Joey for Reddit went down today to – 2001 points –

It was one of those few 3rd party Apps that still worked. Apparently dev was in talks with Reddit in obtaining Paid-API-Access, but now they cut off his API-Access mid talks without informing him


Another sign Reddit was never interested in having third party apps at all. They want all mobile traffic through their own app.

Which would be fine at all, you know. It's their platform and their servers, and they can do what they want.

Except for the fact that the official app is several orders of magnitude more primitive, inefficient and uncomfortable to use. Even more so for Android than for iOS

Also for the fact that they lie through their teeth and can’t even give the decency of honest business.

Why the fuck would we trust these idiots with our data/hard work?

Which is why people should scrub their comments. A lot of people are holding on to "The good times." with their posts and comments. It doesn't matter if reddit can technically undo the work, I'm still going to check and make sure it stays gone. Without that content, reddit is nothing.

To be honest, I respect that position, but I don't hold enough contempt against them to do that, and on the other hand I do value Reddit as an archive of online knowledge and debate. I can just leave it if I don't want it in my life anymore. I would like any comments I made on specific topics I'm knowledgeable about to be accessible and used as reference in the future.

You can request your data in a simple form submission and the ndownload it, all in .csv and other text formats. The request takes about a week.

Afterwards, use Violentmonkey or another script manager to overwrite and delete all your comments.

I've already done it on an account that was over a decade old, no regrets.

But that's not the point. I'm not saying I'm super important, but I believe I have helped several people with technical or academic questions on Reddit before, and anyone looking that up could access my comments and they might help other people in the future.

I don't hate Reddit as a corporation enough to erase what might be useful to someone else in the future, and they can profit off of it if they want, since I didn't make those comments with my profit in mind anyway.

I understand wanting to erase your data from Reddit, and I realize it's also a responsible decision, but I personally don't like the idea of wiping clean one of the greatest hubs of information in the entire internet, even if I disagree with their corporate practices.

I requested my data. Moore than a week ago. Nothing happened.

I’m sure there are places like the internet archive who have copies, your stuff isn’t gone if you delete it.

Reddit is like the ex who cheated on you, that person isn’t the person you knew. Now you can leave behind your stuff at their place, but why would you? You are rewarding them by gifting your stuff, making them more respectable and credible, than you know they really are.

People say move on. Move on, and take your stuff with you.

Which tool did you use to delete your comments? I used Power Delete Suite but was only able to delete 1700 out of the 4000 total comments I wrote with my account.

I used reddit-shreddit . Only ones it won't get is from subs that have been disabled.

I appreciate the answer.

Unfortunately it it's down because of the Reddit API changes. I hope it's coming back.

Use a script manager like Greasemonkey or Violent Monkey, and then load a purpose built script like the one I linked to in my previous comment.

It doesn't rely on the API, it's all done local in your browser.

How long before they claim that’s against some of the ToS and restore the comments I wonder?

Who gives that platform value? Who fills it with content for them to profit off of? Who moderates it for them, for free?


And they should be able to interact with the site they built up however the hell they please.

Except that they were very friendly to third-party app developers for 15 years and are now claiming they didn't know third-party apps existed.

It's telling that they got angry about the recording being released more than anything.

Before this went down, Christian and other app developers had nothing but great things to say about Reddit, especially regarding their communication regarding upcoming changes that could break their third-party apps, so I'm not buying the "We didn't know they were using the API to download all of Reddit!" argument at all. There are a few YouTubers making that argument as well, that Reddit didn't know app developers were making third party apps and the API wasn't intended for it.

I used the Android app for a long while before I found out there were 3rd party apps. By the time I tried them I was so used to the horrible Reddit app I Just stuck with it. My biggest gripe with it was that they would make huge sweeping changes that changed how the app worked with no warning, no way to go back, and you Just had to change the way you browsed.

Then when I switched to an iPhone every time I tabbed out of the app (to read a link or whatever) then went back into Reddit the app would scroll me all the way to the top of whatever feed I was reading at the time.

I would literally be fine with scrolling past some ads if the shit worked. Their app (and the god awful redesigned site, always used the old.reddit when on a PC) was just so freaking bad. Like I'll tolerate some corporate bullshit and ads if IT WORKS WELL. You can't make me consume ads to use a broken half functional product.

Did you know that, new Reddit was designed so user spend more time on Reddit?

Less content on page mean reduce mental fatigue, mean more time spend scrolling.

Less content mean each content will have more of you attention. Meaning that an ads insert in the scroll will get more click.

It's all so dystopian, I wonder how many people there are in the world whose entire job is to use psychology to benefit the company at the cost of the user

The fact that you still can't change text size on Android, when people were asking for that feature seven years ago, is a travesty.

Oh yeah, the benefit on Android was always the sheer number of third-party Reddit apps in spite of the official one being worse than the iOS version. I missed Relay and Boost once I switched to iPhone.

Now I wonder how they expect Android users to be able to use Reddit on mobile anymore.

Dystopia for Reddit seems like it has the best staying power since it serves an accessibility need that the bloated official app can’t. I’m down to that and Old Reddit. If they kill off both, I’m probably done.

Their mobile site is far superior to their app still. Especially when you switch it to the classic style. If only res worked on a mobile browser it would be perfect.

I absolutely hate their mobile site. It's nothing compared to the mobile oriented experience I got from Sync.

Exactly. They are trying to monetize everyone they can before their IPO. They don't admit it, but we all know the truth.

Ah yes another prime example of them working with those who were willing to work with them. That's what they said, right?

what, are you calling them a liar? speddit would never lie!

I sure as fuck will. As the genuine spez, that likes molestation. It’s true, spez likes it. I am qualified to say I fucking will.

Loved creepshots and jailbait until it brought them bad press too.

Unfortunate but predictable. Reddit and u/spez have decided that third-party apps are going to die, and nothing is going to stop them. The "talks" they were offering to interested devs were always just a show, as this clearly demonstrates.

Seems like you can’t trust a guy who edits user comments behind the scenes and lies about being extorted.

How fucking shitty. It just proves that everything spez said about negotiating with developers in good faith was bullshit.

You're right but the leaked conversations between Reddit and RIF pretty much confirmed that for us months ago. Spez had zero intention of allowing 3rd party apps to exist. Next on the chopping block,

They'll let old.reddit sit around for a little while longer because of the push back they got from API changes. But I suspect by this time next year it'll be gone too and we'll get another wave leaving reddit.

pls no

There's a Lemmy interface that looks like old Reddit!


Thanks for letting us know! Here's the code repository, for those wanting to self host it:

I showed this to my friend (an instance owner) and he immediately went "Let's self host this". Really looks great. If someone could make it work somehow with RES, then it would be a total replacement.

The hero of the comments! I left there prematurely, because I know they're going to chop old Reddit. this is so perfect, I can't begin to thank you enough. You are so awesome thank you!!

You are a hero. Thank you for making me aware of this.

Fuck u/spez acts like oldreddit, someone linked it further down in the comments, and it's changed my world.

Dude this is kinda life changing. So is this a separate lemmy instance? Or what exactly is this?

Looks like it's just a passthrough website that formats the lemmy content.

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I deleted all 3 of my accounts after joey went offline. It was my all time favorite reddit app. I hope that there's a mass exodus going on at reddit while the apps shut down.

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That goes to show it was never about gettimg paid to use the AI, it was just to shut down all 3rd party apps. Even those who wnated to cooperate

Yeah! "We can't just give away stuff for free blah blah blah." They just don't want 3rd party apps.

It's funny how many users only used Reddit because of their favorite app

There are a few staying like narwhal. Really strange to cut off access during negotiations but reddit is a dumpster fire so no surprise

My prediction: Reddit is moving toward a YouTube-esque format.

They are going to monetize by allowing creators to make money from their content. This is why they're getting rid of awards. Of course, they'll take a cut which is probably why they're going toward this model.

They have also been moving toward more detailed, identifiable profiles as well.

They're trying to make the new social media.

This will just turn the site into a massive shill fest full of people pandering and not to mention huge scale botting. AIs will be churning shite out.

Real quality will go elsewhere.

This will just turn the site into a massive shill fest full of people pandering


It for sure has it now but this will increase it tenfold, easily. It's about to get so much worse in the coming year as these changes have time to work.

This is the problem of starting internet businesses without monetisation planning. They start by doing whatever gains users, and then when they want to be profitable they must try to change whilst holding on to the users.

The exact opposite to how businesses ought to be grown.


Killing comments and make a subscription-based visibility booster for them and posts seems more like what they want.

That would be an extremely interesting turn of events, and one much better than I personally imagined, to be honest.

I don't agree personally, but I think I understand your thought process.

My issue with them changing this up so much is that we already have YouTube and TikTok. We have ways for creators to make money.

Involving money makes Reddit far less likely to be a discussion forum where people have higher-quality discussions based largely on intellectual curiosity. You didn't post to make a dollar, you posted because you wanted to and because you had a desire to share something you know.

There was always room for memes and jokes, of course. There was room for gaming and funny cat videos too. But those were extras for a community that was (long ago) built on being nerdy, tech savvy, interested in science, politically progressive, anti-religious, etc.

Reddit has been drifting away from that for a very long time unfortunately. But this will be the final nail in the coffin.

Wait, they’re wiping awards completely? That’d be the best thing they’ve done if it wasn’t purely for greed

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So sad. I'm here because of that. Hopefully this community grows fast.

Me, too. Still trying to figure out lemmy.

How can we help? I'm glad to share some knowledge if anything doesn't make sense.

Welcome. Fuck reddit, don't look back. Discussions here are better anyway.

I'm in the same boat, also hoping the community can grow fast as more 3rd party apps shut down!

Wow, this is very cool, we're literally seeing waves of migration. I'm here because Sync for reddit went down and seeing spez's rat face made me sick of using Reddit. Sync for Lemmy ftw.

For me it was Apollo. Still shocking that reddit just shut down Joey's API access in the middle of talks. What a despicable company they have become.

I really hope he's able to migrate his app to Lemmy and continue to make a living. I would happily pay again.

Truly. Joey was so damn good. Honestly I would've paid 20 bucks monthly to keep using it.

I hope so too. I also paid for the original app. I signed up for updates on future apps from him, so it seems he's thinking of something.

I'm here because Joey went down too. I stayed as long as Joey worked but I won't use the reddit app. I hope they can pivot to creating something for Lemmy.

I'm in exactly the same shoes... stayed on Reddit as long as Joey was working, now... goodbye.

Still use it for info, but won't download the main app. Hated it so much that I had to find something better and was so happy with Joey. I can't go back.

This current Lemmy app I'm using (LiftOff) seems to be good for now, but looking for something better.

I'm using Connect for Lemmy but also searching for the best option .

I signed up for the beta via the play store to get the next comment and previous comment buttons. As long as I don't change too many settings it's stable.

Oh now I see that got added to latest stable 6hrs ago.

Same here. I actually had just posted to Lemmy that I was still browsing reddit through Joey but then checked and got the message it had veen shut down

RIP Joey

Man Reddit is really all in on the “any PR is good PR”.

Man, Joey was my favorite one for sure

It was objectively the best reddit app. So many people missed out. Was a great ride. Here's hoping he develops a similar app for this platform.

What made it "objectively" the best reddit app?

I don't know if this made it the best app, but joey had this arrow up button on every comment. It will collapse all previous sibling comment so you can easily see the parent comments and find the context.

For example when you tap the up arrow on comment G this is what happens:

  • A collapsed
  • B
    • C collapsed
    • D
      • E collapsed
      • F collapsed
      • G

As you can see it preserve the comment chain and quickly remind you of the context. This is extremely useful on a busy thread. I haven't seen this feature on any other reddit apps. I wish lemmy apps could adopt this feature

Seems like the newest version of the Connect for Lemmy app has a version of this feature. If you tap a comment, an option comes up that says "< Parent". Tapping it will automatically scroll you up to the very top parent comment. For example, doing that on my comment here would scroll you up to Saneless's comment above that started this whole conversation.

I just knew this, that's very useful! But sometimes I just want to go up a few comment chain, not to the very top

I'm pretty sure Boost had this as well, a great feature!

i miss the arrows that let you skip to the next top level comment. it also did the immersive browsing thing really, really well. very missed app.

It has insane customization.

The dev was very receptive to feature requests.

I can recall one such feature. Some use wanted to way in which he can change all occurres "fuck" in his feed to "duck". Dev worked on it and made the feature available in just a few days. Off course it wasn't limited to just these words. Any used could set "word swap" for any words that they wished

I hope they notice the popularity of this post and take it as a sign to make joey for Lemmy!

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I loved Joey, definitely one of the best. Rip in peace buddy, Here hoping that the developer brings their talent to Lemmy.

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Gutted about this... thought was just a technical issue yesterday then got the message today directing me to Lemmy so here I am. Reddit is an asshat.

Joey refugee here. I was registered via vlemmy but that died too so I've been ousted from two things I like this week.

See, here's why you don't talk to Reddit about their paid API access. They'll just fuck you over regardless.

"Never negotiate with your abuser."

Exactly. Also, that whole "mods are landed gentry" shit reeked of "DARVO"

u/spez monetized (or at least is trying - rather badly - to monetize) people's need for a community, albeit an online. It's like the kettle calling the pot black.

Abusers always isolate, isolate, isolate. That's exactly what we're seeing.

Joey was one of the best, free Reddit apps for Android. It's a shame they did him in anyway even though he tried to cooperate. Between just using a browser for Lemmy and using the official Reddit app (which is slow, laggy, and has ads), I'd stick to the browser.

I tried getting the browser to work, cuz ya the app is hot garbage between the ads and awful notifications. Even using the browser it was unusable. Gave up after ten minutes of trying to just sign in or browse the front page till I came here.

Hopefully the Joey Dev opens someone similar for lemmy!

I tried all the reddit apps I got aware of and Joey was just miles ahead of the pack.

There have been so many customization settings, custom themes, well-impoemented navigation features like skipping posts/comments with the volume keys of the phone etc.

I'm currently using 8 apps for Lemmy and none of them seems even close (yes, I know these are mostly alpha releases).

I really hope the joey dev creates a Lemmy client.

It's wild that to me that the app dev made money from essentially being a web scrapper. No one should be makingoney off us posting memes lol 😂

You have no idea about amount of work involved, have you?

Obviously he put "Scrape comments = true" and then took all of our money with his advanced programming skills /s

He made money from people liking provided fun and easy access to reddit, additional functionality and customization options.

I wonder if "upcomming apps" means Fediverse!

I'm here because Joey got shutdown. It was a great app!

Joey was my go to reddit app, and I'm really sad to read about the developer stressing out. They seemed pretty cool, so it sucks that reddit is doing this to them.

I've personally sent Joey developer the email suggesting Joey for Lemmy. 🫶

I did too... Yet no response. He even did a survey and I suggested again he should port Joey to Lemmy and I'll buy again. But it seems he wanted to stay in the Reddit bullshit. Let's hope he will come to Lemmy.

I don't wanna be mean to the guy who effectively just lost his job but like, come on bro. Reddit wasn't exactly hiding their negative intentions, outright lies, and lack of respect.

He said it's his only source of income, so he's probably been busy trying to gain as much time as he could from Reddit while simultaneously trying to work out his finances and such. And if Reddit was still talking to him, it's like dangling a carrot. The dev had some hope before the rug was swept out from under him.

I'm here because Joey was shut down, I refuse to get the reddit app.

Same. Haven't looked back since the day I lost Joey.

I was using Joey, which died last night - Always said I would leave as soon as my apps i liked didnt work so I made one last post calling spez a cunt then deleted, here i am!

I was so stoked that thinking that maybe Joey wouldn't go down, it's been my most used phone app for years. Trying to force myself to love lemmy, just wish there was an app that allows swiping from one post to the next

Connect for Lemmy has you covered. If you're on Android.

Else, you can try which also worked really well as a web app. It has gesture support.

If your on Android the connect for Lemmy app allows this. Though it is in experimental mode right now but it works well for me

How do you do it? I go into the post and show my finger from right to left and it doesn't go to the next post. If I do it on a comment that action just likes it, doesn't go to the next post

You have to turn on horizontal swipe for next post in settings first. Then after that just view a post and swipe from right to left on the topic and it should go to the next post

Oh awesome! I didn't scroll all the way down through the settings I guess. It's definitely a work in progress but it's exactly what I'm looking for one they get it consistent.

Former joey user I left reddit as soon as the API changes where public, I wanted to dev to pivot joey for Lemmy among other that said the same on the subreddit but never got any response. rip.

RIP Joey,

Downloaded it back in 2017, promptly forgot my password, and now the only I'd access my account is gone, I guess this is a goodbye to Reddit and a hello to Lemmy.

Is there any way to get something resembling Joey in Lemmy? Best-rated app in Play Store is Connect, and, well, I miss Joey. 😩

My only problem with connect is when I make a comment, it doesn't return me to the thread properly

That too. I'm surprised it's rated so high. Trying Jerboa and Liftoff now and both seem better.

I am testing connect now annnnnddd... returned me to the top of the comment list.

So I wonder if it was fixed?

The Connect dev is VERY responsive to feedback. I suggested adding the number of updates to the alert, and he had it done in like 2 days

I used both jerboa and liftoff, jerboa was clunky and liftoff was buggy and kept logging me out

Narwhal on IOS is still going I just keep it to see how long it lasts zero chance I get the official app.

I deleted Narhwal even though it wasn’t cut off from the API because I had no intention of using the developer’s proposed subscription model that was supposed to come at some point in the future. Uncertainty about the pricing etc., made it feel like I had Damocles’ sword over my head. Rather just rip off the bandaid and move on. Plus no more porn (if I’m being honest).

I used Joey for few years. I expected that it will end after API changes, but it's still sad. I wonder what another project will be about, I signed to newsletter. I guess, it's time to move to Lemmy more than I did

How hard it is to replace the backend while keeping the experience the same?

Depends on how the code was written, it can vary between "a few days of work" and "it's easier to write a new one"

Depends on how the app is written, really. If it's written using good abstractions and adhering to so-called SOLID, it should be fairly easy.

It still works fine if you moderate a subreddit. If you make yourself a private subreddit and mark it NSFW, you can both use the app and the API will let you see NSFW content.

Have you actually tried this? I used to moderate a sub of about 700 people. I don't have access now. Perhaps it's only if you moderate bigger subs?

Of course I've tried it, that's how I know it works. I was just using it 5 minutes ago. I don't think it's going to matter if you used to moderate a subreddit, you need to currently moderate a subreddit. I literally moderate an empty sub I made in like the last two days, who I'm the only subscriber to.

That seems like a very obvious loophole. Suprised that works.

For me both boost and infinity works fine. Not even a mod on infinity account yet that works for some reason.

Realised this when I tried to use the app today morning. Sad! Wish they would make a lemmy app.

Such a shame... time for me to give Lemmy a go.

Sad but expected. It was my reddit app of choice while it lasted.

That's also why I am here.

On one side, I thanks reddit for getting my time back !

Very sad to see this. ... and why I am right here right now.

RIP old friend. I loved Joey it was the first and only Reddit app that I used. I'm in Connect for Android hoping that some of the UI customizations come to this app. I would like to put my post titles above the image. Or whatever meta content image is displayed for the post.

I'm really enjoying Lemmy so far though.

Voyager and Liftoff both put the Post title above the image

I found the option in Connect settings finally. But thanks.

Interestingly I still have RIF installed and I was able to browse anonymously. NSFW subreddits are not viewable naturally.

Hah yeah. It forwards you to a comment by "u/redditmaturecontent" who tells you to download the app.

Boost is still working for me. Not sure why.

I think if you were a mod at some point, it will work.

Relay still works too. The dev is also in talks with reddit about paid API access, but hasn't had it shut off.

Huh, Boost broke for me a week-ish ago. I'm waiting with baited breath for Boost for Lemmy to be up an running.

I'm currently my app of choice (Sync) but patching it with Revanced and using my own API key. It's super easy and free. Works. Beautifuly for the moment.

Same here. At first, I thought Reddit might be phasing the API changes but doesn't seem to be the case. After seeing someone's comments about moderator accounts allowed to have continued access, that seems to be the case testing against a few of my accounts. Only the accounts that were moderators have continued access via Boost.

Not sure why they tried to hang on at all, it was always gonna go down this way.

Relay thinks they can make it work, when it was never designed to work.

Honestly, any app still trying to make it work is just a reddit simp, and have lost all my respect (not that it means much).

Waiting for infinity to die.. surprised it's still working perfectly

I hear they automatically charge the owner in relation to how much traffic happens through their app. Maybe infinity will get like a 50k bill soon

This was the moment I moved to Lemmy. I was hemming and hawing but after Joey I was done. Would love to see a Joey for Lemmy someday.

Meh. Very little sympathy for people betting their livelihood on proprietary technologies.

The entire economy, central banks and land are mostly private too, do you hold common people in contempt for not having a form of democratic ownership over them?