I'll never not want to

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1249 points –



Whiskers Jelly


Ducks: Antonio, Amy, Sonic, Capri-Sun, Sir, Lady, Mama Duck, Coco, (the late)Chanel, Cayenne, Legs, and Judy. I don't have any good pics of them all together close-up.

You've got a menagerie!

Tell them all that Lemmy says hi.

I do! I'd love to have more birds, but $$$ and space lol. I will tell the dogs that Lemmy says hi. I can't see my birds or cats until January at least because I had foot surgery and I'm staying with my parents until I can drive. My parents are taking care of the critters at my house for me and I have the dogs with me at my parents' place.

Not sure where else to post this. This is my boy Balto (the full husky), who unfortunately passed away during an emergency surgery on Monday to correct a diaphragm hernia. I'm going to miss him forever.

I'm so sorry to hear that.

But on a lighter note, I glad to see I'm not the only person with dogs that lay next to their beds instead of on them.

edit: proof proof

Ah, the classic cool down posture to prevent core overheat.

Aw man, Monday, you're still in the first week of that. Here's a hug. Won't help with the pain, it gets better though.

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her name is Aja and she likes to scream until i pet her

One of my cats gives me this kind of stare when she wants me to Pick the container up and carry her around in it.

This one has some serious black cat energy

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One day I'll wake up and my hand will have atrophied due to no circulation. But that will have been worth it. He's usually the chief of security around here, this is the only time he dares to doze off into a deep slumber cause he knows someone is looking out for him and the general situation.

Absolutely worth.

Yeah. I mean, apart from looking comfortable as hell, he also... purrs? There's no better word for it. Whenever he's very comfy he just purrs as good as a dog can do. I guess he spent too much time with the cats at the shelter.

Sparrow is staying with us this week and she's making it extremely difficult to Lemmy right now

Also been taking quite the interest in my knitting (as well as favourite pastime, leaving soggy bits of carrot all over the floor)

2 posed and one is indifferent. Does that fit their personalities? Lol

The indifferent is Viktor and he doesn't care about anything other than food. The other one in the back is Joe and he hates getting his picture taken despite how photogenic he is. And Chloe is old and kind of a bitch.

Dumb idiot nekkid moron stinky fool absolute stooge:

Pączki — Americanized pronunciation like "poonch-key" (Polish folk, don't come for me: his name was originally correct ((Pączek)) but no one could remember it or pronounce it correctly).

He has a platform with a heatlamp in my living room where he gets treats and watches the cars go by.

I love him more than life itself.

Isn't a pączki a kind of donut?

It is! Very popular in the US before Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday.

But this particular Pączki is not good to eat. He'd let you, but it would not be worth it. Ew.

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Our Main Coon, Freya

First of all, she's magnificent! 😍

Second of all, I'm very sorry but I can't stop myself from asking: if she's your main coon, do you have a secondary one as well? 😛

Thank you, I'll give her a pet in your honor ☺️ Secondly, I'll blame autocorrect 😅

I am indeed honored and will give this girl and her sister pets in yours 😁❤️

A beauty, also file under: cats that look like ron perlman

Rosie and Jules chilling with my wife in her office on the couch we bought just for them. Yes we spoil them.

Hi Rosie and Jules!

They look like they're already practicing how to beg for more furniture.

Their game is blankets. They have their favorites and subpar blankets are not acceptable.

Took this a few days ago. I'd been reading, and put my pad down to go grab a cup of tea, returned to this.
The image is downscaled quite a bit, was originally posted elsewhere and had to fit in the size limit.

My little baby Vločka, she has the fluff of a lion and she sure acts like a Princess. Vločka means snowflake in english, because of her appearance but also her character lol

My baby, Vločka, a very naughty bunny

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Dodger is also curious about my nonsense.

I can feel the judgement through the screen.

He has so many judgment faces its ridiculous. For instance, here's a mild variation of "what the fuck is wrong with you?" what the fuck is wrong with you?
And "you are so full of shit" 'you are so full of shit'.

Bear's got her own set, though they tend to lean more towards "idiot peasant."

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This is my very good boy Marley ❤️ wanted a dog since I moved out of my parent's place 18 years ago. Three weeks ago this bundle of joy and derp strolled into my life.

Watch out, they learn what you try to teach them and then they learn a LOT that you really didn't plan on teaching them. For example, that my "get up from the couch groan" means that there is probably a preheated seat recently vacant.

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Charlie and Ghost.

Ghost is evil.

Hi Charlie and Ghost!

Charlie wants you to pet him. Ghost thinks you're a threat because everyone but us is a threat and she's evil.

Yeah, well, someone has to keep an eye on security, because you obviously don't, talking to... people.... and all.

I got one of those as well. Ain't nobody stealing anything from my driveway, shed, garden, street, neighbours yard, community hall across the road or the fire department on the corner.

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Starbuck and Gary Laser-Eyes. Both dumb as bricks (they never get the brain cell) but super sweet and cuddly. Complete lap cats. Gary also has the loudest purr I've ever heard from a cat, you can hear him through walls.

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So sweet that they share a spot.

This pic is actually half a year old because I was to lazy to make a new one. But I just walked by them and check this out. Sharing a spot right now again. :) They had their heads together, but I sadly woke them up.

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This is Queen Isabella Greychunk. She lets some of us peasants call her Izzy.

She's got three fangs. She lost one in an unfortunate catnip-related incident.

It makes her very blurry.

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That's Sarge he has asthma that the vet says looks like, "cat asthma" in an X-ray. It sounds like he always has a mouth full of spirit.

That's Batou he's a bouvier des flandres. He's about as smart as a rock. That's not why he got that name. Ghost in the shell is my favorite anime. He ate a whole box of nitriol gloves right before COVID.

Presenting his floofness, Basel. Pictured with his two favorite things, snow and sticks.

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What a gorgeous dog!

Thank you! Her name's Xena.

Sometimes she is round:

Unless of course some space needs to be shared. Then they extend into every possible direction a lot further than the actual measurements of the dog should technically allow.

Posted from the edge of my couch.

Me and my stripey boy, Chief Inspector Bean, we were together for nearly 20 years and I will miss him until the day I die.

Throw a cat-themed band name on this, and you could have an album cover.

Too right. Bean never met anyone he wasn't prepared to like. He always had more friends than me, was always up in various neighbor's business and in general maintained a neighborhood inspection regime.


They look so relaxed

They are, but if you so much as move a fraction of a millimeter towards the front door they will be instantly up and under your feet. They're border collie mixes so they are ridiculously high energy lol

border collie mixes

"Okay, okay, I've seen you do that one and a half times, I got this, is this right, all right, that is awesome, what we doing now."

You can see the border in their faces :)

This is Eve. She's pronounced Eevee like the Pokemon but it's spelled different because i am not a fuckign weeb.
She likes getting stuck and absolutely destroying furniture.

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(Chi-Sberger [pronounced Cheeseburger])


Chi-Sberger is a great name, lol

It started as Chi, then cheese, then I worked out she loved cheeseburgers, plus it gave me the option of calling her burger when I was around other dogs with the ee sound in their name.

Well, here's Bean, she just celebrated her one year gotcha anniversary.

Her bro Murphy passed away earlier this year, but he will always be my pup.

This is Luna she absolutely loves attention if she sees you giving another living creature attention she will be right over ti make sure she receives some. She will nudge you until you give her some.

Currently there's just these three, as we have lost a very spicy dumpling last week.


First reptiles and hamster(?) !

Sorry to hear about the spicy dumpling.

Thank you! He lived to a pretty ripe old age for a dwarf hamster :) He was a rescue, so hard to say how old he was exactly, but we had him for over 16 months, which is nothing to sneeze at as is. One part of being a rescue was his bloodthirstiness, went right for the fingers. Hence a spicy Dumpling.

Sure, this is Shadow, he's our special little guy.

Aka, Mr. Manager, aka little man.


(Bonus shots included) ((I also can't seem to convince jerboa to upload images directly))


She is the sweetest of beans.

Pixeldrain loaded this photo line by line like it was 1998 for some reason, but the wait was worth it.

It is admittedly a very large picture. Maybe not always set up for such big files. I saw others use it and figured, what the heck, might as well.

This thread is my first time ever seeing a link to that hosting site, and many people here are using it. I was feeling like I must have missed a memo that went out on Lemmy.

"Oh, shit, looks like that's a preferred place here, like imgur for reddit, guess I'll just toss it up there"

Was my exact thoughts too. Federation is great, also confusing lol

My instance (feddit.de) allows for picture uploads - do other instances not do that?

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Whatever was up there must have been spectacular. Or a squirrel.

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