Newsmax Host Ominously Warns ‘You People in Your Cities’ Who Are ‘Pushing the Party That Owns 90% of the Guns’ to politics – 494 points –
Newsmax Host Ominously Warns ‘You People in Your Cities’ Who Are ‘Pushing the Party That Owns 90% of the Guns’

Newsmax host Carl Higbie went on a tirade on Friday after former President Donald Trump was convicted by a Manhattan jury the day before.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee was found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal hush money payments to cover up extramarital affairs. Trump was concerned the affairs would come to light and harm his presidential aspirations. The Republican freakout has been swift if not predictable. Despite their outrage and indignation, some conservatives insist that being a convicted felon will help Trump’s chances of returning to the White House in November’s election.

During Friday’s edition of Frontline on Newsmax, Higbie demanded congressional Republicans drop everything and go after those involved in Trump’s prosecution.


I’d like to remind that News Max host that the city that convicted Donald Trump murders 400 people each year with guns.

Blue cities ain’t trying to pass gun regulations because they’re afraid of the idea of guns. They’re trying to pass gun laws because they have a fuck ton of guns.

Those aren’t fireworks we hear every night.

Conservatives underestimate how much firepower the left has - they just don’t advertise it like it’s their personality. Even strongholds like Texas actually have less guns per household than the national average.

I think the chodes that own like 20+ pew pews are all far right. But you can't use 20 at a time, so I guess that won't help much. I'd put hard money on odds of much more citizens who've actually shot someone before as being non-republicans.

The truth is that Republicans shoot Republicans. Just ask Dick Cheney.

What I find funny is that they act like a bunch of hicks with guns is going to charge a tank or have a prayers chance against a predator drone. The party of serving your country and small government always seems to forget the military is part of the government.

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That 90% number is wishful thinking at best.

And so what if Cletus has a hundred guns. He's only got 2 hands and early onset diabetes. I like my chances.

Good point, I could easily out maneuver a mobility scooter.

Better watch out now, Rascal makes a turbo model that'll get up into the high teens. Strap a couple AK's to one of those and you have the next Tarantino movie.

That's a hilarious visual. A mounted gun where the basket should be

!noncredibledefense is leaking.

Also, left-wing e-bike technicals > right-wing mobility scooter technicals

Vegans with tree trunk legs and fantastic cardio on a solar powered technical. Basically infinite range. Modern day light calvary. Highly motivated, fighting climate change AND for america's freedom, one kill at a time.

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Just see the commercials on newsmax.

They're not broadcasting to the healthiest.

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I mean they may own five hundred guns each but i feel like only the first couple of them actually matter. The rest are just for masturbation purposes.

It won't help them against the government. They have all the working tanks.

They think they own most of the guns because they've built a whole culture around it. What they don't realize is there are plenty of non-Rs who own guns too as a hobby or protection, but their whole identity isn't "I'm a gun owner" so they don't go around hoopin' and hollarin' that they own guns.

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Get in there and subpoena everyone. This judge, his daughter, everyone affiliated with anything ever, ever! I don’t care if we stop building bridges and highways and stop funding our government. You fight fire with fire. Otherwise, these Marxists are going to keep doing this.

You're advocating against the rule of law and making threatening remarks towards millions of Americans. Like a terrorist. That's what a terrorist does. Promote violence without technically saying you promote violence why don't you.

You have never met America.

Have you? You wish harm on your country and her people. For god sakes your lord and savior man didn't even win the popular vote when he was actually elected. What the hell are you smoking?

“And when he does, I’m gonna sit back, I’m gonna drink a beer, I’m gonna smoke a cigar the size of Cuba and laugh because they earned this one,” he stated.

Check where you're buying your cigs mate.

That’s cute. I know lots of democrats who love their guns just as much. The difference is we know when to use them and how to properly store them so our kids don’t get mad at their classmates and you know, make mistakes that cost themselves and their classmates the rest of their lives


Stay mad and ignorant tho. It’s easier on the rest of us to deal with you when you’re blinded by rage and have had the only solid footing you have on this world knocked out beneath you.

Even if they do have 90% of the guns, they still only own about 30% of the trigger fingers. A guy with a garage full of guns can only shoot one at a time.

I was gonna say 2 guns, but how would they hold their beer?

Do the have a designated anti gun person to hold the beers?

Then who will they shoot at? Can't waste the beer by shooting the beer holder!

Don't forget they have to decide whether they hate Bud, Miller, or Coors Light this week.

Shooting two guns at once is something that only happens in movies, but I wouldn't be surprised to see one of these Very Special Forces guys on the right try to do it because he thinks it looks cool. I'd rather face him than someone who's properly handling only one gun.

This exactly. Guns have way more of a kick than people think and way less ammo. Too many people believe what they see in action movies. The gun range I go to you always hear about someone who wanted to live out something the saw in a movie... Only to end up shooting the ceiling, missing the target, and finding it the mag doesn't last minutes (for guns with an auto setting).

Having that many weapons also makes you a target. Whether that be as a threat or for theft of said valuable weapons, it defeats the purpose of having so many. It's like open carrying. All it does is make you a priority target if a shooting does happen.

Also there’s a reason that revolutions tend to wind up with apolitical bureaucrat types in charge. The people who believe in something enough to fight and die for it do so.

Newsmax: Don't go into the cities! They're warzones and you'll get shot...

Also Newsmax: We have all the guns too!

These people are so detached from reality.

We have all the guns! We're on the edge!

Liberals are trying to bait us into violence.


Let's take a step back from that provocation and look at the bigger picture.

  • This is intended to create division and make money (like Frank Reynolds would).
  • Neighbours shooting neighbours or rural folks shooting city people (or the other way around), that won't lead to any takeover or to any surrendering of power on a larger scale.
  • That's just terrorism and could (at most) cause chaos and terror.
  • If there actually was domestic violence on a larger scale, it would come down to: who controls the military or which part of the military is on which side.
  • I would avoid meaningless skirmishes e.g. in a suburb of Seattle.

I'm not saying succumb to bullies, but whatever you do, be smart about it.


It's their fantasy that they'll go into the 'city' to take it over. Let them. Downtown is mostly social services in major cities, maybe some healthcare or a large teaching hospital. They'll quickly realize that pointing guns at homeless people isn't very productive.

The vast majority of people live in suburbs, don't care about politics, don't follow the news.

Revenge fantasies are always stupid. Modern cities are vast tracks of cookie-cutter suburban housing.

If they don't like it, they can just leave. That's what they've been saying for decades, right?

That only applies to POC, non-xtians, liberals, people smarter than the average winger, uppity women, gayz that are not in the closet, etc...

Does he even know who the hell we are? I'm a new Yorker and I've seen through Trump's facade for decades. Why are people so devoted to this conman?

Those people are devoted to the letter R. Trump is living proof that you can actively try to be the most vile person alive and still get republican support.

Shows that there are enough people so desparate to be lead, that they'll follow anyone, as long as they are confident and unapologetic. And then there are the grifters that'll do anything for clout and money. Trump supporters have shown themselves to be naive and easily manipilated, so those grifters flock to pander to them.

Because they love the taste of diaper residue.

I hate that idiotic narrative they keep pushing.

You've got 90% of the guns? have 90% of the civilian guns. The military, who work for the legal government have far more than you do, as well as drones, bombs and tanks. So fuck off with your "We have 90% of the guns" bullshit.

Never underestimate a military's capacity to support fascism.

Signed, the entirely of Latin America, whose military dictatorships the US funded.

Everyone who cheers for war has never seen it.

Well, with my limited amount of grey matter, I was able to read a few accounts of WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam and I don’t ever want to experience war or sit here while other people have to. The idea is abhorrent. I mean if you have at least as much grey matter as this fucking idiot…

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OOOHHH NOOO~! The man with 8 Rifles is after me when I only own 1 Rifle! /s


Is she fighting inside a cherry cheesecake?

People who don't upvote don't get answers.

EDIT: The price is paid! The Magical Girls are tasked with fighting witches who can warp local reality into these nightmarish surreal dimensions, but

::: spoiler SPOILERS They gave up their souls for a wish when they became Magical Girls and they themselves become witches when overcome with grief perpetuating a cycle of carnage. :::

Minority groups are among the fastest growing groups of overall gun owners, for reasons outlined here.

Republicans only rank so high for gun ownership because of the dozens of people that have an armories worth. Left -wing and marginalized people will have one or two guns that are effective, not a stockpile of tacticool attachments and WW2 rifles.

Exactly. Some are so obsessed with owning guns that they buy more guns than they will ever shoot. And forget the possibility of ever lending them out to their friends, they're the party of "got mine, fuck you". Though, lately they've been more the party of "Got mine, but it's not enough, give me yours. Also fuck you."

How dont dis WW2 rifles, any firearm is deadly. Sure they may not be as effective in certain fields but a 1911 and a M1 Garand are just as deadly now as they were in the 1940s.

Yeah, the R's are the ammosexuals. They're so afraid that libruls will take their guns away that they stockpile them. I know a couple Dems who collect guns as a hobby, but I think most of us who own have just one or two for the purpose of self/home defense.

Some of these dudes have never been to Chicago and it shows

Yeah, it's funny because they're all scared to go to cities because of the crime stories they see on winger media like newsmax, but then they also turn around and say things like this.

Wait til they find out a majority of service members are of Hispanic heritage.

Gun ownership by party:

48% of Republicans personally own a gun.
66% of Republicans live in a gun owning household.

20% and 31% on the Democratic side.

32% and 42% for Independents.

"number of registered voters by partisan affiliations in states that allow voters to register by party and report those totals publicly"

So only about 30 states + the US Virgin Islands, so these numbers will be low.

"45 million registered voters in these areas identified themselves as Democrats."

45 * .2 = 9,000,000 Democratic gun owners, and 13,950,000 Democrats living in gun owning households.

"35.7 million registered voters identified themselves as Republicans"

35.7 * .48 = 17,136,000 Republican gun owners and 23,562,000 Republicans living in gun owning households.

"32.5 million registered voters identified themselves as independents"

32.5 * .32 = 10,400,000 Independent gun owners and 13,650,000 Independents living in gun owning households.

At most it's 3v1 if all independents go Republican.

2v1 if independents stay out.

1v1 if they join Democrats.

Sup, dork - liberal with a bunch of guns here. I’ve been training since Duck Hunt and can shoot the cap off a trans label Budweiser from 100 yards with a .22.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking Trumpers have a monopoly on gun powder.


As I've been saying, the people on the political left need to get strapped, they need to train, and they need to organize. Laws and cops aren't going to protect you, esp. when most cops are on the side of Trump. All of the laws trying to ban guns and prevent most citizens from owning them are going to do is make it ever easier for the boot of the authoritarians to crush you.

You need to take that power back, and remind the police that they only get to enforce laws by the consent of the people.

Who says they already aren't? We just don't make it our entire personality.

Some are. Most aren't I'd wager. Believing in the rights of other sentient beings typically tips you into the camp of not wanting to kill things.

Also we’re more likely to be aware of and accounting for mental health issues and so hesitate to bring a gun into a house with someone who shouldn’t have one. I want a firearm for self defense, my wife has depression and seeing as the whole goal is to keep her safe I do so by not having a gun

I go to 2-3 shooting matches every month; I'd go to more, except that ammunition prices are expensive. I talk to people. I'm not some kind of closet leftist; I wear this shit on my sleeve. (Quite literally in the case of some of my morale patches.). I see the stickers, patches, and shirts that other people are wearing, and I hear them talking; their politics are clear. I expect that the next 2-gun match I'm gonna hear a lot of people angry about Trump rule 34.

Going to shooting matches as someone that's pretty far left on most issues is like being in enemy territory. On the rare occasions that I get to make it to a match that's mostly populated with people that are on the political left, I feel like I can finally breathe.

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Or you could just drive two people under 30 to the polls.

Where I live, the odds are about 90% that anyone under 30 I was driving to the polls would be voting for Trump.

Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.

Lucy Parsons

Prove it. Just because it is a catchy doesn't mean it's true.

Look, voting is made difficult for certain segments of our society for a reason. It takes actual effort to make it run badly. My district is affluent White+Asian and voting is super easy. The district next to mine is almost 100% POC and each and every election there are stories of multiple hour long waits there.

This is not an accident. This is systemic and it has been systemic since about 1865. So when I hear people argue that voting doesn't matter I ask why it really seems to matter to multiple generations of the powers-that-be. Why do people in the age of Twitter and the age of telegraphs consistently have the same view? Well when I see that I usually conclude because the facts havent changed.

Prove it. Just because it is a catchy doesn’t mean it’s true.

You've cited the proof yourself. The wealthy have made sure that voting is just as hard as they can possibly make it in areas that aren't poor, or won't vote for the interests of the monied class.

Or I could invest in skills that benefit me and society while using my vote to push government policy towards outcomes that benefit humanity.

That's what community defense is, my dude.

Those of us on the actual left already are. It's those that think they are on the left that wont

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Oh I don’t have any guns I guess. They can come test this theory on me and my friends, they might be sad at the outcome, well for a couple seconds before they succumb to the darkness.

Newsmax: you city people better be scared because we have all the guns

Also Newsmax: Gun laws won't reduce gun violence, cities are full of guns!

These people are scared of fucking Seattle and Portland, they’ll fafo real quick if they try to roll into Atlanta, Memphis, or Chicago thinking they’ll be the most well armed

Yeah, once they try to take their revolutionary cosplaying to the next level, they will have a rude awakening.

Exactly where my head went. Both sides have all the guns, are the most [insert adjective] and that's why we have guns.

Gold fuckin medal. In fact it's a sweep all three medals in gymnastics.

I'm really glad that the trump presidency woke up a bunch of my liberal/progressive friends, as for the longest time I was the only one with firearms. Now, it's like 85% who have firearms. I don't think the meal team 6 guys know the rest of us are packing a lot more heat now.

Yeah, I don't get the obsession over the number of guns. You can make shit in your basement or garage that is going to do a lot more damage than a gun.

Ease of use/ ease of access. Any asshole can grab a gun and do something bad with it. It takes a halfway literate asshole to Google someones "cookbook download" and read the pdf. Then take the steps to do anything with it.

This disparity really does concern me. Non-MAGA people need to arm themselves. I know, I know. Guns are bad. But fascist tyranny is worse.

You would be surprised how many on the left own guns and know how to use them. Also, while military membership leans conservative, they do not tend to like Trump.

This is exactly what gun makers want.

This is not the solution.

Plus in the end, it's not about the quantity, but how you use them.

And we're not alone in this. There's the National Guard too.

Don't fall for the fear mongering.

Their "best" chance at doing anything of consequence was January 6 (in quotes because we know how that played out.) What makes you think this time around will be different?

Nothing wrong with a contingency plan. Even if it does benefit gun manufacturers. And the National Guard has killed a lot of union organizers and student protestors so it's not a given they'll protect you.

Hey, hey. This comes from a place of fear and that's okay, but recognize it for what it is. Buying guns in fear is what gets people hurt. If you choose to buy a gun for the first time, take proficiency courses. Learn the legal responsibilities that come with it. If you're genuinely concerned, protect yourself in a responsible way. That may or may not be with a firearm. There are many ways to protect yourself. Take martial arts classes for instance.

This may seem like a wild suggestion, but try therapy. It did wonders for my anxiety. Seriously. I don't worry as much. I don't live in fear. I have friends ALL across the political spectrum. We get along fine. We treat each other with love and respect. The news and media drums up fear and excitement for attention. It's what sells ads.

You do you. But perhaps you’re coming from a place of denial. Therapy can help with that too.

I won't rule out your point. It's good to be pragmatic. But I do know that fear isn't a good leader. I'll continue with my therapy. It does help. I recommend it to everyone.

Under normal circumstances I think your advice would be appropriate. I just happen to think these aren’t normal circumstances. Sometimes the danger is real and warrants increased vigilance. I’m certainly not suggesting people buy firearms they don’t know how to use, on a whim. I’m suggesting they consider investing time and effort to become proficient with them. It’s not about shooting people. It’s about having a credible deterrent.

That's fair. I think we agree that it's important to emphasize proficiency and responsibility. It needs to be explicit. Otherwise, it just plays into media extremism.

Yeah, don't count on that poster to listen to you and act responsibly. I do appreciate what you wrote for the rest of the readers, though.

Ok, now you're no better than the far-right wackos. Don't get offended for the therapy bit. Stop with the stigma. It was a genuine piece of advice. If it's not for me, a graceful "not for me, thanks" would have sufficed, not that reactionary "no u!", which is in alignment with your original fear-based comment.

Step away from the internet news for a bit. People tend to build these scenarios in their minds when they're logged on 24/7.

I agree that mental healthcare is important and not to be stigmatized.

The only thing I’m trying to encourage is preparedness over complacency. Thinking through the worst case scenario before it happens isn’t fear, it’s the beginning of assurance. It’s how you avoid freezing when the bad thing happens. Maybe that doesn’t mean guns. But it does mean I’m taking these overt threats of violence seriously and I think it’s prudent for others to as well.

We lefties have plenty of guns. Your concern is misplaced.

To be clear: I’m not talking about counting guns. I’m talking about normalized insanity. The Republicans continue to play with fire and whip the crazies into a frenzy. Democrats just gawk at them and make reassuring statements to each other.

I’m saying there could be more Pizzagate-style vigilantes and Jan. 6ers in our future and we need to think about what it means to be ready for it.

Just a reminder that the Nazi party regularly said shit like this leading up to the Holocaust. The idea was to make it seem like, to the public, that they have been regularly giving warnings to and negotiating with Jewish people about their need to relocate out of Germany and give up their property, and that the refusal to cooperate was going to force Germany to use violence.

It was all propaganda. The intent from the beginning was to commit violence.

All of the people Republicans are mad out right now - queer people, educators, health care professionals, and social workers to name a few - are all being given "warnings", with increasingly violent rhetoric attach, priming their base to eventually resort to violence when those targets "refuse to cooperate". Really what they mean is "Never do anything that disagrees with our far right agenda, or we will murder you".

The Fascists want a civil war. In their fantasy it plays out like The Purge where the big strong patriots destroy all the scary black bloc antifa terrorists and usher in a new era. The reality is that it would just result in a domestic crisis that on top of traumatizing the general public, would destabilize the country enough to permanently destroy our place in the world as a superpower.

would destabilize the country enough to permanently destroy our place in the world as a superpower.

Putin: Oh rly ... how did you say we do that again...?

This felon doesn't have any capacity for contrition. He genuinely believes he is above the law. It's unfathomable to him that he is being held to account.

There is no doubt in my mind that were he not a former president, a judge would lock him up. Contrition is an important component of the legal system. Felon's need to understand that their behavior is unacceptable.

I wonder if a judge could make him bend the knee. "Acknowledge your wrong doing and you don't need to go to jail."

He can't. He's sick , narcissism. He should have professional help trying to fix this. But at his age...

people with narcissistic personality disorder very, very rarely go to therapy. its their spouses, kids and employees that come to therapy. not their friends, though, because they do not exist.

Yeah, because you would have to be able to recognize the problem, which a narcissist per definition is unable to.

Prison is ostensibly for either prevention of crime or rehabilitation of criminals (ignoring the American for profit prison system for a moment). This one has proven himself willing to perform crime despite the threat of prison, and has proven himself unwilling to rehabilitate. As you said, proven no capacity for contrition.

Therefore, the stated reason for prison would have next to no effect on this prisoner. He will not rehabilitate and has proven himself undeterred by threat of punishment. Ergo, sounds like an excellent target for the death penalty, in fact that sounds like the exact sort of person the death penalty was originally instated for. People too dangerous to be left alive that refuse to change their ways.

Just saying, all the pieces fit.

We don't sentence people based on our feelings about them because it's impossible to do so in an objective, fair way across all courts. This man has enjoyed an absurd level of luxury/freedoms throughout his life, relative to just about everyone else. Let him rot in prison for the rest of his life. I hope he lives to 100 in there.

None of that involved my feelings about him, only facts about how he has acted under his own power. If we were basing this on my feelings about him we'd have been rid of him in 2015. It is a fact that he will perform crimes constantly and it is a fact that he has not shown a shred of remorse or reconciliation even once, ever.

I agree with you that he's a serial criminal. I don't agree that he should be given the death penalty, unless he's found guilty of a crime that would warrant that punishment.

And so... the traction begins. This is not just a freakout - this is going to supply them with a fake "victimhood" narrative they couldn't have managed by themselves and that will escalate beyond November.

I hope the liberals have a plan for what's going to happen when the nazis and their pig protectors hit the streets again - or, at least, a better plan than, "let's heckle antifa from the sidelines like we did in 2016!"

So he's saying that because a criminal was tried and convicted for his crimes, they somehow have to take action to defend said criminal even though said criminal most definitely did a whole bunch of crime that he hasn't even been tried for yet.

I don't know you everyone is so upset. Fomenting violence on a public stage is completely normal, I mean c'mon. /s

What people in cities? The people that carried out the trial on Felonius Lump?

Also, just where the fuck does Higbie live? Most Americans live in metro areas; is he one of the 17% that don't?

Lol joke's on you asshole, recently more people raised in the suburbs and country have moved to cities, and more minorities and leftists own guns. It's not 1980 anymore, good luck.

Estimates seem to be 83% of the country lives in an urban area. It's expect to be 90% by 2050. The dipshits still seem to think that flyover regions somehow contain multitudes and constitute a majority.

It's worth noting that the census definition of "urban" is almost completely detached from what most people would associate that term to mean.

Someone should ask Lax Headroom how he defines well-regulated militia and how he sees it applied.

Alas, we know.

When the purges in Russia, China, and N. Korea were going on, the only way to survive was to become the biggest ass-kisser. Imagine how they felt. Does that feel familiar, MAGA?

Liz Cheney has you pegged for what you have let yourself become.

Step off baiter. Or step up and be knocked off. Your call

At this point in my life, if it comes down it, I'd rather have a cyanide capsule than a gun. I'm too tired to go play leaded candy cosplay.

"Oh want to fight a war for this?"

Gestures to the burning globe of death and dying.

Guns. Should. Be. Banned. For. Everyone. Period.

I disagree but cheers! Have a great day!

This is the most passive aggressive comment I've seen in a while, kudos.

Haha it wasn't meant to be passive aggressive. They were just being downvoted with zero interaction. So i wanted to say something, and wish them a good day. Maybe they are having a rough day. Most people around here are not bots.

Have a good day!

Ah okay - I thought you were literally smiling them into submission

They keep commenting about how Israel, North Korea and the CCP are good actually. I'm glad you're trying to cheer up people you disagree with, but I'm p.sure this is a troll or something.

As a european, yes, this is completely obvious