Microplastics found in every human testicle in study

Xatolos@reddthat.com to News@lemmy.world – 579 points –
Microplastics found in every human testicle in study

So the pee isn't stored in the balls, but the microplastics are

They say every, but no one's checked mine yet.

Not even in the Mayo clinic?

They stayed above the waist.

Fair enough, how are you doing now? Any word out from them yet?

We're looking into intensive therapy programs at the moment. Hopefully we'll find something by the end of the week, but we had to wait until my daughter's school year was over.

Ah man, sorry to hear you are in the midst of a health issue Flying Squid! Wishing you a full recovery. Lemmy wouldn't be the same without you!

You are a heavy sleeper.

Is it too much to ask for them to wait until I'm awake until they play with my balls?


I just don't see what I get out of it. Other than microplastics in my balls.

How do you think they get the microplastics in your balls in the first place? Can't have you knowing.

Every tested testi. Testis of non-testee testi'd are not tested.

Fine. Please urinate into a coffee mug. Someone will be by soon to collect the sample...

We've obviously seen a lot of studies about the proliferation of microplastics. They seem to be in practically everything and everyone to an almost cellular level. Are there any modern studies or even just hypotheses for what the actual effects are? Has it just not been long enough for us to gather data?

The problem might be that if they're everywhere there's no control group without them, so it's hard to say if an effect is actually caused by microplastics or not.

In a laboratory setting, presumably you could makeq conditions clean enough to grow a cell culture that is free from micro plastics. But that isn't going to tell you much about systemic effects like in an organ or body.

Maybe you could breed mice in a clean room. Not sure what the generational half life of microplastics is..

The alternative you could probably test is levels of Microplastics. Grow a number of colonies with varying levels of microplastics and compare between them.

I have a hypothesis that the proliferation of microplastics could be related to the rising cancer rates in young people nobody can yet explain.

At very least, people should stop microwaving plastic containers.

Don't forget the food... And the water, and the water used to grow the food, etc. Creating a clean generation of even mice would be pretty difficult, it's just everywhere, including most of the tools we'd use to make a cleanroom

The problem is that plastics are not stable. They are constantly breaking down and releasing an array of chemicals in the process. Great, now they’re inside us too. Oh. They’re inside everything else too so yay?

So an issue of correlation and causality.

There are a lot of gastro surgeons and specialists that are running long term studies on increased stomach and colon cancer rates in relation to microplastics. A few of them have come out and started recommending colonoscopies starting at 40 instead of 50.

This is true. I had mine tested, and there was one of my testicles that had way more microplastics than the other two.

Tested for what?

For the genetic disorder responsible for giving him three testicles

They are testes. They are still there.

How does that answer their question in any way??

It’s really a bad joke and people are jerks for not explaining it.

Someone who rents a place is a renter or a rentee. The testicle is still there because it was just a testee. Or something like that.

So should i recycle my sperm instead of flushing it?

I laughed so hard at this. That's clever. Thank you. xD

No, you just wash it, ship it to Cheapistan and let them throw it in the sea.

Between the microplastics, the pfoas and other fluorine based stuff from 3M, and the lead in fuel that airplanes are still allowed to use, and the lack of a more natural diet, it's no wonder we're all so screwed up.

Wait, what?

lead in fuel that airplanes are still allowed to use

Oh shit.

It's worse than "allowed" to use, in the US it's more like "required to use". Newer engines that work on unleaded gas exist, and even some older engines are perfectly capable on unleaded gas. However, the FAA has to test and approve each part that goes on an airplane, and it's a ton of work to do that for every type of airplane engine. Unless the government subsidized such testing and paid for unleaded fuel tanks to be installed all over the country, it's unlikely to change anytime soon.

No. No no, the chem trail people cannot be right. This is the worst day. (So far!)

To be fair, I think this is for gas engines and not jet engines. So big commercial airports, and the con chem trail generating traffic, are in the clear.

No, it's just the smaller airports and tiny fields used for crop dusters. You know. The ones that are literally everywhere. :(

well that and being told for your entire life that you could be anything you want and do anything with your life that you chose as long as you worked hard (oh, and voted for tax cuts for the rich).

People were using lead in day to day life for thousands of years.

For thousands of years it wasn't aerosolized. It isn't even debated anymore. It's a known and accepted fact that it has made people dumber.

Yeah, it was simply added directly to the food as a sweetener. No biggie...

1 more...
1 more...
1 more...

We really have sacrificed our species atop the fire of industry.

This is why we've never seen or heard aliens out in the universe. Every civilization burns itself out faster than they can solve long distance space travel. Maybe the Great Filter is just the inherent nature of sentient beings. It would make me feel better to know that every other civilization to ever exist in the universe also destroyed itself in this manner, but maybe we are a special level of stupid.

TIL about the Great Filter. Thanks for the rabbit hole!

Got us to the moon in a relative jiffy though. Makes you wonder what majority of industrialized life ever burns itself out vs external circumstances.

We've been pretty up ourselves about it though, a blank flag waving on the moon will be cold comfort for the burning remains of our civilisation. I could imagine this being the inevitable end to an intelligent species, smart enough to destroy itself but dumb enough to destroy itself.

If you can't spread your sperm, spread awareness about microplastics.

Scientists say discovery may be linked to decades-long decline in sperm counts in men around the world

This is no issue to me, as someone who doesn't prioritize having sex and has no intent to bring children into this awful world.

Yeah same, but I worry about all the other affects like cancers, other mutations, some third horrible thing...

Yeah I have no doubt all kinds of weird cancers and degenerative diseases are going to be rampant in 50 or so years.

Plastics breaking down and leeching into everything is going to make climate change look like leaded gas/paint.

I'm gay and I don't want to have kids. This world is horrific.

It's an issue if it accelerates the removal of abortion rights. Old crotchety white men afraid they'll stop having heirs

They will die and things will go back to normal.

I wish I had your self-confidence! It would maybe help me get laid 😵

The human testicles had a plastic concentration almost three times higher than that found in the dog testes: 330 micrograms per gram of tissue compared with 123 micrograms. Polyethylene, used in plastic bags and bottles, was the most common microplastic found, followed by PVC.

So my balls are to 1/3 made of plastic?

Ummm there are 1,000,000 micrograms in a gram so 330 micrograms per gram is 0.033% not 33%.

But I imagine Lance Armstrong is averaging about 50% so who knows.

Are they all speckled & colorful like in that thumbnail stock photo?

The stock photo is of plastic pieces that are too big to be considered microplastics

The microplastics are probably mostly colorless/white

Aww, was kinda hoping that at least there'd be a party in my balls.

Rub a lil icy hot on em

Just sound in some glitter

Excellent idea, my fellow intellectual! furiously destroys my own urethra with a rusty deck screw caked with shiny plastic shards

If they looked all colorful like confetti when it came out like in the pic I might be ok with it lol

I want the optional rainbow cum output too. Tired of Factory White

Wait, that's not how gay men jizz?

That's... disappointing.

I'd prefer it to be not quite as spiky though.

Its all in the way we wrap it, all in the way we wrap it

Where’s a good place to buy organic testicles then?

I heard the rocky mountains are good at least once you get past all the oysters

Thanks! I’ll have to see if there’s a distributor in my area.

Is that how polyester girls are created?

Barbie girls man. It was right there for the taking.

guess i gotta take them off then

I'm gettin mine removed in 3 weeks

hell yea rid yourself of those micro plastics

Good for you! I still have mine, but they were disconnected a few years back, much happier with them now and I hope you will be too

If the researchers are pretty, I would like to have my testicles in that study.

All by design. The powers that be want to limit the world population. Slow kill is a tool.

BTW, in testicles like sperm? Or somehow melded to the organs?

Which is why reproductive rights are being stripped away? Can’t have it both ways.

Live in the U.S.?

Check all the ingredients of everything you eat and drink. You bathe with, you wash dishes with, you wash clothes with, you use for lawn care etc.. Even medications are forms of slow kill. All of which is approved by governing bodies like the FDA.