A message to new users

lwadmin@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.world – 1250 points –

Hello World!

The last week or so we have seen quite a big 'boost' in the amount of new users signing up so we thought it would be a good time to highlight some things that are of interest to new users.


Lemmy World is not a free speech instance, there are a couple of ground rules that need to be followed. If you're new, I would advise you to read our Code of Conduct.


If you are new to the fediverse as a whole, it might all be a bit overwhelming. What is Lemmy? What is federation? What even is an instance? For those questions I would suggest you have a look at the getting starting guide. It should cover most of your questions.


You can head over to the !support@lemmy.world community. This community should be used for questions regarding Lemmy World and is not the support community for the Lemmy software this site uses.

Our Admin @quinten recently made a post covering the most recurring questions there too. Read about that here.


Lemmy World hosts a few custom User Interfaces which give you a completely different experience both on the desktop as on mobile.


There are a lot of Third Party apps available for Lemmy. From Paid to Open Source, you will find something that suits you easily.

For a complete list of apps have a look at https://lemmyapps.netlify.app/ (Thanks Blaze@discuss.tchncs.de).

EDIT: Updated the apps list. Also some more interesting links in @otter@lemmy.ca's post here: https://lemmy.world/comment/3962001

EDIT 2: Instead of https://photon.lemmy.world you can now just go to https://p.lemmy.world. You can thank @Rootiest@lemmy.world laziness for that.


Welcome to Lemmy. I love you.

Welcome to Lemmy. I love you.

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

I love you.

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I'm open-source; check me out at GitHub.

Welcome to lemmy Costco. I love you!

Lmao, I couldn't help myself.. but seriously welcome everyone. lol

Are they actually saying that? Greeters in a supermarket is a concept that I as a European never understood but this is ridiculous.

Lol no.. well not yet.. have you seen the movie Idiocracy? It's a hilarious movie that moves closer to being a documentary than it does a comedy, every day. Lol

There is a scene about Costco and how it's no longer just a mega shop center but also a university where you get your law degree and way more.. lmao. The greeters at Costco (in the movie) say welcome to "Costco, I love you." And it's quite funny. So welcome to Costco, I love you

Idk if my link worked... so here it is. https://youtu.be/Z8zNsUTWsOc?si=plbGJXzRSsV8ZZrr

The list of apps is pretty out of date. For example, Boost already came out and !instance_assistant@lemmy.ca is a pretty popular extension. I use it a lot to make posts, and just used it to open that post on my instance.

Also related is how to find communities

I help with !communitypromo@lemmy.ca, and the idea is that you can subscribe to keep seeing more recommendations. We also have a guide for finding new communities here: https://lemmy.ca/post/5581032, which I've copied below:

A great way to find lesser known communities is to look at the /communities page on an instance. For example: https://lemmy.ca/communities

For a list of instances to look through:

  • pangora.social (NEW): Great way to find instances related to a particular topic. This is also great for picking an instance when first making an account/moving accounts.
  • awesome-lemmy-instances: not that organized, but it

πŸ”Ž Search pages

πŸ”₯ Apps and Browser Extensions

πŸ™Œ Communities for discovering new communities:

Here are some other communities, some of which are less active:

Remember, you can also post questions about finding new communities right here!

πŸ‘½ Coming from Reddit?


please don't use emojis in headers

Any particular cause for this latest boost of new users? I came here when the API ban happened and am much happier with Lemmy. So welcome to everyone!

!boostforlemmy@lemmy.world saw it's official release and the announcement over on Reddit gave us a bump, much like when !syncforlemmy@lemmy.world was officially released a while back.

Also there might have been a (albeit smaller) bump a few days ago due to Reddit removing the ability to opt out of ad personalization.

Also, Relay Pro was the only allowed 3rd party app, and they just released an update that requires you to pay for API usage, with no way to bypass or exit the pay screen. So that was the last of my last reddit usage. Uninstalled.

I'm assuming that means the reddit grace period is over. A small number of apps negotiated continued free access to the APIs to give time to move to a subscription model. Looks like that time is up.

Correct, it got an update today and now it's asking to subscribe. 1€ is "about half an hour of browsing every day". How about fuck you Reddit

RedReader is still allowed to exist due to its extensive accessibility options.

It's also FOSS, Reddit changing their API fee structure was Reddit trying to capture all third party app income and RedReader generated none.

<3 RR. I actually suggested to the dev ~last year that he put up a patreon page; I was the first subscriber. I've been using it for over 10 years and imo nothing else came close. Eagerly awaiting the update that supports reddit and lemmy.

Same with narwhal on iOS, just announced the exact same thing

The new version of Narwhal is beautiful, I wish they’d develop it for Lemmy too.

Infinity did pretty much the same thing a few weeks ago. Now I'm a happy Eternity (previously Infinity for Lemmy) user.

Narwhal still works but it’s terrible so I get why people pretend it doesn’t exist.

Have you tried patching the app? I was able to do it with Infinity and it worked just fine.

Another reason could be that this week, Relay for Reddit start charging... Or should I say, Reddit started charging Relay... Anyway.. First post and all that.. Hi

I just left today because relay went into subscription mode. It's nothing against dbrady I know he does his best (made the best app for Android afaik, and even his subscription isn't a money grab) but fuck reddit charging people for using their social media. Don't want snap insta tic tok Facebook twitter etc... to start charging us.

Fuck that shit. I'm old and I remember what the internet used to be. I'm having a hard time accepting everything becoming a fucking subscription (looking at you YouTube).

Also, I'm using boost for Lemmy and I quite like it. If anyone can suggest anything else/better to try I'd be grateful.

Edit: this is my first comment πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

Same. I didn't care for relay compared to RiF, not my preference, but it was good enough after RiF died. But now that relay is out too? I'm not sure I can stomach using the reddit app. I'm definitely not paying for anything either. I already pay with my mental health by reading reddit comments, I'm not paying money to do it too.

Same, relays fine but sync was my main app they ceased their reddit app in june. Just realized they had a spiritual successor for Lemmy up and running so I'm giving it a try now. All the server stuff got me feeling like a boomer but the app actually feels like I remember sync for reddit feeling so I'm hoping I can get into the swing of things without too much trouble!

Welcome! Former long time Relay user, but I left reddit in June. For what it's worth, I like Thunder and Connect. They are both open source and add free (no offense to ad supported apps). Just thought you might like to know what a fellow Relay user settles on after months of trying them all out.

Relay Pro had to move to a Subscription model for 10/01, as API costs are now being enforced. Both that and the SafetyNet requirement means those of us on custom android phones can't use any premium Reddit app, so RIP.

For me the infinity subscription bypass stopped working so I finally made the switch

Honestly tho, if people aren't being absolute dicks, its pretty frickin' free in the speech department. I have to be conscious of it cuz I'm on several different boards with way higher standards and I don't want to be booted from them. It never hurts to be kind and fun and even a little intense sometimes.

Just afix your heart to the right place and everything's gonna be just fine. Stay excellent u lemmings!

Like seriously, I've already said countless things that would give you the boot on reddit, and I've been allowed to just say it without even getting downvoted.

So we're back to the "Old Internet" rules of "Just don't be a dick"

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can attest to this. used to being banned on reddit for some very mainstream (yet controversial in terminally online spheres) opinions. i hope lemmy moderators never become what reddit moderators have become

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I> Remember to criticise ideas, and not people.

That’s a nice guideline. I kept trying to explain that to my recent ex… the vast difference between saying β€œthis behavior is unproductive” vs. β€œyou are unproductive”.

I think for some people, there is zero difference between the two. These kind of people are "you are what you do" kind of people. Lazy people have lazy behavior, unproductive people have productive behavior, etc.

It could also be that they take "you are unproductive" to be a sort of shorthand for "Right now, you are being unproductive. How people perceive themselves and others in time can be strange. That can also cause problems with communication.

Anyway, have a great week!

Avoiding that is something I learned to do intentionally, I suppose. Labeling the person and not a behavior is more confrontational and psychologically suggests to people that they can’t change. It’s also a lot broader, more sweeping type of statement that suggests all of their behavior is that way.

Thanks, I hope your week is lovely as well.

I think for some people, there is zero difference between the two. These kind of people are "you are what you do" kind of people. Lazy people have lazy behavior, unproductive people have productive behavior, etc.

Some people are intellectually lazy and just don't care to differentiate. I try not to spend much time talking to them, they tend to be dicks.

Thank you. Gave up Reddit when Reddit Is Fun (RIF) died. Found Lemmings. Wait a few weeks and now here I am. I have to admit the different instances and this federation thingy, a lot to learn though it feels.more background stuff that Reddit may have had but we just didnt notice. Appreciate the post and happy to be here. Cheers!

I hope there's a "Lemmy Is Fun" app eventually, but I haven't heard whether the original developer is interested. He's apparently working on something with Tildes.

I'm also a former RiF user. If you want some recommendations, I highly suggest Liftoff

Yeah I've settled in well in liftoff (also ex-RiF), I try other apps here and there but this one seems to work fine for me.

I also like Jerboa, but Liftoff can be logged in on several instances at once, which is nice.

I was also using RIF and happy with Liftoff.

Check out Boost, IIRC you can get it to behave mostly like RIF with some settings tweaking. I haven't used RIF since like 2016, I found Boost around then and switched full time - Boost's compact mode was the closest thing to old.reddit.com I could find in a 3rd party client.

I gave up reddit when I got banned by an automod because I commented on a subreddit they didn't approve of. No attempt to put my comment in context (I was questioning the "offensive" subreddit). No appeal, no one to talk to. Pretty ironic that a site that claims to be for "open conversations" is run like an authoritarian gov. Really scummy site.

Lol I got permanently banned from reddit for "Report Abuse".. apparently the hive mind thought I abused the report button for... checks notes... reporting a post that was LITERALLY a pro-n@zΒ‘ group denying the holocaust happened.

I was question a covid denier. The fact I posted in their subreddit was all that was needed to get me banned.

There's your problem, you reported political content that Reddit's admins agreed with. Reddit has a pretty long history of company leadership skewing to the right, we joke that the dude running the show fantasizes about being a feudal lord in a post collapse world. Read about his weird prepper behavior, he's a bit off in cuckoo land.

Oh man... my first post here on Lemmy, hailing from Boost for Lemmy!

My Boost for Reddit is still working but I got permanently banned for an absolutely ridiculous reason..

Here's to hoping that B4L can be everything that Reddit threw out the window, and more!

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I feel right at home in the fediverse, it gives me a much more secure feeling than Reddit. Thank you devs for your hard work at creating a suitable alternative.

So, on that topic of "security" - just remember that whenever you post, your post is essentially sent to every "instance" that is federated (and listening for the community you posted to). Each instance is it's own server running it's own version of an activitypub implementation (lemmy, mastadon, etc).

So on lemmy.world that means your post is sent to literally thousands of servers that you cannot directly influence. If you delete a post, a request is made to those servers to also delete the post, but if that instance is modified or unavailable when the request is sent (it'll re-try, but there's a limit how many times), then it's possible your post will not be deleted and you'll never know.

Keep in mind this also means that anyone, say a government or private company, can establish an instance, federate, and receive the posts of everyone. Their instance may be nearly completely invisible - so you won't know they're collecting that information.

However, lemmy stores and sends almost no information about any user. A user profile does not contain IP address or country or anything. All of that stays in the server logs of the instance you originate from, and never enters the database. So your "true" personal information isn't shared, but your account name, and a link to your account, and the post content (whatever text you add) is shared.

Lastly, images tend to be shared. Lemmy uses "pict-rs" which is a FOSS image hosting server, and when an instance receives a federated post, if there is an image in the "URL" field, then it will ask pict-rs to download that image to its server for easier serving to its users.

Great point, however, I would rather have my posts be sent to like minded peers than to some walled-garden company like Reddit. Also, what data would any supposed malicious instance get that isn’t already available to the public? As for account names, text and images from posts, etc. aren’t these the very definition of social media? What kind of social media is not sharing text or images anyway?

Yep, I don't disagree, just wanted to make it clear what is shared and what isn't. I suppose if you don't like people training AI on the text you write, then you may not like that they could gather it with literally no effort. Most other sites would require that they put some effort either into web scraping, using an api to request the post, or just buy the content in some text dump format.

But ya, I mean, this is a minor difference between platforms, overall.

That's great, what happened in the last week or so to produce a boost?

Boost for Lemmy was released. Probably.

That's why I'm here. I used boost for reddit and stopped after the APIcalypse

I'm glad boost for Lemmy looks so similar to boost for reddit.

Yup Boost here and done with Reddit shitty API.

Relay stopped allowing you to browse reddit for free.

Yup, that's why I'm here. Since sync for reddit ended, Relay was the only app I found with the accessibility settings that I need. Using sync for Lemmy, haven't tried any other apps or browsing methods yet but so far it's been great.

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Thanks for making the effort to host and support the community!

Ps: Boost gang! πŸš€

Glad Lemmy is back to gaining users again.

Remember quality over quantity.

But yes, I am glad mor people are joining as well.

I've been here a few months, but still learned quite a bit from this post - thanks for putting this together!

And welcome aboard to all the newest newbies! ...did Reddit slap its users in the face again?

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What is your favorite Alternative UI? Are you using it full-time or still switch back to the default one? We want to know!

I've been loving Liftoff. It's completely free and ad free, feels as good as any of the "big apps" to me

Remember to clear your cache

Holy, I had no idea it didn't auto clear the cache. 6 gigs! Well, thanks for that Internet stranger

Sync is my ride or die. Always has been, and I hope it always shall be.

Warms my heart to see so many other options here, though.

That's not an alternative UI that is an app

It's an app that provides an alternate UI.

Half the other posts here include Jerboa, Voyager, Connect, Boost, etc. anyways.

On desktop? Old β€œlemmy” I’m just too used to that ui

Usually Photon, occasionally Alexandrite or switching to the regular Lemmy interface.

Lemmy lives on my phone and iPad. So rarely venture into the web UI. But I use Voyager On my mobile devices.

For desktop, I’m now a 100% Alexandrite user. It looks great, and it actually maximizes screen real estate.

Sync for Lemmy. It's just super easy to do what I want - and to customize.

I use Voyager. Been self-hosting it since the day the project released. On desktop I just use the default UI, fits my needs I guess.

Avelon on iOS, mlmym on web at the moment. Still looking for a UI that let's me show the local feed of another instance while still being signed in.

I tend to use photon.lemmy.world, but it'd be really cool if I could log in to lemmy.world using tesseract. It's a fork of Photon - so I imagine it also has feature-parity with the official UI - but it's "designed for media-rich feeds and content". It's what they use at dubvee, and db0 also provides it as an alternative

I don't use the default one because it gets confused when lemmy decides to bring a gif in from an external site, and then convert it to a mp4 (it's a pretty hit-and-miss affair in the Gifs Community), though I realise it's ultimately lemmy itself that's causing the problem.

Videos aren't played inline for reasons I'll make a sticky about in the photon community.

However, when you open a post page, it'll play a video if it detects it.

I’ve been using Voyager (or wefwef as it used to be known) since day one here at Lemmy. Moved over from Reddit when the API changes were announced, and then any potential negotiations with Reddit and third party app developers broke down.

@Obscura I was experimenting with different apps & ended up using Voyager for my @beehaw account & Memmy for my @lemmyworld account. I know I can use one app for both, but it’s kind of convenient having two.

That’s interesting, what are the benefits of having a different app for different servers?

@Obscura From a UX point of view, it’s easier to switch between apps than to switch between accounts in a single app. Also, the different UIs give me an immediate visual cue as to which account I’m in, which keeps me from posting the wrong thing in the one with tougher moderation.

That makes so much sense. I’m gonna start doing that myself. Thanks for the tip!

I've been Connect pretty much the whole time, besides briefly trying out a few others. I was a RIF user, so Connect gives me a fairly similar experience

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Welcome everyone πŸ˜€ !

Hello. This is my first post on Lemmy. Still trying to figure my way around.

It'll click for you soon. It's essentially a bunch of individually owned boards like reddit that are all interconnected. You can see posts from all the instances, and if you don't like the posts in one instance - you can block it or filter it out.

I hope so. I’ve actually downloaded every single iOS Lemmy app I could find and I’m going to try them all out to see which is the best fit.

I did the same thing when I joined Mastodon.

Is Lemmy compatible with ActivityPub by chance?

For apps, I tend to fluctuate between Memmy and Voyager. I liked the β€œfeel” of Memmy more, but development on it has been slower because the dev had some personal stuff going on in their life. So I’ve switched to Voyager in the meantime.

Both are very close to Apollo though, if you used to use that.

What made it β€œclick” for me was when someone explained it like email addresses. You can send emails between Gmail and Yahoo Mail just fine, and two email addresses with the same username are distinguished by their @ handles. So like β€œExample@gmail(dot)com” is a different address than β€œExample@yahoo(dot)com”. They’re entirely separate accounts that can send emails to each other.

The fediverse is very similar. My account @lemmy.world is separate from the same username on another instance. And the same goes for communities. There may be communities on certain instances that naturally grow and absorb the smaller ones, but there’s nothing stopping you from making your own identical community on another instance, with its own rules, moderators, and content.

Federation is simply the process of connecting two servers together. The same way gmail and yahoo can talk to each other via a standard protocol, federation allows the different servers to talk to each other. This occasionally causes weird things when one instance federates with another, and you suddenly get flooded by posts from that new server. But that’s just your Home feed catching up, since all of those posts are now considered unread.

Federation isn’t an automatic process in the sense that new servers announce themselves and get connected automatically. Instead, federation happens when a user from one instance tries to interact with another instance. For example, maybe you have a community over in @examplecommunity(dot)com. The first time you (as a Lemmy(dot)world user) try to interact with that examplecommunity server, the two will federate and begin the process of sharing posts.

The fediverse is a bit like email and usenet had an awesome baby. You have an address somewhere on the network and you can see and participate in content from any instance that's also connected.

Didn't know bout the desktop apps, awesome!

I'm curious: How does this work if you're posting in this instance from another instance? Can I be banned? Would I be informed of a ban? Can you delete or edit my posts? I see more instsnce banned users from Lemmy.World than any other instance, and the rules don't seem to be much different than another other social site, which is concerning as looking through those banned users, I quite often can not find anything that would have broken the rules, whether it was deleted or not. Which really makes it seem like some admin or admins over here are banning people who disagree with them.

Edit: So I was just checking the modlog over at Foodporn (of which I am a mod) and noticed that most of the actions taken were an admin from Lemmy.World deleting and banning a single user who argued against eating meat. The only thing the offending user did was argue with the admin. They didn't break our rules or site rules, they just happened to engage in an argument against this admin. Definitely not a good look.

You could be banned yes, because it would be https://lemmy.world/u/Kolanaki@yiffit.net that would be kicked. To see the effect of this, compare !sciencefiction@lemmy.ml with lemmy.world's version of it - https://lemmy.world/c/sciencefiction@lemmy.ml - (all the posts by banned user IzzyData@lemmy.ml are missing)

Please don't ban me, I don't understand anything what you are saying. The first page literally says: You can access all content in the lemmyverse from any server/instance.

That means it doesn't matter which instance you are using.

Don't worry. I'm not in a position to ban anyone from anything. Sorry if it seemed otherwise - I was just warning a fellow user not to be too casual about lemmy.world's rules. As the community I linked to demonstrated, we can be on other instances, posting to communities on other instances, but if we're banned by LW, no-one on what's easily the biggest instance will see what we're saying.

As for the 'access all content' line, it should probably be 'you can access all content [that your admins allow you access]'.

It all works by every instance copying in communities that their users are interested in, and then every instance merging the results. I commented here, but I never left my server on endlesstalk.org - I commented on endlesstalk.org/c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world. Similarly, you commented on lemmings.world/c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world and now we're both seeing the merged result.
This means that, when an instance is copying something, it's free to leave out anything it doesn't like (e.g. stuff from a banned user).
You'll need to copy/paste this URL to see the difference: https://lemmy.world/c/sciencefiction@lemmy.ml is what LW users see of that community - there's a lot less there than what everyone else sees at !sciencefiction@lemmy.ml (which, for you, is lemmings.world/c/sciencefiction@lemmy.ml of course)

It reminds me when the Mastodon replaced Twitter. I did my account there, then I had trouble logging in because instances don't share the logging process. Eventually my posts were lost, now I just checked and my account disappeared.

The federated paradigm and its fragmented nature has differences we need to get used to.

Like being locked out and finding accounts deleted?

Account deleted. IIRC the instance disappeared for a while (mastodon.social in this case) then I couldn't login anymore. Other instances (e.g., mastodon.uno) of course don't keep my whole message history. At first I understood that communities are shared, you can post in the same community from many account (often the example of "email is federated" is used). But I'm not sure anymore. Seems the case for c/announcements, but not for many others, so you have communities which are are already little further fragmented.

Your account is automatically removed after a long time of inactivity

I was using old.lemmy.world for a while but unfortunately it seems to be a bit buggy. It's impossible to make a top-level reply on any post, and upvoting/downvoting doesn't work inside a thread. It's fine when I just feel like browsing and lurking, but a no-go when I feel like the world needs to see my gem-like commentary.

Try Alexandrite. It looks more modern and the 2-panel view is very efficient.

It looks more modern

Not OP, but as an old.lemmy.world user myself, this is not a selling point.

I mean, if by modern you mean the enshittified mobile design on a desktop, sure. What I meant was modern for actual desktop browsing. It has a great 2-panel layout that maximizes screen real estate, even better than mlym (old.lemmy). The layout is very efficient and makes it easy to browse content without the need to open multiple tabs.

big "boost" in the amount of users? What kind of dumbass stunt did spez pull again this time?

Nothing new from Fuhrer Spez - the Boost for Lemmy client had its first release and brought in a new wave of reddit refugees.

The reason why I'm here is I was permanently banned from reddit that's Possibly why alot of people decided to just hop onto lemmy and give it ago I noticed myself it's alot easier to get banned on reddit nowadays then a few months back before all this started

The amount of posts on the front page of Reddit that were no longer available because user was banned or broke the rules or mods just didn't like the post, is just way too much. My friend would share reddit posts with me only for me to see that they weren't available anymore. It really gets in the way of the experience. Also I had so many posts removed without explanation, or in some cases, with the mods insulting me.

I never had mods just out right insult me although after making a post on r/holup which got 700 upvotes before getting the post getting closed down by mods I did get an private message from a new user which was a bit iffy can't remember the exact message this was 8 or 9 months ago or smth like that I think I must've pissed off an mod on r/holup to a certain extent for them to look for any slip ups which there were plenty off

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I changed email to an alias called fuckspez@ and even changed the username to the same name ever since spez blackmailed 3rd party apps but I haven't been banned yet.

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I still call voyager, β€œwefwef” and it’s the subdomain I still use.

Me too. The PWA icon label on my phone still says wefwef.

I'm not sure where to post my question, it's more of a general question rather than something specific that belongs in support@lemmy.world so I'll just ask here.

I have read the guide for new users and similar posts but couldn't find anything that addresses it.

I somewhat understand the distributed nature of the fediverse, but my question is: how does it differ from reddit in terms of eventually a small handful of people will create all the most popular subreddits (or communities here), consolidate power, and turn it into a dictatorship like reddit.

That was one of the main problems on reddit, where like 25 power mods ran every single popular sub.

Apologies if this has been asked before or if it's the wrong place, I did look around and try to find an answer..


However, unlike Reddit, there's alternatives. You might not like the community on @lemmy.world, but you might like the community on @anotherlemmythatmight.exist.

Because of the federated nature, communities will naturally fracture and focus. Here, a bad faith mod will just kill a community on instance a, and people will move to instance b.

We've already seen things happen like this under the banner of 'free speech', where people believe that free speech means free from consequences. If you think that, there are plenty of instances out there. Lemmy.world isn't one of them.

This means that you can find your favourite community in places with different server rules. Which means it will be the community - the people, the mods, the knowledge, that grows one, not just the fact the names taken.

I somewhat understand the distributed nature of the fediverse, but my question is: how does it differ from reddit in terms of eventually a small handful of people will create all the most popular subreddits (or communities here), consolidate power, and turn it into a dictatorship like reddit.

That's something any community needs to be on the lookout for, I wouldn't assume the worst just yet. Lemmy is entirely community driven, if governance is a concern then get involved in governance and see what you can help with.

Question, is there any plan to implement/compatibility issue with VPNs and Lemmy? Sorry if this has been answered before; I figured this was a good place to ask. I am seeing more and more sites break with VPNs.

Is there anything specific which nreaks on lemmy when you're on a VPN?

I'm going to be honest, I'm probably not going stay on lemmy for much longer. It's just the few toxic members ruining for the majority couple with the extreme political polarization. Some people turn benign discourse into heated arguments and argue in bad faith and some leave mean spirited or nasty comments without provocation. Those are the things that I do not miss from Reddit. I've already blocked a few people, but that's not something that Iike to do, but such is life.

If I were to describe it in a simple way I'd say it feels very anti-normie.

I just tag people who argue in bad faith with a note and avoid engaging with them in the future. Don't let a few assholes ruin an entire community for you.

Like the place is run by elitists, yeah.

The nice thing about lemmy is that if you don't agree with how a particular instance is run you can always find another that's more your speed. That isn't really an option on any other social media network.

I've definitely run into some assholes on the platform who can't separate the user from the idea but by and large it's a step up from Reddit.

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Well, conspiracy theories? That's a pretty broad brush right there. Saying the virus originated in the Wuhan lab, or that it was even bioengineered at all was a "conspiracy theory" that got a lot of people banned from all kinds of forums.

Saying that conspiracy theories means artificial birds and flat earth is simply saying that any ideas that you think can be labeled as "conspiracy theories" are just as stupid. But that is not the case.

Even saying that the US provoked the war in Ukraine is probably so thing bannable according to your logic.

Reeks of gatekeeping to me.

Agreed, there's quite a bit of gatekeeping, but I don't think it's because of malicious intent. I feel like the line for what is a damaging conspiracy and what isn't is quite blurry and hard to even think of, so I imagine whoever wrote that rule didn't really think that deeply about it.

It's not THAT blurry :)


I mean, you're right. It's not really blurry. It just takes more than 0 effort to think of it and I'm guessing whoever made that rule didn't give it a single thought, really.

I got banned because i criticized your usage of Discord. No one should create an account on this instance.

That sounds kind of like "your opinion" of what you got banned for. I would imagine it was more about "how" you disagreed.

Rate it for me


Yeah, I doubt this is the whole story.

It really is. I received this ban immediately after i commented this complaint. In the modlog it said that i gor banned because i was a "troll". There was no other comment or anything else this ban could have referred to.

An hour ago the mods even realized their mistake and unbanned me. But im staying here on blahaj.


I recommend not posting on social media while angry if getting banned is a result you are not hoping for. There is often a much better way to word complaints that generally won't come to you while angry.

For anyone looking for free speech friendly instances, don't worry, they exist, you can even cuss like a big boy. Join us.

That being said I am a proponent of defederating from obvious troll farms like hexbear and Lemmygrad.

I can tell you didn’t even read the fucking code of conduct page.

It doesn’t say a goddamn thing about cursing.

Mostly it boils down to not being hateful or attacking people.

I don't know that I'd agree that "name calling" is necessarily "hateful" or "attacking people".

Sometimes people behave like dumb fucking cunts and I don't see why we shouldn't be allowed to tell them that.

Or even jokes. My friends and I call each other some truly heinous stuff with nothing but love behind the words, lol.

Pretty sure you can "cuss" more places than not unless you're using it to hurt people. It should be a spice, not the main course.

I'm not and feel free to browse my content history, but I'm also not afraid of someone calling me a bitch online, lol.

Nah, I'm sure you're a good lad :) Besides, ain't nobody got time for that ⌚️

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I'm not sure Lemm.ee is as "free speech" as you seem to think it is either though.

They also have rules against "personal attacks" and "abusive language"... Kind of vague if you ask me.

Oh yeah, totally, this isn't my only account, but it was the first one I made. It hasn't been an issue for me because I'm not personally going around harassing people, but I am still not on the side of heavy censorship and I don't think this war social media has been on will ever succeed in creating the bubble room world they seem to want. People will always talk with emotion and use vibrant language no matter how much they try to create a squeaky clean Internet.

Right on... I only have accounts on lemmy.world and lemm.ee so far personally.

Curious what instance you're on that is less censored though.

Well the porn centric ones are obvious to point too but I haven't really used them much because it's kind of more hassle than it's worth to browse porn on Lemmy or Reddit. I'm not versed in every instances rules but I've heard there are more free speech oriented instances. Proudly announcing heavy censorship rubs me entirely the wrong way. I think perhaps I read shitworks was pretty lax on censorship? I primarily use this account but have several in case I get a bad taste from any given instance. For instance if I get colorful and describe something the government here does as "retarded", I don't mind being called out for it by users, but removing my comment would be me instantly jumping ship to another account on another instance.

I'm with you on this I think really... I just don't see any reason why adults need to have their speech policed.

I'm not going to say I want bots spamming the same thing over and over, people posting illegal material or even anything that egregious, I don't mind SENSIBLE censorship like that and I think everyone would agree there, but beyond that, let people be people, this isn't meant for children.

I also don't take issue with moderation in general but I think it's silly to have rules against "name calling" and being "disrespectful".

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