Do you prefer the headphone jack to be at the top or at the bottom on a phone, and why? to – 156 points –

To be honest i'd prefer it to be there at all considering the current trend of removing it.

But to answer your question, jack on top, so when the phone is plugged in the wall you can stay on the other side since the headphone cable wont be bent

i'd prefer it to be there at all

Lol The future is interesting

I don’t think we can call it a trend anymore, shit hasn’t changed for a few years, not having an headphone jack is the norm and having one can now be a selling point for a phone

I prefer it being present

I still miss it so much. I'd take bottom or top, just to have that hole back. I have some amazing headphones, but they're like 20+ years old and now gathering dust.

I brought my favourite set of noise cancelling headphones with me after switching phones before I realized I had no devices to plug it into anymore.

Bottom, for pocketing. And cable not dangling over screen.

This... More upvotes please

Plus, easier to manage points of water ingress

How does having it on the bottom matter to "pocketing"?

Most people put phone in the pocket upside down

Won't that allow for crap to fall into the USB port?

Only if you're the type of person that likes to put crap in the same pocket as your phone.

Any job where you deal with construction or dirt or sawdust will absolutely clog those ports if left in pants facing upward.

You guys have headphone jacks ?

I'm using the Pixel 5a. Solid phone, low price, unlocked so it can move networks, virtual SIM ready, 5G capable, and it has a headphone jack. Mine is a few years old and still cruising along just fine. I think they were under $500 at launch, so don't believe anybody's bullshit about headphone jacks drastically raising costs.

Pixel 5a was great, but the units that are a couple years old are having major issues with the charging circuitry / motherboard. My phone bricked overnight while charging. It seems widespread enough right now that they've completely run out of refurbished stock of 5as and 6as to send out for replacements. I waited 6 weeks for an RMA with absolutely no updates -- was about to just give up, buy a new phone, and take Google to small claims court. Finally got a replacement unit because the "social media team made an exception for me" after I tweeted them.

Same, and no clue what I'm doing after it. I love my headphone jack .... Maybe an ASUS ROG?

Reporting from Sony Xperia III 5 with a jack. My last 5 phones had a jack & OLED too.

Same side as the charging port. All cables must come out at the same side.

This is the right answer, in my opinion.

If you are of the pants with pockets wearing disposition, then whichever side of the phone faces down will inevitably end up filled with dust and lint. Having both ports on the same side makes this a trivial problem.

Doesn't really matter as long as the jack exists in the first place.

Same for charging port?

I prefer the USB port to be on the bottom, but very few phones (at least in the smartphone era) even tried to move the USB port. Headphone jacks were frequently on top. I like the USB port on the bottom in the center so it can sit on a stand with a cutout in the center (which are pretty common).

Just having one would be great. Thank you Apple (but why did so many Androids copy the removal?).

People are going to try to make up reasons, all of them are an excuse to cover up the real reason which is copying apple and forcing people into Bluetooth to sell more expensive tech junk to people. The original and really only reason.

I believe it was for waterproofing. One less port means less sealing, making it easier to improve the waterproofing of the phone.

Water ingress isn’t the issue & there’s been waterproofed ports for decades. They wanted to make devices thinner—but what value is it when its too thin to support a jack & made of materials that now require a case?

That's probably just the marketing reason. The realistic reason is probably that they want to sell you their brand of wireless earbuds that need to be replaced in a few years tops

That conspiracy is one I believe too. Seems too odd that all OEMs dropped their jacks at the same time they started selling buds.

That's it, right there. Artificial exclusivity, that's what it always was anything else is an excuse to look or seem better or less scummy.

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Side, cuz fuck you that's why.

This is actually genius, because then, while you're at it, you could add different ports too, like RCA ports, a bit-perfect Toslink, etc. I desperately want this phone now! I don't care if it weighs a few extra kilograms, I NEED TOSLINK!

I was just thinking my hand would be less in the way than the bottom and top seems unholy and undignified.

I prefer the headphone jack is on the bottom, next to the charging port. That way, I can put the ports down while my phone is in my pocket if i'm working, so nothing gets into the ports. Then, if I'm just keeping my phone in my pocket normally, with the ports up, my headphones can plug in without problems.

At the bottom. This way when you will it out of your pocket, you don't have to turn it around for the screen to be the right way up.

I just want the phone to rotate correctly whichever way I choose is up. I want to be able to read ebooks and charge my phone without holding it up. /End rant

Custom ROMs have the ability to support multi-directional rotate. Sure, you can download related apps from the PlayStore, but I don't like how shoddy that approach is.

Bottom. If I pull my phone out with the bottom facing up it's a very easy transition to hold it up and use it. At the top I've got to flip the phone around when I take it out, and that's an unforgivable sin of design. Only exaggerating a little

You guys are getting headphone jacks?

He probably still has the smartphone he bought in 2012.

Bought a new one last year.

Headphone jack was a must.

I thought everybody's using AirPods these days? or at least Bluetooth, everybody has transitioned to Bluetooth, right?

I try Bluetooth every couple of years but it still sucks so much.

It amazes me how after 30 years and a million spec improvements, it still fails so often for me at basic things. Connecting consistently (and quickly), pairing consistently (and quickly), etc.

I know it's partly just some terrible, cheap implementations of Bluetooth that are to blame, but I don't care. I plug in headphones, they work. That's what I want headphones to do. Not have to worry about charging, and being dirt simple are an added bonus.

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If the screen rotates 180 degrees then I don't care where the jack is.

When in my pocket or on a call I want the jack "up"

Just noticed that android will do all other orientations BUT 180, lol...

Not picky—it just needs to be there else I would be forced to buy Bluetooth e-waste.

I don't know what kind of shit you guys buy, but I have used one single pair of Bluetooth tws earbuds since pre-covid and never looked back to wired which, at least in my experience, are the ones more prone to breaking

Edit: and it's not like I got Apple airpods or anything, they are haylou gt1 that I paid like 25$ for in 2019 or 18

Edit2: and yes I do have a micro jack in my phone which I have not used once for the three years I have had this phone

Not my experience. I've spent way more on bluetooth headphones/buds than I ever spent on wired. 🤷

I bought AirBudz once like five years ago and they still bring me half’a day

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It's kind of comical how many Bluetooth earbuds I've been through because they break and die so often. I was a very early adopter around 2017 or so and my first pair sucked (and broke). Next I got air pods which were great for sometime but broke too (case stopped charging). Got Samsung level U, they sounded decent but they had the lousiest, wet newspaper, build quality I've ever seen. Constantly cracking and separating at the seams. By the time I was done with them, there was probably more superglue than plastic.

I had some sound peats QY8 earbuds. They were uncomfortable and had poor design. The earbud protruded far from the body and was also very flimsy. Accidentally pressed them against a flat surface and the body basically disintegrated.

I also had a pair of Logitech artemis headphones, but those failed to connect after a year or so.

Oh, and ALL of them had poor battery life, later in their use. Within a year or 2 the battery life seems to be cut in half if not more.

Since then I have switched to Sennheiser hd600, DUNU TITAN S and Koss ksc75. Both of the former have replaceable cables and latter can easily be repaired if you can solder. Even then you can probably bring it to a shop and they can repair it quickly and cheaply.

I switched to wired IEMs exclusively & won’t be going back. The price-performance is totally there & they never need a damn data-collecting, third-party app for firmare updates or some garbage.

Yeah, cabled e-waste is so much more civilised.

Unless you are buying a DSP cable, there aren’t microchips or batteries or firmware updates for analog earphones. Kinds with even slight quality to them have detachable, replaceable cables (current IEMs are fine on their second cable) & headsets usually have simple parts a basic soldering iron or similar can fix (my old ones I got repaired in 3 countries in tiny shops by folks that’d never seen them). You gonna repair your earbuds when they break? Last shop I went to, the first question asked if they were wireless & only after confirming they aren’t do they even bother trying to help. You think analog needs worry about a new version of Bluetooth or some security vulnerability in the firmwares communicating to your smarter phone (& also used to fingerprint your physical presence)? I can plug mine in to a port built in ’70s & get a analog signal out.

I couldn't possibly tell you how many sets of wired headphones I've had to throw out in my life because of frayed/broken cables. Those things are e-waste too.

You are buying shitty headphones if you cant detach or otherwise repair the cables. The cables are just copper & some casing which is hardly e-waste & the rest is a magnet housed in plastic/resin. There isn’t lithium production for a battery or other rare minerals for a microchip.

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Neither. I want it on the front, right in the center.

Bottom I can always put it in a pocket upside down. Just feel downs a bit more protected from the rain.

Bottom. Phones go in pockets top down so you don't have to readjust your grip. If it's on top, now whatever's plugged in is holding up the phone. The only real benefit for a top port is the ability to have stereo bottom speakers without space constraint worries.

Top, 100%

Then you wont rest you phone on the cable and possibly ruin it.

The best answer is where the charging port is. So if we all decided it's bottom, then it has to be down there.

All the answers trying to put it at the top don't realise they would have now double problems either when charging or using the jack.

Also, bottom jack makes it great for pockets which is where the most audio time happens.

Bottom sucks though if you want to use the phone with headphones and set the bottom edge down on something (e.g. on your bed).

Top will always end up in front of the screen.

Only if you lean your phone towards you instead of slightly away from you.

Which is more often that you think

I guess it depends on the type of headphone you are using. I could see your problem with those short wire earplugs with one wire to each ear where the wires are hanging between ears and phone. Not so much with the longer ones that only go to one ear and have generally thicker wires like an over-ear headset.

Same issue with charger tho?

Yeah, but you can always charge while you are sleeping or otherwise not using it but if you want to listen to stuff in an environment that requires headphones you have no choice but to have it plugged in at that time. Can't exactly pre-play your music or audio book into your headphones at night.

So, it can lay flat to charge...

...but it has to be upright to play music...


If you want to use it for other things at the same time, then yes, it can't lay flat. I really don't see how the concept is so difficult to understand.

It seems like you're reaching really hard for it to be an issue.

Book stands hold phones very well.

So do old cassette cases.

I find my hand usually does a good job too, but sometimes I prop it between my knees.

If you really want it to be an issue, I guess it could be, but you'd have to try really hard to be inconvenienced.

Not at all. Some people want to have the phone sit on a charger station, while also having it plugged in for audio.

Cannot do that if it's at the bottom.

Same for connecting it to a car stereo. You can then have sit in a cup holder.

The people who want it at the top, want it there for a reason. Their usage is simply different than yours.

Top. If I put the phone in the cup holder it sits more naturally if the jack is at the top

The phone should not have a dedicated “top” or “bottom”; the image should be able to flip 180 degrees via user config.

Phones need to align speaker to ear and microphone to mouth, so in that sense, there necessarily needs to be a top and bottom. I guess you can reframe the question as whether you like the jack on the microphone side or the speaker side.

the funny thing is that this comment reminded me that phones are still actually phones! I make and take so few calls it's easy to forget

Mine has decided it sometimes doesn't want to ring when people try calling. It's ringing normally on the caller's side, but I never get the call. It's a phone that's not good at being an actual phone!

Mine is like that too!

I’ve had times I’m waiting for a call, with the phone in my hands directly in front of my eyes, and I’ll have a feeling something’s off so I’ll check the call log and they called a minute ago.

I suspect it’s the NSA trying to fuck with my life by ensuring I miss important calls. The arrogant bastards.

Bottom of the phone.

I tend to mount my phone in my car and prefer if the jack is at the bottom.

I don't really care as long as it's there. If I have to choose a spot, I think somewhere beside the usb-c port should be good.

Bottom. It slows accumulation of pocket lint in charging port.

I love when phones place the usb on the top. I have no idea why the bottom is standard, nobody uses docks anymore.

My phone always goes into my pocket with the top facing the ground, always has, never bought a phone with one on the top, never will.

Me neither, just doesn't sound like a good idea when it's raining

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I have been happily cordless for years but preferred the bottom as putting the phone top down in my pocket makes for one quick motion to view the phone and put it back without rotating it.

I like having it on top for being able to set my phone up against something still, but if it’s in my pocket I want the top of my phone down so I take it out it’s right, which means the bottom Jack works better. So ideally I’d want both

All phones I've had, had the jack on the bottom where it's in the way of me holding the phone or placing the phone on something. I always wondered why it's not just at the top.

BTW just got a new phone (Oneplus) and I'm glad to have found one that has a jack at all

I always wondered why it's not just at the top.

Couple reasons:

  1. The charger port is also on the bottom, and if you have the phone plugged in and also feeding audio through an audio cable, you'd presumably want the wires to go the same way.

  2. Usually people put their phones into their pockets upside down, since it will be the right way up when you pull it back out without having to reorient it in your hand. In older, more innocent days when we all listened to music with wired headphones, the port would be facing out of your pocket, so you could keep it wired in without fumbling to flip the phone the other way around when you take it back out to use it.

Anywhere but the bottom half of the phone. I hate that the charging port is on the bottom. It’s in the way when I need to use my phone while charging.

What privacy respecting phone are you using that also has a headphone jack? If it has an sd card slot too I'll think I've gone back a decade

Well sadly I dont use a privacy respecting one, i use nokia g21

bottom, so I can charge it and have headphones plugged in at the same time while it's in my pocket.

I had the last generation iPod nano, and none of the clip-on cases I could find would put it upside down like the way I preferred my phone so I cut it with an exacto knife to reverse it

Ever since I've gotten some decent noise cancelling Bluetooth headphones, I don't really care where the headphone jack is or even if there is one. It happened way too many times that the cable got snagged on something and yanked the buds out of my ears, and I'm well past the age where I had the cable under my shirt and the earbuds dangling in front of me all the time. Especially when running or otherwise exercising, I don't miss the cable one tiny bit.

Bottom. All phones I've ever had have the headphone jack at the bottom, right next to the charging port. So, why would I want it anywhere else than where I'm used to it being?

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So many non-answers that are like “war janck pls”

That’s not what the question is.

Honestly it doesn't really matter to me. Depending on whether it's on the top or bottom I'll just put my phone in my pocket to make it point upward when I use it. I tend to use Bluetooth anyway most of the time, so the headphone jack is mostly there as backup and for connecting other audio devices at parties etc.

I don't really care because I rotate my screen 180 degrees in landscape if it's on the bottom and I'm using headphones

The side of the phone.

You guys have headphone jack in your phones? I certainly miss headphone jack in a phone

My phone has it in the upper top right, and I like it there.

I do not care about having a headphone jack, but it would be nice to have the charging port on top; it's more out of the way for me.

I don't think I've seen one at the top..

I'd say bottom because I'd rather not have the cord coming towards me, rather than away, when I'm using the phone. Also it seems more ergonomic for me to put my phone in my pocket with the top pointed down rather than up.

My Xperia 10 III has it up top. Damaged more than one cable by just jamming it in my pocket upside-down then realising the cable's getting smushed up. Note to self: Get headphones with 90 degree cable connectors

iPhones used to have them on the top. At least.

It was kinda weird.

Get out your pitchforks because I prefer headphone jacks to be a thing in the past

I prefer the headphone jack to be Bluetooth, honestly... Haven't had a physical port in many years and found I didn't miss it at all

Psst.... imma let you in on a secret. You can have a headphone jack, AND Bluetooth. They're not mutually exclusive.


But why would I care if I'm not going to use it?

Honestly, I don't care if all my phones going forward start having the port again, I'm sure it'll make a lot of people happy, but I'll still likely be using Bluetooth because it's just more convenient for me

Which was the point. That I feel like you missed. Or misinterpreted. Either way... Cool?

Lucky. I have collected a fair bit of audio gear that use very frequently. The dongles dislodge from the charging port too easily to be useful. I do use BT dac/amps but most of the time I'm in too much of a hurry to bother and I rely on the jack almost entirely.

On the back so it doesn’t get in the way.

But seriously, neither. If I’m listening on my phone I’ll be out and about, and don’t want wires in the way. Bluetooth all the way.

At home, via a decent DAC hooked up to a PC.

Does it bother you that much if your phone has a headphone jack that you don't use?

Does it take away something from your experience? You always have the option of just.... not using it.

I always charge my phone wirelessly but I'm not gonna go and say I prefer a phone without a charging port. That would just be stupid.

The only reason headphone Jacks got taken away was so you'd be forced to buy Bluetooth solutions. Like AirPods.

It does bother me, yes. It’s an unused orifice that could get all kinds of crap in it. I don’t miss them on something that’s in and out of my bag, pocket, car etc.

The only reason headphone Jacks got taken away was so you'd be forced to buy Bluetooth solutions. Like AirPods.

Totally. That's why they never made adapters and never included cabled earphones with lightning plug. It was AirPods or nothing.

Wow. That's nice of Apple. Just giving away these new adapters and lightning earphones. Huh? People had to BUY them? As in spend more money because their previous products no longer worked with their new phone?

I have one Lightning-to-Jack adapter that was included with my old iPhone 8, and two pairs of EarPods with Lightning plug that were included with subsequent models.

Besides that, the claim was that the headphone jack was removed to force people into buying AirPods. But that claim falls down when there clearly were other, non-Bluetooth options.

I see, perhaps you feel more comfortable with "Strongly coerced" then since you seem to take "forced" very literal.

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None, because I use wireless on the phone. Tablet/laptop is used when I need fidelity.