potatoes on top?

Anne's Dairy Cream in Maryland will sell you a foot long double dog. They make their own bread, place is absolutely amazing.

  • Oh and just to be clear, The dogs are amazing, The cheesesteak is really good for Maryland, but the place itself is actually a little dive. I think there are seven seats inside all at the counter. I just want to set expectations in case anyone goes out of their way to visit.

And the default of chili, mustard, and onions is pretty un-fuck-with-able. If I wind up going to get my hair cut tomorrow, I could go for a couple double dogs on my way out.

You can fit two hot dogs in any bread if you're brave enough.

This is a post about food and nothing else.

Burn in hell you heathen. The answer is a Kielbasa, not two skinny American dogs

I would be happy with a standardized weiner/bun length.

What's the difference between the left and right hot dog?

One is on the left while the other is on the right.

The left hot dog is a communist, the right hot dog is a capitalist

I use biscuit dough so I have freedom to choose how much hotdog I want

You could probably get relatively close to this by using some baguette for your bun

It'd come out more like a double dog sub, but hey, you'd get the two hotdogs in there!

Absolutely is, there is a song. That proves it.

Warning: There is some language. (Just a few words.)

I don't know, I trust John Hodgman on this and many other things...

Hot dogs are fucking gross though. It's already hard enough to drown them in enough sauerkraut, mustard, onions, etc, to make them choke-downable. Hamburgers are different, it's actually (usually) reasonably good meat as a base, doubling it makes sense.

I have always loved eating cold hot dogs, plain. Ever since I was very young. I like them steamed best, but cold is fine. With crackers.

Someone has to stop you.


There's another one down below, too. And I'd thought I had previously witnessed the cold depths of the internet. This is madness.

My cousin did this, fortunately I think he grew out of this concerning behavior. I'll pray for you. /s

So I don't think you're wrong, but I also suspect you haven't had an all-beef hotdog. Like the Costco hotdog. It's a very different dog, higher quality & uniform meat. Better texture. You should give it a try!

Gross. And I let my Costco card expired because the local staff act culty

Two wieners are always better than one.
...oh... are we still talking about food? Nevermind.