Juste received this love letter from reddit's admins

Poitou@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 266 points –

Fuck em. This is my first post on Lemmy and I'm happy it exists.

Does that also mean your first word on Lemmy is "fuck"?

Just spoke to @Tamhenk's parents, fuck was their first word in general.

Dear person volunteering your time and effort for what you thought was a worthy endeavor. We're trying to commodify your work so we can make a killing so don't fuck it up for us.

Dear Spez,

I've learned that Reddit wants to profit from my content. I've therefore decided to monetize my content going forward. I have very reasonable rates of $50 USD per post. $75 USD for long posts.

I'm willing to discuss this with Reddit but these rates are nonnegotiable.

"we respect the protests, but we will remove everyone that will protest"

the part "decide that don't want to be a mod anymore" is so infuriating and unrespectful. Like they don't know what's goin on...

Actually, as a mod, that's the strongest action you could take... stop moderating for free for reddit. "Jun 12, 2023 When they're all functioning normally, Reddit boasts nearly 140,000 active subreddits at any given time" according to https://wegotthiscovered.com/social-media/how-many-subreddits-are-on-reddit/ Now imagine 1 in 10 subreddits were abandoned by their mods. That's 14,000 subreddits without moderation. Let Spez take over the role of the Landed Gentry for 14,000 subreddits. If he thinks he's not making money now, how much will he have to pay to take care of all those subreddits?

As much as I agree with you, I have to disagree as well. In the short term they would have to pay their staff to mod those pages. But for how long will it take for them to find another sucker of a mod to do it for free?

Yes it would cost them money but it would not be for long.

But for how long will it take for them to find another sucker of a mod to do it for free?

Modding, especially on larger subs, is a PITA and takes way more time than most people think. You can always find users who say they will do it but in my experience with across several 1M+ subs most new mods will either drop out or go inactive in 3 weeks or less.

Less popular subs in the 250k user range will sometimes only get 1 or 2 volunteers and sometimes no one at all.

It isn't nearly as easy to replace moderators as you're making it out to be.

I do agree with you. It could take a while for them to find someone to mod any sub. I was not trying to be too specific with how long. Just that eventually they will find someone to do it. I probably should have been more clearer about that. It was just was my 2 cents.

That's slippery. Pay one mod, and no more mods will be willing to work for free anymore. The only reason a mod was seen as a volunteer position is because there was an overall informal agreement that the community collectively owned the subreddit, its activity and its content. Reddit just made it very clear that they think the corporation owns the content, and the users that produce the content in the subreddits. The facade is gone, pay one mod and Reddit unravels even faster.

Probably a bribe of free reddit coins or a Reddit+ subscription for being a scab.

Why bother doing that when an AI will do it

This might actually be the reason they started this.

That would make the decision even more short sighted.

It won't end with AI moderation, It will end with moderation that is very exploitable, bad to adjust to all subreddits and because of this whole mess they will drive community engagement into the ground. And that is without even so much as taking a peak on the possible affects to the IPO. It's gonna be mess, even if the platform survives.

Spez is a narcissist. Why give him your labor for free?

Sure, they may get another sucker to do it for free, why be a narcissist's sucker?

If he's abused these mods, he'll abuse those mods. And yes, he could get AI to do this, but then again, years ago* (Steve H became CEO in 2015) we were promised a better Reddit app. Like the music business, Reddit is constantly losing money, unwilling to change, but still around.

*I would link it, but for some reason, U/Spez's history stops 3 years ago. I'm sure it's a Reddit glitch that will be fixed just like the better Reddit app that's waiting for us under the rainbow.


Reddit: "Subreddits are for the community of reddit users who rely on them."

Community of reddit users: "We think the sub should stay private, and if you force it open, we'll spam sexy John Oliver and porn."

Reddit: "wait no not like that"

This message is mind-blowingly tone deaf.

It's not tone deaf so much as it's gaslighting. Their intention isn't to get compliance or work through any of the valid concerns - their intention seems to be to cover themselves and give plausible deniability for potential investors.

They're sending this to mods as if they are the audience, which we know is not the case since anything the mods say is not actually considered.

Subreddits belong to the community of users...

Spez, read that again. Slower this time.

It's not even true though. Subreddits belong to the user who creates it, they become the top mod and delegate to other mods. If users don't like how a subreddit is moderated, they are free to make their own subreddit - they aren't supposed to take over someone else's subreddit.

This is the fundamental shift that reddit is trying to make right now. Subs no longer belong to you, and if you "misbehave" (displease reddit) they'll gladly move what they now consider to be their thing to someone else.

Legally they might even be in their rights. But if they actually follow through they'll soon need paid mods or they'll only have unsuccessful psychopaths for mods.

I'm not so sure about that. I'm no lawyer, but I do know that there's a lot of legal precedent for allowing people/things to operate a certain way, like land use. However, technology is still new to the legal system that's set in the 1800s.

Communist Country Citizens: First time?

"Hey mod! Go back working for free so we can make money or we'll take action you peasant. You own nothing. Kneel and obey."

Steve Hoffman probably

Open it back up and just stop moderating it? Make them mildly infuriated that you're acting your wage.

Moderating is volunteer work. Spez is a narcissist. Why volunteer for a narcissist?

Because I'm sure all those people aren't volonteering for spez but rather the subs users, the ones that keep their communities alive because of their shared interests.

"Narcissist" is a psychological term describing a person with NPD, a disability in ego regulation. There is no evidence that Spez is disabled, neurodivergent, or otherwise mentally disordered. Even if he did suffer from ego disability, there are plenty of good reasons to hate him, and hating someone for being disabled is a bad reason. Comments like this one contribute to the stigma faced by mentally disordered people.

OK; he has such a need for control that he modified toxic comments directed at him.

On November 23, 2016, a member of a subreddit dedicated to Donald Trump, /r/The_Donald, posted evidence indicating that Reddit administrators had modified multiple user comments inside the subreddit. Following this post, Huffman took responsibility for the comment modifications, writing, "Our community team is pretty pissed at me, so I most assuredly won't do this again." His administrative modifications involved changing one specific insulting phrase, in several comments, to make them appear as if the insults were directed toward the moderators of the subreddit instead of him.


You might not like Ellen Pao, but it's funny that the NBA sided with her comments against him in 2020:


When moderators protested in 2023, Spez compared them to Landed Gentry.

“And I think, on Reddit, the analogy is closer to the landed gentry: The people who get there first get to stay there and pass it down to their descendants, and that is not democratic.”


Reddit was founded in 2005. In January of 2008, Reddit decides to let users create their own custom reddits, or subreddits.


So the Landed Gentry are from 2008 + (15 years). How many Parent-to-child hand-offs can you really expect in that time?

He belittles volunteers (moderators). He has manipulated the site. He is currently scrubbing the site of disparaging comments about himself now.


He is not someone to volunteer your services for. Moderation is like gardening. It's a never-ending activity of pulling weeds.

You listed a lot of great reasons to hate Spez, and none of them are that he's disabled. I said in my comment that there are plenty of good reasons to hate Spez, and that hating him for being disabled is a bad reason. It seems like we fundamentally agree on the premise that Spez is a garbage dickbag, and why. Since we agree so strongly, maybe you could edit your top level comment to remove the part where you call him a narcissist. That way we can focus on bad things that he's done rather than an alleged disability.

Ok, I have edited my comment to "*Spez exhibits unlikeable characteristics. Why volunteer for someone who exhibits unlikeable characteristics?" better now?

Narcissism has existed long before the DSM. I'm not certain why it should be inferred that someone is disabled or have NPD if they are simply a narcissist.

Because the term "narcissist" entered the public discourse as a shorthand for "person with narcissistic personality disorder", and that's what pop psychologists, self help book writers, and lifestyle gurus mean when they say narcissist. That's where the word's use in pop culture comes from. It refers to a person with an ego disability.

“Reopen this, or else!”

But they’re carefully avoiding to say or else what. My guess is every next step option would cost them resources at the scale of subreddits they’re reaching out to, so they’re hoping that the empty threat alone will cause some to relent without costing them anything. Right?

What's there to take? Like, these guys are working for free running on their enthusiasm and passion. You make them question whether the community is really worth their time, even if they relent for now, how does that do reddit any good? It isn't like reddit has any actual power over the mods on their ultimate decision of quiting.

Unfortunately, from what I'm seeing in a lot of subs, it's working. You do have protests from places like r/aww and r/pics doing the John Oliver thing, and r/Steam posting about literal steam. But it seems like on the large, threats of people losing their ability to give Reddit free labor is working to get subs back open.

Edit: r/pics changed, they've chosen total anarchy.

They are slowly snowballing but it's accelerating. Once a certain amount of people leaves or stops interacting altogether, the site bleeds activity and dies. roughly 2% of people who went on Reddit were responsible for some 90% of the content. 50% of people browsed without an account (you want those because they're the eyeballs ad are meant for) and the rest were lurkers who occasionally commented. That means if that even half of that 2% of content creators leave, there's no more content for the rest of the users to see or interact with. Once they leave, all lurkers leave. None of them are going to take up posting to Reddit, modding or create an account. They will just close the tab and move on to something else. That's the snowball that's coming.

(numbers are roughly remembered from an old analysis of Reddit traffic)

Responding solely to move from Reddit lurker to a Lemmy contributor.. this is literally the secret right here.. join the revolution, hit the effing reply button, y'all..

Okay, reply button hit. Now what?

Do we get party hats?

No, but you get a reply from a different stranger and that's the microdose of dopamine we all live for.

Hey I am sorry you have to learn it this way, but yes, you do get a party hat too. I got my right here.

I did not know it was so low. That's crazy. It makes sense though. I don't know anyone who posts in real life. All the people I know who use Reddit are just lurkers.

Just think in terms of the not 'in your face' subs. Memes/pics and such were easy to make a post and it either goes up or goes down, but most other subs would need a little more thought/time for a post to be made.

I was a member of a 2-4 million subreddit, and I think there were only about 20-40 posts a day. Some repetitive posts were removed by the mod bot that you would occasionally see, so maybe a few more than those 20-40, but even the most prolifically engaged-with comment sections would max out around 400 comments.

On a sunny day walking on a trail, one can't help but to contemplate all they are going to do when they are out of the woods and back home. By that point all they are going to remember is the thinly veiled threat. They are not going to last long.

Reddit was fun. That was really the only thing everyone need and everyone want. All the utilities that comes with the scale is just derivatives. With the way they decide to go forward, modding for reddit will never be fun ever again.

They'd most likely take over at least the frontpage subs. They could hire contractors for dirt cheap from the far corners of the world and it would probably be good enough.

Subreddits belong to the community of users…

So you're providing tools to allow democratic control of subreddits, right?


I mean, one of the subreddits just gave all subscribers to it mod status. I think it was political humor. Something like 1 million people are now mods for that subreddit.

You have the right to decide which hand your mind control chip gets installed on.

Alright. They can hire some employees to moderate all of Reddit then.

Reddit doesn't make enough revenue. Even if all posts were ads, it won't be enough to pay minimum wage for all the staff necessary to mod just the protesting communities.

maybe spez should have thought about that before alienating arguably his most valuable users

They are slowly taking away the platforms of free speech. First they came for the self hosted websites; then they changed the search engine functions; then they came for twitter; now they are at Reddit. Make no mistake this is not just about an IPO. This is about controlling how the public communicates. Discourse is discouraged.

The trouble is they didn't like what actual free speech had to say which was we just want to use apps that work, so now he's having a temper tantrum.

Fuck Spez, Lemmy is doing alright. (I like community ran solutions better anyway)

Fuck em. God its nice to be able to say "fuck em" without having to worry about elon or spez getting butthurt and banning my account.

It’s hilarious to me that they are telling subs that they can’t just switch the NSFW button on like that, after they recently made the vape communities go NSFW against their will.

All the mods should either reopen everything and stop all mod activities (ie quiet quit), or just go down the John Oliver route.

1 more...
1 more...

LMAO I got this too. Probably just gonna open 'er back up with minimal mod-activity. Let the bots and NSFW problems flow rampant.

lol, "subreddits belong to the community of users..." clearly doesn't belong to the users. That's the whole problem

"Subreddits belong to the community of users". Followed by "a path forward to make sure your subreddit is available... which is it?? lol

Roses are red, violets are blue. Open your sub, or we'll boot you too.

Roses when plucked, they leave a grass hole. Fuck Spez, he’s such an asshole

Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you.

But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the sugar bowl's empty, just like spez's head

I love the condescension here - your protest is "taking a break from moderating"

It's corporate rhetoric.

They define the reality they want their audience (press, investors) to see: No protests, no demands, no conflict with Reddit, just moderators not taking their job seriously while Reddit is taking its communities seriously and reaching out in good faith and with empathy.

Then they go all method actor and assume this reality, and start writing.

What is reddit smoking? This message is so out of touch

The message is addressed to mods, but its actual audience is potential investors.

some pun with huffman or smth idk am not funny

Steve's huffing Huffman. Guy seems to be the kind of person who'd get high on his own farts.


And Musk, Spez is basically taking marching orders from him at this point to make it PrOfItAbLe (read: chase off everyone who cares and take $5/mo from people whose only need is to be free to use slurs and organize terrorism)

A few days ago I didn't have a single reason to leave reddit. Yet, with so many reasons now, here I am, and I look forward to lemmy and kbin.

Ditto. I wasn't happy but I thought they'd find some sort of compromise since being reddit, the replacement for Digg 2.0, they'd surely understand they can't just be complete twats about it. Then they started denigrating/banning their own mods.... Wtf?

There are still a few niche subs I'll have to keep using reddit for for now, but for everything else I'm happy to move on. I'll also be cancelling my reddit monthly subscription, obviously.

It would have been so easy, just add some rules to 3rd party apps in exchange for reduced API charges.

Any middle ground would have sorted this out in a few days with minimal issues, now they are trying to put out an oil fire by throwing water at it.

If you used a credit card for your subscription fee, would going directly to your credit card company and doing a chargeback cause more chaos for Reddit? Instead of politely canceling your sub and asking for a refund? Chargebacks are a PITA for accounts receivable.

There are still a few niche subs I'll have to keep using reddit for for now

Id at least say stick to your guns. I left before the the blackout and haven't been back since. It sucks because I'm missing GameDay threads for the Braves, and 1 or 2 niche subs I'd visit daily, but using it less is still using is.

They have forgotten the faces of their fathers. The entire reason people left Digg in the first place was because they tried to make ads unavoidable. And oh look that's the entire reason Reddit is killing third party apps. They're intent on dying the way Digg did, for the same reason.

Yeah, I ended up canceling my premium and I'm now using it to donate to lemmy / mastodon instances I'm migrating too. They (spez) has destroyed any (trust) chances of me going back too.

thats what annoys me. If reddit had came forward and said "API access is expensive, we need to be paid a reasonable fee for it, or we cant afford to continue", i would have dontated, or paid for it.

But just saying "its insanely expensive, in 1 month", and then attacking the mods just pisses people off.

I just blocked *.reddit.com on my DNS servers. This page is history.

I believe this will only hurt you more than it hurts them. You're locking yourself out of a lot of useful posts and guides.

Just don't engage with the site. Remain a guest user. If you really wanna, use Tor to remain anonymous.

There's nothing on Reddit that can't be found on actually reliable sites vs. internet randos.

I blocked it from my search results on Google, and haven't missed it.

Subreddita belong to the community is not what reddit says when mods abuse their power

this is so desperate. they write this stuff to make up an excuse for take away its creators and in the name of the "users". it's just so they can keep up their advertisement revenue im agry

It's pretty obvious that reddit needs these communities. But these communities don't need Reddit, clearly.

"subreddits belong to the community of users who come to the for support" good way to justify kicking a mod with a passion for such a community and forcing people to post only the things you want.

Because if you force people to have fun they'll be happy, of course.

Mhm I just got info that a certain Poo the bear wants to talk to you about strongarming communities. But don't worry, his methods definitely work.

the really funny part is that the users were polled and overwhelmingly wanted the protest, so forcibly opening it is the thing that's actually going against the wishes of the community

The people who don't like it will leave but a not insignificant proportion will stay despite things changing.

Can only hope the quality people bail and the dredges lower the quality enough that it slowly dies out.

I just deleted three of my reddit accounts. I am done. As an artist, I have more work to do on my primary current account. I feel I should delete my art from reddit so that they can not make money from my art and music.

Reddit preaches democracy but suddenly when this same democracy votes to focus on John Oliver content, they threaten to take control.

From "redit is 4 evry1 guise lets be demcratic" to no, not like that. Fuck it I'm taking this shit "

What a disaster man

Remember the old saying: if a company is giving you something for free, you're not the customer, you're the product.

Subreddits are Reddit's product. Reddit makes money by selling subreddits to advertisers. If moderators damage that product, Reddit takes action. End of story.

Guessing they’ll just restore a backup from before the shutdown and install new Reddit backed mods. I can’t see this really going any other way. Maybe the subscribed users will drop out of the restored subreddit, but I’m guessing most people just won’t care.

Which is fine. Do you really think a bunch of people who don't care will build a thriving community after Reddit hammers them once, twice, three times, over and over?

OMG, can you play a reverse uno card on this? So much of this argument is the problem with the changes they are making. So frustrating.

Can’t wait to see Reddit crash and burn

I really hope Reddit dies a slow painful death, it's already mostly bots talking with each other in the main subs. They got too greedy and think they're so large their sh* don't stink. Apologize for the crass, but man I just hope we get more major blunders and fuckups from spez&co

Is there actually proof that they're bots? I checked it out again recently and the comments are kind of suspect... But it's just a weird feeling I have like a bunch of the comments are AI generated just cause the typos they make feel strange. I just shook it off, but if there's actually proof that's what's going on I'd be very interested

At this point I'm cheering for reddit to keep going as they are so the migration keeps on going too.

I thought most mods asked their communities what they'd like to the mods to do. In which case they are already doing what the communities have asked.

a duty to keep these spaces active Redditors rely on these spaces for information, support, entertainment, and connection.

I thought it was private property lmao. Conversation spaces shouldn't act as public plazas when they're private.

It's interesting how during numerous examples of users trying to fight mod teams over changing direction of the sub, new rules, unwanted new mods etc., and getting admins involved, the answer was ALWAYS the same "Subs are owned by their creators/mods. If you don't like it you can always create a new one".

Suddenly they belong to communieties? Communities that in numerous examples voted by themselves to stay closed? How absolutely full of shit they are...

These are the rules. You can rely and trust on these being upheld for as long as it serves us.

Love how this is a full 180° from the "Create your own subreddit…for ___" messaging that appeared in the sidebar for more than a decade.

High five!! We got the exact same message at the exact same time!!🥳🥳

Honestly, mods should just force the issue and make Reddit replace them. It's going to be a big problem if Reddit needs to find new moderators for hundreds if not thousands of subreddits. And that's assuming all the new moderators will play along and not immediately join the protest, go on a tyrannical power trip, or just go dark after a few weeks.

Why would anyone even want to be a mod right now? It's like your boss threatening to fire you from a job you're not paid for while the building is actively on fire.

Mod of /r/homeimprovement here, that's exactly what we are doing. We are staying dark and forcing them to replace us if that's what they want to do at this point. We are at least going to make them work for it, lol.

If they aren't making enough money now, they'll just love paying people to keep popular subreddits up.

That seems like it will present a problem. If an uninformed redditor asks, “hey is it safe to move this wire?” And some troll replies, “yes”… with no one there who is knowledgeable to moderate. Might lead to some disastrous outcomes.

*edit - I agree with you forcing the admin’s hands. Im not sure they know what they will be getting themselves into.

That is what will happen though. A lot of mods have already been replaced.

Replaced by whom?

I get that some people will step up into being Mods, but modding is hard and thankless work - I've done it a few times over the years.

There's always subs crying out for new Mods, so you'll end up scraping the barrel for Mods, then the quality will go down, people will get pissed off. With thousands of Subs suddenly needing modding, there's simply not enough volunteers to go around.

One of Reddits unsung resources was its army of Mods keeping the content of some quality (define that as you will). Reddit really is cutting its nose off right now.

Out of curiosity, how likely do you expect those reddit mods to move to lemmy? I see a bunch of retiring mods posts, but not many that have said they were moving here.

There will be lag, sometimes significant lag, in moving I think. Remember, the protests were about trying to save Reddit, and, failing that, making it as obvious as possible that Reddit's about to shoot itself in the groin. People who have invested a decade or more building and running stable and growing communities kind of have to grieve the loss of the fruit of their labours.

I do think you'll see many of them show up here relatively soon, as users. But the prospect of rebuilding from near scratch will probably take a little more time for people to wrestle with.

In short, you will be replaced.

By whom? An automated response of a poop emoji?

Thank you for the laugh. I should setup bot to send poop emojis to every new comment in the subs that I’m about to be booted from modding lol!!

Replaced with who or what?

With likely worse, less experienced volunteer moderators. But Reddit seems committed to rolling those dice, as evidenced by their communications and actions. We'll see how that works out for them.

Also got one on the only sub I used to mod a couple of hours ago 🙃

"Redditos rely on these spaces..."

And mods rely on the modding tools? Btw what would they say if you made the sub public but in a way that no one can post anything

Reddit admin seem to be under the very mistaken impression that the passive viewers are the source of Reddit's success. Creating and modding a sub is a labor of love, and people who have the love, time, and patience to do it well are a tiny minority of Reddit's users. When they alienate mods, Reddit dies.

Here is what to do, use a script to delete everything from the sub and then delete the sub. If thry dont care about you, dont let them take yoyr sub and contiue making money.

i think they have backed up all the subs and accounts , illegally too

Illegally?? I very much doubt that they have written their TOS such that backing up their own servers is criminal

even after deleting everything every post they still have it on reddit then it's b.s

I do think the question of who owns community content is nuanced. I put this comment here, you might say that means I own it and should be able to withdraw it - but it also doesn’t mean much of anything by itself, it needs your content to make sense. So who owns the discourse we are having? Me or you? Or whoever runs the server it is stored on - who must have some legal right to reproduce our content in order to provide the community space? Or the community as a whole? The combined content on Reddit represents an incredibly valuable store of information and learning - who does that belong to? Who should get to benefit from it?

Maybe the admins were always like this and are just now starting to show their true colors. You know, in the face of a cash grab.

Sounds like "Yeah. Sometimes people accidently fall on the knife with their stomach you know. After that they prefer removing it and putting back for a few times to ease pain"

And then he ran into my knife.

He ran into my knife ten times.

He had it coming…

I would say the best thing is to find a way to hijack the link to your community to bring people here, and have their accounts there work seamlessly here. I bet that's impossible, so I guess it's time to scale back the ambitions of the community, linking to a "better" version here.

I got one of those for my sub with a whopping ~1000 members.

Joke's on Reddit, though: I can set the visibility back to "restricted" instead of "private" all they want, but the only user accounts authorized to post content there are mine...

Im a reddit mod with a sub over 20 million - today they removed our top mod, and then sent us a message saying that 'we requested a re-ordering'. It's total bullshit.

i wish they'd just fucking nut up and be up front about it. then you can at least see it in plain view as can everyone else.

"we're putting down dissent, regardless of if it kills our site usage or valuation. get on board or fuck off." is the exact same thing that's occurring, but is at least slightly more respectable than this microsoft-esque "we're doing this for your own good (whether you like it or not)" approach.

Owners of reddit seem like tin pot dictators.

Well good! They can pay to mod everything then! Should be easy when everyone is gone or posting the new Lemmy community that is taking overr.

Reddit's staff or the fucking mafia?

They are gonna make you an offer you cannot refuse

Listen Jimmy, that mod status o' yours, it's quite nice, aint it? Would be a shame if something happened to it. Real shame.
- The Reddit Admins, probably

Translation: we rely on you to make money give me more money, money now .

Got one too, my sub is only 17k. Let’s see what they’re gonna do since it’s staying private

Oh boy, starting to look like we might have one more John Oliver sub!

Time for Lemmy to advertise like crazy on Reddit.

I deleted all my comments except 2 explaining how to delete all your data on their way out to hopefully inspire some others

It's ridiculous that they are referring to the protest as a "break". Are they that dilusional?

No, this is passive aggressive for "if you don't want to do your unpaid job then get out".

Because that's the reason you're supposed to be closing a large public subreddit. They don't think of it as a tool for protest.

Hmm, seems like the way to conform with this - is to post clear instructions on how to open a lemmy account and access the relevant community here instead - then the community will really belong to themselves, right?

(If a move to lemmy is going to work, we need to make sure that clear instructions are provided, and there is an easy map of existing subreddits over to new lemmy communities/channels.

I made an account, like, 15 minutes ago and it's not too difficult. But yeah, a simple guide would've been really nice

I think the only thing that's really missing is the whole subscribing to another instances sublemmies. Clicking a link here and being taken to another server and told to log in on a site for which we have no login as our Achilles heel at the moment.

But it's not that I'm like going to new subreddits on Reddit used to be where you had to know /r/whatever now it's /c/whatever@kbin.social

1 more...

Fuck You Pay Me

Exactly! It's totally unpaid work, after all. Reddit really exposes itself even more as the slave drivers that they really are

And much like many social sites you are the product while mods do unpaid labor. If it's volunteer work than why isn't Reddit a 'not for profit' organization?