Liftoff. Lemmy app. Do you like the way it works now? to – 570 points –

Not a developer, just pure interest as a user. Doing my part 🫡


I switched to Liftoff from Jerboa.

There are a few features that either don't exist or I haven't found (jump to next comments thread), but it's worked really well overall.

For context, I use Relay when I'm on Reddit

Check out Thunder! It's my favorite Lemmy app so far coming from Relay. Similar to Jerboa but a lot smoother in my experience.

I couldnt figure out how to post pictures with that app and there were a few bugs, but then again, it's Lemmy.

All features are not yet ready, image uploads, or even adding links to posts, is one of those.

There was a new uldate today, which added a lot. Full support for posting should be coming in the next one, there is already a PR for that.

I never have bugs with lemmy only time something happens is if they are upgrading the server!

Uploading pictures hasn't been implemented into Thunder yet.

jump to next comments thread

That feature is on Jerboa now!

Just started using it today and works well. Previously was using Relay for Reddit and like that feature. Might try liftoff sometime but jeroba is getting the job done so far.

Funny, I'm the same in every way. Didn't really have too many complaints about Jerboa but really finding Liftoff to be slick.

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It's my favorite of the options so far, I wish I wouldn't default to, but that may be pilot error..

There are a few default instances in the settings page, and you can add your own as well.

You can remove the instance once you've added your own. Long press. is awesome for me. maybe you should try ❤️

I'm on Jerboa for the moment, it gets the job done, was more intuitive for me than Liftoff. With that said I will 100% be switching to Boost when it's available.

Just tried Jerboa again. The search is not good. It doesn't have the ability to search by comment, post, or user... Only search for communities. Liftoff, Memmy, and Voyager all have this function.

Fair enough. I'm not at that stage yet, still trying to find communities to join haha.

It's available now. I got them confused. I have boost not liftoff.

Yeah I've been waiting for Boost since I joined Lemmy, but I'm enjoying LiftOff so much I'm no longer sure I'll switch when Boost does become available.

Truthfully, it was my least favorite of all of the Lemmy apps. I didn't like it's user interface. Was it recently updated?

I tried liftoff a few hours ago and same. Didn't mind jerboa, but connect just clicked with me.. I think because the flow is extremely similar to boost.

I couldn't shake the same feeling I get when using discord when using liftoff. Just no.

To each their own. That's why there are options.

Which one do you prefer?

I dabbled with Jerboa, Thunder, Liftoff, Connect, and wefwef.

I like Jerboa the most.

Jerboa looks ok but the thumbs up buttons make me feel like I'm on Facebook (stupid reason, I know)

Liftoff has everything I need so it's fine for me until boost releases

Where are the thumbs up buttons?

Must have been updated because I downloaded it after this post and I have arrows. But the screens on the app store did show thumbs.

Ahh I see maybe I'll try it again then

edit: damn they really should update their play store screenshots because the UI looks way better now

Same. It looks and feels like "my first flutter app". I switched to Thunder, which is also made with flutter, but is much more pleasant to use.

The UI is a little too cluttered and messy for my liking but it's a solid app! Love FOSS software

Yeah, it is pretty stable among other options. Definetly good choice usability wise.

It immediately replaced connect for me. Absolutely incredible. I think I'll have to pick around for some actual feedback, but that's a damn good sign so early.

Love the layout, organization and it's immediately captured my entire Lemmy usage.

There are some stupid things or bugs here and there but it is stable experience.

I wish there was a simple "X" button to hide posts, like RIF had. I know you can do it via Lemmy, but it doesn't seem to work in Liftoff until hours later. Maybe I'm doing it wrong because I'm new, but I've even gone to the browser side and I'm still seeing the same stuff 5 hours later.

Overall, a very smooth experience. If Jerboa and Liftoff combined into one app, I think we'd have it all.

Coming from the Reddit is Fun app, I tried Jerboa first, thought it was fine, then tried Liftoff and it feels a lot better to me so far. But I'm still new to this universe, so I might try other apps and change my mind! Loving the diversity so far at least!

I'm also a RIF refugee. Liftoff is the first app I've tried for Lemmy. Overall I'm pretty happy. The updates get better and better. I'm still leaning how to Lemmy, but I really like it so far. One of the few things throwing me off at the moment is that I either can't or don't know how to easily tell what posts I've already seen. RIF would change the color of the text from white to blue. If they can add that then I'll have nothing to complain about.

fediverse is awesome. check out lemmyapps community and pinned post to find alternative apps 🙂❤️

do you know if Liftoff supports redgif etc.? it's always annoying in Jerboa when you have to open such links manually instead of seeing it in the app self.

Also a RIF refugee. I've tried every Lemmy app I saw on Google Play, Liftoff is the one I'm happiest with.

I tried about five different android apps and LiftOff was the one I picked. Looks the best, runs smooth, nice interface, fast with updates. Love it.

Liftoff is what I've settled on, so far. I've found it to have the best performance of all the Android options.

Thunder has gotten a lot better, as well. It's now the fastes for me, by far.

Thunder was pretty snappy. I didn't know about that one, so I tried it just now. I'm afraid to say I think I like Liftoff better still, because Thunder uses swipe gestures for a few things and is missing a few "top" sorts, but it seemed like it has potential.

It didn't have top sorting at all a few versions ago 😅

Theres a dozen of us contributing to it every day, it's coming along very nicely, and making it usable without the gestures is a current focus. It's already possible with posts, but next up are comments.

Keep it in mind! Check back a bit later and I'm sure you'll be impressed.

Cool, sounds like it's coming along well. I'll give it another shot next update or so :)

Gestures can now be entirely disabled, and you can turn on buttons for posts and comments. All top sort options are now available.

Also play store release within next 24 hours.

Cool, thanks for the update! Coincidentally, Liftoff put gestures with no option to turn them off in their latest release, so I've been a little unsatisfied about that. I'll try Thunder again.

The play store release is a huge deal too. Ngl that I probably wouldn't have used Thunder if I had to manually update it from github for each new release.

I prefer connect. It has a cleaner ui with less clutter imo

Same. Connect is much cleaner in my opinion. Still has some clunkiness and I don't like that touching the screen on images closes the image, but overall it's a great start.

So far liftoff has been my favorite and I love the ability to have multiple accounts logged in at once and the ease of browsing from different instances. The UI is nice and clear and it's my favorite from the ones I've tried. I still wanna try boost out!

I think it's much better now than it was. You can block a community without opening a post. The community and OP are listed at the top. All fonts seen to be customizable. My only current issue is the color around the cards - it's gray and if you're in dark mode it's not as obvious where one end and the next begins. I would like to see color options for that and/or color options for headings. I could switch from Jerboa if they add that.

We've grown to the point where we want features, not just for it to work. Says a lot about the developers efforts! ❤️

I'm not a fan of the bottom navigation. Needlessly takes up space.

CONNECT for me.

I'm using it on Linux (Manjaro) I liked it that the dev brought it to Linux world.

The main issue I'm having with liftoff is that I cannot upvote or comment posts from other instances with my account, so I'm still using jerboa

It is kinda bad UI decision, not a bug. You should login into your account on some instance and choose through which instance you get content on the top of the screen. After that you will not have problems with commenting. Same thing with search, under search rectangle choose your instance! ❤️

Yeah but that's the same way all other clients work, except that the do it in a more intuitive way and with a less cluttered UI

I figured this out pretty early on but still getting this error. Weird.

Maybe you should relogin. My assumption.

This should not be a problem with LiftOff. I can upvote and comment on posts from any instance. Have you tried the most recent update?

I can upvote and comment on posts from any instance.

I mean you can if you have multiple subscription or if you do it through your main instance, but that's a feature all clients have and I think they do it in a more intuitive way, conpared to LiftOff

Have you tried the most recent update?

Yes, I'm on v0.10.7

In that case, I don't know what you mean. I only have one account on one instance and I can seamlessly interact with posts from other instances.

I'm not a fan. It's laid out weird, like a Apple app or something. I just couldn't get used to it.

Connect and Jerboa are the two I'm trying to decide between now.

Try Thunder. Jerboa like layout but made better.

Thunder is great, but it's got some issues I hope they work out. I don't like that you can't block communities in thunder, or if you can its so convoluted that I haven't figured it out yet. I also don't like that it struggles to seamlessly refresh. You'll be scrolling through the feed then two seconds later go through the exact same ten posts you just saw because it refresh glitched.

On the other hand I think their feed aesthetic is the nicest of the bunch, and they have my absolute favorite feature where you can tap to unblur NSFW and then re-tap to reblur it all without leaving the feed. That is SUCH a nice feature.

I'm using connect as my main ATM but I'll def jump back to thunder if they can clean up some of the bugs!

Try the latest release! I saw in the changelogs recently that both of these have been addressed.

It'll be a little confusing to have both lift off and boost as rocket themed Lemmy apps, but I guess it can't be helped

as a former boost user, i came here for the rocket

I don't think it will be an issue since they both have very different designs in their logos

I was going to say that I loved it, but right now it's no longer showing me posts on my subscribed account on

So I'm currently on my backup app, voyager.

Maybe you should relogin. was hacked recently

I'm having the same issue but liftoff isn't letting me log out and then back in. I had to go to wefwef, or I guess it's called voyager now.

Remove all liftoff data and login again 🙂

It's my go-to for random lemmy browsing. If I want to read interesting and/or thoughtful stuff I log in to my home instance where I'm subscribed to all my favourite content, but if I feel like mindlessly scrolling some memes and go where the internet mainstream goes, I use liftoff. Good interface, good speed.

I'm using Liftoff until Boost (formerly Boost for Reddit) releases their app. Boost was an amazing experience on Reddit so I have to imagine it'll be equally good with Lemmy. So far Liftoff has been very good though. No real complaints but would love to see more customization options in the future.

I've tried a couple and Liftoff is my preferred app

i like them all but using liftoff 😁

It’s not bad, but the “compact” view is in no way compact. On liftoff on iOS I can see maybe 4 posts versus on Memmy I can see almost double that. The thumbnails need to be in line with the title and content, not just the content.

Agreed. It will be fixed in the next updates.

Try the compact view of the thunder app

Liftoff for me has been fantastic... I was a RIF user...

For me it is not. But the most usable (voyager, wefwef lacks some basic features still).

Pretty much my only nitpick is that we have no "Commenting as:" and "Posting as:" warnings. It blurs the line between accounts a bit too much in a platform that already adds lots of complexity by splitting the communities and accounts between various servers. Beyond that, its search function is everything I could ask for and it looks great! I'm sure it'll only keep on getting better over time.

It has really fast development cycle so yeah, it will will definetly be better.

I like Liftoff but I miss Reply notifications.

..Nvm I found it

Yeah, notifications are not there. Waiting...

Check the bell at the top left.

It is not notifications. It is inbox. It does not use system notifications.

LIftoff is fine, but I like Thunder better.

For me Thuder has better UI but lacks functionality, f.e. answering to replies is nightmare because no context of comment.

I'm just bothered by the fact that it won't let me download memes lol

Both Thuder and Liftoff can download any picture to your gallery 🤔

Thunder is what I'm using right now, too. It's the most "clean" looking dedicated Lemmy app I've seen so far. Though I'm most likely going to switch to Boost for Lemmy once it's available. I'm really looking forward to launching the rocket again :D

I couldn't enjoy Liftoff since it doesn't appear to have gesture support. Connect and WefWef are what I use until Sync for Lemmy is released.

Also, LiftOffs gigantic button at the top is an eyesore. I don't find the UI as well done.

This lack of gestures actually makes me want to give it a go. I've never once used gestures on purpose, I always just accidentally do stuff.

Edit: seems pretty sweet!! It handles instances in a really weird way. If you leave the default account available and don't login, you can't interact with posts from that instance even if you are logged in with an account from another instance.

If I login on both, all of my post and comment history I assume would be split between the relevant account. Weird.

I really like the UI and performance of the app overall though.

I don't hate it by any means. But design wise I always end up back in Jerboa which (to me) seems more old-school and familiar.

I find it hard to put into words, and obviously it's completely subjective, but aps like Connect and Liftoff seem too "fluffy" to me, with UI elements being larger and in-your-face. Whereas Jerboa just kind of gets the heck out of my way.

I also prefer UI Jerboa concept to concept Liftoff. It is just better.

I'm using it right now. I'm torn between it and Thunder. They've both made lots of improvements in the last couple weeks.

Yeah, speed of development is insane!

Would be nice if there was an option in the settings to turn on the ability to see upvote and downvote counts for every post and comment. It's pretty much the only reason I keep going back to Jerboa. I really like being able to see the amount of downvotes something might've gotten.

Create issue on GitHub (look for similar issues before). Liftoff has ftiendly developers.

I like it a lot. I tried Connect but it feels clunky, LiftOff feels more refined.

Does lift off have the feature to highlight a comment and then hit a button to go directly to the next parent level comment?

kind of. It has "view context", which doesn't show the parent, but it also has "more context", which will. So between the two you can get what you're looking for in 2 clicks

Best app for my taste, similar to Infinity for Reddit.

Yeah, it is functional. But I think that it has small in common with Infinity, maybe more with something like Boost or RIF.

Yeah just the general UI, Infinity is certainly much more advanced.

It will definitely involve over time. It has active development.

I was an infinity user, so I appreciate Liftoff has similar elements. I'm rooting for the dev!

Liftoff developers are friendly ❤️

It’s ok. I got it on Android now.

For me it is most stable experience (wefwef lacks some features but is also very stable).

Definitely my favourite one so far! Though I will still be experimenting with newer ones when they come out.

A couple features I'd like to see implemented:

  • Setting a base instance/account and having links open through that instance. I understand this will put increased pressure on the base instance but from a user perspective this is a massive qol update.
  • Finding a way to upload videos or converting small videos to gifs before uploading without having to go into a third party source or implementing third party connectivity for this purpose. This is probably out of scope for what the app is trying to achieve, but would be a great addition for content creation on Lemmy in general.

The first one already happens, no? Before the last few updates, if you opened a link to a community that "via" another instance, you were kinda screwed. You could see it as a "guest", but not interact to it. In the recent updates, if you try to interact with it, it will open a popup to ask if you wanna open it in one of the instances you have an account.

Dunno if I misunderstood your point, tho.

The second one is kinda hard, because images already put a lot of pressure on instances storage-wise. Videos would be even more, and not only much more storage needed, but also throughput. I don't really see it happening any time soon, not really because of the apps, but because of the platform itself and its federated nature.

For the first point. If I were to click on a link in the comments which points to another instance, I'm basically taken out of my instance and as far as I'm aware, there is no way to comment or like anything in that post within my account. I have hop out of the post, switch to my instance and then go back into the post. It has happened enough times to be annoying for me.

100% agree with the 2nd point. Why I said that it's probably out of scope. Maybe if there was a site like Imgur for Lemmy. But it only makes sense if it were federated which I don't know how that would work.

This has not been the case for a while now. It was fixed a few updates ago.

The first one is available in the latest update AFAIK

Very good points! Maybe you should create issues on GitHub 🙂

I tried it, but the "compact" view is wayyyyy too sparse. I have a phone the size of the moon, I should be able to view more than 3 and a half single-line posts on screen

Agreed. It will be fixed in the next updates.

I tried it for a while, but ended up yp with Jerboa. I'm not a fan of how it makes you choose which instance to search and view from rather than just contextually basing everything off of what instance you're signed into.

I'd love options to disable the Tap to Hide feature, and have Make Text Selectable always on.

This is currently my daily driver. Awesome work!

I tend to switch back and forth from Thunder to Liftoff and back. I like the layout and gestures of Thunder but Liftoff allows me to share memes directly from the app. That's a surprisingly rare feature.

Rn the nightly version of thunder allows you to do that.. Because of that, I was doing the sane as you, but with connect.. Now thunder is my main..

Please post this kind of thing in our stickied thread - we get a lot of posts similar to this.

Sorry, sort for six hours hide pinned comment from me 😬

I keep bouncing between this one and Jerboa. I like Liftoff a little more, as it's easier to handle multiple instances and accounts, but I wish that it had mod tools so I wouldn't have to go my communities in the browser or PC to do anything mod related.

As time will go on I am confident that mod tools will appear.

  • The top menus are buttons and look weird and cheapen the experience.
  • Voting can’t be done via swipe.
  • You should be able to search all communities across all federated instances.
  • You should be able to browse the full list of communities for a selected instance.
  • The sorter for message replies doesn’t make sense. Why would I need to sort Active message replies?
  • If I check a message reply as read, their doesn’t appear to be a way to see it again.

To be very honest, Memmy is currently my favorite and I have been testing them all pretty extensively.

I seem to be using WefWef (just renamed "Voyager") and Liftoff the most.

A big fan of Sync, tho, so we'll see where we end up when that arrives.

Same here. Voyager and Liftoff are most stable options for me.

I'd like the ability to open links with my browser of choice instead of the default in-app browser.

It is already in Liftoff 0.10.7. General settings section.

It looks like it does, but unfortunately it doesn't.

Liftoff has "Use in app browser", but all it changes is whether the link is opened in a full Chrome window, or a "Running in Chrome" window.

It doesn't let you pick which browser you want to use.

I use Chrome for serious things (e-commerce, work, etc) and Firefox for everything else.

It gives an extra layer of protection if a vulnerability is able to steal cross site login details.

It uses browser that is set as default in settings -> apllications section.

I tried Liftoff, ran into some login issues, and some other minor annoyances and switched to Connect. So far I'm liking connect

I can't find it on F-Droid app store. I use a de-googled android phone, so no play store is there.

Connect is a closed-source application and is hence not on F-Droid. If you wanted to download apps from the play store, you can use Aurora Store btw!

I see. I rather use only open source apps on that phone then (I have one normal google one, and one totally de-googled and open source).

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This is awesome work. I wish posts had a thumbnail on the left or right to give you a snippet of the topic similar to the RIF app. I'd not then it mainly feels like a lot of words and read which is not horrible but the experience is slightly lessened and cluttered.

Create issue on GitHub. It is main place for issues and enhancements.

I don't like the way it has a different color than the status bar. Looks jarring and incomplete.

You can change app colors in settings.

It's not really a color problem. It's the fact that the gray in the app is not the same shade as the gray in the status bar. Jerboa and other apps make it so seamless, it turns me off in Liftoff. Waiting for Sync/Boost for Lemmy.

Same grey color in Jerboa for me 🤔

As a reader it's vastly better than Jeroba but the notifications are hidden in a very awkward way and I haven't seen access to the mod tools yet or figured out how to search for new communities.

For searching new communities just go to search section, type something and switch in the right side of screen to communities. Better way is to use 🙂

Liftoff feels like a love letter to Relay for Reddit. It's just missing a quick toggle to move thumbnails to the left or right in compact view.

Props for referencing the NoPoop meme in the settings too 🤣

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My only gripe is that there does not seem to be a "context" button as the website has when people reply to my comments. Other than that, seems pretty solid.

If you click chain button near comment in Inbox section then on mid of the screen will be button show context 😉

Mb. I thought that was the link button. Thank you stranger.

yup. Kinda confusing icon. Need improvement. ❤️❤️❤️

I couldn't get it installed. It kept telling me "app not purchased", but only gives me an option to install. It looks promising, though.

You can try to install it from it's GitHub repo! Link.

Thank you. I thought about APK install, but then updates are annoying. I'll keep trying. Honestly, though, I'm waiting for Slide for Lemmy. It's what I used on Reddit, because I liked the UI and gesture control, and it's likely what I'll use on Lemmy when it becomes available on either app store. Still excited to try Liftoff, though. I couldn't "connect" with Connect for Lemmy... Ok, I'll leave....

Its decent but I would like an option to hide the bottom navigation bar

In the future releases it will autohide while scrolling.

I’m a Mlem guy myself. I like a well designed and native (Swift on Apple platforms) UI. I’ve been absolutely loving it! I can’t say I used Liftoff for very long when I was testing as I ruled it out due to its non native UI relativity quickly haha. But as far as apps go, it looked alright. Just not for me. It sounds like there are many out there loving it (Liftoff)!

It is good for Android. iPhone users have options with better UI and stable UX.

I like it. My only criticism so far is that I use Dex pretty frequently and it is not very usable through Dex.

Wouldn't you just use Lemmy in your browser in Dex mode? Don't have a Samsumh so idk

That's what I'm doing. But if I find a good link via liftoff and want to continue reading on Dex I have to find the post again.

It's a very small criticism I know, and somewhat rare use case, but it's the only one I have.

The interface is fast on an oldish Android tablet and I like the way images swipe up and away smoothly. But I couldn't vote or comment on non-local posts that I could do on Connect. Not sure if that was a config setting I missed though.

You should login your account on some instance. And on the top on home tab you should choose your instance you are logged in. Bad UI design, not a bug.

Just installed it like 10 minutes ago. For an early access app, it's not too bad, easy to get around.

Keep improving and keep it up

Also, thanks

Developers of this project are awesome people so I assume that it will have bright future!

This is the best app ever on android and ios. i mainly use it on ios thought. Thanks devs

e: Trying Memmy it’s also good

I have been using Connect for a while and really like it, but I'll be trying out Liftoff for a bit now, I think it looks smooth!

I think that iOS users have better options but anyway, glad that you find it useful!

It's the fastest lemmy app I've tried and I've tested all the ones I can find on android

I think it's missing a few key features. But for the most part I really like it

I like the minimalistic approach of Lerboa, but liftoff looks really solid. Totally see why it would appeal more to general masses, it's beautiful!

I started with Jerboa but didn't really like it. Switched to Connect for Lemmy and it's been great. I'll give Liftoff a go.

Jerboa is good. But Liftoff is better feature wise 🙂

I like Liftoff but the one thing that stops me from using it more is the dark theme is still a bit too light. Trouble is, I don't like complete black Amoled mode either. Maybe I'm just hard to please 😁

Connect app had some pretty good customisable themes. I use a dark grey for the exact reasons you mentioned

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honestly i kinda like it but it is also a bit messy and buggy, and it also has a lot of things that heavily annoy me into using the website on mobile

the main problem is any time i get a reply, i tap the link to go to the reply and it goes to the post without context, what a mess

i also can't see new comments i post without reloading

idk if they fixed it but b4 i couldn't delete or edit posts/comments which was like ???

i do think it's way better than jerboa for many things, especially for a multi-account user who likes to swap onto other instances a lot. but its room to grow is obviously enormous. I won't try to discredit the devs, this is an amazing app for something so early in the game.

Have you tried voyager (used to be wefwef) a lot of the stuff you want can be done in it. It is actually just a webapp or something not a google app or IOS equivalent, dont ask me to define the difference any more..

I have and it is slow as fuck to type in it, it is also somewhat slow/overburdened so things take a moment and that annoys me, while Liftoff is very very fast. I much prefer the normal UI to WefWef/Vger due to the speed issues. The UI is also too iphoney but that's a trivial issue.

I think that might be a problem with your phone or browser. I'm typing this out in wefwef right now and there's no difference between this and WhatsApp or any other app where I would type. Haven't noticed any speed issues whatsoever and it feels pretty near to RIF overall for me.

It's pretty nice, definitely prettier than jerboa. I still haven't found an app that will let me swipe between post comment sections like Joey (for reddit) could. Heck, even the official reddit app could do it, it's like the only feature it had that all of the 3rd party apps don't. Once I find an app that can do that, I'll probably stick with it

Create issue on GitHub. Liftoff has good developers!

It's 2nd best to The only thing wefwef needs is a grey theme, then it would be perfect. Also it's web based and no dedicated app. But the PWA app is quite good.

wefwef is really cool, such a polished experience 😲

The post above this on my timeline was about wefwef and that they just released the last version and will now be called voyager going forward. Just an FYI.

Oh. Yeah. Just. Yeah 😁

Just had the update with the name change to Voyager.

We also need new icon. Old is not cool with such a good name 🙂

The icon colours have changed between the two, which is good enough as the current logo is fine.

It was buggy and the "Subscribed" feeds weren't showing anything. I just deleted and reinstalled and it's working well now.

I like that it shows the full community/instance name with each post. That lets me see where the content is coming from. It seems hidden on another apps I've tried.

There's a toggle in the settings in Connect for that now.

I am not a regular app user (I prefer my stuff on browsers) and I'm finding it excellent.

easy to use, fast, simple and functional and I absolutely love features such as "make texts selectable". it's infuriating when apps don't allow that.

imo it doesn't need to get much more complex than that... nowadays most mobile devs simply don't care about performance and target only high end devices

It still need features. 85 issues about enhancements on GitHub approve it. But it does not mean it will be complex. If everything will be done right performance would be nice.

hoping so. I guess just the fact that they are not running millions of trackers on you already makes a good performance/battery usage boost

Yup. Trackers are resource intensive, so I hope everything will be smooth and optimized 🙂

I wanted to try liftoff but I could ever get logged in on Android. So I just used connect.

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So far I replaced eternity with it. Eternity kept crashing and the swipe sensitivity was horrible. I'm liking liftoff. Crossing fingers.

photon client in browser is way better in my opinion. maybe you should try it. official instance is

Trying it out as I wait for Boost. I didn't try any others. I like it enough to just stick with it I think since I'm waiting for Boost.

I like it. I just miss being able to search for text in comments and show results in any community.

I was using connect and preferred that, but it stopped working on me. I use liftoff now. Dont like it as much, but it allows you to navigate to other instances easier

I have no issues with it and I think the user experience is awesome

I had some issues, but after I remembered to update everything is great.

Only thing I think I can find missing is to set a default download folder. Outside of that, it's now my daily driver.

yeah, submit issue on GitHub, liftoff has friendly developers 🙂❤️

Yes I really like Liftoff.

I use Liftoff on my Android. Memmy on my iPhone. Voyager (wefwef) on my desktop.

I liked it so much that now I'm using it on my Linux install.

I like it, except... I can't upvote or comment on anything. I'm signed in, as my comments/posts show up in my profile, but it tells me I'm not logged in when I try to comment. Any tips?

A quick bug is that Liftoff also only seems to show a selection of comments on my recent post. It says there are 8 comments, but Liftoff only shows 5 of them. Then I tried again and it showed 4 comments.

You should choose on the top of the feed page your instance, not default To show every post you should change languages in Lemmy settings interface. Click cross near language setting and choose save in the bottom of the page. is my instance... Good tip on the language. I'll check that out. I didn't realize it filtered automatically.

I started with Jerboa and moved to Liftoff due to bugginess. Then moved from Liftoff to Connect because it's easier to flip between accounts with fewer taps. I was on Boost for R and am hoping the new upcoming Lemmy app is as good.

Connect almost does it for me, but it doesn't let me set default to Front Page or Subscribed sorted by New. I don't want to have to tap multiple times to get to that view every time I open the app.

It works. I wish the counter next to the notification bell would clear after I read the notifications. Instead I have to force close the app to force it to reload.

I'm sure time will make it better tho.

no, I cant even access my community list... I had that bug for a two/three weeks, it makes app unusable. Interface is okey, could use some work

Does it / will it have mod tools available? The only way I've found so far to access the mod inbox, pin threads etc is through the Lemmy website

Will it be available on F-droid?

It on izzyondroid repo. Developers submitted request to official repo but timing is out of their control, it is controlled by F-Droid team.

I'm liking it. Only thing missing for me I think is aligning images on the left instead of the right.

Submit issue on their GitHub. Don't worry, developers are friendly ❤️