YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave to – 491 points –
YouTube begins new wave of slowdowns for users with ad blockers enabled

A new wave of slowdowns is hitting users, with the only resolutions being disabling the ad blocker or upgrading to premium.

Or just switching to ublock origin.

Or just switching to newpipe.

Or just switching to freetube.




I have ublock origin on firefox and it's really bad for me currently. This has traditionally been the good combo I believe.

Not just slowing down, but stopping, then restarting after skipping a few seconds that you cannot access no matter what.

For now the best solution I've found is to copy the video url, open potplayer and just hit the paste command and the video runs flawlessly.

So they'll have to close that loophole eventually, which means enshittifying the video streaming protocol for everything that isn't the native web viewer, which will inconvenience more people who were used to something working, leading to another workaround, leading to...

Youtube is gradually accelerating their enshittification. I'm looking forward to when it comes to a real head. Too many serious interested parties rely on it. I don't know if peertube will be the first fallback, but I'm sure it'll get a big bump.

how do those youtube clients work? i thought YouTube was very closed source

AFAIK NewPipe parses the regular YouTube website and only extracts the useful bits.

Some probably use an API of some sort, because SmartTube for Android TV even synchronises your watch history, subscriptions, you login with your google account etc...

Or downloading videos to watch later? Does Plex recognize YouTube videos?

Plex does not recognize them in terms of pulling down metadata but you can still organize them in folders and browse that way. I find the Plex route is a healthier way to engage with video content than platforms that just keep serving you whatever the algorithm thinks will keep you peeled to the screen. It's more intentional and less of a passive consumption kinda thing.

tl;dr: Yes, but probably takes some effort for most content.

Plex will play the files, but metadata is hit or miss. If it's something that's on thetvdb or themoviedb, it can be matched as a series or movie, respectively. With some effort, you could also probably include all the relevant metadata when downloading the videos, then have plex use local metadata, which could cover anything not big enough for the big metadata providers.

I think it's also possible to find plug-ins/scripts that will pull metadata directly from youtube, but I've had bad luck relying on that stuff and then development stopping, so I avoid it these days.

Frankly, I'd stop using YouTube entirely before I'd start using it without an adblocker. At least there are no signs of it slowing down for me, yet.

I'd consider paying a few bucks a month, but not $10 or more

Get rid of shitty YouTube music and give me a tier that's no ads only

That is precisely why Premium Lite was killed off, it did exactly what you are looking for.

I don't think that was ever available in my country

So I have YouTube premium but also have ad-blocker, for the first time yesterday I was noticing absolutely abysmal speeds on YouTube and I suspect this is why. I thought my computer was starting to shit the bed initially it was so brutal.

I was wondering if this was coming. I don't use YouTube in-browser much if at all, so I don't see this. But I am not surprised. The fact that they're slowing down people who pay for premium is kind of an act of war. It shouldn't be a thing, and the fact that it's happening at all is a misstep on Google's part. Not that the whole slowing down people who use ad blockers isn't. But this will detrimentally affect adoption of premium subscribers which I thought was the last thing they'd want. Because they obviously don't make enough off ad revenue to support the platform. That's part of why they push premium so hard. They need more premium subscribers. This is idiocy.

I can't remember what video I watched that talked about the unsustainabilty and likely the late stages of an ad revenue driven internet content model, and this situation reeks of that.

I don't know what new paradigm might replace it if this is the case, but the current model feels like it's absolutely failing.

I have YouTube premium

Wow, so you pay them and they still screw you? Glad that’s a product I’ll never buy then!

I know, right? But I suppose their reasoning is that my ads are also blocked across the rest of their ecosystem, my subscription isn't covering those losses.

Still though, a model that requires that customers look at something they don't want to nor will engage with smells like failure.

I’m generally okay with the idea of “you can get it for free and we’ll include ads to pay for it, or you can pay instead”.

Where I’m definitely not okay is “you can pay, and we’ll include ads anyway.”

The sick twist is that I use Ublock Origin and won't ever pay for YouTube premium and I haven't experienced even the slightest issue streaming videos on YouTube. 😂

I have YouTube premium and an adblocker and I don’t have this problem. I’m skeptical that it’s related.

Same, YT Premium, Firefox, ad blocker, no issues with streaming.

So, since writing the above I've been having issues with YouTube. I've been connected to my VPN, so perhaps that's part of it (by which I mean Google slowing it down, the VPN doesn't noticeably slow down any other sites).

I tried deactivating my ad blocker, but it hasn't made a difference. I'll try more stuff to see if I can figure it out.

Anecdotally at best. I know it's not what you want to hear, but you're making a conclusion based on something one person said.

I have premium, uBlock Origin, and Mullvad VPN. In Firefox the other day, the stream was dying every 10-30 seconds. Like it would just stop and give me a spinner. I would have to "Copy URL at current time", open a new tab, and paste it in to get it to go any further. I do have bad internet, but this was nuts. And then I gave up and used Duck, and it played flawlessly in their embedded player.

Good job, Google.

After getting premium I just switched the adblocker off for YouTube. Premium would be far too expensive if it didn't also include YouTube Music :-/

uBlock Origin works on YouTube Music, too.

If you want to throw a few bucks at the people providing you a service, then donate to an ad blocker for helping make the Internet a safer, better, and more user-friendly place. ...not the big fuckers like YouTube who are contributing to the enshitification of the entire web.

While uBlock would be most deserving of a donation imo, there are others that do accept. Even if it's an ad blocker you don't actively use, you'd still be supporting a developer who's using their time and skills to improve the web.

Donating to no one would be better than paying YouTube.

YouTube already has ways to block users with adblock. They just haven't fully rolled it out yet.

Lately they blocked playing videos when I had uBlock Origin running, but it was just a warning I could click away. They might also slow down page loading and playback.

YouTube has the ability to lock users with adblock out, they are just very careful about using it. Mostly starting with trials in smaller countries and getting more bold over time.

Apparently this seems to be mainly affecting Chrome users, lol.

Well, yeah! Google controls Chrome

Yeah but what I find funny is that if people had already jumped from Chrome they probably wouldn't be having problems.

And still, I’m more likely to stop using YouTube than to stop using an ad blocker.

That's what they want. Get all the users they aren't able to monetize off the platform to lower their costs.

That's a double edged sword though, lose viewers and you lose appeal to advertisers. Lose users and they're going to go somewhere else. That somewhere else will eventually grow and be competition. The bigger it gets, the faster it will grow.

Then I'mma leech HARDER

Way ahead of you. Recently got Nebula, which has dramatically reduced the amount of time I spend on YT. Besides, this way I can help also the people who make the videos. They don’t need to be so dependent on the whimsical and unpredictable nature of the algorithm and the ever changing landscape of what is or isn’t advertiser friendly on the platform.

If YT feels like further cranking up the enshittification dial, I say, bring it on. I’m ready to drop my watch time even lower than it currently is.

Anything better than listening 3 songs and getting 5 ads.

Stop being trash youtube. Be normal like you once were and i would actually consider a paid subscription IF i get to fully exclude shorts on my side of the platform.

Not at all a solution, but worth mentioning that in a YouTube URL you can replace /shorts/ with /v/ and get the normal player for the same video.

I just want the short form content out of my life, but your tip might help others who dislike the player and not the video's.

Good things come to those who wait (and block ads)

Also I'd rather wait without ads than wait with ads, like what's the point?

If you wait in front of an empty screen it's much more pleasant than being in front of visual and audio spam drilling into your head.

It's of course true that YouTube can't support a website for free, so it would be the correct thing to watch some ads: problems arising are that (A) some ads are malicious (either as misinformation or as viruses or as links to those), (B) they've grown from a reasonable amount to an unreasonable one and often interrupted at the worst possible time)

Oh no (continues to watch on freetube) anyway....

What is freetube? (Sorry for the stupid question)

FreeTube is a YouTube client for Windows, Mac, and Linux built around using YouTube more privately. You can enjoy your favorite content and creators without your habits being tracked. All of your user data is stored locally and never sent or published to the internet. FreeTube grabs data by scraping the information it needs (with either local methods or by optionally utilizing the Invidious API).

It also integrates Sponsorblock!

Give it a go, it really is quite good

edit: hey, you're the guy I responded to about polls. lemmy feels like a small village sometimes

One of many different "third party frontends" for YouTube which, amongst other things, cut out ads and avoid performance throttling.

Personally I use one called NewPipe, and previously one called LibreTube. There are others too.

Trying to use it via Firefox is pointless. I just downloaded the video and pirated. Fuck YouTube.

If you run mpv https://url it will stream it from youtube and play it in mpv, without having to wait for the whole video to download first.

User-Agent changer fixes this issue completely for me

I wish Mozilla would add the ability to set User-Agent for the different containers they offer in Firefox with their addon. Would be sweet to set it to Chrome in my YouTube container only.

How do I learn what you're talking about LoL. Any helpful YouTube channels?

Not the person you replied to, but I just searched for "User-Agent changer" and then installed the Firefox extension that it found. When I set it to pretend to be Windows/Chrome my Youtube tabs went back to snappy and responsive.

(link to the one I found:

Thanks I'll check that out.

Holy smokes that did the trick. Not that longer loading times were bothering me too much, (It's still less time wasted than ads) but damn it feels nice to load smoothly again.

Problem is, it shows the internet that there id a higher share of chromium browsers.
Which is bad.

Man, it's wild to see Youtube kill themselves in real time.

They are going to be fine, we said the same thing when Netflix banned password sharing. People who still use YouTube don't care.

Imagine still giving Netflix money after they consistently shit on their customers every single chance they get lol. What a bunch of suckers

Been using revanced, sometimes using Iceraven (ff fork) w/ ublock origin on phone, and using librewolf (another ff fork) also w/ ublock origin on desktop. So far never encountered slow down since November 2023.

Is this slow down only on select extension issue? Although when it first happend (late 2023) I was thrown up by sudden yt not loading on my librewolf but it only happend only on single day, afterward it gone.

Try opening a link from Gmail in Firefox or searching Google for a specific piece of information. SSDD. Fuck Google. At this point they're in par with the evil Amazon.

I dusted off an old laptop, put debian on it, put an SSD and now I have my own invidious instance, among other services...

No ads, no throttling, no bullshit. Google is very welcome to suck it. I'd gladly stop using youtube, but there's no competition.

The no competition in the market, is the issue. Hope the situation improves in near future. With it innovations will gradually increase & the demand within the markets will point the directions.

If everyone keeps expecting everything for free there will never be competition :)

There is competition when it comes to technology stack. People just don't want to use alternatives because the amount of content/users is less on others.

Be the pioneer and help others move across.

I do not care. I only watch 10 channels and these are in my favorites. I do not use the algorithm and thanks to European law the frontpage is deactivated. I also ever watch only one video per day and then do something else, so they can slow down the website as much as they want since I am not scrolling. I click on a channel and on a video, that's it. If it gets too bad I rather not use Youtube anymore, it is not the end of the world.

You tube is a central repository for hundreds of thousands of hours of learning. So while you might know everything is a great equalizer for those who are still learning

I mean this wholeheartedly and by no means do I mean to be rude or snarky. I'm glad that works for you but unfortunately there is a ton of us who have to use it for a huge list of things. I personally use it to learn how to fix or make things because for me I need a video for it. I use a bunch of work arounds and such but eventually this will become a bigger issue. Soon embedded videos will stop working for news websites and such at this rate.

They're shooting themselves in the foot if embedded videos gets disabled.

I completely agree. Personally the video I saw wasn't 100% convincing mostly speculation however it shared some other points about how websites will start doing what YouTube is doing so they don't suffer the wrath of YouTube messing with their videos. I wish I knew how to find the video I saw on tiktok they had a YouTube channel I can't remember. I hate being THAT guy talking about videos without the link...

I’m not very tech savvy, my Adblock sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. I’ve been using Firefox with extensions incognito for YouTube or I just avoid the site these days. I really liked it for music videos, since in unwilling to pay Spotify. So far my strategy is working.

I don't have an ad blocker, I just have the standard strict tracking protection enabled in Firefox. What's more, I pay for YouTube Premium. But still they add a five-second delay every time I visit a web page. It's infuriating.

there is no way the 5 second sleep before loading isnt anti competitive, because last i heard, unless they changed it, it only checks for the firefox user agent.

Actually insane that someone would willingly implement that.

I don't always click on a YouTube ad, but when I do it's a UI failure because it's an accidental click. How much do you want to bet this crackdown is a distraction from the fact their ad system doesn't perform as well as advertised?

Or it's just straight up hostile UI. They started camouflaging ads to blend in really well with random search results now! Infuriating.

Speaking of which... Don't you just love how changing the volume on your phone causes the audio indicator to overlap the button that let's you skip ads?

Ok now that you point it out that's gotta be intentional lol.

Behold, the wonders of the modern world! ...which we must constantly fight and remain suspicious of as they attempt to manipulate or screw us at every turn.


Does it affect Invidious front-end as well?? I have been noticing that for a while now, but I thought maybe it is because the page doesn't use native yt js code to track video download. the same videos would load battery smooth when accessed through YT.

Don't worry, YouTube, I won't be using your website anymore. But my yt-dl will be ripping max quality videos by the hundreds, just for shits and giggles.

I am for sure one of the smaller number of people doing this, but I watch YouTube on my TV using the TV app. As a result I always had to watch ads. I wish I could avoid them. I suppose a could watch from an alternative and then AirPlay it to my TV, but that’s about it.

Changing your router DNS to something that blocks ads (or a pihole at home) and you'll never have to watch ads ever again, YouTube or elsewhere

YouTube video ads can't be blocked with just DNS blocking unfortunately, they are served from the same hosts as YouTube videos.

I don't understand how anyone can put up with youtube without premium. Every time I visit a friends house I am shocked at the level of bullshit they are ok with. I'd pay a lot more than 10 bucks.

I'd happily pay for premium as I use YouTube religiously. But it's Google so fuck them, they already process my information in order to show me ads and profit off of my data. I think that's payment enough, so I'll just find any free way possible to watch YouTube without ads.

so fuck them, they already process my information in order to show me ads and profit off of my data.

So you don't have any services like Netflix, Hulu, etc? I can guarantee they do the same things in one way or another.

Youtube is my reminder on new browser installs to install Ublock Origin. And I saw this newest effort to block it once. Updated Ublock, restarted the browser and it was gone again.

If I started waving little billboards in front of your face, how much would you pay me to go away?

Do you have anything to offer besides the billboard in my face? If not, you get dropped.

Or just use an adblocker and save the $$

I was a day 1 subscriber of Google Play Music All Access, which I converted into a family plan when that was available, and was told that the rate I was paying would be grandfathered in. I didn't like the switch to YouTube Music, but it did the job and came with ad-free YouTube, so I was okay with it.

But then they told me that they were changing the $14.99/mo I was paying to $22.99/mo despite being grandfathered in, a more than 50% increase, and I said fuck that. Unsubbed, swapped to Spotify, and never looked back.

Would I pay for just ad-free YouTube? Maybe. But not for almost $300 each year. I'm keeping Spotify, so if Google made a plan for no ads for like ...$1 or $2 per month?, maybe then I'd consider going back.

The end result now though is that I just use YouTube less.

I was/am in the exact same boat, but share the subscription three ways (wife+brother) so the numbers are still somewhat favorable given our music and YouTube usage as a household.

A couple of five second ads doesn't bother me at all.

I'm from a generation that had no pause or fast forward on the TV before the internet. Every fifteen minutes or so you'd have near enough five minutes of ads. YouTube ads are nothing by comparison.

$10 a month isn't a huge amount, but it's $120 saved by the end of the year that I'd rather spend on something else.

I’m from a generation that had state television where there were no ads at all. I liked it that way.

Exactly. Starting from the premise that these services deserve the revenue from ads is completely wrong. As advertising has grown, so has corporate greed in extracting more value from users while providing a worse service.

Starting from the premise that we owe corporations the opportunity to subject us to mental abuse for any reason is the problem. Let's not forget what ads are and how they work.

I agree with you for the most part, but at the same time people need a way to find the things they want. There are lots of products and services that genuinely make life better, but without advertising you may never even know what you're missing.

That position is completely in the distance behind where we are now, with the pure exploitation and manipulative marketing, but it's still a valid point.

That's valid.

Thank you.

My rule of thumb has always been, since I was a child: if it's advertised on TV, it probably isn't that good.

TV advertising is expensive. The business needs to pay for that advertising, and they also expect to profit from it. Thus, the customers have to pay for the advertising, the profits to the business for the advertising, as well as the product, and the profits to the business for the product. So, in general, if it's advertised on TV it's probably not worth what they want you to pay.

Recently there's been an online therapy service that has grown massively called Better Health. It sounds really good, and content producers I like have apparently thought the same and started advertising it themselves - Behind the Bastards host Robert Evans actually voices an ad for them on his own podcast. However, I've also recently seen advertisements for their service on TV. Now, I'm wary, and I'm just waiting for what I think will be the inevitable controversy over their service.

So yeah, advertising has some valid purpose, but it's also basically complete and totally open warfare. Marketing executives are probably worse than estate agents at this point. At the same time, a person just promoting their idea might not be so villainous - at least right now, who knows what they'll do later?

I'm from that generation too and as soon as I moved out of my folks' house I never subscribed to cable or watched broadcast TV because that constant onslaught of advertising was offensive and I didn't want it in my home.

I’m from a generation that had no pause or fast forward on the TV before the internet.

Me too, but using ublock for a while it's easy and quick to become intolerant of ads.

I do understand the appeal but I also quite like a lot of the smaller content creators and I think they deserve to get paid.

Pirating from a corporation that makes several millions in profits is one thing, I'm not going to pick the pockets of my fellow man.

I'm from a country where we barely had ads on TV back in the day, and even now it's nowhere near as bad as on American TV. I've tried watching US channels online and it's feels like nothing but an insult. YouTube is bad enough for me.

Easy: Just use the right browser and adblocker, and you basically have premium, but without the ads they still throw at you.

1 more...

Yes. You people just cost money. Pay, or find a new service. I'm not so sure what's confusing about this.

Google isn't going to let you use the service for free anymore.

Edit: Reading comprehension seems to be at an all time low. None of this has to do with you liking YouTube or not. Nobody cares if you don't like Google's data farming. It's 100% irrelevant.

If google stops strip mining my data when I pay for their service, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I’m not going to pay to be someone’s product.

Then don't be shocked when they start putting up walls. It's shocking to me how many people take this as some kind of right and act indignant and make up every excuse under the sun to justify why YouTube should cater to pirates 🤣

Ad blocking is not piracy. That's like saying that muting ads on broadcast TV is piracy. Get the boot out of your mouth.

You are very much stealing the right to distribution and revenue for creators as well as YouTube.

It's amazing to see folks still try this tired argument.

They can pry the mute button from my cold dead heads.

Is that a part of the terms of use? Do you honestly believe that would be enforced under US law? Irrelevant then.

I bet you think "right click, inspect, delete " is "piracy" too.

If you're breaking the terms of service to access the service for free absolutely. People have a right to distribute their content as they see fit within the confines of the law. You're stealing that right. You'd all lose your shit if companies just started ignoring GPL and you all certainly would be calling it theft.

Oh, go ahead and let them place YouTube behind the paywall. We need some new players in this area.

I'm the product in the current YouTube business model, why should I care about their profits?

Also I promise I won't be whining if YouTube shuts down. I will be celebrating. For now, as they hold monopoly, I will watch them however I wish and help anyone else to do the same.

  • Firefox + uBlock - desktop
  • ReVanced, NewPipe - phone
  • SnartTube - TV

I never said you should care 🤷‍♂️

I said you shouldn't be shocked when freeloaders continue to be locked down.

Please tell google then, if we allow ads, then dont shoot at us 10 unskippable ads.

1 ad per video < 10 minutes. 2 ads per video > 10 < 20. 4 ads per video > 20 +2 ads per extra 10 minutes

Ads maximum length of 30 seconds. Ads should be monitored for anything illegal or harmfull for the viewer ( Scams, Malicious websites ... )

If google chose to do this instead of every minutes 2 unskippable ads ( or soon 5 ) i would think, there would be less adblock users on youtube. And with that you support more your favorite creator ( if you want to really support him, just give him some bucks on patreon or so ). Or just suggest him to go to any other video hosting website ( like peertube ) then users will have 0 ads and you can get support over donations.

None of any of that matters.

If you don't like it you can move along. That's what is being said.

We can simultaneously move along and criticize their decisions as exploitative double-dipping on their users. Criticizing them thankfully doesn't require a subscription, or even an account.

In a nutshell a ad blocker is just a form of protest.

And yet they were perfectly okay with providing the service for free while they were still busy starving off the competition. No tears for Google shall be shed here.

What? They are exactly a billion video and comment streaming platforms.

And I'm not telling you to have years for Google. I'm highlighting that the free ride is over. Pay or use a different service.

Google is already making millions by profiling its users and stealing their data. All these YT changes are not caused by them losing money, but by them not growing enough to please their (multi-millionaires) investors.

(1) I'm not shedding any tears for a corporation that's big enough to have more money that I'll ever see in ten lifetimes.

(2) I'm not paying for a "Premium" experience to allow them to keep profiling me (and thus gain more money). They are already gaining money off me, they don't need my premium subscription.

(3) You should stop arguing in favour of exploitative big corporations that don't even know you and are probably actively exploiting you in this very moment.

What does any of that have to with what I said? Great, you don't like yt, good for you. Who is asking you to shed a tear?

YT doesn't want freeloaders. Pay up, see ads, or play cat and mouse avoiding them.

I'm not a freeloader because Google is already making a profit off me by profiling me. They are just being greedy and asking for more. If you are happy donating your hard-earned money to the trillion-dollars corporation that's exploiting you, good for you. I am a sane individual and I'd rather put that money to good use. In fact, by donating to the WWF, I'm spending less money yearly than a YT premium subscriber, and I'm making someone happy that deserves it more than Google's sleazy investors.

So you go into restaurants and demand half priced food? The price is the price. Pay it out deal with Google making your videos slow. I'm really not sure how all of you are turning this a value thing. It's utterly irrelevant.

Your argument falls flat the moment you realize an alternative to YT doesn't exist because all these bit corporations have spent years either starving off or buying the competition, and they are now happily enjoying the monopoly they have created.

I don't expect Google to ever cater to me, and I fully expect them to keep their war going against AdBlock. It's their job to make more money, after all. But the point is, it's their job, not mine. I'll keep doing what I think I rightfully deserve, which is, watch a few videos without the hassle of ads provided by the big corporation that has taken my data without my consent, sold it to the highest bidder, and made a fuckload of money off it.

Oh so tiktok isn't real and competing with YT? And twitch is just in my imagination? And I guess the curiosity stream is fake too!

They had premium light which gave you just a no ad experience and nothing else for about $7/mo. Totally reasonable, I was happy to pay it. Then right at the same time they started going nuclear on ad blocking, they killed that plan and forced everyone to move to a plan that costs about 70% more and added a bunch of stuff I didn't ask for and will never use. They had those added services available already prior to that change. If I had wanted them I'd already be subscribing. This was just a greedy cash grab.

They'll just keep jacking the price up and decreasing the quality of service and mining your data and annoying you with ads and algorithmic bullshit just up until they can't anymore and it stops being optimally profitable. A lot of people will just put up with it, but they lost me as a customer.

Correct. Also irrelevant. All of it.

It is honestly embarrassing as shit spending 3 hours of your time on a weekend arguing with like a dozen people in defense of one of the highest market cap megacorps in the world. Get a hobby dude.

I assure you it's been like 30m of time between shits. If you are angry enough to be checking the history at least get it right.

Is your “you people” targeted at the ones using Adblock?

If so, here’s another approach; If YouTube actually had a decent ‘premium’ without all the unnecessary “features” in it and the price wasn’t so unreasonable high. People might have paid for it.

In my country YouTube Premium costs €12/monthly which is €144/yearly and for what? Unnecessary features and to block advertisements while still having in-video advertisements (sponsors). No thank you.

I will go with uBlock Origin and Sponsorblock.

People love premium. Let's not confuse you and lemmys average user with the general public.

$18 a month for family streaming + music is a bargain.

Also, that's all great that you use tools to get around it. My point is stop bitching about it or acting like Google is evil for blocking people who refuse to pay 🤷‍♂️

$18 a month for family streaming + music is a bargain.

Wow your brain really has been taken hostage hasn't it?

YouTube is a terrible music platform.

YouTube videos aren't worth that much.

If I'm paying for streaming video content, I prefer to pay the creators directly than let YouTube take an outsize cut.

YouTube has hundreds of times the reach of any other comparable service. They're milking their monopoly. They can bite a dick.

But you don’t pay them directly. Hardly anybody does, except YouTube and whatever midroll sponsor they can hack a deal with. That’s WHY content creators insisted on paydays through YouTube to begin with and why YouTube is trying to make enough money to pay them all and look profitable.

But I do pay the ones I value directly.

Most Creators have communities where you can voice that desire if they don’t give you the information outright. Some do it through having companies of their own. Merch, coffee, and alcohol are common salespoints. JackSepticeye has a coffee brand and shares a clothing brand with Markiplier. Phillip De Franco also has a coffee brand and a clothing brand. Devin Stone (LegalEagle) doesn’t, but he’s part of the following push:

Some are on other platforms that more directly reward the content creators, like Nebula. This allows them to have a Patreon-like model where some content is publicly available to drum up interest while other deeper or more long-form content exists behind a paywall. Communicate in communities with your favorite creators to find out how you can show them your support more specifically.

I’d agree that people love the tag-name ‘’Premium’’ therefore might pay for it. I’d also say tech-illiterate people will pay for it because of no knowledge.

However most of the general public do find the price-tag absurd.

Also your ‘’€18/monthly is a bargain’’ just makes me think, I’m arguing with a teenager or at least someone who does not pay for themselves (a friend or family member pays for most of things, I suppose). €18/monthly is €216/yearly, that money can be spent elsewhere, important things (food, education and bills).

Not only that you are essentially saying ‘’Hey, Google. You the one who already owns most of the things, you the owner who’s already A billionaire and have immense data of its users – take more money of me’’. Google is essentially evil in the sense that their track-record isn’t clean. Their ways to gain profit/revenue is not really morally nor ethically right. They can just do it because they are one of the biggest companies in the world.

I personally do not care if YouTube blocks itself for me, that just means – I will find another way to gain access to music and videos. There will always be ways, always.

I love how people who disagree with your value assessment are all technology illiterate. Just hand wave away all your problems 🤣.

You're arguing with a 40 year old with commits to Apache, Python, CNCF, NGinx, TF, and more. So again, your hand waving away because of a different opinion is quite off base.

To address the comment, none of that matters at all and is irrelevant. Yes you can keep on stealing the content and you shouldn't be shocked every time Google finds a new way to make it more of a pain in the ass. I'm not sure why that's a difficult concept for most of the readership here.

“Lets just say that person is tech-illiterate without actual knowledge about the particular person - because I have no counterargument”

That what I just read from you.

I’ll just block and ignore you, you’ve proven to be a total troll. Wasted enough of my time and energy on you. Unfortunately.

ETA: if you’re truly 40 y/o, your behavior doesn’t show it. You are behaving like a teenager with the same mentality/mindset as one.

Stealing is entirely different than using an AdBlock. With your “knowledge” in technology, you should know that by now. The question of “is piracy stealing” is a whole another topic which can be argued to infiniteness.

What in the world is motivating you to justify YouTube's corpo enshittification? If you're telling the truth, you're easily old enough to realise that Baron Google isn't going to share his wealth with useful idiots. Why would you spend your weekend extolling overpriced subscription services and berating ad avoiders on Google's behalf?

God forbid I find value provided by successful companies. THE HORROR!

But why the finger wagging? I get that you'd drop in and say "I prefer to pay for premium rather than play cat-and-mouse with Google" but that point was made long ago.

I don’t generally agree with the corporate side of the argument, but financial support for the platform itself has to come from somewhere.

Thank you for your concern, but I have other ways of avoiding YouTube's ads and associated punishments.

Neat. None of you really understand the point or can read.

Don't expect YouTube to cater to you people who just steal 🤷‍♂️

Whats so complicated?

It is sad that it took me so long but you’re a troll. 100%.

You are a fine example of a troll. Well played.

👌👍 it's amazing to me how many people can't read and have turned this into a complicated and personal thing