Black, gay Trump supporter brutally taunted with slurs at rightwing conference to – 783 points –
Black, gay Trump supporter brutally taunted with slurs at rightwing conference

When he complained, rightwingers sent him homophobic taunts online.

Black gay Republican podcaster Rob Smith has claimed that “white supremacist” members of his political party called him “fa**ot” and the n-word during his Sunday night attendance of Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest event in Phoenix, Arizona. Though Smith posted a video of his brief interaction with the aggressors, commenters on X (formerly Twitter) noted that the video didn’t feature the n-word and mocked Smith his membership in an anti-gay political party.

“Last night in Phoenix, I was confronted and surrounded by some White Supremacists that don’t like gays or blacks in the Republican Party,” Smith wrote in a December 18 post on X. “They shouted ‘nr’ and ‘ft’ at me to make their point. However, I served in Iraq. I never back down. Ever.”


black man attends KKK meeting, shocked to find they were rather rude to him

Maybe having served in Iraq, he should have learned how a mistake is sometimes just a mistake and to know how to change your course of action once it turns out to be a mistake.

Or maybe he just learned how to live in denial, and put a positive spin on a nightmarish clusterfuck. Mission Accomplished!

Maybe he has an ideological reason and considers such events less important than that.

Say, he's a supporter of right-wing populist state capitalism. Satan knows why, Satan knows how, but he is.

Is there an alternative political affiliation for him, so that he wouldn't be a Trump supporter?

Why does he feel that it's relevant here? I don't really follow that part.

BCOS the military and its vets are the R's version of 'think of the babies', right until the point they ask for bothersome thugs like rights and support.

He went to what was essentially a white supremacist rally and was shocked to meet white supremacists.

Hopefully no one feels sorry and donates to him. I have a feeling, though.

“They shouted ‘nr’ and ‘ft’ at me to make their point. However, I served in Iraq. I never back down. Ever.”

I don't understand this take. Because he served in the military, he won't stop being allies with people even when they attack him and call him hateful slurs?

I don't think I've ever heard the "I served in Iraq, so I'm a doormat" argument before...

Shit, is there a Leopards Eating Faces community yet? If not, this would be a prime contender for the first post.

Hermain Caine has sealed GOAT leopard-face-eating status for all time, or at least as long as he continues posthumously tweeting.

Holy fuck. The ghouls who worked for him are still using his Twitter account? Lmao.

Color me shocked.

Aah I have such fond memories of that place

Me as well. Every day dealing with my mask at work hoping that I wouldn't be the small fraction of the population that still gets messed even vaxxed, then sitting down and scrolling through the long timeline of a goatee hat and sun glasses or religious-karen going from tough to vent.

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"Guys, I am so shocked and offended and hurt that I would be called racial and homophobic slurs while speaking at the racist, homophobic convention. I thought being a Republican would make me one of the good ones to them! why isnt it making me one of the good ones to them!"

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Zero sympathy. You ride with fascists, this is what happens.

Why on earth would a gay man want to be a Republican? Just seems like a conflict of interest...

gullibility combined with personality traits like "i never back down because i was in a wrong and illegal war started by the party of criminals who want to kill me and everyone like me" could be one reason, I think.

maybe he just really hates poor people.

Maybe he believes it really is just about class and nothing else and thought, ka-ching! Time to get in with the class that's exploiting everyone and only pretending to be white supremacist to stir up the plebs

Some people are richer than they are gay.

Based on the one I know, toxic upbringing, dumb as rocks, and completely unemphatic to anyone else. I was stuck in a car with one that's a family friend for 25 hours. He's managed to survive, so why can't all the other lgbts just suck it up is probably the unspoken thought he has. When he was complaining that the Metrosexuals messed up his ability to find other gay people, I told him I haven't heard anyone use that term in years. He was also convinced that his boyfriend is hiding that fact that he works as at a porn store and that's going to get him fired from his job as an... Pianist/Organist for the Catholic Church. I try to avoid him.

ah lack of empathy is such a great indicator of conseravtism

The same reason why a poor white person with kids would?

I do agree that your example is much more extreme, but maybe it's a question of degree not kind.

It's all about the financial aspect. These people tend to be wealthier and very anti-tax. They hope to be one of the "good ones" that are tokenized in the party.

We'll probably see more gay Republicans now that same-sex marriage is legal everywhere and no one seems interested in challenging it.

They are absolutely still interested in challenging it. They've been talking about repealing it since the day that it was enacted. Why do you think they keep dialing up the anti LGBT rhetoric? Do you think that they just threw up their hands and said "oh well!" when that thing they railed against for decades happened? That which they raged against with all the hatred in their hearts. That they insisted was a sin against god and would lead to the collapse of Western civilization?

They didn't stop being angry at us. They're still pissed.

What kind of battle over cognitive dissonance must people like this face?..

Dude must have an Olympic gold metal for mental gymnastics...

here in germany, we have a politician who is in the AfD (a right-wing party, where many members are literally Nazis).

and he is an immigrant, talking about how we should stop immigration. he only gets accepted in there because he is as bigoted as them.

i know it has little to do with this post, but i got reminded of this story by it.

Trump claims immigrants are "poisoning the blood of this country." His wife, ex-wife, and mother are immigrants...

But they're from the correct group and countries. They want eastern European characters because they'll be the correct religion and skin color. Do they hold those beliefs? Doesn't matter. What matters is the image not the people. People are expendable, ideals sell.

Many Republican leaders are children of immigrants.

Many also say our birthrate is too low and we need more young people to support our future economy, something immigration builds up.

None of it makes sense.

It does when you accept that it's all a thin veneer for "we need to outbreed the undesirables"

I have a coworker who is anti-immigrant because she thinks all immigrants are unvaccinated and spread diseases. She is also anti-vax.

I also have two half-Thai cousins who are anti-immigrant.

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The leopard ate his face.

It is UNFAIR to expect me to know/accept that the Leopards Eating Faces Party would eat MY face

Breaking news: Face-eating leopard advocate gets face eaten by leopards

"I'm going to eat you."

He just tells it like it is!

Black and gay? I'm just confused. Didn't you get the memo that these are the two things Republicans hate the most?

But if he wouldn't grift, he would be even worse off! can't be black, gay AND poor, what would they think of him!

I'm sure he's definitely grifting somehow, but being black and gay I'd imagine people on the left would throw money at him if he wasn't a piece of shit. I don't know if he is, just saying if he wasn't then it would probably be easy and he'd have the benefit of not having to deal with actual racist nazis

Nobody parts with their money like the right. The left doesn’t just rally behind anything with the right keywords and will often provide emotional support before anything else.

The left has so many people who are abused for just being who they are that something like that is a Tuesday and not special enough to warrant sending $10 to a rando. There are bigger fish to fry and many would rather go after the instutions that allowed the pain to happen in the first place than pat themselves on the back for a weak bandaid solution.

There's lots of gay black guys, why would the left throw money at him?

What did this dumb shit expect?

He hoped that he would be one of the "good ones" in their eyes. He's in it for the economic policy more than anything.

For the leopards to not....uh... lynch him? It's hard to see his position as being anything other than a grift, and I think he knew full well what would happen and this outrage/pointing-and-laughing is all part of the play.

"i don't understand why these leopards that I voted for are eating my face."

-Black, gay Trump supporter Rob Smith

However, I served in Iraq. I never back down. Ever.

He is like that dude from Saw who cut off his leg to get free, but the chain hasn't been actaully connected to anything but him. And as a war-forged vet, he promise he'd cut another one just to keep grifting. If something, that scandal only upped his media visibility, and there would be lots of people curious wtf he even is, and to bait him with slurs as he does react on them. Hold it, his stonks bag says, hold it, as you can always run safe at a short notice. Next it would be flying bottles and he'd still think he can earn a little more before quiting. It's not safe to be a career hypocrite.

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How can anyone be that stupid? Of course, he is free to support Trump, but this is not the wisest move, not for anybody, but especially not for anyone who is not exactly white supremacist recruting material...

That kind of cognitive dissonance is widespread in minority groups everywhere. Right-wingers have become extremely adept at pretending to be civil, telling them "we don't have anything against you, because you're one of the good ones." And these poor souls believe it, because they don't understand what the right-wingers want to say, which is "we'll go after you, once we're done with your friends."

He's not dumb. He knows republicans are easy to grift. He's trying to be like Candace Owens.

The only logical solution here is to double down on his beliefs.

No shit, right? While not all people in that group are racists, bigots, or homophobes it is the side which is more likely to attract such. Gotta have some real blinders on to think that a black, gay man is going to be welcomed by all as "part of the team"

Dear Rob Smith: Pick up the clue phone on line one. It's been ringing off the hook since you got here.

Knowing when to quit a battle is a virtue, not a failure.

I'd say this is the wrong Community, because racist homophobes being racist and homophobic isn't really news, but I don't think there's a c/whatthefuckdidyouthinkwouldhappenyoudick Community.

In other news, Turkeys are voting for Christmas

White Supremacists [...] don’t like gays or blacks in the Republican Party

I don't like anyone in the Republican Party.

We are not the same.

If this is what it takes for him to realize that he’s on the side of people who hate him, then I guess it’s ultimately for the best. Since he still insists he will “never back down”, though, I’m not very hopeful.

Edit: I didn’t know Roseanne Barr was a full-on Holocaust denier. Terrible person, sure, but I didn’t realize she’d gone that far off the rails. Huh.

Never ever backing down from a stupid fucking position like "black gay republican" or "The Iraq War" seems like an issue to discuss in therapy, dumbfuck. Not the national news. Christ i fucking hate people.

Is there a leopards ate my face fediverse community?

Yeah, no shit. That's why we don't allow that speech

This guy is probably only OK with the hate when they have tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us", or when Orange Leader is telling the cult that immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our nation". Who knew they would be hateful towards people that are gay and/or black when Orange Leader had a dinner party with a former KKK Grand Wizard?!?!

Though Smith posted a video of his brief interaction with the aggressors, commenters on X (formerly Twitter) noted that the video didn’t feature the n-word and mocked Smith his membership in an anti-gay political party.

Without proof or corroborating witnesses, he'll be called a Jussie.

There are black gay Trump supporters? Why?

Maybe there were just lots of pieces of paper that said ...

Log Cabin Republicans are very persistent to last as long as they have.