[not a meme] anyone I should add?

moosetwin@lemmy.dbzer0.com to 196@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 305 points –

I'm sorry if this is not the best place for this, I couldn't think of anywhere better to ask about it

the reason most of these people are youtubers is because I went through my youtube subscriptions for ideas

edit: I've just realized I forgot to add rule to the title but I don't know how to fit it in there with it looking not bad


I had a lot of conversations with my dad about how glorifying people is setting yourself up for failure when there were loads of protests were going on about bringing down statues of famously racist people who did like a handful of notable things i.e. most of the U.S. founding fathers.

I wouldn’t suggest keeping a list of names that you admire. Maybe keep a list of things about those names that you admire

Harry Brewis (hbomberguy)

You're saying someone that calls themselves bomber guy is cool?

I mean hey a name is just a name, it's just uh, not a good first impression 😐

I quite like Dolly Parton and Mr. Rogers for what it's worth.

They seem like some of the very few genuinely decent human beings who were also celebrities.

Adam Savage

I like Adam Savage. I watch Adam Savage. However, be careful putting anyone on a pedestal. The claims were settled out of court which doesn't mean anything either way. And I think all of us feeling like we have more familiarity with Adam himself would definitely rather side with him and his version of things. But that's just bias at this point.

Adam is most definitely a fascinating guy with a varied and interesting work experience. We can all safely say that for sure. And has overtime become a great presenter with a lot of wisdom to share. And that's probably where we should keep it. 🙂

maybe some women?

Seems unnecessary to list women just because they are women.

Ooh edgy, say more

I don't see what's edgy about that. You should include people in that list for who they are and what they do. Not because of their gender.

If you think of women who you would put on that list then suggest them. OP asked for that. Be the change you want to see.

You seem a bit troll-y too but I'll bite.

The only one suggesting to add women because they are women is the edgy beb. The change I want to see is edgies being made to feel small. I have achieved based on their anemic come back :)

The person starting this thread wants to see the world you're suggesting I create. And in doing so has opened a whole new class of YouTuber for our dear OP to explore..the analogy about fish, fishing and teachers come to mind

What more is there to say?

He asked for suggestions :) Go ahead and give us a list of women who you think should be on the list.

I'll start (also YouTubers)

  • Simone Giertz
  • Diana Cowern
  • Laura Kampf
  • Münecat
  • Contrapoints
  • Freya Holmer

Not women but, they have a spot on my personal list:

  • hbomberguy
  • Dan Olson
  • MandaloreGaming

Adding some musicians:

  • Phoebe Bridgers
  • Fiona Apple
  • Francis Quinlan (Hop Along)
  • Alynda Segarra (Hurray for the Riff Raff)
  • dodie
  • Regina Spektor
  • Samia
  • Haley Heynderickx
  • Kelly Dugan & Mina Walker (Daisy the Great)
  • Merrill Garbus (Tune-yards)
  • Katie Kuffle

April Wilkerson Ashley Harwood Xyla Foxlin

jacob geller

dan olson


Some of my personal ones are:

Gabe Newell

The vinesauce crew (Vinny, Joel, Limes, Rev, etc)


Jabroni Mike

Fredrick "fat nuts" Knudsen


Hideki Naganuma

King Gizzard

Peter Gabriel

Ross Scott (acursed farms)

John Carmack

John Romero

Might update this with more if I think of any.

Who is Jerma and why does YouTube keep trying to force me to watch their vids.

"I'm killing you. I don't care about anything else, my programming is just get that fucking guy right there." - Friendly neighborhood Jerma

Okay, if I... if I chop you up in a meat grinder, and the only thing that comes out, that's left of you, is your eyeball, you'r- you're PROBABLY DEAD! You're probably going to - not you, I'm just sayin', like, if you- if somebody were to, like, push you into a meat grinder, and, like, your- one of your finger bones is still intact, they're not gonna pick it up and go, "Well see, yeah it wasn't deadly, it wasn't an instant kill move! You still got, like, this part of your finger left!" NO I'M NOT GONNA PUT YOU INTO A MEAT GRINDER. I'M NOT GONNA PUT YOU INTO A MEAT GRINDER. NO. I'm making a reference to the fact that, like, if I, like, if I were to get fucking KILLED... I don't know, YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN'. If- if- okay, if you were to- okay we're gonna take humans out of this, if alien Globgobglobgo 1 fuckin' shoots a disintegrating ray at alien Globglo 2, if there's only fucking TEETH LEFT, it's- it's fucking you're dead, you're dead.

"If I were to put you in a meat grinder," goddamnit, it's so fucked up! You understand what I'm sayin' though, I'm not actually saying that I'm going to put somebody in a meat grinder, goddamnit. Whatever.

- an entirely sane and not completely deranged psychopath.

Edit: the man in question

Brennan Lee Mulligan and, by extension, Sam Reich.

edit: to be fair, a lot of the Dropout cast seem like pretty great human beings as well (Emily Axford comes to mind, plus she frequently played opposite Adam Conover in the series Adam Ruins Everything which is both entertaining and horrible)

+1 to anyone on the Dropout team.

Semi related, but Rehka's new PowerPoint show is amazing.

Grady Hillhouse of Practical Engineering. He provides so much insight to the constructed world around us and, more recently, has done a ton of work to digest complex reports to, as he puts it, "elevate the discussion" around manmade disasters so that the layman can have a more informed opinion.

Pannenkoek as well. He's pretty niche, making videos almost exclusively about Mario 64, but he has an incredible talent for teaching complex technical concepts in an understandable way. It's often really hard for people that freakin smart to turn around and explain their knowledge to a layman, but Pannen puts a ton of work into visuals and examples to make sense of some really comprehensive stuff.

Rebecca Sugar, creator of Steven Universe. They've always had a mission to reach queer kids and have taken inspiration from Mr. Rogers to help children love and accept themselves. Over the course of their career, they've really come out of their shell and fought for representation in cartoons, driving the whole medium forward while supporting their peers across the animation industry. They've been pretty quiet online since the end of Steven Universe, but it's because they're out there in person at LGBTQ+ youth centers teaching kids how to understand and express themselves. I didn't know what it meant to have a role model until I started following their career.

Fred Rogers

Dolly Parton

Steve Wozniak

Betty White

Carl Sagan

Hedy Lamarr

Albert Einstein

Grace Hopper

Alan Turing

Just YouTubers? I don't really know them as people but I think the content they create is admirable at least:


Mark Rober <- Never mind, apparently he's down with Autism Speaks (a shitty group that wants to "cure" neurodivergence) That's a shame.






Captain Disillusion



I guess I'm kind of a sucker for educational stuff.


Educational stuff


ZeFrank is fucking hilarious, but also, technically informative as well.

Edit: Hmm, maybe I should also add YourGrammarSucks too...

Zefrank makes exactly the sort of content that's required to get bored kids interested in a science. He is doing us a public service.

Kurzgesagt is a shitty neoliberal who greenwashes the future involving climate change. I'm not sure if he's paid by oil companies or if he just loves huffing their balls that much.

Personally, Veritasium is out of that list for me due to some of his more recent videos. He still has some good content but I really disliked that "rods from God" video where it feels like he's basically doing the same thing as the "How Ridiculous" guys and trying to disguise it as science communication. And the (admittedly few) ones where he's basically disguising advertising as his regular content.

I nominate BobbyBroccoli to take his spot.

Mark Rober is a dick tho

Damn, really? That's disappointing to learn, why's he a dick?

Ok so not nessesarialy a dick, just a strong reaction with his name sorry.

In his video saying he has an autistic son, he did a charity event for NEXT for autism, who wish to 'cure' autism, and have worked with Autism speaks before. The actual event before changes made due to criticism had like no autistic voices present. I don't think Mark is a dick because he seems to genuinely love his son, but was just uninformed about the harm that group does.

I'd call that disappointing, Autism Speaks is a shitty group. Neurodivergence doesn't need to be "cured". I even thought Rober might be on the spectrum himself.

Gamers Nexus is good for PC stuff, they do factory tours of PC parts manufacturing and testing/analysis of PC parts

Louslis Rossmann has great mackbook repair videos and now does lots of advocy for right to repair

Strange Parts does all sorts of electronics stuff and has been doing pretty cook factory tours too

Project Farm tests everything and does a great job of it

Some more youtubers:

  • Sebastian Lague

  • Stefan from CNC Kitchen

  • Sam from Wendover

  • Jason Slaughter (NJB)

  • Reece Martin (RMTransit)

Are we talking just contemporary people? Because John Brown, as a historical figure, is a great inspiration for me.

so what i'm seeing here is that your youtube recommendations are borderline identical to mine

Wendy Carlos. One of the earliest trans icons who basically invented the genre of electronic music.

She maintains a personal website that's straight out of the early 2000s.

Wendy Carlos HomePage - https://www.wendycarlos.com/


Hell yeah Wendy Carlos! Those old videos of her explaining how synthesizers work were legitimately my intro into production. You can just tell she’s so passionate about these nifty machines, it’s absolutely lovely.

Chris Hadfield? But maybe that's just cuz I'm a big space nerd.

And his son, host on the channel "Rare Earth" a true gem of youtube

I'd put him on there, he's done so much to educate people about life in space and is always happy to address questions and run experiments for curious kids, even if they seem trivial.

Posy has many videos along the lines of technology connections with incredible macro footage as well as lots of other random interesting stuff.

mitxela for well documented high quality projects blending mechanical and electrical engineering.

The Tim Traveller is basically Tom Scott if only covering strange historical things. And unlike Tom Scott he's still making videos.

Cathode Ray Dude does a mix of long form content like technology connections, but focusing on relatively modern computers.

I LOVE posy, just a dude talking about whatever catches his fancy and making beautiful videos about them.

You should definitely check out Deviant Ollam and Mitxela

What's the deal with Deviant's name? Every time I see it written it's spelled "Ollam" but people pronounce it "Ollaf" out loud.

I wish I knew. Let me know if you ever figure it out

If you admire Technology Connections, take a look at Cathode Ray Dude. Exudes a lot of the same energy.

Steve from Gamers Nexus. Dude is like TotalBiscuit but for tech, not just gaming. Also, TotalBiscuit, if you are ok with adding those that have passed to the list...

I had high hopes that Genna Bain would continue tb's legacy. I can't imagine losing someone so publicly.

I couldn't imagine doing that. Just stepping into the role of your recently deceased partner. That'd be tough. At this point, I am sad that no one has really stepped into that role, even just a spiritual successor.

Terry Pratchett

Robin Williams

Tom Cardy

Tom MacDonald

Tim Minchin

The Stupendium

Eddie Izzard

...idk, there's probably more

not just bikes, posy, boyboy

edit: spelt posy wrong

NotJustBikes, Post10, BoyBoy, Ididathing, friendlyjordies, PrimitiveTechnology, thejuicemedia

Primative Technology. That guy is just... unfathomableable. Pots, fire, bricks, crops, shelter, kilns, repeat, no words, no justification. We can't even be certain the guy in the video wrote the subtitles. Has he ever even acknowledged the camera? Is he a good guy? Evil? How would I tell? Does it even matter?

I believe his book Primitive Technology: A Survivalist's Guide to Building Tools,.... by John Plant. So you can buy it if you want to. :-D

Károly Zsolnai-Fehér from Two Minute Papers is fantastic

I love his excitement, positivity and passion for the subject. His content is great but I can't get myself to listen to him anymore due to his speech style. I can mostly ignore the thick accent but the ad style intonation with the constant interruptions was just too much for me to handle after a while. But again, aside from that, his content is always top notch and he's wholesome.

Iain M Banks Terry Pratchett Cliff Stoll (I bought a Klein jar from him) Colin Furze

Only alive, or Steve Irwin?

Too soon :-(

Happy that the Irwins are following their dreams and keeping their dad's passion alive!

Miss that dude his drive his passion his focus his spirit.

Cody'sLab and Etho'slab are the GOAT of YouTube they're the only reason I'm still using YouTube ( honorable mention: MattKC, LGR, Janus Cycle, Posy, Druaga1)

CodysLab, William Osman 2, NileRed, BackyardScientist, Allen Pan, SafetyThird Podcast.

Don’t forget Michael Reeves and Simone Giertz!

I was going to suggest John and Hank Green until I realized you already included them! So how about Destin Sandlin from Smarter Every Day?

Super small youtuber, but I really look up to TyraLore. Her videos are all about the Minecraft Create mod, but her way of explaining everything, as well as her creativity in her survival series, have really inspired me to play Minecraft again.

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):


Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I'm open-source; check me out at GitHub.

Why not paste the text instead of the image ?

Gary shandling https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/watch-judd-apatow-praise-garry-shandlings-mysterious-genius-in-hbo-doc-203113/

The Larry sanders show is amazing 👏

Fantastic subtle comedy that has an understated nuance. It's a breath of fresh air among jumpscare slapstick humor that seems to Rule the Day today , see https://youtu.be/4AdHpQW-pEs?feature=shared

grey cgp? PewDiePie? MrwhosetheBoss?

Isn't PewDiePie a Nazi?

Not openly or outright. Potentially not at all, but he is loved by Nazis.

Just one example of Nazis and terrible people liking him, was a terrorist who live streamed his attack on a couple mosques in NZ and during the attack he said to "subscribe to PewDiePie" amongst other things.

He's definitely posted some dog-whistle stuff when it comes to being a Nazi.

Derek Veritasium

Michael Vsauce

Diana PhysicsGirl

Arin Hanson and Dan Avidan.

I'd love to be proven wrong (because he had a pretty big impact on my worldview in my mid 20s and he's got a wonderful singing voice), but the last I heard of Daniel he had been accused of grooming. (Warning Reddit link, but I did find a host of articles by searching "dan avidan controversy" in case you don't want to give Reddit traffic).

Sorry. Like I said, I'd love to be proven wrong. He seemed like a really cool guy.

Literally all the comments in that thread are pointing out how the accusations and the evidence provided are bullshit as none of the girls were actually underage at the time, along with evidence of their own to back it up (including the original poster saying they made it up and deleting their Twitter but some user in the comments had screenshots). So...

Jacob Andrews, Julia Lepetit, Nathan Yaffe, Karina Farek :)

I have never seen a drawfee ep that gives me bad vibes and they've raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for some pretty nice charities in just the last year

CallMeCarMagnet (CallMeKevin)
Drift Daddy (RTGame)

I haven't cried even once today, so I think you should add me.

Nick Gammon

Made mush client. Several top tier micro controller tutorials. Their web 1.0 website loads in like 0.003 ms.

Richard Feynman? He's probably the guy for those you did list

I've got vague memories that he was a bit of a dick with women.


Adam Ragusea (subjective; I really like his style and philosophy, but a lot of people don't)

Sebastian Lague


I think Uncle Ben from Urban Rescue Ranch is worthy of the list. He's an animal rehabber from Waco, TX who spent years turning a crack house, needle-filled property into a beautiful animal rehabilitation center. He frequently updates his YouTube channel with his day-to-day life, and the animals he has are fun (capybaras, kangaroos, rheas, etc.). He genuinely loves animals and loves his work and I've learned a lot from his channel.

People I admire?

  • My dad
  • My mom
  • My uncle
  • My sister
  • Bernie Sanders
  • Alie Ward
  • Carter
  • Karl Kasarda
  • Multiple ex girlfriends of mine
  • AOC
  • Probably other people

One person i have to add is Rob Dahm. 196 probably doesnt know him because hes a car guy but for me every time he releases a video my life stops and i have to watch it. Full respect to what hes doing.

Hans and Sophie Scholl definitely need to be on every list of people to admire

'Y a un youtubeur qui s'appelle "orteil" ?!

Tom Brailsford (the main old teacher from Computerphile) Brian Kernighan Dennis Ritchie Ken Thompson

I like $uicideboy$ and Juice WRLD because they make super cool music and they helped me a lot with their art.