Wwyd if you were given a pocket dimension 3m cubed?

JackGreenEarth@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 183 points –


*You can teleport into and out of it at will

*It has a couple of plug sockets and can connect to internet from the region you teleported in from

*You can take objects and people with you

*As already stated, it is (3m)^3 (3m*3m*3m). The walls are plain plaster with a light in the middle of the ceiling. The pocket dimension is topologically toroidal, so if there weren't walls and a ceiling/floor (which you can actually destroy) you would loop if you went more than 3m in any direction. Gravity, then, is artificial and can be altered to anywhere from 0 to 2g from a dial on the wall.

Edit: additional specifications

*You can only teleport out to where you teleported in from.

*Time proceeds at the same rate inside the pocket dimension

*There is an eject button for those inside to get out if something happens to you


I think I'd probably pack a bed, TV, microwave, and mini fridge into it and go travel and see a bunch of the world without worrying about lodging. I could also use it at work to eliminate my commute and save myself the high rent of living in Northern Virginia lol.

Same! I would also cram a small server and ton of tools into it so i would have a portable hackerspace.

This isn’t allowed according to OP. To paraphrase “you can teleport back to where you teleported in”

Edit: this is incorrect. I misunderstood.

Don't see how his use would violate that?

Think of it like a portable hotel room with no bathroom. You can travel wherever while outside the room and when it's time to turn in you just use the room.

He's also saying that he would not need to commute as in his home is close to work without having to worry about the high rent in the area where his work is.

Think thats what they meant. Just use it as there home. At work then teleport to there space then back to work. When traveling the normal way just use it for sleeping. Basicly taking your home with you.

you could just bring a sleeping bag and a ground mat...

Why do that when my bed is so much more comfortable?

And you can masturbate without annoying the coworkers who never seem to leave their workplace.

in order to:

see a bunch of the world without worrying about lodging

A) it's not always safe to sleep outside when travelling

B) it's not always legal to sleep where you are

So by taking your own bed in the pocket dimension, you'll always have a safe, comfortable and legal place to stay without any cost

i've done it quite a bit...

Good for you. I have too... That doesn't mean it's safe or legal everywhere and doesn't give any reason why turning it into a portable bedroom is a bad idea

i did not say that was a bad idea

Magical room with free power and Internet... I'm making it into a server room!

Wonder how it handles heat

You would be pumping your server heat into mass of water and just swapping it from time to time with cold water from lake/sea/river/whatever.

I'll tell you what'd I'd do, man. Two chicks at the same time

That's it? If you had a pocket dimension, you'd do two chicks at the same time?

Paint the inside beige and rent it out for $2000/month

Don't forget to paint over the electrical outlets, the thermostat and door hinges for that true landlord special aesthetic.

Honestly undervalued.

Has internet, and can teleport into and out of at will? Could charge at least $3000/mo

Man, the places I could hike without having to carry a pack! Wouldn't need to plan for resupply or anything. Would have communication access from anywhere in the world.

You could use it as a kickass home gym where you can dial up or down gravity depending on what you're doing.

Smuggling would be a whole lot easier if you went that route. Transporting all sorts of things really; you only need to get yourself to the new location.

Could do some very amazing magic tricks since you can disappear (and swap props or outfits or whatever).

With gravity turned down you could presumably build up some momentum and launch yourself places. Not sure how you'd stick the landing unless you can control which way is "up" as you teleport to the room.

Edit: Just realised this idea is kinda similar to an ability from HunterxHunter

Knov's nen ability was such a cool idea. Using it as a killing floor for Netero to pick off the chimera one by one was brutal.

I'm surprised they didn't plan to use it to trap Meruem somehow. Netero could have slapped Meruem into one of the portals.

break top

break bottom

insert shit ton of rocks

set gravity to 2g for faster gravitational acceleration

I have acquired rocks that can keep falling and build up velocity forever.

live life as usual; when I'm old enough to near death, aim for anywhere within the planet with said rocks.

Assuming I fill the 3x3x3 box half to half with sandstone and air; its weight will be 33kg.

If I live for 70 years more, assuming the gravitational acceleration is 19.72 m/s^2; I can generate stones that can go up to 156.8 billion km/s (or 145 times the speed of light)

Using the kinetic energy formula; I'm pretty sure unleashing this anywhere will be enough to destroy a huge chunk of the existing universe and in the end I'll be the person to go out of the world with the biggest bang.

Well, specifics about the big bang is not known; but I'll be its closest contender if it is correct.

They wouldn't go faster than terminal velocity if you keep air in the chamber, and even if you remove it, they won't go faster than c. They'll still go pretty fast, though.

I don't think the drag force due to air would work the same in a system with such a high concentration of rocks. It's not like one object falling through undisturbed fluid, which then has to get out of the way, in this case the air would gradually start to move along with the rocks.

This might be better modelled as turbulent flow of a mixed solid/air suspension. But there's no 'edges' to the flow due to the looped dimension, so the viscous forces are pretty uniform... There would still be a terminal velocity, but much much higher than a rock falling through an atmosphere

Also I imagine the rocks would quickly grind themselves to very fine dust, once they pick up a bit of kinetic energy, so then it would behave more like a fluid with uniform density... Could it even end up as laminar flow?

i don't think they would grind themselves to dust, as they're all moving in the same direction therefore their reaktive Velocity compared to each other would be (near) 0, not giving them much energy

It's a really interesting question, I would love it if someone who understands this kind of physics properly would chime in!

By my understanding of Reynolds number etc, the faster they go, the more turbulent the flow, so the rocks would be constantly hitting against each other sideways, and surely grind to dust in the constantly accelerating scenario.

But maybe the infinite (looped) nature of this 'dimension' means that this logic doesn't apply. What would even be the 'characteristic length'? Are we thinking about established flow at the centre of an infinitely wide pipe? Am I wrong to think of constantly accelerating rocks with air in between as a type of fluid flow?

No I think you're right about the fluid dynamics aspect, as we do have an indefinitely long pipe, but in the prompt the walls do still exist, so they'll probably do create some friction. The question is, would the rocks build up some sort of boundary layer of slower flowing particles near the wall, and how much do the boundary layer and "main" center flow mix?

Thinking about it, it isn't even an indefinitely long pipe really, as there are no "new" sections of wall coming up, instead it's constantly passing the same section of wall, and same section of boundary layer...

If someone knows how to simulate this in a physics engine or virtual air tunnel I'd be really interested in that!

I guess I was imagining it with the walls torn out as well, but you're right the op (of this comment chain) said top and bottom broken. If the walls are somehow firmly fixed forever no matter how much force they experience, and are not subject to thermal degradation, then we have a square pipe with 3m sides and infinite length. If the walls break down then it's also infinite diameter.

In terms of modelling it there's a FOSS option openfoam.org but I don't know how to use it and don't have time to mess about with it right now.

Any energy lost to air friction would be transferred into the air. In a closed looped system with constant acceleration a single falling brick would eventually stir the air up into a light-speed wind.

Keeping the air was a mistake but I don't see why it wouldn't be able to go faster than c.

According to special relativity, the energy of an object with rest mass m and speed v is given by γmc2, where γ is the Lorentz factor defined above^1. [...] The γ factor approaches infinity as v approaches c, and it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate an object with mass to the speed of light. The speed of light is the upper limit for the speeds of objects with positive rest mass[...] This is experimentally established in many tests of relativistic energy and momentum.

More generally, it is impossible for signals or energy to travel faster than c. One argument for this follows from the counter-intuitive implication of special relativity known as the relativity of simultaneity. If the spatial distance between two events A and B is greater than the time interval between them multiplied by c then there are frames of reference in which A precedes B, others in which B precedes A, and others in which they are simultaneous. As a result, if something were travelling faster than c relative to an inertial frame of reference, it would be travelling backwards in time relative to another frame, and causality would be violated. In such a frame of reference, an "effect" could be observed before its "cause". Such a violation of causality has never been recorded, and would lead to paradoxes such as the tachyonic antitelephone.

More info here

1 γ = (1 − v2/c2)−1/2

Hmmmmmmmm, now, how much energy does the box have to generate that constant 2g of acceleration? In this hypothetical the box appears to have an infinite amount of energy to generate that force though...

Yes it seems to have infinite energy but the throughput is limited to 2g of acceleration, unless you give it infinite time as well it will not reach c, though it would approach it.

Doing some calculation the final speed of 33kg, falling in 2g, for 70 years, without friction is "only" 99.77% the speed of light.

Edit: Forgot to convert the 0.9977c to percent.

What about quantum entanglement sending a signal faster than light?

(I’m just some schmo who watched an extra credit history series on quantum computing, so there’s every chance in the world that I don’t have it right. )

While the entanglement "signal" is near instantaneous, for various reasons no meaningful information can be deciphered faster than C.

Assuming our quantum theory, while not complete, is not wrong. We will not be able to engineer our way around this limit. A lot of funky shit becomes possible if you can break causality even with "just" information.

I thought the reason quantum theory is so controversial is because it does break causality. Like, currently we can’t decipher it, but is that supposed to be a permanent state- that quantum information is indecipherable until it would no longer transmit information faster than light?

You can transmit something, but it has a noise added to it. To decode it, you need to send the readings to the other end, via normal means. Basically, the receiver can tell, in hindsight, that a message was sent, but only once its other half has been received via normal means. The best you can do is get a timestamp of when the message was sent, as well as a message channel that is impossible to intercept.

The problem comes when QM meets relativity. With instant communication, you can send information into its own past. E.g. A and B are 2 planets. C is a ship, passing planet B at relativistic speeds. Planet A sends a message to B, over the FTL link. B then sends it to C, over a normal link. C, finally sends it back to A over FTL. Due to the 'tilt' of C's light cone, the "now" of A-C is behind the "now" of A-B. This allows for paradoxical situations. The maths of Relativity implies that you can't form a closed time loop like this. Such behaviours tend to imply some deeper rule, even if we haven't found its cause yet.

Quantum mechanics has a lot of strangeness. It also seems to play fast, but not loose with causality. E.g. objects can move backwards in time, but still obey causality. Others can be smeared over time space, but still collapse to a causality obeying state. Etc

I so wish we could experiment with this to see where it actually breaks down

That's one of the things we are looking for with particle accelerators, like CERN.

Quantum Mechanics is ridiculously accurate, within its domain. However, it doesn't predict, or allow for General Relativity.

GM is ridiculously accurate, within its domain, but doesn't allow for quantum mechanics.

Therefore we know both must be wrong (or at least incomplete).

Unfortunately the overlap is when gravitational forces become significant on quantum scales. There's 4 ways to study this.

  • We can pack a ridiculous amount of energy into a tiny space, in a controlled manner. This is the best method. We also can't do it.

  • We can pack a ridiculous amount of energy into a tiny space, in an uncontrolled, brute force manner. We can then hope to get lucky, or do it enough to beat the odds. This is what particle accelerators like CERN do. We can't control what hits when accurately, but we can do enough collisions that 1 in a trillion is useful, then sift through the data looking for it.

  • We can use tricks to 'stretch' the quantum realm. This method is limited, but interesting. Gravity wave detectors effectively do this. They can use a laser to create an effect quantum object measured in meters or more.

  • We can look for places where quantum gravity is dominant, and see what happens. This is what things like the web space telescope are good for. We can look closely at black holes, and neutron stars, and see what they do to space time. Unfortunately, we are also stuck with whatever the universe happens to have done.

In short, the problem is being chipped at. It's painfully slow, and buried in ever more complex maths, but it's being done. I would love to see this "solved" in my lifetime. It's unlikely, but could happen.

Quantum theory is only "controversial" to the general public, mainly because we haven't found a way to explain in simple terms things like superposition, entanglement, quantum tunneling. Quantum theory is spectacularly successful, though incomplete.

Even the "simple" stuff like the uncertainty principle takes a detailed understanding to properly grasp why there are pairs of properties that are inherently linked, and that information about one dictates how much you can know about the other. e.g. position/momentum and energy/time.

Even the "simple" stuff like the uncertainty principle takes a detailed understanding to properly grasp why there are pairs of properties that are inherently linked, and that information about one dictates how much you can know about the other. e.g. position/momentum and energy/time.

Well there’s my problem- that stuff does seem easy, so I’m probably skipping the work to understand it somewhere.

I might be wrong, but iirc quantum theory just straight up doesn't give a shit about causality. Where everything else requires the cause to be observable before effect (something travelling faster than light would result in effect being potentially observed before cause), quantum theory says, "why does the universe give a fuck whether or not we can see it? If it happened, it happened, regardless of whether or not we observed cause before or after effect."

Basically as far as we can tell there there is no information traveling at FTL speed so it just works? All information that is traveling is just as fast as c or slower.

"Certain phenomena in quantum mechanics, such as quantum entanglement, might give the superficial impression of allowing communication of information faster than light. According to the no-communication theorem these phenomena do not allow true communication; they only let two observers in different locations see the same system simultaneously, without any way of controlling what either sees." link

"In physics, the no-communication theorem or no-signaling principle is a no-go theorem from quantum information theory which states that, during measurement of an entangled quantum state, it is not possible for one observer, by making a measurement of a subsystem of the total state, to communicate information to another observer." link

Thank you for this, by the way. I was thinking of the two entangled electrons as communicating with each other, rather than people communicating with each other through the entangled electrons, which I think makes a difference, because it doesn’t rely on interpretation, but obviously we can’t measure how or if electrons “communicate.” Is it correct that one of the limitations is in interpretation or am I reading this wrong?

Well, yes. We don't know if the measurement we take is the result of a wave form collapse (we caused it) or the result of someone else having measured it, which would giving us the oposite value that they measured. We can't tell if someone "sent" information or if it was the random result and we have no way to chose what value we (or the other end) gets when we collapse it.

This isn't easy to explain over text so I'd recommend watching this video, specifically chapter "How to exploit?" as the visuals make it easier to understand.

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

this video

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Velocity changes how time works. The faster you go, the slower it happens.

A half room full of sandstone is 33kg? 27m³ room filled half with sandstone? By my calculation it's more like 31,400 kg

You can't pull things out of the pocket without going in there first, which would be deadly in your situation. (OP says you can go in and out, and you can take things with you.)

There is an eject button for those inside to get out if something happens to you

In this case, when i die; the button will immeadiately get summoned inside the box only to be presssed an instant later

How would it be pressed? Wouldn't anything entering the box at that point be akin to pushing a toothpick into a sanding belt?

The amount of chaotic fuckery you could do with this...

Driver tailgating me? Here, enjoy 3m³ of ocean water, fuckface.

Some big religious event? Imagine the shitstorm that would happen if 3m³ of locust just appeared out of nowhere!

Trump rally? Bees Hornets.

"How can I use my pocket dimension to fuck with ___" would be my new approach to pretty much every encounter for the rest of my life, lol.

This worries me a lot. Why would you want to do any of that? Write a story about that, sure. But doing it? Why? You could seriously harm and hurt people. Doesn't sound right.

I guess let's pick apart each one:

Ocean water - idk how the release would play out, but I'm picturing an opening big enough for a person to fit through, like a manhole, releasing as a stream. While a lot, I don't think that'd be near enough to cause a hydroplaning situation, but it'd DEFINITELY get them off my ass, so win. Assuming the highest potential for harm here, all 3m³ released at the same time, yeah that could fuck up their trajectory in a way that sends them upsided down into a ditch... but if they're tailgating, they're already putting my safety in jeopardy, so they've crossed the line into me not caring if the solution does the same to theirs. Closest thing I've done IRL was spotting a piece of debris (chunk of a bumper or something from another car) on the road ahead while being tailgated, and I waited until the VERY last second to dodge it - the dude tailgating didn't have time to react, so he drove right into it. Made a really satisfying crunch, and he pulled over presumably to check for damages. Lost sight of him shortly after, since I just kept going. Could it have hurt or even killed him? Yeah, if he turned sharp and started rolling or something. Could his driving habits have seriously hurt or killed me? Also yes, so fuck him: my goal is to get him off my ass, not baby him.

Locust - Not seeing the potential for harm here. The religious nuts would be on high alert watching for fireballs coming down from the sky or rivers to turn to blood; but locusts are just big grasshoppers - not like they're going to start hunting people down. Seeing that hysteria unfold would be great fun!

Hornets - Kinda same spiel as the driving bit. You've probably seen that response to the paradox of tolerance, if not clicky. We're talking about a group of people whose goal it is to harm/kill me, my family, my neighbors, etc. And since that's the case, I don't owe them protection from harm. Hornet it up.

But you can't teleport out somewhere other than where you teleported it in. Your road rage fantasy wouldn't play out in your favor. You could fill the pocket dimension up overnight by teleporting in water from the bathtub faucet, and you could take a swim in it whenever you want to (and presumably teleport out completely dry since you and your clothes teleported in from different places). But when you teleport it out while on the highway, you'd just end up releasing 4,000 gallons of water into your bathroom at home where you teleported it in.

On a scary note, if you were to enter the pocket dimension while it was filled with water from another location, I would strongly recommend against drinking any of it, given the potentially fatal consequences of teleporting back out...

I think you misunderstood something.

You can only teleport out to where you teleported in from.

Yes, so it’s not a transportation device. It does carry stuff with it. So you can put something in it at home, and take it out at work, or wherever.

It's not a transportation device, but I can put people in it one place and take them out at another? Does everyone/everything else follow a different set of rules than me, owner of the pocket dimension?

People can’t, including you, but things can be moved. You can put you laptop in there, then take it out at work. At least that’s how I interpreted the rule.

How about just living in it.

yeah im on team isolate myself in the 3x3x3 personal universe

Sounds like purgatory.

What's purgatory for some is just another Tuesday.

I'd probably use it as having a lot of extra portable storage space, so it'd probably get filled up with a bunch of junk real fast. also I'd have the coolest battery pack

Some ideas:

  1. A fast way to dig holes, if 'soil' or 'stone' is an object.
  2. Annoy physics teachers -- move in and out to drive a piston. Perpetual motion!
  3. Moving day is easy.
  4. Server farm.
  5. Safe house.
  6. Is momentum conserved? Not sure how general relativity would work. Win a Nobel Prize.
  7. Building stuff in space just got a lot easier and safer. 27 cubic meters of free payload!

Ooooh! A little home datacenter in the edge of a room. Sounds fun :o

My concern with this is they said nothing about the exchange of air or heat in this space. Such a small space would get very warm pretty quickly and with it not touching anything it would retain the heat. The air would also not exchange unless you manually did it making it eventually suffocate you.

Well if that's the case, is it even oxygenated in the first place? Even if it is, if there is no venting you would eventually either deplete oxygen or saturate with C02.

They said you could bring things in so I suppose you could bring the air with you.

After a quick googling it looks like the average person breathes 20-30 cubic meters of air a day.

But a server wouldn't care about oxygen in the air just the heat.

Oh in my mind a 3m x 3m room is huge (I live in Asia). A 3m cubed room would be the largest room in my house. My house is only 2.3m wide, the biggest room is like 2.5m x 2.3m!

This is a terrifying power, I gotta say. Like a dude could carry an entire armory around and deploy it Looney-toons-style wherever he wanted.

I would probably just put a bunch of shelves in it and use it as a personal EDC gear storage space. 3m^3 is more than enough space to store pretty much anything you might need in a jiffy.

There's also apart of me that thinks putting a bed in there would mean not having to bring a date back to your place or to a hotel - but being real I'd probably never use it if I set it up like that.

The thought of having literally every tool conceivable immediately available without having to move is fantastic.

I'm in love with the concept of laying under my car, while also being able to get any particular tool in my hand, without ever having to get up, or having a little pile of sockets, wrenches, and bolts next to me that I have to navigate by feel.

You know, every time there's a mass shooting in the US, a lot is made out of their big collection, but I always think about how you can only shoot one at once anyway, so it's actually a dumb thing to fixate on.

The real evil use would be telling nobody and becoming the world's best smuggler.

I mean, I'm not just talking about the guns. Imagine you're at the bank, and then an individual in full tactical gear materializes behind you. He has a substantial amount of ammo and disappears every time he reloads. Molotovs, grenades, hell, you could even fit a flamethrower. You could fit a massive bomb into that space if you wanted. And you could potentially completely escape the effects of the blast inside you pocket dimension.

I'm not so sure about the smuggling thing. You would still likely be found out, since you'd have clientele and would be traceable to them either via phone, online messaging, or in-person interactions. Sure, you are immediately known about in the terrorist cases but you could pretty easily hide out pursuit, potentially getting away with multiple attacks, and there'd be little-to-no indicators of what's about to happen for the victims until you appeared.

Like, this is some shit straight out of The Boys.

I mean, I’m not just talking about the guns. Imagine you’re at the bank, and then an individual in full tactical gear materializes behind you. He has a substantial amount of ammo and disappears every time he reloads. Molotovs, grenades, hell, you could even fit a flamethrower. You could fit a massive bomb into that space if you wanted. And you could potentially completely escape the effects of the blast inside you pocket dimension.

Okay, but it still doesn't take more than one good hit to take said guy down - even in a vanishing tank they would eventually figure out where to direct the airstrike. And the bank would have given him the exact same cash drawer with just an imaginary gun he claims is in his pocket.

Yes, you absolutely would still get on the radar after a while as a big smuggler. Or whacked by a rival in your chosen organised crime group or insurgency. A Western government couldn't really charge you with smuggling unless they can prove you have magical powers, though, and they would have to try and catch you doing something else illegal instead. The one exception I can think of is if you figured out something you can be the end consumer of, as well, but I don't know what that would be.

Edit: Although, bombing might be an idea. You could fit a couple week's supplies and and a car bomb amount of explosives in there, no problem. I doubt it would be more lucrative or safer than smuggling, though.

I would get a metal rod of four meters, and teleport into the pocket universe to see what happened.

it's set down diagonally so it fits

And even if OP had said 10, the obvious thing is for it just not to work. Either teleportation fails or the rod is left behind.

2g weight room. I would train some rabbits to pull weights. Then take my rabbit beasts out after 6 months and have them pull me around town in a sled.

As others have mentioned - I'd use it as a hotel room and travel the world. I wonder if becoming a courier could fund the travel costs.

*You can only teleport out to where you teleported in from.

Does this mean you get dropped into outer space if you stay inside for more than checks notes ~4 minutes?

No, it's relative to a more sensible object than the sun, of Sagittarius A* or whatever you were imagining. Probably something like the closest planet/moon to you is what it's actually relative to.

So does it just stay at the same point relative to the gravitational center of Earth? What about the day/night cycle; does the Earth keep rotating under it? And how big a mass is needed to lock it in place? It'd be pretty sweet for long plane trips if it traveled with the plane.

It stays relative to a reasonable thing, how humans would expect it to. If you were on a plane, it would stay relative to that, if you were on the ground of on the moon, similarly.

The position is the same as if you handt teleported in the first place.

Long trips on planes/trains/busses would be a lot more enjoyable.

Emergency supplies would be available at a moments notice including escape from the elements (camping/travel just became a breeze) .

Would you be able to free dive super deep taking each breath or a rest in the pocket dimmension?

Since the pocket dimension would be sea level pressure, dipping into it for a breath when you're deep is a sure way to get the bends, which would be a painful way to die. (Especially if nobody is there to help you.)

Isn't the bends the consequence of the oxygen tank and nitrogen in your blood; and if the air in your body starts at atmospheric pressure it should be fine (though no idea about the effects on the human body from such a sudden change)

You are absolutely correct. Breathing surface air would negate the bends. It's why freedivers can go down and straight back up from 400ft with no ill effects.

Yes. People seem to think the bends always happens on exposure to weird pressures, but it just doesn't. I guess they're understandably imagining it's the same as hot or cold.

(though no idea about the effects on the human body from such a sudden change)

Well, enough delta p is entirely capable of squishing an entire person through a thumb-sized hole, and while there's no hole here I image there'd still be some sort of shock wave, and the air already in your lungs returning to normal volume suddenly would be uncomfortable. Don't go too deep the first time, definitely ease into it.

Interestingly just 1 atm is fairly harmless. The first time someone got caught in a vacuum chamber they weren't sure what they'd find, but the guy just got up and said his ears hurt.

Also, would you leave a void in the water if you teleported out of it, or a big puddle in your cube going the other way?

The plane would keep moving while you left, so.. you would come back in to empty space.

So would, like earth, or even the Milky Way. All motion is relative. Gotta define what "the same place you teleported in from" means...

Wouldn't the same logic apply to the planet moving?

I think it was the Hitchhikers books that made that joke in relation to people inventing time travel. They travel to some other point in time and die in space because the earth isn't in that spot any more.

All the real theoretical kinds of time travel involve a physical path you have to move along with a specific start and end point, because yeah, otherwise the frame of reference would be ambiguous.

If I bring luggage or a person in with me, can I leave them there for a few hours? Would they have a way to get out if something happens to me? (Travel just got easier in my mind)

Edit: also, did you mean 3m x 3m x 3m, or 3m^3, which is 1m x 1m x 3m?


And time works the same in the pocket dimension, and sure there is an eject button for them to get out if something happens to you

*There is an eject button for those inside to get out if something happens to you

Well there goes one idea...

*Time proceeds at the same rate inside the pocket dimension

There go a couple more...

I'd go camping. Travel around the world. Become a cleptomaniac. The usual stuff...

Three cubic meters, or a cube with three metre sides?

I edited the post text - the latter

So, 27 m³

Or (3m)^3

7133 gallons

It sounds really boring but... Reading nook - just a little spot to relax and read. Kit out the floor with pillows, the walls with shelves, and paint the ceiling to look like the sky.

Getting to experience improved mental health thanks to having a private quiet place you can think and relax? What a weirdo... (That sounds amazing, I'll take two!)

edit: oh, pocket dimension... i just thought it said "pocket"...

whatever, i'm leaving it :P

Can I only teleport back to where I teleported in from, or can I teleport out of the cube to anywhere I want?

Sorry, I should have specified. The former.

After spending a few minutes mulling it over, I've realized the only right move is for me to sell the cube to someone more clever than myself.

How is the pocket dimension anchored? If I was on a plane and teleported to my pocket dimension, and then came back 5 minutes later, would I still be in the plane? Or would I be where the plane used to be 5 minutes ago?

Well, feel like I could quite easily become a very famous stage magician a la "The Prestige" which would help make me rich while letting me keep the pocket dimension thing hidden in plain sight so to speak.

But my mind, as always, races to the limits more so than the possibilities. What would happen if I bring in more stuff than would fit? Say I bring in a decimeter cubed of concrete over and over until I no longer fit inside the cube if I'm allowed the concrete with me in? What if teleport in while driving? Does the car come with even though it doesn't fit? And if I return to the spot I entered does that mean I'll plopp out on the highway while my car is wrecked a ways down the road or inside my mangled car? What if the space i entered from is occupied or otherwise lethal?

What if I teleport in while under water? The void i leave in such an instantaneous fashion would behave quite interestingly if I did it at great depth.

You can't bring in more stuff than would fit, as it just wouldn't fit. If you did, it would become a black hole. If the space you were going to pop out at would be occupied/lethal, you instead pop out at the nearest nonlethal space. And yeah, voids underwater would be cool.

It wouldn't be a black hole, it'd be like pushing concrete into a slab of concrete. It just would take an insane amount of force to compress, and you'd have no leverage

Conversely, what's the range for taking things in and out?

What if you brought in extremely pressurized liquid air? Could you just take 1cc and release it next to someone's head? If you took open cones of tungsten in, you could probably abuse it to shoot them like a bullet

What about thermal properties? If the space wraps in on itself, there's nowhere for the heat to dissipate. You could fill it with extremely high temperature plasma, then take out a little at a time to melt/explode almost anything.

That all depends on the distance - you could fill it with thermite and burning magnesium for a trigger to fill it with extremely hot pressurized gas, but if you have to touch to take it out you'd destroy the body part that took it out... You could sacrifice a finger to blow up someone's head, but ultimately your power would stop at being a suicide bomber

Personally I wouldn't do any of that. It'd ruin the outlet

No mention of external dimensions, so I am going to assume that it exists in the abstract since you mention teleportation. Like you just think about it and teleport there, not carry it upon your person like a portable hole in D&D.

Like others mentioned, a living space of some kind. I'd worry at first where I teleport inside, like hopefully not inside my mattress. Also, when I teleport back out, where is that? Where I teleported in? What if that gets replaced, like say I popped out while in an empty parking garage, but popped back in and a car is now parked where I left off? Might be nice if I pop back out anywhere I choose. Pop in while in New York, pop out in London.

Man, I'd save so much on rent. Or at least storage.

Yeah I was thinking it would be either a mobile home, or a Skyrim bag.

I would ask writers Game masters and gamers to use the item in their stories/games and see what uses they come up with i would never thought of on my own

Whike waiting for that to come to fruition ide look for a passable look a like to team up with.

Then i would figure out how the teleporting works. If it maintains speed/velocity/vector/momentum

test if i could jump from really high, pop into my pocket dimension just before hitting the ground cancelling out the speed i was falling when i pop out of the pocket dimension

If i cant then i would make use of the toroidal effect when popping in there after clearing the walls floor and ceiling. Longest free fall ever.

That record is now mine felix baumgartner!

If i can ill beat felix baumgartners records

I'd use it as a jizz shoebox but bigger. Since you can accelerate things inside if it, you can make my 27m^3 jizz flow at terminal velocity and then I can

Boy, oh boy, I Just finished reading the comment above about why the pocket dimension of falling rocks wouldn't reach the speed of light using real physics explanations.

And then this guy wants to cum in it.

The Internet really does have everything.

I think I'd make various uses of it, but I think I'd mainly use it as an "at-sea cabin." Rig it up with a small bed-over-desk type situation, one of those little dorm minifridge/microwave deals, and stock it with tools/supplies etc. So basically I have a weightless camper van that's always with me and never needs parking. Hell certain city lifestyles where your "home" is where you sleep and shit and you spend the rest of your day out and about, it'd be all you need. Only problem is no plumbing.

Free electricity? Mining crypto with a lot of stolen hardware.

Smuggling would be easy for reasons already mentioned.

Murder would be easy. Teleport someone in, teleport out all the air.

Escaping from robberies and hairy situations, likewise creating hairy situations.

Sleeping in 0g sounds comfy, training at 2g sounds awesome.

Living rent free on every city ever. Paired with a car means I can be everywhere.

Huge portable storage box.

*It has a couple of plug sockets and can connect to internet from the region you teleported in from

What do you mean connect to internet? usually that needs to work through a provider, and be hard wired. I think for this scenario its safer to assume you have radio signal access meaning you could have mobile data and calling.

I'm also assuming the teleportation is relative to the earth so If I'm on a plane, I wouldnt' want to teleport into my pocket dimension as I'd teleport out of it away from the plane.

One thing that comes to mind is you're basically an extremely hard to catch drug smuggler. The only time anyone will ever find drugs on you is when you're taking it out or into the dimension. Heck, even in doing sales, you can't be easily caught because you can drop off the drugs somewhere remote, and pick up the cash elsewhere. Even if you get "ripped off" the biggest problem for you is the money lost on buying the product, and travel time.

I think having a specialized emergency kit in the dimension would be very valuable. Maybe some explosives if you ever need to clear out an area though that should be rare. Canned food, and water. First aid kit. Some kind of smoke bomb (running away from a situation). Laptop with internet access (if you ever need to hide out, acts a entertainment and a way to hear what's going on in the world). Cardboard box that you can fit into (not certain whether you should teleport back somewhere because people are looking for you? Teleport back, inside the cardboard box to see if it's safe lol). Several rechargeable batteries since you basically have unlimited free power.

I think one of the more practical uses is using it as a home. You can live almost anywhere and have at least a small home. Get a job in the highest paying area you can access, and live in your home for most of the time and you'll save so much because those high wages usually stem from high cost of living.

I don't think you'd want to transport people because the more people that know about your ability, the more attention you'll get which is very bad. The only way transporting people really works is if they're transported while unconscious so they're not aware they were in another dimension.

Not just car.
The Earth is moving around the Sun.
Which itself is moving inside the Milky Way.
Which itself is moving inside the local cluster.
Which itself is moving inside the Laniakea supercluster.
Which itself is moving inside the universe, probably?
And who the fuck knows if the universe itself is moving.

Depending on a frame of reference of position, you're either still in your car, where your car was, dying in space, or potentially outside the universe itself.

Which is why i Said relative to the earth. Doesn't matter where the earth is relative to the milky way or anything, if your position is based off the earth, just stay on earth to avoid issues.


But even if it is relative to the earth, there would be the question of do you retain your velocity relative to the earth when you teleport in?
So moving pretty much in any modern vehicle would be a reliable way to repaint a surface of the interior with yourself, particularly an aircraft.

However, if it doesn't, then you can reset your momentum every time you pop in or out. In that case, you can reset your movement several times mid-air so when you hit the ground you're going a survivable speed.

Yeah that Is also an important question. With a power like this, it's almost scarey to use because who knows what can go wrong.

I pick outside the universe. Seems worth trying

First thing I'm gonna do is pop in there with a hammer and a crowbar and figure out how all this shit is wired up and what it's nailed to. Betcha there's a whole lot more space there than the realtor knew about.

I told you, if you knock through one wall, you'll be knocking through the opposite wall. As it's a toroidal space, they're the same wall. Same for the ceiling and floor.

Yeah, but ya gotta test it out. And then you can toss a ball to yourself

So where's the power coming from?

The wires run ana and kata from the plug, and so all you see is a junction box with no holes, but even though you can't see any supports it barely wiggles when you tug on it

The national grid. Using the same portal to the real world that the Internet connectivity uses.

Power over fiber optic cables?

No, power over electrical cables, internet over mobile data/WiFi, if the place you teleported from has that.

How do the cables enter the toroidal space?

A tiny portal.

Who's paying for it? Is the Wi-Fi also entering through this portal? What other electromagnetic incursions can we expect?

I guess the power companies? But they won't notice such a small usage. Yes, that is also where mobile data/WiFi enters the pocket dimension, from the place where you teleported in.

So you're stealing power, and there's definitely other EM leakage that you're conspicuously not mentioning.

Water? I want a personal bathroom.

No, sorry. I mean, you can bring in a tank of water if you want, or even make the whole pakve underwater, but there's no plumbing.

Mini portals for electricity and internet but not water and sewage? Cheapskate!

Can an object be on both sides of the portal at once? Like if I ran a cable from the inside to the outside. I'm trying to work out how to handle water and sewage, because like everyone else I've concluded this is obviously a living space.

Okay, first things first, this talk of making it my living space? Nix that. That works well enough for a single person eating microwave dinners, but I like cooking and having people over. But travel? Yeah, that would be awesome. I'm thinking:

  • Bunk beds
  • Desk with a computer
  • Very efficient use of shelving
  • Fridge, hot plate

My only concern then becomes a toilet and shower. I guess you could move water in, but the water pressure is going to be crap.

Actually, you could drill a hole in the floor and have water continuously accelerate to get incredible water pressure.

I suppose then you have the opposite problem. Death by infinite water pressure.

It becomes my house. Now all I have to worry about is food, water and a few incidentals. To shower, I could probably exploit the geometry for endless water pressure instead of using a pump, then I'd just need a little heater and a filter of some kind.

The first thing I do, of course, is dick with the gravity dial. See how low I can get it before I lose my lunch, see how high I can turn it and still do everything I need. Maybe I stick something heavy to the side of the dial so it turns itself and so on.

Maybe to raise the rest of what I need, I'll start a moving company.

The weird geometry could also have some engineering uses that are pretty unique. For example, you could make a magnetic bottle for plasma that doesn't leak as it wouldn't need ends, or a laser in a frequency of light that's hard to reflect.

Paint the walls green screen green, set up a pretty powerful PC setup (desk and chair included), set up a futon, make sure I have plenty of mood lighting, and start what I want to be a hobby of mine by recording videos while using a 3D model of my fursona without having to worry about people disturbing me.

Hotbox then some 0G chillaxin. Put that hyper-advanced tech to good use.

Are there any restraints with any kind of outside object your pocket dimension is anchored to? It sounds like this would be super exploitable to pull off some cleverness just as an "invisibility cloak" (although presumably you couldn't see your surroundings from the inside, or it'd really be OP), let alone if you're not tied to a physical object. If you wanted to, you could probably rob banks and overthrow countries with that shit.

Also, the police cant catch you because as soon as they are about to get you, you can just teleport. Alternatively, while in the moving police vehicle, teleport away and then return an hour later. You'd spawn by the road but not in the car anymore.

New free jam space for my bands! This is a game changer. Plus, 3m³ is about the size of my local underground venue, so bands can play and I'd never have to charge for the rent in my overhead cost. A place to workout in 2G would be kick-ass as well, or setup climbing walls with crazy dynos and try them at different low gravity settings.

I hope it doest just has fancy cables with electric magic, but also basic human needs

  • water
  • light
  • air
  • WC

Okay, after reading the comments I have determined that this is a magic pocket dimension, not a sci-fi pocket dimension. That's important. Sci-fi pocket dimension gas too many restrictions, but OP has been kind enough to gift us a magic pocket dimension. If I pop in on a flight, I don't fall to my death when I leave.

So, I set it up as a space for living in tight quarters. Like an RV, I guess. I make sure it has some exercise equipment, and I give it to my mom to use. She's disabled, and can't move a lot under normal conditions, and for reasons I won't go into, also can't do aqua therapy anymore. Low g exercise could help her, and we could slowly increase the gravity. Eventually, she could be healthy enough for surgeries that could get her to a better standard of life.

Book cheap flights, cruises, et cetera. Teleport into the room, and back out at the end. Travel the world. If possible, teleport my mom in whenever somewhere is not wheelchair accessible, and then back out once we've passed that point.

Make money to support the travel lifestyle by being a magician, or smuggler. Whenever possible use the pocket dimension to help people escape bad situations. Teleport in someone while in my car, drive to safety, teleport out. They're coming out relative to the vehicle, not the vehicle's position. Excellent for helping refugees, domestic violence victims, et cetera.

If I can teleport in and out of it at will, does it have to be the same place I teleported from?

Can I take one end of a cable with me?

What's the max power I can get from the sockets?

Where does the eject button dump people and can it be set to dump things other than people as well?

Does time continue inside the pocket dimension if no one is inside?

What's the internal temperature/humidity? Is it regulated?

Can I choose what I take with me, or is it just everything im wearing/carrying?

Questions aside, I would fill it with all sorts of stuff that I might need at some point, but leave enough space for a bed and a desk.

spend my entire life trying to fill it with poop

With Poop alone it might be difficult - It would take around 200-400 years to fill that with poop alone, so it's more of a multi-generational project.

But if you also use urine it's much faster - Urin alone is doable in 42 years for the average human.

Sounds like that compact machines Minecraft mod

The archivist inside of me thinks it's a good idea to make this the control room of the beIN headquarters, because I know a television channel of theirs that has a hell of a lot of lost media. I think Al Jazeera slapped their name on this channel (but it's not related to journalism, I promise) back when they used to own it, and they made a lot of great shows (and had great branding), but there's very few archives of what they actually made.

So, in a way or another, I'd be the one responsible for leaking their assets.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeem_TV?wprov=sfla1 is what I mean by that television channel I'm talking about.

Coincidentally I only just recently finished reading “Dark Matter” by Blake Crouch.

You say this pocket dimension connects to the internet, a la Matrix? I'd create a game with an in-game currency that looks the same as ours, and give it the same physical properties in-game as the real currency is for the region I'm in. I then would define that I am a billionaire with a bank account to match. I teleport in, withdraw my money in cash one suitcase at a time from the ATM that has an infinite cash supply, and then teleport out.

No, it's not simulated. It's a real place that just connects to electromagnetic waves from outside to have internet access.